The Concertos For Clarinet

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MENC: The National Association for Music Education

The Concertos for Clarinet

Author(s): Burnet C. Tuthill
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Journal of Research in Music Education, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring, 1962), pp. 47-58
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of MENC: The National Association for Music Education
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The Concertosfor Clarinet

EVERAL YEARS AGO project of listing all the known concertos for clarinet
was undertaken with the idea of calling them to the attention of my col-
leagues in the hope that this informationwould widen their concept of the music
available to the clarinet soloist. For their guidance a brief description of the
music, its style, difficulty and worth would accompany each listing.
This appeared to be a simple task, covering 30 or 40 items. Research was
begun and to my amazement their number turned out to be legion. A new
dealer's list would add a few; visits to dealers in Europe turned up more. There
is no point in delaying the publication of the list as it stands for it will never be
final or complete. Many works included have not been available for purchase
and many are in libraries which could not be visited. The list as now issued
includes many works of which copies have not been seen. If any readerpossesses
a copy he is willing to lend me for prompt inspection, he is begged to send it
on to me.l
The sources of information have been various, including Geoffrey Rendall's
valuable book, The Clarinet (Philosophical Library, N.Y. 1954) and of course
Eitner's Quellen Lexicon in 10 volumes, to say nothing of catalogs of librariesand
publishers. Everything in the Library of Congress and the Fleischer Library in
Philadelphia has been examined. Other collectors have been of much help,
notably Himie Voxman of the State University of Iowa and Wallace Tenney of
Oakland, California,to both of whom I render thanks.
The use of the clarinet and other wind instruments in solo capacity was quite
the vogue in the eighteenth century even when the instruments themselves were
in an elementary state of mechanicaldevelopment. After about 1825 their use in
concertos lapsed for about a century and was resumed only after the recent
development of a multitude of highly competent wind players at least partly
stimulated by the growth of high school and college bands in the United States.
A literature for their use with the modem instrumentswas in demand.
Musicologists have also been busy, with the result that many early concertos
have been found and published, some in score and more in editions with piano
accompaniment. We must be grateful to the discoverers and to the publishers
who have made them available.
The earliest composerto have used the clarinet is Vivaldi (1675-1743). There
are two concerti grossi for two oboes and two clarinets as the concertino sup-
ported by strings, the scores of which have been published by Ricordi. Attempt
was made to secure the parts, but they turned out to be very expensive and
would have to be imported from Italy, so the project of a Memphis performance
had to be abandoned. The clarinet parts are in the normal Vivaldi style, but
at least they do not completely avoid the chalumeau register, which early
concertos so often do.
iTo Burnet C. Tuthill, 295 Buena Vista Place, Memphis 12, Tennessee.

The next composer in point of time seems to be Johann Melchior Molter

(c.1695-1765) four of whose concertos have been published in score in the
series entitled Das Erbe Deutscher Musik, (Vol. 41) issued in 1957 by
Breitkopfand Haertel. They are all for D clarinetand even so dwell on the high
register up to G and completely neglect all notes below middle C. Musically
they seem worth while but they would be completely impractical on any
but a D clarinet; if transposed for Eb clarinet the player would have to play
in six, seven, and eight flats. Two other concertos in this same volume are by
Franz Xaver Pokory (1729-?) and are for Bb clarinet and quite within the
normal range. In form and style they are in the classical pattern, but the com-
poser does not seem to trust the soloist. Many of the phrases are doubled by
the violins and the amount of playing assigned to the clarinet, especially in the
rondos, would indicate that the player had been exhausted by his earlier
efforts. The Pokorny works are now publishedwith piano accompaniment.
There are five more eighteenth century concertos to add to this list of recent
editions: one by Joseph Stamitz, three by Karl Stamitz (among his total of
12), and one by Franz Krommer. All are excellent music.
There seems to be no need to mention Mozart and Weber, for their works are
well known and form the basic literaturefor the clarinet. The twentieth century
revival begins with Busoni and Debussy. Many of the new items have been
composed for some renowned player, perhaps on commission. These players
include Cahuzac in France, the late Charles Draper and FrederickThurston in
England, and Benny Goodman in America. Among the composers are Sir
CharlesVilliers Stanford,Milhaud, Hindemith, Stravinsky, and Aaron Copland.
They are all included on the following list. Included in it are many concertos
that have been mentioned in some book or catalog, but which have not been
available for inspection by the author. The existence of over 200 concertos is
indicated; there are probably many more, old and new.
The writer has attempted to give dates of the composersand of publication.
Where they are missing, the available reference books have not included the
composers'names,and the publishershave printed no dates.

Andre,Paul. Concertino,for two Clarinets.Paris: Deplaix.

