BS1186-3 1990

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Amendment No. 1

Timber for and

workmanship in
joinery —
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Part 3: Specification for wood trim and

its fixing

ICS 79.080
BS 1186-3:1990

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Timber

Standards Policy Committee (TIB/) to Technical Committee TIB/22, upon
which the following bodies were represented:

British Wood Preserving Association

British Woodworking Federation
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Fibre Building Board Organization (FIDOR)
Incorporated Assocation of Architects and Surveyors
Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain Inc.
Joinery Managers’ Association Ltd.
London Housing Consortium
Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Scottish Timber Trade Association
Steel Hingemakers Association
Swedish Finnish Timber Council Ltd.
Timber Research and Development Association
Timber Trade Federation

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Timber
Standards Policy Committee,
was published under the
authority of the Board of BSI
and comes into effect on Amendments issued since publication
31 August 1990

© BSI 06-1999
Amd. No. Date Comments

9386 April 1997 Indicated by a sideline in the margin

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference TIB/22
Draft for comment 88/12325 DC

ISBN 0 580 18211 8

BS 1186-3:1990


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword iii
Section 1. General
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Definitions 2
Section 2. Selection of timber species
2.1 Species of timber for end uses 3
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Section 3. Moisture content

3.1 Moisture content 4
3.2 Measurement of moisture content 4
Section 4. Quality of timber prior to the wood trim being fixed
4.1 Classification 5
4.2 Knots and knot clusters 5
4.3 Splits, shakes and checks 6
4.4 Limits of resin pockets 7
4.5 Limits of sapwood 7
4.6 Limits of wane 7
4.7 Limits on rate of growth of softwood 7
4.8 Limit on slope of grain 7
4.9 Limits of exposed pith 7
4.10 Limits of decay and insect attack 7
4.11 Laminating and edge jointing 7
4.12 Finger jointing 7
4.13 Surface quality 8
Section 5. Fixing wood trim
5.1 General 13
5.2 End trimming 13
5.3 Nailing 13
5.4 Fixing by screws 13
Appendix A Recommendations for specifying timber for wood trim 14
Appendix B Some species of softwood and their suitability for use
as wood trim 15
Appendix C Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use
as wood trim 16
Appendix D Recommendations for maintaining the moisture
content of wood trim 21
Appendix E Typical profiles 22
Appendix F Making good at the time of decoration 28
Figure 1 — Limits of knots and knot clusters for exposed surfaces
of wood trim 6
Figure 2 — Round knot 8
Figure 3 — Oval knot 8
Figure 4 — Arris knot 9
Figure 5 — Splay knot 9
Figure 6 — Margin knot 10
Figure 7 — Branched knot 10
Figure 8 — Knot cluster 11

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BS 1186-3:1990

Figure 9 — Examples of the method of measuring the relevant
dimension of exposed surfaces of wood trim 11
Figure 10 — Measurement of rate of growth 12
Figure 11 — Cladding 23
Figure 12 — Rounded trim 24
Figure 13 — Chamfered trim 25
Figure 14 — Bevelled trim 25

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Figure 15 — Half rounded trim 26
Figure 16 — Miscellaneous trim 27
Table 1 — Moisture content limits of solid timber 4
Table 2 — Some species of softwood and their suitability for use
as wood trim 15
Table 3 — Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use
as wood trim 16
Publications referred to Inside back cover

ii © BSI 06-1999
BS 1186-3:1990


This Part of BS 1186 has been prepared under the direction of the Timber
Standards Policy Committee and it supersedes BS 584, which is withdrawn. It
brings together in one Part updated versions of those clauses and figures of
BS 1186-1:1971, BS 1186-2:1971 and BS 584:1967 that dealt with wood trim, and
relates to both softwood and hardwood (which was omitted from BS 584).
The other Part of BS 1186 is Part 2 Specification for workmanship.
Part 1 Specification for timber is superseded by BS EN 942:1996 Timber in
joinery — General classification of timber quality.
This Part of BS 1186 covers exterior and interior wood trim as described in 1.0.1.
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

It should be noted that this description is more extensive than is usually

understood for wood trim in that, for example, it includes interior solid timber
panelling and exterior solid timber cladding and fascias. It also includes
rectangular or moulded sections, with planed, sawn or sanded surfaces.
Four quality classifications are given for wood trim.
A percentage of wood trim is sold “as seen”. However, a significant percentage is
covered by written purchase specifications and will continue to be so covered.
Until the publication of this Part of BS 1186, wood trim had usually been included
in specifications under the category of “joinery”.

Wood trim is usually manufactured and sold over length to be end trimmed at a
later stage, often by a different company from that which produced the wood trim.
Account has been taken of this in the drafting of this Part of BS 1186.
Owing to the difficulty in distinguishing sapwood from heartwood in some
species, preservative treatments have to be specified for some species for exterior
It has been accepted that the standard profiles that were detailed in BS 584 have
not been successful in encouraging standardization. The Technical Committee
has consulted with the timber trade and users and has consequently agreed sizes
for a limited range of profiles in common use. These are presented in Appendix E.
Specifiers and traders are encouraged to specify these profiles to begin the
process of achieving the economies and the convenience of interchangeability
which are possible with standardization. It should be realized that the profiles
may not be stock items although it is hoped that some will be stocked by
merchants in at least one of the classes of this Part of this standard. To assist in
specifications, a British Standard reference has been allocated to each profile.
Since this Part of BS 1186 specifies both the manufacture and fixing of wood trim,
any claims of compliance with this Part of BS 1186 should state clearly the
sections of this Part of BS 1186 with which compliance is claimed.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 28, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

