Belt Conveyor Idler: Read These Instructions Carefully Before Starting Installation
Belt Conveyor Idler: Read These Instructions Carefully Before Starting Installation
Belt Conveyor Idler: Read These Instructions Carefully Before Starting Installation
Remove mud, stones or any other debris from conveyor stringers RETURN IDLERS
and deck plate. Remove all burrs, dents and bumps caused by After the carrying idlers have been set in place, the return
excessive weld spatter to allow the belt conveyor idler frame to idlers should be installed. The return idlers must be installed
be securely positioned level with the plane of the conveyor and perpendicular to the conveyor centerline and level. Leave the
perpendicular to the line of conveyor belt travel. training idlers out until the belt has been properly trained.
Rotate each roller to verify that it turns freely. Thoroughly inspect Hanger brackets and shaft retainer clips are shipped unassembled
for any blocking or shipping wires that have not been removed. and without mounting bolts. Normally four mounting bolts
Visually inspect for any shipping or installation damage to the idler are required.
frame or rolls.
First, install bolt hanger brackets loosely into place below belt
Check for and remove any tools or other foreign objects on the belt, conveyor frame side stringer.
particularly on the return side where these items may get between
Next, insert the roller assembly into the slot of each hanger bracket
the terminal pulleys and belt. Any grease on the belt should be
and allow the shaft slots to sit firmly into the brackets and then
removed immediately as belt deterioration will occur.
attach the clips as detailed below.
• Head and tail shafts need to be parallel to each other.
The shaft clip slides over the end of the shaft. The holes in the clip
• All bolts should be properly tightened. and bracket will align when properly installed.
• Troughing idlers
Install self-tapping screw. Do not over tighten.
When installing a conveyor system the troughing or carrying idlers
should be installed first. Alignment of the structure is critical, if the SELF-ALIGNING TROUGHING IDLERS
belt is to train properly on the idlers. Idler and pulley supports must Self-Aligning Idlers are intended to aid in maintaining alignment
be an equal distance from the conveyor centerline and level across when conditions such as temporary off-center loading, unusual
the conveyor width. side winds or misalignment of a transient nature, due to lump
concentration, disturbs the alignment of a properly installed
When installing troughing idlers, sling the units by their frames. If conveyor belt. A correctly aligned, loaded, and spliced conveyor belt
welding on the conveyor frame is necessary, never ground through will not require corrective action from the self-aligning idlers.
a roll as bearing damage may result.
Self-Aligning Troughing Idlers are installed along the conveyor
Starting at the tail end of the conveyor, the first standard troughing length as required, but no closer than 50’ (15 m) from a pulley.
idler should be located an approximate distance from the centerline Positive arm type units are used on belts traveling in one direction
of the tail pulley equal to one belt width for 20° troughed idlers, one only. Actuating type trainers without arms are used on reversing
and one half times belt width for 35 degree troughed idlers and belts and on belts with traveling trippers or stackers.
twice the belt width for 45 degree troughed idlers.
CEMA B, C, & D Self-Aligners, TESA, RSA, & FSA are shipped
It is good practice to use a 20 degree troughing idler as a transition completely assembled minus the mounting bolts. Pivot and guide
idler for the first and roller bearings are factory lubricated and ready for operation. The
last idler when using guide roller arms are bolted parallel to the frame for shipment.
35° troughing idlers
and a 35° idler when To set up the frame for operation, remove bolt A at the base of
using 45° troughing the guide roller arm and reinstall it 90° to the frame. The bolt
idlers. is designed to insert up from the bottom of the frame. Before
tightening the guide arm pivot bolt A, check the alignment of the
Place idlers in a guide roll with the troughing rolls. With the belt centered, there
position by sliding should be about 1 inch between the guide roll and the belt. The
them in the direction guide roll should be positioned so that it will come in contact with
of belt travel until the the belt BEFORE the belt can come to the end of the wing roll.
footpads sit against Tighten bolt A to 100 ft-lbs.
the mounting bolts.
