AB Tasty 50 Tests You Should Know

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Table of Contents


01 02 04
Add fixed search Test free shipping Take advantage
bar to the mobile and return callouts of seasonal
experience pop-up offers
page 07
page 06 Test multiple color page 09 Use personalization De-emphasize
and layout CTA to incentivize pricing on
combinations return visitors product pages


07 09 11 12
Test high-contrast Make ‘locate me’ Test CTA design Simplify email
CTA colors option highly newsletter
visible page 16 sign-ups
page 12
Try multipage Add pop-up for
page 14 page 17
testing of in-store availability
product images


14 16 Experiment
with ‘free
Create urgency Highlight
shipping’ copy
with quantity of ‘new collection’
products available banner page 22

Redesign navigation page 19 Modify tab order page 21

bar by categories
Table of Contents


18 Use ‘stick
to scroll’
20 22
Simplify Boost social-proof Add sticky
content that is for CTAs messaging ‘buy now’ widget
‘above the fold’
page 24 page 25 page 27
page 23
newsletter pop-ups


24 25 26 27
Activate member Experiment Alter navigation bar Add sticky banner
base with personal with variations with most-frequent during rush hour
messaging of product images search items
page 32
Decrease page 29
Give more visibility
page 30 page 31
purchase anxiety to search bar
with CTA copy


29 31 Implement
Try cross-selling Experiment payment CTA Try pop-up
with display of with filtering and gamification during
related products sorting options page 37 high-traffic season
Modify account
page 34 page 36 page 38
creation and
transaction process
Table of Contents


35 36 Test placement
of customer 38
Display multiple Add strategic service center Use personalization
product sizes sign-up and on homepage for custom offers
alert options
page 40 page 42 page 43
Show recommended page 41
products instead
of hero images


39 42 43
Present return Implement Personalize
intent pop-up data-powered CTA copy for
chatbot mature leads
page 44 Default to Experiment with Experiment with
guest checkout product categories page 47 page 48 account sign-up
and collections pathways


46 47 50
Offer giveaways Modify CTA for Present
to incentivize better navigation exit intent
purchase and click-throughs pop-up

Add promotional page 51 page 52 Emphasize Prioritize key page 55

banner to increase product views landing page
basket size with social proof information
When it comes to digital
customer experiences,
there is only one strategy
if you want to stay ahead
of the game: continuous
As nearly all consumers turn to the linear approach from browsing
web first when making purchasing to checkout or from in-store
decisions, adapting your digital assessment to online purchase. It’s
storefronts is more important every possible combination you
than ever. How can you offer the can imagine, and yes, you should
same relevant and personalized be planning for each conversion
experience online as you do in pathway.
To that end, we’ve brought
Those companies who have already together a variety of concrete
recognized the significance of experimentation and
this digital shift have started personalization ideas from AB Tasty
experimenting with their website clients at all stages of the complex
management and conversion purchasing journey.
pathways. Testing is the name of
the game. The more ideas you test, We’ve collected the most
the quicker you can pivot should successful use cases — from
that idea produce less-than-positive mobile-first UX to personalization
results, or the quicker you can campaigns to bold action-led copy
implement permanent changes — that every brand and business
when all goes well. type can apply to generate growth.

Multiple brand touch points Here are 50 ideas to have in your

mean shoppers aren’t taking a arsenal of experiments.


Drive engagement and sales on your mobile site with a fixed search
bar that helps customers find what they need in a few clicks.

Helping your customers dense browsing experience.

find what they’re looking The team was keen to see
for when they land on if driving consumers to
your mobile site is key to INDUSTRY a search function would
ensuring they stay on your Fashion, apparel
optimize efficiency on the
site and shop with you! US
But space limitation on FOUNDED
a mobile browser makes 1968 Their A/B fixed search bar
it difficult to display a full test proved a big success,

Add fixed
suite of products, and a with a whopping 267%
confusing site interface looking to address this increase in search bar
can mean a high drop-off exact problem; improve clicks and 19% increase in

search bar to the

rate and missed conversion consumer browsing consumers accessing the
opportunities. experience on the global search results page.
lifestyle brand’s mobile site

mobile experience
Have you found it difficult and encourage consumers Implementing a sticky
to nudge your customers to make use of the search search bar for mobile
into properly exploring the function. With product lines browsing proved successful
product offering displayed across mens, womens and for this leading lifestyle
on your site? kids in clothing, underwear, fashion brand and could
swimwear and accessories, be the key to driving
The Calvin Klein digital their customers face transactions and revenue
team in Hong Kong were abundant choice but a on your own mobile site.


Combat purchase anxiety with targeted

messaging in key positions in the purchase
funnel to boost transactions and revenue. INDUSTRY
Fashion, apparel

Purchase anxiety is a and children — was looking France
very real phenomenon to implement strategies to FOUNDED
that you’ve probably target purchase anxiety in 1976
encountered as a shopper order to boost conversion.
and that you’re also looking The team worked with AB
to counteract with the Tasty on a multipage A/B through the variation
shoppers who visit your test to add two callouts that purchase funnel saw
online store. Perhaps would reassure customers transaction rates more
thinking about what has about their purchasing than double those for the
reassured you in the past decisions. The first, an standard funnel, at 2.9%
will point you in the right announcement of free versus 1.2%. The theory that
direction, but we can also shipping for purchases over these messages, placed
look to the example of 250 euros, and the second, strategically throughout
French brand agnès b to which highlighted a free the customer journey,

Test free shipping understand how you can

support your customers
through their purchase,
return policy. These two key
messages appeared twice
in the purchasing funnel,
would ease purchase
anxiety proved accurate,
and increased transaction

and return callouts

without disrupting other above the “add to cart” CTA rates and revenue.
elements of the purchase and on the brand’s product
funnel. pages. Think of these messages
as a guiding hand that
The brand — which has over These reassuring messages supports your customer
250 stores worldwide selling had a positive effect; and your business
clothing for men, women customers who went simultaneously.



Highlight your most important CTAs with a 9% increase in clicks by

changing its color to green.
color and placement that is maximized to
For the original CTA block,
drive clicks and engagement with your placing the “contact via
website’s product pages. email” button above the
“contact via phone” button
Your website can serve used vehicles. They wanted yielded 7% more clicks.
many purposes; alongside to increase their website’s Distinguishing important
straight-up sales, lead inbound lead generation, CTAs by displaying them in
generation is another by adding contact CTAs a bright, contrast color and
mainstay of commercial to their product pages. prioritizing their placement
activities. These types of They also wanted to trial a above other pieces of
websites often exist for couple of configurations information can help you to
long-horizon purchases, to determine the best drive clicks and conversion
where customers like to do formula. First, they added no matter what your overall
background research before “contact via phone” and objective.
entering into any kind of “contact via email” CTAs
transaction. The automotive to the end of the product Employing multivariate
market is a good example image carousels to see testing simply allows you

Test multiple
of this kind of customer if this placement would to determine the best
behavior. However, having drive clicks. Next, they possible combination when
information published used multivariate testing considering a number of
different options.

color and layout

online is not always to determine which color
enough to drive that and layout combination for
lead generation. Do you the “contact via email” CTA
have your product pages would yield the most clicks.

CTA combinations
configured for maximum INDUSTRY
success? The test resulted in a 27% Automotive

increase in clicks on the BASED

French online car “contact via phone” CTA
dealership Argus is a by placing it at the end of 1927
marketplace for new and the image carousel, and

Count Me In

Capitalize on increased site traffic at key seasonal moments with

pop-up offers that keep your customers on your page and eager to shop.

It is no coincidence that to all customers. After all,

the retail calendar’s peaks what’s more Valentine’s Day
track closely with seasonal for your French lover than
giving. From Christmas to French-made underwear?
Easter, Mother’s or Father’s Apparel
Day and everything in BASED Le Slip Français established
between, these key giving France a visual pop-up that
periods are primed with FOUNDED displayed upon exit intent,
eager buyers ready to shop making sure the Valentine’s
up a storm. It goes without Day free delivery promotion
saying, but the holidays across undergarments, was offered to all prospects.
present a great opportunity pajamas, swimwear and
to optimize conversion. accessories for men and By tying this pop-up

Take advantage
Capitalizing on these key women. It’s also proudly to the current season,
shopping moments with a “made in France,” so when where purchases are
tailored offer can go even Valentine’s Day rolls around, time-sensitive, the brand

of seasonal
further if you make sure it’s one of the first stops for succeeded in keeping their
the offer is visible to your consumers looking to treat customers on their website,
customers when they’re on their special someone. Le with an increase in pop-up
clicks of 10%. Furthermore,

pop-up offers
your mobile site. Slip Français’ marketing
team was sensitive to the this offer drove sales, with
How to do it? Read on! opportunity this spike an increase in post-click
in traffic presented and transactions of 22%. The
French underwear brand wanted to make sure the best part? It only took 15
Le Slip Français is known Valentine’s Day special offer minutes to set up the entire
for its fun, flirty style of free delivery was visible thing. Oh là là!

You’re leaving us already?

Before you go,

take advantage

of our offer

I’M IN >

Understanding the different segments of The results demonstrated

your customer base and offering the right that there was definitely a
broader customer base for
incentive to the right profiles will help you Camaïeu waiting for the
maximize conversion. right incentive to shop, with
a 31% increase in clicks on
Just as we have different “add to basket” and a 17%
more than 600 stores in 18
needs and tastes as increase in revenue.
countries worldwide. They
consumers, we also are a brand that holds their
Triggering a pop-up
respond to different stimuli customers close to their
dedicated to a specific
when it comes to online heart, aiming to serve all
segment of the Camaïeu
shopping and promotions. women with accessible,
audience reaped rewards
The better you understand easy-to-wear fashion that
for the French retailer, and
the different preferences of outfits them throughout
this experiment helped
your customers, the better their lives. When it came to
them better understand
placed you’ll be to tailor their e-commerce presence,
the right offer for this
promotional opportunities the team at Camaïeu

Use personalization
audience — a key element
to them. Do you sometimes wanted to incentivize a
in maximizing conversion.
wonder about the certain segment of their
difference between your site’s visitors —
­­ those who

to incentivize
repeat customers and all were new or infrequent
those page views that lead visitors to their lingerie
to nowhere? Perhaps it’s pages — to convert. They
time to consider a different implemented a pop-up,

return visitors
UX approach. which presented a special Fashion, apparel
purchase offer to those who BASED
Camaïeu is a French hadn’t visited the lingerie France

women’s retailer that pages in the past 90 days, FOUNDED

opened its doors in 1984 to see if this offer sparked 1984

and has since expanded to an increase in conversions.


