Indian History Through The Ages Medieval India: Module - 3
Indian History Through The Ages Medieval India: Module - 3
Indian History Through The Ages Medieval India: Module - 3
A. Language is a medium through which we express our thoughts. Lilerature is a mirror that reflects
ideas and philosophies.
To know any particular culture and its tradition it is very important that we understand the evolution
of its languages and the various forms of literature.
After the development of language to pass it on from one generation to the other, man used hugae
literary base.
Hense, to know any particular culture and its traditions it is very important that we understand the
evolution of its languages and various forms of literature.
2. Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Dharma sutras are all written in different forms of sanskrit.
5. It was sanskrit that gave impetus to the study of liguistes scienlifically during 18th century.
6. There is no part of India that has not contributed to or been affected by this language.
7. Sanskrit is perhaps the only one language that transcended the barriers of regions and boundries.
3. What does the word "veda" mean? Name the four Veda.
6. What in the meaning of upanishads ? Nama same important upanishads.
A.1. The word upanishad is derived from upa (near), and nishad (to sit down), that is "sitting down
near" Groups of people sit near the Guru to learn vedas from him in the Guru shishya tradition.
6. They deal with Questions like the origin of the universe, life and death, the material and spiritual
world, nature of knowledge and many other question.
7. The earliest upanishds are the Brihaderanyaka and chhandogya. They are the important
7. Name two ancient epics written in sanskrit and explain about them ?
A.1. The great epics are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
A.1. Puranas are regarded next in importance only to vedas and epics.
3. Some of the well known puranas are - Brahma, Bhagavat, Padma, vishnu, vayu, Agni, Matsya
and Garuda.
4. Puranas are mythical works which propogate religious and spritual messages.
5. They are full of myths, stories, legends and sermons that were meant for the education and
edification of the common people.
6. The puranas follow the lines of epics.
7. These puranas contain importnat geographical information / histories and deal with the mysteries
of creation, recreation and dynastic geneology.
4. Each birth story is called Jataka.
5. Jatakas throw invaluable light on the social and economic conditions ranging from 6th century
6. They also make incidental reference to political events in the age of Budda.
A. 1. The law books called Dharmasutras and smritis, together known as Dharma sastras.
4. They also prescribe the rules according to which property had to be held, sold and in herited.
6. The manusmriti tells about the role of man and women in society, their code of conduct and
relationship with each other.
A.1. Tamil as a written language was known since the beginning of the christian era.
2. Sangama literature was produced in the early four centuries of the christian era.
4. Poets who assembled in colleges patronised by the kings and chieftains produced the sangama
6. They are about 30,000 lines of poetry, which are arranged in eight anthologies called 'Ettuttokoi".
7. Besides sangama text, we have a text called Tolkkappiyam, which deals with grammer and
14. The vijaya nagara period was the golden age of Telugu literature - Explain.
A.1. The Vijayanagara period was the golden age of Telugu literature.
2. Nachana Somana, a court poet of Bukki, produced a poetical work titled Uttaraharivamsam.
4. Eight Telugu literary lumanaries known as ashadiggajas, adorned his court.
6. A new style called prabandha in Telugu literature was started during this period.
1. A part from Telugu Vijayanagara rulers extented their patronage to knnada literature and
4. The earliest known literacy work in Kannada is Kavirajamarg written by Rashtrakuta king,
Nripatunga A moghavarsha 1.
5. Pampa, known as the father of Kannada wrote his great poetic works.
Pampa, Ponna and Ranna were two other poets were great poets earned the little Ratnatraya.
(Three gems)
7. Kannada literature flourished considerably between 14th and 16th centuraries under the
patranage of the vijayanagara kings.
4. Bhasa Kautilya, acommentary on Artha sastra and Kokasandisan are two great works.
5. Rama, Panikkar and Ramanijan Ezhuthachan are well known authors of Malayalam literature.
6. Though it developes much later compared to other south Indian languages, Malayalam has
made a mark as a powerful medium of expression.
7. Now a large number of Journals, newspapers and Magazines are published in Malayalam.
17. What are the differences in between Puranas and epics?
4. Puranas propogate religious and spiritual messages through parables and fables.
8. Puranas are meant for the education and edification of the common people.
3. This classification has been made on the basis of literature produced by great poets over a
length of time.
4. The language used by sudras and Bihari has been given the name of Braj Bhashas.
5. The language which is used in Rama Charita manasa is called Avadhi by Tulasidas.
7. Amir Khusrar has used Khadi Boli in his composition in 13th century.
19. How did Urdu and Parsian are originated and developed ?
2. After the conquest of Delhi (1192). The Thurkish people settled in this region. Urdu was born
out of the interaction of these settlers with the common people.