By a contemporaryFrenchman. Copy not available.
AnonymousI. Concertoin Bb. MS.
Not dated but surely late eighteenthcentury. Pure classic style. Has a lilting 6/8
rondo. Musical. Ozalid print of score, reconstructedfrom parts in the Library of
Congress,obtainablefrom B. C. Tuthill.
AnonymousII. Concertoin Eb, for two Clarinets.MS.
A two movementwork-Largo and Allegro. Solo parts are well integrated. Tuneful
and musical. Ozalidprint of score,reconstructedfrom parts in the Libraryof Congress,
obtainablefrom B. C. Tuthill.
Arnold,Malcolm(1921-). Concerto,for Clarinetand Strings.London: Lengnick,1952.
Has some barrenspots where the composeroverworksan unimportantidea. Idiomatic
for clarinetbut disappointing.
Backofen,J. G. H. (1768-1839).Three Concertos.
Mentionedin Rendall. Not available.
Birmann, Karl (1811-1885). ConcertoMilitairein Eb, Opus 6, Mainz: Schott, 1875.
Rather bombastic-technical passages like all the exercise books-Weber and Spohr
without the musical refinementof either.
Barmann,Heinrich(1784-1847). Concertino,Opus 27. Leipzig: Breitkopfand Haertel.
Copy not available.
Beon, Alexandre.Concertoin Bb. Paris: Costallat, 1907.
Romantic, melodies pleasant but not distinguished. The orchestral accompaniment
reducedfor piano is dull. Useful for early student use.
Bentzon,J$rgen (1897-1948).KammerkonzertNo. 3, Opus39. Copenhagen:Ed. Dania, 1943.
Rather severe writing and not a virtuoso piece. Dull in many places. It does not come
off with the piano reductionof the score for small orchestra.
Berezovsky,Nicholai (1900-1953). Concerto,Opus28. New York: Boosey and Hawkes, 1941.
Written originallyfor viola, the transferenceof the solo part for clarinetis not really
satisfying for the wind player.
Bernaud,Alain (1932-). ConcertoLyrique,for Clarinetand Orchestra.Paris: A. Leduc, 1954.
A quite up to date test piece for the Paris Conservatoireand of more musicalvalue than
most of such works. Requiresvery advancedtechniqueand musicianship.
Berr, Friederich(1794-1838). First Concertoin Eb. Paris: A. Leduc, (new edition).
The regularearly nineteenthcenturystuff of no originality. Why the reprintwhen we
have Weberand Spohr?
Binet, Jean (1893-). Petit Concert,with Strings.Geneva: Henn.
Not available for inspection.
Blasius,MatthieuFrederic (1758-1829).ConcertoNo. 2 in F. Paris(?): Magasinde Musique,
Cherubini,Mehul, and Co.
Scored for C clarinet but easy to transpose. Late classicalstyle of much charm and
well written for clarinet. It would be a useful teaching piece to precede and prepare
for Mozart. Its chief fault is excessivelength. May be comparedwith Wanhal and
Dittersdorf. Score and parts are in the FleischerLibrary. Blasius also composedduo
concertos for clarinet and bassoon.
Bloch, Waldemar.Konzert, 1955. Vienna: Doblinger, 1960.
This work obviously needs the orchestra accompanimentto make it sound, for the
orchestralintroductionand interludesare extensive. The vigorous dissonancessound
too rough on the piano. Rather long for its ideas.
Bochsa, Robert Nicolas Charles(1789-1856) or Karl (-1821).Concerto.
Mentionedin Rendall. Not available.
Bonsel,A. Concerto.Amsterdam:Donemus, 1950.
The work of a contemporaryDutch composer.Not available.
Bozza, Eugene (1905-). Concertoin Bb, pour Clarinetteet Orchestrede chambreou Piano.
Paris: A. Leduc, 1952.
A florid, difficultwork of some musical interest. Quite contemporary.Interest in the
music wears thin in the processof study.
Bruns, Victor (1904-). Concerto, Opus 26. Leipzig: Hoffmeister,1952.
Fairly musicaland contemporary.Somewhattricky and difficult.
The technicaldemandsare not merelystunts but belongto the music.Worth some study.
Bruyer,V. Concertoin G. Paris: Evette-Schaeffer.
A potpourriof vapid tunes in short sections with oompah accompaniments.
Busoni, Feruccio (1866-1924). Concertino,Opus 48. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Haertel, 1919.
Well written for clarinet but somewhatdry. Evidently not up to the reputationof its
composerbut worth trying. Orchestralscore published.
Cartellieri,CasimirAnton (1772-1807). Concerto.
Mentionedby Rendall.