© BSI 06-1999 iii

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BS 1186-3:1990

Section 1. General

1.0 Introduction 1.0.4 To establish the class (see 4.1) appropriate to

wood trim for a particular use, reference should be
1.0.1 This Part of BS 1186 specifies requirements
made to the appropriate British Standard for the
for timber species and quality classifications of wood
product. However, if no class is defined in the
trim, including profiled boarding, at the time that it
British Standard, or if no British Standard exists for
is handed over from the producer to the first the product, it is necessary for the class(es) to be
purchaser, or subsequently to another purchaser or selected and agreed between the producer and the
the company that will fix the wood trim or profiled
purchaser (see Appendix A).
1.0.5 The classification system used should not be
This Part of BS 1186 also specifies requirements for
confused with similarly designated classifications in
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

fixing wood trim, including profiled boarding, which

other British Standards (e.g. class 1, 2, etc. specified
permit a certain amount of end trimming at the time in BS 476-7, which is applicable to spread of flame
of fixing and making good at the time of decoration. characteristics).
Providing that the required extent of end trimming
does not exceed that specified in section 5, the wood 1.0.6 This Part of BS 1186 follows the policy of
trim at the time it is supplied is considered to BS 1186-1 in not requiring the timber to be marked
comply with this Part of BS 1186 (see also 1.0.11). to identify its class.
For the purposes of this Part of BS 1186, “wood 1.0.7 To meet the end use requirements of various
trim” includes the following. items of wood trim, an assessment of the suitability
of the more commonly available timber species is
a) Exterior: barge boards, fascia boards,
given in Appendix B and Appendix C.
architraves, weather trims (e.g. between a
window and a wall), exterior solid timber 1.0.8 Clauses on laminated, finger jointed and edge
cladding and ancillary trim (tongued and jointed timber (see 4.11 and 4.12) are included to
grooved, square edged and shiplap), mouldings enable more effective use to be made of the available
and cover strips. supplies of timber and to promote greater
consistency, economy and improved stability.
b) Interior: skirting boards, picture rails,
Laminating, finger jointing and edge jointing are
architraves, cornices, mouldings (e.g. scotia, half
not detrimental to the performance of wood trim and
rounds, astragals, cover strips and fillets),
are likely to confer additional dimensional stability.
interior solid timber panelling and ancillary trim
(tongued and grooved, square edged and shiplap) 1.0.9 Recommendations for maintaining the
and window boards. Certain other items supplied moisture content of wood trim are given in
loose but intended to be fixed to joinery and to be Appendix D.
a functional part of the joinery (e.g. handrails, 1.0.10 Appendix E includes a limited range of
newel posts and spindles, door weatherdrips, dimensioned profiles which are in common use and
windowheads and planted stops) should comply are intended to encourage standardization. To
with BS EN 942 and BS 1186-2, and are not assist in the preparation of written specifications,
covered by this Part of BS 1186. each profile is referenced.
1.0.2 In the past, most specifications for timber have 1.0.11 Appendix F gives recommendations for
tended to refer to commercial gradings which, in making good at the time of decoration. Providing
themselves, are insufficient to ensure a correct that the required extent of the making good at the
specification for wood trim. This Part of BS 1186 time of decoration does not exceed that
continues the policy followed in the other Parts of recommended in Appendix F, the wood trim as fixed
BS 1186, of eliminating all references to commercial is considered to comply with this Part of BS 1186.
grading of timber.
1.0.3 There are various stages at which the quality 1.1 Scope
of wood trim can be assessed. Due to the way in This Part of BS 1186 specifies requirements for the
which wood trim is supplied and fixed (i.e. perhaps timber species, moisture content, classification and
requiring end trimming before fixing, and making quality. It also specifies requirements for the
good as part of the decoration process), this Part of workmanship involved in fixing wood trim.
BS 1186 deals with the times at which quality and
workmanship are assessed in a different way from
BS 1186-1 and BS 1186-2.

© BSI 06-1999 1
BS 1186-3:1990

This Part of BS 1186 applies to wood trim of solid 1.2.4

timber or of laminated, finger jointed and edge jointed wood
jointed wood trim that is suitable for use without piece of wood made up from smaller pieces joined
any decorative finish or with an opaque or together end-to-end, such as with finger joints, or
non-opaque finish. Reference is made to end built up with face-to-face or with edge-to-edge joints
trimming which may be necessary at the time of
fixing the wood trim, and to making good which may 1.2.5
be necessary at the time of decoration. lamination
Appendix A, Appendix D, Appendix E and layer in laminated wood

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Appendix F give information and recommendations 1.2.6
on the specifying of timber for wood trim, moisture shake
content, typical profiles and making good at the
separation of fibres along the grain, irrespective of
time of decoration respectively.
the extent of penetration, due to stresses developing
Appendix B and Appendix C indicate species of in a standing tree, or in felling, or in drying of
softwood and hardwood and their suitability for use converted timber
as wood trim.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover.
separation of fibres along the grain forming a crack
1.2 Definitions or fissure that extends through timber or veneer
For the purposes of this Part of BS 1186, the from one surface to the other
definitions given in BS 6100-1.0 and BS 6100-4 1.2.8
apply together with the following. Nomenclature is wood trim
defined in BS 7359. product of uniform profile to be used as a finishing
1.2.1 member
consignment NOTE 1 For the purposes of this Part of BS 1186, the definition
of wood trim is more extensive than the usual definition of wood
delivery of items of wood trim made to a purchaser trim.
at any one time NOTE 2 See 1.0 for examples.
1.2.2 NOTE 3 Typical profiles of wood trim are given in Appendix E.
separation of fibres along the grain forming a crack
or fissure that does not extend through timber or
veneer from one surface to the other
assembly of worked timber components and panel
products other than structural timber or cladding

2 © BSI 06-1999
BS 1186-3:1990

Section 2. Selection of timber species

2.1 Species of timber for end uses

Timber species shall not be used in situations for
which they are stated as being unsuitable in
Appendix B and Appendix C.
A timber species stated in Appendix B or
Appendix C as being suitable for a particular end
use provided that it is preserved shall be preserved
in accordance with BS 5589, if it is used for that end.
NOTE Appendix B and Appendix C list some of the species that
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

are generally available in the UK and cross reference each

species to the purposes for which they are suitable, suitable if
preserved or unsuitable. These lists are not exhaustive and there
are other species for use in wood trim, which may be suitable or
suitable if preserved but which are not so readily available in the