Turn your customers’ attention to your When looking at new site

visitors, average order
products and features by de-emphasizing
value increased by 74% and
pricing to improve progress along the conversion increased by
conversion funnel and average order value. 12%. Who wouldn’t want
those kinds of results from
a simple test? That’s a huge
In certain situations, Music icon Rihanna audience moved further
leading with product and founded her fashion label along the purchasing
putting the customer’s Fenty, under luxury industry funnel by an easy change in
focus squarely on the item stalwart LVMH, on the pillars the UX copy and removes
and its necessity at hand of freedom, defiance, and the distraction of price
will not only push them culture. The team at Fenty hesitation — particularly

further down the purchase were looking for ways to for elevated prices — from
funnel faster, but also increase the average order the customers’ browsing
increase their willingness value (AOV) and conversion experience.
to pay. How many times rates on their website, so

pricing on
have you been sold on a they implemented a test
product’s features and around pricing display on
benefits before even their product pages. Could

product pages
thinking about the price? encouraging shoppers INDUSTRY
Fashion, apparel
Sometimes, if you de- to click through to each
emphasize the price of your product description page France
products, you’ll actually do give AOV a boost? The
yourself a favor in terms of answer was a resounding 2017
average spend. yes!



Site layout and color schemes can make a

difference to clicks and conversions, and
figuring out what works for your customers
can reap big rewards. Leisure, travel & tourism
United Kingdom
When considering your gift experiences. Treat your
site’s product display, loved ones to a romantic 2003
layout and color scheme getaway, their next outdoor
— details matter. From adventure, or perhaps a
providing the right amount spa weekend in the south When it comes to color
of information, making of France, by purchasing and format, we all have
key headings visible and one of Smartbox’s all- our own preferences and
responsive and ensuring inclusive packages. In an these innate biases will
everything is legible and effort to increase online impact how we react to
accessible, there are a purchases, the team at visual stimuli. Using AB
number of elements Smartbox decided to Tasty’s experimentation
to consider and test to experiment with the color tools to test your site layout
maximize conversion on of their “add to cart” CTA, will help you gather user
your site. For example, if changing it from aqua insights and determine the

Test high-contrast
you change the color of to hot pink to catch their best formats to maximize
the “add to cart” CTA on customers’ attention customer uptake of
your product pages, could and leave no doubt as to purchases and special
that result in more online how to move a purchase offers.

CTA colors
purchases? forward. The result? Nearly
16% increase in CTA clicks These tests don’t need to
Online experience retailer for a change of color be complicated to deliver
Smartbox goes beyond scheme. If only packing for great insights, in fact it’s
the bounds of standard a Smartbox vacation was often a case of the simpler,
gift certificates by selling also that simple! the better!




Ensure your product presentation is optimized worked best in terms of

to drive sales, by running multipage testing to inducing a purchase.
understand your customers’ preferences. The test demonstrated that
Gémo customers preferred
Online shopping relies for everyone, with a seeing the shoes worn,
even more heavily on spirit of adventure and with 13% more clicks on
visual layout and product a renewed focus on the “add to basket” CTA on
display than in-store responsible production the mobile site, nearly 10%
experiences. When you and consumption. The more clicks on the desktop
can’t touch a shirt to size brand’s digital team version and 2% total
up the fabric or see it in wanted to test which kind conversions on the pages
context of its surroundings of product images — those featuring models wearing
to understand its real size, featuring models wearing the products.
length or volume, you’re the products or those
relying heavily on the featuring the products Understanding better what
product images to provide displayed unworn — would works for your customers
the information you need to generate more sales. They could be as simple as
commit to a purchase. Your ran a multipage A/B test running your own A/B test,
customers are sensitive on their footwear pages, and multipage testing is a

Try multipage testing

to these things too, so where one page variation great place to start.
determining which kinds of showed shoes and boots
product images deliver the worn by models, and the

of product images
best conversion is crucial other showed the shoes
to maximizing your online alone and unworn. By
sales. tracking the “add to basket” Fashion, apparel
clicks and conversions on BASED
French family-run each variation, the Gémo France

specialty retailer Gémo team could gather data to FOUNDED

creates affordable fashion determine which variation

Convert traffic from your website into foot directly in front of the
traffic to your brick-and-mortar stores by customer and top of mind
while they browsed the site.
highlighting the store locator feature on
your homepage. The test proved the
merits of prioritizing
the placement of key
Your website is not just a Zenith is a Swiss luxury information; having
means to sell your products watchmaker founded by the store locator on the
online. It’s a place to help Georges Favre-Jacot in homepage saw access to
your customers better 1865. Now part of luxury this feature increase by
understand the brand itself, conglomerate LVMH’s 70%!
the history, mission and watch and jewelry division,
ethos. It’s also a channel Zenith has connections Additionally, the “locate
through which to build a to historic moments and me” feature saw an increase
connection between your iconic people, and builds in clicks of 7%, giving Zenith
customer and your brand its modern branding on a better understanding
values. The website also that rich heritage. The team of how best to encourage
presents an opportunity to at Zenith were looking to their customers to visit their
highlight timely promotions capitalize on prospects retail stores and increase
for customers and, most who were landing on the their in-store foot traffic.

Make ‘locate me’

importantly, tell them brand’s website by driving
where they can find and them toward their retail
purchase your products. doors, especially given
that it wasn’t possible

option highly visible

Some purchases are to order watches online.
better suited to an in-store Their idea was to test the INDUSTRY
Watchmaking, jewelry
experience, so here’s an impact of a “locate me” BASED
opportunity to use your store locator button, which Switzerland
brand’s web presence to would be embedded on FOUNDED
drive customers into your the navigation bar on the 1865

brick-and-mortar stores. homepage, placing this

We will reserve for 1 hour

Reserve for free

Create a seamless customer experience

by integrating in-store and online features,
optimizing convenience and immediacy for INDUSTRY
customers with a hybrid shopping approach. BASED

While online transactions retailer whose products are 1948
present a huge revenue a staple in the hospitality
opportunity, don’t miss industry. Wanting to
the chance to direct your create an immediacy and the number of online
customers to your brick- seamlessness to their reservations Degrenne
and-mortar stores. Many customers’ purchasing received for products,
retailers offer a seamless experience, they used AB driving both conversions
and consistent customer Tasty’s visual editor and and foot traffic into their
experience in both online pop-in widget to create physical spaces.
and offline settings. In fact, a pop-up that displayed
a great way to leverage product availability in In an increasingly
your online presence is to nearby stores. By leveraging competitive retail
remind customers about geolocation data from their environment where
your offline touch points. DMP, Advalo, Degrenne consumers are more
By giving them multiple shoppers were able to see discerning about where

Add pop-up for

channels to shop with you, if the items they’d selected and how they spend,
you can increase brand were available to pick up creating a seamless,
loyalty, repeat customers in their local store. When hybrid retail experience
and build trust through in stock, customers had between online and in-

in-store availability
personalized experiences. the option to reserve their store is essential to growing
How might you go about items and opt for in-store conversion. Using online
this? Degrenne has a few pickup, removing the tools like the in-stock
ideas to share. delay that can come with pop-up feature used by
waiting for orders to be Degrenne, can create an
Degrenne is a French shipped to your door. The optimal experience for your
cutlery and tableware targeted pop-up doubled customers.



Make your key CTAs stand out by privileging customers further down
the purchase funnel on
eye-catching formatting to increase
their site. And this wasn’t
click-throughs and engagement. just a one-off success.

When a customer lands on customers to make use In a separate test, Peugeot

your website, there is a lot of it, to ultimately drive successfully drew 13% more
of information for them to conversion. The “configure” customers to click on their
digest. There are multiple CTA sat directly below “new offers” tab on their
reasons for a customer to the button that invited site’s navigation bar, by
visit your site, but nudging browsers to discover a car’s changing it to a bright color
them further into the features, but in a more that really stood out against
purchase funnel should be muted format. Peugeot ran the rest of the bar’s more
key once you get them onto a simple A/B test, whereby muted tones.
your page. Do you have the variation featured a
clearly defined and visible more distinct “configure” Paying close attention to
CTAs that will guide the CTA, adding a rectangular these small details could
customer where you need frame to the button so that reap big rewards for your
them to go? it mirrored the other CTA on online store.
the page. Would a simple
French car company formatting change prove
Peugeot is a flagship of the beneficial for click-throughs

Test CTA design

country’s rich automotive and configurations?
tradition, present in
nearly 160 countries. In The answer was a solid yes. INDUSTRY
order to boost online car The reformatted button
sales, the brand wanted generated 22% more clicks France
to increase traction on and 19% more completed
their car configuration configurations, ensuring 1810
feature, encouraging more that Peugeot drew more



Increase your subscriber database by the day, with the shorter

variation “confirm”
simplifying the sign-up process and gain
increasing subscriptions by
time for them to spend browsing and buying. 16%. Making this process
quick and seamless for your
In the ever-digitizing world, in addition to the United customers means they’ll
consumers are faced with States. When the team spend less time on non-
nonstop messaging; special in France was looking selling pages and more
offers, flash sales, VIP to increase the number time browsing your site
events and deals. There’s of subscribers to their for the products that meet
also product information, newsletter, the question of their needs.
checkout procedures to simplicity appeared. Would
filter through and the simplifying the sign-up CTA In the long run, return visits
necessary checks and with a shorter, more direct to your site from a pleasant
considerations that exist message deliver better online shopping experience
right along the purchase results? A simple A/B test will deliver increased
funnel. In an environment could provide the answers revenues, not to mention
where attention is the Damart team needed subscribers who are happy
limited and efficiency is and potentially a boost to engage with your
paramount, choosing to to their subscriber list as newsletter content when it
arrives in their inbox.

