Unintended Consequences
Unintended Consequences
Unintended Consequences
Give examples
based on what you yourself have seen or experienced. How do you think
these unintended consequences have been prevented?
I believe unintended consequences happen whenever things are not 100% in our
control. Unintended consequences could be positive or negative as it depends on the
situation. Sometimes, luck takes part with these consequences. For example, as a stock
trader, it is my responsibility to minimize the risks of my trades. However, unintended
consequences are nearly impossible to avoid. I spend nights studying the market and
creating my watchlist of stocks for my trades. I also studied the different technical
analysis tools that could help me minimize the risks from trading. But there were many
times that even if I prepared everything for a certain trade, there are still unintended
consequences that might happen. In a certain instance, I projected a 20% gain from a
stock last October. I was confident and accepting that the only consequence that I could
bare would be the price action going down 5% below my capital. However, I was not
aware that the stock company I traded in would be suspended and would file a stock
price change. I ended up losing 80% of my capital for that stock. I also realized that is
the only trade I did without considering the fundamentals. It is when I understood that
making a one change within a complex system, can cause unintended consequences.
From that, I learned that even if we tried to minimize the risks of having unintended
consequences happen, the chances would be low, but it is never zero.