The document discusses various topics related to plant anatomy and taxonomy including:
1. It discusses three main root systems - tap root system, fibrous root system, and adventitious root system.
2. It also discusses stem modifications like runners, stolons, offsets, and suckers.
3. Additionally, it covers leaf anatomy, types of phyllotaxy, and examples of simple and compound leaves.
4. Finally, it discusses floral characteristics, reproductive structures, and economic importance of three plant families - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Liliaceae.
The document discusses various topics related to plant anatomy and taxonomy including:
1. It discusses three main root systems - tap root system, fibrous root system, and adventitious root system.
2. It also discusses stem modifications like runners, stolons, offsets, and suckers.
3. Additionally, it covers leaf anatomy, types of phyllotaxy, and examples of simple and compound leaves.
4. Finally, it discusses floral characteristics, reproductive structures, and economic importance of three plant families - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Liliaceae.
The document discusses various topics related to plant anatomy and taxonomy including:
1. It discusses three main root systems - tap root system, fibrous root system, and adventitious root system.
2. It also discusses stem modifications like runners, stolons, offsets, and suckers.
3. Additionally, it covers leaf anatomy, types of phyllotaxy, and examples of simple and compound leaves.
4. Finally, it discusses floral characteristics, reproductive structures, and economic importance of three plant families - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Liliaceae.
The document discusses various topics related to plant anatomy and taxonomy including:
1. It discusses three main root systems - tap root system, fibrous root system, and adventitious root system.
2. It also discusses stem modifications like runners, stolons, offsets, and suckers.
3. Additionally, it covers leaf anatomy, types of phyllotaxy, and examples of simple and compound leaves.
4. Finally, it discusses floral characteristics, reproductive structures, and economic importance of three plant families - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Liliaceae.
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The direct elongation of radicle leads to the
formation of ______ root. 2. Name the 3 root systems. 3. Tap root system ex (1) 4. Primary root is short lived in _______. 5. Fibrous root originate from the _______ (NEET 2019) 6. Ex of fibrous root (1) 7. Adventitious root definition - 8. Adventitious root ex (3) - (NEET 2018) 9. Fxn of roots are (4) 10. Thimble like structure covering root apex is ________ 11. Cells of the region of meristematic activity are very big. T/F 12. They have thin walls and dense protoplasm. T/F 13. Zone responsible for the growth of the root in length is - 14. Root hair arise from ____________ 15. Tap root of ______, _______ and adventitious root of _______ store food. 16. Hanging structures supporting banyan tree - 17. Stilt root example (2) 18. Stilt root arise from stem. T/F 19. In _______, pneumatophores are present which helps to get _________ 20. Stem develop from _______ 21. Examples of stem modified to store food (5) - 22. They also act as an organ of perennation to tide over unfavorable conditions. T/F 23. Stem tendrils ex (4) (NEET 2016) 24. Stem modified into thorns ex (2) - (NEET 2016) 25. Some plants of arid regions modify their stem to flattened stem ex - _______ or fleshy cylindrical ex - ________ structures called ___ (NEET 2016) 26. What are runners ? 27. Runners ex - (2) 28. What are stolons ? 29. Stolons ex (2) 30. What are offsets ? 31. Offsets ex (2) 32. What are suckers ? 33. Suckers ex (3) 34. Pitcher plant, venus fly trap are also example 35. Leaf develops at a _____ and bears a _____ in its axil. 36. Leaves are arranged in a basipetal manner. T/F 37. Parts of leaf is (3) - 38. ______ bear two small leaf like structures called ______ 39. In ________, the leaf base expanded into a sheath covering the stem partially or wholly. 40. In some _______, the leaf base may become swollen, which is called ______ 41. ______ help hold the blade to light 42. Lamina is also called _______ 43. The lamina is incisioned but don't touch the midrib. The leaf is simple/compound. 44. How to differentiate between simple leaf and 45. Types of compound leaf (2) with one ex of each. 46. Types of phyllotaxy (3) 47. Alternate ex - (3) 48. Opposite ex - (2) 49. Whorled ex - (2) 50. Leaf tendrils ex - (1) 51. Leaf spine ex - (1) 52. Leaves store food ex - (2) 53. In ___________, leaves are small and short lived 54. In it, petiole expand, become _____, synthesis food and called _______ 55. When a shoot tip transforms into a flower, it is always solitary. T/F 56. The arrangement of flower on floral axis is termed as ________ 57. In racemose, flowers are arranged basipetally. T/F 58. Reproductive unit of angiosperms is ______ 59. Pedicel 2 other names are - 60. Accessory whorls are - 61. In ____ the calyx and corolla are not distinct hence called ____ 62. Actinomorphic means ______ symmetry. 