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English A SBA

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Year of Examination: 2018-03-06

Subject: English A

Candidate Number: 1006380679

Candidate Name: Nerica Wynter

Center Number: 100638

Center: Hopewell High Evening Institute

Title of Project: The Relationship between Scamming and Crime in the

Jamaican Society.

Teacher’s Name: N .Clarke

Table of Contents

Plan of
Piece 1......................................................................................................................2
Piece 2.......................................................................................................................3
Piece 3.......................................................................................................................4
Oral Presentation (Plan).........................................................................................8
Group Report...........................................................................................................9

Scamming exists in many forms in the Jamaican society. I choose this

topic because I have seen what happened to people who are
involved in scamming. Then perpetrators sometimes end up dead or
imprisoned while the victims become mentally unstable and their
families are left to pick up the pieces.
Through this research I hope to broaden my knowledge and I
will find out if there’s actually a relationship between scamming and
crime in the Jamaican society. My grammar, comprehension and
analytical skills will be further developed.
I intend to collect articles from the internet video from you
tube, newspaper clippings and a poem/song.
Piece 1
This Artefact is a Video on the Subtopic the relationship between
scamming and Society crime in the Jamaican Society. This is placed on the flash
drive. The title is the Jamaican lottery scam, taken from YouTube.
Piece 2
This Artefact is an Audio on the Subtopic the Relationship between
Scamming and Crime in the Jamaican Society; this is placed on the Flash Drive.
The Title is Scammers the Jamaican Documentary.
Piece 3

The print was taken off Google from the Jamaica observer the title is

Too many Victims; Eliminate Scamming

Reflection of Artefacts # 1

After watching the video one can understand how it feels to be

living in the Jamaican society where scamming has become so
prevalent. It was very disturbing to know that such a heinous crime
has been embraced by our people. The guns, gangs, fancy lifestyle
and violence were all a part of the deception.
Listening to the audio I was amazed by the different emotions
portrayed by the victims who were affected by scamming. I felt
ashamed because Jamaica is now known as the scamming capital. I
empathized with those victims who were often left traumatized with
little or no earnings to fall back on.
While reading the article I observed that there is a relationship
between scamming and crime in the Jamaican society. From the
artefacts I saw where Scamming has caused a lot of families to
endure a great deal of trauma physically, mentally and emotionally.
Reflection of Artefact # 2
The use of language in the artefacts has helped me to further
analyze and arrive at a conclusion as it relates to scamming. In
Artefact # 2 the scamming task force and the news reporter utilized
simple structured sentences that appealed to me, causing me to be
sympathetic towards the victims and angry towards scammers.
The definition was quite effective in allowing anyone without
knowledge to understand the victims that have been negatively
affected by this gruesome act, their emotions has been depicted in
the tone of disheartenment is the same exact feelings I experience
through their disappointment and sadness in the artefacts.
A lot of what has been portrayed in the artefacts as helped me
to understand more scamming and the negative effects it has on
vulnerable people, especially senior citizens who are often the ones
gets caught in the scammers’ deceitful act as they seek out prey and
execute their plan.
Reflection of Artefacts # 3
The sub theme, the relationship between scamming and crime
in the Jamaican society, reshaped my thoughts about scamming
being the number one contributing factor of crime in the Jamaican
society. Having witnessed through the artefacts how a lot of people
have been scammed out of their earnings was heartbreaking.
From the artefacts, I have seen where scamming has caused
families to be broke and stressed, some suffer from psychological
problems as a result of been scammed out of their life savings. This
has really touched me emotionally I wouldn’t want anyone to feel so
victimized to the extent that they commit suicide.
To perpetrators who see this as a way of getting rich quick to
desist from doing so, it destroys these people mentally, physically
and spiritually. It has a negative impact on the Jamaican people, who
seek and travel abroad, it also damper the tourism industry which is
the major source of revenue for Jamaica.
Plan of the Oral presentation
The genre that my oral presentation will take is in the form of a poem.
This poem is about scamming
The reason I compiled this poem, I see where I could express myself more about
this topic. I was inspired to use this genre based on videos, audios and the
prints that explain how scamming as affected people.
The articles I researched help me to add content to my poem because there
was a lot of information I could use from the internet in my poem
I will be using informal language
I chose this form of language because I believe it is easily understand by
majority of our Jamaican people.
My oral presentation is about the relationship between scamming and crime in
the Jamaican society.
Sugar Coated Scammers
Hey diddle diddle the scammers dem a fiddle
Scamming people especially senior citizen
Deception in the form of lies
Untruths, unknown to most man eyes
Deceit that becomes concrete
A snare meant to trap its fleet
Unknowingly, unsuspected get caught
The wise and cunning will see through their flimsy thought
A very sad story they weave in their web
To skirt your defence
And get into your head.

Scammers need to cause some pain

To fool us and laugh again
Mr Scamma man yuh living the good life
Wid people sweat and blood, yuh feel dat right
You get caught, yuh extradited.
Now yuh paying the full penalty of the law
Behind bars a beg and a bawl

The welfare of your country

Should be your top priority
Driving the country into a stone wall
Wrecking it with your dishonest behaviour
You must end this evil exploitation, in this nation
Accepting salvation while destroying this addiction

You Mr Scamma man with the keys to the bimma

Zim zimma
Yuh nuh see wah happen to yuh friend don
Big lotto scam money come and don tek fi him share
Now dem tek don life and seh him Neva play fair
at least you have your life
You can mek it right
Because behind every dark cloud,
There is a silver lining
But beware of these sugars coated thieves
They have fake arm in their sleeves.
Group Report
Our group choose scamming as our theme we chose several artefacts to
enhance our knowledge on the topic. The audio the group as chosen is.
About the consequences that scammers face when they are apprehended .the
article from the internet explains that the scammers are targeting vulnerable
and defenceless senior citizens in order to make themselves rich. The video is
portraying that lottery scamming, a major contribution to the increase in crime
and violence in the society. All three artefacts depict the extradition of the
criminals who have robbed the vulnerable and defenceless senior citizen, they
also pointed out the negative affects this crime had on our society.
The audio spoke of when the team from the lottery task force arrested a
major player in the lottery scamming. He was found with a lot of cash and
several electronic devices. He was arrested in Kingston on an extradition
warrant and will face charges with maximum penalty in the USA.
The article from the internet is about the scammers targeting gullible and
defenceless senior citizens. They did this to trick them into giving them
money .these scammers continue until the victims had nothing left, which is
wicked and heartless.
The video showed where scamming as left the victim families stressed and
disheartened. Many victims were so traumatized that they developed
psychological problems, nervous breakdown and some of them even
committed suicide. This is because they could not cope with their present
Our group was faced with many challenges. At first we did not fully
understand what to do or how to structure the task of S.B.A. choosing the
topic was a bit easy but choosing the sub- topic was difficult. We had to choose
the appropriate videos, audios and prints to go with the sub- topic. We wrote
pieces that were too long so we had to shorten them to get the correct
number of words. Even though we had different personalities we put our
differences aside and work together as one in order to get the S.B.A completed
The Jamaican Lottery Scam-2015.10.08 YouTube

Scammers the Jamaican Documentary 1 Year ago YouTube

scamming_87628 Monday, 22.2018

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