Your Feminine Roadmap To His Commitment
Your Feminine Roadmap To His Commitment
Your Feminine Roadmap To His Commitment
author´s consent.
From being the girl that was never asked out on dates, to being
the girl that never made it to the second date, from being the girl
that chased men to being the girl that was told – “I am not feeling
it for you,” – I have gone through a whole spectrum of rejections,
heart-break, pain and insults.
However, and this is where the message lay for me, sometimes our
biggest transformations are waiting to be churned out through our
most painful experiences.
One night, after yet another man I liked told me, “I cannot give
you what you want,” and casually disappeared on me after two
months of dating, I realized I could not go on living like this forever.
I was still the same Sami on the outside but something inside of me
had shifted and that shift made all the difference.
empowering and transformational that I knew I had to spread the
I believe with all my heart that if I can do it, so can you, so can
anybody else who is willing to learn and do what works!
This Book
Let me begin by telling you what this book is not.
This book is not a magic pill for resolving deeper issues that many
of us tend to carry on our backs like low self-esteem, experiences
with a toxic partner or a painful childhood, all of which we bring
to our present relationship in ways that may not necessarily serve
the relationship. While I passionately love to coach and heal
women with these challenges in my private coaching sessions, the
focus of this book is intentionally not on these topics.
As the book unfolds, I give you an outline for the perfect path from
dating to commitment to marriage.
The book tells the stories of two women, Cute Clara and Marry-Me-
Mara, and their interaction from the first date to marriage and
heart-break with a man called Daniel. The important thing to
register here is that while Clara’s and Mara’s stories with Daniel run
parallel to each other, they occur in two separate worlds and do
not intersect at any point of time.
As you will start engaging with the core content of the book, you
will notice that Cute Clara and Marry-Me-Mara represent two
extreme cases. Cute Clara will do everything right and Marry-Me-
Mara will do everything wrong. This of course is an exaggeration
and has been done on purpose. In real life you will find parts of
both extremes in you. You will find yourself doing somethings right
and somethings wrong.
My hope is that after reading this book, men and love will start to
feel easier to you because there will be no more guess work.
By the end of this book, you will understand –
Again, there will be moments in the book when you will feel happy
about the things that you are doing right but there will also be
moments where your mistakes will stare you hard in the face. “Oh
my God, I can’t believe I did this,” kind of feelings may come up
for you.
In fact, for every mistake of yours that you can recognize, as the
story of Cute Clara and Marry-Me-Mara unfolds, I want you to give
yourself a pat on the back and say, “Yay! I learnt something new!
Won´t repeat this ever again,” and when you’ve said that, I want
you to move on and practice the new skills and awareness in your
real life and get real results with real men (and let me know how it
This book, in a fun and illustrative way, will bring to light what works
with men so that you can quickly and effectively learn it, apply it
and shift your love and dating life around by doing more of what
works and increasingly less of what doesn't work.
I would love to hear how this works for you and the results you
achieve from this knowledge. If you have a personal situation in
your love life that you need support with, don't hesitate to contact
me. I hope you have fun reading and learning.
Marry–Me–Mara´s Reaction 13
Coach Commentary 14
Coach Commentary 25
Marry-Me-Mara´s Reaction 33
Coach Commentary 35
Coach Commentary 47
Coach Commentary 58
Coach Commentary 66
CHAPTER 1 – Meet Cute Clara, Marry-Me-Mara And Daniel
On the one side we have Cute Clara. She is 28 years old and a
pretty woman. She has brown eyes, dark-blonde hair that she likes
to tie up high in a ponytail, and a petite nose that her
friends like to rub because they believe doing that
makes miracles happen. Clara has a thing for short
dresses and loves the colour yellow ever since
she witnessed how the midday sun reflects in
the waves of the sea, painting the world
bright. Clara works daily from nine to six and loves
her job. She likes to take the last hour of a working
week and tick off all the things she has
accomplished. In her free time, she loves to dance and
surf on the high waves of the ocean. She lives in Palm country.
Amanda Spears, a highly successful woman that recently
appeared on the front page of the ‘Business Success’ magazine.
Mara eagerly tries to make a difference at her work and is also
ready to give the extra hour. She lives in Icicle Country.
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CHAPTER 2 – Saying Hello Online
“Hey Beautiful. I am intrigued by all the fun stuff you love doing
and your attitude towards life. I would enjoy getting to know you.
