Adrenomyeloneuropathy, A Dynamic Progressive Disorder, Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Two Cases
Adrenomyeloneuropathy, A Dynamic Progressive Disorder, Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Two Cases
Adrenomyeloneuropathy, A Dynamic Progressive Disorder, Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Two Cases
Yuan-Heng Mo
Ya-Fang Chen
Adrenomyeloneuropathy, a dynamic
Hon-Man Liu progressive disorder: brain magnetic
resonance imaging of two cases
the pontomedullary junction. There was also abnormal signal of these patients were misdiagnosed as having multiple
intensity in bilateral central cerebellum (Fig. 1A–D). The ACTH sclerosis due to similar manifestation such as progressive
stimulation test suggested primary adrenal insufficiency. The profile
of very long chain fatty acid of serum showed marked elevation in weakness of extremity.
the C24/C22 ratio at 1.46 (>0.892) and the C26/C22 ratio at 0.089 The main symptom in our cases is progressive spastic
(>0.0235). This patient was diagnosed as ALD (AMN) on the paraplegia of both lower limbs. Spasticity is the hall-
basis of the laboratory results and was followed up at the outpa- mark of upper motor neuron disease. In clinical practice
tient department under corticosteroid replacement and dietary
therapy. Unfortunately, he had a seizure attack and was returned
the differential diagnoses of long tract lesion may
to our hospital again about 1 year later. Emergent brain MRI include: (a) primary lateral sclerosis, which is a disease
revealed progression in the extent of abnormal signal intensity and of diagnosis by exclusion and should be differentiated
abnormal enhancement (Fig. 1E–H). with cervical spondylotic myelopathy and multiple
sclerosis; (b) hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is
usually autosomal dominant with a family history; and
Case 2 (c) AMN. However, the frequency of positive MRI
A 34-year-old man had had rhythmic jerky movement of both lower abnormalities in cases of pure upper motor neuron
legs and progressive spastic weakness of both legs for 4 years. syndrome is only about 40% (true positives) [7], and this
Recently he became wheelchair bound, with difficulty of stool pas- makes the correct diagnosis a more challenging task.
sage and occasional incontinence. His family found that he had
mildly slurred speech and intermittent choking while drinking. He
The manifestation on brain MRI in our cases was
also felt clumsy in writing. Tracing his family history, his younger bilateral pyramidal tract involvement with signal
brother had similar symptoms. Under the suspicion of progressive change, mild mass effect, and contrast enhancement.
type multiple sclerosis he was admitted to our hospital. MRI showed The presence of mass effect and enhancement is
abnormal signal intensity at the corticospinal tract and subtle suggestive of demyelinating process and makes initial
abnormal enhancement after Gd-DTPA injection at the posterior
limb of the internal capsule, posterior frontal region, and cerebral image diagnosis diverse. However, these lesions are quite
peduncle bilaterally (Fig. 2A–C). The ACTH stimulation test sug- symmetrical, differently than in usual demyelinating
gested adequate adrenal gland function. The profile of very long disorders. Pyramidal tract involvement is also unusual in
chain fatty acid of serum was markedly elevated with C24/C22 at 1.23 demyelinating disorders. Involvement of the pontome-
(>0.892) and C26/C22 at 0.04 (>0.0235). The laboratory results
confirmed the diagnosis of ALD (AMN). Brain MRI performed dullary corticospinal tracts is reported to be a useful
7 months later showed enlargement of the lesions at bilateral cere- finding in the diagnosis of X-linked ALD [8]. There is a
bellum (Fig. 2D–F). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) very strong association between contrast enhancement
showed a decreased average N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA)/creatine ratio on T1-weighted images and disease progression revealed
(1.022 and 1.096) and increased average choline/creatine ratio (1.081
and 1.310) at right and left cerebellar hemispheres.
by clinical evaluation and MRI. Contrast enhancement
is attributed to breakdown of the blood-brain barrier
resulting from an autoimmune or cytokine-mediated
inflammatory process. The severity of the inflammatory
Discussion process, in other words, the active demyelinating pro-
cess, is correlated with the rapidity of disease progres-
ALD is the most common of the peroxisomal disorders, sion [9]. As in our case number 1, the progression of
a group of diseases with single enzyme defect preventing disease is accompanied by enlargement of lesions and
the oxidation of very long chain fatty acids (particularly abnormal contrast enhancement.
