Hospital Quality Indicators
Hospital Quality Indicators
Hospital Quality Indicators
Adjustment of
QI plan
* Indicators
How to use Quality Indicators
As a part of Total Quality Management
* Indicators
The Standard – CQI 2
a) Organization may identify the appropriate
key performance indicators in both clinical and
managerial areas.
b) Decide how you can capture the data in your hospital settings
• This shall also include tests repeated before release of the result (to
confirm the finding).
• This shall be captured in the laboratory and radiology.
7. Incidence of medication errors
Total number of medication errors X 100
Number of patient days
• Errors in the prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, administering,
and monitoring of medications;
• Wrong drug, wrong strength, or wrong dose errors;
• Wrong patient errors;
• Wrong route of administration errors; and
• Calculation or preparation errors.
In addition to incident reporting, to detect medication errors the
organisation shall either adopt medical record review or direct
observation. The sample size for this shall be as per the preceding
column. The average occupancy shall be of the preceding 3 months.
7. Incidence of medication errors
Sample Size
• For hospitals with average occupancy < 50 patients /day: 10% of
• For hospitals with average occupancy 51-100 patients /day: 5% of
• For hospitals with average occupancy 101-300 patients /day: 3%
of patients/day
• For hospitals with average occupancy 301-500 patients /day: 2%
of patients/day
8. Percentage of admissions with
adverse drug reactions
Number of adverse drug reactions X 100
Number of discharges and deaths
• A response to a drug which is noxious and unintended and which
occurs at doses normally used in man for prophylaxis,
diagnosis, or therapy of disease or for the modification of
physiologic function
9. Percentage of re-scheduling of
Number of cases re-scheduled X 100
Number of surgeries performed
• Re-scheduling of patients includes cancellation and postponement
(beyond 4 hours) of the surgery.
10. Percentage of transfusion
Number of transfusion reactions X 100
Number of transfusions
• Any adverse reaction to the transfusion of blood or blood
components shall be considered as transfusion reaction. It may
range from an allergic reaction to a life threatening complication
11. Urinary tract infection rate
• Every medical record that comes to the MRD from the clinical unit
following the discharge of a patient shall be immediately checked for
the presence of discharge summary. If this is not present at this
stage it shall be captured as a part of the numerator.
• A register shall be maintained at the point of checking.
22. % of Medical Records with out (or
with improper) consents
Formula : Number of medical records not proper consents x 100
Number of discharges and deaths
• Every medical record that comes to the MRD from the clinical unit
following the discharge of a patient shall be immediately checked for
the same.
• A register shall be maintained at the point of checking.
Recommended QI List
1. Incidence of Medication Errors 13. Out Patient Satisfaction Index
2. Percentage of cases who received 14. Inpatient Satisfaction Index
appropriate prophylactic antibiotics 15. No of Reporting Errors – Laboratory
with in specified time frame
16. Percentage of Re-Dos – Laboratory
3. Percentage of Transfusion reactions
17. Percentage of Admissions with ADE
4. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract
Infection (CAUTI) 18. Percentage of Rescheduling of Surgeries
5. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia 19. Percentage of Employees provided pre-
(VAP) exposure prophylaxis
6. Central Line Associated Blood 20. Employee Satisfaction Rate
Stream Infections (CLABSI) 21. Waiting Time for Services
7. Surgical Site Infections (SSI)
22. Percentage of Modification of Anesthesia
8. Total Mortality Rate Plans
9. Compliance To Hand Hygiene
23. Percentage of Missing Medical Records
10. Incidence of Falls
24. Percentage of Files Without Discharge
11. Incidence of Beds Sore After
12. Incidence of Needle Stick Injuries 25. Percentage of Medical records with out
(or with improper) consents