Syrgery Mock 10
Syrgery Mock 10
Syrgery Mock 10
1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct concerning prognostic
factors for breast carcinoma?
a. Prognosis is improved with estrogen or progesterone receptor positivity
b. Increased thymidine labeling index, a measure of the proportion of cells in
the DNA synthetic phase (S-phase), is associated with improved survival
c. High tumor levels of cathepsin D are associated with an improved
d. Immunohistochemical demonstration of active angiogenesis correlates
with increased metastatic potential and poor prognosis
Answer: a, d
3. Which of the following conclusion(s) can be drawn from the results of the
NSABP prospective randomized trials completed in the 1970’s and 1980’s?
a. Delay of axillary node dissection until there is clinical evidence of disease
does not influence overall survival
b. Removal of clinically negative nodes has no therapeutic benefit
c. Breast irradiation reduces both local recurrence and overall survival
d. Modified radical mastectomy offers no advantage of lumpectomy with
axillary node dissection
Answer: a, b, d
5. Preparation for surgical removal of a pheochromocytoma includes:
A. Beta-adrenergic blockade followed by alpha-adrenergic blockade.
B. Hydration.
C. Alpha-adrenergic blockade, with or without beta-adrenergic blockade.
D. Preoperative Swan-Ganz monitoring in all patients.
E. Planning removal through an anterior, posterior, or laparoscopic approach
based upon tumor localization with CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
and/or 131I-MIBG.
Answer: BCE
10. A careful history is necessary in all patients being considered for inguinal
hernia repair. Symptoms which deserve investigation and appropriate
treatment prior to proceeding with inguinal hernia repair include:
a. Chronic cough
b. Urinary hesitancy and straining
c. Change in bowel habit
d. A specific episode of muscular straining with associated discomfort
Answer: a, b, c
11. Which of the following structures are derived from the external oblique
muscle and its aponeurosis?
a. The inguinal or Poupart’s ligament
b. The lacunar ligament
c. The superficial inguinal ring
d. The conjoined tendon
Answer: a, b, c
12. Which of the following statements about the anatomic basis for the
syndrome of vascular compression of the duodenum are true?
A. The duodenum is obstructed in its distal third as it crosses over the
lumbar vertebral column.
B. Structures crossing beneath the superior mesenteric artery include the
duodenum, the uncinate process of the pancreas, and the left renal vein.
C. Hyperextension of the back allows the angle of origin of the superior
mesenteric artery to widen, lessening the obstruction of the duodenum.
D. Patients are at significant risk for vascular compression of the duodenum
if the angle between the takeoff of the superior mesenteric artery and the
aorta is less than 45 degrees.
E. Arteriographic studies show a typical area of extrinsic compression and
narrowing of the arterial lumen due to duodenal pressure.
Answer: AB
Small Intestine
15. The most obvious function of the GI tract is digestion and absorption of
food for continued growth and survival of the organism. Which of the
following statement(s) is/are true concerning small bowel absorption?
a. The jejunum is the site of maximum absorption for most ingested
materials with almost all jejunal absorption performed via active transfer
b. Eighty percent of water presented to the gastrointestinal system is
reabsorbed by the small bowel
c. The absorption of carbohydrates requires digestion of large starch
molecules by salivary and pancreatic amylase, therefore presenting smaller
oligosaccharides to the brush border of the jejunum to complete the
digestion and absorptive process
d. Dietary fiber represents poorly digestible carbohydrates which can absorb
organic materials such as bile salts and lipids
Answer: b, c, d
16. A 45-year-old man with a history of previous right hemicolectomy for
colon cancer presents with colicky abdominal pain which has become
constant over the last few hours. He has marked abdominal distension and
has had only minimal vomiting of a feculent material. His abdomen is
diffusely tender. Abdominal x-ray shows multiple air fluid levels with
dilatation of some loops to greater than 3 cm in diameter. The most likely
diagnosis is:
a. Proximal small bowel obstruction
b. Distal small bowel obstruction
c. Acute appendicitis
d. Closed-loop small bowel obstruction
Answer: b
17. In the patient described above, the following statement(s) is/are true
concerning the possible etiology of bowel obstruction.
a. Simple obstruction secondary to an adhesion is most likely to resolve
b. It is most likely that the patient’s obstruction is secondary to recurrent
c. A history of colon cancer makes carcinomatosis the most likely diagnosis
d. Lower abdominal procedures are more likely to result in obstructive
adhesions than are upper abdominal procedures
Answer: a, d
18. A 45-year-old woman undergoes an ultrasound because of vague right
upper quadrant pain and epigastric fullness. A 7 cm cystic lesion is detected.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning the patient’s
diagnosis and management?
a. Simple aspiration is indicated for treatment and diagnosis
b. Bile stained fluid suggests underlying biliary pathology
c. The cyst is likely lined by cuboidal epithelium
d. Laparoscopic unroofing of the cyst can provide satisfactory treatment
Answer: c, d
24. A 6-month-old boy was born with hypospadias. This condition is due to
failure in the development of which of the following?
(A) Urogenital fold
(B) Müllerian system
(C) Genital tubercle
(D) Urachus
(E) Vitelline duct
Answer: (A) Embryologically, the genital tubercule develops into the penis.
The edge of the cloacal membrane forms the urogenital fold and by the
process of invagination forms the urethral groove and finally the penile
urethera. The severity of hypospadias depends on the location of the
anomalous opening onto the penile urethra. The mildest degree is where the
opening is on the glans and the most severe form at the penoscrotal junction
Genato urenery
25. Which of the following statements are true concerning male infertility?
a. Although 15% of couples in the United States are affected by infertility,
the male rarely contributes to the problem
b. A varicocele can be associated with diminished sperm motility and
abnormal sperm morphology
c. Complete testicular failure will usually respond to systemic testosterone
d. Anti-sperm antibodies are an important cause of infertility which may be
treated successfully with corticosteroid administration
Answer: b, d