Latin and Medical Terminology
Latin and Medical Terminology
Latin and Medical Terminology
of Higher Education
«Stavropol State Medical University»
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Textbook for Foreign Medical Students
of the English Medium
Stavropol, 2017
УДК 807.1:37(07)
ББК 81.461я73
Z 80
ISBN 978-5-89822-510-0
Znamenskaya S. V., Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Dean of the
Foreign Students’ Faculty, Head of the Foreign Languages Department of Stavropol
State Medical University of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health.
Pigaleva I. R., Candidate of Philology, senior teacher of the Foreign Languages
Department of Stavropol State Medical University of the Russian Federation Ministry
of Health.
Znamenskaya I. A., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the
Department of Hospital Therapy of Stavropol State Medical University of the Russian
Federation Ministry of Health.
УДК 807.1:37(07)
ББК 81.461я73
Z 80
Baturin V. A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of
Clinical Pharmacology of Stavropol State Medical University of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Health.
Korobkeev A. A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Anatomy
Department of Stavropol State Medical University of the Russian Federation Ministry
of Health.
Shibkova O. S., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign
Languages for Natural Sciences and Economic Specialties of North-Caucasian Federal
University of the Ministry of Education and Science.
© Stavropol State
ISBN 978-5-89822-510-0
Medical University, 2017
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное
учреждение высшего образования
«Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет»
Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
Учебное пособие
для иностранных студентов-медиков
англоязычного отделения
Ставрополь, 2017
УДК 807.1:37(07)
ББК 81.461я73
ISBN 978-5-89822-510-0
Знаменская С. В., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, декан факультета
иностранных студентов, заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков ФГБОУ ВО
«Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства
здравоохранения Российской Федерации.
Пигалева И. Р., кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафе-
дры иностранных языков ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный меди-
цинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации.
Знаменская И. А., кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры госпитальной
терапии ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский универси-
тет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации.
УДК 807.1:37(07)
ББК 81.461я73
Батурин В. А., доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой
клинической фармакологии ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный ме-
дицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации.
Коробкеев А. А., доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой
анатомии ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский универ-
ситет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации.
Шибкова О. С., доктор филологических наук, профессор, заведующая кафе-
дрой иностранных языков естественнонаучных и экономических специальностей
ФГАОУ ВО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет» Министерства обра-
зования и науки Российской Федерации.
© Ставропольский государственный
ISBN 978-5-89822-510-0 медицинский университет, 2017
Why are Latin and ancient Greek language of particular importance and
applying for physicians and pharmacists? Why are Latin alphabet, phonetics
and grammar used for spelling, pronunciation and functioning of modern
medical terms?
To understand this it is necessary get to know the history of Latin.
Latin (lingua Latina) belongs to the Italic group of the Indo-European
family of languages. Originally it was the native language of a small tribe
Latini living in the central part of Apennines in the region called Latium. The
capital was Rome founded in 753 B.C. In course of the time Latin became the
state language of the great Roman Empire included till V A.B. all countries
of Mediterranean basin, including territories of modern Italy, Spain, France,
Greece and also a part of Britain, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and
other countries. Latin alphabet is now used in all European countries.
Inscriptions are the first monuments of the Latin language. The oldest Latin
inscriptions written in existence date from the VI century B.C., but inscriptions
written earlier than about 200 B.C. are few and short. The earliest extant Latin
literature is the comedies by Plautus (254-184 B.C.) and comedies by Terence
(190-159 B.C.).
The Latin language of the classical time is presented by the remarkable
works created in Rome during I century B.C. − at the beginning of I century
A.D. One studies the classical Latin in higher educational establishments of
The period of the I–II centuries A.D. is called postclassical. The so-called
Late Latin (III-IV centuries A.D.) is the last period of the Latin language. At
the time of the late Empire, its downfall (476 A.D.) and the emergence of
barbarian states the difference between the written Latin language, its literary
and popular colloquial forms becomes wider. During this period, Christianity
spreads in the region and the Christian literature appears. In the works by
Hieronymus (340-420) and Augustine (345-430) and other late Latin authors
we find a lot of morphologic and syntactic forms preparing the transition to the
young Roman languages, which got this name from the main city of Romans:
Rome − Roma, among them are such modern languages as Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, French, Romanian, Moldavian and others.
The Latin language of the Middle Ages mainly remains the language of
science. Teaching was conducted in Latin not only in primary schools, but also
at Universities, which had appeared at that time in Europe.
Latin was used in contemporary literature, jurisprudence, diplomacy,
Catholic Church service as well.
The outstanding scientists, philosophers, physicians of the European
countries wrote and published their works in Latin during the movement of
Renaissance in the XIV– XVI centuries. Tradition to write scientific works and
treatises in Latin remained until the second part of the XIX century.
At present, Latin is called a dead language, as it is no longer the means of
communication, it exists in modern Roman languages, and it is widely used in
terminology of all sciences and humanities.
(Avicenna) (980–1037). His basic work «Canon of Medical Science» was
translated into Latin in the XVIII century and was well known in the West.
The new rise and development of medicine is connected with the epoch of
Renaissance. In 1478 in Florence, the work by Cornelius Celsus «Of Medicine»
was published for the first time. The great Italian painter and scientist Leonardo
de Vinci (1452–1519) studied the structure of the human body very attentively
and left more than 200 anatomical drawings (sketches).
Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564), the great reformer of anatomy and medical
terminology, lived in the first part of the XVI century. He is the author of
the capital work «On the Structure of the Human Body» written in Latin and
published in 1543. He taught anatomy in Latin too. Our modern anatomical
terminology is inherited from the works of Vesalius, who used for the first time
such Latin names as atlas, scapula etc. In the works of his pupil Fallopius one
can find such terms as tuba uterina, labyrinthus, placenta, etc., which are
included in the International Anatomical Nomenclature − Nomina Anatomica.
Such scientists, philosophers, physicians and doctors of European countries
as Bartholomew Eustachius (1510–1574), Rene Descartes (1596–1650),
Thomas More (1478–1535), Newton (1643–1727), Copernicus (1473–1543)
and in the XVIII century botanist Charles Linney (1707–1778) and others
wrote their works in Latin.
The contribution of Renaissance anatomists to the anatomical dictionary is
great: about 700 names were inherited from the Greeks by the end of the XVIII
century, the number of terms grew up to 30 000.
Progressive ideas of Vesalius came to Russia as early as the middle of the
XVIII century. Epiphanies Slavinetskii translated into the Slavonic language
the short variant of anatomic works of Vesalius. The first Russian anatomical
Atlas was published in 1774.
Among the Russian scientists and physicians of the XVIII−XlX
centuries, who wrote in Latin, were M.V. Lomonosov (1711–1765),
botanist N.M. Maksimovich-Ambodic (1744–1812), microscopist-histologist
A.M. Schumlansky (1748–1795), his brother-clinicist P.M. Schumlansky, the
Great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov (1810-1881) and many others.
Nowadays the Latin and Greek languages serve the basis for creation of
new medical terms, because the roots of the words are not associated with
conversational practice and have definite special meaning and these roots are
practically internationally known.
Any specialist must correctly understand and use the appropriate special
vocabulary or terminology for successful work in any field of science,
technique, and industry.
The main function of the term (in Latin «terminus» – limit, boundary) is to
express exactly the appropriate scientific concept.
The term may be expressed by one word (e.g. appendicitis, bone, chest,
etc.) and by a word combination (e.g. arch of vertebra, transverse process,
vertebral column, etc.).
The term expresses the scientific and scientific-technical concept. The
scientific concept is a result of scientific theoretical generalization and reflects
a fragment of the scientific system of knowledge.
You are already acquainted with the Latin letters studying English.
Nevertheless, some of them are written and pronounced in another way. The
word «alphabet» comes from the names of the first and second letters of the
Greek alphabet. The Latin alphabet originates from the Greek.
In the classical period, it consisted of 23 letters, while now it includes 25
The letters are divided into vowels and consonants. The Latin alphabet
consists of 6 vowels and 19 consonants.
The Vowels
The vowels are a, e, o, i, u, y. They are short and long, for example: mălum
− evil; mālum − apple. The long vowels were pronounced twice as long as
short ones. Now this difference is not observed, as it is not peculiar to modern
languages. Nevertheless, the notion of length (a line over a letter) and brevity
(a tick over a letter) is important for the stress (see below).
The letter A a is pronounced as [a], as in the English words «father or
footpath», e.g.: árcus − arch.
The letter E e is pronounced as [e], as in the English words «bed or pencil»,
e.g.: médius − middle.
The letter O o is pronounced as [o], as in the English words «not or frog»,
e.g.: cor − heart.
The letter I i is pronounced as [i], as in the English words «pit or kitten»,
e.g.: bis − twice and represents not only a vowel sound, but also the semivowel
sound like that of the English [j] in «yet». When this letter is used for the [j]
sound, it is generally called a «consonantal i» and is sometimes written «j».
This [j] sound is used in two cases:
1) Between two vowels, e.g.: májor − greater;
2) At the beginning of a word before a vowel, e.g.: júgum − yoke, eminence;
jejúnum − jejunum. For this reason, the letter j was introduced into the alphabet
in the 16-th century.
It is not used in words borrowed from Greek, e.g.: Iódum − iodine, iáter −
doctor, etc.
In the 16-th century, the letter U u was introduced to denote a vowel-sound
and is pronounced as [u], as in the English word «full». In earlier ages the letter
V v represented both a vowel sound and a semivowel sound like that of the
English [w], e.g.: únus − one, single, the only one.
In the times of Augustus, the letter Y y was introduced to be used in the
words borrowed from Greek. Its French name «i-grek» literally means «i taken
from the Greek language». In medicine, it is pronounced as [i], e.g.: týmpanon
− tambourine, drum.
Combinations of Vowels
Besides single vowels, there are four combinations of vowels called digraphs,
such as ae, oe, au, eu. Originally, all of them were diphthongs pronounced as
one syllable. At present, the first two changed into monophthongs, while the
other two remained diphthongs.
The digraph ae is pronounced as [e], as in the English word «elephant»,
e.g.: cóstae − ribs.
The digraph oe is pronounced in the same way, e.g.: foétor − stench.
1. If these letters are pronounced separately, two dots are put over the
second letter (ё), but sometimes the sign of length may be put over it (ē), e.g.:
aёr – air, poёta – poet.
2. In writing the letters a, o are sometimes omitted in combinations of
vowels ae, oe. In this case, it is necessary to put the sign of the length above
the vowel (ē), e.g.: peritonēum = peritonáeum.
The diphthong au is pronounced as [au], as in the English word «house»,
e.g.: auris – ear.
The diphthong eu is pronounced as [eu], e.g.: Europa – Europe.
1. Sometimes, you can see the digraph eu at the end of a word. Nevertheless,
this combination of vowels is not a true diphthong, because its vowels are in
different syllables, e.g.: mem-bra-ná-ce-us – membranous.
2. Nowadays, the new combination of vowels ou appeared under the
influence of Modern English. The digraph ou is pronounced as [u], e.g.: croup.
The Consonants
The letter H h is pronounced as [h], e.g.: hépar – liver.
The letter K k is very rare. It remains only in a very few words, e.g.:
Kaléndae (abbreviated Kal. or K.) – calends. In medicine, it is used only in
Greek words such as keratóma, leukaemía, etc. or in the words borrowed from
Arabic or other languages, e.g.: Kálium, kala-azar.
The letter L I always sounds mild in medicine, e.g.: lámina – thin plate,
The letter M m is pronounced as [m], e.g.: mórbus – sickness, disease.
The letter N n is pronounced as [n], e.g.: nómen – name, appellation.
The letter P p is pronounced as [p], e.g.: palatínus – palatine.
The letter Q q was used only before the «consonantal u» (quáero – seek,
search for). The combination qu is pronounced as [kv], e.g.: áqua – water.
The letter R r was called a dog’s letter – líttera canína – by the Romans and
is pronounced as [r], e.g.: rámus – branch.
The letter S s is pronounced in two ways:
1) As [z] between two vowels and before the consonant m or after the
consonant n, e.g.: básis – base; ménsis – month; organísmus – organism;
2) As [s] in most cases, e.g.: súlcus – groove, furrow; óssa – bones;
cósta – rib.
The letter T t is pronounced as [t], e.g.: túba – tube. The combination of
letters ti before the vowels is pronounced as [tsi], e.g.: substántia – substance;
articulátio – joint, articulation. However, after the letters s, x the syllable ti is
pronounced as [ti], e.g.: míxtio – mixture; óstium – mouth, entrance, opening.
The letter X x is pronounced as [ks], e.g.: rádix – root.
At the times of Augustus the letter Z z was introduced into the alphabet. In
the Greek language, it was pronounced as [dz], e.g.: Glycyrrhíza. In the words
borrowed from Greek, it is pronounced as [z], e.g.: zóna – zone; zygomáticus
– zygomatic. In the words borrowed from other languages, it is pronounced as
[ts], e.g.: Zíncum – Zinc. This word is borrowed from German.
NB! (Take notice!) The letter W w (dubl ve) borrowed from the modern
languages is pronounced as [w] and used in a very few terms, e.g.: ánuli
Lóweri –Lower’s rings.
There are four combinations of consonants: ph, th, ch, rh. These digraphs
are used in the words borrowed from Greek to represent the Greek letters: phi,
theta, chi and rho.
Digraph ph is pronounced as [f], e.g.: phálanx – phalanx.
Digraph th is pronounced as [t], e.g.: euthanasía – euthanasia.
Digraph ch is pronounced as [h], e.g.: chóle – bile.
Digraph rh is pronounced as [r], e.g.: rháphe – raphe.
Note: The combination of consonants sch is pronounced as [sh], e.g.:
schizophrenía – schizophrenia.
Winged Words
In the British and American lexicography, the term «winged words» is not
used. The German linguist George Büchmann compiled the first dictionary of
winged words in 1864. George Büchmann gave the name «geflügelte Worte»
to words, phrases and sentences, which came directly or indirectly from a
literary or historical sources and which are commonly used in speech and
writing as lexical units.
• Alma máter –– literally means «A feeding mother». It is usually applied to
a university or academy in diminutive or humorous sense. These words come
from the medieval students’ appellation of a university supplying spiritual
• Académia –– «Academy». In modern languages, this word is used to
indicate an institution of higher education. Actually, it originated from the
Latin name of the Greek hero Academ. There was the sacred olive’s grove
around his grave (near Athens) where philosopher Plato gave lectures. It was in
the IV century B.C. He founded the school, which he called «Academy» after
Academ. This word came later to be applied to schools for higher education,
usually for special purposes (e.g.: Academy of Sciences or Military Academy,
• Cf. = cónfer –– «Compare with».
• e.g. = exémpli grátia –– «For example, for instance».
• etc. = et cétera –– «And other things: and so on; and the rest: and all the
• i.e. = id est –– «That is to say; that is».
• NB! = Nóta béne! –– The Latin phrase means «Take special notice», used
for paying or drawing attention.
• Salvéte, studéntes! –– A form of greeting students at a meeting.
• Sálve, magístra (magister)! –– A form of greeting a teacher at a meeting.
• Vále, magístra (magíster)! –– A form of greeting a teacher by leave-
• Valéte, studéntes! –– A form of greeting students by leave-taking.
2. Read and explain the rules of pronunciation of the letters “i” and “j”:
páries inférior inferior wall нижняя стенка
ínsula island островок
intestínum intestine, bowel, gut кишка
iáter doctor врач
júgum ridge, eminence возвышение
ligaméntum ligament связка
junctúra junction соединение
ilíacus iliac подвздошный
4. Read paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters “ss” and “s”:
s [s]
ss [s]
s [z] – between vowels,
– between vowel and a consonant ″m″ or ″n″,
in the words of Greek origin.
5. Read paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters “x” and “z”:
x [ks]
z [z]
Exception: Zincum, influenza [ts]
déxter right правый
rádix root, radix корень
fléxio flexion, bending сгибание
extérnus external наружный
púnctum fíxum fixed point точка прикрепления
lárynx larynx гортань
maxílla upper jaw верхняя челюсть
extrémitas 1. extremity, limb; 2. end конец
strátum zonále zonal layer поясной слой
zygomáticus zygomatic скуловой
véna ázygos azygos vein непарная вена
zóna orbiculáris orbicular zone круговая зона
trapézius trapeziform трапециевидный
7. Read paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters “qu”, “ngu”,
qu [kv]
ngu [ngv] – before vowels
[ngu] – before consonants
gu [gu]
digéstio digestion пищеварение
substántia spongiósa spongy substance губчатое вещество
intestínum intestine кишка
arcus arch (arc); дуга;
caput head (of bones, internal голова, головка (костей,
organs); внутренних органов);
proximalis proximal (closest/nearest проксимальный,
to the body); ближайший к туловищу;
sinister left; левый;
skeleton skeleton; скелет;
superficialis superficial поверхностный;
(located on the surface);
superior superior, upper; верхний;
thorax thorax, chest; грудная клетка;
thoracicus thoracic; грудной;
truncus trunk; туловище, ствол;
ventralis ventral (front); вентральный (передний);
vertebra vertebra позвонок;
(a section of the backbone);
vertebralis vertebral; позвоночный.
A. Words of two syllables are accented on the first syllable: Ró-ma – Rome,
á-la – wing, rá-mus – branch, etc.
B. Words of more than two syllables are accented:
1) On the Penult (second from the end syllable), if that is long: co-lúm-
na –column, fo-rā-men – opening, car-ti lā go – cartilage.
2) On the Antepenult (third from the end syllable), if the Penult is
short: sub-stán-ti-a – substance; cá-psu-la – capsule, small box; en-cé-pha-
lon – encephalon, brain.
In order to determine the position of the accent in a word, first of all, it is
necessary to count the syllables, beginning from the end of the word, and then
it is important to determine the length or brevity of the penultimate (second)
syllable: in-ci-sú-ra (4 syllables) – notch.
Pay attention to the fact that qu, ch, ph, th, rh are counted as single
consonants: á-qua (2 syllables) – water; cho-lé-dŏ-chus (4 syllables) – bilious;
é-lĕ-phas (3 syllables) – elephant.
1. The diphthongs or monophthongs are one syllable too: gan-gráe-na (3
syllables) – gangrene; cen-táu-rus (3 syllables) – centaur.
2. The combination of vowels eu used at the end of a word is counted as two
syllables: cu-tá-ne-us (4 syllables) – cutaneous.
The following are the main rules for determining the length of a syllable:
1. All syllables containing a diphthong (monophthong) or a sign of length
are long by nature: di-aē -ta – diet; va-gī-na − sheath.
2. All syllables containing long suffixes: -ūr-, -īt-,-ōm- for nouns or -āl-,
-ār-, -āt-, -ōs-, -ē-, -īn-, (of Greek origin), -iv- for adjectives, are also long
by nature: tinctūra – tincture; frontālis – frontal; alāris – alar; serrātus –
serrate; fibrōsus –fibrous; coccygēus – coccygeal; datīvus – dative; palatīnus
– palatine. (Exceptions: serótĭnus – overdue, late; trigémĭnus – trigeminal).
3. All syllables in which a vowel is before the letter x or z, before two or
more consonants put together, are always long by a position: reflēxus – reflex;
Glycyrrhīza – liquorice; procēssus − process, outgrowth.
The following are the main rules for determining the brevity of the
penultimate syllable:
1. All syllables containing a sign of brevity are short by nature: lámĭna –
layer, coat; túnĭca – tunic.
2. All syllables, in which two vowels follow each other, are always short by
a position: fácĭes – surface; médĭus – middle.
3. All syllables containing short suffixes -ŏ1-, -ŭl-, -cŭl- for nouns or -ĭc-
, -ĕ- (of Latin origin) for adjectives are always short by nature: alveŏlus –
alveole; fossŭla – small pit; tubercŭlum – tubercle; thoracĭcus – thoracic;
cartilaginĕus – cartilaginous.
4. All syllables, in which a vowel is before the Greek combination (ch, ph,
th, rh) or before the consonant-groups, consisting of a mute letter (p, b, t, d, c,
g) with the letters l or r, are always short by a position: stómăchus – stomach;
pálpebra –eyelid; philósŏphus – philosopher; tríquĕtrus – triangular.
There are also words to which we cannot apply the rules; the quantity of
the vowel is shown in the dictionary form: lamĭna, forāmen, vagīna, aspĕra.
Winged Words
· Alpha et omēga –– «Alpha and omega», i.e. «The beginning and the end».
Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and omega is the last.
· Amor patriae nostra lex –– «Love of the fatherland is our law».
· Ars longa, vita brevis –– «Art (of medicine) is long, life is short». The
Latin translation by Horace of a phrase from Hippocrates. The art referred to
in the original aphorism was the craft of medicine, which took a lifetime to
· Finis corōnat opus –– «All’s well that ends well».
larynx larynx гортань
manus hand кисть руки
minor lesser малый
ramus branch ветвь
sella saddle седло
sternum breastbone грудина
vomer vomer сошник
vena vein вена
2. Define whether the second (last but one) syllable is long or short and
stress the following words:
3. Stress the words paying attention to the long and short syllables:
sulcus pulmonalis pulmonary furrow легочная борозда
pars squamosa scaly part чешуйчатая часть
processus zygomaticus zygomatic process скуловой отросток
incisura supraorbitalis supraorbital notch надглазничная
incisura mandibulae notch of the lower jaw вырезка нижней
cribrosus cribriform решетчатый
pelvinus pelvic тазовый
glomerulus glomerule клубочек
pubicus pubic лобковый
foveolae granulares minute pits зернистые ямочки
facies phrenic surface диафрагмальная
diaphragmatica поверхность
regio inguinalis right inguinal region правая паховая область
rete genus articulare articular network of knee коленная
суставная сеть
pars nasalis nasal part носовая часть
apertura externa external orifice (of) наружная апертура
juga alveolaria alveolar eminences альвеолярные
apex partis petrosae tip of petrous part верхушка каменистой
margo linguae edge of tongue край языка
corpus maxillae body of the upper jaw тело верхней челюсти
canāles alveolares alveolar canals альвеолярные каналы
cauda pancreatis tail of pancreas хвост поджелудочной
lamĭna horizontalis horizontal plate горизонтальная
os palatinum palatine bone нёбная кость
costalis costal; реберный;
fissura fissure, narrow, deep, щель, борозда;
slitlike opening;
forāmen foramen, opening for отверстие;
passage of blood vessels
and nerves into and from a bone;
fossa fossa: depression яма, ямка
or cavity in bone; (удлиненной
fovea fovea (a round hollow, pit); ямка (округлая);
humĕrus humerus (upper arm плечевая кость;
bone, shoulder bone);
incisura incisure, notch; вырезка;
jugularis jugular; яремный;
mandibula mandible, lower jaw; нижняя челюсть;
maxilla maxilla, upper jaw; верхняя челюсть;
mandibularis mandibular; нижнечелюстной;
maxillaris maxillary; верхнечелюстной;
membrum member, limb, extremity; член тела,
olecrănon olecranon, process on the medial олекранон
lower arm bone (ulna) which (локтевой
extends behind the elbow joint отросток);
(elbow process);
periosteum periosteum (strong, fibrous, надкостница;
vascular membrane covering
the surface of a long bone except
at the ends);
pharyngeus pharyngeal; глоточный;
processus process; отросток;
radius radius, lateral lower arm bone; лучевая кость;
radialis radial; лучевой;
scapula scapula, shoulder blade; лопатка;
scapularis scapular; лопаточный;
thoracicus thoracic; грудной;
transversus transverse; поперечный;
tuber tuber, rounded process on a bone; бугор;
serves for attachment
of muscles or tendons;
tuberculum tubercle, smaller rounded process бугорок;
on a bone; serves for attachment of
muscles or tendons;
ulna ulna, medial lower локтевая кость;
arm bone (elbow bone);
ulnaris ulnar; локтевой.
All the words of the Latin language are grouped into different types of
classes. This classification is based on three main principles:
· their grammatical meaning;
· their form;
· their syntactical characteristics.
grammatical category, which shows relation of the noun with other words in a
sentence. It is expressed by the form of the noun.