Simplify email
simplify your messaging well. Two variations to the
can go a long way in original “sign me up for
winning favor with your deals” were deployed. The
clientele. first read “sign me up for

newsletter sign-ups
the newsletter,” while the
Damart is a French clothing second simply invited the Fashion, apparel
brand present across shopper to “confirm” their
multiple markets in Europe email address submission. France
­— including Belgium,
Luxembourg, Switzerland Needless to say, in this 1953
and the United Kingdom, example, simplicity ruled





Test the configuration of your homepage’s menu bar to determine

your customers’ preferences and increase basket size and conversion.

Consumer retail for widget, aimed to test

clothing, cosmetics and the appetite of the site’s
accessories is a crowded shoppers for special and
space, and as brands INDUSTRY exclusive offers over new
diversify their product Cosmetics releases.
offering to remain relevant BASED
and boost their capacity to France After a monthlong
fulfil their customers needs, FOUNDED testing period that
their own websites become 2000 encompassed more than
crowded too! Do you have 150K site visitors, the
plenty of categories and test results concluded
products to display, but what to emphasize on the that emphasizing the
sometimes wonder about homepage menu bar to “exclusive offers” tab had
the best way to display it? maximize transactions. a visible effect on sales.
They engaged AB Tasty’s Access to the basket page
Yves Saint Laurent Beauty consulting team to propose increased by 9%, access to

Redesign navigation
is one of L’Oréal Luxe’s some solutions, one of the checkout page by 13%
most sought-after brands, which was a simple A/B and overall transactions
known around the world test whereby the positions shot up by 10%. The

bar by categories
for their luxurious skincare, of the “new” and “exclusive success of AB Tasty’s test
makeup and fragrance offers” tabs would be prompted the YSL Beauty
products for men and switched in order to team to hardcode the
women. As a high-end determine if this would reconfiguration into their
fashion house, YSL Beauty impact sales. This simple site and confirmed their
has plenty of news and test, which was up and customers’ preference for
products to showcase, running in 30 minutes messaging about rarity
but their team wasn’t sure thanks to AB Tasty’s editing and exclusive treatment.

Only a few left. Order quickly!

A well-placed message alongside your product decided to add a text

flag next to the product
descriptions can give your customers a sense
description, not only to
of urgency to purchase that will have a sizable inform customers that only
impact on transactions. a few units remain in stock,
but also to hint that they
should act now to avoid
There’s nothing worse than missing out. The variation
setting your heart on a in this A/B test led to a 4%
new jacket or notebook or increase in transactions
pair of shoes and finding INDUSTRY
on the applied BrandAlley
Fashion, apparel
out that they don’t have pages.
the size or color that you BASED

Create urgency with

want in stock. What if you As with any marketing
could harness that fear of 2005
strategy designed to
missing out to incentivize incentivize sales, your

quantity of products
your customers to finalize message needs tailoring to
their purchases? Let’s take can encourage just a your audience, coherence
a look at an example from portion of these shoppers with your brand ethos, and
BrandAlley. to put one extra item in needs to be unique and

their cart, that can make fresh enough that it drives
BrandAlley is a French for a huge upside for the interest and excitement.
digital retailer for women, company. And if they However, used sparingly
men, children, beauty, create a sense of urgency and in the right place,
lingerie, and homewares. around their products, their ramping up the urgency to
With 4.5 million unique transaction rates could purchase can have a real
visitors in a month, if they also spike. BrandAlley impact on sales.





Configure your navigation bar tab headings on clicks to “special offers.”

The “meetings and events”
in a strategic order that influences which tabs
tab, which also moved
customers should prioritize, alongside innate further to the left in the
browsing habits. variation, saw an increase
in clicks of 9%.
We all have our habits and offer accommodation to
These test results reinforce
our quirks, don’t we? Those travelers in 250 cities and
the importance of
long-ingrained practices eight countries worldwide.
configuring your site and
that we don’t begin to Their team was looking
your navigation bars in a
question but nonetheless to increase clicks on key
deliberate and considered
present opportunities for navigation tabs, including
manner to ensure the most
optimization when it comes “our hotels” and “special
important information
to browsing and buying offers,” to ensure that
lines up with natural
online. Take reading habits, site visitors had access
browsing habits. Testing
as an example. In English, to the most important
and gathering user data to
we read left to right, information about a stay at
inform this configuration
meaning when we go to a Kyriad. With support from
will ensure a UX matched
webpage, our eye privileges AB Tasty, the team devised
to the needs of your
the top left corner and will a simple A/B test which
work its way across. Taking modified the order of the
this kind of consideration navigation bar headings,
into account when thinking moving “our hotels” and

Modify tab order

about site configuration “special offers” from the
can help you to direct right to the far left of the
your customers to the horizontal menu bar.
information with which you Hospitality
most want them to engage The revised placement BASED
and consider. delivered the increase in France
clicks sought by the test, FOUNDED
Kyriad Hotels, part of with double the clicks on 2000

the Louvre Hotel Group, “our hotels” and a 14% lift



Use banners to call out key products and messages to help your
customers identify what’s new and what’s hot in your online store.

While every customer has Turns out, the impact was

their own preferences, indeed positive, in both
their likes and dislikes, their engagement and revenue.
needs and their pain points Fashion, apparel The banner variation saw an
to address, if you want to 8.5% increase in clicks and
ensure that your customers Australia contributed to a revenue
pay attention to your increase of 20%.
own business priorities, 1975
you can tweak the UX on Refining and revitalizing
your site to steer things the UX for your customers
in a particular direction. across retail, wholesale, is integral to keeping
Though customers may and e-commerce. Their them engaged and
have an agenda when they online team was keen building loyalty for repeat

visit your site, they aren’t to discover if they could business, and it also plays
carefully assessing every drive conversions on their a role in distilling your
piece of information they website by calling out new brand’s priorities and
encounter as they browse. items in their collection key objectives for your

‘new collection’
If you have a key message and swaying shoppers’ customers.
for them, you better make it interest in that direction.
stand out! They launched an A/B test Launching a simple A/B

on their desktop website test which works toward
Leading Australian to see whether a “new your overall objectives,
swimwear brand collection” banner applied as Seafolly did, is a great
Seafolly sells its range to recently launched way to ensure your user
of beachwear and products would impact experience is moving in the
accessories in 41 countries conversions. right direction.


Only 12.01 € needed for FREE SHIPPING!

promo code:
promo code:


Give your customers the push they need to make your promotional
offers fire by exploring different ways to frame promotional messaging.

Just because there are exactly how much more a

multiple ways to share the user would need to spend
same message doesn’t to benefit from the special
mean that every variation INDUSTRY offer.
Fashion, home decor
will yield the same results.
How you frame messaging France Which option was the
on your website will impact FOUNDED winner? Precision ruled the
how customers process the 1837 day, and it was variation B
information and ultimately that was the top performer,
how they respond to it. Do generating a 3% increase in
you ever feel like you have average basket value. revenue per visitor and a 4%
a great offer, but nobody is increase in average basket
biting? To understand the best value.
iteration of the free
La Redoute is a name shipping message, La Being specific in this

Experiment with
synonymous with ready- Redoute ran an A/B test on instance made the potential
to-wear fashion and stylish their Portuguese website benefit to the customer
home décor. Founded in on two tests. Variation A explicit as they browsed La
1837, the French brand now saw a reminder above the Redoute’s website.

‘free shipping’ copy

boasts an e-commerce site “confirm order” CTA, which
that welcomes 7 million read “free shipping from If you think your special
unique visitors per month 30 euros.” Variation B took offers and promotions
and ships to 150 countries. a more precise approach, could do with a boost, try
Their team was using a free with the phrase changed reframing the way the
shipping offer linked to a to “only X euros needed for message is presented to
minimum spend to drive up free shipping,” highlighting your shoppers.


Shoot for simplicity on mobile by reducing

clutter and allowing the most important
items to shine, reducing bounce and INDUSTRY
increasing conversion all in one go. Cosmetics
With the rise of mobile site for mobile and FOUNDED
shopping, technology has adapting the content and 1954

fortunately developed framework?

quickly enough that online
shopping feels the same Luxury skincare label top of the product page to
no matter whether you’re Clarins has been a stalwart allow for more emphasis on
accessing a site from a of the cosmetics market the products themselves.
desktop, tablet or phone. since it was established
This capacity also fuels in 1954. Identifying the The condensed layout from
customers’ expectations; fast-moving trend toward the test variation performed
they’re looking for a mobile browsing, the team more strongly, reducing the
consistent experience were looking to optimize bounce rate by 8% while
that is well adapted to the the browsing experience clicks on the listed products

Simplify content that

device they are using. For for their customers on increased by 34%. If your
brands, the intricacies of cell phones without customers are shopping
the different interfaces compromising their rich on their mobile devices,
— especially the limited heritage and premium chances are they’re looking

is ‘above the fold’

space on a mobile device values. Instead of leaping for efficiency and on-the-go
— present interesting into the unknown without responsiveness, so reducing
strategic questions in terms considering how their clutter on these pages will
of layout and information customers would respond, work in your favor.
displayed. Clarins implemented an A/B
test to experiment with a Prioritize important
How do you strike the new layout for their mobile messages and focus on
right balance between browser, where the variation a clean layout to create a
replicating your desktop reduced the space at the superior UX for your visitors.


Pinning CTAs to the mobile browser streamlines your customer’s

journey and leads them right through your site’s purchasing funnel.