Tomorrow there will be a live-performance of the ‘Soulmates’
band in Dine-The-Best. I would like to invite you and be glad to
meet you there. Daniel.”
She´s a wise girl now because she has learnt from her past dating
experiences that it is not the best idea to meet a man you know
nothing about. The last time she went on a blind date, the man
turned out to be completely opposite of what she had imagined
him to be. In fact it was just like the other dates coming from her
online profile, where she ended up wasting a lot of time back and
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forth, and being caught up in situations where there was not even
a basic connection with the man.
Daniel´s Reaction
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Marry–Me–Mara´s Reaction
Daniel´s Reaction
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Coach Commentary
Cute Clara
Clara feels happy to hear from Daniel because it gives her the
clear signal that this man is interested in her and he knows how
to do the job of moving the dating process forward by inviting
the woman out on a date and planning the date.
Even without knowing how the story will unfold further, I can sense
from Clara’s grounded and calm attitude that she believes in her
own sense of worth and her inner goddess! She seems to believe
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at a very deep level that she deserves to be loved, just the way
she is.
It is not that she is perfect. Nobody is. I am sure she has her
moments of personal doubt when she wishes she were taller or
However, she also knows that men are not looking for a perfect
woman. They are looking to love and cherish a real woman, with
all her imperfections, weaknesses and grey areas included.
Clara also knows the extent to which looks count. While without
doubt they help to pull in a man initially, they are not what makes
a man stay. What makes a man stay is a woman´s inner qualities,
her energy and the vibe she gives out in the world.
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If you feel a connection, ask for a recent photograph.
Clara has learnt from her mistakes in the past and she practices
strict discipline with not throwing herself out at the excitement of
meeting a new guy. She starts out detached and knows that she
has to first test whether or not he is even worth a meeting. This saves
her precious time and unnecessary disappointments.
Cute Clara has an open, easy and high vibe to her. Even though
she is internally detached, externally she is still approachable and
Her message to Daniel is sweet, short and respectful and lays out
exactly what he needs to do next if he wants to see her.
In fact she even gives him her phone number. For many women
this would feel uncomfortable and “too much” but for Clara, she
knows this is an organic step of intimacy that comes before
meeting someone. In her world, meeting a man before you have
heard his voice is too intimate too soon, not the other way around.
In real life, you too can give your number to a man after
exchanging a few messages in chat beforehand. This ensures that
a basic liking is there and you feel safe before you handout your
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However, it would help you immensely to decide how much time
you want to spend chatting online. Many women get trapped in
an endless stream of messages back and forth that don’t result in
anything concrete like the man asking them out.
This is why it will serve you to offer your number and see if the man
makes the effort to move the dating to the next level - call you
and ask you out. If not, he will simply be left behind by another
man who does!
Overall, Cute Clara did a great job and there is a lot to learn from
her standard dating procedure for online dating for all of us.
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Here are some of the things that I find worrisome about her
approach -
Mara’s sentence, “I will give this my best,“ makes it seem like that
this sweet girl is unfortunately approaching dating like she would
approach a job interview in her, “Let’s conquer this,“ masculine
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Masculine energy is the doing, action-oriented energy, leading
energy. It is not specific to any gender. Both men and women
have both masculine and feminine energies.
Far from understanding that letting Daniel do something for her will
bond him to her, Marry-Me-Mara takes away this opportunity from
him by suggesting to meet him at a local bar.
In her mind, being the good person she is, Mara thinks she is just
being nice. However, she does not seem to understand (like Cute
Clara understands) that she is making it hard for Daniel to connect
with her by not allowing him to step up as a man for her.
Far from letting him make an effort for her, she makes it all too easy
for Daniel. So much so, that he even decides to drop the idea of
taking her to the expensive Dine-The-Best and agrees to meet at
the Drink-Me-Crazy bar.
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Overall, from Mara we learn that there is no need to jump the gun
and lean forward, especially not at such an early phase of dating.
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CHAPTER 3 – The First Date
In the end, Clara thanked Daniel for a great evening and decided
to leave after spending two beautiful hours with him. This was not
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because she didn't want to spend more time with him but
because she wanted to take it step by step and not overwhelm
him or herself with too much intimacy at the start.
Daniel´s Reaction
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Marry-Me-Mara´s First Date
She likes Daniel´s charm though and secretly wonders how he feels
about her. They sit down at the table and start chit-chatting.
