Divine Comedy. Finals
Divine Comedy. Finals
Divine Comedy. Finals
Circle 7: The Violent Sorcerers and False prophets – they have their
head twisted around their bodies backwards, so
- Ring 1 Murderers, Robbers & Plunders they can only see what is behind them and not
- Ring 2 Suicides and those harmful to the the future
- Ring 3 Against GOD, Nature & Art Canto XXI-XXIII The fraudulent (Circle8)
Trench VI: Hypocrites Trench VII: Thieves
Circle 8: The Faudulent
Corrupt politicians (barrotors) are immersing
Trench 1: Panderors & Soducers in a lake of boiling pitch, guarded by devils, the
Trench II: Flotterers
Hypocrites listlessly walking along wearing
Trench III: Simonas
gold-glided leak cloaks.
Trench IV Sorcerers
Trench V Barrators
Trench VI Hyprocrites
Trench VII Thieves
Trench Vlll: Evil Counselors