Learning Episode 9 - Preparing For Teaching and Learning

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Learning Episode 9 - Preparing for Teaching and Learning

Activity 9.1 Demonstrating an Understanding of Research-

Based Knowledge Principles of Teaching and

School: Campoyong Elementary School__________________

Grade/Year Level: ___V___ Date: _______________


Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied?

Effective learning begins with the setting of clear and high
expectations of learning outcomes. Example: Before the teacher begin with
her lesson to the students, she can presents first her intended learning
outcomes via projector regarding the topics so that the students will have an
idea on what will the discussions look like and they can respond to the
Learning is an active process. Example: For this principle of learning,
teacher can ask reciprocal questions. By using this strategy, it encourages an
open dialogue in which students take on the role of the teacher and it creates
their own questions about the topic, reading session or in the lesson.
Learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas.
Example: Teacher answered those test questions verbally in front of the
students in order to let the student assist their answers. E.g The Students
realized the importance of preparing one’s self before exam.
Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process. Learning is an
enhance in an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration. Example:
Collaborative learning is a method of teaching and learning in which students
team together to explore a significant question or create a meaningful project.
A group of students discussing a lecture or students from different schools
working together over the Internet on a shared assignment are both examples
of collaborative learning.

From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most
 Principles of learning are guidelines for the ways in which people
learn most effectively. For me, I think the most important principle is “learning
is an active process” because it uses student engagement to teach. It
encourages students to actively participate in the learning process with the
use of student-centered approach. With less lectures by the teachers,
students are expected to learn through collaboration and exploration in a
more student-centered approach that traditional learning that has relied on
long teacher discussions and lectures. With this kind of principle, the student’s
job is to participate in the construction of knowledge with the teacher and so
the role of the teacher is to facilitate them. In result, by encouraging the
students to participate in the construction of knowledge, it builds a deeper
understanding, fosters critical thinking and develops problem solving skills.
Activity 9.2 Identifying Learning Outcomes that are Aligned
with Learning Competencies

School: Campoyong Elementary School__________________

Grade/Year Level: ___V___ Date: _______________


1. Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?

In my own opinion, SMART objectives help the lesson become more
focused because the goals will set you up for success by making goals specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. With this, teachers are guided to
achieve their desirable intended learning outcomes. The SMART methods will
help teachers to push further, gives them a sense of direction, and helps them
organize and reach their goals to achieve what they are expecting from the


Reflect on the
Lessons learned in determining SMART

I have learned from the lesson in determining SMART learning

outcomes that, in your lesson objectives or intended learning outcomes it
should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented and
Time bound) because this will really help the teacher as well as it will guide
the teacher in the learning process and to the development of the students.
SMART objectives will also help the teachers to direct the flow of the lesson
and help the teacher to achieve the desired goals on a specific topic as well
as it help to make the discussion clear and organized.

Activity 9.3 Distinguishing Between Inductive and Deductive

Methods of Teaching
School: Campoyong Elementary School__________________
Grade/Year Level: ___V___ Date: _______________


1. What are the possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for
mastery and for the rest?
The consequences of teaching purely subject matter for
mastery and for the test is that the student will not extend her knowledge
because the teacher limits the learning or in the concept and with no
application. Also, I can also see that if this will happen, maybe students will
study just for the sake of examinations and what the teacher had taught will
be easily forget.

2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-
centered or student-centered? Why?
If I were to reteach the class, I would still use the student-centered
approach where I will encourage student to actively participate but they were
the one who will facilitate. What I will do is to guide them and correct them if
they commit mistakes.


Reflect on Principles of teaching worth applying

As future educator, the principles of teaching are very important for us

all educators for us to improve ourselves and the process of learning of our
students. This promotes excellence in learning and teaching practices
express in different institution that are committed as learning. In all of these
principles tackled, it enhances student to engage and learn through effective

LINK Theory to Practice

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C

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