There are six cases in Latin:
Nominative case (Casus Nominatīvus) answers the questions beginning
with «Who? What? » and is the subject of the term.
Genitive case (Casus Genetīvus). The noun in this case answers the
questions beginning with «Of what? Of whom? Which? Whose? » and is the
object. The syntactical function of the genitive case is that of an uncoordinated
Dative case (Casus Datīvus). The noun in this case answers the questions
beginning with «Whom ... for? What... for? Who... with? What... with? ».
Accusative case (Casus Accusatīvus). The noun in this case answers the
questions beginning with «Whom? What? Where? Through which? ».
Ablative case (Casus Ablatīvus). The noun in this case answers the questions
beginning with «By (with) whom? By (with) what? About who? About what?
When? Where? Who ...with? What... with? ».
Vocative case (Casus Vocatīvus) is used to address somebody.
The Nominative and the Genitive are cases more commonly used in
anatomical terminology. The Dative and the Vocative are cases not used in
medicine except in the winged words. In writing, the word «casus» (case) may
be omitted and you should give shortened forms, such as Nom., Gen.
Declension of Nouns
The Latin nouns have five declensions, which differ in case endings. The
declension is determined by the ending of the Genitive Singular (Genetivus
Singularis), because in the Nominative Singular (Nominativus Singularis)
the endings of different declensions may coincide.
Declension 1 2 3 4 5
Ending of the
-ae -i -is -us -ēi
Genetivus Singularis
The dictionary form of a noun is a form you can find in the dictionary. It
includes three parts:
1) The form of the Nominative Singular (Nom. Sing.);
2) The ending of the Genitive Singular (Gen. Sing.);
3) Gender (m, f, n). E.g.: tubercle – tuberculum, i n.
Latin is one of the several inflected languages. Grammatical relations are
mainly expressed by inflections of the word form, i.e. by the addition to the
stem of a word suffixes or endings. Thus, it is important to be able to determine
the stem of a word.
Nevertheless, sometimes the stem of the noun of the 2-nd declension with
the ending -er in the Nominative Singular can be defined only in the Genitive
Singular, because in this ending the letter «e» may be dropped in all oblique
cases. Therefore, it is necessary to write the part of the stem in front of the
ending of the Genitive case in the dictionary form, e.g.: paediāter, tri m –
children’s doctor (pediadrist).
The stem is paediatr-.
If only the ending of the Genitive case is written in the dictionary form, it
means that the stem of the Nominative and Genitive cases is the same, e.g.:
puer, ĕri m – child, boy, servant. The stem is puer-.
As a result of phonetic processes in the 3-d declension the stem in the
Nominative Singular may be changed, that is why it can be determined only by
the Genitive Singular by cutting off the ending -is, e.g.: dens, dentis т – tooth.
The stem is dent-.
Thus in the dictionary form, the nouns of the 3-d declension are written with
a part of the stem in the Genitive Singular, e.g.: corpus, ŏris n – body. The stem
is corpor-.
Nevertheless, there are some words of the 3-d declension, which have the
same stem in the both cases, such as: auris, is f – ear. The stem is aur-. For this
reason, only the ending of the Genitive case is written in the dictionary form.
The sign of a grammatical gender of the Latin noun is the ending of the
Nominative Singular.
So, all nouns with the endings -um or -on in the Nominative Singular are
the neuter nouns of the 2-nd declension, e.g.: septum, i n – septum; ganglion,
i n – ganglion.
NB! The words with the ending -on are borrowed from Greek, e.g.: orgănon,
i n – organ.
All nouns with the ending -u in the Nominative Singular are also the neuter
nouns, but they belong to the 4-th declension, e.g.: genu, us n – knee.
The nouns with the ending -a in the Nominative Singular are the feminine
nouns of the 1-st declension, e.g.: arteria, ae f – artery.
The nouns with the ending -men in the Nominative Singular are the neuter
nouns and they belong to the 3-d declension, e.g.: abdōmen, ĭnis n – belly,
The nouns with the ending -io in the Nominative Singular are the feminine
nouns of the 3-d declension, e. g.: regio, ōnis f – region.
The nouns with the ending -us in the Nominative Singular may be of
different genders and declensions, as a rule, they are masculine of the 2-nd and
4-th declensions, and some are neuter and feminine of the 3-d declension, e.g.:
It is necessary for students to learn by heart not only the Nominative case,
but also the Genitive case.
Summary of inflections
Declension 1 2 3 4 5
Gender f m n m, f, n m n f
-us -um various
Nom. Sing. -a -us -u -es
-er -on endings
Gen. Sing. -ae -i -is -us -ēi
There are some words which true meaning does not coincide with their
formal sign of gender due to some unknown reason. Their lists should be
Collēga, ae m f – a partner in office, colleague;
virus, i n – virus;
diamĕter, tri f – diameter;
periŏdus, i f – period;
methŏdus, i f – method;
humus, i f – earth;
bolus, i f – clay;
manus, us f – hand.
Every anatomical organ has its anatomical term, which may consist of:
1) One word. This is only a noun in singular or plural number, e.g.: hepar –
liver; pulmōnes – lungs;
2) Two words. They are a noun with an attribute. In Latin, an attribute
always follows the headword, but in English, it precedes the headword.
The attribute may be coordinated (adjective) or uncoordinated (noun),
e.g.: columna vertebralis – vertebral column; cervix uteri – neck of the
3) Verbose. This is a noun with some attributes, e.g.: basis cranii externa –
external base of the skull; sulcus nervi petrosi majoris – sulcus of the greater
petrosal nerve; pars lateralis ossis occipitalis – lateral part of the occipital
NB! In the anatomical terminology, almost all terms begin with a noun in
the Nominative case.
attribute, and is translated into English as an adjective. In English terms,
adjectives precede nouns.
NB! The term «os coccýgis» is translated into English as one noun
«coccyx». The word «coccyx, coccýgis m» means «cuckoo». This term is
literally translated as «bone of cuckoo». The ancient people called this bone
so, because it resembled a cuckoo beak.
There are the anatomical terms with two uncoordinated attributes, e.g.:
crista colli costae:
«crista» is a headword in the Nominative Singular;
«colli» is a noun in the Genitive Singular, which stands after another noun
as an uncoordinated attribute;
«costae» is a noun also in the Genitive Singular as an uncoordinated
All three nouns are translated one after another into English. The
nouns in the Genitive Singular are translated from Latin into English as
noun+of+noun+of+noun – crest of the neck of the rib.
The Latin grammatical structure is different from that of English. The
English ending of the Genitive is the same as that of the Nominative. However,
in Latin the endings of the Nominative and the Genitive are different. In spite
of this, the anatomical terms with two uncoordinated attributes in Latin and in
English have direct word order.
Winged Words
1. The dictionary form of the noun includes three parts: the form of the …
case of the … form; the ending of the … case (for definition of the declension)
and designation of ... (for co-ordination with …).
2. The Latin nouns have … declensions, which are defined by the ending of
the … case of the … form.
3. The Latin nouns are changed in … and ….
4. The Latin nouns of all three genders with the ending … in the ... form of
the ... case belong to the 3-d declension.
5. The nouns with the ending -a in Nominative Singular are the nouns of
the ... declension.
6. In Latin, the uncoordinated attribute is expressed by the ... in ... case.
3. Complete the dictionary form of the following nouns:
4. Define the gender, the declension and the stem of the nouns and
memorize them:
head of the phalanx; vestibule of the nose;
neck of the femur; cavity of the larynx;
tubercle of a rib; apex of the patella;
manubrium of the sternum; cavity of the nose;
head of the fibula; tip of the nose;
tuberosity of the radius; surface of the cerebrum;
body of the mandible; tuber of the upper jaw.
frenulum, i n frenulum (retaining band) of уздечка;
the tongue;
genu, us n genu (knee); колено;
gingīva, ae f gum; десна;
humerus, i m humerus (shoulder bone); плечевая кость;
incisura, ae f incisure, notch; вырезка;
labium, i n lip; губа;
lamĭna, ae f lamina (plate); пластинка;
ligamentum, i n ligament; связка;
linea, ae f line; линия;
lingua, ae f 1. tongue; 2. language; язык;
mandibula, ae f mandible, lower jaw; нижняя челюсть;
maxilla, ae f maxilla, upper jaw; верхняя челюсть;
meātus, us m meatus, passage, channel; проход, ход;
musculus, I m muscle; мышца;
manubrium, i n manubrium, presternum; рукоятка;
orbĭta, ae f orbit (eye-socket, orbit cavity; глазница;
os, ossis n bone; кость;
patella, ae f patella, knee-cap, knee-pan; надколенник;
radius, i m radius; лучевая кость;
raphe, es f raphe, seam (tissue seam); шов (на мягких
scapula, ae f scapula, shoulder blade; лопатка;
septum, i n septum перегородка;
(dividing wall, partition);
spina, ae f spine; ость;
sternum, i n sternum, breastbone; грудина;
sulcus, i m sulcus, furrow depression in борозда;
the surface of the cerebral
cortex; also called fissure;
sutura, ae f suture (a bone seam); шов (костный);
tuba, ae f tube; труба;
tympănum, i n ear-drum; барабан;
ulna, ae f ulna (elbow bone); локтевая кость;
vena, ae f vein; вена;
vertebra, ae f vertebra (a section позвонок;
of the backbone);
vestibulum, i n vestibule, antrum, heelbone; преддверие
NB! In some feminine and neuter adjectives with the ending -er in
Nominative Singular the letter «e» may be dropped and in all oblique cases too.
Therefore, it is necessary to write the part of the stem in front of the endings
of feminine and neuter genders in the dictionary form, e.g.: right – dexter, tra,
trum. The feminine form defines the stem, if we cut off the ending -a, e.g.:
dextr- is the stem.
The adjectives of the 1-st and 2-nd declensions are called so, because they
are changed according to the 1-st and 2-nd declensions in accordance with
their endings:
Nom. Sing liber libĕr-a libĕr-um
Gen. Sing libĕr-i libĕr-ae libĕr-i
Nom. Sing dexter dextr-a dextr-um
Gen. Sing dextr-i dextr-ae dextr-i
The Coordinated Attribute
There are not any endings in English adjectives to express agreement with
headword, but in Latin, the ending of an adjective is a sign of the grammatical
The declension of the nouns and adjectives may be non co-ordinated,
e.g.: temporal surface – facies temporalis: the noun «facies» is of the 5-th
declension and the adjective is of the 3-d declension; e.g.: temporal process –
processus temporalis: the noun «processus» is of the 4-th declension and the
adjective is of the 3-d declension.
Nevertheless, sometimes it may be the same, e.g.: temporal bone – os
temporale. The both words are of the 3-d declension.
If there are several adjectives coordinated with one headword they have
define position assignments. In Latin, the adjectives expressing relation to an
organ or a part of a body precede the adjectives denoting size, colour, form,
place or position. These assignments are fixed. In this case, a back word order
is used in English, e.g.: ramus cutaneus medialis – medial cutaneous branch.
The adjectives are not separate by commas, because the adjective denoting
size, form, etc. are related to the word combination.
E.g.: ganglion cervicale medium – middle cervical ganglion; e.g.: ganglion
cervicale superius – superior cervical ganglion.
As a rule the terms with coordinated attributes are translated into English
with the help of that part of speech, which is given in Latin, but using the
back word order, e.g.: nervus occipitalis tertius – third occipital nerve.
Ordinal numeral «tertius» is translated as «third»; the adjective «occipitalis»
is translated as «occipital».
NB! The Latin term os sacrum is translated into English as one word
«sacrum». The adjective sacer, cra, crum means «sacred». This term is literally
translated as «sacred bone». The ancient people called this bone so, because it
was a tasty morsel of a sacrificed animal; by the way, it is the biggest, fattest
and the last to decay.
Winged Words
• Ars longa, vita brevis –– «Art (of medicine) is long, life is short». Seneca
translated this quotation from Hippocrates into Latin.
• Audiātur et altĕra pars –– «Hear the other side». (A legal fairness
• Facies Hippocratĭca –– «Hippocrates’ face». This word combination is
used to mean a face of a dying man. It is one of the medical expressions, which
include the name of Hippocrates, the founder of medicine. It is known that
Hippocrates was the first to describe a face of a man with signs of coming
death in his work «Prognostic».
• Tabŭla rasa –– «Blank (scraped) board». Ancient Greeks and Romans
wrote on waxed plates with sharpened sticks. The text was easy to rub, and this
fact led to the figurative meaning of this expression «А foolish man».
tunĭca mucosa linguae; processus articularis;
ductus biliferi; cornu sacrale;
os frontale; crista sacralis.
2. Make the following adjectives agree with the given nouns, translate
them into Latin. Mind the word order:
5. Agree the adjectives with the nouns:
transversus, a, um transverse; поперечный;
venosus, a, um venous; венозный;
zygomaticus, a, um zygomatic; скуловой;
albus, a, um white; белый;
asper, ĕra, ĕrum asperous (rough); шероховатый;
coronarius, a, um coronary; венечный;
iliacus, a, um iliac; подвздошный;
liber, era, erum free; свободный;
niger, gra, grum black; черный;
ruber, bra, brum red; красный;
sacer, cra, crum sacred, sacral; крестцовый;
durus, a, um hard; твердый;
mylohyoideus, a, um mylohyoid; челюстно-
palatoglossus, a, um palatoglossal; небно-язычный.
vertebralis, e vertebral; позвоночный;
jugularis, e jugular; яремный;
sacralis, e sacral; крестцовый;
alveolaris, e alveolar; альвеолярный;
buccalis, e buccal; щечный;
dentalis, e dental; зубной;
infraorbitalis, e infraorbital; подглазничный;
mentalis, e mental подбородочный;
(referring to the chin);
mollis, e soft; мягкий.
orgănum, i n; organ; орган;
(orgănon, i n)
segmentum, i n segment, section; сегмент;
squama, ae f squama, squame, scale; чешуя;
tibia, ae f tibia, hin-bone; большеберцовая кость;
ulna, ae f ulna, elbow bone; локтевая кость;
os, oris n mouth; рот;
porus, i m pore; пора, отверстие;
The comparative degree is formed by adding the suffix -ior for the masculine
and feminine genders and the suffix -ius for the neuter gender to the stem of an
adjective. Its equivalent in English is the suffix -er.
Positive Degree Stem Translation
latus, a, um lat- latior (m, f), latius (n) broader
ruber, bra, brum rubr- rubrior (m, f), rubrius (n) redder
brevis, e brev- brevior (m, f), brevius (n) shorter
simplex, ĭcis simplic- simplicior (m, f) simplicius (n) simpler
The adjectives with the meaning «great, large, small» form the degrees of
comparison from different stems.
Gradus positivus Gradus comparativus
magnus, a, um major, (m, f), majus (n)
parvus, a, um minor (m, f), minus (n)
The stem of the comparative degree coincides with the common form of the
masculine and feminine genders of the Nominative Singular.
The adjectives in the comparative degree are changed according to the 3-d
declension by adding the ending -is to the stem of an adjective.
The adjectives with the meaning «spacious»; (they are 4) have no positive
degree. The adjectives superior, ius; inferior, ius are sometimes translated as
«upper, lower».
Formation of the Superlative Degree of Adjectives
The superlative degree (except the adjectives with the ending -er) is formed
by adding the suffix -issim- and the gender endings (of the 1-st and 2-nd
declensions) -us (m), -a (f), -um (n) to the stem of an adjective in the positive
Its equivalent in English is the suffix -est.
Positive Comparative Superlative
of the Superlative
Degree Degree Degree
latus, a, um latior, ius latissĭmus, a, um the widest
brevis, e brevior, ius brevissĭmus, a, um the shortest
simplex, ĭcis simplicior, ius the simplest
a, um
The superlative degree of the adjectives with the ending -er is formed by
adding the suffix -rim- and the gender endings -us (m), -a (f), -um (n) to the
form of the masculine gender of the Nominative Singular of an adjective in the
positive degree.
Positive Degree Superlative Degree
magnus, a, um major, majus maxĭmus, a, um
parvus, a, um minor, minus minĭmus, a, um
The superlative degree of the adjectives with the meaning «great, large,
small» is formed from the different stems.
In anatomical terminology, the superlative degree of these adjectives is
used very seldom and may be translated into English in various ways: as the
comparative degree (greater) or the superlative degree (least, smallest) or it
may be not translated. That is why it is necessary to memorize the most well
known anatomical terms (see below).
Defective Degrees of Comparison
Word Building
A great number of adjectives in Latin are formed from nouns with the help
of suffixes. These adjectives may be of the 1-st, 2-nd or of the 3-d declensions.
In anatomical terminology, the majority of the adjectives of the 3-d
declension with two gender endings are formed with the help of the suffixes
-al/ar-. For formation of the adjectives from nouns, it is necessary first to
define the stem of a noun.
If a stem of a noun ends on the letter «l», we add the suffix -ar-, then the
endings -is, -e; e.g.: clavicul +ar + is, e – clavicular.
The suffix -al- is added to the stem of the nouns in the rest of the cases, then
the endings -is, -e are added, e.g.: cost + al + is, e – costal.
The adjectives formed in this way acquired the meaning «pertaining to ...»,
e.g.: pertaining to a clavicle – clavicularis, e; pertaining to a rib – costalis, e.
The Latin adjectives with the suffixes -al/ar- are usually transliterated into
English, e.g.: synovialis, e – synovial, dorsalis, e – dorsal.
Winged Words
· Omnium artium medicīna nobilissĭma est –– «Medicine is the noblest
of all arts».
· Salus popŭli – suprēma lex –– «The welfare of the people is the supreme
law», said Cicero in his work «Of laws».
· «Salus aegrōti – suprēma lex», which means that «The well-being of the
patient is the sacred law for doctors».
3. Translate the following terms into Latin:
Palatine process of the lower jaw; left lumbar trunk;
articular process of the vertebra; right horn of the womb (uterus);
jugular notch of the breast bone; lateral condyle;
profound cervical lymphatic node; aperture of the frontal sinus;
transverse sinus of the pericardium; round ligament of the womb.
Articular face of the acromion; marrow of the thymus;
lamina of the vertebra arch; fibrous capsule of the thyroid gland.
Soft palate; median sulcus of tongue;
hard palate; external dental epithelium;
nasal surface of the upper jaw; accessory nasal cartilage;
perpendicular plate of palatine bone; middle nasal conch;
intermedial part of lip of the mouth; masseteric fascia
(massetericus, a, um).
profound vein of the face; mucosa of the nose;
middle passage of the nose; furrow of the radial nerve.
Posterior ethmoid opening; great palatine opening;
front longitudinal ligament; front medial surface;
great palatine furrow; upper cervical ganglion.
Front sacral opening; back gluteal line;
upper posterior iliac spine; tonsil of the cerebellum;
lower articular process; front cutaneous branch;
Right branch of portal vein; process of the lower nasal conch;
entrance of the lower hollow vein; sulcus of the greater petrosal nerve;
greater horn of hyoid bone; temporal face of the greater ala;
sulcus of the lower petrosal sinus; muscle of the upper eyelid;
crest of the greater tubercle; frenulum of the upper lip;
lower dental arch; posterior artery of the brain.
Maxillary process; smaller ala of the sphenoid bone;
process of the lower nasal conch; bottom of the urinary bladder;
entrance of the upper hollow vein; anterior lobe of the cerebellum;
skeleton of the upper limb; lower face of the tongue.
Posterior ethmoid opening; greater palatine opening;
anterior longitudinal ligament; frontal medial surface;
greater palatine sulcus; superior cervical ganglion.
palpebra superior; facies inferior cerebri;
tuberculum thyroideum inferius; processus zygomaticus maxillae;
bursa musculi teretis majōris; cornu majus ossis hyoidei;
ostium venae cavae superiōris; processus frontalis ossis zygomatici.
10. Translate the following anatomical terms into Latin, e.g.: anterior
surface of the maxilla – facies anterior maxillae:
11. Translate the following terms into Latin, e.g. cecal foramen of the
frontal bone -foramen caecum ossis frontalis:
frontal angle of the parietal bone; temporal surface of the greater wing;
mastoid branch lesser horn of the hyoid bone;
of the occipital artery;
nasal spine of the frontal bone; lesser wing of the sphenoid bone;
pterygoid angle of the parietal bone; jugular tubercle of the occipital bone;
external lip of the iliac crest; superior branch of the inferior lobe.
bursa, ae f bursa, pouch сумка;
(sac of fluid located
at and round joints which
act as cushions
and reduce friction);
cavus, a, um hollow, sunken; полый;
cerebellum, i n cerebellum; мозжечок;
cerebrum, i n cerebrum; большой головной
curvatura, ae f curvature, bending; кривизна;
dorsalis, e dorsal; тыльный, спинной,
(задний), дорсальный;
encephălon, i n encephalon, brain; головной мозг;
facialis, e facial; лицевой;
ganglion, i n ganglion; ганглий, узел
inferior, ius inferior, lower; нижний;
laryngēus, a, um laryngeal; гортанный;
magnus, a, um great, large; большой;
major, jus greater; большой;
maxĭmus, a, um greatest, biggest; наибольший,
medulla, ae f medulla, marrow or мозговое вещество,
inner portion; мозг;
minor, us smaller, lesser; малый;
minĭmus, a, um minimal, smallest; наименьший;
nervus, i m nerve; нерв;
nodus, i m node, knot; узел;
oculus, i m eye; глаз;
ostium, i n mouth, entrance, устье (вход, отверстие);
small opening;
parietalis, e parietal; теменной;
parvus, a, um small, little; маленький;
pharyngēus, a, um pharyngeal; глоточный;
pleura, ae f pleura, pleural плевра;
posterior, ius posterior; задний;
profundus, a, um profound, deep; глубокий;
superior, ius superior, upper; верхний;
suprēmus, a, um highest; наивысший;
thymus, i m thymus; вилочковая железа,
urethra, ae f urethra, the urinary мочеиспускательный
tract, the tube leading канал, уретра;
from the urinary bladder
to the external surface;
vena portae portal vein; воротная вена;
ventralis, e ventral; вентральный
vesīca, ae f bladder; пузырь;
cutaneus, a, um cutaneous; кожный;
ischiadicus, a, um ischiadic, ischiatic, седалищный;
latus, a, um broad, wide; широкий;
longus, a, um long; длинный;
mastoideus, a, um mastoid; сосцевидный;
squamosus, a, um squamous, squamosal; чешуйчатый;
trapezoideus, a, um trapezoid; трапециевидный;
urinarius, a, um urinary; мочевой;
lacrimalis, e lacrimal; слезный;
lingualis, e lingual; язычный.
The names of all kinds of coats/tunics are
substantivized feminine adjectives:
Arab Roman
Cardinal Numerals Ordinal Numerals
Ciphers Ciphers
The Greek
Meaning Examples
and Latin Prefixes
epi- upon, on, above, over epigastricus, a, um
hypo- under hypoglossus, a, um
infra- below, inferior, under infratemporalis, e
inter- between intervertebralis, e
intra- within, inside, in intracranialis, e
para- near, beside, at, next to paravertebralis, e
peri- surrounding, around periarterialis, e
post- after, behind postnatalis, e;
postcentralis, e
pr(a)e- before, in front of praevertebralis, e
retro- behind, back, retromandibularis, e,
at the back of retroperitonealis, e
semi- half semilunaris, e
sub- under submucosus. a, um
supra- above, over supramastoideus, a, um
syn-, sym- together, with sympathicus, a, um
Winged Words
victory; achieving one’s aim, realizing one has cherished dream by overcoming
all the difficulties».
• Pro analўsi –– «For analysis».
1. Translate the following terms into Latin; agree the adjectives with the
nouns in Nominativus Singularis and form Genetivus Singularis:
‘Under the ribs’ ‘Behind the pharynx’ ‘Behind the nerve node’
‘Between the bones’ ‘Above the collar bone’ ‘Above the kidney’
‘Under a mucosa’ ‘Inside the muscle’ ‘Above the breastbone’
‘Under the eye orbit’ ‘Under the lower jaw’ ‘Near the nose’
The smallest gluteal muscle; the biggest gluteal muscle;
the broadest muscle of the back; the longest muscle of the chest;
the longest muscle of the neck; the highest nasal conch.
