IM Quiz Ans.
IM Quiz Ans.
IM Quiz Ans.
What are the five traditional marketing communication tools, and what are some social media
platform examples of each?
The five traditional marketing communication tools is advertising, public relations, sales promotion,
direct marketing, and personal selling. And the social media platform examples is owned media, paid
media and earned media.
First, advertising is a marketing involving paying for space to promote a product, service, or cause. Other
than that, advertising can define as the business or act of making something known to the public, usually
through some type of paid media. For examples, Baskin Robbins was specializing in designing and
implementing newsprint ads for their company's products.
Second, public relations are the process of maintaining a favourable image and building beneficial
relationships between an organization and the public communities, groups, and people it serves. In fact,
public relations are not a costless form of promotion. It requires salaries to be paid to people who oversee
and execute public relations strategy.
Third, sales promotion means giving some items for free in exchange for personal information to use in
further marketing. For example, offer a free cup of coffee in exchange for a phone number, which you can
use for many purposes like promoting new sales, sharing updates and news with short text messages.
Fourth, Direct marketing consists of any marketing that relies on direct communication or distribution to
individual consumers, rather than through a third party such as mass media, email and social media.
Fifth, Personal selling is also known as face-to-face selling in which one person who is the salesman tries
to convince the customer in buying a product.
2. Contrast primary with secondary data and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Primary data collection is the process of gathering data through surveys, interviews, or experiments. A
typical example of primary data is household surveys. The advantages of primary data are the collected is
up-to-date, relevant, and specific to the research objectives. Second, reliable because it is usually objective
and collected directly from the original source. The disadvantages of primary data are it can be expensive,
time-consuming and take a long time to complete if it involves face-to-face contact with customers. Also,
it requires some prior information about the subject, and ideally market research skills to get the best
Secondary data refers to data that is collected by someone other than the primary user. The advantages of
secondary data are fast, low cost and easy to find. For examples, you can do secondary research yourself
using a computer and internet connection. Other than that, secondary data is no issue of data collection as it
is obtained by performing operations on primary data collected. The disadvantage of secondary data is
secondary data provides broader results than primary data which offers more detailed, targeted data
specific to research objectives. Also, secondary data may not be possible that the information or data
required for obtaining the data is available.