The mobile browser is a their purchase instantly.

unique interface with your
customer; it’s forever at This test delivered the
their fingertips or in their INDUSTRY increased clicks that Baume
Watchmaking, jewelry
pocket, but limited screen & Mercier sought at the
space to browse can make Switzerland
outset, with “add to cart”
the purchasing journey a FOUNDED clicks up by 78% and “shop
little difficult to navigate. 1830 by phone’’ only slightly
Ensuring you can get your below, with an increase
customers’ eyes on the of 71%. Fixing the CTAs
touch points of engagement on the “add to cart” CTA. in this instance served to
is paramount because They implemented a stick- streamline the customer
nothing is worse than having to-scroll tactic with two journey by removing any
your customer ready to key mobile CTAs, “add to barriers to advancing
spend, but unable to figure cart” and “shop by phone,” through the purchase funnel

Use ‘stick to scroll’

out where to click buy! ensuring that consumers while on the mobile browser.
scrolling on their mobile
Swiss luxury brand Baume devices would be able to Having these CTAs at the

tactic for CTAs

& Mercier have a long history move products into their fingertips also allowed
of excellence and quality cart no matter where they Baume & Mercier to focus
in their watchmaking and navigated on a particular their customers on the
wanted to ensure this screen. Having the “shop key actions to take, and a
track record translated to by phone” CTA served to similar test on your own site
the user journey on their remind consumers that if could help you convert your
mobile website, with a they liked what they saw, customers from browsing to
focus on increasing clicks they could proceed with buying too.


71 beauties have viewed this product today! 71 beauties have purchased this product today!

Entice your customers to purchase without

delay by adding social-proof messaging near
your CTAs to improve click-throughs and INDUSTRY

conversion and reduce bounce. Cosmetics

Creating a sense of urgency Professional Makeup, a FOUNDED
to incentivize purchasing subsidiary of L’Oréal, wished 1999
has long been a pillar of to examine the possible
retail, with time-sensitive effectiveness of social proof
offers, last-chance messaging on their French and reduced bounce
messaging, as well as direct e-commerce site. They rate. Of these, the version
call outs for customers to designed a simple A/B test focused on purchases,
“hurry” in store or online. for desktop, which ran two as opposed to views, was
The online shopping variations of social proof more impactful, increasing
experience presents text alongside the CTA on the click-through rate by
new ways to stimulate their product pages. The 43% and doubling the
this same sentiment in first variation indicated transaction rate. If your

Boost social-proof
your customers, where the number of units sold customers fear missing
simple information placed that day, while the second out on a product, they’ll
strategically on product indicated the number of have more incentive to
pages taps into the inbuilt times the product had buy, and the NYX example

social instincts of people been viewed. demonstrates one way
to join in. Have you tried to create urgency. An
adding social proof to your Compared with the original unforeseen bonus of
e-commerce site to boost page, which carried no the NYX A/B test? Both
conversion? social-proof messaging, variations had an impact
both variations improved on bounce rate, reducing it
Cosmetics company NYX clicks and transactions by 38%.


Join the LIVY community and get

sneak peeks of exclusive offers, the
latest trends and news.


Leverage AB Tasty’s pop-ups to deliver subscribers from those

who saw this personalized
personalized, focused messaging to the target
audience segment, using insights from the
data to achieve your e-commerce objectives. There was also an 18%
increase in access to
the checkout with this
Just as the merchandiser to increase the number of particular pop-up variation,
develops multiple sizes for subscribers on their mailing so the care that Livy took in
the clothing you sell on list, and decided to run an presenting their message
your website, so too does AB Tasty test to determine clearly resonated with
your online marketing the kind of incentive that those who saw the pop-up.
require a tailored, would attract prospects to
personalized approach. If sign up. Using a newsletter The key takeaway? There
you adopt a one-size-fits- pop-up, Livy framed their are benefits to testing
all mindset, you’ll likely offer in such a way that different approaches with
leave opportunities for the contrast between segments of your audience
conversion on the table, so signing up for access to to ensure you’re speaking
testing specific offers for offers, exclusives and a to them in a way that
specific audiences is a great VIP community, and not makes them respond.

way to figure out what sets signing up was stark. The
your site up for success. aim was to entice prospects
to subscribe and enter

newsletter pop-ups
Livy is a French designer the nurturing funnel. This
lingerie brand that pop-up was displayed to INDUSTRY
celebrates the modern new desktop users only, to Lingerie, apparel
woman, with designs that target new subscribers. BASED
are sensual and artistic for France
the woman who wants to The pop-up proved FOUNDED
be seen as she is, body and successful, delivering 2017
soul. Their team wanted 15% more mailing list

Convert prospects into buyers with a sticky ‘buy now’ widget without
blocking access to the info that supports their decision-making process.

Some purchases require

longer-term commitment
and mean customers will
want to put more thought
into their selection; think
household goods like beds
and TVs, or items with
personalized features such
as cars. If your mobile site
is selling these goods, you’ll
know that there’s a fine
line to balance between
nudging their purchase
along and respecting the
contemplation necessary
to choose the right one. No
one wants to feel pressured
into their purchase!

The folks at Three Ships

marketing agency are
sensitive to this balance,
taking a multifaceted
approach to their clients’
e-commerce strategies.
Three Ships identifies
optimization opportunities
for their clients, using data
from website traffic analysis
and search analytics. One
such client is Mattress
Advisor, which provides
product reviews, ratings,
and advice to buyers. allowed Three Ships to Mattress Advisor site, with
The online reference for run an experiment for an average conversion
mattresses sought a means Mattress Advisor via the rate of 7%. This approach
to improve their lead simple implementation of a can help you convert
generation for purchases. sticky CTA banner widget. your bottom-of-funnel
Three Ships noted that This ensured that the “buy customers into purchasing
many of Mattress Advisor’s now” CTA remained on the without disrupting any UX
mobile site views came mobile interface no matter design or copy that informs

Add sticky
from customers well- where the consumers their decision.
along the decision-making navigated, without blocking
journey. These customers any important information.

‘buy now’ widget

could benefit from a clear The test only ran for two
CTA to purchase that didn’t weeks, because that’s
interfere with access to the all that was needed to INDUSTRY
product information and generate positive business
ratings that helped with impact! US
their product selection. FOUNDED
This sticky CTA is now 2017
Teaming up with AB Tasty hardcoded into the

Check availability

A small adjustment to the message on your CTA, like softening

the tone to combat purchase anxiety, can ease your customers’
hesitancy and increase transactions at the same time.

When it comes to shopping was replaced with a “check

online, it’s very easy for availability” CTA variation.
browsing fatigue to set in. The change in CTA had a
When faced with a plethora INDUSTRY noticeable impact, with a
Hospitality, travel
of choices, your potential 14% increase in transactions
customers can quickly BASED over the testing period.
become overwhelmed,

resulting in purchase 1967
Reframing the steps along
anxiety. the purchase funnel softens
the associated pressure
How might you go about and selling family vacation a customer might feel

purchase anxiety
addressing that? You can and leisure packages and decreases hesitancy;
start by looking at the across Europe. They were allowing the customer the
labels on your CTAs, and looking to reduce purchase time needed to confirm

with CTA copy

running some simple anxiety on their website, that the product really is a
A/B tests to assess your and proposed to soften perfect fit for their needs.
alternative options. the messaging on their
CTA buttons in order to If you have wondered about
Pierre & Vacances is a increase online bookings. testing different copy on
leader in travel and tourism, They ran a simple A/B test, your CTAs, now might be
renting holiday homes where the “book now” CTA the perfect time to try.


Personalize your messaging to ensure promotion was a success,

with a 16% increase in total
relevance for your customer base, to drive online transactions.
online conversion and to mobilize your
most loyal and ardent shoppers. Perhaps your mailing list
is not quite big enough
to drive sales the way
If you have purchased significant upside from a Sephora did? No problem!
consumer goods online or simple activation. Think about reframing the
in store in the past 10 years, promotion to drive mailing
chances are you’ve been Sephora is a leading
list subscriptions instead.
asked to sign up to a loyalty international beauty
Whatever your customer
program. These programs product retailer founded
profile may be, if you want
are mutually beneficial; as a in France in 1970 by
to mobilize them, tailoring
customer, you get access to Dominique Mandonnaud.
offers that are personal
inside information, special They offer a unique online
is a recipe for success.
offers, VIP shopping nights and offline experience for
Customers respond to

Activate member
and gifts-with-purchase, passionate clients, selling
offers that are relevant to
and as a brand, you get innovative beauty brands.
them, so personalized on-
insight into the habits Sephora wanted to drive
site messaging is a great
and preferences of your their loyalty card holders

base with personal

way to grab their attention.
shoppers, and an engaged toward their e-commerce
audience to whom you site and increase online
can directly market your purchasing from that

products. audience segment. Using
the website data layer, they INDUSTRY
Cosmetics, retail
These customers are also presented a banner visible
very often your most loyal only to loyalty card holders, France
(it isn’t called a loyalty offering 25% off all online
program for nothing!) and purchases via an exclusive 1970
can accordingly deliver discount code. The



Stimulate your customer’s visual experience the model generated

higher click rates, an 11%
on your site by optimizing your images and
increase to be precise. This
increase clicks and conversion while doing so. approach also resulted
in a 15% increase in sales.
Shopping online relies best for your customers. The test demonstrated
heavily on the visual, that Etam didn’t need
both in a look-and-feel Etam is a leading lingerie to limit themselves to
configuration sense of how and accessories brand just standalone product
your brand is represented operating in 55 countries. images, and the lesson
and in a practical sense, They decided to examine could be transferable for
displaying images of the which type of product you too.
products in your repertoire. images could increase
If customers only had online sales. Essentially, Showing a product as part
written descriptions to go they wanted to understand of a full outfit will help your
by, it would be far tougher whether their customers customer visualize how the
to make a sale! were more responsive

Experiment with
item might fit into their
to images of standalone own wardrobe and also
That said, you still need products, using a half- provide great opportunities
to decide what kind of body shot of a model, for up- or cross-selling.