Stylohyoid muscle; molar tooth;
decidual tooth; upper canine tooth;
wisdom tooth (=late tooth); tubercle of lower canine tooth;
lower incisor (tooth); root of medial upper incisor tooth.
long muscle of the neck; large curvature of the stomach;
fibrous capsule of the thyroid gland; front horn of the spinal cord;
greater occipital opening; front iliac bone;
front surface of elbow bone; bottom of the urinary bladder.
Bottom of the stomach; cardial entrance of the stomach;
gastroduodenal artery; intestinal surface of the uterus;
longitudinal fold of the duodenum; round ligament of the uterus;
right flexure of the colon; bottom of the uterus;
horizontal part of the duodenum; uterine tube;
ampoule of the rectum; left ventricle;
muscular coat of the small intestine; large round muscle;
sigmoid colon; iliac tuber;
sacral flexure of the rectum; iliac crest.
Retropharyngeal lymph node; stylopharyngeal muscle;
general iliac artery; semilunar fold of the conjunctiva;
rectovaginal partition; sternothyroid muscle.
muscular layer of the stomach (2, 1, 3); round ligament of the uterus;
mucous membrane of the stomach; muscular layer of the colon;
longitudinal fold of the duodenum; intestinal surface of the uterus;
sacral flexure of the rectum; superficial fascia of the perineum.
tenuis, e slender, slim; тонкий;
truncus, i m trunk; ствол, туловище;
infrahyoideus, a, um infrahyoid; подподъязычный;
sternohyoideus, a, um sternohyoid; грудино-подъязычный;
stylohyoideus, a, um stylohyoid; шило-подъязычный;
suprahyoideus, a, um suprahyoid; надподъязычный;
thyrohyoideus, a, um thyrohyoid; щитоподъязычный.
N.B.Word combinations:
Nom. Sing. intestīnum crassum – large intestine
Gen. Sing. intestīni crassi
Nom. Sing. intestīnum tenue – small intestine
Gen. Sing. intestīni tenuis
Nom. Sing. vesīca fellea – gall bladder, bile cyst
Gen. Sing. vesīcae felleae
Nom. Sing. vesīca urinaria – urinary bladder
Gen. Sing. vesīcae urinariae
3. Translate into Latin:
4. Translate the following anatomical terms into Latin. The adjectives are
translated as the nouns in Gen. Sing., e.g.: cerebral vein – vena cerebri:
9. Agree the following adjectives with the nouns. Translate the word-
combinations into Latin:
Greater (ala, horn, head, sulcus, curvature, papilla); lesser (muscle, horn,
fossa, curvature, ala); anterior (crest, sulcus, tubercle, hole); posterior (face,
arch, ligament); lower (sinus, limb, artery, ligament); upper (limb, ganglion,
incisure, foramen, process).
Fulfill the control tests in written form:
Variant 1
1. arch 3. coccygeal
2. middle 4. tubercle
5. line 13. portal vein
6. black 14. hyoid
7. ankle-bone 15. uterine
8. node 16. greater
9. urinary 17. bulb
10. bottom 18. hollow
11. straight 19. lower jaw
12. vestibule 20. bone
The Genitive Singular and the Nominative Plural have the same ending -ae.
These forms of words differ by their positions in terms. In terms, a word in the
Genitive Singular is always placed after another noun, e.g.: collum costae –
neck of a rib.
A noun in the Nominative Plural is the first in the term, e.g. costae spuriae
– false ribs.
The Plural form in Latin corresponds to the ending -s in English, e.g.: linea
– line; lineae – lines.
As to the adjectives of the 1-st declension, they are changed in the same way
as the nouns of the 1-st declension.
Example of Declension
The Genitive Singular and the Nominative Plural have the same ending -i.
Words with this ending differ by their place in a term.
A noun in the Nominative Plural occupies the first position in terms, e.g.:
musculi linguae – muscles of the tongue.
A noun in the Genitive Singular is on the second place in a term, e.g.: bursa
musculi – bursa of the muscle.
The neuter nouns with the endings -um, -on in the Nominative Singular and
the ending -i in the Genitive Singular also belong to the 2-nd declension.
In Plural they have the ending -a in the Nominative case and the ending
-orum in the Genitive case.
As to the adjectives of the second declension, they change in the same way
as the nouns of the 2-nd declension.
Ending Example
m n m n
-us, -um, zygomatĭcus, zygomatĭcum,
Nom. Sing.
-er -on dexter, libĕr dextrum, libĕrum
zygomatĭci, zygomatĭci,
Gen. Sing. -i
dextri, libĕri dextri, libĕri
zygomatĭci, zygomatĭca,
Nom. Plur. -i -a
dextri, libĕri dextra, libĕra
zygomaticōrum, zygomaticōrum,
Gen. Plur. -ōrum
dextrōrum, liberōrum dextrōrum, liberōrum
Pay attention to the adjectives with the ending -er in the Nominative
Singular, remembering that in some of them the letter «e» is dropped in all
oblique cases.
Winged Words
veins of the neck fibers of the lens
fascicles of the pons muscles of the head
nuclei of the pons lobules of the liver
trunks of the plexus muscles of the larynx
Gen. Sing. medullae spinalis;
Nom. Sing. nodus lymphaticus – lymph node;
Gen. Sing. nodi lymphatici.
The mixed type includes, primarily, the unequal compound nouns of three
genders with two or more consonants at the end of a stem and, secondly, the
equal compound nouns of feminine (masculine) genders with the ending -is in
the Nominative Singular.
The vowel type includes only the neuter nouns with the endings -e, -al, -ar
in the Nominative Singular.
The types differ by endings of the Genitive and the Ablative Plural.
One should remember that endings are added to stems!
Therefore, the word corpus, ŏris n belongs to the consonant type; the words
canalis, canalis m and dens, dentis m belong to mixed type.
NB! The word vas, vasis n has the endings of the 3-d declension in the
Singular form, but it is remarkable by the fact that in the Plural form it has the
endings of the 2-nd declension.
Masculine nouns of the Third Declension may have one of the following
terminations in the Nominative Case: -o -os; -or; -es; -ex; -er. The Genitive
case form is used for defining the stem of the word. As has been mentioned
earlier the stems differ in final letters or their combinations. In the table below
the Nominative Singular terminations are contrasted to those of Genitive
Singular preceded by the final letters differentiating word-stems.
Endings of the Masculine Nouns of the Third Declension
m. buccinātor buccinator muscle moving cheeks
m. constrictor constrictor muscle narrowing
(e.g. pharynx)
m. depressor depressor muscle driving down
m. levātor levator muscle driving up/lifting
m. massēter masseter muscle for chewing
m. rotātor rotator rotating muscle (making
a circular movement)
m. sphincter sphincter round contracting muscle
m. tensor tensor straining muscle
m. corrugātor corrugator wrinkling muscle
m. cremaster cremaster muscle lifting the testicle
m. dilatātor dilatator dilating muscle
m. extensor extensor extending muscle
m. flexor flexor flexing muscle
m. pronātor pronator turning the palm/foot
face down
m. supinātor supinator turning the palm/foot
face up
Winged Words
4. Make adjectives agree with nouns; put the resulting word combinations
into Genetivus Singularis:
Trochanter (major, jus; minor, us);
Paries (mastoideus, a, um; jugularis, e; anterior, ius);
Pulmo (dexter, tra, trum);
Pes (calcaneus, a, um; planus, a, um);
Liquor (cerebrospinalis, e; flavus, a, um);
Humor (aquosus, a, um; vitreus, a, um).
B. Exceptions!
Os, ossis n (sphenoidalis, e; hyoideus, a, um; occipitalis, e; sacer, cra, crum);
Tuber, ĕris n (cinereus, a, um; frontalis, e; ischiadicus, a, um);
Mater, tris f (pius, a, um; durus, a, um; arachnoideus, a, um);
Cor, cordis n (adiposus, a, um; mobĭlis, e; pulmonalis, e).
Pulmonary face of the heart; hyoid bone;
cortex of the lymphatic node; ethmoid furrow of the nasal bone;
greater and lesser trochanter; cardiac notch of the left lung;
cortex of the brain; jugular wall of the tympanic cavity;
cortex of the cerebellum; the right and the left lung;
notch of the heart apex; anterior wall of the stomach.
Belly of the muscle; apex of the posterior horn;
apex of the sacred bone; muscular coat of the stomach;
pia mater of the brain; jugular wall;
front wall of the vagina; membrane of the stirrup bone;
branch of the sciatic bone; apex of the heart.
Blind (= cecalis, e) foramen of tongue; vestibule of mouth;
angle of mouth; temporal process of zygomatic
lateral surface of zygomatic bone; bone;
partition of the nose.
Muscle lifting the thyroid gland; muscle straining the broad fascia;
muscle rotating the thorax; muscle dilating a pupil;
muscle rotating the neck; long radial muscle extending the wrist;
muscle lifting shoulderblade; lower muscle narrowing pharynx.
musculus sphincter ani; musculus flexor pollĭcis longus.
musculus extensor indĭcis; musculus massēter;
musculus abductor digĭti minĭmi; musculus buccinātor.
Gender Feminine
Nom. -n/-r -a/-i/-u -n/-l
-do -go -io -as -es -is -us
Sing. +s +x +x
Gen. -din -gin -ion -at -t/-d -t/-d -nt-/rt -ac-/-ic/-uc -ng/-lc
-is -is
Sing. +is +is +is +is +is +is +is +is +is
Winged Words
larynx senectus auris
lens frons pubes
cartilāgo appendix iris
cuspis bifurcatio unguis
Impression (renal, gastric, cardiac, duodenal, esophageal);
Edge (frontal, squamous, lacrimal, mastoid, anterior, free, right);
End (sternal, acromial, uterine, upper);
Tooth (incisive, deciduous, canine, molar, premolar, of wisdom);
Vessel (lymphatic, capillary, collateral);
Area (femoral, anterior, calcaneal);
Cusp (cuspis, ĭdis f) (posterior, ventral, anterior).
Free part of the lower limb; pyloric canal;
facial area; body of the pubic bone;
vault of pharynx; capsule of the pancreas;
bigger petrosal nerve canal; tympanic cavity of the middle ear;
abdominal part of the esophagus; cartilage of the septum of the nose;
humeral joint; basis of the phalanx;
nasal part of the pharynx; heel bone area;
tree of life of the cerebellum; hard coat of the encephalon.
Canal of the cervix of the uterus; root of the nail;
upper aperture of the pelvis; lower vault of the conjunctiva;
lateral surface of the testis; ciliary part of the retina.
Greater palatine canal; root, back and apex of nose;
cartilage of partition of nose; vestibular surface of tooth;
cavity of tooth; medial upper incisor;
oral fissure (fissure of mouth); infraorbital canal of upper jaw.
tuberosĭtas, ātis f tuberosity: large, rounded бугристость
process on bone; serves for
attachment of muscles or
bilis, is, f bile; желчь;
extremĭtas, ātis, f end; конец;
impressio, ōnis f impression, mark; вдавление;
iris, ĭdis f iris (the coloured part round радужка, радужная
the pupil of the eye); оболочка глаза;
lens, lentis f lens (the transparent part хрусталик;
of the eye behind; the pupil
that focuses the light);
phalanx, ngis f phalanx; фаланга, косточка,
членик пальца;
pubes, is f pubic region, pubic bone; лобок.
Nouns of the Neuter Gender
Neuter nouns of the Third Declension may also vary both in their Nominative
Singular terminations and in their Genitive Singular forms showing their stem
types. The table below gives a clear idea of the endings in the Nominative
Singular and their correlations in the Genitive Singular:
Gender Neuter
Nom. Sing. -en -us -ur -e -l -ar -ut -ma
Gen. Sing. -in+is -o/-e/-u+ris -is -ar+is -it+is -at+is
The table shows that there are certain correlations between the Nominative
Singular endings and stem types manifesting themselves in the Genitive
NOTE 1. The stem of Neuter Nouns of the Third Declension ending in the
Nominative Singular in -us ends in -r, while that of Feminine Nouns ends in
-ut-is, -ud-is f
-or-is, -er-is, -r-is n
NOTE 2. One should distinguish Latin neuter nouns of the third declension
ending in -e from Greek feminine nouns ending in -e (Genitive Singular ending
-es). Compare: rete, is n; raphe, es f; diploë, ёs f.
NOTE 3. One should also distinguish between Greek third declension
neuter nouns ending in -ma and Latin first declension nouns ending in -ma.
Compare stroma, ătis n and squama, ae f.
The Neuter words of III Declension together with exceptions are listed in
Active Words.
Winged Words
· Ex oriente lux — «From the East [comes] the light [i.e. culture] ».
· Fiat lux! — «Let there be light! »
· Gratis –– «Free of charge».
· Hygiena amica valetudĭnis –– «Hygiene is a friend of health».
· In statu praesenti –– «In the present condition».
· In statu quo ante –– «In the same condition as before».
1. Build the Genitive Singular form. Find the stem of the word:
Lower mediastinum; cortex of ovary;
incisure of pancreas; abdominal part of aorta;
broncho-esophageal muscle; greater curvature of stomach;
basis of renal pyramid; uterine end;
upper part of duodenum; superior vault of conjunctiva.
Lateral region of the neck; the longest muscle of the head;
upper constrictor of the pharynx; anterior region of the face;
palatine aponeurosis; membranaceous wall of the trachea;
mucosa of the mouth; mastoid margin of the occipital bone;
body of the hyoid bone; ala of the plowshare.
Cartilage of partition of nose; lateral cartilage of nose;
buccal muscle; free part of gum;
straight part of larynx; neck of tooth;
root of upper canine tooth; basis and body of lower jaw.
5. Derive the adjectives of the 2-nd group using the suffix -al:
basis of the heart; superficial lymph vessel;
uterine cavity; palatine aponeurosis;
root of the lung; tuber of the heelbone;
cortex of the suprarenal gland; knee joint;
capsule of the pancreas; body of the hyoid bone;
oral mucosa; alveolar opening of the lower jaw;
front part of the face; symphysis of the lower jaw;
The adjectives of the 3-d declension can be changed according to the consonant
or vowel types. No adjectives are changed according to the mixed type.
1. The adjectives with one, two or three gender endings change according
to the vowel type.
Examples of Declension
mf n
Nominativus Singularis frontal-is frontal-e
Genetivus Singularis frontal-is
Nominativus Pluralis frontal-es frontal-ia
Genetivus Pluralis frontal-ium
mf n
Nominativus Singularis major majus
Genetivus Singularis major-is
Nominativus Pluralis major-es major-a
Genetivus Pluralis major-um
Winged Words
• Non scholae, sed vitae discĭmus — «We don’t learn for school but for
• Nulla res tam necessaria est quam medicīna — «Nothing is so necessary
as medicine».
• Oculi plus vident quam oculus — «Several eyes see more than only
• Omnia mea mecum porto –– «All I have I carry with me». These words
are ascribed by Cicero to Byas, one of seven wisemen of Old Greece. It means
that the true wealth of a man is his inner dignity.
• Omnia praeclāra rara –– «Everything which is beautiful is rare» (Cicero).
rami perforantes; arteriae interlobulares hepătis;
tubercula mentalia; fibrae pontis longitudinales;
incisurae vertebrales inferiōres; lobuli thymi accessorii;
glandulae linguales anteriōres; partes laterales ossis occipitalis;
foramĭna palatina minōra; glandulae intestinales intestīni tenuis;
rami gastrici posteriōres; glandulae intestinales intestīni crassi;
sulci temporales transversi; partes laterales ossis sacri.
Adjectives of the 3-d declension
abdūcens, ēntis abducent, abducting; отводящий (нерв);
affĕrens, ēntis afferent; афферентный (центростреми-
тельный), приносящий;
ampullaris, e ampullary; ампулярный;
ascendens, ēntis ascending; восходящий;
cerebellaris, e cerebellar; мозжечковый;
communĭcans, āntis communicating; соединительный,
corticalis, e cortical; корковый;
descendens, ēntis descending; нисходящий, спускающийся;
dorsalis, e dorsal; спинной, тыльный,
effĕrens, ēntis efferent; эфферентный,
выносящий, выводящий;
follicularis, e follicular; фолликулярный;
labialis, e labial; губной;
interlobaris, e interlobar; междолевой;
interlobularis, e interlobular; междольковый;
medullaris, e medullar; мозговой;
muscularis, e muscular; мышечный;
oppōnens, ēntis opposer; противопоставляющий,
orbitalis,e orbital; глазничный;
palmaris, e palmar; ладонный;
palpebralis, e palpebral; пальпебральный
(относящийся к веку);
permanens, ēntis permanent; постоянный (перманентный);
plantaris, e plantar; подошвенный
promĭnens, ēntis prominent; выступающий, выдающийся;
pulmonalis, e pulmonary; легочный;
pyramidalis, e pyramidal; пирамидальный;
radialis, e radial; радиальный (лучевой);
recurrens, ēntis recurrent; возвратный, повторяющийся,
renalis, e renal; почечный;
semilunaris, e semilunar; полулунный, серповидный;
ulnaris, e ulnar; локтевой;
vestibularis, e vestibular; преддверный
Upper canine tooth; triangle of sublingual nerve;
lateral surface of zygomatic bone; root of medial upper incisor;
wisdom tooth; tubercle of lower canine;
submandibular ganglion; superior and middle nasal concha;
upper molar; body of hyoid bone;
masseteric nerve; alveolar part of lower jaw;
trigeminal nerve; frenulum of lower lip;
omohyoid muscle; alar process of ethmoid bone;
mucosa of tongue; milk tooth;
surface of the crown of upper molar; notch of lower jaw.
4. Translate the following terms into Latin:
m n
Nominativus Singularis duct-us corn-u
Genetivus Singularis duct-us corn-us
Nominativus Pluralis duct-us corn-ua
Genetivus Pluralis duct-uum corn-uum
The nouns in the Nominative Plural and Singular differ by the ending of an
adjective in a word combination:
E.g. processus pterygoideus – the adjective has the ending -us; it is
the ending of the Singular form; therefore, the noun is in the Singular
form too.
E.g. processus pterygoidei – the adjective has the ending -i; this is the
ending of the Plural form; therefore, the noun is in the Plural form too.
The Fifth Declension
Singularis Pluralis
Nominativus -es -es
Genetivus -ēi -ērum
Nominativus Singularis faci-es
Genetivus Singularis faci-ēi
Nominativus Pluralis faci-es
Genetivus Pluralis faci-ērum
The nouns of the Nominative Singular and Plural have the same ending,
which differs from one another by the ending of an adjective in a word
E.g.: facies articulares – the noun «facies» in the plural form, as the
adjective has the ending of the plural form;
E.g.: facies articularis – the noun «facies» is in the singular form, as the
adjective has the ending of the singular form.
Winged Words
2. Translate orally:
joints muscles fingers
regions vertebrae nuclei
lungs ribs arches
cartilages teeth papillas
tendons partitions borders
impressions sinuses branches
4. Translate in writing:
upper incisors; muscles of abdomen;
articular surfaces; bones of skull;
canines; bones of face;
veins of kidney; sutures of skull;
cartilages of nose; knee (= genu, us n) veins;
retinacula of skin; cartilages of larynx;
rotating muscles of neck; muscles of eyeball.
5. Translate into English:
6. Translate into Latin, make the nouns in the Nominative case plural and
agree the adjectives with them.
Small alar cartilage; accessory nasal cartilages.
lower vein of the encephalon; pelvic ganglion;
small sublingual duct; section of the spinal cord;
superficial lymphatic vessel; lobe of the mamma;
interspinous muscle of the neck; sacral pelvic hole;
short posterior ciliary artery; semilunar band of the colon;
thoracic cardiac branch; bone of the lower extremity.
Small sublingual duct; upper molar;
lower canine; great and small horn;
small palatine canal; superior gingival branch;
ophthalmic fascia; superior and inferior nasal conch;
accessory nasal cartilage; orbital part of frontal bone.
borders of shoulder blade; cerebrospinal nerves;
vertebral joints; ventricles of larynx;
inferior cervical cardiac branches; pharyngeal glands;
cerebrospinal roots; pelvic openings;
arteries of heart; muscles of the back.
Latin English Russian
alveŏlus, i m alveolus, alveole; альвеола
ampulla, ae f ampule, ampulla, ampoule; ампула
apertura, ae f aperture, opening; апертура, отверстие
cavernosus, a, um cavernous; пещеристый
cellula, ae f cell, cellule; ячейка, клетка
communis, e common; общий
corticalis, e cortical; корковый
facialis, e facial8 лицевой
fibra, ae f fibra, fiber; волокно
fibrosus, a, um fibrous; фиброзный
folium, i n folium, leaf; лист, листок
genitalis, e genital; половой
gingīva, ae f gingiva, gum; десна
glandula, ae f gland, glandula; железа
glandularis, e glandular; железистый
hepaticus, a, um hepatic; печеночный
lumbalis, e lumbar; поясничный
lymphaticus, a, um lymphatic; лимфатический
manus, us f manus, hand; кисть (рука)
medulla oblongata medulla oblongata, rachidian продолговатый мозг
bulb, myelencephalon;
nucleus, i m nucleus; ядро;
nutricius, a, um nutritious, nourishing; питательный;
pectoralis, e pectoral; грудной (относящийся
к передней стенке
грудной клетки);
pelvicus, a, um pelvic; тазовый;
pelvinus, a, um
proprius, a, um proper, personal, ‘one’s own; собственный
pulmonalis, e pulmonary; легочный
ramus, i m ramus, branch; ветвь
recessus, us m recess, small; hollow, углубление, карман
shallow; pocket, niche;
retinaculum, i n retinaculum, retaining удерживатель
band or ligament;
spatium, i n space, spatium; пространство,
spinalis, e spinal; спинно-мозговой
superficialis, e superficial; поверхностный
accessorius, accessory, additional, добавочный;
a, um supplementary;
brevis, e short; короткий;
flavus, a, um yellow; желтый;
glut(a)eus, a, um gluteal; ягодичный;
gyrus, i m gyrus, convolution; извилина;
metacarpus, i m metacarpus; пясть;
metatarsus, i m metatarsus; плюсна;
palpebra, ae f palpebra, eyelid; веко;
plica, ae f plica, fold, plait; складка;
radialis, e radial; лучевой, радиальный;
subcutaneus, a, um subcutaneous; подкожный;
ulnaris, e ulnar; локтевой;
cilium, i n eyelash, cilium; ресница;
ciliaris, e ciliary; ресничный;
labialis, e labial; губной;
papillaris, e papillary; сосочковый;
supercilium, i n eyebrow; бровь.
1 2 3 4 5
f m n mf n m n f
-us, -um, various
Nom. Sing. -a -us -u -es
-er -on endings
Gen. Sing. -ae -i -is -us -ēi
Nom. Plur. -ae -i -a -es -a (-ia) -us -ua -es
Gen. Plur. -ārum ōrum -um (-ium) -uum -ērum
declension (by the ending of the Genitive Singular), the stem and the gender of
a noun. Endings are added to stems according to their declensions.
Note. 1. The noun vas, vasis n (vessel) is in the III declension when it is
singular and in the II declension when it is plural: vas, vasis, vasa, vasorum.
2. The words lumbi, ōrum m – «loins» and fauces, ium f (fauces) are used
in Latin only in the plural, e.g.: musculus quadratus lumbōrum – quadrate
muscle of loins; isthmus faucium – isthmus faucium.