Cavallini,Eresto (1807-1874).Concerto.
Not available. WallaceTenney has a copy.
Cimarosa,Domenico (1749-1801), arrangedby Arthur Benjamin.Concerto,for Oboe and
Strings.London: Boosey and Hawkes, 1942.
This work is freely adaptedfrom the piano sonatas of D. Cimarosa. In spite of being
originallyfor oboe a well adjustedpart for clarinetis provided. In early classicalstyle,
it will be useful for a student not technicallyadvanced.
Coenen,JohannesMeinardus(1824-1899).Concertoin Eb. Dresden: Seeling,c.1900.
Void of real musical or melodic idea. Nineteenth century trash. Score and parts in
Collis,James.Little ConcertosNo. 1 and No. 2. New York: CharlesH. Hansen,1953.
Short, simple works in classical-romanticstyle. Good for teaching and performance.
Musicalif unimportant.
Copland,Aaron (1900-). Concerto.New York: Boosey and Hawkes,1950.
Written for Benny Goodmanwho has recordedit. At first dryly lyrical it becomes
jazzily rhythmical,over-emphasizingthe high register of the clarinet. Musically not
too gratifyingto play.
Cremont,Pierre (1784-1846).First Concertoin Eb, Opus 4. Paris: Gambaro,c.1810.
Late classicalor early romantic. Quite musicaland not too trite. Rondo rather long
but not difficult. Copy in Libraryof Congress.
Cruft, Adrian (1921-). Concertino,for Clarinetin Bb and Strings.Pianofortearrangement
by the composer.London: Joseph Williams,1956. (Mills Music).
A musicallyintelligentwork in three movementsin a modernizedromanticstyle. The
demandson the soloist are tonal and musicalratherthan technical. The melodicideas
are not imaginativebut are well dressed. The piano is obviouslya substitutefor the
stringsbut is adequate.
Crusell,BernhardHenrik (1775-1838).Three concertosare mentionedby Rendall.
Danzi, Franz (1763-1826).Concertante,fur Klarinetteund Klavier. Hamburg:N. Simrock,
1960. Elite edition number3077. Revised by Johann Woscechowski. Mentioned by
Rendall. Really a sonata and very fine.
Debussy, Claude(1862-1918).PremiereRapsodie,pour Clarinette.Paris: Durand, 1910.
A great work, difficultbut highly rewarding. It sounds well with piano in spite of
being scoredfor a large orchestra. Scoreand parts published. Severaltimes recorded.
Dello Joio, Norman (1913-). Concertante,for Clarinetand Orchestra. New York: Carl
Fischer,Inc., 1955.
This is a very fine work. The performanceproblemis musical rather than technical,
but it is not an easy piece. Two movements,of which the latter is a theme with five
variations. Piano is a reasonablesubstitutefor orchestra.
Dobrzynski,Ignacy F. (1807-1867).Concertoin Ab. Cracow:Pol. W. Music, 1953.
A recent reprint. Romantic,ratherlong for its ideas, but with a certaincharm. Not
very difficult.
Dresden,Sem (1881-). Sinfonietta,for Clarinetand Orchestra.Amsterdam:Donemus.
Not available.
Mentionedby Rendall. Not available.
Fernstr6m,John A. (1897-). ClarinetConcerto,Opus 30.
For clarinet,strings,timpaniand cymbal. In Fleischerlibrary.
Finzi, Gerald (1901-1956). Concerto,for Clarinetand String Orchestra.London: Boosey
and Hawkes, 1951.
One of the best new works; melodiousand well written for clarinet. Not too difficult.
Up to date but not forbiddinglydissonant.

Franke,Hermann (1834-1919). ConcertoNo. 1, Opus 18. Privately published,c.1900.

In sentimental,trite, romantic style. Very weak Spohr type. MS. score and parts in
Gabler, Egon. Concerto No. 1. Moscow: State Music Publishing House, 1958.
In Libraryof Congress.
- ConcertoNo. 2 in Eb. Hanover: Oertel,1909.
Tawdry twaddle; dull leftovers.
Gabucci,Agostino.Concertoin Eb, for Clarinetand Pianoforte.Florence:privatelypublished,
no date but about 1950.
A mixtureof old and new techniques. A show piece of doubtfulmusicalquality.
Gambaro,J. B. (1785-1828). 2 Concertos.
Mentionedby Rendall.
Gatti, D. Concertinoin Bb major, Solo for Bb Cornet, Baritone, Bb Clarinet or Tenor
Saxophone. Arrangedby Gene Morra. New York: Carl Fischer,Inc., 1957.
A vapid piece-an andante with variations-of very low musical caliber. The piano
part is not in the idiom of the piano.
Glazounov,AlexanderK. (1865-1936). Concerto.Moscow: U.S.S.R.
Not available.
Goldschmidt,Berthold (1903-). Concerto.MS., 1955.
Not available.
Grechaninov,Alexander(1864-1956). Concerto. Moscow: U.S.S.R.
Not available,but from other works known, we may expect melodiousbut not exciting
- Concertino,for two Recordersor two Clarinets,and Piano. New York: Hargail, 1944.
A short single movement of simple, attractive, and effective music. Easy enough
for beginnersand good enough for professionals.
Grovlez,Gabriel (1879-1944). Concertino,for Clarinetand Piano. Paris: Callet et Fils. No
date but about 1940.
A light work of charm in three contrastingsections. The first part is rhythmically
tricky; the second nice and sentimental;the third a gay march.
Guilhaud,Georges.Concertino.Paris: Costallat, 1910.
Originallyfor oboe but often used by clarinettists. Sweetly musicalbut it does not use
the full resourcesof the clarinet. Carl Fischer also has an edition of Guilhaud'sFirst
Concertinoarrangedby Paquot.
Gurlitt, Cornelius(1820-1901). Konzertstick, for Clarinetwith Orchestraor Piano. Bremen:
A. E. Fischer,no date, c.1900.
A one movement show piece of considerablebrilliance.Difficult.Musicallygood but in
the now discreditednineteenthcenturystyle.
Hamilton, Iain (1922-). Concerto,Opus 7. MS., London: Schott.
Not available.
Handel,GeorgeFrideric(1685-1759).Concerto,with strings.Arrangedby Sir John Barbirolli.
London: Oxford University Press, 1952.
Four movementschosenfrom as many works by Handel out of which resultsa Baroque
concerto of high quality. It fills a need for a work in this style. Very well done by
Sir John Barbirolli. Publishedwith piano and in score and parts.
Harder,Erwin E. (1883-). ConcertoNo. 1 in G minor. Chicago:Self publishedin 1931.
Programmusic is attempted,resultingin a jerky style. Of little musicalvalue. Copy in
Library of Congress.
Hassens,CharlesLouis (1802-1871). Concerto.
Not available.

Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809). Concerto in D (Cello), transposedto Bb and adjusted to

Clarinetby D. de Caprio.New York: MusicPublishersHoldingCorporation,1947.
A great work that transcribeswell even in its few tricky passages"over the break."Mr.
de Capriohas providednew and shortercadenzasthan those played by Casals.
Hermstedt,Johann Simon (1778-1846).Concerto.
Not available.
Hindemith,Paul (1895-). Concerto,for Clarinetin A and Orchestra.London: Schott and
Co., 1950.
Writtenfor Benny Goodman,it is in the recent Hindemithstyle. While it has some
difficultspots-especially the rapid Ostinato-it is not a display piece, but thoroughly
musical. It is a very importantaddition to the literatureof clarinetconcertos.Fine
recordingby Cahuzac.
Hoddinott, Alun (1929-). Concerto,for Clarinetand String Orchestra,Opus 3. London:
OxfordUniversityPress, 1955. Clarinetpart and small score published.
Quite original. Music not for display but requiringthoroughcontemporarytechnique.
Seems above the average musically. There is no publishedpiano reduction of the
score. Clarinetin A.
Hodgson,Peter (1928-). ClarinetConcerto,with Strings.London: Hinrichsen.
Not available.
Hoessler,FranzAnton (1750-1792).Concerto.
Not available.
Horovitz, Joseph (1926-). Concertante,for Bb Clarinet and Strings. London: Chester,
1953. Score and parts.
Old stuff not well repeated. Can be played with string quartet or orchestra. The
string bass part does not appearin the score.
Houston,Levin J. (1906-). Concerto.MS about 1949in Libraryof Congress.
The ideas of style, except for changing meter, are of a bygone time. Much trite
accompanimentand no excitement.
Hummel,Christian(1787-1849). Concerto.
Not available.
Hummel,JosephFriedrich(1841-1919).ConcertoNo. 2. Leipzig:Breitkopfand Haertel,1932.
A singlemovement;romanticmelodiesand some brilliance.Not as good musicas Weber
but similar.
Jongen,Joseph (1873-1953).Concertinofor Clarinetin Bb and Piano, Opus 132. Brussells:
Very well written piece in the style of the French"piece de concours"but much more
musicallyworthy than most such. Has a few tricky spots but otherwiseis not too
Karren,Leon. Concerto,with Piano. Paris: Evette-Schaeffer.
An introduction,adagio and variations. Stylized mid-nineteenthcentury but better
than some.
Klaus,KennethBlanchard(1923-). ConcertoBrevis.MS., 1955-6.
Variationson a 12-tone row, one of which is but two bars long. MS. obtained from
LouisianaState University.
Kleine,D. W. Concertino.Publishedin Cologneand Bonn.
Not available.
Kleinsinger,George(1914-). Street CornerConcerto,for Bb Clarinetand Piano. New York:
Chappelland Co., 1953.
A jazz concertoof quite some charm. Not too difficult.
Klose, HyacintheEleanore (1808-1880). Concertino.Paris: Buffet-Crampton(Leduc).
Very nineteenthcentury,but a good performermight make this one interesting.
Koppel, Herman D. (1908-). Clarinet Concerto, Opus 35, with Chamber Orchestra.
Copenhagen:Skandin. Musik forlag, 1951.
This is a work of considerableatmosphere. Its charm is not of immediateappeal and
needs close acquaintancefor enjoyment. Very well written in the idiom of the clarinet.
The piano reductionis playablebut one can feel the need of the orchestralcolor.
Krommer, Franz V. (1760-1831). Concerto in Eb, Opus 36. Prague: Musica Antiqua
Bohemica, 1953.
One of three concertosby Kramarz(this is the Bohemianspelling). A work of charm,
quite characteristicof the instrument. A good preparationfor Mozart. It was first
publishedby F. Andre in Offenbach,1803.
- Third Concerto,Opus 86, in E minor. Offenbach:F. Andre, (1818 ?).
This work in contrast to the one listed above, is "made"music of vapid melodiesand
technicalpassages. It is for A clarinet. There is a copy in the Libraryof Congress.The
secondconcertowas not available.
- Concerto,for two Clarinets,Opus 91. Offenbach:F. Andre.
Much like the Third Concerto. There is no contrapuntalinterest. Copy in the
Libraryof Congress.
Krylov, Paul (1885-1935). Concertoin A. Moscow: U.S.S.R.
Rather characteristicfor clarinet (in A) but monotonous. Harmonicallyvery static.
Kubin, Rudolf (1909-). Concertoin C. Prague (?): Kudelik, 1946.
The composerattempts to be contemporarybut does not make it come off. The solo
part is very brilliant and demanding, using the entire resources of the clarinet.
Romantic music plus dissonant effects. Composed 1939.
Kurpinski, Karol (1785-1857). Concerto, for Clarinet and Orchestra. Cracow: Polskie
Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1949.
Composed in 1823, it is somewhat like Spohr but not as good. It offers many
technicalproblemsand is good for study rather than performance.
Lefevre, Jean X. (1763-1829). Six concertos.
Mentionedin Rendall.
Lindpainter,Peter Joseph von (1791-1856). Concertos.
Not available.
Litolff, Henry (1818-1891). Scherzo Concerto.London: Boosey and Hawkes, 1948.
A free adaptation of the scherzo from Concerto SymphoniqueNo. 4 (originally for
piano) and arrangedfor Bb clarinet and piano by Norman Richardson. A brilliant
piece that must be played very fast and hence requiresgreat finger agility. It lays
quite well for clarinetin the present,well made arrangement.Rather repetitive.
MacDonald,Malcolm.Concerto,with Strings.MS.
A contemporaryBritish composer. Music not available.
Maconchy,Elizabeth (1907-). Concertino,with Strings.MS., 1947.
Not available.
Malko, Nicolay (1888-). Concerto, for Clarinet and Orchestra. New York: Boosey and
Hawkes,agents for BelaieffEdition, 1955.
Malko writes simply and musically. Solo not brilliant but pleasantly playable. Short;
pleasant but banal and trite.
Mann, J. G. H. (1858-1904). Concertoin G minor, Opus 90. Leipzig: Ruhle and Wendling,
Beginsbravelybut does not fulfill its promise. Passagework idiomaticbut not musical.
Not worth revival. Score and parts in FleischerLibrary.
Manns, Ferdinand(1844-1922). Concertoin Bb, Opus 29. Bremen: A. E. Fischer,c.1910.
Nothing importanthere though the writing is facile and the scoring for ten woodwind
and ten brass is good. FleischerLibrary.