She leans forward from her chair, in the direction of Daniel, and
asks him about what he does for a living. As he begins to answer,
she finds herself getting more and more impressed by his goals and
the vision he has for his life.
“He is such a catch,” she finds herself saying this in her head.
A bit of back and forth continues until there comes that awkward,
dreaded silence.
Not knowing what more to say and with her restlessness taking
over, she decides to get up and get herself a drink. She asks Daniel
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if he would also like a drink and he gladly agrees. She pays for the
drinks and returns to the table for them to keep talking.
When over an hour passed, she starts to feel restless about what
will happen next. She has enjoyed meeting Daniel but he doesn't
give her a sign of what he feels and thinks about her.
In order to spend some more time with him, she invites him to join
at the house party of her friend where she will be heading next.
Daniel´s Reaction
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Coach Commentary
Cute Clara
When you give up control (for instance, when you give up thinking
what will happen next, what you should say to the man, how you
should make him like you) and just relax in the present moment,
you are leaning back and being in your feminine energy.
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man. This makes her vibe appear relaxed and confident and not
too eager or desperate.
Also, when you are present, you are happy and a happy woman
is an extremely attractive woman.
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She decided to take it slow.
When you take it slow as a rule, you don´t run the risk of falling
head-over-heels in love with a man you really don´t know, in spite
of the good chemistry, which is present almost always at the start.
Plus, and this is really interesting, when you can take it slow as a
woman and not get urgent about reaching any outcome with a
man, the man starts to feel the urgency to make something
happen with you instead! Your lack of urgency and taking it slow
creates a gut-level attraction in him, compelling him to move
closer to you.
The bottom-line from Clara’s first date is this - Stay in your leaned
back, feminine energy mode with a man, take it slow and you will
start becoming irresistible to him at a very deep, emotional and
instinctive level.
As you can see, Cute Clara has done really well for herself.
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I think it´s not hard to see that Marry-Me-Mara is nervous on her first
date with Daniel.
While being nervous is perfectly okay, it´s even okay to say that
you are feeling nervous, it is not in your benefit to “act out” on that
nervousness. What do I mean by acting out? I mean starting to
behave from that, “place of nervousness.” It seems to be me that
Marry-Me-Mara has completely forgotten her own sense of
worthiness and her beautiful uniqueness and jumped onto the
bandwagon of impressing and pleasing Daniel.
I can clearly identify four things Mara did that didn't necessarily go
in her favour.
Since she is not present in the moment, Mara is also not able to
receive the offerings of her environment. Drinks and conversations
feel like chores to her and are only a part of the process to get
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close to this man. Basically, she is unable to relax and just be
On your next date, make sure you are leaning back in your chair.
It will instantly relax your nervousness and shift your vibe from eager
to calm, from needy to relaxed and from trying to make anything
happen to seeing what unfolds with time.
If there is silence on the next date you go to, a better option would
be to just let yourself sink into the moment and into your feminine
energy, enjoy the ambience around you, or better still give the
man you are with a big smile.
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She gets the drinks and pays for them.
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CHAPTER 4 – The Man Hasn’t Called
She also trusts in the fact that if Daniel really likes her and if he is
the one for her, he will make it happen. He will take action to see
her again.
She knows by now that men´s actions speak louder than their
words and when a man likes a woman, he takes action to see her
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Needless to say, she feels very peaceful in this place of trust and
carries on happily.
Daniel´s Reaction
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Marry-Me-Mara´s Reaction
Mara silently sits in her room and thinks that things are starting to
feel very exciting and interesting for her. In fact, she now feels
drawn to Daniel in more ways than one. Could this be her forever
man? It feels electric to her, just like love.
Having not heard from him since the date, Mara decides that it
was time for her to be the emancipated woman of the 21st century
and confidently call Daniel.
“Or stop Mara, do you really want to,” she asks herself! She feels
She secretly wishes he would call her but again she manages to
convince herself like all other times in the past– “Come on Mara,
we are not living in the 18th century anymore. You can call a man
and tell him that you like him. Plus, maybe he did want to call you
but lost his phone, or lost your number, or maybe his aunt died?
Who knows?”
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When he responds with a yes, she feels very happy that she called
him and can’t wait for that day in her life when she will experience
this man’s full love and devotion for her.
Daniel´s Reaction
Daniel’s conclusion was - “I will keep dating other women and yes,
also see her once in a while. No harm in keeping my options
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Coach Commentary
Cute Clara
It seems like she has learned this lesson well and is very disciplined
and determined to implement it.