Some nouns in the Nominative Singular and Plural are usually abbreviated
to two, three or four letters. It is necessary to memorize these generally
accepted abbreviations:
Singularis Pluralis
a. = arteria (artery) aa. = arteriae (arteries)
b. = bursa (bursa) bb. = bursae (bursae)
gl. = glandula (gland) gll. = glandulae (glands)
lig. = ligamentum (ligament) ligg. = ligamenta (ligaments)
in. = musculus (muscle) mm. = musculi (muscles)
n. = nervus (nerve) nn. = nervi (nerves)
r. = ramus (branch) rr. = rami (branches)
vag. = vagīna (sheath) vagg. = vagīnae (sheaths)
v. = vena (vein) vv. = venae (veins)
for. = forāmen (foramen, opening) forr. = forāmina (foramina, openings)
Winged Words
• Ab ovo (usque ad mala) –– «From eggs to apples, i.e. from the very
beginning up to the end». It comes from the Roman custom to begin breakfast
with an egg and end it with an apple.
• Homo quadratus –– «A highly educated and perfectly built person». A
drawing of a man placed into a circle and into a square was an emblem of
artistic anatomy. It comes from sculptural canon, adopted in ancient art.
• Pro auctōre seu pro me –– «For the author or for myself» (when the
doctor makes out a prescription for himself).
• Prognōsis optĭma (pessĭma) –– «Favourable (unfavourable) prognosis».
• Statim! — «Immediately! (Urgently!) ».
• Status commūnis –– «A general state (of the patient) ».
• Status locālis –– «A local state».
• Status naturālis –– «A natural state».
• Status praesens aegrōti –– «The patient’s present condition».
1. Translate the given words into Latin, state their Dictionary Form. Put
them into Nominativus et Genetivus Singularis et Pluralis:
2. Translate into Latin and put these adjectives into Genetivus Pluralis:
Palatine bone; internal vertebral venous plexus;
parietal bone; zygomatic process of the frontal bone;
frontal bone; lateral pterygoid muscle;
petrosal sinus; upper trunk of the brachial plexus;
facial muscle; broad ligament of the uterus;
peritoneum cavity; upper cervical ganglion;
bottom of the stomach; horizontal lamina of the palatine bone;
lower nasal passage; greater straight muscle of the head;
sulcus of the petrosal sinus; lateral horn of the spinal cord.
Anterior lip of the womb; proper ligament of the ovary;
profound infrapatellar bursa; left lumbar trunk;
lateral ventricle; interosseous space;
vaginal venous plexus; subparietal furrow;
right jugular trunk; vagina of the eyeball;
oblique sinus of the pericardium; intraparietal furrow;
lower horn of the lateral ventricle; marrow of the ovary.
Upper canine tooth; mucous part of lip of mouth;
lateral surface of zygomatic bone; surface of the crown of upper molar;
wisdom tooth; triangle of sublingual nerve;
submandibular ganglion; root of medial upper incisor;
superior orbital fissure of lesser ala; tubercle of lower canine;
occipitopalatine muscle; superior and middle nasal conch;
upper molar; body of hyoid bone;
masseteric nerve; alveolar part of lower jaw;
trigeminal nerve; frenulum of lower lip;
omohyoid muscle; alar process of ethmoid bone;
mucosa of tongue; milk tooth; notch of lower jaw.
7. Translate the following terms into Latin:
Partition of the frontal sinuses; sinus of the hollow veins of the right heart
atrium; opening of the pulmonary veins of the left heart atrium; chiasm of the
tendons; long muscles driving up ribs; retaining band of the tendons of the
flexors; interbuccal pouches of gluteal muscles; vessels of the vessels.
Ligaments of tendons; fibrous vaginas of fingers; upper retaining band of
tendons of fibular muscles; short muscles driving up ribs; medial and-lateral
plates of pterygoid processes.
Medial surface of incisors and canines; canals of greater and lesser petrosal
nerves; lateral commissure of eyelids; lingual surface of incisors and premolars;
partition of sphenoid sinuses; commissures of lips.
trachea, ae f trachea, windpipe трахея
(дыхательное горло);
vagīna, ae f vagina; влагалище;
carpus, i m carpus, wris;t запястье;
lumbus, i m lumbus, loin; поясница;
membranaceus, a, um membranaceous, перепончатый;
nodulus, i m nodule; узелок;
opticus, a, um optic, optical; зрительный;
peron(a)eus, a, um peroneal (or fibular); малоберцовый;
(seu fibularis, e)
valvula, ae f valve, valvule; заслонка;
vesīca biliaris (seu gallbladder, cholecyst; желчный пузырь.
vesīca fellea)
2. Read the terms below replacing the abbreviations with full (non-
abbreviated) words:
3. Agree the adjectives with the nouns, and write these anatomical terms
in Nominativus Pluralis:
A. Posterior ligament of the peroneal bone head; visceral face of the spleen;
lobes of the liver; general carotid plexus; furrows of the dura mater of the brain;
general hepatic duct; muscle driving up the partition of the nose; short gastric
veins; cerebrospinal ganglion; head muscles; sphincter of the common bile
duct; broadest muscle of the back; vessels of the vessels; fibrous and synovial
joints; internal acoustic passage; bulb of the occipital horn; ligaments of the
liver; greater tympanic spine; parietal tuber; lesser palatine canals; sacroiliac
posterior ligaments; cartilage incisures; bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk;
venous network (rete, is, n); upper constrictor of the pharynx; gluteal muscles;
red bone marrow; sinus of the hollow veins of the right heart atrium; nuclei of
the cranial nerves; right and left kidneys; pelvic ganglions; renal pelvis; alar
ligaments, buccal glands.
process; additional vertebral vein; areas of the body; muscles of larynx,
abdomen, chest; diaphragm of the pelvis; knee ligaments; fibrous vagina of
fingers of the hand; muscular coat of the urinary bladder; upper edge of the
suprarenal gland; muscles of the perinaeum; right pulmonary veins.
Test 1
1. Translate the following terms into Latin and put them into
Nominativus and Genetivus Singularis and Pluralis:
Zygomatic muscle; sphenoid bone; frontal process; nasal sinus; articular
3. Translate the following terms into English:
Ductus hepaticus sinister; musculus flexor digĭti minĭmi brevis; musculus
depressor septi nasi.
Test 3
1. Translate the following terms into Latin and put them into
Nominativus and Genetivus Singularis and Pluralis:
Zygomatic bone; sphenoid sinus; frontal tuber; nasal spine; articular face.
The most clinical terms are of Greek origin. The notion clinical terms
embraces a number of terminological systems functioning in the sphere of
medical and biological science, which studies a sick organism. This sphere
is traditionally called pathology (Greek pathos – suffering, disease + logos
- science, theory). Pathology studies the clinical picture of a disease, i.e. its
symptoms and signs, disturbances of physiological functions and structural
changes in organs and tissues. The terminological subsystems of pathological
anatomy and pathological physiology underlie clinical terminology in general.
Clinical terms proper designate various objects, processes and phenomena
related to prevention and diagnostics of diseases, their differentiation with
the help of the names of specific nosological (Greek nosos – disease)
units or combining forms as well as to the ways of examining and treating
patients. Clinical terms are also names of medical devices, instruments,
equipment, etc.
The word may be divided into smaller meaningful elements. All these
minimal word elements are called morphemes (Greek morph - form). They
are Combining forms: prefix, root, suffix, ending (termination). A Combining
form is reiterational part of the word, helping to form the new term (it may
include the root, prefix, and suffix).
The root expresses the main meaning of the word. Prefixes and suffixes
are added to the root to derive new words. The ending of the word contains
information about its gender, number and case.
Inter — muscul — ar –– is, e
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Prefix root suffix ending
The part of the word preceding the ending makes its stem.
Words may be derived both using affixes (prefixes and suffixes) and without
using them. In the former case, affixes are joined to the derivational stems
(bases). The latter way is the way of making compound words. A compound
word is the word consisting of more than one derivational stem. A simple word
includes only one stem, e.g. sternal-is, costal-is; compound words consist of
more than one stem, e.g. stern-o-costal -is.
Adding a suffix to the derivational stem is suffixation. Suffixes may be
joined to the stems of nouns, adjectives and verbs.
Most of adjectives are formed from the nouns with the help of the suffixes -al,
-ar of the third declension and the suffix -ic of the first and second declensions
with the general meaning «belonging to or related to what is indicated by the
NB! The adjectives having the endings -aris, -alis, -ilis, -icus in Latin have
the endings -ar,-al, -ile, -ic in English.
The suffix -io (-tio, -sio, -xio) means the «process» or «action» and
forms the nouns from verbs with the meanings of the operations, methods of
observations, and methods of treatment.
NB! Most of nouns, having the endings -tio, -sio, -xio in Latin, have the
endings -tion, -sion, -xion in English.
All the nouns with the suffixes -ul (-cul), -ol-, -ell, -ill belong to the class
of diminutives, that is, they have a diminishing meaning (an indication of a
smaller size):
Suffixes starting with a consonant are joined to roots with the help of the
linking vowel, as a rule, -i- in Latin words and -o- in Greek words, e.g. Latin
cruc-i-formis (crosslike); Greek bronch-o-genus (bronchogenic).
While deriving adjectives suffixes are added to the stem of a noun (Genitive
Singular form ending), e.g. thorax, acis m – thorac-ic-us; cartilago, inis f –
Prefixation which is joining the prefix to the root does not change the
meaning of the word but merely adds a semantic component specifying either
spatial localization (above, below, ahead, behind), or direction (approaching,
receding), or time reference (preceding or following something); it may also
indicate the absence of something or negate it.
Prefixes developed mainly from prepositions; therefore, their direct
meanings are similar to the meanings of the corresponding prepositions.
Greek and Latin prefixes are in wide use in various subsystems of medical
terminology and biology. Moreover, Latin prefixes are predominant in
anatomical terms while Greek prefixes are abundant in the terms of pathological
anatomy, physiology, clinical subjects.
As a rule, Latin prefixes are joined to Latin roots. However, there are some
exceptional cases when the so-called hybrid words are built, e.g. the words epi-
fascialis (epifascial), endo-cervicalis (endocervical) include Greek prefixes
and Latin derivational stems. When building terms with the help of prefixes
whole words are used as derivational stems.
Greek Prefixes
№ Prefix Meaning
Latin English
1 inside, intra- endogenus of internal origin
2 peri- periosteum periosteum
surrounding smth.
1. near/next to; paranasal
3 para 2. deviation from paranasalis paramnesia (false
the norm recollection)
4 ecto-, exo- out of, outside exogenus of external origin
increased function
5 above hyperthyreosis of the thyroid
6 hypo- below/under hypofunctio decreased function
7 pro- fore-/pre- prognosis prognosis, forecast
back encephalon;
1. behind metencephalon;
8 meta- spread of
2. transition metastasis
between, in the
9 meso- mesencephalon middle brain
middle (of)
middle part
1. between diaphysis
of the diaphysis
10 dia- (tubulous bone);
2. through diarrhoea
3. division diagnosis
connection with
with, together
11 syn-, sym- synostosis the help of
bone tissue
12 anti- against antibacterialis antibacterial
part of the pulse
1. upwards; anacrota;
wave going
13 ana-
2. resuming anabiosis
recovery to life
1. downwards; part of the pulse
14 cata- catacrota wave going
2. reinforcement downwards
15 en- in, inside encephalon (literally – in
the head)
16 ex-, ec- out of ectomia excision
lack of nutrition;
absence, lack; atrophia;
17 a-, an- making numb,
negation anaesthesia
unable to feel
difficulty in
18 dys- dysuria urination
19 eu- eupnoё normal respiration
NB! When combined with the names of different organs the prefixes endo-,
peri-, para- mean their coatings.
endo- inner coating, e. g. endometritis (inflammation of the uterine inner
peri- outer coating, e.g. perimetritis (inflammation of the uterine outer
para- tissue near the organ, e.g. parametrium (the tissue near the uterus).
NB! anamnesis – finding out the events preceding a disease by questioning
patients; catamnesis – case history of the patient after the treatment.
Latin Prefixes
№ Prefix Meaning
Latin English
ad- (ac-, approaching, adductio adduction
af-, ap-) connecting appendix appendix
2 ab- driving aside abductio abduction
3 intra- inside intracapsularis intracapsular
4 extra- outside extracapsularis extracapsular
infraorbitalis; infraorbital;
5 infra-, sub- under
sublingualis sublingual
suprarenalis; suprarenal;
6 supra-, super- above
superficialis superficial
7 ante-, prae- pre-, fore- forearm;
8 post- post- postnatalis postnatal
9 inter- inter-, between intermuscularis intermuscular
through, transfusio; transfusion;
10 trans-, per-
transition peroralis peroral
repeating reanimatio; resuscitation;
11 re-
response, reactio reaction
con- (com-, with, together conjunctiva, conjunctiva,
col-) with compositus complex
13 contra- contra- contralateralis contralateral
14 in-, im- in, inside inflammatio inflammation
15 ex-, e-(ef-) out of externus external
insufficientia, insufficiency,
16 -in, (-im-, -il) negation
immobilis immobile
division, dislocatio, dislocation,
17 dis-(dif-)
disintegration diffusus diffused
eliminating, degeneratio, degeneration,
18 de-, des-, se- depriving of desinfectio, disinfecting,
smth. separatio separation
gangraena, ae f gangrene (death of body гангрена;
tissue, usually resulting from
obstructed circulation);
ulcerosus, a, um ulcerous; язвенный;
glaucoma, ătis n glaucoma: increased глаукома;
intraocular pressure results
in the lens becoming opaque
(impenetrable by light);
hernia, ae f hernia (bulging forth, or грыжа
protrusion, of an organ or the
muscular wall of an organ
through the cavity which
normally contains it);
hernialis, e hernial; грыжевой;
ictĕrus,i т icterus, jaundice (yellow желтуха;
colouring of the tissues);
ileus, i т ileus (intestinal obstruction); кишечная
varix, icis m/f varix, venous node, dilated варикс,
vein; венозный узел,
varicosus, a, um varicose; варикозный;
volvulus, i т volvulus (twisting of the заворот кишок.
intestine upon itself);
3. Use the verbal stem below to build nouns with the suffix -io. Translate
the derived words:
Extractum (extract); resectum (excise, cut out); punctum (puncture);
exstirpatum (eradicate, extirpate); sectum (incise, cut open); extensum
(extend); contractum (contract); injectum (inject); transfusum (transfuse);
selectum (select); depressum (depress, press down); compressum (compress,
squeeze), perforatum (perforate).
General Information
• by joining two or more stems together and adding a suffix.
E.g. rhinencephalon, occipitofrontalis.
There are a few noun compounds among anatomical terms, while
adjective compounds are quite common. The stems used for them may be
monolingual (either Latin or Greek), e.g. (Latin) septomarginalis, (Greek)
thoracoacromialis. At the same time, there are many «hybrid» compounds:
musculoperoneus (Latin musculus + Greek peroneus), zygomaticofrontalis
(Greek zygomaticus + Latin frontalis), etc.
While in Latin there were very few compounds, in Greek compound words
were very common. All anatomical compound terms were derived from Greek
stems. They are also numerous among histological terms (e.g. cytus – cell
from Greek kytos - vessel, cavity, blastus - immature cell from Greek blastos
– embryo, etc).
Different fields of medical science tend to use either Latin or Greek terms
to designate the same organ. In normal anatomy (studying the anatomical
structure of a normal body), Latin independent stems are traditionally used.
In pathological anatomy (studying disorders of the organism’s development)
derivatives of Greek stems are in wide use.
There are just a few cases when in both fields similar words borrowed from
the same language are in use: Greek hepar, oesophagus, larynx, pharynx,
tonsilla, thorax, ureter, urethra, encephalon, etc. These words may also
become part of compound clinical terms: hepatomegalia, encephalitis,
etc. Therefore, anatomical words are predominantly Latin, while clinical
compounds were derived from Greek bound stems.
There are some exceptions from this rule. For example, the word
pulmonologia (a science of lung diseases and their treatment) includes the
Latin stem pulmon- (lung), while clinical term pneumonia (lung inflammation)
includes the Greek stem pneumo- (lung).
Stems are joined into a single word by means of a linking vowel (interfix).
The most common linking vowel is -o-. The vowel -i- is of rare occurrence.
A linking vowel is not used when the first stem ends in a vowel or the
second stem begins with a vowel: brady-cardia; rhin-encephalon.
Any part of a derivative (a morpheme or a block of morphemes) regularly
reproduced without any change in the existing and newly constructed terms
and preserving its terminological meaning is a Combining form.
In compound terms, the Combining forms with anatomical meaning are
used as initial motivying bases as a rule. The final components express the
essence and have a classifying function. Some of them are concerned with
some class of pathological phenomena, others – with surgical operations or
some diagnostic manipulations.
As an example, the terms with the initial combining form “cardio-“(heart)
are the following:
cardiologia – a science of heart;
cardiologus – physician specializing in cardiology;
cardiopathia – any disease of the heart;
cardiotherapia – treatment of the heart;
cardialgia – pain in the heart;
cardiogramma – the graphic tracing made by the stylet of a cardiograph;
cardiometria – measurement of the dimensions of the heart;
cardiogenesis – formation of the heart in embryo;
cardiomegalia – enlargement of the heart.
For consistency of interpretation of a compound term, one should start
analyzing its final stem putting the question “what?” and then go over to the
initial part of the term putting the question “of what?” or “where?”:
myologia (myo – muscle; logia – science) – (what?) science (of what?) of
myalgia (myo – muscle; algia – pain) – (what?) pain (where?) in muscle.
Combining forms are mainly monosemantic (have one meaning), though,
some of them may be polysemantic (have two or more meanings), e.g. the
stem onco- (Greek onkos – heap, mass, volume) in some words has the
meaning «volume, mass»: (oncogramma – a curve showing changes in
volume; oncometria – measuring the volume of tissues and organs), while
in others it means «tumour» (oncogenesis process of tumour development;
oncologus physician specializing in treating tumours and preventing their
The Combining forms haemo-, haemato- and -aemia convey the general
meaning «related to blood». At the same time the final -aemia denotes blood
as a medium, where some substances are found. Besides, their presence
and concentration in this medium are considered to be pathological factors
(azotaemia, uraemia, bacteriaemia).
If haemo- or haemato- combines with the name of an organ, the summarized
meaning is collection of blood in the cavity of an organ, bleeding, e.g.
haematomyelia – spinal cord bleeding; haemarthrosis – collection of blood
in the cavity of a joint.
NB! Almost every Latin term of the Normal Anatomy has its Greek duplicate
in the Pathological Anatomy. Greek designations of organs and tissues occur as
Combining forms and are usually not used as independent words, but we single
them out in the structure of a compound term.
cheiro-, chiro-, manus, us f hand; рука;
-cheiria, -chiria
podo-,-podia pes, pedis m foot; стопа, нога;
gon- genu, us n knee; колено;
r(h)achi- columna spinal column; позвоночный
vertebralis столб;
odonto-,- odontia dens, dentis m tooth; зуб;
cheilo-, -cheilia labium, i n lip; губа;
urano- palātum, i n palate; нёбо;
ul-, ulo- gingīva, ae f gum; десна;
melo- bucca, ae f cheek; щека;
gnatho-, -gnathia maxilla, ae f upper jaw; верхняя челюсть;
-genia mandibula, ae f lower jaw; нижняя челюсть;
-genia mentum, i n chin; подбородок.
somatometry, pancreatalgia, heliotherapy (Greek helios – sun), logotherapy,
electrotherapy, aerotherapy, hormonotherapy, peritoneoscopy, vasodilation,
cephalogram, cephalograph, cephalography, duodenography, pelvigraphy,
rectoscope, pathogenic, pathology, cardiologist, cardiology, osteogenic.
II. Suffix -ītis, -itĭdis f is used in the names of inflammatory diseases, e.g.
gastrītis – inflammation of the gastric mucosa; nephrītis – inflammation of
– ulcer, cancer) – cancer, malignant tumour of epithelium; sarcōma (Gr. sarks,
sarkos - meat, flesh, Gr. sarkōma – fleshy wart, tumour) – malignant tumour
of mesenchymal origin.
NB! The general meaning «tumour» is conveyed by a number of terms:
tumor, ōris m; blastōma, ătis n (Gr. blastos – embryonic or immature cell);
neoplasma, ătis n – newgrowth, as well as by the stem onco- (Gr. oncos -
mass, volume).
NB! In ancient Greek the suffix -ōma was used to build verbal nouns having
the general meaning «result of the action designated by the derivational stem
of a verb», e.g. symptōma – symptom; stōma – stome as well as names of eye
diseases: glaucōma, trachōma.
pyelo- pelvis renalis renal pelvis; почечная
cysto- vesīca, ae f; urinary пузырь, мешок,
vesīca urinaria bladder; мочевой пузырь;
cholecysto- vesīca fellea s. gallbladder; желчный
vesīca biliaris пузырь;
choledocho- ductus common bile общий желчный
choledochus duct; проток;
cholangio- ductus bilifĕri bile ducts; желчные
metro-, uterus, i m uterus, womb; матка.
-plastica plastic / reparative пластическая
operation; восстановительная
-tomo body section, относящийся к слою,
Ex.: sectional (послойная
tomographia roentgenography; рентгенография);
-tomia an operation of хирургическая
dissecting an organ; операция рассечения,
incision of an organ; вскрытия
-ectomia an operation of excising хирургическая операция
(removing) an organ, удаления, иссечения
tissue; органа, ткани;
excision of an organ,
-stomia an operation of making a хирургическая
mouth (fistula) between операция наложения
organs, vessels; искусственного
отверстия, свища
или соустья
между органами,
-pexia an operation of fixing an хирургическая
organ; операция
прикрепления органа,
-rhaphia an operation of putting хирургическая
a rhaphe (seam) on an операция
organ; наложения шва;
-schisis a cleft organ; расщепление,
расслаивание органа.
2. a) Form names of inflammatory diseases of the following organs:
Stomach, peritoneum, rectum, ureter, kidney, spleen, liver, mouth, tongue,
urethra, bladder, gallbladder, nose, ear, larynx, pharynx, meninges, trachea,
tonsil, joint, uterus, renal pelvis, spine, brain, pleura, pancreas, biliary ducts.
b) Form names of tumours developing from the tissues of:
Muscle, cartilage, bone, liver, tooth, connective tissue (fibr-), epithelium,
endothelium, lymph.
5. Name Greek and Latin duplicates of organs:
Stomach knee
lung tooth
renal pelvis mouth
kidney cheek
joint upper jaw
nose hand
tongue abdomen
vertebra womb
urinary bladder inner organs
blasto-, -blastus germen, ĭnis, n embryonic, зачаток, бласт,
immature cell; зародышевая
клетка или
phlebo- vena, ae f vein; вена;
teno- tendo, ĭnis m tendon; сухожилие;
dermo-, dermato-, cutis, is f skin; кожа;
uro-, -uresis, urina, ae f urine; моча;
chole-, -cholia fel, fellis n; bile; желчь;
bilis, is f
chylo-, -chylia lympha, ae f 1) chyle относящийся
(gastric or к лимфе,
intestinal к хилусу –
juice), млечному соку;
2) related
to the lymph;
oto-, otia auris, is f ear; ухо;
ophthalmo-, oculus, i m eye; глаз;
sphygmo-, pulsus, us m pulse; пульс;
gyno-, femina, ae f woman; женщина,
-gynaeco femininus, a,um female; женский;
andro-, -andria mas, maris m; man; мужчина,
masculinus, a, male; мужской;
um; vir, viri m
paedio-, infans, ntis m, f infant, ребенок, дитя,
paedo-, infantile; детский;
-paedia methods of методы
correcting исправления
disorders, нарушений,
deformities; деформаций;
geri-, gero-, senex, senis m; old person; старик,
geronto- senilis, e senile; старческий;
topo- locus, i m place; место;
pharmaco- medicamentum, drug; лекарство;
pneumo-, air inside an organ; воздух, газ, находящийся в
pneumato- органе;
aёro- air; воздух, воздушный;
-kinesia, related to movement, относящийся к движению;
kinemato-, kinetic function;
-crin-, -crinia secretion; отделение, выделение,
-penia shortage /deficit/ недостаток, уменьшение
decrease of (mostly количества, главным образом,
blood cells); кровяных телец;
-cytosis increase in the number повышение содержания
of cells; количества клеток
в сравнении с нормой;
-rhoea discharge of liquid / течение, истечение секрета
secretion; или жидкости;
-rhagia hemorrhage from the кровотечение из сосудов
vessels of an organ; какого-либо органа;
-stasis controlling; stagnation, застой, естественная
congestion; остановка, стаз (крови,
желчи, мочи, слюны);
tono-, -tonia tone, pressure; напряжение, тонус;
-plasia formation, образование, развитие ткани,
development; клеток, органов;
-tensio tension; гидростатическое давление
в сосудах, полых органах;
-tropho-, related to the относящийся к питанию
-trophia nourishment and или зависящий от него,
development of organs, от кровоснабжения органов
tissues; и тканей;
оху-, -oxia related to oxygen; 1) окисленный;
2) относящийся к кислороду;
phago-, phagia 1) swallowing; eating; 1) глотание;
2) поедание, поглощение;
philo-, philia predisposition for склонность,
something; предрасположение к чему-
либо; любовь;
phobo-, fear of something; боязнь; болезненное
-phobia отвращение к чему-либо;
tropo-, -tropia affecting something; направление,
действующий на что-либо;
psycho-, psychic (related to the относящийся к душевным,
-psychia human soul); духовным свойствам,
к психике.