Maurer,LudwigWilhelm(1789-1878).Concertoin Bb minor,Opus57. Leipzig:Hoffmeister,

Better than most works of the period except Weberand Spohr. Melodiouswith easy
but decent technicalpassages.Well scored.FleischerLibrary.
Merzdorf,G. A. Concertino.Dresden:Seeling,c.1900.
Why did the FleischerLibrarybotherto copy this score?
Michel (1754-1786).ConcertoNo. 8 in Bb. Paris: Pleyel.
The Libraryof Congresshas MS. parts for solo clarinet,first violin, viola, and bass.
The author has reconstructeda score from them and provided a second violin part
which was evidently missing. Ozalid print may be had from B. C. Tuthill. This
concertois well writtenfor the clarinetand worth reviving. This is one of 14 concertos
by Michel,whose full name was Michel Yost. Dr. Voxman,State Universityof Iowa,
has the parts for concertosnumbers9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 (solo clarinet,strings, two
oboes, two horns). All are in Bb, are pleasantbut have little to say and becomemo-
notonousmelodicallyand harmonically.It would be enoughto revive one of them.
Milhaud,Darius (1892-). Concerto.Philadelphia:Elkan-Vogel,1942.
Writtenfor and dedicatedto Benny Goodman. Report is that he has never played it.
It has its attractive moments but is difficult and exhaustingto play, as there are
few rests in which to swallow or breathe.Milhaud'susual dissonantstyle.
Molter,Johann Melchior(c.1695-1765).Four Concertosfor Clarinet.Wiesbaden:Breitkopf
and Haertel,1957.
Published only in score in volume 41 of Das Erbe Duetscher Musik. All are for
clarinetin D. Middle C is the lowest note used in the solo part but the high register
is much used. Really playableonly on the clarinetin D.
Mozart,Leopold(1719-1787).Concerto.New York: CarlFischer,Inc.
Edited by C. Lillya and M. J. Isaac. An Italian edition is in the Libraryof Congress.
This setting is for trumpet,probablythe instrumentfor which it was written, with a
substitutepart for clarinet. It becomesa simpleand effectivesolo for the clarinet.
Mozart,W. A. (1756-1791).Concerto,K 622. Offenbach:Andre, 1802.
Beyondpraise-the perfectconcerto.For clarinetin A, it is the work of geniusin that
Mozart plumbedthe expressivedepths of the clarinetwhile it was still in its primitive
mechanicalstate. The first printed edition has been succeededby many others under
a variety of editors: Andre 1870; Breitkopf and Haertel (as part of the complete
edition of Mozart's works); Eulenberg (edited by Rudolf Geiber), 1899; Costallat,
1939; Carl Fischer (revisedand arrangedby Simeon Bellison), 1943; Cundy-Bettoney,
1945; Boosey and Hawkes (revisedby FrederickThurston), 1946; Leduc (cadencesby
J. Ibert, revised edition by Ulysse Delecluse), 1951; Ricordi (arrangedby Alamiro
Giampieri),1955; G. Schirmer(piano reductionand revision by Eric Simon), 1959;
also a cadenzaby Busoni,separatelypublishedby Breitkopfand Haertelin 1922,includ-
ing orchestralaccompaniment.There are numerousrecordings.
Mueller,Friedrich(1786-1871). Two Concertos.
Not available.
Miiller,Ivan (1786-1854).ConcertoNo. 4 in A minor.Paris: Dufaut et Dubois, (Lemoine).
A stylized opening movement of uninterestingmaterial and much fancy business; a
trite theme and three variationsof standardtechnicalpatterns; a short cadenza and
brief close. Not good. In FleischerLibrary.
- ConcertoNo. 5 in Eb. Paris: Dufaut et Dubois, (Lemoine).
One very long movementfilled with exercisesand dull meaninglessmelody. Fleischer