© BSI 06-1999 3
BS 1186-3:1990

Section 3. Moisture content

NOTE 1 The requirements of this section are aimed at 3.2 Measurement of moisture content
minimizing any movement or distortion of wood trim by
ensuring, as far as possible, that the moisture content of the The moisture content shall be checked at the time of
timber as supplied and fixed is close to the moisture content or handover (see 1.0.1) or immediately before fixing,
moisture content range that it will experience in service. See also
Appendix D. whichever is relevant.
NOTE 2 The requirements of this section relate only to solid To measure moisture content, an electrical moisture
timber and not to wood based panel products which usually have
equilibrium moisture contents that differ from those of solid
meter that is capable of making individual
timber. measurements with an accuracy of 2 % at moisture
contents between 7 % and 28 % (but see note 4) shall
3.1 Moisture content be used. The meter shall be accompanied by the

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manufacturer’s instructions and all procedures
When measured in accordance with 3.2, the
shall be in accordance with these instructions.
moisture content of the timber shall either:
When a meter having probes is to be used and the
a) be as given in Table 1; or piece to be checked is thicker than 15 mm,
b) if it is not as given in Table 1, the supplier shall measurements shall be taken with insulated deep
be informed of this within 24 h and the timber probes.
shall be either: NOTE 1 Normally, only random checks are required at the time
of handover.
1) rejected; or
NOTE 2 It is preferable to insert probes from a concealed
2) treated so that the moisture content is as surface so as not to impair the appearance of an exposed surface.
given in Table 1. NOTE 3 In reading the meter, due allowance should be made
for temperature effects.
Table 1 — Moisture content limits of NOTE 4 Electrical resistance moisture meters can give grossly
solid timber inaccurate results when used on timber containing inorganic
salts, such as may be the case after treatment with flame
Category of Subcategory based on Limits of retardants or certain waterborne preservatives. In such cases, it
use service condition moisture may be advisable to refer to the meter manufacturer for a
content correction factor.
Exterior All exterior wood trim 13 to 19
wood trim
Interior For buildings with 13 to 17
wood trim intermittent heating
For buildings with 10 to 14
continuous heating
providing room
temperatures of 12 °C
to 19 °C
For buildings with 8 to 12a
continuous heating
providing room
temperatures of 20 °C
to 24 °C
NOTE If the subcategory based on service condition is not
stated or is not known at the time of handover, the supplier
should agree a moisture content range with the purchaser.
a Wood trim at this moisture content is available only by
special order or agreement and should be protected, stored and
installed in such a manner as to maintain this condition.

4 © BSI 06-1999
BS 1186-3:1990

Section 4. Quality of timber prior to the wood trim

being fixed
4.1 Classification 4.2.2 Limits on the size of knots and knot
4.1.1 Timber for wood trim On exposed surfaces, the limit of the size of
Timber for wood trim, whether solid, laminated or
round knots measured as shown in Figure 2 shall be
edge-jointed, shall have limits of knots and knot
derived from Figure 1 for the appropriate timber
clusters for exposed surfaces as given in Figure 1
class and dimension. The sizes of oval, arris, splay,
and shall comply with the appropriate requirements
margin and branched knots, and of knot clusters
of Figure 1 and 4.2 to 4.13 and shall be classified as shall be measured as shown in Figure 3 to Figure 8
follows: respectively and that measurement shall be
class CSH and timber for high quality or
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

compared with the limits given in Figure 1 for round

class 1 specialized trim; knots. For arris knots, the limit applies to both
class 2 and timber for general purpose trim. surfaces on which the knot appears if such surfaces
class 3 are exposed.
NOTE 1 Classes 2 and 3 do not apply to sections The maximum knot size on exposed surfaces
of 15 mm × 15 mm or less. CSH (timber for “clear” grade of of class CSH timber shall be 6 mm.
softwood or hardwood) and class 1 may require special selection Individual knots or knot clusters on exposed
and may consequently cost more.
NOTE 2 As can be seen from Figure 1, it is not appropriate to
surfaces of timber of classes 1, 2 and 3, measured as
specify class 3 for sections with an exposed surface (see 4.1.2) of indicated in Figure 2 to Figure 8, shall not exceed
less than 25 mm. the size given in Figure 1 for the appropriate class
NOTE 3 Some end trimming may be necessary before the wood and dimension of the finished or sawn size of the
trim is fixed, and some making good may have to be carried out
at the time of decoration. See section 5 and Appendix F.
timber. The method of measuring the finished size
NOTE 4 It is suggested that small occasional over-size of timber shown in Figure 9 shall apply even if a
deviations in knots, fissures and straightness of grain piece is laminated or edge jointed, or is sawn rather
(see 4.2, 4.3 and 4.8) should not be considered to be sufficiently than planed or moulded.
serious as to require rejection of a piece of wood trim. In the special case where a margin,
branched, arris or splay knot occurs on an edge that
4.1.2 Surface categories measures 20 mm or less at a cross section where
Within each class the surface categories shall be as knots occupy one-third or less of the cross section of
follows: the timber, the limit for knot size on the edge shall
a) exposed: surfaces that after final completion of not apply.
the work are not concealed; Other than when wood trim is supplied in
b) concealed: surfaces that after final completion random lengths, knot holes and loose knots shall not
of the work are concealed, not merely by be permitted on an exposed surface. Random
decoration. lengths shall have a limitation of one knot hole or
NOTE For the purpose of this Part of BS 1186, decoration does
loose knot in 3 m on average.
not constitute concealment. Knots on an exposed surface that appear to
be unsound or dead, but which are not loose, shall be
4.2 Knots and knot clusters permitted.
NOTE Sound knots, tight knots and knot clusters are not NOTE 1 When unsound, dead and loose knots or knot holes are
detrimental to the use of wood trim, but it is considered desirable permitted, this is on the assumption that they will be within the
to state their size and distribution to enable specifications to be appropriate class limitations given in Figure 1, and that if the
agreed by the producer, specifier and purchaser. See surface on which they occur is to be decorated, making good in
accordance with Appendix F will take place.
4.2.1 Measurement of sizes of knots and knot NOTE 2 This Part of BS 1186 places no limit on the size of
clusters knots, knot holes or knot clusters on any concealed surface of
wood trim. Individual round, oval, arris, splay, margin
and branched knots shall be measured as shown in When a splay, margin or branched knot is
Figure 2 to Figure 7 respectively to the nearest sound, no limit shall be placed on the size of the knot
millimetre as the mean of the larger and smaller appearing on the surface that cuts along the knot
dimension. rather than through the cross section of the knot
(see Figure 5 to Figure 7). Loose splay, margin or The size of a knot cluster shall be measured branched knots shall be regarded as dead knots.
to the nearest millimetre as the sum of the mean
NOTE Splay, margin or branched knots that are sound do not
dimensions of all knots forming the cluster (as adversely affect the surface that cuts along the knot rather than
indicated in Figure 8). through the cross section of the knot. Therefore no limit is placed
on the size of such knots. Splay knots are, however, particularly
liable to become loose.