variations of
imagery you will use, or whether a two-thirds
because not all images image of a model wearing
were created equal. If a full lingerie set — even
you’re selling clothing, will for single-product sales —

product images
your products be worn would drive improvement
by models, or will they be in conversion. Lingerie, apparel
flat-laid? Will you show BASED
entire outfits or hone in on For Etam’s customers, France
one product? The only way being able to see the FOUNDED
to find out is to test your full lingerie set with the 1916

options to see what works two-thirds image of

Website changes don’t need to be drastic
to yield results; by privileging most-frequent
search items on navigation bars, you can INDUSTRY
improve UX and conversion rates all at once. Retailer, luxury goods
In luxury retail, the inception in 1860, crafting 1860
purchasing experience high quality products slept
contributes to the overall on by the royal families of
allure and ceremony that Europe, draped over the modified category of 29%
comes with the acquisition altar at St. Peter’s Basilica, and an increase in visits to
of such products. One and supplied to some of the the bathrobe pages of a
of the key challenges for world’s best-known five- huge 102%!
the luxury sector in the star hotels.
e-commerce space, is Not only did this test

Alter navigation bar

translating the seamless They engaged AB Tasty to deliver vital insight in
in-person customer run an A/B test aimed at delivering the seamless
experience into the refining UX and increasing online experience that their

with most-frequent
digital sphere. Ensuring traffic to certain pages. luxury heritage merited, it
your online shoppers Noting that bathrobes also provided bespoke and
encounter a premium were the top search item intuitive data for analysis.
brand interaction across all on their site, Frette decided

search items
touch points is driven by to modify their homepage Working with AB Tasty
focusing on authenticity navigation bar to clearly helped Frette to tackle
and personalization. reference this item on a conversion rate optimization
section header. By changing in a tailored and user-
Italian linen brand Frette “bath linens” to “bath linens friendly manner, and yielded
has been a mainstay of the & robes,” Frette saw an reliable results as part of
luxury industry since its increase in clicks to the their growth strategy.

Anticipate rush hour!
Order in advance

Reach the greatest number of users by

targeting your sticky banners to peak traffic
times and planting a seed for customers to
pre-order. INDUSTRY
Food and beverage

Certain kinds of online in premium sushi for France

orders are particularly takeaway and delivery, FOUNDED

time-sensitive, none more with a network of over 110 1998

so than food delivery. locations across Europe and

Whether it’s making sure the Middle East. They have
that groceries arrive when a strong online and mobile Focusing the sticky banner
you are home to put them presence, and were looking to the lunch period ensured
in the fridge or getting to drive online pre-orders to that the greatest number
your lunch delivered while mitigate the peak periods of customers possible were
you’re actually on your and ensure punctual reminded about the pre-
lunch break, there’s nothing delivery during these times. order option. Capitalizing
worse than waiting around on the everyday concern of

Add sticky banner

for your food to arrive. And Their A/B test involved a ensuring food is delivered
for food vendors, what sticky banner applied to on time, created a sense of
tools do you have at your their mobile app during urgency and accountability
disposal to help better the lunch rush, reminding in the customer. Sushi Shop

during rush hour

manage your peak order customers that they could customers now know that
periods and ensure all your pre-order to avoid getting they can get their food on
customers are properly caught in the queue and time if they plan ahead,
satisfied by both your food ensure on-time order and the resultant goodwill
and your service? delivery. The test led to a increases the likelihood
3% increase in cart order that they’ll order from Sushi
Sushi Shop is a leader confirmations. Shop again.



Encourage your visitors to browse and increase glass embedded in the

search widget.
search bar use by ensuring a prominent
placement and clean landing page display. Making the search bar
more prominent nudged
If you have an aesthetically into exploring your online Palais des Thés’ customers
pleasing brick-and- collection. into using the function
mortar store and effective to explore the full online
presentation of your Palais des Thés was collection. Their test
products, encouraging founded in 1986 and grew variation also reduced
in-store browsing can be from an idea among page clutter, stimulating
easy. Not only can you friends into a successful a more visually pleasant
place products in a manner business selling teas and UX without compromising
which invites customers associated products. functionality. Building the
to discover them, but you Their team wished to best configuration of your
also have sales assistants encourage browsing on website means finding
who can intervene and help their e-commerce site to the right mix of format,
a customer search for a increase sales. Their A/B incentives and brand
precise item. In the online test involved removing presence to ensure your
sphere, this kind of display the home link from their customers have no doubts
and intervention is more website’s header to allow or difficulties during their
online shopping experience.

Give more visibility

challenging, but the stakes for an expanded search bar,
are similar online as they are which held greater visibility
in your physical outlets. Just for shoppers.
as messy, poorly organized

to search bar
stores will put off in-store The test delivered the
shoppers, so too will a lack hoped-for increase in Food and beverage
of clarity in website design engagement with the
and layout impact your search function, drawing France
prospect retention. Let’s 11% more clicks on the FOUNDED
take a look at one way to placeholder and 12% more 1986

nudge website visitors clicks on the magnifying

Increase average basket and maximize revenue using the cross-selling
opportunities afforded by a well-placed related products bar.

If you are looking to grow was more visible and that

your online revenue, customers came across
bringing new customers these suggestions earlier.
onto your site is one
approach, but this is not INDUSTRY Over the three weeks of the
Food and beverage
always the most cost or test, moving the related
time efficient way to boost United Kingdom
products bar proved very
sales. FOUNDED
successful, generating a
1986 28% boost on clicks to this
Instead, increasing your cross-selling feature. This
customers’ average basket led to a 30% increase in
value using a cross-selling tonics and vermouths. online transactions and a

Try cross-selling
approach can deliver 27% lift in site revenue over
efficient revenue growth. The Gin Kiosk team the period.
After all, you’ve already got were looking to increase

with display of
them shopping on your their revenue through a The success of this test
site, it’s now just a matter focus on cross-selling, by demonstrates the impact
of encouraging them to put increasing clicks on the of the visibility of related
additional items into their “related products” bar products when driving

related products
basket. that appeared throughout cross-selling activities,
their site. They tested a and their capacity to drive
Gin Kiosk is an online store page variation where the both transaction rates and
and vagabond pop-up related products bar was revenue. Drawing attention
stall that brings a personal shifted further up the page, to related products on your
touch to gin selection, above the “user reviews” site can have a real impact
selling a variety of gins, section, making sure that it on your bottom line.

Capture and store key customer information
at the account creation stage to remove
purchase funnel frictions and abandoned
carts, and increase completed transactions. Retail, furnishings
Do you sometimes wonder They were looking to tackle FOUNDED
about your abandoned the abandoned cart issue 1945
carts? What went wrong by that would smooth
during the purchase the path to payment
process that saw your confirmation further down increase in transactions on
customer put something the funnel. On the original the brand’s online store.
in their basket, only to site, if the user did not enter
metaphorically ditch it their billing and delivery This test is a great
and run? There are many address at account creation, example of reducing
explanations as to why they would need to add frictions in the purchase
shoppers give up on a this information during the funnel. By inputting
purchase before they’ve checkout process. In the shipping information
seen it all the way through. variation, when a new user up front, the customer
created an account on the then encountered less

Modify account
As you know, reducing Ashley HomeStore website, opportunities to hesitate
friction along the purchase they were automatically once they had an item into
funnel is key to increasing redirected to a page to their basket and closed
transactions and reducing store a default shipping in on completing their

creation and
those left uncompleted. address. This information order. Offloading as many
But how? would thus already be at extraneous payment steps
hand when the customer along the final purchase
Ashley HomeStore was

transaction process
arrived in the final stages journey to an earlier stage
founded in 2002 and of purchase confirmation, of browsing, will help get
now has more than 700 giving them less chances to your customer successfully
independently owned and hesitate! through the entire
operated stores worldwide, purchasing process, and
selling furniture and home When implemented, increase transactions and
accessories. the test resulted in a 14% conversion.

Find your most effective product display
criteria by testing your layout and filtering
approach to drive key transactions and user
metrics, such as AOV and ARPU. INDUSTRY
Retail, furnishings
Website functionality and more, both online and France
has become sufficiently in store. They wanted to FOUNDED
sophisticated that you can optimize the product listing 1972

tag all sorts of different page on their e-commerce

information about your store to increase average
products and use these order value (AOV) and/ ascending — proved to be
tags to help users filter or average revenue per the most successful option;
their searches. Of course, user (ARPU). BUT’s original the conversion rate jumped
this also means that you product listing page for by 22%, the average cart
have a decision to make couches was organized by price increased by 10%, and

Experiment with
about which of these popularity, and the team the ARPU increased by an
classifications you use developed three variations impressive 35%.
as the default display for their test. The first
mechanism on your displayed products that Additionally, the page’s

filtering and
category product pages. had the highest rating, as revisit rate also increased
How do you make such a opposed to popularity; the by 3.4%. If price is a bottom
decision? Let’s check out a second displayed items line for the customers in

sorting options
simple test that can inform by price, high to low; while your industry and brand
the process. the third also used pricing positioning, incorporating
criteria, this time from low price into your product
BUT is an affordable to high. pages and filters might be
furniture retailer, selling a good way to drive AOV,
kitchenware, mattresses, Within two weeks, the ARPU, or overall transaction
couches, home furnishings third variation — price rates.