NB! When combined with the name of an organ pneumo- denotes «presence
of air in this organ». If the term includes -graphia, then pneumo- means
«introduction of a gas into an organ» to perform contrast radiography. The
stems pneumon- and seldom -pneum- are used to denote the lung.
NB! The initial haemo- or haemato- joined to the name of an organ means
«bleeding in this organ’s cavity». Moreover, the name of an organ is used, as
a rule, in the Nominative Case without any suffixes (haematocolpos).Terms
indicating collection of fluid or pus in the organ’s cavity are built in the similar
way (hydrometra – fluid in the uterus).
17. gynaeco- a science about women’s diseases;
18. pharmaco- a science about medicines.
16. -philia predisposition for hemorrhage;
17. -phobia fear of women;
18. -tropus affecting muscles;
19. psycho - 1) affecting psychic processes;
2) a science about psychic diseases and their
20. -stasis congestion of blood (arresting hemorrhage).
tele-, teleo-, telo- 1) distant; 1) отдаленный
2) ending; (в пространстве и во
времени); 2) окончание,
atelo- incomplete; неполный;
pseudo- false, pseudo-; ложный, мнимый;
соответствует русским
ложно-, лже-;
ortho- 1) straight, vertical; 1) прямой, вертикально
2) right; направленный;
2) правильный,
нормальному положению;
xero- dry; сухой;
cryo- related to cold / относящийся к холоду,
freezing; низкой температуре,
thermo-, -thermia warm; heat; теплый; относящийся к
руr-, руrо-, pyreto- fever; жар; лихорадочное
macro- big ; большой, крупный;
micro- small; малый, маленький;
megalo-, -megalia large; большой, увеличенный;
oligo- small, insufficient; малый, незначительный,
poly- a great number of / много, множество; больше,
multiple; чем в норме;
pan-, panto- whole, all; все, весь, целиком;
brachy- short; короткий, укороченный;
brady- slow; медленный, замедленный;
tachy-, tacho- quick, fast; быстрый, скорый, частый;
chroma-, colour; 1) цвет, окраска;
chromato- 2) относящийся к хрому;
leuco- 1) white; 1) белый;
2) related 2) относящийся
to leucocytes; к лейкоцитам;
erythro- 1) red; 1) красный;
2) related 2) относящийся
to erythrocytes; к эритроцитам;
cyano- 1) dark blue; 1) темно-синий,
2) относящийся
к синильной кислоте;
melano- 1) black; 1) темный, черный;
2) содержащий меланин;
glyco-, gluco- sweet; glucose; сладкий; наличие сахара;
polio- grey; 1) серый;
2) относящийся к серому
веществу головного мозга.
NB! When combined with -plastica and -transplantatio initial auto-, allo-,
xeno- may have the following meanings: auto- using tissues or organs within
the same organism; allo- using tissues and organs of other people; xeno- using
tissues and organs of animals.
12. -pnoё respiratory disorder (shortness of breath);
13. -cardia fast heart beat;
14. metr- complete removal of the uterus;
15. -penia low count of erythrocytes in blood;
16. cysto- examination of the urinary bladder;
17. leuco- increased count of leucocytes in blood;
18. -trophia nutritional disorder;
19.-tensio increased hydrostatic pressure;
20.-cheilia dry lips;
21. metro- prolapse of the uterus;
22. cholecysto- X-ray examination of the gallbladder.
The aim of this Revision Unit is to systematize the studied material and to
prepare for the final test on the Clinical terminology.
mammary gland, vagina, ovary, urinary bladder, gallbladder, upper jaw, lower
jaw, chin, palate, gum.
Variant 1
3. Name both Greek and Latin stems for the following:
head, lung, abdomen, heart, body, blood.
Variant 2
Variant 3
Variant 4
Variant 5
Variant 6
Variant 7
1. Explain the meaning of the terms:
somatoscopia, gnathodynia, spondylotomia, cholaemia, melanodermia.
2. Build terms with the given meaning:
pain in the ear; examination of body; removal of uterus; increased number
of white blood cells.
3. Name both Greek and Latin duplicates for the following:
bone marrow, tissue, lung, nose, spinal column, urine.
Variant 8
Variant 9
Variant 10
2. Build terms with the given meaning:
a disease of the mammary glandkidney prolapse; ; disease of nose; nervous
3. Name both Greek and Latin duplicates for the following:
nerve, vessel, urinary bladder, upper jaw, tooth, poison.
Variant 11
Variant 12
The field of medicine, which studies drugs, their nature, origin, and effect
in the body, is called pharmacology. Drugs are chemical substances used in
medicine in the treatment of diseases. Drugs are obtained from various parts of
plants, such as the roots, leaves, and fruit. Examples of such drugs are digitalis
(from the foxglove plant), and antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin
(from plants called molds). Drugs can also be obtained from animals (hormones
are secretions from the glands of animals). Drugs can be made from chemical
substances, which are synthesized in the laboratory (anticancer drugs, such as
methotrexate and prednisone). Some drugs are contained in food substances
(vitamins). Drugs are dispensed and stored in pharmacy.
A drug can have three different names. The chemical name is the chemical
formula for the drug. This name is often long and complicated.
The generic or official name is a shorter, less complicated name, which is
recognized as identifying the drug for legal and scientific purpose. The generic
name is public property and any drug manufacturer may use it. There is only
one generic name for each drug.
The brand name or trade name is the private property of the individual
drug manufacturer and no competitor may use it. Most drugs have several
brand names because each manufacturer producing the drug gives it a different
name. When a physician orders a specific brand name on a prescription, the
pharmacist must dispense it; no other brand name may be substituted. It is
common practice to capitalize the first letter of a brand name.
The following lists give the chemical, generic, and brand names of the well-
known antibiotic drug, ampicillin. Note that the drug can have several brand
names, but only one generic, or official, name.
Latin Meaning
-alg-, -dol- analgesic;
-aesthes- anesthetic;
-chol- bile expelling;
-cid- antimicrobial;
-cor-, -card- cardiac (for heart diseases);
-myсо- antifungal;
-pres(s)-, -ten(s)- hypotensive;
-руr- antipyretic (for bringing down fever);
-sed- sedative;
-sept- antiseptic;
-test-, vir-, -andr- androgenic;
-thyr- affecting thyroid gland;
-vas-, -angi- vasodilating, spasmolytic.
-oestr- estrogenic;
-andr-, -ster- androgenic.
NB! The suffix -as- is used in names of enzymes: Lidasum, Ribonucleasum,
tabuletta, ae f tablet a dosed medicinal form obtained
by pressing the medicinal
substance or a mixture of
medicinal and accessory
substances: intended for internal,
external use or for injections (after
dissolving in a corresponding
tabuletta obducta coated tablet a tablet with coating, which
localizes the target area, improves
the taste, storage ability and
dragee dragee a solid dosed medicinal form
obtained by layering medicinal and
accessory substances on granules;
solutio, ōnis f solution a medicinal form obtained by
dissolving one or more medicinal
substances; intended for internal or
external use or injections;
suspensio, ōnis f suspension a fluid medicinal form
in the form of a dispersion
system where a solid substance
is suspended in fluid; intended
for internal or external use or
emulsum, i n emulsion a fluid medicinal form
in the form of a dispersion
system combining two mutually
insoluble fluids; intended for
internal or external use or
pilula, ae f pill a solid dosed medicinal form
in the form of a ball
(weight 0.1–0.5 g) containing
medicinal and accessory
tinctura, ae f tincture a medicinal form in the form of
alcohol-ether or alcohol-water
clear extract from medicinal raw
material; intended for internal or
external use;
infusum, i n infusion a medicinal form
in the form of watery
extract from medicinal raw
material; intended for internal
or external use;
decoctum, i n decoction an infusion with a different
extraction technique;
In Latin after the prepositions, the nouns and adjectives are written in the
Accusative and Ablative cases only:
per rectum rectally, through the через прямую кишку;
contra tussim against cough; против кашля;
pro die daily dose; доза на день;
pro dosi single dose; разовая доза
(на один прием);
pro infantĭbus for children; для детей;
pro inhalatione for inhalation; для ингаляции;
pro injectionĭbus for injections; для инъекций;
pro narcosi for anesthesia; для наркоза;
pro roentgēno for X-ray examination; для рентгенографии;
The word «prescription» comes from the Latin participle «receptum» and it
is translated as «received», «obtained».
The prescription is the doctor’s written instructions to the pharmacist about
the preparation, dispensing and administration of a drug. The prescription is an
important legal document that has to be filled in according to certain rules. The
prescription is written on a special blank without corrections.
The prescription usually has the following sections:
• Inscriptio – the name of medical establishment;
• Datum – date of writing out the prescription;
• Nomen aegroti – the patient’s surname and initials;
• Aetas aegroti – the patient’s age;
• Nomen medici – the doctor’s name and initials;
• Praescriptio – name and dosage of drug;
• Subscriptio – instructions to the pharmacist about dosage, dispensing or
packaging of the drug;
• Signatura – instructions to the patient about the administration of the drug;
• Nomen et sigillum personale medici – the doctor’s signature and personal
The Latin part of the prescription begins with the imperative Recĭpe.
Each ingredient is written on a separate line, beginning with a capital letter.
The names of plants, chemical substances, drugs, verbs are written with the
capital letters, too.
Each name of medicinal substance is written in the Genitive case, because
it depends on the quantity of the substance (except the tablets, suppositories,
dragees, ophthalmic films and medicinal leeches). Dosage is written in the
Accusative case.
The dosage of medicinal substance is prescribed in grams or parts of a
gram: decigrams, centigrams, milligrams. The word gram is omitted. Grams
are indicated by the Arabic ciphers (1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001), e.g.:
1 drop – guttam I (Accusative Singular);
2, 3... drops – guttas П, Ш... (Accusative Plural).
If two or more medicinal agents are prescribed in the same amount, the dose
is indicated only once after the last one and preceded by the word ana (equally,
in equal measure), e.g.:
Recĭpe: TincturaeValerianae
Tincturae Convallariae ana 10 ml
The word «Signa» finishes the Latin part of the prescription. Further, the
prescription is written in patient’s language.
Name of Name of Adjective
medicinal form medicinal substance
Nom. case Gen. case Nom. case
Latin English
tabulettae Methionini obductae coated tablets of methionin
Latin English
extractum Aloёs fluidum liquid extract of aloe
extractum Aloёs spissum thick extract of aloe
extractum Aloёs siccum dry extract of aloe
Latin English
tinctura Rhei amāra bitter tincture of rhubarb
solutio Iodi spirituosa spirituous solution of iodine
NB! When the names of infusions and decoctions are constructed, the part
of the medicinal herb and its botanical name are given.
Latin English
decoctum cortĭcis Quercus decoction of the cortex of oak
Saccharum, i n sugar сахар
Tetracyclinum, i n tetracycline тетрацеклин
Validolum, i n validol валидол
Valerian tincture 20 ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
2. Take: Ichthammol ointment 30 g
Give out. Indicate:
3. Take: Sage leaves 10 g
Pepper mint leaves 20 g
Mix, so that there is tea.
Give out. Indicate:
4. Take: Dibazol solution 5 ml
Sterilize! Give out. Indicate:
5. Take: Marigold flowers infusion 10 g – 200 ml
Give out. Indicate:
6. Take: Xeroform 1.2 g
Castor oil 20 ml
Mix, so that there is liniment.
Give out. Indicate:
fructus Anisi, emplastrum Plumbi compositum, extraсtum Leonuri fluidum,
suppositoria “Anaesthesolum”, tabuletae Aloёs obductae.
All Latin names of chemical elements are neuter nouns of the second
declension with the ending -um in Nominative Singular. An exception of
the rule: Sulfur, ŭris n (III declension) and Phosphorus, i m (II declension).
Chemical symbols are derived from Latin or Greek names of chemical
elements and reflect their spelling: Al –Aluminium, Fe – Ferrum, К – Kalium,
and others. In English-speaking countries the chemical elements Na, Hg and К
can be called Sodium, Mercurium and Potassium, respectively.
NB! Remember the spelling of the following units commonly used in
chemical nomenclature and drug names:
hydr- (Greek water) shows the presence of hydrogen, water or hydroxylic
group: Hydrocortisonum, i n; hydrochloridum, i n;
ox(y)- (Greek oxys, acid) shows the presence of oxygen: Oxylidinum, i n;
Oxolinum, i n; peroxydum, i n.
Latin trivial acid names consist of the noun acĭdum, i n and an adjective of
the first group that agrees with it in gender, case and number. Suffix -ĭc-um or
-ōs-um is added to the stem of acid-forming element.
hydro-...-ĭcum(i n) -водородная
acĭdum сероводородная
hydrosulphuric acid
hydrosulfurĭcum кислота
2. Recĭpe: Magnesii peroxydi 0,25
Da tales doses numero 12
3. Recĭpe: Solutionis Iodi spirituosae 5% – 20 ml
Tannini 3,0
Glycerini 10,0
Misce. Da. Signa:
4. Recĭpe: Suppositoria cum Ichthyolo numero 10
Da. Signa:
5. Recĭpe: Aetheris pro narcosi 100 ml
Da in vitro nigro
6. Recĭpe: Tabulettas contra tussim numero 12
pro infantibus
Da. Signa:
NB! Latin names of basic salts are built adding the prefix sub- and suffix -as:
Bismuthi subnitras - basic bismuth nitrate.
NB! Names of sodium and potassium salts consist of a substance name and
the word -natrium or -kalium in the Nominative case: Sulfacylum-natrium,
Ephedrinum, i n ephedrine эфедрин
Glucosum, i n glucose глюкоза
Lincomycinum, i n incomycin линкомицин
Methylii salicylas, methyl salicylate метилсалицилат
Methylii salicylātis
Morphinum, i n morphine морфин
Oleandomycinum, i n oleandomycin олеандомицин
oleum Helianthi sunflower oil подсолнечное
oleum Olivarum olive oil оливковое масло
(Oliva, ae, f)
Phenobarbitalum, i n phenobarbital, luminal фенобарбитал
Phenylii salicylas, phenyl salicylate фенилсалицилат
Phenylii salicylātis
Pilocarpinum, i n pilocarpine пилокарпин
Platyphyllinum, i n platyphyllin платифиллин
Rutinum, i n rutin рутин
Streptocidum, i n streptocide стрептоцид
Strychninum, i n strychnine стрихнин
Synoestrolum, i n synestrol синэстрол
Theophyllinum, i n theophylline теофиллинум
Thiaminum, i n thiamine тиамин
Vinylinum, i n vinyline винилин
papaverine hydrochloride; oleandomycine phosphate; calcium chloride:
basic magnesium carbonate; potassium acetate; sodium-caffeine benzoate;
lithium carbonate; ephedrine hydrochloride; testosterone propionate; lithium
Mix, so that there is powder
Give out such doses in the amount of 12.
6. Take: Deadly nightshade extract 0.01
Basic bismuth nitrate
Phenyl salicylate each 0.25
Mix, so that there is powder
Give out such doses in the amount of 10.
Caffeine 0.03
Cocoa 0.015
Citric acid 0.02
Give out such doses in the amount of 6 in tablets
4. Recĭpe: Morphini hydrochloridi 0,015
Apomorphini hydrochloridi 0,05
Acidi hydrochlorici diluti 1 ml
Aquae destillatae ad 200 ml
Misce. Da. Signa:
5. Recĭpe: Suppositoria “Anaesthesolum” numero 12
Da. Signa:
6. Recĭpe: Solutionis Ichthyoli in Glycerino 40 ml
Da. Signa:
fl. flos flower
fluid. fluidus, a, um fluid
fol. folium leaf
fr. fructus fruit
gel. gelatinosus, a, um gelatinous
gran. granulum granule
gtt., gtts. guttam, guttas drop, drops
h., hb. herba herb
in ampull. in ampullis in ampoules
in caps. in capsulis in capsules
inf. infusum infusion
in obl. in oblatis in cachets
in tab. in tabulettis in tablets
in vitr. nigr. in vitro nigro in a dark vial
linim. linimentum liniment
M. Misce mix
mucil. mucilāgo mucilage
n. numero in the amount of
obd. obductus, a, um coated
past. pasta paste
praec., pct., ppt. praecipitātus, a, um precipitated
pro inject. pro injectionĭbus for injections
pulv. pulvis powder
q. s. quantum satis as much as necessary
r., rad. radix root
Rp.: Recĭpe: take
rectif. rectificatus, a, um purified
rhiz. rhizōma rhizome
S. Signa indicate
sem. semen seed
simpl. simplex simple
sir. sirŭpus sirup
sol. solutio solution
sp. species tea
spir. spiritus alcohol
Steril. Sterilisa! sterilize
supp. suppositorium (rectale) (rectal) suppository
supp. vagin. suppositorium vaginale vaginal suppository
susp. suspensio suspension
tab. tabuletta tablet
t-ra, tinct. tinctura tincture
ung. unguentum ointment
NB! Thi- (Greek theion – sulfur) shows the presence of a substituting sulfur
atom: Thiaminum, Thiopentalum, Thiophosphamidum;
-az-, -zol-, -(a)zin-, -(a)zid- (from azot in Greek: a - negation, zoon - life)
shows the presence of nitrogen or nitrogen group: Corazolum, Aminazinum,
In some drug names the syllables that sound like -zin-, -zol- are of a different
origin and so are spelt with s, e.g.: Anaesthesinum, Chinosolum, Aerosolum,
NB! Phthor- (Greek phthoros – destruction) shows the presenсе of fluorine
compounds: Phthoracizinum, Phthorothanum.
Zinc sulfate 0.05
Glycerin 0.12
Mix, so that there is a suppository
Give out such doses in the amount of 10
5. Take: Silver nitrate 0.25
Vinyline 1.0
Vaseline 30.0
Mix so that there is ointment
Give out. Indicate:
6. Take: Methylestradiol tablets 0.0002 in the amount of 10
Give out. Indicate:
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
5. Take: Suppository with methyluracil 0.5
Give out such doses in the amount of 10
Apomorphine hydrochloride 0.05
Diluted hydrochloric acid 1 ml
Distilled water up to 200 ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
9. Take: Mercury oxycyanide solution 50 ml
Give out. Indicate:
10. Take: Chloroform
Sunflower oil
Methyl salicylate 15 ml each
Mix, so that there is liniment
Give out. Indicate:
Distilled water up to 200 ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
7. Take: Codeine phosphate 0.015
Acetylsalicylic acid 0.5
Ascorbic acid 0.1
Rutine 0.02
Benadryl 0.02
Calcium lactate 0.1
Mix, so that there is powder
Give out such doses in the amount of 20
8. Take: Buckthorn bark 30 g
Nettle leaves 20 g
Milfoil herb 10 g
Mix, so that there is tea
Give out. Indicate:
9. Take: Aminazine solution 2.5% 2 ml
Glucose solution 5% 20 ml
Mix. Sterilise!
Give out. Indicate:
6. Take: Antiasthmatic tea 50 g
Give out. Indicate
7. Take: Tincture of rhubarb root and rhizome 200 ml
Give out. Indicate:
8. Take: Chamomile flowers infusion 200 ml
Give out. Indicate:
9. Take: Chloroform
Ethyl alcohol 95% 20 ml each
Ethyl ether 10ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
5. Recĭpe: Herbae Adonidis vernalis 2,0
Rhizomatis cum radicibus Valerianae 1,5
Misce, fiant species
Da tales doses numero 6
Variant 1
Caffeine 0,05
Give out such doses in the amount of 12 in tablets
5. Take: Platyphylline hydrotartrate 0,003
Sodium bromide 0,15
Sodium-caffeine benzoate 0,05
Mix, so that there is powder
Give out.
6. Take: Antiasthmatic tea 50,0
Give out. Indicate:
Variant 2
Aluminium hydroxide
Carbonic acid
Sodium nitrite
Depurated sulphur
Dibazol in ampules
Distilled water up to 200 ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
5. Take: Phenoxymethylpenicillin 1 000 000 AU
Give out such doses in the amount of 10 in tablets
6. Take: Chloroform
Ethyl alcohol 95% both 20 ml
Ethyl ether drops 5
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
Variant 3
Milfoil herb 10,0
Mix, so that there is tea
Give out. Indicate:
6. Take: Solution of aminazine 2,5% 2 ml
Solution of glucose 5% 20ml
Mix. Sterilize! Give out. Indicate:
Variant 4
Variant 5
Variant 6
Iron oxide
Copper citrate
Alcoholic solution of iodine
Carbonic acid
Variant 7
Sulphurous acid
Purified sulphur
Variant 8
2. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin:
1. Take: Yellow mercury oxide 0,6
Ichthammol 0,8
Zinc ointment 20,0
Mix, so that there is ointment
Give out. Indicate:
2. Take: Lily of the valley tincture
Valerian tincture both 10 ml
Nitroglycerine solution 1% 1 ml
Validol 2 ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
3. Take: Salicylic acid 5,0
Zinc oxide 25,0
Talc 50,0
Mix, so that there is powder
Give out. Indicate:
4. Take: Valerian extract 0,5
Hawthorn tincture 0,15
Rhubarb tincture 0,8
Barbital-sodium 0,2
Ethyl alcohol 20 ml
Distilled water up to 200 ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
5. Take: Antiasthmatic herbal mix (tea) 50,0
Give out. Indicate:
6. Take: Tablet of furaciline 0,02
Give out such doses in the amount of 10
Anatomical Terminology
basis of the pyramid
the right lung
crest of the greater tubercle
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Test № 2
Anatomical Terminology
occipital region
process of the nasal concha
muscles of the head
posterior tubercle of the cervical vertebra
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Test № 3
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Test № 4
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin:
Distilled water
Gum-tree oil
Test № 5
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin:
Ethylic ether
Fluid hawthorn extract
Test № 6
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Give out such doses in the amount of 20 in tablets
Test 7
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Mix, so that there is powder
Give out. Indicate:
2. Take: Tablets of Sulfadimine 0.5 in the amount of 12
Give out. Indicate:
Test № 8
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Mix, so that there is tea
Give out. Indicate:
2. Take: Morphine hydrochloride 0.015
Apomorphine hydrochloride 0.05
Diluted hydrochloric acid up to 1 ml
Distilled water up to 200 ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
Test № 9
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Alcoholic solution of iodine drops VI
Distilled water up to 200 ml
Give out. Indicate:
2. Take: Lincomicin hydrochloride 0.25
Give out such doses in the amount of 20
in capsules
Test 10
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Salicylic acid 0.3
Vaseline 10.0
Mix, so that there is ointment
Give out. Indicate:
1. Take: Chloroform
Ethyl alcohol 95% both 20 ml
Ethylic ether 10ml
Mix. Give out. Indicate:
Test № 11
Anatomical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Ascorbinic acid 0.1
Rutine 0.02
Calcium lactate 0.1
Mix, so that there is powder
Give out such doses in the amount of 20
2. Take: Castor oil 20 ml
Xeroform 1.2
Vinylin 1 ml
Mix, so that there is liniment
Give out. Indicate:
Test № 12
Anatomical Terminology
Clinical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Terminology
Dear Friend!
