Reviewer Literature
Reviewer Literature
Reviewer Literature
2: Genres
Literature of Literature
What is Literature? What is the difference between Fiction and
It derived from the Latin “littera” meaning a Non-Fiction?
letter of the alphabet.
Literature is categorized into two major genres,
It is a body of written works perceived with namely fiction and non-fiction.
aesthetic excellence of their execution and a
medium for human expression. FICTION
Epic is a lengthy, narrative work of poetry and remember in every drop of gold,
focusing on adventures and feats of the
characters. in every topaz glass,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its That she might think me some untutor’d youth,
voyage closed and done,
Unlearned in the world’s false subtleties.
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with
Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young,
object won;
Although she knows my days are past the best,
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
Simply I credit her false speaking tongue:
But I with mournful tread,
On both sides thus is simple truth suppress’d.
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
But wherefore says she not she is unjust?
Fallen cold and dead.
And wherefore say not I that I am old?
“O Captain! My Captain!” was written by Walt
Whitman in memory of Abraham Lincoln (The O, love’s best habit is in seeming trust,
16th president of the United States).
And age in love loves not to have years told:
C. Ode
Therefore I lie with her and she with me,
Ode is similar to elegies, a praise to its subject
(a person, event or a thing, although the And in our faults by lies we flatter’d be.
subject is not dead. This depicts the greatest Other examples:
admiration of the subject which was a famous
practice in the old literature. Free verse
Blank verse
Here is an excerpt from Pablo Neruda’s “Ode
Lyrical poems
to Wine.”
Prose We do appreciate these examples of novels:
Prose is a literary piece which is written in the Harry Potter, The Lightning Thief, Hunger
pattern of ordinary spoken language and within Games, The Fellowship of the Rings, Diary of a
the common flow of conversation. Wimpy Kid, Warriors Into The Wild, A Game of
Thrones, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lost
These are some forms of prose: Hero, The Bad Beginning
A. Short Stories 2. A novelette is short novel but longer than
A short story is a brief narrative prose with short stories. It is by nature romantic or
elaborated descriptions of settings and sentimental.
characters that revolves on a single storyline. One best example is the heart soothing story,
Short stories include fables, fairy tales and The Little Prince (Links to an external site.) by
legends, etc. Antoine de Exupery:
1. Fables are short stories using animals, C. Other examples
legendary creatures and inanimate objects as
characters that depict the moral of the story. Speeches
Earth is considered a setting but it was given a In this practiced prayer, we use “bread” to
natural human response of resting. represent the food we consume.
2. Sadness bullies me; everyday, it mocks 3. Nice wheels you got there!
Instead of using the term “car”, we then use
An abstract idea, “sadness”, was given a “wheels.”
human characteristic of bullying and mocking.
F. Metonymy
Metonymy replaces the name of a thing with Act naturally, foolish wisdom, Tragicomedy
the name of something else with which it is
closely associated. Little giant, beautiful disaster ,Silent voice
Imagine, watching a movie with a disabled -an excerpt from “The Raven” by Edgar
audio. Allen Poe)
Imagine witnessing fights without any "boom"s In this excerpt, Edgar Allan Poe repeats the “d”
or "pak"s sound effects. sound “deep”, “darkness”, “doubting”,
“dreaming”, “dreams”, “dared”, and “dream
Same with writing, it creates less impact, less which makes them alliterative.
reading responses and less appreciation to
literature if no creative techniques were used. 2. I saw the shivers and tales.
That is why in addition to Figures of Speech,
Saw and shiver create a different initial
we will learn more about Sound-Effect Devices
consonant sounds; “saw” for “s” and “shiver” for
as another technique to use to make writing
the “sh” sounds. This means that both are not
more a literature type.
examples of alliteration.
Sound-Effect Devices
C. Assonance
When you read or listen to words in literature,
Assonance (Links to an external site.) is the
you observed that those words make up good
repetition of vowel sounds within words.
musical effects. That is when writers use
Sound-Effect devices in prose and poetry to 1. “on a proud round cloud in white high
stress certain sounds and create pleasing night…”- E.E. Cummings
emotive effects for readers.
Observe that the repeated vowel sounds
A. Onomatopoeia are of “ou” with “i” letters
Onomatopoeia (Links to an external site.) is the 2. “I must confess that in my quest I felt
natural sound of things converted into words. depressed and restless.”
However, some words are unrecognizable in
the dictionary. — With Love, by Thin Lizzy
Note: Palindrome is a word that is read the 2. I held my nose in the breeze so I would
same in backwards. not sneeze on my knees.
“ee” sound is repeated in “breeze”, “sneeze”, G. Rhyme
and “knees” makes up the assonance; but the
repeated “s” a and “z” sounds makes up the Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounding
consonance. words, usually occurring at the end of the lines.