C24–C26) and resulting in the accumulation of these The phenotypes of ALD include (a) childhood- and
fatty acids within the cells. The prevalence is currently adolescent-onset cerebral ALD, (b) adult-onset cerebral
estimated at 1 in 20,000–50,000. The genetic defect ALD, (c) AMN with symptoms restricted to the spinal
causing X-linked ALD is located in the Xq28 region [3]. cord, (4) AMN with symptoms of spinal cord and cerebral
It usually presents in childhood as a rapidly dementing involvement, (e) AMN with symptoms of spinal cord
illness leading to a vegetative state or death within although cerebral involvement cannot be excluded or
3 years in most patients [1], with a characteristic pattern uncertain, (f) Addison’s disease only—adrenocortical
of demyelination demonstrable by MRI [4]. MRI can insufficiency without neurological involvement, and (g)
detect lesions of cerebral white matter before children asymptomatic—mutant X-linked ALD without neuro-
with the cerebral form of ALD become symptomatic logical or endocrinological deficits [10]. The phenotypic
neurologically [5]. This could allow therapeutic trials to variability of ALD is high, with AMN and childhood-
be started several months before brain lesions extend in onset cerebral ALD accounting for approximately 80% of
an irreversible course. cases [11]. The central nervous system, adrenal cortex, and
AMN is a variant of ALD affecting mainly the spinal testis are most severely affected [2, 11]. Recently it was
cord and clinically characterized by progressive spastic recognized that AMN may be the most frequent pheno-
paraparesis and sphincter disturbance. The lesions of the type [12]. Spinal cord degeneration and neuropathy
spinal cord are usually more common and severe in prevail in AMN, probably as a result of axonal degener-
thoracic region than cervical region [6]. In the past most ation and secondary demyelination [2]. AMN has been
portrayed as a relatively mild and slowly progressing occurred in 19% of AMN patients with initial involve-
variant of ALD, unless cerebral involvement occurs [6]. ment clinically restricted to the spinal cord, including six
One study reports that AMN without cerebral symptoms AMN patients with normal brain MRI at diagnosis, with
can no longer be regarded as a relatively benign pheno- a survival similar to that for childhood-onset cerebral
type, even when the brain MRI at diagnosis is normal. ALD. Although cerebral demyelination most frequently
During 10 years of follow-up additional cerebral disease occurs in the fourth and fifth decades, it can occur in
disorder with widespread involvement of cerebral of our case are 8.04/8.51 in the right side and 8.1/9.68
hemispheres, including white matter lesions and brain in the left, lesser than the normal value. Proton MRS
atrophy in cortex, subcortical regions, brainstem, and is reported to be able to predict of the progression in
even the corpus callosum, in a patient older than X-linked ALD [15].
21 years of age without clinical evidence of preceding
AMN) [6]. Brain MRI of our cases demonstrated
abnormal signal change along the corticospinal tracts Conclusion
down to the pontomedullary junction and at bilateral
central cerebellum. There was progressive enlargement The manifestations and phenotypes of adult ALD
of the lesion in size during follow-up and good corre- (AMN) show high variability, and there is progressive
lation with the deteriorating clinical course. evolution of phenotype. AMN patients indeed could
The decrease in the NAA/choline ratio obtained from deteriorate during follow-up such as our cases. There-
proton MRS may precede the abnormalities on MRI fore controversy continues over precise classification,
[14]. The ‘‘choline’’ signal in proton brain spectra is a especially in cases with atypical overlapping symptoms
composite consisting predominantly of glycerophosph- and progressive change on brain MRI study. More
ocholine, phosphocholine, and free choline itself, com- information using brain MRI in long-term follow-up is
pounds that are precursors and breakdown products of necessary to establish more precise differentiation of
membranes. The high choline signal in X-linked ALD the adult ALD phenotype for prognostic consideration.
lesions is most likely due to a combination of enhanced We believe that knowing the characteristic abnormali-
myelin turnover related to demyelination and the accu- ties of adult ALD (AMN) on brain MRI not only can
mulation of myelin membrane degradation products. help radiologists to differentiate these from other rare
However, NAA is believed to be of neuronal origin in white matter diseases but can also provide clinical
mature brain, and its decrease in X-linked ALD is most physicians more correct suggestion of the direction of
likely due to either axonal loss or dysfunction. The area evaluation and the choice of proper management as
values of NAA/choline of bilateral cerebellar hemispheres soon as possible.
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