Tighten bolts by Carefully check self-aligning idler position to be certain that the
hand. Final alignment guide roller assemblies are properly located so that if the conveyor
requires that the belt shifts, the belt edges will contact the guide rollers. The guide
centers of all idlers are in a straight line, perpendicular to the line of roller brackets extend in the direction opposite the belt travel. For
belt travel, properly spaced and level. When alignment is complete, TESA & FSA, the guide roll arms should be pointing to the tail of
tighten all idler mounting bolts securely with a wrench. the conveyor. For RSA, they should be pointing towards the head of
the conveyor.
Troughing idlers are shipped completely assembled minus the
mounting bolts. Four bolts are normally suggested and they must Place the trainer assembly on the conveyor frame and slide the
be securely tightened after the idler frame is correctly positioned. frame in the direction of belt travel until the footpads seat against
the mounting bolts. Remove any blocking or shipping wires so the
trainer frame can pivot freely. Check for squareness and level the CONVEYOR START-UP
trainer frame as required to complete the installation. Verify the Before actual startup of a conveyor system, electrical controls
type of roll relationship. For example, be sure that both trainer and should be checked to ensure that the entire system can be stopped
trougher have the same troughing angle and same belt width. quickly in case of an emergency.
The Self-Aligning Troughing Idler is designed to provide an During initial startup, the conveyor should be jogged on and off
elevated roll height as compared to standard troughing idlers. This until the belt has made several complete revolutions. During this
arrangement provides the greatest training effect, but also increases time, make a complete check of all equipment to determine proper
the load that the frame and rolls have to withstand. The TESA is up adjustment and function.
to ½” higher than a standard troughing roll.
RETURN SELF-ALIGNING IDLERS A misaligned conveyor will cause the belt to run-off to one side. The
Return Self-Aligning Idlers are installed along the length of the belt will tend to creep to the side that first makes contact with the
conveyor is required, but no closer than 50’ (15 m) from a pulley. idler roll. This condition can usually be corrected by adjusting a few
idlers to change the contact points.
They are shipped completely assembled and ready for mounting.
Mounting bolts are not supplied. Four bolts are required to secure a TRAINING AN EMPTY BELT
training idler. After the idlers and belt have been installed and before used,
the system should be started and checked for alignment. A
Return Self-Aligning Idlers have the same features as the properly aligned conveyor has the belt running evenly in the
self-aligning troughers, with the exception of an elevated roll height. center of the idlers and consequently, prevents injury to the belt
The Guide Roll Arm Assembly Replacement Part Number for all edges from contact with supporting structures or other objects.
Self-Aligners is #30145. If a misalignment problem exists, it is not advisable to attempt
correction by readjusting the head or tail pulley because undue
SIDE GUIDE IDLERS - GRT, GRF, GRR strains on the pulleys, bearings, belt, belt spice, joint or the
Side guide idlers do not train a belt but can prevent a belt from conveyor. Pulleys should be carefully aligned when installed and
running off the pulleys and damage itself against the conveyor should not be disturbed for purposes of belt training.
structure or other objects.
If one section of a belt runs true and another section runs out of
Side guide idlers should be installed so that they do not touch the line, either the belt is bowed from improper storage, handling or the
edge of the belt when it is running normally. If the belt runs against belt is not properly spliced. If the belt runs out of line consistently
the side of a guide idler roll continually, even though the rolls rotate at one point in the conveyor, the condition can be attributed to
freely, wear to the belt edge will occur. misaligned idlers. Usually the idlers that require adjustment will be
located upstream of the point at which the belt runs out of line.
Shaft end clips and center clips are provided to retain the idler roll Proper alignment is achieved by loosening the mounting bolts on
in brackets. These retaining clips prevent the roll from falling out if several idlers on the upstream side and skewing them slightly.
the assembly is turned upside or if excessive vibration is present. When one side of an idler is shifted ahead of the other, the belt
PPI recommends using retaining clips, but they are generally not shifts to the side that is behind.
required. Retaining clips are always required on any assembly
where the roll would fall out without clips, such as the Inverted See drawing for a visual description. Re-tightening the mounting
V-Return. bolts before restarting the conveyor.
Shifting or tilting of idlers for belt training can be used for belts This method of belt adjustment should be done on a temporary basis
traveling one direction only. This remedy cannot be used for in cases requiring immediate attention.
reversing belt conveyors.
Both shifting and tilting idlers are one directional adjustments. They
The return side should be adjusted first, starting at the head end. are not effective on a reversible belt.