Uncover your best possible payment CTA color, du Monde’s customers had
a clear preference for the
shape, and messaging through multivariate
white, oval button with the
testing to ultimately increase CTRs and online words “pay with PayPal.”
payment confirmations.
This iteration had a 30%
There are probably 101 ways 370 stores in 12 countries. increase in click-throughs,
to configure your website, With 25% of their sales and gave the e-commerce
so how do you know you coming from online, team the evidence they
have chosen the right one? continuing to develop and needed to move forward
One of the best ways to evolve their website UX is with an update to their site
examine this comes by integral to maximizing this format.
partnering with AB Tasty channel. When looking to
and running some tests. If increase online payment Multivariate testing relies
you have enough website confirmations, the team on a certain density in
traffic to deliver significant decided to run multivariate site traffic, but if you
results when it comes to testing on one of their two have enough visitors to
your test analytics, then payment CTAs, testing the mobilize a trial like this,
multivariate testing is a color, shape and callout mastering your CTA format
great way to understand for the “pay with PayPal” can lead to increased CTR

Implement clear
the key components of button. Testing two shapes, and therefore increased
your most crucial website rectangular and oval; two payment confirmations.
features, like your payment colors, orange and white;
CTAs. Find that sweet spot and two call-outs, “PayPal

payment CTA
for your customer and you express” and “pay with
can increase CTR. PayPal,” Maisons du Monde INDUSTRY
tried eight payment CTAs Retail, furnishings

Maisons du Monde is a to find the best possible BASED

furniture and home décor configuration. France

retailer founded in 1996, 1996
now operating more than And the winner? Maisons

Inspire your customers with innovative treat. Results were strong
across all key territories,
special offers, gamifying key high-traffic
with Ireland particularly
retail moments, to maximize conversions and notable, seeing a 495%
revenue during these crucial shopping periods. increase in orders and a
585% increase in revenue.
In retail, when we talk their team to devise an Clarins uncovered a clever,
about traffic, we’re not innovative offer that engaging offer and coupled
talking about the number could maximize sales it with a seamless UX
of vehicles on our roads, but during a high-traffic process for their shoppers,
the number of customers period and examine the delivering simply stunning
in our stores and visiting Clarins shoppers’ appetite results. Marrying peak
us online. However, just for gamified incentives. trading periods with
like the vehicles on our Working closely with the innovative offers can deliver
roads, traffic in stores, and AB Tasty team, Clarins exceptional outcomes in
online, comes in peaks and rolled out a Singles transactions, conversions
troughs. Capitalizing on Day Wheel of Fortune

Try pop-up
and revenue, and here
the high season is crucial promotional activation, Clarins reaped the rewards
to the overall health of where any customer for their willingness to
your brand’s bottom line, landing on the brand’s experiment and think
something that global desktop or mobile site in

gamification during
outside the box.
beauty brand Clarins EMEA saw a pop-up to
knows all too well. Finding spin the wheel. They were
innovative ways to engage then rewarded with one

high-traffic season
increasingly savvy online of six special offers, which
shoppers was key to the was automatically added INDUSTRY
brand’s ongoing growth. to their basket via a promo
code at the checkout. BASED
France, 150 markets worldwide
Clarins had established a
test-and-learn culture at Gamification on this key, 1954
the brand, and challenged high-traffic day worked a


Women’s shoes



Focus your customers’ attention on the page to the point that the
navigation thread now sat
products that are most likely to convert, and
just below the primary row
create a seamless UX experience that drives of products.
transactions and revenue.
The results speak for
themselves. Over the one-
In brick-and-mortar team was determined to
month period of the test,
shopping experiences, deliver an optimal UX by
the variation saw a 17%
product arrangements focusing on their product
increase in clicks, a 24%
and visual merchandising, page design to maximize
increase in transaction
knowledgeable sales revenue. They teamed up
rates and a 34% increase
people, and store layout with web product specialist
in revenue. All of which
go a long way to ensuring Nosto to identify their most
validated the test idea and
that products are shown popular products, and then
led to the hardcoding of
in their best light. But in ran an experiment with
these changes into the
the digital space, it’s all AB Tasty to determine the
Melvin & Hamilton site. By
about UX. When it comes optimal configuration for
limiting distractions and
to product page design, these products.

Show recommended
focusing user attention
optimizing layout, format,
Using an A/B test on their on the most important
images and copy are key to
womens product pages, products, you can drive
maximizing transactions
conversions and grow

products instead
and conversion. Melvin & Hamilton wanted
to determine if they could revenue accordingly.
Footwear brand Melvin increase transactions by
& Hamilton was founded focusing their product

of hero images
in 1988 and was initially landing pages on the row
distributed entirely through of recommended products INDUSTRY
in-person channels. and removing the hero Fashion, apparel

Transitioning their store image that dominated this BASED

footprint into the digital page. The test variation
space was both critical and also had the benefit of 1988
challenging, but the brand’s decluttering the landing


Adapt your product display images according to your

customer’s navigation journey, responding to their needs
and growing conversion and customer lifetime value.
Building loyalty with the lifetime value of their And the results? Clicks on
your customers through customers, and this meant PLPs increased by about
innovative brand capturing moms whose 8%, and purchase rate on
engagement is a great way children were toddlers. those items by 22%, a huge
to solidify your business However, many products in win for the brand. As Hanna
growth. Comparatively the brand’s toddler range Andersson expands their
speaking, it takes less effort relied on pictures of the toddler range across all
to bring back an existing same products from their of their product lines, the
customer to shop with you bigger kids collection. success of this test presents
again than to recruit a new Could Hanna Andersson a huge growth opportunity
customer. grow conversion on their for them. When the results
toddler collection by from this simple test are
In the childrenswear sector, swapping out their product multiplied across the
if you can get parents to images? hundreds of products in
discover and fall in love with the Hanna Andersson
your brand, chances are They decided to run a test range, there is considerable
they’ll stay loyal customers to find out if buyers would impact to revenue.

Display multiple
as their kids grow, react more positively to
increasing their overall age-appropriate images.
customer lifetime value. When customers navigated
to a product via the toddler

product sizes
US-based brand Hanna pages, the default product
Andersson has been image they were shown Retail, apparel
selling childrenswear and was in the toddler profile,
sleepwear since 1983. In while the original page US
examining overall growth carried the larger kids FOUNDED
opportunities, they wanted version of the product 1983
to find a way to increase image.



Providing solution-oriented CTAs that leverage In the end it was the latter
“be the first to know”
users’ motivations will grow subscriber lists
CTA that came out on
and ensure customers remain informed about top, showing a 50% lift in
products that meet their interests. clicks to sign up. Offering a
solution to prospects in the
If high and low ticketing flexibility and main header proved most
seasons show sharp tailorable technology. successful, highlighting the
differentiation in traffic Keeping fans engaged importance of keeping the
volume, transactions, during the off season, by incentive at the forefront
and conversions in your signing up for SMS alerts when driving users forward
industry, you’ll know for future sales and events, in the funnel.
that retaining consumer was key to bringing users
engagement in low season back to their platform. Tapping into users’
is imperative. Take live motivations — coming to
events; if tickets aren’t They decided to run an A/B the site for tickets — was
available when a customer test examining the sign- the most successful at
is on your platform, you’ll up CTA on their mobile recruiting new subscribers
want to make sure they site, to determine which and increasing the
know to come back at option would be best at likelihood that these users
another time. Capturing driving sign-ups. Using an will return once tickets
AB Tasty WebView widget, become available.

Add strategic sign-up

prospects by subscribing
them to alerts is one way to Experience tested three
do this, while growing your variations of the “sign up to
direct marketing channel at stay in the loop” messaging,

and alert options

the same time. How might two of which led with the
you approach this? current situation — “no Entertainment
tickets currently available”
Live events specialist — and a third, which led United Kingdom
Experience offers fans with a solution: “Be the first FOUNDED
and partners better live to know when tickets go on 1999
event experiences through sale.”

Ensure that customers have access to the the percentage of digital
customer support contacts
support information they need to deliver a
versus phone calls, where
seamless UX across multiple touch points, the ratio shifted 12% in favor
which also reduces service times and costs. of digital support.

And given the significant

With the lightning-quick inefficient. In analyzing
cost savings from reduced
advance of technology, customer call logs,
call center traffic —
customers now interact Panasonic determined that
projected at around
with brands across multiple self-service information
$30,000 a year — this new
touch points, devices, was already available that
header was considered
and channels. Bringing could address many of the
an easy win for the brand!
seamless omnichannel UX callers’ questions. It was
The new menu was quickly
to consumers is key to the just a matter of putting the
made visible to 100% of
strategy of many of the right information in front of
web traffic, to ensure the
world’s most iconic brands. the consumer and ensuring
optimized experience
For a brand like Panasonic they knew how to access
Consumer Electronics, it. Promoting online chat
whose Customer Support and email inquiry channels
In this example, leveraging
service is essential to adequately was identified
online support not only
ensuring customer as the first checkpoint on a
created faster experience for
satisfaction, optimizing longer optimization to-do

Test placement of
users, but also significantly
integrated experiences is list.
reduced costs for the brand.
key to their core strategy.
If they moved these

customer service
But if tending to a help options from the center of
center call request took the support page to the
upwards of six minutes website’s header, would
in the age of instant users engage with these

center on homepage
gratification, how could service options more INDUSTRY
Panasonic use AB Tasty’s readily? An AB Tasty edit to Electronic, IT

support to provide some the navigation bar made for BASED

interim UX improvement? a quick A/B test to find out. Japan

Running their consumer The success of this test was 1918

hotline was both costly and measured by evaluating

Maximize key segments during high-traffic users arriving on the site
who were either searching
periods, using personalized messaging that
for gifts or unsure about
targets their needs to drive conversion. what to buy. These
specific user segments
Gifting seasons are high- 600 big-name brands were prompted with the
traffic periods for brands in fragrances, makeup, question “Searching for a
across many different skin care, and hair care gift?” Visitors who clicked
product categories, products. on the prompt were taken
as customers search to the Fragrance Finder
for gifts that will be Their team was looking page to continue their
both meaningful and to improve customer UX search.
appropriate. To make and drive transactions and
finding that perfect gift conversion, by leveraging This personalized approach,
simpler, brands will typically the opportunity presented which targeted gift
tailor their e-commerce by holiday shopping buyers only so as to avoid
site toward the particular periods. Their dedicated disrupting the UX for
holiday — Valentine’s Day, Fragrance Finder tool other shopper categories,
Mother’s Day, Christmas — helped customers select delivered a 10% increase
with a destination product the perfect product to suit in user conversion during
page for gifting or a search their needs, by answering peak shopping periods.
tool that helps consumers a series of personalized Personalization is an
hone in on the right questions. Despite high excellent tactic to ensure
product. But what if no conversion rates from this your customers’ needs are
one visits this page? How page, the Fragrance Finder met when they come to