She doesn't like to call, text, email a man first because she knows
it is masculine energy and to a man it looks needy and desperate
no matter how much she tries to convince herself that it comes
from a place of confidence in the 21st century.
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him but in knowing and believing that she is worthy of a good
man´s pursuit.
To Clara, her power lies in the fact that she can evoke feelings of
intense desire and attraction in a man by leaning back in her
feminine energy and hence inspire him to pursue her.
She finds her peace in the fact that if he is the chosen one for her,
if he is her Mr. Forever, he will find a way to get close to her without
needing any coaxing, prodding, poking, controlling or reminding
from her part.
Coming from this spiritual place also allows her to calm herself and
give up her urges of trying to control the future with Daniel. It is not
that she doesn’t have those urges. It is just that she has learnt to
breathe through them and let them pass without overpowering
Control after all is based on the fear that the future will not look like
we want it to look or the man we want will not respond to us the
way we want him to.
Cute Clara chooses trust over fear and decides that staying in her
feminine place is her best bet for the long haul and attracting a
quality man into her life who values her. If the man in question does
not step up, he is simply not the man for her and she has the power
to let him go.
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She does not sit at home and pine for him and wait for
him to message and call.
This is the most amazing part about Cute Clara´s confidence, her
high self-esteem and her belief in her inner goddess-ness.
Instead of hoping and praying that Daniel call or text, and letting
her insecurities overwhelm her, she carries on living her life happily,
doing things she loves like dancing and surfing. This makes her
leaning back and not chasing Daniel extremely authentic and
very attractive.
If you sit at home and think about a man the whole day, no matter
how cool you try to act on the outside, he will feel your neediness
in your vibe and over time this will go against you and dampen his
attraction for you.
She has learnt to rely on the actions of men rather than their words
because to create a real relationship, you need a man who can
take action, day after day.
Even though Daniel messaged to tell her that he had a great time
with her, she is still observing whether he takes action to take this
forward or not.
She is certain that there is nothing serious here unless he steps up.
This saves her from unnecessary heartache and fantasizing about
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Mara is so confused.
At some deep level “the woman in her” doesn't feel good being
the one initiating the call. Yet, like so many women, she finds a
reason, an intellectual explanation to convince herself that this is
the right thing to do.
Far from the self-discipline of Cute Clara, Mara keeps giving in and
acting on the urgency she feels in the moment.
When you don´t feel comfortable with what you are feeling,
especially the bad feelings, you start to stuff them down and act
like it´s all okay, even when it´s not. This is what is going on with
The feminine woman in her did feel bad when Daniel refused to
join her for longer and when she never heard back from him but
both times Mara decided not to pay attention to the voice of her
intuition. Chemistry and the temporary but powerful surge of
hormones and attraction towards Daniel are further clouding her
capacity for objective judgement.
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Like Mara, stuffing down your feelings is not your best bet in
romantic relationships because as a woman, your feelings are the
single most important compass that you will ever possess in a
When you feel good, you know you´re on the right track with a
man, when you don´t, you should recognize it and pay attention
to what´s not right.
In this way, when you start training yourself to listen to your feelings
over and above what your head tells you, you will see that a man
is always giving you the signals about what he is up to through his
In other words, his actions will speak his intentions loud and clear
and you will not have to make any speculations about or guess
work about what he's thinking.
She enjoys it and revels in it. The feelings of missing the man, of
longing for him and waiting for him to give her attention start to
feel like love to her.
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Perhaps, without even realizing that she is doing it, Mara sub-
consciously seeks the approval of the one who is rejecting her in
order to feel better about herself.
While this in itself is not a bad thing per se, when men don’t feel
invested in the relationship, it can be quite some hard work to
make them stay and it needs a lot of masculine energy (doing) on
the woman’s part.
Cute Clara on the other hand, knows that love should feel easy
and fun and the man has to be ready and willing to invest in her
before she can even think about associating the feeling of love
with him.
We can already start to see that this may not turn out well for
She has got herself into what I call the “instant relationship” mode
where we start feeling like we are in love when actually there is no
real relationship existing at all.
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Mara needs a reality check right now - she’s just met Daniel once!
She is refusing to see that he is a man who is not making even an
equal effort to keep the relationship going.
She is feeling good for now because Daniel has agreed to meet
her. Let´s see how long this happiness will last.