Adjust a few of the preceding idlers at the run-off point if needed.
If the area you are attempting to train continues to be a problem, a
The adjustments are made by shifting the idlers so that the belt
self-aligning training idler should be installed just upstream of the
contacts the roll opposite the run-off.
problem area.
All idlers are prelubricated at the factory and are ready for operation.
Reliable operation and long service life of PPI idlers depend upon the
TESA ready for A walking inspection of a belt conveyor system is a good method to
detect potential problems from any unusual sounds made by such
components as idlers, shafts, bearings, rolls or other items.
Excessive build up on idler rolls will cause damage to the belt. Shut for unusual wear patterns on the idler rolls, which can be caused by
down the conveyor, locking out the power switch. Clean up, repair off-centered loading or idler misalignment.
or replace immediately. Review the type of material being conveyed
Check for material build-up on idler rolls, particularly the return
and the type of rolls being used. Rubber disc or polymer coated
rolls as these are in direct contact with the carrying side of the
rolls can reduce or eliminate some roll build-up problems.
belt. If build-up occurs, check the belt cleaner to be sure that it
PPI idlers are designed to be self-cleaning. Accumulation of is operating correctly. If a belt cleaner has not been installed, it is
material must not interfere with roll rotation or training idlers from recommended that one is placed in operation as soon as possible.
pivoting. Clean up any material that could restrict polls or pivot
Check all training idlers to see that they are pivoting freely. Remove
arms. A stalled roll will cause excessive roll shell and belt wear.
any accumulated dirt and debris from the frame.
Remove and replace any stalled or frozen rolls to prevent belt
damage from a worn roll. Walk the length of the conveyor installation and verify that the idler
rolls are turning freely and smoothly with no excessive endplay.
At no time should the conveyor idlers be used to handle material
loads or speeds other than originally specified. Capacity and An inspection maintenance program is essential for low
belt speed ratings should not be exceeded. Any changes in maintenance cost and dependable operation.
environmental conditions or conveyed materials should be reviewed
for changes in maintenance procedures.
Observe the edge of the belt for any wear. If such a condition is
observed, locate the area of contact and misalignment and adjust AND
the idlers or install a training idler. RAISED
Regularly scheduled inspections of conveyor systems are the best
preventative maintenance possible. Problem areas can be detected PULLEY
Checking the loading area is the best place to start. Loading chutes
should be delivering material to the belt evenly and centered on
the belt. Uneven or off-centered loading is the greatest cause of
problems on any belt conveyor.
(19 mm)
Any belt conveyor installation can be subject to a wide variety of difficulties that may become costly. Those difficulties can result in
replacement and plant downtime unless the problem is quickly diagnosed and corrected. This guide is intended to point out the majority of
belt conveyor problems and to set forth their probable causes and cures.
BELT RUNS OFF TAIL PULLEY The following causes are listed for each problem in order of probable
1. Counterweight too light: Recalculate weight and adjust counterweight occurrence and how to correct them. The cures will correct the majority
or take-up accordingly. of belt conveyor problems. However, some remedies require lengthy
2. Idlers/pulleys not square: Realign, install limit switches or safety. procedures that should be referred to your PPI representative.
3. Frozen idlers: Free idlers, lubricate, and improve maintenance. BELT SLIP ON STARTING
4. Spillage at loading point: Control flow with chutes, feeders, 1. Insufficient traction between belt and pulley: Increase wrap with
center load. snub pulleys, lag drive pulleys, install belt cleaners.
5. Material build-up: Remove accumulation. Install belt cleaners. 2. Counterweight too light: Recalculate weight and adjust counterweight
or take-up accordingly.
3. Pulley lagging worn: Replace worn lagging.
1. Side loading: Load in center and direction of travel. 4. Drive underbelted: Recalculate maximum belt tensions and select
correct belt.
2. Spillage at loading point: Control flow with chutes, feeders,
center load.
3. Idlers/pulleys not square: Re-align, install limit switches EXCESSIVE BELT STRETCH
or safety. 1. Excessive tension: Recalculate and adjust tension.
2. Drive underbelted: Recalculate maximum belt tensions and select
4. Material build-up: Remove accumulation. Install belt cleaners.
correct belt.
