Annex 3 - Delivery Format - Task 3
Annex 3 - Delivery Format - Task 3
Annex 3 - Delivery Format - Task 3
Answers: (write with your own words)
1. It is a system of conductors or semiconductors that can be used to
transmit information in the form of electrical or electromagnetic
energy between two points, since it is desired that this transmission
be as efficient as possible, making heat or radiation losses as minimal
as possible.
a. The input impedance is considered a lossless and mismatched
transmission line, but we know that in a mismatched line the total
voltage and current are a function of the z position, so the impedance
can be defined in an arbitrary position of the z line.
b. It is a measurement of the decoupling between the load impedance
and the characteristic impedance of the transmission line when it
corresponds to a maximum, the values of the direct wave and the
reflected wave are added, either voltage or current, while when it
corresponds to a minimum those values are subtracted.
c. The electrical length is a unit of measurement that is used in the
study of transmission lines and is defined as the product between the
phase constant of the wave and the distance in which they are
separated from the load.
3. Smith's chart is used to relate a complex reflection coefficient with a
complex impedance, we can also determine the input impedance to a
transmission line by giving its electrical length and load impedance.
Application exercises:
For the development of the following exercises, note that ¿ corresponds to the
group number and CCC to the last 3 digits of the identification number.
1. A coaxial line has the following characteristics:
Geometric parameters: a=0.1 mm b=10 mm t=( ¿ 39+ 10) μm
Conductor properties: (conductivity) σ c =4.3 x 10 Sm/m
Baja frecuencia
σ c =4.3 x 10 Sm/m
a=0.1 mm
b=10 mm
t=( 39+10 ) =49 μm
( 1
πσC a 2 2 bt)=
π∗4.3 x 10 Sm/m (0.1 x 10 ) 2∗10 x 10 m∗49 x 10−6 m
6 −3 2 −3
)=7.478 Ω/m
μo=1.257∗10 Tm / A
a=0.1 mm
b=10 mm
[ ( )] [ ( )]
−6 −3
μo b 1.257 x 10 Tm/ A 10 x 10 m
L: 1+ ln = 1+ ln −3
=0.000001121 H / m
2π a 2π 0.1 x 10 m
(( )) (( ))
b −3 −3
ln( ) ln 10 x 10 m ln
10 x 10 m
a −3 −3
0.1 x 10 m 0.1 x 10 m
γ= +¿ ¿
−¿ √ ( R+ jωL ) ( G+ jωC ) =a+ jB γ = +¿ ¿¿
−¿ √ ( R+ jωL ) ( G+ jωC ) =−0.00006435+0.000267097 i ¿
¿−0.0000643567868 Np/m
¿ 0.0002670972397 Rad/m
¿ 253.939−155.326 i Ω
b. Calculate the propagation velocity 𝑉𝑝, the wavelength 𝜆 and the attenuation
t=1+ Γ =1.069−0.634 i
VSWR=1+ ¿ Γ ∨ ¿ ¿
1−¿ Γ ∨¿=1+ ¿ 0.069∨ ¿ ¿¿
1−¿ 0.069∨¿=4.531¿
ZO∗ZL+ j∗ZO∗tan ( 2∗π∗l ) 75 Ω ( 35− j 75 ) Ω+ j 75 Ω∗tan (2∗π∗73.17 )
Zin= = =17.43− j 16.89 Ω
Zo+ j∗ZL∗tan ( 2∗π∗l ) 75 Ω+ j ( 35− j 75 ) Ω∗tan ( 2∗π∗73.17 )