- ConcertoNo. 6 in G minor.Paris: Dufaut et Dubois, (Lemoine).
Three movements of insignificantdrivel. One is not interested in finding copies of
concertos1, 2 and 3. FleischerLibrary.
Neilsen, Carl (1865-1931). Concerto,Opus 57. Copenhagen:Ed. Dania, 1948.
An interesting and difficult work. It sounds well with orchestra as recorded by
Cahuzacbut is not as effective with piano-the snare drum is lacking. An important
addition to the literature;composedin 1928.
Norden, Hugo (1909-). Concertinoin G. Boston: ArthurP. Schmidt.
A contemporaryAmerican. Not available.
Paulson,Joseph. ConcertoNo. 1. New York: Carl Fischer,Inc.
- ConcertoNo. 2. New York: Carl Fischer,Inc.
Pfeiffer,Karl A. (1833-1897). Concertoin Eb. MS.
From a set of MS. parts in the Libraryof Congress,the author has reconstructeda score
of which ozalid parts may be obtained. A short work of fair quality but not too inter-
esting. Easy. The solo part has measures marked "chal." evidently to be played
an octave lower; return to pitch is marked"clar."
Pichl, Wenzel (1741-1805). ConcertoNo. 4. in Bb major. MS. in Libraryof Congress.
For two clarinetsand strings.Otherconcertosof Pichl not available.
Pitt, Percy (1870-1932). Concerto,Opus 22. London: Boosey and Hawkes, 1898.
Bombastand twaddle!
Pittrich, George (1870-1934). Concerto (Preisgekr6nt!) Dresden: Bellman and Thumer.
Why are prizes awardedfor such terriblemusic?
Pleyel, Ignaz J. (1757-1831).Concerto.
Mentionedin Rendall. Not available.
Pokorny, Franz Xaver (1729-1804). Concerto in Eb. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf and Haertel.
Publishedin score in volume 41 of Das Erbe DeutscheMusik, 1957; also separatelywith
piano reduction. The carinet parts are quite simple and often supportedby the violins.
Technicaldemandsvery slight. Orchestralinterludesare extended.
- Concertoin Bb. Wiesbaden:Breitkopfand Haertel.
See above.
Rawsthorne,Alan (1905-). Concerto,with Strings.MS. London:OxfordUniversityPress,1936.
The orchestrais very important with the clarinet quasi obbligato. The strings are
sometimes subdivided into three parts. A piano edition would hardly work. Very
musical,full of dissonanceand not too difficultfor clarinet. Ensemblewould need high
experienceon the part of the players or much rehearsing. Quite an importantwork.
Reissiger,Karl G. (1798-1859). Concertoin Eb, Opus 63. Heilbronn: C. F. Schmidt,c.1885.
In the style of Wieniawskiand Vieuxtemps.Threemovementsof pleasantmelody; stand-
ard displaypassagesare not too difficult;rates just below the Spohrconcertos.
Rietz, Julius (1812-1877). Concerto,Opus 39. Leipzig: Kistner.
Not available.
Rimsky-Korsakov,Nikolay A. (1844-1908). Konzertstiickin Eb, for Clarinet and Military
Band. Moscow: Omega (Piano reduction), 1949.
An early work and fairly easy, but musically disappointingin comparisonwith this
composer'swell known works. Composedin 1878. Also available with piano reduc-
tion by L. Rudolph,Russian-American publisher.
Riotte, Philip Jacob (1776-1856).Three Concertos.
Not available.
Rosetti, FrancescoA. (1746-1792). Concertocl Clarinetteprincipalle.Paris: Sieber, c.1780.
Not available.Composeralso known as Franz Anton Rossler.
Rueff, Jeanine (1922-). Concertino.Paris: Leduc, 1950.
One of the better Conservatoiretype pieces. Probably never scored for orchestra.
Rummel,ChristianL. (1787-1849). ClarinetConcerto.
Mentionedin Rendall.Not available.

Schibler,Armin(1920-). Concertinofiir Klarinettein Bb u. streichorchester.

