Performance Evaluation

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The document discusses the organization's environmental management system and procedures for monitoring, measuring, evaluating compliance, conducting internal audits, and managing reviews.

To monitor and measure key operations and activities that impact the environment, monitor compliance with legal requirements, monitor progress on objectives and action plans, and establish procedures for calibrating measuring equipment.

The organization establishes, implements, and maintains procedures to periodically evaluate compliance with applicable legal and other requirements. Compliance is also evaluated during internal audits and management reviews.

Happy Forgings Limited

EMS Manual ISO 14001: 2015

Performance Evaluation
ISO Clause:9 Sec.No.9 Page 1 of 3 Rev.No.00 Date. 01.12.2016

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

9.1.1 General
The organization has determined:
a) What need to be monitoring and measured:
b) The methods for monitoring, measurements, analysis and evaluation needed to ensure valid results:
c) Criteria to evaluate Environment performance
d) When the monitoring and measuring shall be performed;
e) When the result from monitoring and measurement shall be analyzed and evaluated.
Key characteristics of operations that have significant environmental impacts are documented in relevant Operation control
procedure / Work instructions. Work instructions defines the measuring characteristics, control method, frequency, measuring
and monitoring resources, responsible person and records to be retained. Calibrated and verified measuring and monitoring
equipments are use to measure such characteristics.
 To monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of operations and activities that have a significant
impact on the environment.
 To monitor compliance with legal requirements
 To monitor progress of Objectives and action plan
 To establish the procedure for calibration of measuring equipments

Performance indicators of the processes are described in “EMS Objective & Action Plan ” Document, result from monitoring
and measurement shall be analyzed and evaluated on Monthly basis by the concerned HOD and are reviewed in the
Management review meeting

Reference: EMS Objective & Action Plan FM/EMS/06

9.1.2 Evaluation of Compliance
Happy forgings ltd has established implemented and maintained the procedures for periodically evaluating compliance with
applicable legal and other requirements to which it subscribes.
Evaluation for compliance with legal requirements is periodically done as per procedure for compliance obligations
Evaluation for compliance with other requirements as identified from external interested parties (if any) is periodically done as
Per evaluation for compliance with legal and other requirements mentioned in procedure for compliance Obligation
Compliance evaluation of legal & other requirements is also done during internal audit and management review.
Reference: Procedure for compliance obligations PR/EMS/02
Happy Forgings Limited
EMS Manual ISO 14001: 2015
Performance Evaluation
ISO Clause:9 Sec.No.9 Page 2 of 3 Rev.No.00 Date. 01.12.2016

9.2 Internal Audit

9.2.1 The organization conducts internal audits Once in Six Months to provide information on whether the EMS
Conforms to the organizational ISO 14001:2015 EMS requirements and is effectively implemented and maintained.
9.2.2 The organization has Planed, established, implemented and maintained an audit programmes including the
frequency ,methods, responsibilities, planning requirements and reporting, which takes into consideration the importance of
the processes concerned ,change affecting the organization , and the result of previous audits ; Procedure for planning and
implementation of Internal audits includes
 audits criteria and scope for each audits;
 Select audits and conduct audits to ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audits process;
 Ensure that the results of the audits and reported to relevant management
 Take appropriates correction and corrective actions without under delay;
 Retain documented information as evidence of the implementation of the audits programme and the audits results.
Reference:-Procedure for Conducting Internal audits QPR/MR/04
9.3. Management Review
Top Management reviews the organization’s EMS, Once in Six Months, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy,
effectiveness and alignment with the strategic direction of the organization.
9.3.2 Management review inputs
The management review is planned and carried out the taking into consideration;
a) The status of action from previews management reviews;
b) Change in
1. The external and internal issues that is relevant to the EMS
2. Need and expectation of interested parties, including compliance obligations
3. Significant E. Aspects
4. Risk and Opportunities
c) Extent to which EMS objectives are met
d) Information on Environmental performance
1. Non conformities and corrective action
2. Monitoring and measurement results
3. Fulfillment of compliance obligations
4. Audit results
e) The adequacy of resources
f) Communication form interested parties including
Happy Forgings Limited
EMS Manual ISO 14001: 2015
Performance Evaluation
ISO Clause:9 Sec.No.9 Page 3 of 3 Rev.No.00 Date. 01.12.2016

g) Opportunities for improvement.

9.3.3 Managements review outputs
The outputs of the management review shall includes Conclusions on continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of EMS
a) Decisions related to continual improvement opportunities
b) Decisions related to any change the EMS;
c) Actions if Environmental Objective is not achieved
d) Opportunities to improve integration of the EMS with business processes
e) Any implication for strategic direction of the organization
The organization retains documented information as evidence of the result of management reviews according to procedure
Reference:-Procedure for Conducting Management review QPR/MR/07

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