Use personalization do you capitalize on the team knew they could do your site.
high-selling periods and better.
maximize conversion from

for custom offers

these dedicated gifting Overall traffic to the tool
locations? was low, and the team
were keen to drive more Cosmetics
Fragrance Direct is a UK- prospects toward it. Using BASED
based pure-play beauty AB Tasty’s Audiences United Kingdom

retailer, which sells over feature, they worked with FOUNDED

14,000 products across Endless Gain to identify

Guide your site’s returning users straight back
into the purchase funnel with a pop-up that
flags their existing basket and steers them
toward order completion. Retail
United Kingdom
While adding products to Pets at Home is the UK’s
an online shopping cart is largest pet-care business — FOUNDED
a step in the right direction selling food and care items,
through the purchase grooming, and veterinary
funnel, it is not a done deal. care services. Their analysis with at least one product
There remain opportunities indicated a high cart- in their basket, with the
for visitors to change their abandonment rate, and audience split 50/50
minds or they could simply the team wanted to push between seeing the test
get distracted and abandon more visitors beyond the variation and the control.
their cart without finalizing basket page and to the This simple pop-up test
the purchase. checkout. To address saw a 3% increase in users
this, they implemented a reaching the basket page

Present return
Alongside this, there are pop-up that displayed the and a 2.5% increase in users
also opportunities for you user’s existing basket items reaching the confirmation
to optimize the purchase upon return to the Pets at page.
funnel on your site, to push Home website. Reminding

intent pop-up
prospects farther into visitors of the items they’d Pets at Home were able
the funnel and ultimately already selected aimed to to validate their test with
toward conversion. encourage them to proceed the positive outcome
Give your customers an with their purchase. and looked to duplicate
appropriate nudge at an it on their mobile site as
appropriate time to reduce The three-week test was they continued their UX
overall cart abandonment. shown to desktop users optimization journey.


Experiment with the configuration of your to the cart page rather than
advancing to final payment.
checkout page to ensure frictionless UX for
Flannels then ran additional
both members and guests right along the iterations of their mobile
purchase funnel. checkout test to find the
best configuration and
While customer loyalty described above. They decrease the incidence of
programs have their wanted to explore checkout users returning to the cart
advantages, there are some reconfiguration options that page.
instances where the login would make it clearer to
feature creates friction in customers how they could Testing provides fertile
the purchase funnel. From finalize their purchase, ground on which to push
forgotten passwords to not regardless of whether they the boundaries and engage
remembering if they even had an account or knew with customer behavior
have an account, these are how to access it. to best understand how
the kinds of obstacles that to serve your customers.
would make any prospect Working alongside AB Tasty, By embracing this process
abandon their carts. Do you User Conversion designed a wholeheartedly, Flannels
have a clear path for login checkout page variation for can ensure they drive
creation? Flannels’ mobile site, where transactions and customer
the “ask” was made more satisfaction all at the same
Luxury fashion retailer explicit — “Do you have a time.
Flannels specializes in Flannels account?” — and

Default to contemporary designer

clothing and accessories.
Like many brands in
an additional CTA button
— “not sure” — was added.
This variation led to a 54%

guest checkout
the luxury sector, where increase to guest checkout INDUSTRY
products are not everyday and an 11% increase in clicks Fashion, apparel
items and purchasing is to the “not sure” CTA. This BASED
a special occasion, their test outcome was a step United Kingdom
customers purchase toward UX optimization, but FOUNDED
infrequently and encounter also produced an undesired 1976
the kinds of login barriers action: Customers returning



In times of rapid change, combining humanized approach hit

the mark with consumers?
experimentation with a human-driven
approach to customer connections, can help It wasn’t long before it
ensure you stay in sync and deliver results. became clear that the care
package promotion was
Despite the best laid plans, they go? The team at the framing that resonated,
circumstances beyond your Lush wanted to ensure with a 250% higher click-
control can lead to the need that they connected with through rate than the self-
for a rapid pivot, none more their customers to drive care campaign. Lush leant
so, than during a pandemic. conversions, but remained into this learning, launching
With physical businesses empathetic to the world a second A/B test to take
closed, the consumer around them and focused their assessment even
goods industry became on humanizing that further. Their example
hyper-focused on digital connection. highlights the benefits of
and online, but optimizing experimentation, and the
that experience took a They designed two rewards of being willing
different tone. How do you homepage promotions to listen to your users. In a
stay true to your business- that touched on the new time of uncertainty, Lush

Experiment with
driving instincts and reality of staying home leant in, and stayed in sync
respectful to the context at and social distancing. with their customer base by
the same time? Both campaigns were being willing to truly listen

product categories
predicated on the notion to what those customers
Lush, a leader in global of shoppers building their wanted.
cosmetics, were in own bespoke packages
the middle of a travel- from Lush products, but

and collections
focused campaign as the they were each pitched
global context shifted to through a different lens. INDUSTRY
government-mandated The first variation was Cosmetics
lockdowns. A quick rework framed around self- United Kingdom
of their strategy was care; the second, around
obviously necessary, but care packages sent to 1994
in which direction should loved ones. Would this

I’m here to help find your train! Let’s go!

Targeted, data-driven testing can help validate key decisions and

confirm high-level strategy choices on UX optimization and conversion.

In this data-driven era, increase for web responsive

businesses have the and 33% increase for
opportunity to optimize desktop conversion rates
UX for all manner of — it also validated the
purchasing experiences, Travel & tourism experimentation approach
offering customers possible BASED
to optimization that OUI.
solutions to problems they France sncf were pursuing.
didn’t even realize they FOUNDED
needed to solve! Take travel 2000 The work didn’t stop there.
planning as an example: As targeted, data-driven
what if an AI-powered testing had helped to
solution proposed the ideal for a site visitor with a ratify strategic decisions
itinerary for a prospect, high enough interest at key moments for the
creating a smoother and score. The team at OUI. company, the focus on
more efficient experience sncf wanted to see if this constant evolution and
for travelers? And will tool could actually make refinement came into play.

customers actually go for a difference to bookings, Another advantage to the
such an experience? Let’s without risking a full- test-and-experimentation
find out. scale site upgrade for approach was that it cut
an approach that might out the endless debate

OUI.sncf is the official not land. By teaming up around which approach
European distribution with AB Tasty, they ran to adopt and whose ideas
channel of the French a statistically rigorous to consider. By testing
railways for online sales of A/B test to determine ideas and examining

rail travel throughout the whether conversion rates the outcomes, the OUI.
country. Their Exploration would increase for visitors sncf team could take
Assistant is an AI-powered who engaged with the greater confidence in
travel agent, based on an virtual assistant. The test the permanent upgrades
in-house algorithm, that not only delivered KPI implemented across their
suggests a trip itinerary improvements — a 61% channels.



When you understand the intent of your CTA said “start for free,”
with the variation changing
audience segments and drive toward this,
this to “see if you qualify.”
personalized site configuration can deliver Would this version attract
big results in sign-ups and conversions. more mature leads?

Understanding the reliable and more profitable The answer was a

different profiles, intent, for homeowners. Lead resounding yes. Form
and level of maturity of your generation and new visitor completions went up
website traffic will develop conversion rates were two 34% on the variation,
fertile ground on which to key KPIs for the Evolve alongside a 161% increase in
experiment with your site’s team, so their first step was conversions. Following the
configuration. You might to separate their website success of this test, Evolve
have different audiences traffic based on its source. continued to develop its
across different platforms, Previous analysis had experimentation program
so distinguishing these determined that Facebook to optimize content
and their needs is the first ad traffic was more pathways for specific
step to driving progress focused on general brand audience segments. The
toward KPIs. Following awareness, while Google more you test and ground
that segmentation, ad traffic showed a more your strategies in data,
experimentation will mature segment, with the greater the benefit
unlocked via optimization.

Personalize CTA copy

give you the chance to specific intent, presenting
better understand what an opportunity for Evolve to
information your audience leverage.
segments are searching for

for mature leads

and how to best present it. Evolve decided to test
the CTA on their landing INDUSTRY
Travel & tourism, hospitality
Evolve Vacation Rental page for homeowners
provides an alternative to determine if a copy US
to the traditional home- revision could increase FOUNDED
rental market, making form completions and 2011
home rental easy, safe, conversions. The original







Small changes to site configuration can account” CTA in the center

block on the page saw an
lead to big gains in customer sign-ups and
increase in clicks for new
conversions, all efficiently tested and evaluated sign-ups of 30%.
using AB Tasty’s simple testing tools.
More importantly, with
The customer login page is the world for their luxurious this new, more logical
one of the most important skincare, cosmetics and configuration, transactions
pages to optimize on your fragrances. Their digital increased by 17%, and
site. During an in-store team had observed an revenue by 15%. As this case
shopping experience, unusually high bounce demonstrates, sometimes
customers don’t need to rate on their customer a small change can make
worry about logging in login page and wanted to a big difference, and with
themselves, and can be better address the friction. AB Tasty’s intuitive suite of
guided carefully through a The login page presented testing tools, the potential
member-based checkout three options horizontally upside of these changes
can be evaluated without

Experiment with
experience by a sales across the page: “sign in,”
assistant feeding them all “checkout as guest,” and any interim disruptions to
the necessary prompts. “create new account.” the user journey on your
But in a digital context, this Lancôme worked closely website.

account sign-up
step is often a source of with AB Tasty to test this
friction, which can quickly page, where the variation
lead to drop-off and cart placed “create a new
abandonment. This means account” in the center of

designing your UX in a the page, rather than on INDUSTRY
logical and intuitive manner the far right. Would this
is essential to maintaining simple and quick switch-up France
conversion. make a difference? FOUNDED
Lancôme is known around The variation with the “new

Only X more euros to benefit from a discount on your purchase!