© BSI 06-1999 5
BS 1186-3:1990

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NOTE 1 The graphs apply to both sawn and planed sizes.
NOTE 2 See Figure 9 for the method of deriving the size of the relevant timber dimension.
Figure 1 — Limits of knots and knot clusters for exposed surfaces of wood trim
4.2.3 Limits on the distribution of knots and 4.3.1 Limits of splits
knot cluster for CSH class timber Other than end splits, no class of timber shall
There shall be no limits on the distribution of knots contain splits on an exposed surface in the
and knot clusters for CSH class timber. completed work. End splits present in wood trim
4.2.4 Limits on the distribution of knots or before it is fixed in place shall be not longer
knot clusters for timber of classes other than than 70 mm (see also 5.2).
CSH NOTE 1 There is no limit on splits that occur only on concealed
For all classes other than CSH, knots of 10 mm or NOTE 2 In permitting end splits up to 70 mm at the time of
less shall be disregarded when considering the handover to the purchaser, the assumption is that end trimming
limits on the distribution of knots. will be carried out at the time the wood trim is fixed
(see section 5).
The distribution of knots or knot clusters larger
4.3.2 Limits of ring shakes
than 10 mm shall be not less than 150 mm centres
on average, measured over the length of the piece. There shall be no ring shakes on any exposed
When a knot or knot cluster lies within the surface in any class of timber.
end 70 mm of a piece and will be trimmed off before NOTE There is no limit on ring shakes that occur only on
the piece is fixed in the final work, the knot or knot concealed surfaces.
cluster and the length of timber that will be 4.3.3 Limits of checks and shakes other than
trimmed off shall be disregarded in the calculation ring shakes and end shakes
of average centres. Other than ring shakes and end shakes,
Average centres shall be calculated as follows: shakes and checks shall be permitted to the
length of piece following extent on exposed surfaces.
number of knots or knot clusters a) For class CSH or class 1 they shall:
1) not exceed 0.5 mm in width;
4.3 Splits, shakes and checks
2) not be continuous for more than 300 mm in
NOTE Any making good of shakes or checks carried out at the
time of decoration should be in accordance with Appendix F.
any one length;
3) have a depth (see not exceeding
one-quarter of the thickness of the piece;
4) have an aggregated length in the final work
not exceeding 50 % of the length of the face on
which the shakes or checks are being

6 © BSI 06-1999
BS 1186-3:1990

b) For class 2 or class 3 they shall be in 4.7.2 Average rate of growth

accordance with item a) with the exception that The average rate of growth measured in accordance
shakes and checks are permitted up to a width with 4.7.1 shall not exceed the following limits:
of 1.5 mm.
a) softwood for exterior use: not less than an The depth of a shake or check shall be taken average of six growth rings per 25 mm;
as the maximum distance into which a feeler
gauge 0.2 mm thick can be inserted. b) softwood for interior use: not less than an
average of four growth rings per 25 mm.
NOTE It is not considered practical to fill a shake or check of
width 0.5 mm or less. NOTE It is inappropriate to specify limitations on the rate of
growth of tropical hardwoods. For suitability of hardwoods for
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

various end uses see Appendix C.

4.4 Limits of resin pockets
There shall be no resin pockets on exposed surfaces 4.8 Limit on slope of grain
of class CSH timber. The slope of grain, as distinct from figure or surface
NOTE 1 Resin pockets are permitted on exposed surfaces of marking and ignoring local deviations of grain, shall
timber of classes 1, 2 and 3.
NOTE 2 Resin pockets are permitted in timber of classes 1, 2
be not greater than the following values:
and 3 on the assumption that, if an exposed surface is to be a) one in eight for hardwoods;
decorated, the resin pockets will be made good in accordance with
Appendix F. b) one in ten for softwoods.
NOTE 3 Resin pockets are permitted on concealed surfaces of NOTE A method of measuring the slope of grain is described in
any class of timber. Appendix B of BS 4978:1973. This can be applied to both
softwoods and hardwoods.
4.5 Limits of sapwood
4.9 Limits of exposed pith
Sapwood shall be permitted except that, on exposed
surfaces of timber of class CSH, discoloured Pith shall be permitted only on exposed surfaces of
sapwood shall not be visible after decoration unless cladding and internal boarding, and then only in
required as a feature. If sapwood occurs or is likely timber of classes 1, 2 and 3.
to occur in species used for exterior wood trim, the
timber shall be treated in accordance with BS 5589. 4.10 Limits of decay and insect attack
NOTE 1 Blue stain in softwood is a particular example of All timber shall be free from decay and insect attack
discoloured sapwood. other than Ambrosia Beetle damage.
NOTE 2 In some species (e.g. Douglas fir) the sapwood
contrasts in appearance with the heartwood. NOTE Diagnostic features of Ambrosia Beetle damage
(sometimes referred to as pinhole or shothole damage) are
described in Building Research Establishment Technical Note
4.6 Limits of wane No. 55 “Damage by Ambrosia (pinhole borer) Beetle” and further
information on the subject can be obtained from the Building
There shall be no wane on any timber edge except Research Establishment, Garston, Watford, Herts WD2 7JR, or
when the edge is to be concealed in the finished the Timber Research and Development Association, Hughenden
work. Valley, High Wycombe, Bucks HP14 4ND. The size of the holes
alone is not a reliable guide as to whether or not attack is caused
NOTE For the purposes of this Part of BS 1186, decoration does
by Ambrosia Beetle. Care should be taken to ensure that any
not constitute concealment.
holes that are included were in fact caused by Ambrosia Beetle
and were not caused by any other insect.
4.7 Limits on rate of growth of
softwood 4.11 Laminating and edge jointing
4.7.1 Measurement of rate of growth Workmanship for laminating and edge jointing
Rate of growth of softwood for wood trim shall be shall be in accordance with BS 1186-2.
measured at both ends of the wood trim and shall be NOTE The adhesive used should be suitable for the end use.
calculated from the average number (in any 75 mm
dimension) of growth rings intersecting a straight 4.12 Finger jointing
line normal to the growth rings. The straight line NOTE 1 Finger jointing with a profile that does not have any
shall either pass through the projected centre point noticeable gaps at the tips of fingers is permissible.
of growth or shall commence 25 mm from the pith, The workmanship and quality control for finger
when pith is present (see Figure 10). When a jointing shall be in accordance with BS 1186-2.
line 75 mm long is unobtainable, the measurement NOTE 2 The adhesive used should be suitable for the intended
shall be made on the longest line possible normal to end use of the wood trim.
the growth rings that would pass through the centre
of growth of the piece.