You have just finished studying the professionally oriented course of Latin
language and the basics of the medical terminology.
We are glad that you have come into contact with the international language
of professional communication in the field of medicine.
We hope mastering this course in the first year of training helps to educate a
doctor well versed in professional terminology.
abdominal abdominlis, e брюшной
abducting (VI cranial)
abducens, entis отводящий (нерв)
abductor (muscle) abductor, ōris m отводящая (мышца)
accessory accessorius, a, um добавочный
сопутствующий, со-
accompanying comitans, antis
acetylsalicylicus, a,
acetylsalicylic ацетилсалициловый
acid acĭdum, i n кислота
акустический, слу-
acoustic acusticus, a, um
acquired acquisitus, a, um приобретенный
acromial acromialis, e акромиальный
acromion acromĭon, i n акромион
acute acutus, a , um острый
act actus, us m акт, действие
activated activātus, a, um активированный
adductor (muscle) adductor, ōris m приводящая (мышца)
adipose, fatty adipōsus, a, um жирный, жировой
adoniside Adonisīdum, i n адонизид
adult adultus, a, um
aeron Aёrōnum, i n аэрон
aevit Aёvītum, i n аэвит
афферентный (цен-
afferent afferens, entis
against contra (с Асc.) против, вопреки
age aёr, aёris m возраст
air aёr, aёris m воздух
alar alaris,e крыльный
albumin albumen, ĭnis n белок
alcŏhol, ōlis n, алкоголь,
spirĭtus, us m спирт
alcoholic alcoholicus, a, um алкогольный
алиментарный, пи-
alimentary alimentarius, a, um
alive vivus, a, um живой
allergic allergicus, a, um аллергический
aloe Aloё, es f алоэ, сабур
alternate alternans, antis чередующийся
квасцы (алюминиево-
alum (sg) alūmen, ĭnis n
alveolar alveolaris, e альвеолярный
amidochloride Amidochlorĭdum, i n амидохлорид
amidopyrine Amidopyrīnum, i n амидопирин
aminazine Aminazīnum, i n аминазин
ammoniac ammoniātus, a, um аммиачный
amnion amnion, i n амнион
amorphous amorphus, a, um аморфный
ampicillin Ampicillīnum, i n ампициллин
ampoule ampulla, ae f ампула
amputation amputatio, ōnis f ампутация
anal analis, e анальный
analysis analўsis, is f анализ
anatomical anatomicus, a, um анатомический
and et и
anesthesia narcōsis, is f наркоз
anesthesin Anaesthesīnum, i n анестезин
aneurysm aneurysma, ătis n аневризма
angioneurotic angioneuroticus, a, um ангионевротический
angle angulus, i m angulus, i m
animal anĭmal, ālis n животное
animal animalis, e животный
anise Anīsum, i n анис
ankle bone talus, i m таранная кость
ankylosis ankylōsis, is f анкилоз
another alter, ĕra, ĕrum другой
anterior, front anterior, ius передний
anthrax anthrax, ācis m сибирская язва
antiasthmatic antiastrimaticus, a, um
antibiotic antibioticum, i n антибиотик
antidote antidŏtum, i n антидот, противоядие
antiseptic antisepticus, a, um антисептический
antrum antrum, i n пещера, полость
anus anus, i m анус, задний проход
aorta aorta, ae f аорта
aortic aorticus, a, um аортальный
aperture apertūra, ae f апертура, отверстие
apomorphine Apomorphīnum, i n апоморфин
aponeurosis aponeurōsis, is f апоневроз
appearance habĭtus, us m
appendix appendix, ĭcis f аппендикс, придаток
aqueduct aqu(a)eductus, us m водопровод
паутинная мозговая
arachnoid membrane arachnoidea, ae f
arch arcus, us m дуга
arched arcuātus, a, um дугообразный
area area, ae f поле (кружок)
arrhythmia ar(r)hythmia, ae f аритмия
arsenic arsenis, ītis m арсенит
arteriōsus, a, um
arterial артериальный
arterialis, e
artery arteria, ae f артерия
articular articularis, e суставной
arytenoids arytenoideus, a, um черпаловидный
сколько угодно
as much as is desired quantum libet, q.l.
(в рецептах)
(сколько нужно,
quantum satis, q.s.,
as much as suffices, сколько потребуется,
quantum sufficit,
as much as needed сколько нужно
(в рецептах)
сколько угодно
as much as you like quantum vis, q.v.
(в рецептах)
ascending ascendens, entis восходящий
asthma (difficulty in
asthma, ătis n астма (удушье)
asthmatic asthmaticus, a, um астматический
(по желанию,
at pleasure ad lib. = ad libitum сколько угодно,
в любом количестве
atheroscleroticus, a,
atherosclerotic атеросклеротический
атлант, шейный
atlas, atlantes (pl) atlas, āntis m
atrium (of the heart) atrium cordis предсердие
atropine Atropīnum, i n атропин
auditory, auditive auditīvus, a, um слуховой
ушная раковина,
auricle (of fhe ear) auricula, ae f
auricular (relating
to the ear or to the auricularis, e
auricle of the heart)
auscultation auscultatio, ōnis f
author auctor, ōris m автор
axillary axillaris, e подмышечный
axis axis, is m
II шейный позвонок
back dorsum, i n спина, тыл
bad malus, a, um плохой, худой
taenia, ae f, лента,
vinculum, i n связка
barbital, barbitone Barbitālum, i n барбитал
основание, базис (ос-
base basis, is f новное средство
в сложном рецепте)
basic carbonate subcarbōnas, ātis m основной карбонат
basic nitrate subnitras, ātis m основной нитрат
basilar basilaris, e базилярный
bed-sore decubĭtus, us m пролежень
before ante ( с Асc. ) до, раньше
before death ante mortem перед смертью
ante cenam, ante cibos,
before meals перед едой
ante cibum (а.с.)
1.позади, за
behind post (c Acc.)
2. после, спустя
venter, tris m; брюшко (мышцы),
belly брюхо;
abdōmen, ĭnis n живот, брюхо
benign benignus, a, um доброкачественный
benzoate benzoas, ātis m бензоат
Coffeīnum (i)-natrii кофеин-бензоат на-
benzoate sodium
benzoas, ātis m трия
benzoic benzoicus, a, um бензойный
Benzylpenicillīnum, Benzylpenicillīnum,
in in
berry bacca, ae f ягода
best optĭmus, a, um наилучший
biceps (muscle) biceps, cipĭtis двуглавая мышца
bicuspidalis, e;
bicuspid малый коренной зуб,
praemolaris, e
бифуркация, раздво-
bifurcation bifurcatio, ōnis f
big toe hallux, ūcis m большой палец стопы
chole, es f;
bile желчь
fel, fellis n
biliaris, e; билиарный;
felleus, a, um желчный
желчный, желчеoтво-
biliferous bilifer, ĕra, ĕrum
biliōsus, a, um;
bilious желтушный;
choledŏchus, a, um
bitter amārus, a, um горький
bivalent bivalens, entis двухвалентный
biventral digastricus, a, um двубрюшный
black niger, gra, grum чёрный, тёмный
bladder vesīca, ae f пузырь
blind c(a)ecus, a, um слепой
blind gut caecum, i n слепая кишка
blood sanguis, ĭnis m кровь
bloody sanguineus, a, um
body corpus, ŏris n тело; организм
body-fluid humor, ōris m влага
абсцесс, нарыв,
boil abscessus, us m
bone os, ossis n кость
bone marrow medulla ossium костный мозг
bony osseus, a, um костный
border margo, ĭnis m край, граница
boric boricus, a, um борный
born natus, a, um рожденный
bottom fundus, i m дно
bowel (intestinal) непроходимость
ileus, i m
obstruction кишечника
box scatŭla, ae f коробка, коробочка
brain encephălon, i n головной мозг
branch ramus, i m ветвь
молочная железа,
breast mamma, ae f
breast-bone sternum, i n грудина
bridge pons, pontis m
подобное мосту
briefly breviter кратко
brilliant nitens, entis блестящий
дробная доза, умень-
шенная, назначается
broken dose, divided dosis refracta многократно через
dose, fractional dose краткие промежутки
bromide bromĭdum, i n бромид
bronchial bronchialis, e bronchialis, e
bronchus bronchus, i m бронх
buccal buccalis, e щёчный
buckthorn Frangŭla, ae f крушина
bulb, bulbus bulbus, i m (клубневидное
bulging eminens, entis
by mouth, through the пероральный, через
peroralis, e; per os
mouth, per os рот
c(a)esarean section sectio caesarea кесарево сечение
cachet oblata, ae f капсула, облатка
caffeine Coffeīnum, i n кофеин
calcaneal calcaneus, a, um пяточный
шпора, напоминаю-
calcar calcar, āris n
щий шпору отросток
calcification calcificatio, ōnis f кальцификация
calculous calculōsus, a, um калькулезный
calf-bone fibula, ae f малоберцовая кость
camphor Camphŏra, ae f камфора
Solutio Camphŏrae
camphorated oil камфорное масло
cancer cancer, cri m канцер, рак
cancerous carcinomatōsus, a, um
собачий, клыковый
canine, caninus canīnus, a, um (dens)
(зуб); клык
capillary capillaris, e капиллярный
capitulum capitŭlum, i n головка
capsula capsŭla, ae f капсула
carbonate carbōnas, ātis m карбонат
carcinoma carcinōma, ătis n раковая опухоль, рак
cardiac cardiăcus, a. um сердечный
cardiovalen Cardiovalēnum, i n кардиовален
carefully caute осторожно
caries carĭes, ēi f кариес, костоеда
carotid caroticus, a, um caroticus, a, um
carotid artery carōtis, tĭdis (arteria) f сонная артерия
carpal carpeus, a, um запястный
cartilage cartilāgo, ĭnis f хрящ
cartilaginous cartilagineus, a, um хрящевой
case history anamnēsis, is f
castor oil oleum Ricĭni касторовое масло
castor-oil plant Ricĭnus, i m клещевина
cataract cataracta, ae f катаракта
catarrhal catarrhalis, e catarrhalis, e
causal causalis, e причинный
полость, пещера,
cave caverna, ae f
cavernous cavernōsus, a, um пещеристый
cavĭtas, ātis f; cavum,
cavity, cistern полость, впадина
cell cellula, ae f клетка, ячейка
cellular cellularis, e клеточный
cement (dental) cementum, i n цемент (зубной)
central centralis, e центральный
cerebellar cerebellaris, e мозжечковый
cerebellum cerebellum, i n мозжечок
cerebral cerebralis, e
cerebrospinal cerebrospinalis, e спиномозговой
cerebrum, brain, en-
cerebrum, i n большой мозг
cervical cervicalis, e шейный
cervicobrachial cervicobrachialis, e шейно-плечевой
cesarean caesareus, a, um царский, кесарев
chamber camera, ae f камера, полость
chamomile Chamomilla, ae f ромашка
channel canalis, is m канал, проход, проток
charcoal carbo, ōnis m уголь
cheek bucca, ae f щека
cheek bone zygōma, ătis n скула, скуловая кость
букцинатор, щечная
cheek muscle buccinātor, ōris m
pectus, ŏris n;
chest грудь; грудная клетка
thorax, ācis m
chewing masticatorius, a, um жевательный
chicken-pox varicella, ae f
ветряная оспа
child infans, ntis m, f ребёнок
chin mentum, i n mentum, i n
chinosol Chinosōlum, i n хинозол
chloride chloridum, i n хлорид
chloroform Chloroformium, i n хлороформ
chlorophyllipt Chlorophylliptum, i n хлорофиллипт
chondrocyte chondrocýtus, i m хондроцит
chronic chronicus, a, um хронический
ciliary ciliaris, e ресничный
chronic chronicus, a, um хронический
circle circulus, i m круг
circular circularis, e
circumflex circumflēxus, a, um огибающий
cirrhosis cirrhōsis, is f цирроз
cistern cisterna, ae f цистерна
citrate citras, ātis m цитрат
clavicular clavicularis, e clavicularis, e
coat tunĭca, ae f оболочка
coat of brain meninx, ngis f мозговая оболочка
coated obductus, a, um покрытый оболочкой
coccygeal coccygēus, a, um копчиковый
coccyx coccyx, ýgis m копчик
улитка (внутреннего
cochlea cochlea, ae f
улиточный, относя-
cochlear cochlearis, e
щийся к улитке
cocoa (powder) Cacao n какао
codeine Codeinum, i n кодеин
oleum Morruae =
cod-liver-oil рыбий жир
oleum jecoris Aselli
collar-bone clavicŭla, ae f ключица
collargole Collargōlum, i n колларгол
collateral collateralis, e коллатеральный
colon colon, i n ободочная кишка
colour color, ōris m цвет, окраска
coltsfoot Farfara, ae f мать-и-мачеха
column columna, ae f колонна, столб
coma, loss of con- кома, полная потеря
coma, ătis n
sciousness сознания
commissure commissūra, ae f спайка
common communis, e общий
common [cat’s] valeri- лекарственная вале-
Valeriāna officinalis
an, garden heliotrope риана
communicant communicans, antis соединяющий
complex composĭtus, a, um сложный, суставной
complicated complicātus, a, um осложнённый
concentrated cocncentrātus, a, um концентрированный
concha concha, ae f раковина
concrement concrementum, i n конкремент
concussion commotio, ōnis f сотрясение
condylar condylaris, e мыщелковый
condyle condўlus, i m мыщелок
cone-shaped conicus, a, um
congestive congestīvus, a, um застойный
соединительный, сое-
connecting conjunctīvus, a, um
constrictor constrictor, ōris m констриктор (мышца)
contraction contractūra, ae f (непроизвольное спа-
стическое сокраще-
ние мышц)
convolution gyrus, i m извилина
cord chorda, ae f хорда, нить, струна
cornea cornea, ae f роговица
corneal cornealis, e роговой
coronary coronarius, a, um венечный
corpse cadāver, ĕris n труп
corrigent corrigens, entis
corrugator (muscle) corrugātor, ōris m
кора, корковое
cortex cortex, ĭcis m
cortical corticalie, e корковый
costalis, e; costarius,
costal рёберный
a, um
coryloid (cup-like) acetabulum, i n; вертлужная впадина
cavity cavĭtas,ātis f полость, впадина
cough tussis, is f кашель
cranial cranialis, e
кремастер; мышца,
cremaster (muscle) cremāster, ēris m
поднимающая яичко
crista, ae f; pecten,
crest гребень, гребешок
ĭnis n
cribriform cribrōsus, a, um решётчатый
cricoesophageus, a,
cricoesophageal перстнепищеводный
cricoid cricoideus, a, um перстневидный
cross-shaped cruciātus, a, um скрещенный
croupous (cruposus) croupōsus, a, um крупозный
crown corona, ae f коронка
crown of the head vertex, ĭcis m темя, вершина
cruciform cruciformis, e крестообразный
crus crus, cruris n голень, ножка
crystalline crystallisātus, a, um кристаллический
cuboidal, cubical cuboideus, a, um
cup calyx, ўcis m чашка, чашечка
лечебная доза, тера-
curative dose dosis curativa
певтическая доза
cure cura, ae f лечение
curve curvatūra, ae f кривизна
cusp cuspis, ĭdis f острие, створка
cutaneous cutaneus, a, um кожный
cuticle cuticula, ae f кутикула, кожица
cutaneous cutaneus, a, um кожный
cyanide cyanĭdum, i n цианид
cyst cysta, ae f киста
cystic относящийся
cystōsus, a, um
к мочевому или
желчному пузырю
cystous cystōsus, a, um кистозный
daily in die, de die ежедневно
damaged laesus, a, um поврежденный
dead mortuus, a, um мёртвый, умерший
death mors, mortis f смерть
decoction decoctum, i n отвар
chiasma, ătis n;
decussation перекрест
decussatio, ōnis f
deep profundus, a, um глубокий
deforming deformans, antis
delicate tenius, e тонкий, нежный
deltoid deltoideus, a, um дельтовидный
dental dentalis, e зубной
dentine dentinum, i n дентин
depression fovea, ae f ямка, углубление
depressor (muscle) depressor, ōris m опускатель (мышца)
depurated depurātus, a, um очищенный
descending descendens, entis нисходящий
diabetes diabetes, ae m диабет
diabetic diabeticus, a, um диабетический
diagnosis diagnōsis, is f диагноз
diameter diamĕter, i f диаметр, поперечник
diaphragm diaphragma, ătis n диафрагма
diarrhea diarrhoea, ae f понос
dibazol Dibazōlum, i n дибазол
diethylstilbestrol, es- Diaethy-
trostiben lstilboestrōlum, i n
diffuse diffusus, a, um диффузный, разлитой
digastric biventer, tra, trum
(о мышце)
digital digitalis, e пальцевой
dilatātio, ōnis f; дилатация, расшире-
ectasia, ae f ние, эктазия
diluted dilūtus, a, um разбавленный
disease, malady,
morbus, i m болезнь, заболевание
illness, sickness
disk discus, i m диск
disseminated disseminātus, a, um диссеминированный
dissolved, solute solūtus, a, um растворённый
distal distalis, e дистальный
distilled destillatus, a, um дистиллированный
distinction differentia, ae f различие
diverticulum diverticulum, i n
divide divido, ĕre III разделять
раздели на равные
div. in p. aeq(u). = di-
divide into equal parts части
vide in partes aequales
(сокр. в рецептах)
не повторять, т.е. не
приготовлять повтор-
ne repetatur, ne repet. но предписанное в
do not repeat
(сокр. в рецептах) рецепте и уже один
раз приготовленное
domestic domesticus, a, um домашний
спинной, тыльный,
dorsal dorsalis, e
dose dosis, is f доза
dragee dragee драже
drop gutta, ae f капля
medicamentum, i n;
drug лекарство
pharmacon, i n
drugstore officīna, ae f мастерская, аптека
drum tympănum, i n барабан
dry siccus, a, um сухой
duct ductus, us m проток
ductile ductulus, i m проточек
duodenal duodenalis, e
duodenum duodenum, i n
duplex, double duplex, icis двойной, сдвоенный
твёрдая мозговая
dura mater dura mater
dyspnea, shortness of dyspnoë, ës f
breath (dyspnoea)
ear auris, is f ухо
eczema eczĕma, ătis n экзема
edema oedēma, ătis n отёк
edematous oedematōsus, a, um
efferent efferens, entis
egg cell ovum, i n яйцо, яйцеклетка
eight octo восемь
eighth octavus, a, um восьмой
elbow bone ulna, ae f локтевая кость
elbow process olecrănon, i n локтевой отросток
eleven undecim одинадцать
eleventh undecimus, a, um одиннадцатый
eminence eminentia, ae f возвышение
эмфизема, увеличе-
emphysema emphysēma, ătis m ние количества
воздуха в органах
emulsum, i n;
emulsion эмульсия
emulsio, ōnis f
enamel enamēlum, i n эмаль
end terminatio, ōnis f конец, окончание
эндемический, свой-
endemic endemicus, a, um ственный данной
области, местный
enough satis довольно, достаточно
entrance adĭtus, us m вход
epidemic epidemicus, a, um эпидемический
epigastric epigastricus, a, um надчревный
epiglottis epiglottis, ĭdis f надгортанник
epinephrine Adrenalīnum, i, n адреналин
epiphysial epiphysialis, e эпифизарный
epiphysis epiphysis, is f эпифиз
epithelial epithelialis, e эпителиальный
equal aequalis, e равный
equally ana поровну, по
erector (muscle) erector, oris m
esophageal (o)esophageus, a, um пищеводный
esophagus, gullet oesophagus, i m пищевод
essential oil oleum aethereum эфирное масло
eternal aeternus, a, um вечный
ether, ester aether, ĕris m эфир
ethereal aethereus, a, um эфирный
ethmoid ethmoidalis, e решетчатый
ethyl aethylicus, a, um этиловый
ethyl Aethylium, i n этил
ethyl morphine Aethylmorphīnum, i n этилморфин
every hour omni hora (omn. hor.) каждый час
каждый час
every hour quaquehora, q.h.
(в рецептах)
omni bihora
every two hours каждые два часа
extremity extremĭtas, ātis f конец
extended extensus, a, um вытянутый
extension extensio, ōnis f
extensor (muscle) extensor, ōris m разгибатель (мышца)
external externus, a, um наружный
extirpation extirpatio, ōnis f
extract extractum, i n экстракт (вытяжка)
extraction extractiо, ōnis f извлечение
extrauterine extrauterīnus, a, um внематочный
eye ocŭlus, i m глаз
eye socket orbĭta, ae f глазница
eyeball bulbus oculi bulbus oculi
eyebrow supercilium, i n бровь
eyelid palpebra, ae f веко
facial facialis, e
парамнезия, псевдо-
false recollection paramnesia, ae f
fascia fascia, ae f фасция
fascicle fasciculus, i m пучок
fauces fauces, ium f (pl) зев
feminine femininus, a, um женский
плод (утробный,
fetus, us m, foetus,
fetus, f(o)etus от 9-й недели
us m
до рождения)
fever febris, is f лихорадка
feverish febrillis, e лихорадочный
fibre fibra, ae f волокно
fibrous fibrosus, a, um
fifth quintus, a, um пятый
film membranula, ae f плёнка
finger, toe digitus, i m палец
finger-shaped digitatus, a, um пальцевидный
оканчивать, заканчи-
finish finio, īre IV
вать, кончать
first primus, a, um первый
fissure fissura, ae f щель
five quinque пять
flat planus, a, um плоский
flax Linum, i n лен
flexion flexio, ōnis f сгибание
flexor(muscle) flexor, ōris m сгибатель (мышца)
flexure flexura, ae f изгиб
цветок; цветущее
flower flos, floris m
fluid fluidus, a, um жидкий
fluid liquor, oris m жидкость, раствор
fold plica, ae f складка
follicle folliculus, i m фолликул, пузырёк
fontanelle fonticulus, i m родничок
food cibus, i m еда, пища
foot pes, pedis m стопа, нога
for pro (c Abl.) для, за
ad us. ext. = ad usum для наружного упо-
for external use
externum требления
ad us. int. = ad usum для внутреннего упо-
for internal use
internum требления
для личного
for the personal use of ad us. propr. = ad
the physician usum proprium
указатель, указатель-
forefinger index, ĭcis m
ный палец
forehead frons, frontis f лоб
form forma, ae f форма
four quattuor четыре
fourth quartus, a, um четвёртый
fracture fractūra, ae f перелом
frenulum frenulum, i n уздечка
frequent frequens, entis частый, учащенный
from a, ab (c Abl.) от
frontal frontalis, e лобный
fruit fructus, us m плод (раст.)
действие, функция;
function functio, ōnis f исполнение;
fungoid fungiformis, e грибовидный
funnel infundibulum, i n воронка
fusiform, spindle- веретеновидный,
fusiformis, e
shaped веретенообразный
vesīca fellea,
gallbladder желчный пузырь
vesīca biliaris
ganglion ganglion, i n
(нервный узел)
gap hiātus, us m щель, расщелина
gastric gastricus, a, um желудочный
gastroduodenal gastroduodenalis, e
gate porta, ae f ворота
generad generalis, e генеральный, общий
geniohyoid geniohyoideus, a, um
genital genitalis, e
genitourinary urogenitalis, e мочеполовой
giant-cell (attr.) gigantocellularis, e гигантоклеточный
gingival gingivalis, e десневой
girdle cingulum, i n пояс
give do, dāre I давать, выдавать
дай, выдай, пусть
give out D.= da, detur, dentur будет дано (сокр.