5. It acquired all the features of a formal language.
6. It was committed to writing, the authors used persion script, tradition and even grammer.
7. During Midival period persian was adotpted as the court language.
8. Several historical accounts, administrative manuels and allied literature in persian language has
come down to us.
9. All the works of persian language became a part of Indian heritage and culture.
22. What in the influence of Bhakti movement on North Indian literature ? or How did
North Indian literature influenced by Bhaktimovement ?
A.1 During 12th and 13th centuries its influence reached the north, it started affecting litercture
2. Poetry became largely devotional in nature.
3. New situations and new words were added to the literature.
2. Tulesidas poetry contained a laguege which was of that region and new seenes and situations.
4. Though it is said that Tulasidas wrote Ramacharitha Manasa on valmiki's Ramayana, he also
alters situations and add quite a few new scenes and situation based on folklore.
5. For Example, Sita's exile is valmiki's version but it is not mentioned in Tulasi's account.
3. Chanting his name was the be-all and end-all for him.
4. Kabir moved from place to place and hense, his poetry contained Persian and Urduwords as
5. The Bhakti movement which was started in southern India reached the north.
A.1. It is only with the begining of 19the centrury that Hindiprose came to existence.
3. Dramas in Hindi which were basically translations of texts written in Sanskrit and other
5. The authors like Bharatendu Harischandra, Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi made adoption to Hindi
26. What are the contributions of Swami Dayanand to Hind ?
2. Originally Gujarathi, he advocated Hindi as a common language for the whole India.
He wrote in order to reform the Hindu society and rid it of false beliefs and social evils.
27. Who is the first women writer in Hindi ? Mention her works.
A.1. The Baptist mission press was established at serampore near Calcutta in 1800 A.D.
2. It provided Training to civil servents of the East India company law, customs, religions languages
and literatures of India.
4. In this regard, a avery important land mark was achieved by willam carey who published an
English Bengali diction aryand a grammer of Bengal.
5. Although the aim of the press run by the missionaries was mainly to propogate christian faith
but other presses run local people helped in flourishing of non-christian literature.
6. Scores of Pamphlets, small and big books and Journals were produced.
29. What are services of william towards Bangali ?
A.1. Willam carey is a foreigner who served for the Bengali language.
2. His achievement are an important landmark in the development of Bengali literature.
3. He wrote a grammer of Bengali.
4. He published an English - Bengali dictionary.
5. He wrote books on dialogues and stories.
6. Dictionaries guide the writers as to the correctness of a sentence and also help them infinding
suitable words for a particular situations and ideas.
31. How did the influence of western ideas on literature of other languages ?
A.1. The influence of western ideas on Bengali literature is important.
2. Upto 1800, the most of litrature produced was limited to religion or courtly literature.
3. The western influence brought the writers close to the man in the street.
4. The subjects were mundane.
5. Some religious literature was also produced but it hardly said any thing new.
32. How the nationalism was reflected on literature of 19th and 20th centruries.
A.1. The final years of 19th century and first half of the 20th century saw a new subject, nationalism
being taken up.
2. Two things were seen in this new trend.
3. The first was the love for old history and culture and an awareness of the facts of British
4. The second was a clarion call for arousing the Indians to drive out of foreigners.
5. The new trend was expressed by subramanya Bharathi in Tamil and Qwazi Nazrul Islam in
6. The new Trends were followed by the writers.
7. The contributions of these two writers in arousing the nationalistic sentiment almost in all
35. How was Marathi language formed ? Mention some popular writers in Marathi literature.
A.1. Maharastra is situated on a plataue, so large number of local dialects grew in this region.
2. Marathi grew out of these local dialects.
3. The earliest Marethi poetry and prose by scient Jnaneswar (Gianeswar).
4. He wrote a long commentary on Bhagaved Gita.
5. He started the Kirtan tradition in Maharastra.
6. Namdev, Gora, Sena and Janabai popularised the Marathi language.
10. The closing years of the 19th century saw a real upsurge in the Marathi literature.
11. Tukarama, Bhakti poet, Balgangadhar Tilak, Keshav sul, V.Schiplunkar, Hari Narayan Apte,
Agarkar, H.G. Salgaokar, M.G.Ranade are all prominent poets and writers in Marathi literature.
5. One Lal Ded, who lived in the 14th century, who was probably the first to sing in the Kasmiri
8. Haba khatoon, Mahjoor, Zindakaul, Noor Din, Akhtar Mohiuddin etc wrote devotional poetry
in Kashmiri.
