Alphajet: Inkjet Printers
Alphajet: Inkjet Printers
Alphajet: Inkjet Printers
Continuous inkJET technology from KBA-Metronic in
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Inkjet printers
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E-mail: [email protected]
11/2008-e. Printed in Germany
The continuous inkJET technology from KBA-Metronic –
Subject to technical and design changes. A complete overview of the alphaJET product range
Our agent:
1008.8902 - 11.2008
KBA-Metronic AG InkJET technology Concept
KBA-Metronic offers
the right solution for
applications in all industries.
conomical, easy to use, extremely High precision printing using proven The whole ink system has a simple but Unrivalled economy Versatile print head
E efficient and robust, the alphaJET
series inkjet printers are ideal for indus-
The alphaJET series works on the basis
robust design and is therefore extremely
reliable. Ink bottles can also be refilled
The low solvent consumption of the
alphaJET C, alphaJET C-HS and alpha-
Thanks to the 48-dot matrix print
head of the alphaJET C can print up to
trial applications. The alphaJET has of the non-contact continuous inkJET at any time during print operation so JET C4 in comparison with competitor six lines with the option of shifting
been among the technological leaders process. In this process, a conductive production downtimes are minimized. products is particularly impressive. individual pixel by pixel enabling super-
on the international market for many ink is pressed through a nozzle by Through the integrated recovery script and subscript characters in multi-
years. As a high-precision marking means of an integrated pump, thus system the solvent not required for line texts.
system they are successfully used in all generating an ink jet. A piezo element printing is fed back into the unit. This
major industries by global market lea- develops ultrasound vibrations which The continuous inkJET process – droplet rupture delivers the enormous cost-effectiveness Text can also be applied in a 90 degree
ders throughout the world. divide the ink flow into small droplets. can be monitored during operation by means of of the alphaJET C, which uses less than rotated position. There is a free choice
A defined charge is then applied to the the sight glass built into the print head. 2 ml of solvent per hour at an ambient of font matrix with heights from 0.8 -
The freely programmable inkJET marking droplets at the point of rupture. The temperature of 20° C. This value has 15 mm. All marking requirements can
technology from KBA-Metronic is droplets then pass through a high- been confirmed by an independent be met, from multi-line prints to high-
extremely versatile and the alphaJET is voltage field which diverts the charged study. quality logos or codes.
also suitable for a wide range of sub- droplets accordingly. This diversion
strates. This diversity enables its use in determines where the droplets are The low consumption also considerably
an extremely wide range of industries, placed on the substrate. Non-charged reduces emissions and hence the expo-
e.g. food, drink, pharmaceutical, cab- droplets are not diverted and go into sure of employees to fumes. Companies
ling, automotive and printing. a gutter, from where they are pumped are therefore well set to comply with
back into the ink system. future workplace directives and regula-
Innovative solutions for all tasks: Text can be
applied in two axial directions in one pass.
KBA-Metronic AG InkJET technology Operation
Efficient easy to operate technology Right from the word go, the KBA-Metro- Integration made easy
The test of any technology is its conti- nic technology stands out for its high The open interface protocol makes
nued use in everyday applications. The reliability and minimal start-up times, integration of the printer into existing
winning features of the inkjet printers even after a period of inactivity of production lines easier. The program-
from KBA-Metronic are simple operation several days. ming language developed by KBA-
and the ease with which they can be Metronic can be customised for each
integrated into all production lines. Users like the ergonomic membrane key- installation, with standard routines
board terminal and the clearly designed easily adapted to local requirements. Precise marking on objects with non plane surfaces. Two networked alphaJET C allow marking with two A wide range of materials and surfaces such as
graphic user interface. Here the user can The adaptive system software makes it different colors in one pass. films, glass, metal, plastic, paper etc. can be
marked with an alphaJET.
enter data texts, code numbers and easier to handle errors in the production
logos in WYSIWYG mode. If required, the process and allows the fastest response
terminal can be positioned separately times possible.
from the printer – allowing the user to The users of continuous inkJET • Extremely easy operation via terminal • Easy topping up of consumables
find the ideal position even where Efficiency in all applications printers from KBA-Metronic enjoy or PC software • Non-contact printing process
installation conditions are difficult. The inkjet printers from KBA-Metronic the following benefits: • 1 to 6 line print image, font size up providing top printing quality even
can be used just as efficiently for simple • Easy integration into any production to 15 mm, resolution up to 48 dots. with maximum print head clearance
To simplify the workload a handscanner applications – such as printing dates – line • Freely programmable • High quality print even on irregular
can be installed with the capability: as for complicated applications in which • Practically emissions-free operation • Two-line operation possible with surfaces
• to call up various memory texts from the alphaJET is networked with a PC, thanks to the solvent recovery system independent data • Diverse range of inks also suitable for
the alphaJET that can then be printed, control unit, barcode reader, traversing integrated as standard (alphaJET C) • Easy connection of peripherals applications in sensitive areas (e.g.
• to insert variable elements in a text systems or other peripheral units. • Most economical consumption of • Possibility of networking additional food and pharmaceutical production)
An alphaJET C dual-head unit is incorporated into with new data, solvent in its class print devices via just one terminal • optimised price/performance ratio
a Universys from KBA-Metronic, a personalization • to activate various existing configu- • Maintenance-friendly thanks to • Simple selection from a number of
system for individual cards. rations saved on the alphaJET. modular design standard print programs
KBA-Metronic AG InkJET technology Features KBA-Metronic AG InkJET technology Technical data
Complete overview
of the
product range
Housing material Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Weight 27 kg 27 kg 45 kg 26 kg
Dimensions of terminal 1 installed installed 99 x 250 x 218 mm installed
Dimensions of print head 1 169 x 40 x 40 mm 155 x 40 x 40 mm 169 x 40 x 40 mm 169 x 40 x 40 mm
Length of print head supply line 4 m (option of 2 m or 6 m) 4 m (option of 2 m or 6 m) 4 m (option of 2 m or 6 m) 4m
Electrical connection 115 / 230 V +/- 10 % 115 / 230 V +/- 10 % 115 / 230 V +/- 10 % 115 / 230 V +/- 10 %
50 / 60 Hz; 1,0 / 0,5 A 50 / 60 Hz; 1,0 / 0,5 A 50 / 60 Hz; 4,0 / 2,0 A 50 / 60 Hz; 1,0 / 0,5 A
Operating temperature +10°C to +35°C (dep. on ink) +10°C to +35°C (dep. on ink) +10°C to +35°C (dep. on ink) +5°C to +45°C (dep. on ink)
Relative air humidity (max.) 90%, non-condensing 90%, non-condensing 90%, non-condensing 90%, non-condensing
Compressed air required no no no no
1 (H x W x D)