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CHAPTER 5 – An Exciting Date Two
Clara loves that Daniel makes her laugh. She has such
a good time with him every time. He seems to care for her wishes
and ensures that she is having a good time with him. This feels
good and Clara knows that love should feel good!
While her mind wants to keep going into the future and think about
how this will turn out with Daniel, she keeps catching herself and
bringing herself back into enjoying the present moment with him.
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During the movies, Daniel decides to be brave and hold Clara´s
hand. To his relief, Clara responds to his touch with a big broad
They kiss. The chemistry is electric. Clara feels really happy and
knows she would love to see Daniel again.
As expected from a man who likes her, Daniel makes it easy for her
by already asking her out for the next date.
Daniel´s Reaction
He feels like a better man in the presence of this woman. It´s after
ages that he found a woman who can let car doors be opened
for her and be dropped and picked up. All this while having her
own personality and financial independence. What a steal!
He also feels pumped up that he could kiss her and hold her hand
and she didn't freak out. To him this means that he has a chance
with her, that she too feels drawn to him.
It was pretty clear to Daniel at the end of the second date that he
wasn't going to leave without asking her when they were meeting
He is a man who knows what he wants and knows how to go for it.
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“I’m not letting you go baby,” he murmured aloud.
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Marry-Me-Mara´s Second Date
Daniel appreciates her food and the ambience of her home with
the dimmed candle light.
She leans forward and kisses Daniel. They are both swept off in the
heat of the moment and making love never felt so electrifying and
satisfying to Mara before.
Daniel leaves her home in the morning after thanking her for a
great time.
Marry-Me-Mara is on a high!
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Daniel´s Reaction
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Coach Commentary
Cute Clara
She did not get into masculine energy mode of trying to take
control of where they should go and what they should do.
Yet again, Clara let Daniel be the man between the two of them,
leading the relationship forward and allowing him to give to her.
As a love coach I can tell you that men crave and long for such
an experience with a woman. There is nothing more turning on for
a man than to feel his masculinity in the presence of a woman.
In your real life dating situations, this would look like “being open”
to a man´s suggestions of what you could do together and
avoiding being the planner/suggestion giver/ social director of
your dates with him.
If he asks you what you would like to do, your best bet would be
to share with him what would feel good to you, without being
stubborn and adamant about it. It is very likely that he will follow
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through with your wishes since a good man wants to make you
That Clara likes Daniel is beyond question. However, she also has
great awareness that she should not jump ahead of the man here.
It seems as though she understands that that there is a sequence
to things, before one gets to be in full commitment with a man. I
will discuss this in more detail in Chapter 8.
Clara is warm towards Daniel’s moves towards her. She knows that
appreciating his moving forward will inspire him to keep moving
forward towards her.
She smiles when he tries to hold her hand, she lets him kiss her.
It is admirable how confident and open this girl is. She doesn’t try
to hide that she truly likes this man and yet she does it without
giving too much or appearing too eager.
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Putting aside how her actions land on men and how they
sabotage her relationships, I want to note here that Mara is a very
giving person and being able to give to others with such an open
heart is such a great quality.
If that is not what you want, let´s see where Marry-Me-Mara can
improve -
Let me make this clear once and for all -It is the man’s role to be
pleasing and winning the woman of his life, not the other way
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Next, cooking Daniel an elaborate meal in the intimate space of
her home for the second date is way out of proportion
appeasement in this early dating phase.
While she prepares him meals and pays for his drinks, Marry-Me-
Mara has no expectations from Daniel in return.
In simple words, men don't fall in love with what we can do for
them but by what they can do for us. This dynamic seems to be
completely reversed in Mara’s case.
While there is nothing wrong with Mara having sex with a man she
likes, it is important to differentiate whether the motive is to just
have it for fun or to move the relationship forward to commitment.
If it is only truly for fun and without any expectation, this is Mara’s
personal choice and there is no judgement here.
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However, if it was to move the relationship forward, then it was not
the best move for her. Patience and holding out the sex for longer
might have been far more beneficial for her in the long term. This
is because it is scientifically proven that once you have sex with a
man, your body secretes a hormone called Oxytocin that makes
you bond with the man in deeper and more emotional ways.
For the man on the other hand, it can just mean a night of
consensual fun that doesn't have to have any emotional content.
This is one explanation why men often don´t call women back
after one-night stands! It was fun but that was it. There is no
emotional content there to take it forward. There’s a big lesson we
can learn here from Mara’s experience.