10. There was widespread poverty and economic back wardness led to lack of good literature in
A.1. The role of missonaries cannot be denied in the development of Indian literature.
2. The dictonaries of various languages and books in grammer were printed by missianaries at
II. Short Questions (3 Marks)
1. Examplain the importance of Sanskrit.
1. Sanskrit is the mother of many Indian languages.
2. Sanskrit is the ancient lanugage of our country.
3. Sanskrit language overcomes regions and boundaries.
It is perhaps the only one language that transceded the barriers of regians and boundaries.
4. Atmost every language is influenced by Sanskrit
5. There is no part of India that has contributed to or been affected by this language.
6. Vedas, upanishads, Puranas and Dharma sutras were written in sanskrit.
3. What are the uses of vedas ? What are the upangas of Vedas ?
A.1. Vedangas are used to understand vedas
2. They are in the form of upadeshas.
3. The vedangas are 1. Sisha 2. Vyakarana 3. Kalpam 4. Niruktam 5. Chandassu 6. Jyotish
4. What are Brahmanakas ?
A.1. After vedas Brahmanakas were developed.
2. These books gave a detailed explantion of vedic rituals and instruction.
3. The Aranyakas which are appendics to Brahmanas, laid the basis of a more philosophical
4. All these works were in seanskrit. They were handed down orally and were put to writing
much later.
3. Ramayana is Adi kavyam and Maharshi valmiki is Adikavi.
4. Mahabharatha was written by vyasa.
5. It was called 'Jaya' or the collection dealing with victor.
7. In which languages are the earliest Buddist and Jain texts written ?
A.1. The earliest Buddist works were written in Pali.
2. These religious books contain of Jains and Buddists refer to historical persons or incidents.
3. Jain literature was written Prakrit language.
8. Which Book contains Dharmasutras and smritis ? Which book belongs to this category.
A.1. The book which contain Dharmasutras and smritis is Dharma sastra.
2. This book deals with various sciences, law, medicine and grammer.
3. To this class the law books also.
9. Which book helps to understand North Indian's social and cultural life ?
A.1. The works of Bhasa, sudraka, Kalidas and Banabhatta provid us with the glimse of the social
and cultural life of north and central India of Gupta and Harsha.
2. They depict the rule of Gupatas and Harsha.
3. They give the knowledge of state of society and Ancient Indian polity and economy.
11. Write a short notes on sangam literature.
A.1. Sangam literature developed during the first four centuries.
2. Poets who assembled in colleges patronised by kings and chiftains produced the samgam
3. These colleges were called 'Sangamas' and the literature produced here was called sangam
4. They are secular in nature and of a very high quality.
5. The sangam literature is has historical importance.
12. Who are the poets patronised by vijayanagara kings. What are their works.
A.1. A part from Telugu, vijayanagara rulers extended their patronage to kannada and sanskrit
writers as well
2. Many Jain scholars were patronage by them.
3. Among Jain scholars Madhava wrote 'Dharmanath purana on the 15 Tirthankaras.
Another Jain scholar, Uritta vilasa wrote Dharma parikshe.
14. Who are Retne traya in Kannada. What are their works.
A. As kavitrayam in Telugu lilerature together Pampa, Ponna and Ranna earned the litele of
Ratnatrayam (the threegems)
Pampa wrote Adipurana and vikramarka vijayam, Santi purana by Ranna, Ranna wrote
Ajitanatha Purana.
16. Who are the famous poets in urdu and write about Iqbal.
A.1. The famous urdu poets are Galib, Zauq Hali and Iqbal.
2. Iqbal's urdu poetry is available in his collection called Bang-i-dara.
3. His sarejahase Achecha Hindustan Hamanra is sung in all national celebrations.
4. No army parede is considered complete without the army band playing this tune.
18. What was the base of 'Ramacharitha manas', written by Tulasidas? What are the
similarities and differences in between the original work.
A.1. Ramacharita manas was written by Tulasidas.
2. It is based on valmikis Ramayana.
3. He alters some situations and add quite a few new scenes based on folk lore.
4. For example exile in valmiki's versian but not mentioned in Tulasidas' account.
So also Tulasidas has deified his hero Rama while the hero of valmiki is a human being.
19. What is the role of literature in the inculcation of national integration during modern
A.1. The Final years of the Nineteenth century and the first half of the 20th century saw a new
subject, nationalism being takenup.
2. Two things were seen in this new trend.
3. The first was love for old history and culture and an awareness of the facts of British exploilation.
4. The second was a clarion call for arousing the Indians to driveout the foreigners, both by
persuation and force.