Support sales-time promotional offerings with

clear, targeted messaging that reaches the
right customers and drives key basket KPIs.
Sale periods can be Their marketing team was US
particularly fruitful looking to increase average FOUNDED
for testing website basket metrics, including 1996

optimization. Traffic units-per-transaction and

volume increases, making basket value, during sale
sample sizes larger and periods. Using a minimum on your purchase,”
test outcomes more spend discount incentive, worked a treat across
robust. Focusing on which required customers all of Urban Decay’s
optimization when running to reach 85 euros before identified metrics. Average
promotional offers will they could unlock the basket value increased
also drive transactions discount, Urban Decay by 8%, average units-per-
and revenue, ensuring you designed a promotional transaction increased by
get the maximum output banner to support the offer. 7%, and revenue generated

Add promotional
from a particular offer. increased by 7%.
Nevertheless, each brand With AB Tasty’s solution,
has its own particular this banner was triggered The brand was happy with

banner to increase
customer base with their while shoppers had fewer the results of this test and
own habits, expectations, than 85 euros in their planned to use the banner
and preferences — meaning basket, with a message again during their next
your approach needs to be in eye-catching green sale. With action-focused

basket size
well-crafted right along the highlighting how much messaging amplified
checkout process. more to spend to reach the through continuous
discount threshold. website optimization, this
Cosmetics line Urban example demonstrates the
Decay is part of the L’Oréal The nudge, which read value that can be unlocked
Luxe brand portfolio and “Only X more euros to by a well-conceived testing
known for its edgy style. benefit from a discount strategy.

Only 45 more euros until you can unlock your free gift

Nudge your customers into an increased

basket value using a visual tracker that
highlights their progress toward special
offers, and grows revenue at the same time. INDUSTRY
Maximizing total revenue hair care products. Their
is almost always the focus was growing the 1851
overarching goal for revenue on their owned
businesses in the online channel, and their
e-commerce space. minimum spend offer particularly receptive to this
One way to do this is needed to be pitched just visual progress tracker that
by attracting more right in order to win over guided them toward their
customers, and another, is their customers. They GWP.
by encouraging customers wanted to trial a visual
to spend more when gauge on the basket page There were 7% more clicks
they shop. Incentivizing that illustrated how much to the “continue” CTA, and
purchases using further the shopper had to an increase in average
promotional offers that go, to reach the threshold basket value of almost
reward a minimum spend, and unlock their gift. Using 5%. And the offer was a
either via a discount or gift- AB Tasty’s handy editor, win-win. Not only did the

Offer giveaways to
with-purchase (GWP), can they implemented an brand increase the AOV
be a great way to grow your experiment that tracked as per their ambition,
average basket size. But multiple KPIs, including they also strengthened
how can you present this to click rate, access to the rest client loyalty by rewarding

incentivize purchase
your prospects in order to of the purchase funnel, their shoppers with an
make sure that it pops? number of transactions, exclusive Kiehl’s-branded
and the impact on the gift, and building the kind
Kiehl’s is a cosmetics brand average basket size. of goodwill that ensures
in L’Oréal’s Luxe portfolio, consumers keep coming
selling quality skin care and Kiehl’s customers were back to shop.



Grow your add-to-basket clicks and overall cart clicks and ultimately
transactions by optimizing your product
landing page, using clear and deliberate CTAs The test ran for three weeks
to guide your customers through the funnel. across Cluse’s French
domain, with a white,
In online retail, it’s not The team noticed that square CTA delivering the
simply a matter of the bounce rate for their best results, including
publishing all of your product landing pages was a 2.4% increase in click-
products to a page and high and that traffic to the through rate and 1.1%
letting the customer do product display pages was increase in transactions.
the rest of the work. The limited. Without a specific Making it clear and easy
more you can guide them CTA guiding customers for site users to reach
through your product range through to this part of the the product display
and into your purchase site, Cluse wondered if page benefitted Cluse.
funnel, the better optimized there was an opportunity Optimizing the gateway
your e-commerce store will to be more deliberate to your product pages can

Modify CTA for

be. People often respond in their approach. They also help you to convert site
best to clear direction developed an A/B/n test, visitors into customers, and
and encouragement, and where different CTA it is often small changes
that generate quick wins.

better navigation
bringing this ethos to your color variations inviting
online store is entirely customers to “view details’’
possible. Read on to find were inserted below the
out how! product images across

and click-throughs
desktop and mobile sites.
Dutch watch brand Cluse The objective of the test INDUSTRY
Watchmaking, jewelry
is young, driven and was to increase the number
ambitious, and prides of users reaching the The Netherlands
themselves on their product display pages from
attention to detail in the product landing page, 2013
everything that they do. in order to drive add-to-

A well-placed endorsement from the shopper by 1.5%, transactions by
2.4%, and revenue by 1.3%.
community can push your customer further
For return shoppers, these
into the purchase funnel, and drive clicks and metrics were even higher,
conversions. with a 3% increase in clicks,
and a 3.3% and 2.8% lift in
transactions and revenue
Hosting a vast array of funnel. Decathlon UK ran respectively.
products and options on an A/B test across 400
your site may ensure that product pages, where Decathlon went even
you can meet all of your text highlighting how further in their post-test
customers’ needs, but it many views the product analysis, determining
can also lead to choice received was inserted that the social proof
paralysis; having too many between customer reviews approach worked better
things to consider to and product information. on lower priced items,
make effective decisions. To ensure the number rather than investment
How do you help get your was meaningful, this pieces like bicycles or skis.
customers situated? Social message appeared only Such learnings will help
proof messaging is one when the views exceeded Decathlon further their
website optimization and

avenue to consider. 20 occasions. Would the
knowledge that other promotional messaging in
Decathlon is a global shoppers were interested future campaigns, as well
sporting goods retailer in the same product as scaling the approach to

product views
operating in 52 countries encourage Decathlon’s other markets.
and selling more than consumers to click add to
10,000 products via cart?
their online store alone.

with social proof

Their team was keen to Indeed, it did! In fact, the
understand how social simple line of social-proof INDUSTRY
Retail, sporting goods
proof messaging — guiding messaging didn’t just
users via the endorsement increase clicks on the CTA, France
of their peers — could it also drove transactions FOUNDED
push their site visitors and revenue. For all 1976
further down the purchase audiences, clicks increased



Take advantage of free offer

Take advantage of free offer

Adopt a test-and-learn attitude to ensure Both variations delivered

improvement in click-
that website optimization is continually at
through rates over the
the forefront of your digital strategy, and duration of the test. The
deliver improvements that go above and first, by 13% and the second,
beyond on high-performing pages. by 26%. The success of the
second variation prompted
Even a high-performing a film and television rental Orange Maroc to hardcode
landing page can benefit program. The service was the modifications into
from new test ideas to well publicized and the their site, implementing
facilitate continuous benefits were clear, but permanent change
optimization. Adopting a the marketing team were to ensure continuing
test-and-learn approach looking to push conversion optimization.
can help you ensure that rates on the associated
your site is never stale and landing page. Working In this example, limiting
that you’re consistently with AB Tasty and their distractions – such as an
adapting to your customers’ handy WYSIWYG editor, overwhelmingly lengthy
ever-evolving shopping Orange Maroc designed fine print — led to a digital

Prioritize key
behaviors. It also helps to two landing page variations. product design that yields
minimize the amount of Both prioritized the benefits more leads and drives more
revenue left on the table, by of the new service, above conversions on the Orange
Maroc website.

landing page
driving every opportunity to all other information, and
convert. How do you ensure changed the CTA from
that your site remains “submit” to “take advantage
optimized? of free offer.” In re-working

the introduction to the
Orange Maroc, the Terms & Conditions text, INDUSTRY
Morrocco-based the second variation also
subsidiary of Orange drastically reduced the Morocco
telecommunications, length of this piece, leading FOUNDED
found themselves in this to a cleaner and more 1999
situation after the launch of concise landing page layout.


Thank you for your visit!

Help us improve our website


Do you like the Unicef.fr website?



According to you, which part of the homepage is the most useful?

Several answers

The Understand/Act menu

The search bar

Gather crucial feedback from your site’s visitors

using a simple exit intent pop-up, which
collects insights and identifies opportunities INDUSTRY
for further optimization. Nonprofit
Thanks to ever-increasing a crucial portal to engage FOUNDED
amounts of data and with donors and help 1946
equally sophisticated disseminate their advocacy
means of analysis, there work, so ensuring the
are now many ways to layout and features are survey campaign, they
understand user behavior optimized is essential to collected 310 responses, at
and engagement patterns their continuing work for a 3.6% response rate from
on your website. However, disadvantaged adolescents visitors to the site.
for the time being at least, and children.
these algorithms are unable The insights proved
to get inside the minds of With a website redesign incredibly useful; 30% of
your customers and are no approaching, UNICEF France respondents highlighted
replacement for a direct wished to get inside the the search bar as the
dialogue. Sometimes, minds of their customers, most useful feature of the
hearing directly from your and hear directly from homepage, so this was

Present exit site users can be the best them about their website made bigger in the site
way forward, it’s just a experience. Working with redesign. Overall, 92%
matter of finding the right AB Tasty, they developed a of survey respondents

intent pop-up
time to ask. Google form pop-up, which indicated that they liked the
triggered on exit intent and UNICEF homepage, leaving
UNICEF is a global nonprofit encouraged users to fill in a the organization secure in
organization operating in survey of open-ended and the knowledge that they
190 countries to advocate yes/no questions. had a solid working base
for and protect the rights of from which to develop their
every child. Their website is Over the six weeks of the site update.

So, there
you have it.
Fifty website optimization test ideas to drive
engagement, increase customer satisfaction, and
grow your business. We hope this guide can serve
as a source of inspiration when building your own
experimentation roadmap.

As you can no doubt tell from these 50 test ideas,

there are a host of things to consider when it comes
to conversion rate optimization, and this is just a
starting point. The only way to understand the ever-
changing habits and preferences of your customers
is to dive in, test, learn, and iterate.

Remember, experience optimization is and will

forever be a continuous process.


AB Tasty is a global leader in feature management, experimentation and

personalization solutions — enabling companies to validate ideas, while maximizing
impact, minimizing risk and accelerating time to market. More than 900 enterprises
use AB Tasty and Flagship solutions to align their marketing, product and engineering
teams and ensure increased efficiency, reduced costs and optimal end-user
experiences. Founded in 2010 in Paris, AB Tasty is built for enterprise businesses looking
to use controlled experimentation to implement only the best ideas to better serve
their end customers. AB Tasty has over 10 offices around the world and more than 200

To learn more, please visit www.abtasty.com.


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