Management of DredgedExcavated Sediment
Management of DredgedExcavated Sediment
Management of DredgedExcavated Sediment
: ETWB(W) 209/32/96
Group : 5, 12
15 August 2002
This Circular sets out the procedure for seeking approval to dredge/excavate
sediment and the management framework for marine disposal of such sediment.
Effective Date
4. This Circular should be read in conjunction with WBTC No. 12/2000 "Fill
5. WBTC No. 22/92 and 3/2000 become obsolete with immediate effect. For
dredged/excavated sediment disposal proposals previously approved in accordance with
WBTC No. 22/92 or 3/2000, re-testing of sediment in accordance with this Circular will be
required for projects if the time lapse between commencement of sampling and
commencement of construction works is more than 3 years, unless the re-testing requirement
is waived by DEP.
8. The allocation of sediment disposal space at sea will not be considered until
the need for removal of the sediment has first been satisfactorily demonstrated. The rationale
for sediment removal must therefore be provided to the Secretary of MFC for agreement, as
early as possible, preferably at the Environmental Impact Assessment Stage, if one is
conducted. Volumes of Category L sediment (see Appendix A) below 50,000 m3 are
exempted from this requirement.
10. In all other cases, project proponents shall plan their projects on the
assumption of keeping the mud in place. Time for consolidation of mud, with treatment if
necessary, and consequential programme constraints shall be allowed for in programming.
Additional time required for consolidation of mud left in place will not be accepted as
justification for mud dredging. MFC will scrutinise applications for exemption taking into
account factors including the practicality of performance specifications, completeness of risk
management strategies, and comprehensiveness of option assessments including
consideration of new technology. Where cost is considered, the estimation must include a
fair and complete estimate of all cost components, including the actual cost of mud disposal
(obtainable from MFC Secretariat) and necessary dredging and transportation, disposal
management, monitoring and other associated activities.
11. DEP, as the Authority under the Dumping at Sea Ordinance Cap. 466 (DASO),
will classify sediments based on their contaminant levels with reference to the Chemical
Exceedance Levels (CEL) laid down in Appendix A.
12. Guidelines on the initial data assessment, the sampling and testing procedures,
the biological test criteria, and the submission requirements are set out in Appendix B. DEP
may waive the sediment sampling and testing requirements in cases of:
Previously obtained data or known history of the sediment in the vicinity should be submitted
to DEP for consideration of the most appropriate arrangements for handling these materials.
13. Upon agreement of the rationale for sediment removal by the Secretary of
MFC, the project proponent (government department or office) or its consultant shall, in
consultation with DEP, assess whether the existing data can conclusively demonstrate that the
sediment1 is suitable for open sea disposal. If no such conclusion can be drawn, the project
proponent must submit proposals for sampling and chemical testing of the sediment to DEP
for approval. The proposals shall be copied to the Secretary of MFC, together with details of
the anticipated disposal requirements.
14. Upon completion of the sampling and chemical testing, the project proponent
shall submit a Preliminary Sediment Quality Report (PSQR) to DEP with a copy to the
Secretary of MFC. This report shall include the sampling details, the chemical testing results,
quality control records, proposed classification and delineation of sediment according to
Appendix A, and the information and/or records as specified by DEP in his approval of
sediment sampling and testing plan.
15. If Category M sediment and/or certain Category H sediment are found in the
sediment, the project proponent will be required to carry out a biological screening in
accordance with Section 3 of Appendix B, and submit a formal Sediment Quality Report
(SQR) to DEP for approval. This must be done at least 3 months prior to the dredging
contract being tendered or at least 2 months prior to the works order for maintenance
dredging being issued. In cases where biological screening is not required, subject to the
approval of DEP, the PSQR will be deemed to be the formal SQR.
16. At the time of approval of the SQR, DEP will specify the period beyond which
the reliability of the SQR data must be reviewed. This period starts on the actual date of
commencement of sampling and will be not less than three years. The project proponent
shall obtain DEP's prior agreement to the review methodology and sampling locations.
"The sediment" in paragraph 13 and subsequent paragraphs refers to the dredged/excavated sediment for
disposal under a project/contract as proposed by the project proponent.
17. The project proponent must schedule the preparation of the SQR or its
subsequent review in such a way that the SQR will still be reliable for a reasonable period of
time after the award of the contract, to allow the contractor to apply for a dumping permit.
The project proponent should also include a particular specification clause in the contract to
draw the contractor's attention to the requirement that the SQR must still be reliable at the
time of applying for a dumping permit under the DASO. The clause should also state the
expiry date of the reliability period of the current SQR and that it is the contractor's
responsibility for carrying out, at his own expense, any work required to extend the reliability
period of the SQR should he fail to apply for a dumping permit before the expiry date.