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BS 1186-3:1990

4.13 Surface quality If the surface of interior wood trim is planed, there
shall be between 12 and 18 cutter marks per 25 mm.
NOTE The surface of wood trim may be sawn, planed or sanded
in accordance with the project drawings or project specification. If the surface of exterior wood trim is planed, there
shall be between 8 and 18 cutter marks per 25 mm.

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Figure 2 — Round knot

Figure 3 — Oval knot

8 © BSI 06-1999
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© BSI 06-1999
Figure 4 — Arris knot

Figure 5 — Splay knot

BS 1186-3:1990
BS 1186-3:1990

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Figure 6 — Margin knot

NOTE 1 A branched knot is measured only if it is cut through (rather than along) by a surface as shown above. Then it is
measured as a splay knot and has the same limit and characteristics as a splay knot.
NOTE 2 A knot may be considered to be a branched knot rather than an oval knot if the line of the pith is or was essentially on
or close to the surface being considered.
Figure 7 — Branched knot

10 © BSI 06-1999
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI BS 1186-3:1990

Figure 8 — Knot cluster

Figure 9 — Examples of the method of measuring the relevant dimension of

exposed surfaces of wood trim

© BSI 06-1999 11
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© BSI 06-1999
Figure 10 — Measurement of rate of growth
BS 1186-3:1990

BS 1186-3:1990

Section 5. Fixing wood trim

5.1 General 5.4 Fixing by screws

The fixing of wood trim shall be carried out in When wood trim is to be fixed by screws, holes shall
accordance with the project drawings and/or project be predrilled by the fixer.
specification. NOTE 1 Any countersinking should be properly formed to suit
NOTE See Appendix F for recommendations concerning the screw head.
making good at the time of decoration. NOTE 2 Countersunk screws to be used without holes being
countersunk should be placed in surface mounted cups.
NOTE 3 When screws are to be counterbored and plugged, any
5.2 End trimming plug should:
At the time of fixing wood trim, any end containing a) be of the same species as the surrounding
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

an end split shall be trimmed off. timber;

NOTE If an end split is 70 mm or less in length, the wood trim b) lie with its grain in the same general direction
is considered to be within the class limit as supplied before fixing
(see 4.3.1). as the grain of the piece into which it is inserted;
c) be well secured by an adhesive that is suitable
5.3 Nailing for the end use;
Nails shall be driven in such a way as to prevent d) occupy the whole depth of the hole;
hammer marks occurring on the surface of the e) be of a diameter not more than 6 mm larger
timber, and so as to prevent splitting of the timber. than the size of round knot permitted for the
If nails are to be driven below the surface, the relevant class and dimension of timber
driving shall be carried out with a punch smaller (see Figure 1).
than the nail head. If nails are to finish flush with NOTE 4 When screwed fixings are to be counterbored and
the surface of the wood trim, extra care shall be filled, the filler should be suitable for the end use and should be
taken to avoid hammer marks on the surface. compatible with any finish to be applied.

When nailing tongued and grooved, overlapped or

shiplap boards, the nails shall be positioned to allow
subsequent movement of boards without splitting as
a result of nailing restraint.
NOTE 1 In other applications the positions of the nails may also
be critical and should be subject to specification.
NOTE 2 For exterior use, or interior use in conditions of high
humidity, care should be taken in the specification of nails.
NOTE 3 It is good practice to machine stress relieving grooves
into the back of boards in order to reduce the risk of splitting
during nailing.

© BSI 06-1999 13
BS 1186-3:1990

Appendix A Recommendations for A.3 Identifying characteristics, techniques or

specifying timber for wood trim remedies and their acceptability with
non-opaque finish
A.1 General When it is intended that wood trim is to have a
Specifiers intending to use this Part of BS 1186 non-opaque finish, the specifier should consider if
would be well advised, before finalizing contract any of the following are unacceptable.
documents, to consider whether special contractual a) The use of:
arrangements should be made. If no such
arrangements are made, the requirements of this 1) laminating without end/finger jointing in

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Part of BS 1186 should be applied. the laminations;
A.2 Information to be supplied to the 2) laminating with end/finger jointing in the
manufacturer laminations;
The following information should be supplied to the 3) finger jointing of solid sections;
manufacturer: 4) edge jointing.
a) when applicable, the acceptability of timbers b) The use of remedial treatment where the
not given in Appendix B and Appendix C; following natural characteristics occur:
b) the required class(es) and surface category of 1) resin pockets (see 4.4);
timber (see 1.0.1 and 1.0.4); 2) damage arising from insect attack (see 4.10);
c) the required subcategory of moisture content at 3) knots and other natural characteristics,
handover selected from Table 2; e.g. shakes (see 4.3).
d) the point of handover of the joinery from the NOTE This applies to all classes of timber except in respect
manufacturer to the first purchaser; of shakes and checks in class 2 or class 3. When filled shakes
and checks are not acceptable, a class of timber higher than
NOTE 1 It is at this point that the wood trim should be class 2 should be specified.
checked for compliance with 3.1.
c) Discoloured sapwood (see 4.5).
e) the purpose for which the wood trim is
intended when installed, described in accordance
with the terms used in Appendix B and
Appendix C;
NOTE 2 Without this information it is not possible to
establish the suitability of the timber to be supplied.
f) whether an opaque or non-opaque finish is
required (see A.3).
NOTE 3 Specifiers should be aware that stringent restrictions
will almost certainly result in increased cost. Where too stringent
restrictions are imposed it may be more economical to select a
higher class of timber.