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CHAPTER 6 – Date Nth & Relationship Talk
8 weeks later - Dates for both girls have been moving progressively
over the last 8 weeks.
When they get together again, the sex feels great, the chemistry
stays awesome but the anxiety and stress that Mara feels when he
is away has started to increase.
Cute Clara feels glad that Daniel has brought up this topic. She
knows that when a man is serious about moving the relationship
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forward, sooner than later, he is bound to bring up such
a discussion.
“Daniel, I really like you and I want to be with you. However, I don´t
want to be your girlfriend. I am looking for a man to walk into the
sunset with and to get married to. Unless I find that man who gives
me that forever commitment, I don't want to stop dating and close
down all my options. I can understand you are not ready for it yet
and I don't want to pressure you.
You are entitled to all the time you need in the world to decide
about this but I don´t want to sit here and wait for it to happen.
Therefore, I will keep meeting other men for harmless coffee and
movie dates till I find my Mr. Forever. ”
Daniel is initially shocked to hear these words and asks Clara if she
has been seeing other men to which she honestly replies – “Yes. I
Daniel´s Reaction
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himself without promising her anything concrete in the
long term. Plus, this is the norm in society. Most women
agree to be girlfriends without knowing whether or
not the man has long term plans for them.
Daniel also feels a bit surprised by the fact that Clara is continuing
to see other men. In fact, he thought he too should have shared
with her that he has been seeing other women all this while too.
However, it seems now that this woman stands out for him over
and above all other girls he had been dating so far. He already
knew it before but today she confirmed it.
Daniel has understood that he is with a woman who will let him go
if he doesn't step up. Step up he will, because this is what he has
wanted all his life too – to have and to be there for a real queen,
a goddess who knows her value and will not reduce her standards
for every Tom, Dick and Harry she meets.
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“Got to man up dude,” Daniel told himself and smiled a big smile.
The future is going to be exciting.
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Marry-Me-Mara´s Date N And Relationship Talk
Finally, Daniel confirms to her that he liked her but had not thought
anything yet about their future.
“Do you not want me enough? Why don´t you know what you
want to do with us?”
Daniel thinks all this is too much, and utters the famous words that
men utter when they are not ready.
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Daniel´s Reaction
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Coach Commentary
Cute Clara
She understands that Daniel is his own person and he has the full
right to take his time to make his mind up about a big decision
such as marriage. However, since he is not sure that he can give
her what she wants, she is also entitled to keep her options open.
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She shares openly with Daniel that she is dating other
For Clara, since Daniel and her were just “dating“ all this while, she
did not feel that she owed an explanation to him about seeing
other men. However, when he does ask her about it, she shares it
honestly with him.
If you are wondering where this girl Cute Clara gets all her high-
end confidence from, this is the place she gets it- It´s called
rotational dating.
This doesn't mean that she sleeps with everyone. It simply means
that she doesn't like to get herself too invested in flings, affairs or
short term relationships that don´t lead anywhere in the long run.
Unless there comes a man that is ready to give her the relationship
she is looking for, she keeps going on coffee dates or cinema dates
with other men. By keeping her options open and dating more
than one man at any given time, Cute Clara gets to enjoy the
following benefits of rotational dating -
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As a result, such a man will easily fall out of the dating cycle and
go for “easier prey.” This is good riddance for Clara since she is
looking for a long-term commitment like marriage and for a man
who is capable of giving it to her. Most players and Casanovas get
naturally filtered out through this process.
You start to wonder what will happen next, what he thinks of you
and how to get him to move the relationship forward. All this
creates unnecessary pressure on the relationship and doesn’t feel
attractive to the man. This is what clearly happened in the case of
Marry-Me-Mara which we will discuss below.
In real life, rotational dating helps keep you sane and in balance
by not letting you invest too much in any one man and by keeping
you busy with more than one options.
The men she dates remind her daily of her power and desirability
as a goddess living in Palm Country.
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I feel sad for Mara but it is not hard to see that Mara´s story has
gone down this track. The classic result of over-giving (masculine
energy) in a relationship is frustration and resentment and very
often heartbreak.
Mara´s blind over giving to Daniel and never stopping to read the
signs he was giving her (not calling / not texting/ not planning
dates / not asking about the relationship) did not serve her well.