в рецептах)
gland glandula, ae f железа
glaucoma glaucōma, ătis n глаукома
globule, small pill, cot-
globulus, i n шарик
ton pellet
клубок, гломус
glomus, glome glomus, ĕris n
glossopharyngeus, а,
nerve, языкоглоточный
um (nervus)
9th cranial nerve
голосовая щель,
glottis glottis, īdis f собственно
голосовой аппарат
gluconate glucōnas, ātis m глюконат
glucose Glucōsum, i n глюкоза
gluteal gluteus, a, um ягодичный
glycerophosphate глицерофосфат
ātis m
gold(en) aureus, a, um золотой
good bonum, i n добро
good bonus, a, um хороший
gram, gramme gramma, ătis n грамм
granule granulum, i n гранула, крупинка
great nightshade Belladonna, ae f белладонна, красавка
great, large magnus, a, um большой, больший
greater major, jus большой
greatest maxĭmus, a, um
grey cinereus, a, um серый
groin inguen, ĭnis n пах
groove sulcus, i m борозда, бороздка
gum gingiva, ae f десна
gum-tree Eucalyptus, i f Эвкалипт
hand manus, us f кисть руки, рука
hard durus, a, um твёрдый
hawthorn Cratāegus, i f боярышник
head caput, ĭtis n голова, головка
health valetūdo, ĭnis f здоровье
слух, способность
hearing audītus, us m
heart cor, cordis n сердце
heat calor, ōris m теплота, жар
heel calx, calcis f пята, пятка
heel bone calcaneus, i m пяточная кость
help adjuvo, āre I помогать
hemisphere hemispherium, i n полушарие
hepatic hepaticus, a, um печёночный
herb herba, ae f лекарственная трава
hernia hernia, ae f грыжа
hernial hernialis, e грыжевой
herpes herpes, ĕtis m
пузырьковый лишай
самый высокий,
highest suprēmus, a, um высочайший,
hilus hilus, i m ворота
hip-bone coxa, ae f таз, бедро
hip-joint coxa, ae f
hippocamp(us) hippocampus, i m гиппокамп
Hippocratic hippocraticus, a, um Гиппократов
полый, пустой,
hollow cavus, a, um
hollow fossa, ae f ямка, яма
homatropine Homatropīnum, i n гоматропин
honey mel, mellis n мёд
honour honor, ōris m честь, почесть
крючок (крючковид-
hooklet hamulus, i m
ный отросток)
hook-shaped hamatus, a, um крючковидный
horizontal horizontalis, e горизонтальный
horn cornu, us n рог, рожок
how much, as much as quantum, i n сколько
humeral humeralis, e плечевой
hydrobromide hydrobromĭdum, i n гидробромид
hydrochloride Hydrochlorĭdum, i n, гидрохлорид
hydrogen Hydrogenium, i n водород
Dichlothiazīdum, i n дихлотиазид
hydrogen carbonate hydrocarbōnas, ātis m гидрокарбонат
hydroiodide hydroiodĭdum, i n гидроиодид
hydrotartrate hydrotārtras, ātis m гидротартрат
hydroxide hydroxўdum, i n гидроксид
hyoid hyoideus, a, um подъязычный
hypogastric hypogastricus, a, um подчервный
hypoglossal hypoglossus, a, um подъязычный (нерв)
hypophysis hypophўsis, is f гипофиз
I ego я
ichthammol Ichthyōlum, i n ихтиол
iliac iliăcus, a, um подвздошный
iliac region ile, ilis n; ilia, ilium pl подвздошная область
iliohypogastricus, подвздошно-
a, um подчревный
ill aegrōtus, a, um больной
impression impressio, ōnis f вдавление
в, на (с Асс. на вопрос
In in куда?; с Аbl. на во-
прос где?)
в равных частях,
p.aeq. = partes
in equal parts равными частями
сокр. в рецептах)
in twos bini, ae, а по два
incision incisio, ōnis f надрез, насечка
incisor (adj.) incisīvus, a, um резцовый
incisure incisūra, ae f вырезка
incurable insanabilis, e неизлечимый
inflammation inflammatio, ōnis f воспаление
inflammatory inflammatorius, a, um воспалительный
infraclavicular infraclavicularis, e подключичный
infrahyoid infrahyoideus, a, um подподьязычный
infrajugular infrajugularis, e подъяремный
infraorbital infraorbitalis, e подглазничный
infusion infusum, i n настой
inguinal inguinalis, e паховый
injection injectio, ōnis f инъекция
insufficiency insufficientia, ae f недостаточность
intact integer, gra, grum неповрежденный
intercostal intercostalis, e межреберный
interlobular interlobularis, e междольковый
средний, промежу-
intermediary intermedius, a, um
intermittent intermittens, entis
intermuscular intermuscularis, e межмышечный
internal internus, a, um внутренний
splanchna (pl), viscera
internal organs внутренности
interosseous interosseus, a, um межкостный
interstitial interstitialis, e промежуточный
intervertebral intervertebralis, e межпозвоночный
intestinal intestinalis, e кишечный
intestine intestīnum, i кишка
intra-articular intraarticularis, e внутрисуставной
intramuscular intramuscularis, e внутримышечный
inverted inversus, a, um
iodide iodĭdum, i n йод
радужка, радужная
iris iris, ĭdis f
ischiadic ischiadicus, a, um седалищный
ischium ischium, i n седалище
isotonic isotonicus, a, um изотонический
isthmus isthmus, i n перешеек
зуд кожи или
itch pruritus, us m
слизистых оболочек
jaundice icterus, i m желтуха
jejunal jejunalis, e
к тощей кишке
jejunum jejunum, i n тощая кишка
joint articulatio, ōnis f сустав
jugular jugularis, e ярёмный
juice succus, i m сок
juncture junctūra, ae f соединение
juniper Junipĕrus, i f можжевельник
juvenile juvenilis, e юношеский, молодой
белая глина, каолит
kaolin bolus, i f
(силикат алюминия)
kidney ren, renis m почка
knee genu, us n колено
knee-cap patella, ae f надколенник
known notus, a, um известный
лабиринт, внутреннее
labyrinth labyrinthus, i m
labyrinthine labyrinthicus, a, um лабиринтный
lacrimal lacrimalis, e слёзный
lactate lactas, ātis m лактат
large intestine intestinum crassum толстая кишка
larynx larynx, ýngis m гортань
late serotĭnus, a, um поздний, запоздалый
lateral lateralis, e боковой
Latin Latīnus, a, um латинский
laxative laxans, antis слабительный
layer stratum, i n слой
lead Plumbum, i n свинец
leaf folium, i n лист, листок
leech hirūdo, ĭnis f пиявка
1. левый
left sinister, tra, trum
2. неблагоприятный
lens lens, lentis f хрусталик
lesser minor, minus малый, меньший
пусть будет сделано,
let there be made; so пусть будут сделаны
f., F. = fiat, fiant
that there is (сделай, приготовь!)
сокр. в рецептах
летальная доза,
смертельная доза
lethal dose dosis letalis (доза лекарства и др.,
могущая вызвать
lethal, fatal, mortal letalis, e смертельный
подниматель, подни-
levator levator, ōris m
мающая мышца
life vita, ae f жизнь
ligament ligamentum, i n связка
lily-of-the valley Convallaria, ae f ландыш
limb membrum, i n конечность, член
line linea, ae f линия, черта
lingual lingualis, e язычный
liniment linimentum, i n линимент
lip labium, i n губа
solutio Ammonii caus- нашатырный спирт,
liquid ammonia
tici раствор аммиака
liquid ammonia anise liquor Ammonii anisa- нашатырно-анисовые
dripped tus (i) капли
oleum Paraffini =
liquid paraffin вазелиновое масло
oleum Vaselini
oleum Vaselini sive вазелиновое масло,
liquid paraffin
Paraffinum liquidum жидкий парафин
listen audio, īre IV слушать
liver hepar, ătis n печень
lobar lobaris, e долевой
lobe lobulus, i m долька
local localis, e местный
loin lumbus, i m поясница
long longus, a, um длинный
longitudinal longitudinalis, e продольный
lower inferior, ius нижний
lower jaw mandibula, ae f нижняя челюсть
lozenge pastillus, i m
lumbar lumbalis, e поясничный
lumbosacral lumbosacralis, e
lung pulmo, ōnis m легкое
lychnis Adōnis, ĭdis m, f адонис, горицвет
lymphatic lymphaticus, a, um лимфатический
dilatātor, ōris m расширяющая
m. dilator
(musculus) мышца
malignant malignus, a, um злокачественный
man homo, ĭnis m человек
mandibular mandibularis e нижнечелюстной
marrow medulla, ae f мозговое вещество
masculine masculinus, a, um мужской
masseter (muscle) massēter, ēris m жевательная мышца
mastoid mastoideus, a, um сосцевидный
matrix matrix, ĭcis f ложе, основание
maxillary maxillaris, e верхнечелюстной
максимальная доза,
которую может при-
maximum dose dosis maxĭma нять человек
без опасности
для здоровья
medial medialis, e средний, медиальный
median mediānus, a, um срединный
mediastinal mediastinalis, e средостенный
mediastinum mediastinum, i n средостение
medical certificate, медицинское
relatio medica
certificate of health свидетельство
medicinal medicinalis, e лекарственный
medicine medicīna, ae f медицина
membranaceous membranaceus, a. um перепончатый
membrane membrāna, ae f мембрана, перепонка
memory memoria, ae f память
mental mentalis, e подбородочный
menthol Menthōlum, i n ментол
metacarpus metacarpus, i m пясть
metastasis metastāsis, is f метастаз
metastatic metastaticus, a, um метастатический
Methylii salicýlas
methyl salicylate метилсалицилат
(ātis), m
Methylēnum coeru-
methylene blue метиленовый синий
methylestradiol метилэстрадиол
middle medius, a, um средний
milfoil Millefolium, i n тысячелистник
milk lac, lactis n молоко
milk, baby, deciduous,
first, primary, deciduus (dens)
молочный (о зубе)
mind, intellect mens, mentis f ум
minimum lethal dose dosis letalis minima смертельная
(летальная) доза
mint Mentha, ae f мята
minute fovea, minute
foveola, ae f ямочка
mitral mitralis, e
mix misceo, ēre II мешать, смешивать
mix! M. = misce смешай!
mixed mixtus, a, um смешанный
mixture mixtura, ae f микстура
большой коренной
molar (attr.) molaris, e
(зуб), моляр
monobromated cam-
Bromcamphora, ae f бромкамфора
мать, мозговая
mother, mater mater, tris f
motherwort Leonurus, i m пустырник
motor (attr.) motorius, a, um
mouth os, oris n рот
mouth ostium, i n отверстие, устье
mouth, artificial open- рот, уста, искусствен-
stoma, ătis n
ing ное отверстие
movable mobĭlis, e
mucilage mucilāgo, ĭis f слизь (лек. ф.)
mucous mucōsus, a, um слизистый
mucus mucus, i m слизь
muscle musculus, i m мышца
muscular muscularis, e мышечный
mylohyoid mylohyoideus, a, um
myocardium myocardium, i n миокард
nail unguis, is m ноготь
name nomen, ĭnis n название, имя
nape nucha, ae f выя
naphthalan Naphthalānum, i n нафталан
nasal nasalis, e носовой
naasociliary nasociliaris, e носоресничный
nasolacrimal nasolacrimalis, e носослезный
natal natalis, e
к рождению, родной
cervix, īcis f; collum,
neck шея, шейка
necrosis necrōsis, is f некроз, омертвение
necrotic necroticus, a, um
nerve nervus, i m нерв
nervous nervōsus, a, um нервный
fettle Urtīca, ae f крапива
network rete, is n сеть, сетка
neuter neuter, tra, trum средний (род)
newgrowth neoplasma, ătis n
nine novem девять
ninth nonus, a, um девятый
nipple, papilla papilla, ae f сосок, сосочек
nitrate nitras, ātis m нитрат
nitrite nitris, ītis m нитрит
nitrogen Nitrogenium, i n азот
node nodus, i m узел
nodule nodulus, i m узелок
nose nasus, i m нос
nostril naris, is f ноздря
not non не
nuclear nuclearis, e ядерный
nucleus nucleus, i m ядро
number numerus, i m число
nut nux, nucis f орех
относящийся к пита-
nutrient nutriens, entis нию, доставляющий
пищу, питающий
nutritious nutricius, a, um питательный
oak Quercus, us f дуб
oblique obliquus, a, um косой, наклонный
oblong oblongātus, a, um продолговатый
occipital occipitalis, e затылочный
occipitofrontal occipitofrontalis, e затылочно-лобный
occipitotemporal occipitotemporalis, e затылочно-височный
occiput occĭput, ĭtis n затылок
octestrol Octoestrōlum, i n октэстрол
ocular ocularis, e окулярный, глазной
oculomotor(ius) oculomotorius, a, um глазодвигательный
oil oleum, i n масло
oily oleosus, a, um масляный
ointment unguentum, i n мазь
olfactory olfactorius, a, um обонятельный
olive Olīva, ae f олива (плод)
olive oil oleum Olivārum оливковое масло
omentum omentum, i n сальник
one unus, a, um один
open apertus, a, um открытый
opening forāmen, ĭnis n отверстие
ophthalmic ophthalmicus, a, um глазной
ophthalmica (reme-
ophthalmic remedies лекарственные
dia), n/pl
optic opticus, a, um
or seu или
oral oralis, e ротовой
орбикулярный, кру-
orbicular orbicularis, e
говой, кольцевой
orbital orbitalis, e глазничный
organ organum, i n орган
organism organismus, i m организм
orotate orōtas, ātis m оротат
orthodontics orthodontia, ae f ортодонтия
oval ovalis, e овальный
ovary ovarium, i n яичник
over supra над, выше, на
oxide oxўdum, i n оксид
pain dolor, ōris m боль
palate palātum, i n небо
palatine, palatal palatīnus, a, um нёбный
palatoglossal palatoglossus, a, um нёбно-язычный
palmar palmaris, e ладонный
pancreas pancreas, ătis n
papillary papillaris, e
paralysis paralysis, is f паралич
парасакральный, око-
локрестцовый, рас-
parasacral parasacralis, e
положенный около
крестцовой кости
parasternal parasternalis, e окологрудинный
parathyroid(al) parathyroideus, a, um околощитовидный
parenchyma parenchýma, ătis n паренхима
parietal parietalis, e
parietooccipital parietooccipitalis, e теменно-затылочный
parotic paroticus, a, um
parotid gland parōtis, otĭdis f околоушная железа
part, portion pars, partis f часть, сторона
partial partialis, e частичный
partial paralysis parēsis, is f парез
partition septum, i n перегородка
passage meātus, us m проход, ход
paste pasta, ae f паста
patellar patellaris, e пателлярный
patient aeger, gri m больной
peach Persĭcum, i n персик
peach oil oleum Persicōrum персиковое масло
pectoral pectoralis, e грудной
pelvinus, a, um;
pelvic тазовый
pelvicus, a, um
pelvis pelvis, is f таз, лоханка
pen calămus, i m перо (писчее)
pentylerietetrazol Corazōlum, i n коразол
pepper (adj.) piperītus, a, um перечный
per day, daily pro die в день, в сутки
perforating perforans, āntis прободающий
periarterial periarterialis, e
peridental membrane periodontium, i n
надкостница зуба
perineum, fork perineum, i n промежность
parodontium, i n
periodontium пародонт
paradentium, i n
periosteum periosteum, i n надкостница
peritoneum peritoneum, i n брюшина
perivascular perivascularis, e
peroneal fibularis, e малоберцовый
peroneal peronēus, a, um малоберцовый
peroxide peroxўdum, i n пероксид
petrous petrosus, a, um каменистый
phalanx phalanx, ngis f фаланга
pharmaceutics pharmacia, ae f фармация
pharyngeal pharyngēus, a, um глоточный
pharynx pharynx, ngis m глотка
Phenylii salicýlas
phenyl salicylate фенилсалицилат
(ātis) m
phosphate phosphas, ātis m фосфат
physician aesculapius, i m эскулап
physician medicus, i m врач
мягкая мозговая
pia mater pia mater, tris f
pill pilula, ae f пилюля
pituitary pituitarius, a, um питуитарный
place, spot locus, i m место
plane planum, i n плоскость
plantar plantaris, e подошвенный
plasma plasma, ătis n плазма
plaster emplastrum, i n пластырь
plate lamella, ae f пластинка
plate lamĭna, ae f пластинка
platysma platýsma, ătis n платизма
plexus plexus, us m сплетение
plowshare vomer, ĕris m сошник
pneumonia pneumonia, ae f пневмония
poison venēnum, i n яд
polyp polўpus, i m полип
post mortem, sectio судебно-медицинское
sectio legalis
legalis вскрытие
postcibal, after meals,
postcibos (p. c.) после еды
after eating
posterior posterior, ius задний
postganglionic postganglionaris, e постганглионарный
pouch bursa, ae f сумка, мешок
powder pulvis, ĕris m порошок
powerful heroicus, a, um сильнодействующий
precentral praecentralis, e
praescrīptio, ōnis f,
prescription рецепт
receptum, i n
presternum manubrium, i n рукоятка
prevention of disease prophylāxis, is f профилактика
process processus, us m отросток
prognosis prognōsis, is f прогноз
пронация, поворот
pronation pronatio, ōnis f
ладони вниз
pronator (muscle) pronātor, ōris m пронатор
proper proprius, a, um собственный
propionate propionas, ātis m пропионат
prostate gland prostāta, ae f
prostatic prostaticus, a, um предстательный
protuberance protuberantia, ae f выступ, бугор
proximal proximalis, e проксимальный
psoas (muscle) psoas, ătis m поясничная (мышца)
pterygoideus, a, um крыловидный
pterygopalatine pterygopalatinus, a, um крылонебный
pubis pubes, is f лобок
pulmonary pulmonalis, e легочный
pulp pulpa, ae f пульпа, мякоть
pulse pulsus, us m пульс
puncture punctio, ōnis f пункция, прокол
pupil pupilla, ae f зрачок
pure purus, a, um чистый
purified purificatus, a, um очищенный
pus pus, puris n гной
pyloric pyloricus, a, um привратниковый
pylorus pylōrus, i m привратник, пилорус
pyramid pyrămis, ĭdis f пирамида
pyramidal pyramidalis, e пирамидальный
quadriceps quadrīceps, cipĭtis четырёхглавый
quadrigeminal quadrigemĭnus, a, um
quick celer, ĕris, ĕre быстрый
quickly celerĭter быстро
quickly cito быстро
quinine Chinīnum, i n хинин
rabies rabies, ēi f бешенство
rachidian bulb medulla oblongāta продолговатый мозг
radial radialis, e лучевой
radiation radiatio, ōnis f лучистость
radius, radial (spoke)
radius, i m лучевая кость
recess recessus, us m углубление, карман
rectal rectalis, e ректальный
rectified rectificātus, a, um очищенный
rectum rectum, i n прямая кишка
red ruber, bra, brum красный
redness rubor, ōris покраснение
region regio, ōnis f область
remedy remedium, i n средство
renal renalis, e почечный
renal pelvis pelvis renalis почечная лоханка
repeat repeto, ĕre III повторять
resection, excision resectio, ōnis f резекция
respiration, breathing respiratio, ōnis f дыхание
respiratory respiratorius, a, um дыхательный
resuscitation reanimatio, ōnis f реанимация
retaining band retinaculum, i n удерживатель
reticular reticularis, e ретикулярный
retina retīna, ae f сетчатка
retromandibular retromandibularis, e
retroperitoneal retroperitonealis, e забрюшинный
rhizome rhizōma, ătis n корневище
rhombic rhomboideus, a, um ромбовидный
rhubarb Rheum, i n ревень
rib costa, ae f ребро
ridge jugum, i n возвышение
right dexter, tra, trum правый
ring anulus, i m кольцо, ободок
roof tegmen, ĭnis n крыша, покрышка
root radix, īcis f корень, корешок
rotator (muscle) rotātor, ōris m вращатель (мышца)
rough asper, ĕra, ĕrum
roughness asperĭtas, ātis, f шероховатость
round rotundus, a, um круглый (отверстие)
round and long teres, ĕtis круглый
rupture ruptura, ae f разрыв
sacral sacralis, e крестцовый
sacred sacer, cra, crum крестцовый (кость)
sacrococcygeal sacrococcygeus, a, um
saddle sella, ae f седло
sage Salvia, ae f шалфей
sagittal sagittalis, e
salicylate salicylas, ātis m салицилат
salicylic salicylicus, a, um салициловый
salt sal, salis m соль
sarcoma sarcōma, ătis n саркома
scabies scabies, ēi f чесотка
scale squama, ae f чешуя
scalenus (muscle) scalenus, a, um лестничный (мышца)
scaphoid scaphoideus, a, um ладьевидный
scapulohypoglossal omohyoideus, a, um
scar cicatrix, ĭcis f рубец, шрам
sea buckthorn Hippophaё, ёs f облепиха
seam, rhaphe raphe, es f
(на мягких тканях)
second secundus, a, um второй
secondary secundarius, a, um вторичный
secretion secretum, i n секрет
section sectio, ōnis f рассечение, вскрытие
sedatīva (remedia), седативные лекар-
n/pl ственные средства
семя, семенная жид-
seed, semen semen, ĭnis n
semicircular semicircularis, e полукружный
полулунный, серпо-
semilunar semilunaris, e
senile senilis, e старческий
sense sensus, us m чувство
sensory sensorius, a, um
septal septalis, e перегородочный
sugar saccharum, i n сахар
sulphate sulfas, ātis m сульфат
sulphur Sulfur, ŭris n сера
sunflower Helianthus, i m подсолнечник
sunflower oil oleum Helianthi подсолнечное масло
superficial superficialis, e поверхностный
superficies superficies, ēi f
superior superior, ius верхний
супинация, поворот
supination supinātio, ōnis f
ладони вверх
supinator (muscle) supinātor, ōris m супинатор (мышца)
suppositorium, i n суппозиторий, свеча
(pl suppositories)
supraclavicular supraclavicularis, e надключичный
suprahyoid suprahyoideus, a, um надподязычный
supraorbital supraorbitalis, e надглазничный
suprarenal suprarenalis, e надпочечный
surface facies, ēi f лицо, поверхность
surgery chirurgia, ae f хирургия
suspension suspensio, ōnis f суспензия
suture sutura, ae f шов
sweet dulcis, e сладкий
sympathic sympathicus, a, um симпатический
synestrol Synoestrōlum, i n синэстрол
synovial synovialis, e синовиальный
syrette spritz-tubulus, i m шприц-тюбик
syrup sirŭpus, i m сироп
system systēma, ătis n система
tabes tabes, is f сухотка
tablet tabuletta, ae f таблетка
take recipio, ĕre III взять
Take! Recĭpe! Возьми!
talc Talcum, i n тальк
tall altus, a, um высокий
talocrural talocruralis, e голеностопный
tannin, tannins Tannīnum, i n танин
tarsus tarsus, i m
хрящ века
tea species, ēi f сбор (трав), чай
teacher doctor, ōris m учитель
tear lacrīma, ae f слеза
temple, time tempus, ŏris n висок, время
temporal temporalis, e височный
ten decem десять
tendon tendo, ĭnis m сухожилие
tensor muscle tensor, ōris m напрягающая мышца
terminal terminalis, e
testicle testis, is m яичко, семенник
test-tube vitrum, i n склянка, пробирка
таламус (зрительный
thalamus thalămus, i m
терапевтика, наука
therapeutics therapeutica, ae f о лечении болезней,
наука о терапии
therapy therapia, ae f терапия
thick spissus, a, urn густой
бедренная кость,
thigh-bone femur, ŏris n
thiosulphate thiosulfas, ātis m тиосульфат
third tertius, a, тринадцать
thirty triginta тридцать
thoracic thoracicus, a, um грудной
three tres, tria три
three times a day ter in die три раза в день
thumb pollex, ĭcis m большой палец кисти
thymus thymus, i n вилочковая железа
thyrohyoid thyrohyoideus, a, um щитоподъязычный
thyroid thyreoideus, a, um щитовидный
tibial tibialis, e большеберцовый
tincture tinctūra, ae f настойка
tip apex, ĭcis m верхушка, кончик
to, before, for, under ad (с Асc.) к, до, для, при
tongue lingua, ae f язык
tonic tonicus, a, um тонизирующий
тонизирующие ле-
tonics tonica (remedia) n/pl
карственные средства
tonsil tonsilla, ae f миндалина
tooth dens, dentis m зуб
toxic, poisonous toxicus, a, um
trachea trachea, ae f трахея
tract tractus, us m путь, тракт
transfusion transfusio, ōnis f переливание
transverse transversus, a, um поперечный
trauma trauma, ătis n травма
tree arbor, ōris f дерево, древо
triangular triangularis, e треугольный
triceps (muscle) triceps, cipĭtis трёхглавый
tricuspid tricuspidalis, e трёхстворчатый
trigeminus, a, um тройничный (нерв)
(IV cranial nerve)
trochanter trochanter, ēris m вертел
trochanteric trochantericus, a, um вертельный
trochlea trochlea, ae f блок
блоковый, относя-
trochlear trochlearis, e
щийся к блоку
trophic trophicus, a, um трофический
trunk truncus, i m туловище
tube tuba, ae f труба
tuber tuber, ĕris n бугор
tubercle tuberculum, i n бугорок
tuberosity tuberosĭtas, ātis f бугристость
tuberous tuberōsus, a, um бугристый
tubule tubulus, i m трубочка
tumour tumor, ōris m опухоль
turn verto, ĕre III поворачивать
терпентинное масло,
turpentine oleum Terebinthĭnae
twelfth duodecimus, a, um двенадцатый
twelve duodecim двенадцать
twenty viginti двадцать
twice bis дважды
twisted bowels volvulus, i m заворот кишок
two duo, duae, duo два
tympanic tympanicus, a, um барабанный
ulcer ulcus, ĕris n язва
изъязвлённый, по-
ulcerated exulceratus, a, um
крытый язвами
ulcerative ulcerosus, a, um язвенный
ulnar ulnaris, e локтевой
under sub (с Асc., Abl.) под
с обозначением
under «poison» label sub signo veneni, s.s.v. (на этикетке) «яд!»