18. MFC will determine the most appropriate open sea or confined marine
disposal site on the basis of the chemical and biological test results and formally allocate
disposal space in accordance with the flow chart in Appendix C. For projects with disposal
requirements of less than 50,000 m3 Category L sediment, the allocation of disposal space has
been delegated to DEP. The project proponent may request the Secretariat of MFC to
provisionally indicate an appropriate marine disposal site or sites after the rationale for
sediment removal has been agreed. An estimate of the volume and quality of sediment to be
dredged, supported by available ground investigation and testing data, should be provided to
the Secretary of MFC at the time of submission of the request. The contract document should
include the disposal requirements from MFC & DEP, and relevant guidelines given under
Notes (1) to (6) in Appendix C.
19. DEP controls dumping at sea by means of DASO permits which are issued to
contractors or other parties responsible for the disposal of dredged/excavated sediment. The
contractor who will be undertaking the works must make a formal application to DEP for a
dumping permit, and if the permit is granted, it will be the contractor's responsibility to
ensure that the permit conditions are met to DEP's satisfaction.
20. Any queries regarding this Circular or related issues should be directed to the
MFC Secretariat (Tel. no.: 2762 5397) or the Waste and Water Management Group (WMG) of
EPD (Tel. no.: 2835 1287).
( W S Chan )
Arsenic (As) 12 42
* The contaminant level is considered to have exceeded the UCEL if it is greater than the
value shown.
Category L: Sediment with all contaminant levels not exceeding the Lower Chemical
Exceedance Level (LCEL). The material must be dredged, transported and
disposed of in a manner which minimizes the loss of contaminants either into
solution or by resuspension.
Category M: Sediment with any one or more contaminant levels exceeding the Lower
Chemical Exceedance Level (LCEL) and none exceeding the Upper Chemical
Exceedance Level (UCEL). The material must be dredged and transported
with care, and must be effectively isolated from the environment upon final
disposal unless appropriate biological tests demonstrate that the material will
not adversely affect the marine environment.
Category H: Sediment with any one or more contaminant levels exceeding the Upper
Chemical Exceedance Level (UCEL). The material must be dredged and
transported with great care, and must be effectively isolated from the
environment upon final disposal.
The purpose of these guidelines is to set out the requirements for assessing, sampling,
testing and categorising the sediment. The sampling and testing procedures are critical to the
accurate evaluation of the sediment contamination, and close supervision by the project
proponent is therefore necessary. All project departments/offices, consultants, developers or
contractors (hereinafter called the "project proponent") must comply with these requirements
when notifying Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Marine Fill Committee
(MFC) of an intention to dredge/excavate and dispose of the sediment.
The sampling and testing procedures and the subsequent submission of a Sediment
Quality Report normally require 8 months to complete.
The project proponent shall submit a formal proposal to DEP and copy to the
Secretary of MFC in the Civil Engineering Department. The proposal should
contain the following information:
(ii) plan showing detailed location and boundary of the dredging/excavation site;
(vii) other available site specific information (e.g. sediment grain size, total
organic carbon (TOC), geotechnical data and previous testing results).
(i) the information is sufficient to conclude that the sediment is suitable for
open sea disposal and the submission can be accepted as a formal Sediment
Quality Report; or
The project proponent shall submit for approval a test proposal to DEP and copy to
the Secretary of MFC. The proposal should contain the following information :
(ii) plan showing detailed location and boundary of the dredging/excavation site;
(iv) the anticipated timetable for taking the sample, carrying out the tests, and
producing the Sediment Quality Report for chemical & biological screening;
(v) a plan showing the area to be dredged, the locations to be sampled and their
Hong Kong metric grid coordinates;
(vi) a schedule of the types of samples to be taken (e.g. grab samples, gravity
coring, piston samples, vibrocores, etc.) with their locations and depths;
The size of samples collected should be adequate for this tier of chemical
testing as well as the next tier of biological testing described in subsequent
Unless otherwise specified, all samples shall be tested for all the
contaminants (except Tributytin (TBT)) stated in Table 1 - Analytical
Methodology at the end of this Appendix. Analysis for other contaminants,
such as TBT, Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT), other organo-
chlorine compounds, and other hazardous chemicals which arise from
specific industrial discharge or spillage, may also be required by DEP in
areas where contamination by such compounds is suspected. The composite
samples for biological testing should also be tested for moisture content,
grain size (% <63µm), TOC and ammonia (as mgN/L) and salinity in
All sampling bottles should be labelled with the station number, sample
length, diameter and depth, sampling date and time, together with a full
description of the sample.