5. This new trend expressed the nationalistic feeling through the different ways of literature.
20. What in the language, seen in Gurumukhi and Persian ?
2. Gurumukhi script was almost limited to Adi Granth, the holy book of sikhs.
4. Some other contemporary poets, mostly sufi saints used to sing in this language.
5. In this context the first name is that of Farid His poetry has found in a place in the Adigranth.
4. The credit for creating literature in sindhi goes to Mirza kalish beg and Kaurumal.
14. Give an account of important upanishads ?
39. What are the words found in Kabir writings ? What is the reason? (why?)
40. Which part of Tulasi Ramayana was altered by Tulasidas but it is in valmiki Ramayana.
61. What are the hinderances for the development of Kashmir literature ?
62. What is the role of disctonaries and Grammer book in the development of language ?
IV. Fill in the blanks (1 mark)
1. .......... is the root of many Indian languages.
26. In the world of Hindi literature .......... was famous.
1. Vedas ( ) a. Vedantas
2. Upanishads ( ) b. Epics
3. Puranas ( ) c. Branches of Vedas
4. Itihasas ( ) d. Three baskets
5. Tripitakas ( ) E. Ramayana, Mahabharata
1. Haribhadrasuri ( ) a. Arthasastra
2. Kalidas ( ) b. Jain scholar
3. Kautilya ( ) c. Abhignana Sakuntalam
4. Legadha Charya ( ) d. Budda Charitran
5. Aswaghosha ( ) E. Jyotish scholar
1. Surdas ( ) a. Vandemataram
2. Tulasidas ( ) b. Sursagar
Multiple Choise
a) 18 b) 22 c) 17 d) 20
7. The first poet in Kannada ( )
a) Malla b) Mahadeviverma
c) Honnamma d) Meerabhai
8. The lithographic printing press was started ( )
a) 19th century b) 14 Century
c) 11th century d) 20th century
9. The poet who wrote devotional songs in Kashmiri ( )
a) Nuruddine b) Jinda Kavl c) Lalded d) Mahajur
10. The famous Novel of K.M. Munshi ( )
a) Saraswati chandra b) Prithivellabha
c) Sasi Punnu d) Heera-Ranjah
III. Answers
1. The sanskrit is the Ancient Language in India.
2. The Languages recognised by constitution of India 22
3. Oldest veda - Regveda
4. Kalhana
5. Veda means knowledge.
6. Vedas-4- 1. Regveda, 2. Yajurveda 3. Atharva veda, 4. Samaveda
7. The Hymns in Regveda - 1028
8. Concerned with rites and man tras of different sacrifieces.
9. 2 Major branches. (1) Sukla yajurveda 2. Krishna yajurveda
10. 16,000 Ragas.
11. Atharvveda contains treatment for 99 diseases.
12. Aranyakas
13. Sitting down near Guru
14. Brihadaranyaka and chhandogya upanishads.
15. Maharshi valmiki
16. Named after one of the earliest vedic tribes
17. Valmiki and Vyasa maharshies
18. 18 Purnas
20. Tripitakas
23. Budda Precticiers dharma passed through more than 550 births.
31. Honnamma
33. Avadhi
34. Khushru
42. Nandadas, Raheem, Bhushan
50. William
56. The portuguese missionaries started using marathi for peaching their gospel.
62. Printing of dictonaries and books on grammer helpled missionaries and development of local
IV. 1. Sanskrit 2. Regvedam
3. 22 4. Astadhayee
5.Early literature 6. Knowledge
7. Regveda 8. Sacrifise or Bali
9. melody or songs 10. Brhaveda
11. Upadesa 12. Vedas
13. Ramayana, Mahabharatha 14. Satasahasra Samhita
15. Eternal and devine revelations 16. Three baskets
17. Palilanguage 18. Hari bhadrasuri
19. Abhignana sakuntala 20. Geeta Govindam
21. Kathasarisagar 22. Maithili
23. as a dialect 24. Around Delhi
25. Pandit Rachan Sirshar 26. Prem chand
27. Prithive Raj Raso 28. Rakshan
29. Institutionalised 30. 19th century
31. William religion Carry 32. Geethanjali
33. Subramanya Bharathi 34. Burajis
35. Fakir mohan, Senapalli 36. Guru nank
37. Persian 38. Prithi vallabha
39. Rajastani language 40. Devotional songs
41. Sufis 42. Adigranath
43. Kirthana tradition 44. Harinarayan Apte, Agakar
45. 14th
V. 1. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. E
2. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. E 5.D
3. 1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5.A
4. 1.B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A
5. 1.B 2. B 3.C 4.A 5. B