63. Bilateral symmetry means 64. Actinomorphic ex (3) 65. Zygomorphic ex (4 66. Asymmetric ex (1) 67. What are bracts? 68. Ovaries are classified as hypo,epi and perigynous ovaries. T/F 69. Flowers are classified as hypo,epi,perigynous on which basis ? 70. Hypogynous flowers have inferior ovary. T/F 71. Hypogynous flower ex (3) 72. Perigynous ex (3) (NEET 2020) 73. Epigynous ex (3) (NEET 2020) 74. Tell the Calyx types and how the both types look. (same is with corolla) 75. Corolla shapes (4) 76. Name the 4 types of aestivation. 77. Valvate ex (1) - 78. Imbricate ex (2) - 79. Twisted ex (2) - 80. Vexillary ex (2) - 81. Margins overlap each other but not in any particular direction - 82. Vexillary have many types of petals and their names ? 83. ______ is also called papilionaceous. 84. Sterile stamen is called ________ 85. When stamens are attached to petals, they are called _______. Ex - ______ 86. Stamens attached to perianth called _______. Ex - _____ 87. When each stamens remains free,it is called polyadelphous. T/F (NEET 2016) 88. Monadelphous meaning and ex - 89. Diadelphous ex - 90. Polyadelphous ex - 91. Variation in length of filament ex (2) - (NEET 2016) 92. Ovules are attached to a cushion like - 93. Apocarpous meaning and ex - 94. Syncarpous meaning and ex - (NEET 2016) 95. Name all the types of placentation. 96. Marginal ex - 97. Axile ex (3) - 98. Parietal ex (2) - 99. Free central (2) - (NEET 2016) 100. Basal ex (2) - 101. In marginal, placenta forms a ridge along the dorsal suture of the ovary. T/F 102. False septum is formed in ______ placentation. 103. Ovules are attached to a multilocular ovary when placenta is ______ 104. Placenta develop at _____ of ovary in sunflower. 105. Usually more than one ovule is attached to the ovary in basal placentation. T/F 106. Septa are completely absent in ________ 107. Fruit without fertilization called ________ 108. Pericarp is differentiated into _____, _____, _____ only when it is _____ and ______ 109. Drupe ex (2) (NEET 2017) 110. Drupe fruit develop from ________ superior/inferior ovaries. 111. Mesocarp is ______ in coconut. 112. Outermost covering of seed is called ________ 113. No of layers in seed coat - 114. Outer _____ and inner _____ 115. Developing seed is attached to the fruit through _______ 116. Below hilum, is a small pore called micropyle. T/F 117. Endospermous seed ex (2) - 118. Non endospermous seed (2) ex - 119. In _____ such as ______, seed coat is fused with the fruit wall. 120. In maize, seed coat is membranous. T/F 121. Endosperm and embryo are separated by _________ 122. Aleurone layer is made of ______ 123. The cotyledon of monocot is called ______. It is ______ shaped. (NEET 2016) 124. Coleoptile enclose _______ and coleorhiza enclose _______ 125. Fabaceae was earlier known as ____________, a subfamily of ___________ 126. _________ is commonly known as the potato family. 127. Only monocot family in NCERT is - 128. Root have ______ with nitrogen fixing bacteria ________ in Fabaceae. 129. Leaves of all the families given in NCERT are of ______ phyllotaxy. 130. Only family given in NCERT which is stipulate is _________ 131. Leaf base is pulvinate in _________ 132. Family of NCERT which may have pinnate leaves present are (2) - 133. Stem is erect or climber in __________ 134. Hairy or glabrous stem is found in ________ 135. Herbaceous, rarely woody aerial erect stem is found in ________ 136. Simple, rarely pinnate leaves are found in ________ 137. Palmate leaves are present in which family of NCERT? • FLORAL CHARACTER ECONOMIC IMP. (COMPARING FAMILIES) 138. The only family having racemose inflorescence is - 139. Only family having zygomorphic flower - 140. NCERT family which have unisexual flower is - 141. In Fabaceae, calyx and corolla aestivation is ______ and ________ 142. In potato family, calyx and corolla aestivation is ______ and _______ 143. Tepal in _________ have ________ aestivation. 144. Gamosepalous condition is in (2 145. Androecium is attached to accessory whorls in (2) - 146. Stamens no in Fab, Solan, Lili are respectively _____, _____, _____ 147. Didelphous, anther dithecous is present in __________ 148. NCERT family having inferior ovary is - 149. Carpels in Fab, Solan, Lili are respectively ___, ___, ___ (NEET 2016) 150. Locules in Fab, Solan, Lili are respectively ___, ___, ___ 151. Syncarpous family (2) 152. Swollen placenta is present in __________ 153. Axile placentation family (2) 154. Fruit of fabaceae is _______ 155. Fruit of Solanaceae is _________ 156. Fruit of Liliaceae is _________ 157. Solanaceae have non endospermous seeds. T/F 158. Only family having non - endospermous seed is - 159. Medicines found in Fab, Solan, Lili respectively are - 160. Ornamental in Fab, Solan, Lili respectively are - 161. Pulses ex (5) - 162. Food in Solanaceae (3) - 163. Food in Liliaceae (2) - 164. Fodder ex (2) - 165. Edible oil ex (2) - 166. Dyes and FIbers found in Fabaceae are - 167. Spices of Solanaceae - 168. Tobacco comes from dried leaves of ______ _______ found in family _______ 169. ________ ________ yield colchicine used in ______________
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