* Heavy duty plastic bags may be used for the storage of sediment sample
for testing metals, metalloid and biological response.
The samples should be kept at 4°C in the dark and should not be frozen. All
samples should be promptly analysed. If this is impractical, the
recommended maximum holding time is:
There is no need to proceed to Tier III for Category L sediment. However, the
project proponent must proceed to Tier III for further analysis of Category M and
certain Category H sediment. For the latter, Tier III screening is only required if
one or more contaminant levels exceed 10 times the Lower Chemical Exceedence
Level (LCEL).
The purpose of Tier III screening is to identify the most appropriate disposal option for
Category M and certain Category H sediments.
The project proponent shall submit for approval a test proposal to DEP and copy
to the Secretary of MFC. The proposal should contain the following information :
The test endpoints and decision criteria are summarized in Table 2 at the end of
this Appendix. The sediment is deemed to have failed the biological test if it fails
in any one of the three toxicity tests.
Only ecologically relevant species should be used for carrying out the biological
screening tests. The species to be used for each type of test can be selected from
the following:
Echinoderm :
Dendraster excentricus PSEP(1995)
The biological test shall include appropriate quality assurance/quality control such as:
Submission requirements
Upon completion of each stage of screening (chemical and biological), the project
proponent shall submit to DEP and copy to the Secretary of MFC a report on the results
covering all tests conducted so far. The report should include the following information
where appropriate:
− Dates of analysis
− Analytical methods and detection limits
− Tabulated sample results with units, including reporting basis (e.g., wet,
dry, TOC normalized)
− QA/QC results
− Explanations for all departures from the standard protocols and
discussion of possible effects on the data
− Test species information such as the source, size, history and age of test
− Source of control seawater and control sediment used, including any
− Preparation procedures for test sediment sample and test organisms
− Test conditions for each test including any deviation from standard
procedures and discussion of possible effects on the data
− Water quality measurement during testing
− QA/QC results
− Effect measurements, end point results and their statistical significance
(mg/kg dry wt.)
(µg/kg dry wt.)
(µg/kg dry wt.)
Footnotes: (i) The reporting limits shown in this table are the most stringent limits which
will be specified by DEP. Project proponents should consult DEP on the
required limits in the preparation of proposals for sampling and chemical
testing of the sediment.
(ii) Other equivalent methods may be used subject to the approval of DEP.
Table 2 - Test Endpoints and Decision Criteria for Tier III Biological Screening
Statistically significant differences should be determined using appropriate two-sample
comparisons (e.g., t-tests) at a probability of p≤0.05.
Dry weight means total dry weight after deducting dead and missing worms.
Normality survival integrates the normality and survival end points, and measures
survival of only the normal larvae relative to the starting number.
Sediment to be Disposed of
Data Indicates
Little or No
Tier I
Desk Top Study
of Available Data
Tier II
Chemical Screening
(1) Most open sea disposal sites are multi-user facilities and as a consequence their
management involves a flexibility to accommodate varying and unpredictable
circumstances. Contract documents should include provisions to allow the
same degree of flexibility should it be necessary to divert from one disposal site
to another during the construction period of a contract.
(2) Dedicated Sites will be monitored to confirm that there is no adverse impact.
(3) For sediment requiring Type 2 or Type 3 disposal, contract documents should
state the allocation conditions of MFC and DEP. At present, East Sha Chau
mud pits are designated for confined marine disposal.
(4) If any sediment suitable for Type 3 disposal (Category H sediment failing the
biological dilution test) is identified, it is the responsibility of the project
proponent, in consultation with DEP, to identify and agree with him/her, the
most appropriate treatment and/or disposal arrangement. Such a proposal is
likely to be very site and project specific and therefore cannot be prescribed.
This will not preclude treatment of this sediment to render it suitable for
confined marine disposal.
(5) The allocation of disposal space may carry a requirement for the project
proponent to arrange for chemical analysis of the sediment sampled from 5% of
the vessels en-route to the disposal site. For Category M and certain Category
H sediment, the chemical tests will be augmented by biological tests. Vessel
sampling will normally entail mixing five samples to form a composite sample
from the vessel and undertaking laboratory tests on this composite sample. All
marine disposal sites will be monitored under the general direction of the Civil
Engineering Department. However, exceptionally large allocations might
require some additional disposal site monitoring. These will be stipulated at the
time of allocation.
(6) Trailer suction hopper dredgers disposing of sediment at East Sha Chau must
use a down-a-pipe disposal method, the design of which must be approved in
advance by DCE. The dredging contractor must provide equipment for such