The way to get him to feel it for you is not by pushing and asking
for it like Mara did but by releasing him from all that pushing. In
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other words, give up on trying to control and rescue the
Does that mean you have to wait for years for him to bring up
Not at all. If you keep rotational dating and keep your vibe high,
he will either feel inspired to claim you or he will lose you to another
man who will step up to claim you.
Unlike Clara, who understood the power words have and spoke a
well thought out speech, Marry-Me-Mara gives in to her anxiety
and insecurities and rambles out whatever words come into her
mouth in the heat of the moment.
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When the words chosen are right, fights and arguments become
opportunities of increased intimacy and growth together. Else,
they throw couples apart.
Your boyfriend of a year suddenly tells you that you are not
his forever woman and you didn’t see it coming?
I want to tell you today that it is not possible that a man is not giving
you the signs in the relationship itself. No man disappears from one
day to the next no matter how much you want to tell yourself this
story and make yourself feel better.
This book only talks about the process from dating to commitment
but even in marriages, men are always giving signals and hints
about the status of the relationship. We women often refuse to
take these signals because either we feel too blinded by the
feelings of chemistry or we feel too afraid to face the truth, or we
don’t want to work on ourselves and on our bad love habits.
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Before this chapter ends, it is good to remind yourself once again
of a fundamental truth in love – When a man likes you, he knows
how to move towards you and make it happen. When that doesn't
happen, your best bet is to let it go instead of forcing or pushing
for connection. This is a way more powerful place to come from
than trying to make something happen with someone who
doesn’t feel inspired enough to go for you.
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CHAPTER 7 – Real Love Is Easy
Within the next six weeks, Daniel makes the decision that Cute
Clara is the woman he wants forever. A gorgeous sapphire ring
awaits her and he gets down on his knees to propose to her and
pops the question that every woman dreams to hear – “Will you
marry me?”
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Coach Commentary
However, if you are a woman who has done the work on herself
(or is willing to work on herself) or a woman who has a naturally
high self-esteem but was just struggling with men, following the
steps that I lay out for you in the book will help you immensely in
turning your love life around and it can happen quickly, very
quickly, especially if you are single and starting out a fresh.
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guidelines and when in a difficult situation ask yourself - What
would a girl like Cute Clara with a high level of self-esteem do in
my place?
That would be your answer. If you don’t find your answer, you are
always welcome to get in touch with me personally.
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CHAPTER 8 – Understanding A Man’s Commitment Timeline
For instance, you may be single and not dating, or dating but not
committed, or committed but not married. In real life so many
different permutations and combinations can exist when it comes
to romantic relationships.
In order to help you get a better idea of where you stand in your
love life, I will introduce you to a general, over-arching concept
called a man’s commitment timeline.
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Zone A - Just Dating Zone B Real Relationship
(Can Be Temporary)
All events that fall under the red zone A are events that a man
considers under the dating category. In other words, even when
the chemistry and compatibility is great, even when he has
introduced you to his family, even when you have had vacations
together, in some rare cases even when you are his girlfriend (hard
truth I know!), you could be in the zone of just dating a man. This is
because a man can figure that such relationship arrangements
can be temporary and that they do not have to mean forever.
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A man’s commitment timeline is a good explanation for why so
many women are heart-broken when men disappear on them
after a year of dating or courting. This also explains why sometimes
live-in relationships don´t proceed to marriage or the long term
commitment you are looking for.
For the men, they were simply dating these women and testing out
if it works. There was no promise of commitment and also
sometimes no intention of it, as harsh as this may sound.
Also, when a man says he wants to marry you, you want to note
that there is action to support his claims and not just a mere
throwing around of words which men tend to do in the phase of
early dating when they first meet you. This is not to say that they
want to fool you or that they are all ill-intentioned, they are being
absolutely honest and genuine to you in the moment – but in the
moment most often does not amount to forever.
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want to, in the traditional sense, move mountains to make you
If you go out feeling you are not good enough and willing to
accept crumbs, you will attract a man who will confirm your
opinion about yourself to you.
Real love is easy and it should feel easy. If it’s been a struggle for
you, I am here to help you end that struggle. If you have any
further questions, feedback or need help with your personal love
situation, feel free to get in touch with me on my website
I love hearing back from you and your updates and how the
knowledge of this feminine roadmap works for you.
Sami Wunder
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About Sami Wunder
In her past life, Sami was a keen student of Economics and Public
Policy. She is now a keen student of love and human relationships.
She believes her relationship coaching is her soul career and
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