14 © BSI 06-1999
Appendix B Some species of softwood and their suitability for use as wood trim
© BSI 06-1999

Table 2 — Some species of softwood and their suitability for use as wood trim
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Species (see note 1) Characteristics (see note 2) Average Workability Dimensional Suitability
density at movement
15 %
Exterior Interior
trim trim
(see note 3)
Cedar, western red Variable reddish brown heartwood, distinct white sapwood. 390 B S SW SW
(Thuja plicata) Straight grain, coarse texture. Discolours in contact with
ferrous metal if damp. Non-ferrous fittings and fastenings
are recommended.
Douglas fir Light reddish brown heartwood, paler sapwood. Growth 530 B S SW SW
(Pseudotsuga rings clearly defined and inclined to show through paint.
menziesii) Discolours in contact with ferrous metal. Non-ferrous
fittings and fastenings are recommended. Long, clear
lengths available.
Hemlock, western Pale brown. Growth rings distinguishable. Straight grain, 470 to 500 A S SP SW
(Tsuga fine even texture. Shipments include amabilis fir (less
heterophylla) dense, less strong). Good paint performance in service.
Long, clear lengths available.
Parana pine Golden brown, sometimes with red streaks. Straight grain, 550 A M X SW
(Araucaria fine uniform texture, generally available knot-free. Liable
angustifolia) to distort on machining. Good paint performance in service.
Redwood, Pale yellowish brown to red brown heartwood, paler 510 B M SP SW
European: Scots sapwood. Medium texture. Growth rings clearly marked.
pine Good joinery timber. Good paint performance in service.
(Pinus silvestris)
Whitewood, White to pale yellowish brown. Straight grain, rather fine 470 A M SP SW

BS 1186-3:1990
European texture. Good paint performance in service.
(Picea abies and
Abies spp)
See keys and notes following Table 4.
Appendix C Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use as wood trim

BS 1186-3:1990
Table 3 — Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use as wood trim
Species (see note 1) Characteristics (see note 2) Average Workability Dimensional Suitability
density at movement
15 %

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Exterior Interior
trim (see trim
note 3)
Abura Heartwood and sapwood, light brownish coloured, plain 580 B S X SW
(Mitragyna ciliata) appearance. Medium/fine texture. Tendency to split on
nailing. Stains well.
Afrormosia Heartwood deep brown, sapwood light brown. Medium/fine 710 B S SW SW
(Pericopsis elata) texture.Discolours in contact with ferrous metal if damp.
Pre-bore for nailing.
Afzelia Reddish brown heartwood. Straw coloured sapwood. Grain 830 C S SW SW
(Afzelia spp.) often interlocked, texture coarse. Pre-bore for nailing. Can
stain masonry and textiles if damp.
Agba Pale pinkish brown heartwood of uniform appearance, 510 B S SW SW
(Gossweilerodendron sapwood slightly lighter (border sometimes indistinct).
balsamiferum) Medium texture. Resinous odour frequent.
Ash, European Generally white to light brown. Medium/coarse texture. 710 B M X SW
(Fraxinus excelsior) Very good bending timber, very tough.
Beech, European Light reddish brown; if steamed, pink. Fine even texture. 720 A/B L X SW
(Fagus sylvatica) Good bending. Stains and polishes well.
Birch, yellow Wide variation in colour from cream to reddish brown, can 700 B L X SW
(Betula include sweet birch (denser, darker). Fine even texture.
alleghaniensis) Stains and polishes well.
Cedar, Brazilian Colour (pale to dark reddish brown) and properties highly 480 B S X SW
(Cedrela spp.) variable. Occasional interlocked grain, coarse texture.
Fragrant odour. Resin exudation, resin pockets may occur.
© BSI 06-1999
Table 3 — Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use as wood trim
© BSI 06-1999

Species (see note 1) Characteristics (see note 2) Average Workability Dimensional Suitability
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

density at movement
15 %
Exterior Interior
trim (see trim
note 3)
Cherry, American Colour varies from light straw to reddish brown. Straight fine 590 B M X SW
(Prunus serotina) grain, fine texture. Pith flecks and small resin pockets are
common. Stains and polishes well.
Chestnut, sweet Heartwood yellowish brown, similar to oak. Sapwood distinct. 560 B S SW SW
(Castanea sativa) Coarse texture, tendency to spiral grain. Discolours in contact
with ferrous metal if damp. Non-ferrous fittings or fastenings
are recommended.
Elm, white Light greyish brown. Straight but sometimes interlocked grain, 580 B M X SW
(Ulmus americana) coarse texture. Good bending properties.
Guarea Can be bought separately. Pinkish brown, sapwood pale. Fine B S SW SW
a) (Guarea cedrata) texture, often interlocked grain. a) Occasionally exudes resin. a) 590 B S SW SW
b) (Guarea b) 640
Idigbo Heartwood yellowish to light yellowish brown, sapwood 560 B S SW SW
(Terminalia ivorensis) somewhat paler. Coarse texture. Discolours in contact with
ferrous metal, can stain masonry if damp. Non-ferrous fittings
or fastenings are recommended.
Iroko Colour varies from yellowish brown to dark brown, with pale 660 B/C S SW SW
(Chlorophora excelsa yellow sapwood. Interlocked grain, coarse texture. Very hard,
and C. regia) strong.
Keruing Numerous species of similar characteristics. Pinkish brown to 740 B M/L a X
(Dipterocarpus spp.) dark brown heartwood, plain appearance. Sapwood grey.
Straight grain, occasionally interlocked. Exudes resin,

BS 1186-3:1990
sometimes making finishing troublesome. Prone to severe
distortion during drying.
Table 3 — Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use as wood trim

BS 1186-3:1990
Species (see note 1) Characteristics (see note 2) Average Workability Dimensional Suitability
density at movement
15 %
Exterior Interior