Eulenberg,1956. Edition for clarinetand piano.
A difficultwork of considerablemusical value. A single extended movement with a
centraladagio. There are five long interludesfor the orchestrawhich do not translate
into the idiom of the piano keyboardvery successfully.
Schindelmeisser, Louis (1811-1864). Concertino,Opus27. Leipzig:Breitkopfand Haertel.
Not available.A SymphonieConcertante,for four Clarinets,Opus 2 is listed in Grove's.
Schmidt,Hermann(1810-1845).Concertoin Eb. Magdeburg:Heinrichshofen,c.1931.
Technicaltwaddle. No real musicalideas. Inept harmonicwriting.
Schollum,Robert (1913-). ConcertoGrosso,Opus 34. Vienna: UniversalEd.
Not available.
Sedlaczek,LudwigM. Concertino.
Not available.
Seiber,Matyas (1905-1960).Concertino,for Clarinetand Strings.London: Schott, 1953.
Starts very simply with clarinetalone but as soon as the orchestracomes in there is
a great confusionof keys. It will sound better with orchestrathan in the piano ar-
rangementwhich is published. The thematicmaterialis simple and useful for the kind
of treatmentgiven.
Shaw,Artie (1910-). Concerto.New York: Mills Music, 1942.
Introductionand an extended movement in jazz style with boogie, smears, etc.
Accompanimentfor large jazz band. Recorded.
Simon,Anton Y. (1851-1916?). Concerto,Opus31.
Not available.
Sobeck,Johann (1831-1914).Concertinoin G minor,Opus 22. Hanover:Nagel, c.1885.
Sobeck, a clarinet player, has also composedsome dull trios for three clarinetsand
this concertino,while well written, shares that dullness. A feature in the cadenza,
accordingto the MS. score in the FleischerLibrary,asks the soloist to trill one note
while he is playing a melody below it! Has the aulos returned?
Spohr,Louis (1784-1859). ConcertoNo. 1 in C Minor,Opus 26. Leipzig:Peters, 1922.
This and the threeconcertoswhich follow are splendidworks of greattechnicaldemands.
The slow movementsare particularlyfine and stand the stylistic test of time better
than the allegros. They are more difficultthan the Weberworks. Piano reductionby
F. Demnitz.
- ConcertoNo. 2 in Eb major,Opus57. Leipzig:Peters, 1923.
Piano reductionby F. Demnitz.
- ConcertoNo. 3 Leipzig: Breitkopfand Haertel,1885.
Recorded(Urania 7021); the note on the jacket says unpublished!
- ConcertoNo. 4, for A clarinet. Leipzig: Breitkopfand Haertel.
- Potpourrisur des themesde Winter,for Clarinetand Orchestra.Berlin: Schlesinger.
Musical;very difficultand only for the virtuosoplayer.Severalhigh C's.
Stamitz, Johann (1717-1757). Concerto,for Clarinetand Strings.New York: Leeds, 1953.
Composedabout 1750,it has waited two centuriesfor publication. It was rediscovered
and editedby Peter Gradenwitz.Rococoin style, it has much freshnessand many tricky
passages. Good music.
Stamitz, Karl (1745-1801). Konzert in Es-dur. Hamburg: Ed. Sikorski,1953. Following
the recent publicationof father J. Stamitz concerto, we now have a historical and
stylistic sequenceleading to the peerlessMozart work. This concerto is simple and
gracefuland has few flashy passages. It lacks variety and drive. Good for a student
not yet ready for Mozart.
Klarinetten-Konzert Nr. 3 in B-dur. Frankfurt:C. F. Peters, 1957.
Similarto the above but shorter. Very charming.
- KonzertNr. 10. Hamburg:Ed. Sikorski,1958.
In B flat. Similar to the above. Good. In all, Stamitz composed 12 concertos for
clarinet. Two exist in the libraryin Darmstadt.
Stanford, Sir CharlesVilliers (1852-1924). Concerto,Opus 80. MS.
A very musicalwork which should be published. An examinationof the MS. which is
in the possessionof Stainer and Bell in London shows that Stanford used both B flat
and A clarinets,but all the music could be played on a single instrument. Pressureon
Stainer and Bell since 1926 has not producedany result in the form of printing. Ex-
cerpts from the work are found in the Forsythe book on orchestration.
Stark, Robert (1847-1922). ConcertoNo. 1 in Eb, Opus 4. Paris: Benjamin.
- ConcertoNo. 2 in F, Opus 13. Heilbronn:C. F. Schmidt.
- ConcertoNo. 3 in D, Opus 50. Paris: Benjamin;and Boston: Cundy-Bettoney.
The above three works consist of vapid melodies interspersedwith technical exercises.
Weak even for the period. Orchestrascore not interesting. FleischerLibrary.
Stewart, Graham(1920-). Concertino.MS.
Pseudo-modernin harmony. Thematic materialnot stimulating. It all seems thin and
wandering. No brilliancefor the soloist. Composed1941. Copy in FleischerLibrary.
Stolzenberg,Georg (1857-?). Serenade,Opus 6. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Haertel.
For clarinetand string orchestra.
Strategier,Herman (1912-). Concertino. Amsterdam:Donemus, 1950.
Not available.
Strauss,Richard(1864-1949). Duet Concertino,with Bassoon. London: Boosey and Hawkes,
A late work, skillfullywritten; pleasantif not exciting. Uses string orchestrawith fre-
quently divided parts.
Stravinsky,Igor (1882-). Ebony Concerto. New York: Charling,1946.
Composedfor Woody Hermanand scored for jazz band. The solo clarinetpart is very
brief, episodic and not difficult. It is Stravinsky'srather stiff jazz mood. Our better
school and college bands could play the work.
Stumpf, Johann Christian(?-1801). Concerto.
Mentionedby Rendall. Not available.
Tartini, Giuseppe(1692-1770). Concertino. New York: Boosey and Hawkes, 1945.
GordonJacob has taken movementsfrom violin works by this Italian Baroquecomposer
and transcribedthem into this concertino. The four brief movementsare treatedso that
they sound like clarinet music without violating the authenticity of Tartini's music.
While not difficultit requiresfluency of technique.
Tausch,Franz (1762-1817). Concerto.
Mentioned by Rendall, as is another concerto and a concertante for two clarinets.
Riemann'sMusiklexikoncredits Tausch with two concertos and two concertantesfor
two clarinets.
Tomasi,Henri (1901-). Concertopour clarinetteSi flat et orchestre.Paris: Leduc, 1954.
A spirited up to date work requiringcomplete technical facility. Musical, reasonably
Tuthill,Burnet (1888-). Concerto,for Clarinetand Orchestra,Opus28. Philadelphia:Elkan-
Vogel Co., 1953.
To quote the review in "The Clarinet": "A difficult concerto, both technically and
musically although it is very playable. The last movement is brilliant. Mr. Tuthill
knows the clarinet very well, so that one does not encounterthe tricky spots to be
expectedin a work of this difficulty."
UhI, Alfred (1909-). KonzertanteSinfonie. Vienna: Universal Edition.
Not available.