5. Belt strained on one side: Remove strained section and splice 3. Material build-up: Remove accumulation. Install belt cleaner.
in new piece.
4. Counterweight too heavy: Recalculate weight and adjust, reduce
6. Idlers improperly placed: Relocate or insert additional idlers take-up tension to slip point, and then tighten slightly.
for support. 5. Wrong differential speed: Make required adjustment.
6. Damage by abrasives, acid, chemicals, heat, oil, etc.: Use belt
ONE BELT SECTION RUNS OFF AT ALL POINTS designed for specific conditions, make spot repairs, install rubber
OF THE LINE disc idlers, do not over lubricate idlers.
1. Bad fasteners or splice: Use correct fasteners; resplice belt.
2. Edge worn or broken: Repair belt edge. BELT BREAKS AT OR BEHIND FASTENERS;
3. Bowed belt: Avoid telescoping belt rolls or storing in damp locations. FASTENERS TEAR LOOSE
1. Bad fasteners or splice: Use correct fasteners; resplice belt.
2. Pulleys too small: Use large diameter pulleys.
1. Idlers/pulleys not square: Realign, install limit switches or safety. 3. Excessive tension: Recalculate and adjust tension.
2. Pulley lagging worn: Replace worn lagging. 4. Pulley lagging worn: Replace worn lagging.
3. Material build-up: Remove accumulation. Install belt cleaners. 5. Material between belt/pulley: Use skirtboards, remove accumulation,
improve maintenance.
4. Idlers improperly placed: Relocate or insert additional idlers
for support. 6. Drive underbelted: Recalculate maximum belt tensions and select
correct belt.
2. Idlers improperly placed: Relocate or insert additional idlers 2. Pulleys too small: Use larger diameter pulleys.
for support. 3. Drive underbelted: Recalculate maximum belt tensions and select
3. Material build-up: Remove accumulation. Install belt cleaners. correct belt.
4. Material between belt/pulley: Use skirtboards, remove accumulation,
improve maintenance.
1. Insufficient traction between belt and pulley: Increase wrap with 5. Bad fasteners or splice: Use correct fasteners; resplice belt.
snub pulleys, lag drive pulley, install belt cleaners. 6. Wrong differential speed: Make required adjustment.
2. Counterweight too light: Recalculate weight and adjust counterweight
or take-up accordingly.
3. Material build-up: Remove accumulation. Install belt cleaners.
4. Frozen idlers: Free idlers, lubricate, and improve maintenance.
5. Pulley lagging worn: Replace worn lagging. 7
BELT HARDENS OR CRACKS 4. Driver underbelted: Recalculate maximum belt tensions and select
1. Damage by abrasives, acid, chemicals, heat, oil, etc.: Use belt correct belt.
designed for specific conditions, make spot repairs, install rubber 5. Damage by abrasives, acid, chemicals, heat, oil, etc.: Use belt
disc idlers, do not over lubricate idlers. designed for specific conditions, make spot repairs, install rubber
disc idlers, do not over lubricate.
2. Pulleys too small: Use larger diameter pulleys.
6. Radius of convex vertical curve too small: Increase radius by vertical
3. Pulley lagging worn: Replace worn lagging. realignment of idler to prevent excessive edge tension.
EXCESSIVE WEAR, INCLUDING RIPS, GOUGES, RUPTURES 2. Pulleys too small: Use larger diameter pulleys.
AND TEARS 3. Edge worn or broken: Repair belt edge.
1. Extreme material impact: Use correctly designed chutes or baffles, 4. Damage by abrasives, acid, chemicals, heat, oil, etc.: Use belt
install impact idlers, adjust skirting, load fines first. designed for specific conditions, make spot repairs, install rubber
2. Relative loading velocity too high or low: Adjust chutes or speed. disc idlers, do not over lubricate.
3. Spillage at loading point: Control flow with chutes, feeders, center load. 5. Belt speed too fast: Reduce belt speed.
4. Material build-up: Remove accumulation and/or install belt cleaners.
5. Damage by abrasives, acid, chemicals, heat, oil, etc.: Use belt
designed for specific conditions, make spot repairs, install rubber
disc idlers, do not over lubricate idlers.
6. Breaker strip missing: When service is lost, install new breaker strip.