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

trim (see trim
note 3)
Lauan Meranti Serayah Name depends on origin: Philippines, Malaysia/Indonesia, Dark A/B S SP SW
(Shorea spp.) Sabah respectively. Produced from numerous species, the red 710
timber is sold in a wide variety of colour (dark red, red, Light
light red, yellow, white) with widely varying red 550
characteristics. Those with higher density are generally
stronger, stiffer and more durable than those with lower
density. Interlocked grain, coarse texture.
Mahogany, African Reddish brown heartwood, yellowish brown sapwood. 530 B S SW SW
(Khaya spp.) Interlocked grain, moderately coarse texture.
Mahogany, Central and Pale to dark reddish brown. Some interlocked grain, 560 B S SW SW
South American texture slightly coarse. Gives excellent finish.
(Swietenia spp.)
Makore Lustrous, pinkish brown to dark red heartwood, paler 640 C S SW SW
(Tieghemella heckelii) sapwood. Straight grain, fine texture. Discolours in contact
with ferrous metal. Tends to split on nailing.
Maple, rock Pale brown heartwood, white sapwood. Straight grain, fine 740 B M X SW
(Acer saccharum) texture. A strong, taut timber, bends well. Stains and
polishes well.
Oak Colour varies, depending on species, from pale yellow a) 790 B M X SW
(Quercus spp.) brown to reddish mid brown. Sapwood distinct, paler. b) 770 B M SW SW
a) American, red Straight grain, all species medium texture except c), which c) 720 B M SW SW
b) American, white may be coarse. Discolours in contact with ferrous metals. d) 670 B M X SW
c) European Non-ferrous fittings and fastenings are required. Nailing
difficult, pre-bore.
d) Japanese
Obeche Pale straw coloured. Interlocked grain, moderatelycoarse 390 A S X SW
(Triplochiton scleroxylon) even texture. A stable, low density, easy to work timber.
© BSI 06-1999

Stains well.
Table 3 — Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use as wood trim
© BSI 06-1999

Species (see note 1) Characteristics (see note 2) Average Workability Dimensional Suitability
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

density at movement
15 %
Exterior Interior
trim (see trim
note 3)
Opepe Yellow to orange yellow heartwood, whitish sapwood. 750 C S S X
(Nauclea diderrichii) Irregular, interlocked grain, coarse texture, making it
unsuitable for small sections. Some surface checking
may occur.
Poplar, American yellow Yellowish to olive brown heartwood with some dark 510 A M X SW
(Liriodendron streaks, whitish sapwood. Straight grain, fine even
tulipifera) texture. Smooth finish, good nailing and staining.
Ramin White to pale straw colour. Straight grain, fine texture. 670 A L X SW
(Gonystylus spp.) Splits on nailing. Stains well.
Sapele Medium to dark reddish brown heartwood with a 640 B M SW SW
(Entandrophragma pronounced stripe. Sapwood whitish. Interlocked grain,
cylindricum) fine texture.
Sycamore White to yellowish, lustrous. Generally straight grain, 630 A M X SW
(Acer pseudoplatanus) fine even texture.
Teak Golden brown heartwood sometimes with dark 660 C S SW SW
(Tectona grandis) markings, pale yellowish brown sapwood. Straight or
wavy grain, coarse texture. Very stable. Pre-boring
recommended for nailing.
Utile Reddish or purplish brown heartwood. Pale sapwood. 660 B M SW SW
(Entandrophragma utile) Interlocked grain, open texture.
Walnut, African Heartwood bronze brown with occasional black streaks, 560 B S SW SW
(Lovoa trichilioides) sapwood distinct, buff coloured. Interlocked grain, fine

BS 1186-3:1990
Walnut, American Rich dark brown heartwood, pale sapwood. Grain 660 B SM SW SW
(Juglans nigra) varies from straight to curly, texture coarse.
Table 3 — Some species of hardwood and their suitability for use as wood trim

BS 1186-3:1990
Keys to Table 2 and Table 3
The key for workability is as follows:
A easily worked on bench or machine;
B average workability;
C difficult to work on bench.
The key for dimensional (moisture related) movement is as follows:

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

S small;
M medium;
L large.
The key for exterior and interior trim is as follows:
SW suitable without preservative treatment;
SP suitable when preservatively treated in accordance with BS 5589;
X unsuitable.
NOTE 1 This is not a comprehensive list of suitable species. There are other species that are suitable for woodtrim but which may not be readily available in the UK. Timbers are
listed in alphabetical order and are not in order of importance or according to extent of use.
NOTE 2 The characteristics described are for information only.
NOTE 3 Where sapwood is present in exterior trim, preservative treatment is necessary even where the species is shown as suitable without preservative treatment (SW).
NOTE 4 Dark finishes to trim absorb more heat than light finishes, hence dark finishes are more likely to cause resin exudation, shakes and increased timber movement.
NOTE 5 Even those timbers shown as suitable for external use (SW or SP) can suffer photo-degradation of exposed external surfaces if a non-opaque finish is applied.
NOTE 6 It should be noted that colour variations in timber occur.
NOTE 7 More detailed information can be found in A Handbook of Hardwoods (1972) and A Handbook of Softwoods (1977) published by and available from the Building Research
Establishment, Garston, Watford, Herts WD2 7JR.
Due to excessive movement on drying and the high risk of resin exudation for an indefinite period, keruing is suitable only for cladding; for this use it requires no presservative
© BSI 06-1999
BS 1186-3:1990

Appendix D Recommendations for D.3 In new building work, where a considerable

maintaining the moisture content of amount of water is used, the moisture content of
wood trim timber may increase and this could cause distortion.
Timber should therefore be protected against
D.1 Precautions should be taken during storage ingress of moisture during the building process and
prior to delivery, during transport, and on site, to in particular should be kept clear, if possible, from
ensure that the wood trim is adequately protected direct contact with wet work. Ample ventilation
and so that changes in moisture content caused by should be provided to reduce the risk of moisture
weather conditions are minimized. pick-up and to ensure quicker drying out. It is
recommended that buildings should be made
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

D.2 Wood trim should at all times be stored on dry

weathertight before any internal wood trim is
bases raised above ground level and wherever
installed. When wood trim is fixed in close proximity
possible under cover. If it is necessary to store wood
to a source of heat, special precautions should be
trim in the open under temporary cover, it should be
taken to protect the trim.
covered with clean tarpaulins or other impermeable
material arranged to give full protection but also to
permit free passage of air around the trim. Where
open storage is unavoidable, this should be for only
short periods and deliveries should be arranged

© BSI 06-1999 21
BS 1186-3:1990

Appendix E Typical profiles

NOTE Where quoted in specifications, the design references given in this Part of BS 1186 should be prefixed with the letters BS,
e.g. BS 9 TGV 95.

