11 Nutritional Problems of Adolescents 2

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is any condition

which an
individual intake
of nutrients is
excessive or
▪Lower resistance of disease

▪Delay in growth and development

▪Poor performance in school

▪Sluggish and easily get tired

▪ Poor health in adulthood

▪ Increased risk of mortality

▪ Delay in the development of secondary sexual

▪Protein energy malnutrition – is form of
malnutrition where there is not enough protein
and calorie intake. This condition where in the
body lacks the required macronutrients

a form of
caused by protein
deficiency in the
diet, typically
affecting young
nt causing an
infant's or child's
weight to be
significantly low
for their age
▪ Micronutrient deficiency – is the lack or shortage of
essential vitamins and minerals for proper growth
development. Deficiency of nutrients leads to different
health problems such as anemia, preventable
blindness, osteoporosis, goiter
Are the
nutrients your
body needs in a
larger amount.
➢ Proteins – needed for growth and for building and
repairing body tissues
• Ridges or white lines in both finger nails and toe
nails, hair loss and thinning or brittle hair
➢Carbohydrate – main sources of energy

• Irritability, nausea, bad breath, muscle cramps,

fatigue, increase in body fat, deficit in sodium,
constipation, constant headaches
➢Fats – needed for immune system, help the body
store and use vitamins

• Dry skin, hair loss, body weight deficiency, cold

intolerance, bruising, poor infection resistance and
wound healing, loss of menstruation
➢Water – needed for waste removal, regulates body

• Dehydration, muscle cramps, nausea, slurred

speech, confusion, disorientation
Are the
nutrients your
body needs in a
▪ regulate body process and allow
growth, help digestion, absorption and
▪ Vitamin A – maintain healthy skin, bones, teeth and
hair, aid vision

• Anemia painful joints, cracks in teeth, depression,

frequent infections
Vitamin A
➢Vitamin E – antioxidant needed for stabilization of
cell membranes

• Red blood cell breakage, anemia, muscle

degeneration, difficulty in walking, leg cramps
Vitamin E
➢ Vitamin C – aids to maintenance of red blood
cells, aids in bone, teeth and skin formation and
resistance to infection
• Anemia, frequent infections, bleeding gums, loosened
teeth, muscle degeneration and pain, joint pain, failure
of wounds to heal, bruises
Vitamin C
➢ Iron – helps in energy metabolism, important for
transporting oxygen in the bloodstream, prevention
of anemia
• Anemia, weakness, fatigue, pale appearance
reduced attention span, developmental delays in
➢Folate – aids in the formation of red blood cells and

• Anemia, heartburn, frequent infections, smooth red

tongue, depression and mental confusion
➢ Calcium – helps build and maintain bones and
teeth, nerve and muscle function and blood
clotting, helps carry out body processes
• Stunted growth for children, adult bone loss
➢Zinc – plays role in immune function, protein
synthesis and wound healing

• Growth failure, delayed sexual maturation, slow

wound healing

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