1 +nursing+process
1 +nursing+process
1 +nursing+process
2. Diagnoses b. Clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses to actual or potential health problems and life processes.
5. Evaluation e. Assessing whether outcome criteria have been met and revising the plan of care if necessary.
6. Nursing Diagnosis f. Analysis of subjective and objective data to make a professional nursing judgment.
7. Subjective Data g. Sensations or symptoms that can be verified only by the client (i.e. pain)
8. Objective Data h. Findings that directly observed or indirectly observed through measurements.
9. Collaborative Problem i. Problems that require assistance of other health care professionals.
10. Referral Problem j. Physiologic complications that nurses monitor to detect their onset or changes in status.
Multiple Choices:
1. A medical examination differs from a comprehensive nursing examination in that the 6. To prepare for the assessment of a client visiting a neighborhood health care clinic, the
medical examination focus primarily on client’s: nurse should first
a. Physiologic status a. Discuss the client’s symptoms with the other team member.
b. Holistic wellness status b. Plan for potential laboratory procedures.
c. Developmental history c. Review the client’s health care record.
d. Level of functioning d. Determine potential health care resources.
2. The result of nursing assessment is the: 7. The nurse is preparing to meet a client in the clinic for the first time. After reviewing the
a. Prescription of treatment client’s record, the nurse should
b. Documentation of the need for a referral. a. Analyze the data that have already been collected.
c. Client’s physiologic status b. Review any past collaborative problems.
d. Formulation of nursing diagnosis c. Avoid premature judgment about the client.
d. Consult with the client’s family members.
3. Although the assessment phase of the nursing process precedes the other phases, the 8. Before beginning a comprehensive health assessment of an adult client, the nurse should
assessment phase is: explain to the client that the purpose of the assessment is to:
a. continuous. a. Arrive at conclusions about the client’s health.
b. Completed on admission. b. Document any physical symptoms the client may have.
c. Linear. c. Contribute to the medical diagnosis.
d. Performed only by nurses. d. Validate the data collected.
4. When a client first enters the hospital for an elective surgical procedure, the nurse should 9. To arrive at the nursing diagnosis or a collaborative problem, the nurse goes through the
perform assessment termed: steps of analysis of data. After proposing possible nursing diagnoses, the nurse should next
a. Entry a. Cluster the data collected.
b. Exploratory b. Draw inferences and identify problems.
c. Focused c. Document conclusions.
d. comprehensive d. Check for the presence of defining characteristics.
5. An ongoing or partial assessment of a client: 10. The depth and scope of nursing assessment has expanded significantly over the past
a. Focuses on specific problem of the client. several decades primarily because of
b. Includes a comprehensive overview of all the body systems. a. The growing population with chronic illness.
c. Is usually performed by another health care worker. b. Rapid advances in biomedical knowledge and technology.
d. Includes brief assessment of the client’s normal body system. c. An increase in the number of baccalaureate program in nursing.
d. An increase in the number of nurse practitioners.
2. During an interview with an adult client, the nurse can keep the interview from going off course by: 7. During a client interview, the nurse uses non-verbal expressions appropriately when the
a. Using open-ended questions. nurse
b. Rephrasing the client’s statements. a. Avoids excessive eye contact with the client.
c. Inferring information. b. Remains expressionless throughout the interview.
d. Using close-ended questions. c. Uses touch in a friendly manner to establish rapport.
d. Displays mental distancing during the interview.
3. The nurse has interviewed a Hispanic client with limited English skills for the first time. The nurse 8. During an interview of an adult client, the nurse should
observes that the client is reluctant to reveal personal information and believes in a hot and cold a. Use leading questions for valid responses
syndrome of disease causation. The nurse should b. Provide client with information as question arise.
a. Indicate acceptance of the client’s cultural differences. c. Read each question carefully from the history form.
b. Request a family member to interpret for the client. d. Complete the interview as quickly as possible.
c. Use slang terms to identify for certain body parts.
d. Remain in a standing position during the interview.
4. For a nurse to be therapeutic with clients when dealing with sensitive issues such as terminal illness 9. While interviewing a client for the first time, the nurse is using a standardized nursing
or sexuality, the nurse should have history form. The nurse should
a. Advance preparation in this area. a. Maintain eye contact while asking the questions from the form.
b. Experience in dealing with these type of clients. b. Read the questions verbatim from the form.
c. Knowledge of his or her own thoughts and feelings about these issues. c. Ask the client to complete the form.
d. Personal experience with death, dying and sexuality. d. Ask leading questions throughout the interview.
5. The nurse is interviewing a client in the clinic for the first time. The client appears to have a very 10. The nurse is interviewing a 78-year -old client for the first time. The nurse should first
limited vocabulary. The nurse should plan to a. Assess the client’s hearing acuity.
a. Use very basic lay terminology. b. Establish rapport with the client.
b. Have a family member present during an interview. c. Obtain biographic data.
c. Use standard medical terminology. d. Use medical terminology appropriately.
d. Show the client pictures of different symptoms, such as faces pain chart.
A. Subjective
• Patient’s or clients verbal description of their health status or
• ONLY client can provide subjective data
• Subjective data is the MAJOR essential in health history
B. Objective
• Observation or measurements of client’s health status
• Ex: inspection of surgical wound, description of an observed
behavior, measurement of BP