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

(a) Tongued, grooved and vee joined

(b) Taper tongued, grooved and vee joined

(c) Tongued, grooved, vee jointed and channelled

Figure 11 — Cladding

22 © BSI 06-1999
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI BS 1186-3:1990

(d) Tongued, grooved and channeled

(e) Lapped and channeled

NOTE All surfaces may be sawn or machined

(f) Feather edged
All sizes are in millimeters
NOTE 1 Thick lines denote a planed or machined surface.
NOTE 2 Board undersides can be fine sawn or hit/miss planed and the underside profile can be varied.
NOTE 3 It is good practice to machine stress relieving grooves into the back of the boards.
NOTE 4 It is advisable for boards to be machined so that the surface that faced the centre of the tree, when sawn, forms the
exposed surface.
NOTE 5 If the back face is to be exposed, it is advisable for it to be machined as well as the front face.
Figure 11 — Cladding (concluded)

© BSI 06-1999 23
BS 1186-3:1990

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NOTE All linear sizes are in millimetres.
Figure 12 — Rounded trim

24 © BSI 06-1999
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI BS 1186-3:1990

NOTE All linear sizes are in millimetres.

Figure 13 — Chamfered trim

Figure 14 — Bevelled trim

© BSI 06-1999 25
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

© BSI 06-1999
Figure 15 — Half rounded trim
BS 1186-3:1990

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© BSI 06-1999
Figure 16 — Miscellaneous trim

BS 1186-3:1990
BS 1186-3:1990

Appendix F Making good at the time of F.2.1 When sawn wood trim is to receive a finish,
decoration resin should be removed from resin pockets and the
trim should be made good as described in F.1.
F.1 General F.2.2 If the surface is planed or sanded, there
F.1.1 Provided that wood trim as supplied and fixed should be no signs of break-out or tearing of grain.
is within the timber class limits of this Part of F.2.3 When planed or sanded surfaces of wood trim
BS 1186, any making good that is necessary at the are to receive an opaque finish, unsound knots,
time of decoration should be carried out in shakes or checks, and resin pockets, should be made
accordance with F.2. good as described in F.1.

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

F.1.2 Any filler that is used should be suitable for F.2.4 When planed or sanded surfaces of wood trim
the end use and compatible with any finish that is to are to receive a non-opaque finish, it is
be applied. recommended that the acceptability or otherwise of
F.1.3 Where a resin pocket is to be made good, the plugs and fillers, laminating and edge jointing,
resin should be cut out or burnt out and the finger jointing or other joints in the length of wood
resulting cavity should be made good either with a trim be specified. If not specifically excluded, the
filler suitable for the end use and for any finish that supplier, fixer or decorator should be entitled to use
is to be applied, or with a plug complying with 5.4. such plugs, fillers and jointing methods in
NOTE Making good may be needed to repair unsound knots accordance with this Part of BS 1186.
(see 4.2), to fill shakes or checks (see 4.3), to repair resin pockets NOTE 1 With most non-opaque finishes, it usually results in a
(see 4.4), or to repair deviations in machining (see 4.13). more satisfactory appearance if small shakes and checks are left
F.2 Extent of making good unfilled, because of the different absorption characteristics of
filler and timber.
NOTE There is no requirement in this Part of BS 1186 for any NOTE 2 See BS 6150.
making good of defects in cases when surfaces of wood trim are
not to receive a finish.

28 © BSI 06-1999
BS 1186-3:1990

Publications referred to

BS 476, Fire tests on building materials and structures.

BS 476-7, Method for classification of the surface spread of flame of products.
BS 1142, Specification for fibre building boards.
BS 1142-1, Methods of test.
BS 1142-2, Medium board, medium density fibreboard (MDF) and hardboard.
BS 1142-3, Insulating board (softboard).
BS 1186, Timber for and workmanship in joinery.
BS 1186-2, Specification for workmanship.
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 14-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

BS 4978, Specification for softwood grades for structural use.

BS 5589, Code of practice for preservation of timber.
BS 5669, Particleboard.
BS 5669-1, Methods of sampling, conditioning and test.
BS 5669-2, Specification for wood chipboard.
BS 5669-3, Specification for waferboard and oriented strand board (OSB).
BS 5669-4, Specification for cement bonded particleboard.
BS 5669-5, Code of practice for the selection and application of particleboards for specific purposes.
BS 6100, Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.
BS 6100-1, General and miscellaneous.
BS 6100-1.0, General.
BS 6100-4, Forest products.
BS 6100-4.1, Characteristics and properties of timber and wood based panel products.
BS 6100-4.2, Sizes and quantities of solid timber.
BS 6100-4.3, Wood based panel products.
BS 6100-4.4, Carpentry and joinery.
BS 6100-4.5, Cork.
BS 6150, Code of practice for painting of buildings.
BS 6566, Plywood.
BS 6566-1, Specification for construction of panels and characteristics of plies including marking.
BS 6566-2, Glossary of terms.
BS 6566-3, Specification for acceptance levels for post-manufacture batch testing including sampling.
BS 6566-4, Specification for tolerances on the dimensions of plywood panels.
BS 6566-5, Specification for moisture content.
BS 6566-6, Specification for limits of defects for the classification of plywood by appearance.
BS 6566-7, Specification for classification of resistance to fungal decay and wood borer attack.
BS 6566-8, Specification for bond performance of veneer plywood.
BS 7359, Nomenclature of commercial timbers, including sources of supply.
BS EN 942, Timber in joinery — General classification of quality.
A Handbook of Hardwoods (1972), Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford, Herts.
A Handbook of Softwoods (1977), Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford, Herts.
ABPVM (Association of British Plywood and Veneer Manufacturers) specification: BP 101:1985 25/35 City
Road, London EC1Y 1AR.
BRE Technical Note No. 55, Damage by Ambrosia (pinhole borer) Beetle, Building Research Establishment,
Garston, Watford, Herts WD2 7JR.

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BS 1186-3:
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