Vassilenko,S. N. (1872-). Concerto,for Clarinetand Orchestra,Opus135. Moscow:U.S.S.R.,

Of some musicalvalue. A lyricaladagio. Much sixteenthnote passagewritingbringsthe
finale to a brilliantclose.
Veale,John (1922-). Concerto,for Clarinetin A and Orchestra.London:OxfordUniversity
Press, 1955.
In one extendedmovementwith sections in varied tempi. This music makes full use
of all registersof the clarinetand is melodiousand in good taste though it may border
on the sentimental.A welcomeif not a great additionto the literature. Calls for full
orchestrabut piano reductionis good.
Verhey,TheodorH. H. (1848-1929). Concertoin G minor,Opus47. Leipzig:Zimmermann,
Three movementsof considerablecharm and brilliance;the technicalpassagesare not
difficult. The middle movementis the weakest. Straightforwardromanticmusic that
seems more interestingthan Verhey'squintet for winds and piano. Score in Fleischer
Vinter,Gilbert (1909-). Concertino.London: Boosey and Hawkes, 1955.
Pure tripe-why print such stuff?
Vogel,JohannChristoff(1756-1788). ThreeConcertos.
Not available.
Weber,CarlMaria von (1786-1826). Concertino,Opus 26. Leipzig: Breitkopfand Haertel,
c. 1893. Many otherpublishersincludingBoosey and Hawkesand CarlFischer (revised
by W. Strasser).
The solo part was publishedby Schlesingersche Buch und Musikalienhandlung, c.1865.
This well known work offersmore musicalproblemsthan are often realized. It requires
the tone control of an artist for full realization. Some editions are inaccuratein the
distinctionbetweenan appoggiaturaand a grace note. Composedin 1811.
- ConcertoNo. 1 in F minor,Opus73. Heilbronn:C. F. Schmidt. Othereditionsavail-
able includingCarlFischer,Breitkopfand Haertel,and Leduc (rev. U. Delecluse), 1951.
This and the followingcompositionare demandingworkstoo seldomheardwith orches-
tra. They are somewhatdated but their real worth is revealedon Period recordSPLP
529 as played by Alois Heine with the Mozarteumorchestra. Composed1811.
- ConcertoNo. 2 in E flat major,Opus74. Paris: Leduc (rev. U. Delecluse), 1951. Also
CarlFischer,Cundy-Bettoneyand others. See above. Composedin 1811. Leducedition
has cadenceby J. Ibert.
-- Variations,Opus33. Composedin 1811.
Seven florid and brilliant variations on a theme from "Silvana." Too little played.
Weisgarber,Elliot. Concerto.MS.
Weisgarberis a contemporaryAmerican.Not available.
Wiedemann,L. Concertinoin C minor, Opus4. Paris: Benjamin.
A pleasantbut unimportantwork full of commonplaces.Flashybut not brilliant.Techni-
cal spots well writtenand play easily.
Wildgans,Friedrich(1913-). SecondConcerto.Vienna:UniversalEdition, 1949.
Not available. Another(first) concertowas writtenin 1933.
Wilms,Jan Wilem (1772-1847). Concerto.
Mentionedin Rendall.
Winter,Peter von (1754-1825). Concerto,with Orchestra.
Mentionedin Rendall.
Wollanck,Friederich(1782-1831). Concertos.
Unobtainableby B. C. Tuthill.
Yost (See Michel).

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