Cacophony (Links to an external site.) is a lost to the past and enduring our torture.
combination of harsh or inharmonious sounds. Forever we take chances to settle our scores,
This helps create a maddening and disastrous
effect to the literary piece. To create losing some battles and winning some wars.
cacophony, writers use short explosive sounds
Forever praying out loud hoping someone will
such as g, v, b, sc, t, tr, k, p, etc.
One example is...
forever crying softly but never shedding a tear.
Hear the loud alarum bells–
Forever exists behind a disguise,
Brazen bells! What tale of terror, now, their
but the belief in forever keeps our hearts alive.
turbulency tells!
-Forever (Links to an external site.) by Terri
In the startled ear of night
Nicole Tharrington
How they scream out their affright!
In this poem, internal rhymes of “-ing” are
Too much horrified to speak, noticeable same with the end rhymes, “future”
and “torture”, “scores” and “wars, “hear” and
They can only shriek, shriek, “tear, “disguise” and “alive.”
Out of tune, H. Repetition
-“The Bells” by Edgar Allen Poe It is the repetition of a word, or phrase, or a full
The excerpt became alive because of the poetic line or sentence to emphasize its
cacophonous sounds of “t”, “r”, “s’ and “k” just significance in the entire text.
to describe the loud terrifying alarum bells by “For everything there is a season, a time for
Edgar Allan Poe. every activity under heaven...
F. Euphony A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
Euphony, on the other hand, is the combination A time to search and a time to quit searching.
of harmonious and pleasing sounds. To create
euphony, writers use good voice effect with w, A time to keep and a time to throw away.
m, n, l, or r, etc.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
Here is an example:
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A time to love and a time to hate.
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
A time for war and a time for peace.”
-an excerpt from the prologue of William
--Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (New Living Translation
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
(Links to an external site.), Bible)I
Listen to how “f” and “l” sounds create sad and
Repeating “A time to” becomes a memorable
calming effect; it becomes euphonious, just to
phrase to emphasize how time for every
set the mood of the story of Romeo and Juliet.
activity is placed correctly in our life. Repetition
Note: “From”, “forth”, “fatal, “foes” are creates an effect on what we should remember
alliterative same with “loins”, “lovers” and “life.” and be emphasized in our perspective.
young. Sometimes, riddles are sex-related.
Discussion 2.1: Take a look at this example:
We hope that you enjoyed discovering some of Senakulo: Holy Week street plays in the
the literary forms during pre-colonial period. Philippines reenact Jesus ...
How was it? Are there some practices that are
Cenaculo/Senakulo/Sinakulo is a Lenten play
still observed until now? What are those?
that depicts events from the Old and New
These literary forms are preserved and have Testaments related to the life, sufferings, and
transpired for many, many years. Literature, death of Christ. May be you will be very familiar
with this because our rich religious culture.
Philippine Literature during the Spanish Propaganda Movement which aims to confront
colonization is marked by religious and secular the Spanish oppression toward Filipinos.
prose and poetry. Secular means anything that Famous names include Jose P. Rizal, Marcelo
is non-religious such as culture, human life and H. del Pilar, Mariano Ponce, Emilio Jacinto and
romance. It follows that one of the major Andres Bonifacio, though he is not an ilustrado.
themes in literature during that time is religion. Examples of these literature are the well-known
The Spaniards introduced Christianity through Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
the Bible, and used this to teach Filipinos and
colonized the Philippines. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
Summary with a Reflection ...
Doctrina Christiana was first introduced to us.
Though we have nationalistic texts like these,
"Doctrina Christiana, en lengua española y Pedro Paterno, a poet and a novelist during
tagala" is the first book written in the local the period wrote Ninay, which is largely
language to be printed in the Philippines during cultural. It is considered to be the first Filipino
Spanish colonization. It is an example of the novel and it attracted some critics as Paterno
oldest Christian literature in the local language, was considered to be a "traitor" of the
and contains Catholic catechism. This means Philippines, and this might be reflected in his
that this is the first Christian book to be ever work.
published in the Philippines.
Themes of freedom and liberty are still being
Ladino poets, written by Filipino authors until now. The rich
history of the Philippines in the hands of our
Filipinos who were well versed in Spanish and oppressors has set the fire to fight for freedom.
in Tagalog, helped the Spaniards in translating, Until now. Are we truly free as people? We will
reading and writing. They were either trained or notice that as we watch movies and read
educated in parish or catechetical schools and stories, we discover oppression and
were used as interpreters and informants. emancipation. This is how Spanish colonization
There were also poetry called dalit. A dalit is a shaped Philippine Literature.
type of a short Filipino poem with four lines and But why didn't they teach us their language
eight syllables each. These dalit poems were formally? Americans brought us formal
appended to novenas and catechism. One education and therefore, influenced us "more"
example is Ang mga Dalit kay Maria (Psalms as we have adapted their language during their
for Mary). colonization. But that is already another topic.
Secular lyrics