сокр. в рецептах
upper arm brachium, i n плечо
upper jaw maxilla, ae f верхняя челюсть
ureter urēter, ēris m мочеточник
уретра, мочеиспуска-
urethra urethra, ae f
тельный канал
urethral urethralis, e уретральный
urgently citissime срочно, очень быстро
urinary urinarius, a, um мочевой
urinary bladder vesīca urinaria мочевой пузырь
uterine uterīnus, a, um маточный
uterus, womb utĕrus, i m матка
uvula lingula, ae f язычок
vagina, sheath vagīna, ae f влагалище
vaginal vaginalis, e влагалищный
vagus nerve
vagus, a, um блуждающий (нерв)
(Xth cranial nerve)
valerian Valeriāna, ae f валериана
valve valva, ae f клапан (в целом)
valvule valvula, ae f заслонка, клапан
varicose varicōsus, a, um варикозный
varicosis varices, m, f/pl
расширение вен
varix, varicose vein varix, ĭcis m, f варикозная вена
vascular vascularis, e сосудистый
vault fornix, ĭcis m свод
vehicle constituens, ēntis
vein vena, ae f вена
venousl venōsus, a, um венозный, венный
ventral ventralis, e вентральный
ventricule ventriculus, i m желудочек, желудок
veniricular ventricularis, e желудочковый
venule venula, ae f маленькая вена
vermiform vermiformis, e червеобразный
vermifuge anthelminthicus a, um глистогонный
vertebra vertebra, ae f позвонок
vertebral vertebralis, e позвоночный
vesicle vesicula, ae f везикула, пузырек
vesicular vesicularis, e везикулярный
vesiculose vesiculosus, a, um
vessel vas, vasis n сосуд
vestibular vestibularis, e
atrium, i n,
vestibule преддверие
vestibulum, i n
villus villus, i m ворсинка
violet Viōla, ae f фиалка
virus virus, i n яд, вирус
внутренности, вну-
viscus, ĕris n ;
viscera тренние органы в
viscĕra, um n pl
брюшной полости
vitamin vitamīnum, i n витамин
vortex (of heart) vortex, ĭcis m завиток (сердца)
wall paries, ĕtis m стена, стенка
water aqua, ae f вода
way via, ae f путь
weak asthenicus, a, um
wedge-shaped cuneiformis, e клиновидный
well bene хорошо
wheat Tritĭcum, i n пшеница
white albus, a, um белый
wide latus, a, um широкий
widest latissĭmus, a, um широчайший
width latitūdo, ĭnis f ширина
wild rose Rosa, ae f роза, шиповник
wing ala, ae, f крыло
with cum (с Abl.) с, вместе с;
within intra (с Асc.) внутри
wolfs bane Arnĭca, ae f арника
woman femīna, ae f женщина
wound vulnus, ĕris n рана
wrist carpus, i m запястье
wymote Althaea, ae f алтей
xeroform Xeroformĭum, i n ксероформ
year annus, i m год
zygomatic zygomatĭcus, a, um скуловой
a, ab (c Abl.) from от
abdominalis, e abdominal брюшной
abducting (VI
abducens, entis отводящий (нерв)
cranial) nerve
abductor, ōris m abductor (muscle) отводящая (мышца)
абсцесс, нарыв, гной-
abscessus, us m boil
accessorius, a, um accessory добавочный
acetabulum, i n; coryloid (cup-like) вертлужная впадина
acetylsalicylicus, a, um acetylsalicylic ацетилсалициловый
acĭdum, i n acid кислота
acquisitus, a, um acquired приобретенный
acromialis, e acromial акромиальный
acromĭon, i n acromion акромион
activātus, a, um activated активированный
actus, us m act акт, действие
акустический, слу-
acusticus, a, um acoustic
acutus, a , um acute острый
ad (с Асc.) to, before, for, under к, до, для, при
(по желанию, сколько
ad lib. = ad libitum at pleasure угодно, в любом ко-
ad us. ext. = ad usum для наружного упо-
for external use
externum требления
ad us. int. = ad usum для внутреннего упо-
for internal use
internum требления
для личного (соб-
ad us. propr. = ad usum for the personal use
ственного) употре-
proprium of the physician
adductor, ōris m adductor (muscle) приводящая (мышца)
adipōsus, a, um adipose, fatty жирный, жировой
adĭtus, us m entrance вход
Adōnis, ĭdis m, f lychnis адонис, горицвет
Adonisīdum, i n adoniside адонизид
Adrenalīnum, i, n epinephrine адреналин
adultus, a, um adult
aeger, gri m patient больной
aegrōtus, a, um ill больной
aequalis, e equal равный
aёr, aёris m air воздух
Aёrōnum, i n aeron аэрон
aeternus, a, um eternal вечный
aether, ĕris m ether, ester эфир
aethereus, a, um ethereal эфирный
aetas, ātis m age возраст
Aёvītum, i n aevit аэвит
афферентный (цен-
afferens, entis afferent
стремительный), при-
ala, ae, f wing крыло
alaris,e alar крыльный
albumen, ĭnis n albumin белок
albus, a, um white белый
alcŏhol, ōlis n,
alcohol алкоголь, спирт
spirĭtus, us m
alcoholicus, a, um alcoholic алкогольный
алиментарный, пи-
alimentarius, a, um alimentary
allergicus, a, um allergic аллергический
Aloё, ёs f aloe алоэ, сабур
alter, ĕra, ĕrum another другой
alternans, antis alternate чередующийся
Althaea, ae f wymote алтей
altus, a, um tall высокий
квасцы (алюминиево-
alūmen, ĭnis n alum (sg)
alveolaris, e alveolar альвеолярный
amārus, a, um bitter горький
Amidochlorĭdum, i n amidochloride амидохлорид
Amidopyrīnum, i n amidopyrine амидопирин
Aminazīnum, i n aminazine аминазин
ammoniātus, a, um ammoniac аммиачный
amnion, i n amnion амнион
amorphus, a, um amorphous аморфный
Ampicillīnum, i n ampicillin ампициллин
ampulla, ae f ampoule ампула
amputatio, ōnis f amputation ампутация
ana equally поровну, по
Anaesthesīnum, i n anesthesin анестезин
analis, e anal анальный
analўsis, is f analysis анализ
anamnēsis, is f case history
anatomicus, a, um anatomical анатомический
aneurysma, ătis n aneurysm аневризма
angioneuroticus, a, um angioneurotic ангионевротический
angulus, i m angle угол
anĭmal, ālis n animal животное
animalis, e animal животный
Anīsum, i n anise анис
ankylōsis, is f ankylosis анкилоз
annus, i m year год
ante ( с Асc. ) before до, раньше
ante cenam, ante cibos,
before meals перед едой
ante cibum (а.с.)
ante mortem before death перед смертью
anterior, ius anterior, front передний
anthelminthicus a, um vermifuge глистогонный
anthrax, ācis m anthrax сибирская язва
antiasthmaticus, a, um antiasthmatic
antibioticum, i n antibiotic антибиотик
antidŏtum, i n antidote антидот, противоядие
antisepticus, a, um antiseptic антисептический
antrum, i n antrum пещера, полость
anulus, i m ring кольцо, ободок
anus, i m anus анус, задний проход
aorta, ae f aorta аорта
aorticus, a, um aortic аортальный
apertūra, ae f aperture апертура, отверстие
apertus, a, um open открытый
apex, ĭcis m tip верхушка, кончик
Apomorphīnum, i n apomorphine апоморфин
aponeurōsis, is f aponeurosis апоневроз
appendix, ĭcis f appendix аппендикс, придаток
aqu(a)eductus, us m aqueduct водопровод
aqua, ae f water вода
ar(r)hythmia, ae f arrhythmia аритмия
паутинная мозговая
arachnoidea, ae f arachnoid membrane
arbor, ōris f tree дерево, древо
arcuātus, a, um arched дугообразный
arcus, us m arch дуга
area, ae f area поле (кружок)
Arnĭca, ae f wolfs bane арника
arsenis, ītis m arsenic арсенит
arteria, ae f artery артерия
arteriōsus, a, um;
arterial артериальный
arterialis, e
articularis, e articular суставной
articulatio, ōnis f joint сустав
arytenoideus, a, um arytenoids черпаловидный
ascendens, entis ascending восходящий
asper, ĕra, ĕrum rough
asperitas, ātis, f roughness шероховатость
asthenicus, a, um weak
asthma (difficulty in
asthma, ătis n астма (удушье)
asthmaticus, a, um asthmatic астматический
atheroscleroticus, a, um atherosclerotic атеросклеротический
atlas, āntis m atlas, atlantes (pl)
шейный позвонок
atrium cordis atrium (of the heart) предсердие
atrium, i n,
vestibule преддверие
vestibulum, i n
Atropīnum, i n atropine атропин
auctor, ōris m author автор
audio, īre IV listen слушать
auditīvus, a, um auditory, auditive слуховой
слух, способность
audītus, us m hearing
aureus, a, um gold(en) золотой
ушная раковина,
auricula, ae f auricle (of fhe ear)
auricular (relating to
auricularis, e the ear or to the auri- ушной, ушковидный
cle of the heart)
auris, is f ear ухо
auscultatio, ōnis f auscultation
axillaris, e axillary подмышечный
axis, is m axis
II шейный позвонок
bacca, ae f berry ягода
Barbitālum, i n barbital, barbitone барбитал
basilaris, e basilar базилярный
основание, базис (ос-
basis, is f base новное средство
в сложном рецепте)
Belladonna, ae f great nightshade белладонна, красавка
bene well хорошо
benignus, a, um benign доброкачественный
benzoas, ātis m benzoate бензоат
benzoicus, a, um benzoic бензойный
Benzylpenicillīnum, i n benzylpenicillin
biceps, cīpitis biceps (muscle) двуглавая мышца
bicuspidalis, e; bicuspid двустворчатый;
малый коренной зуб,
praemolaris, e
bifurcātio, ōnis f bifurcation
biliaris, e; felleus, a, um biliary билиарный; желчный
bilifer, ĕra, ĕrum biliferous
biliōsus, a, um; желчный, желтуш-
choledŏchus, a, um ный; желчный
bini, ae, а in twos по два
bis twice дважды
bivalens, entis bivalent двухвалентный
biventer, tra, trum digastric
(о мышце)
белая глина, каолит
bolus, i f kaolin
(силикат алюминия)
bonum, i n good добро
bonus, a, um good хороший
boricus, a, um boric борный
brachium, i n upper arm плечо
Bromcamphora, ae f бромкамфора
bromĭdum, i n bromide бромид
bronchialis, e bronchial бронхиальный
bronchus, i m bronchus бронх
bucca, ae f cheek щека
buccalis, e buccal; щёчный
buccinātor, ōris m cheek muscle
щечная мышца
bulbus oculi eyeball глазное яблоко
луковица (клубневид-
bulbus, i m bulb, bulbus
ное утолщение)
bursa, ae f pouch сумка, мешок
c(a)ecus, a, um blind слепой
Cacao n cocoa (powder) какао
cadāver, ĕris n corpse труп
caecum, i n blind gut слепая кишка
caesareus, a, um cesarean царский, кесарев
calămus, i m pen перо (писчее)
calcaneus, a, um calcaneal пяточный
calcaneus, i m heel bone пяточная кость
шпора, напоминаю-
calcar, āris n calcar
щий шпору отросток
calcificatio, ōnis f calcification кальцификация
calculōsus, a, um calculous калькулезный
calculus, i m stone камень
calor, ōris m heat теплота, жар
calx, calcis f heel пята, пятка
calyx, ўcis m cup чашка, чашечка
camera, ae f chamber камера, полость
Camphŏra, ae f camphor камфора
canalis, is m channel канал, проход, проток
cancer, cri m cancer канцер, рак
собачий, клыковый
canīnus, a, um (dens) canine, caninus
(зуб); клык
capillaris, e capillary капиллярный
capitŭlum, i n capitulum головка
capsŭla, ae f capsula капсула
caput, ĭtis n head голова, головка
carbo, ōnis m charcoal уголь
carbōnas, ātis m carbonate карбонат
carcinōma, ătis n carcinoma раковая опухоль, рак
carcinomatōsus, a, um cancerous
cardiăcus, a. um cardiac сердечный
Cardiovalēnum, i n cardiovalen кардиовален
carĭes, ēi f caries кариес, костоеда
caroticus, a, um carotid сонный
carōtis, tĭdis (arteria) f carotid artery сонная артерия
carpēus, a, um carpal запястный
carpus, i m wrist запястье
cartilagīneus, a, um cartilaginous хрящевой
cataracta, ae f cataract катаракта
catarrhalis, e catarrhal катаральный
causalis, e causal причинный
caute carefully осторожно
caverna, ae f cave
пещера, каверна
cavernōsus, a, um cavernous пещеристый
cavĭtas, ātis f;
cavity, cistern полость, впадина
cavum, i n
полый, пустой,
cavus, a, um hollow
celer, ĕris, ĕre quick быстрый
celeriter quickly быстро
cellula, ae f cell клетка, ячейка
cellularis, e cellular клеточный
cementum, i n cement (dental) цемент (зубной)
centralis, e central центральный
cerebellaris, e cerebellar мозжечковый
cerebellum, i n cerebellum мозжечок
cerebralis, e cerebral
cerebrospinalis, e cerebrospinal спиномозговой
cerebrum, brain,
cerebrum, i n большой мозг
cervicalis, e cervical шейный
cervicobrachialis, e cervicobrachial шейно-плечевой
cervix, īcis f neck шея, шейка
Chamomilla, ae f chamomile ромашка
chiasma, ătis n;
decussation перекрест
(decussatio, ōnis f)
Chinīnum, i n quinine хинин
Chinosōlum, i n chinosol хинозол
chirurgia, ae f surgery хирургия
chloridum, i n chloride хлорид
Chloroformium, i n chloroform хлороформ
Chlorophylliptum, i n chlorophyllipt хлорофиллипт
chole, es f; fel, fellis n bile желчь
chondrocýtus, i m chondrocyte хондроцит
chorda, ae f cord хорда, нить, струна
chronicus, a, um chronic хронический
cibus, i m food еда, пища
cicatrix, ĭcis f scar рубец, шрам
ciliaris, e ciliary ресничный
cinereus, a, um grey серый
cingulum, i n girdle пояс
circularis, e circular
circulus, i m circle круг
circumflēxus, a, um circumflex огибающий
cirrhōsis, is f cirrhosis цирроз
cisterna, ae f cistern цистерна
citissime urgently срочно, очень быстро
cito quickly быстро
citras, ātis m citrate цитрат
clavicŭla, ae f collar-bone ключица
clavicularis, e clavicular ключичный
coccygēus, a, um coccygeal копчиковый
coccyx, ygis m coccyx копчик
cochlea, ae f cochlea
(внутреннего уха)
улиточный, относя-
cochlearis, e cochlear
щийся к улитке
cocncentrātus, a, um concentrated концентрированный
Codeinum, i n codeine кодеин
Coffeīnum(i)-natrii ben- кофеин-бензоат
benzoate sodium
zoas, ātis m натрия
Coffeīnum, i n caffeine кофеин
Collargōlum, i n collargole колларгол
collateralis, e collateral коллатеральный
collum, i n neck шея, шейка
colon, i n colon ободочная кишка
color, ōris m colour цвет, окраска
columna, ae f column колонна, столб
coma, loss of кома, полная потеря
coma, ătis n
consciousness сознания
comitans, antis accompanying
commissūra, ae f commissure спайка
commotio, ōnis f concussion сотрясение
communicans, antis communicant соединяющий
communis, e common общий
complicātus, a, um complicated осложнённый
composĭtus, a, um complex сложный, суставной
concha, ae f concha раковина
concrementum, i n concrement конкремент
condylaris, e condylar мыщелковый
condylus, i m condyle мыщелок
congestīvus, a, um congestive застойный
conicus, a, um cone-shaped
соединительный, сое-
conjunctīvus, a, um connecting
формирующий, фор-
constitŭens, ēntis vehicle
constrictor, ōris m constrictor констриктор (мышца)
contra (с Асc.) against против, вопреки
контрактура, сведе-
ние (непроизвольное
contractūra, ae f contraction
спастическое сокра-
щение мышц)
Convallaria, ae f lily of the valley ландыш
cor, cordis n heart сердце
Corazōlum, i n pentylerietetrazol коразол
cornea, ae f cornea роговица
cornealis, e corneal роговой
cornu, us n horn рог, рожок
corona, ae f crown коронка
coronarius, a, um coronary венечный
corpus, ŏris n body тело; организм
corrigens, entis corrigent
corrugātor, ōris m corrugator (muscle)
кора, корковое
cortex, ĭcis m cortex
corticalis, e cortical корковый
costa, ae f rib ребро
costalis, e; costarius,
costal рёберный
a, um
таз, бедро;
coxa, ae f hip-bone; hip-joint тазобедренный
черепной, краниаль-
cranialis, e cranial
Cratāegus, i f hawthorn боярышник
кремастер; мышца,
cremāster, ēris m cremaster (muscle)
поднимающая яичко
cribrōsus, a, um cribriform решётчатый
cricoesophageus, a, um cricoesophageal перстнепищеводный
cricoideus, a, um cricoid перстневидный
crista, ae f; pecten,
crest гребень, гребешок
ĭnis n
croupōsus, a, um croupous (cruposus) крупозный
cruciātus, a, um cross-shaped скрещенный
cruciformis, e cruciform крестообразный
crus, cruris n crus голень, ножка
crystallisātus, a, um crystalline кристаллический
cuboideus, a, um cuboidal, cubical
cum (с Abl.) with с, вместе с;
cuneiformis, e wedge-shaped клиновидный
cura, ae f cure лечение
curvatūra, ae f curve кривизна
cuspis, ĭdis f cusp острие, створка
cutaneus, a, um cutaneous кожный
cuticula, ae f cuticle кутикула, кожица
cyanĭdum, i n cyanide цианид
cysta, ae f cyst киста
пузырный, относя-
cystōsus, a, um cystic щийся к мочевому или
желчному пузырю
cystōsus, a, um cystous кистозный
дай, выдай,
D.= da, detur, dentur give out пусть будет дано
(сокр. в рецептах)
decem ten десять
milk, baby, decidu-
отпадающий, молоч-
deciduus (dens) ous, first, primary,
ный (о зубе)
decoctum, i n decoction отвар
decubĭtus, us m bed-sore пролежень
deformans, antis deforming
deltoideus, a, um deltoid дельтовидный
dens, dentis m tooth зуб
dentalis, e dental зубной
dentinum, i n dentine дентин
depressor, ōris m depressor (muscle) опускатель (мышца)
depurātus, a, um depurated очищенный
descendens, entis descending нисходящий
destillatus, a, um distilled дистиллированный
dexter, tra, trum right правый
diabetes, ae m diabetes диабет
diabeticus, a, um diabetic диабетический
Diaethylstilboestrōlum, diethylstilbestrol,
in estrostiben
diagnōsis, is f diagnosis диагноз
diamĕter, i f diameter диаметр, поперечник
diaphragma, ătis n diaphragm диафрагма
diarrhoea, ae f diarrhea понос
Dibazōlum, i n dibazol дибазол
Dichlothiazīdum, i n дихлотиазид
differentia, ae f distinction различие
diffusus, a, um diffuse диффузный, разлитой
digastricus, a, um biventral двубрюшный
digitalis, e digital пальцевой
digitatus, a, um finger-shaped пальцевидный
digitus, i m finger, toe палец
dilatātio, ōnis f; дилатация, расшире-
(ectasia, ae f) ние, эктазия
dilatātor, ōris m
m. dilator расширяющая мышца
dilūtus, a, um diluted разбавленный
discus, i m disk диск
disseminātus, a, um disseminated
distalis, e distal дистальный
div. in p. aeq(u).
divide into equal раздели на равные ча-
= divide in partes
parts сти (сокр. в рецептах)
дивертикул, выпячи-
diverticulum, i n diverticulum
do, dāre I give давать, выдавать
doctor, ōris m teacher учитель
dolor, ōris m pain боль
domesticus, a, um domestic домашний
спинной, тыльный,
dorsalis, e dorsal
dorsum, i n back спина, тыл
лечебная доза, тера-
dosis curativa curative dose
певтическая доза
летальная доза,
смертельная доза
dosis letalis lethal dose (доза лекарства и др.,
могущая вызвать
минимальная смер-
dosis letalis minĭma minimum lethal dose тельная (летальная)
максимальная доза,
которую может при-
dosis maxĭma maximum dose нять человек без
опасности для здо-
дробная доза, умень-
шенная, назначается
broken dose, divided
dosis refracta многократно через
dose, fractional dose
краткие промежутки
dosis, is f dose доза
dragee dragee драже
ductulus, i m ductile проточек
ductus, us m duct проток
dulcis, e sweet сладкий
duo, duae, duo two два
duodecim twelve двенадцать
duodecimus, a, um twelfth двенадцатый
дуоденальный, две-
duodenalis, e duodenal
duodenum, i n duodenum
duplex, icis duplex, double двойной, сдвоенный
твёрдая мозговая
dura mater dura mater
durus, a, um hard твёрдый
dyspnoë, ës f dyspnea, shortness of
(dyspnoea) breath
eczĕma, ătis n eczema экзема
efferens, entis efferent
ego I я
eminens, entis bulging
eminentia, ae f eminence возвышение
эмфизема, увеличе-
emphysēma, ătis m emphysema ние количества воз-
духа в органах
emplastrum, i n plaster пластырь
emulsum, i n;
emulsion эмульсия
emulsio, ōnis f
enamēlum, i n enamel эмаль
encephălon, i n brain головной мозг
эндемический, свой-
endemicus, a, um endemic ственный данной об-
ласти, местный
epidemicus, a, um epidemic эпидемический
epigastricus, a, um epigastric надчревный
epiglottis, ĭdis f epiglottis надгортанник
epiphysialis, e epiphysial эпифизарный
epiphysis, is f epiphysis эпифиз
epithelialis, e epithelial эпителиальный
erector, oris m erector (muscle)
пусть будет сделано,
let there be made; so пусть будут сделаны
f., F. = fiat, fiant
that there is (сделай, приготовь!)
сокр. в рецептах
facialis, e facial
facies, ēi f surface лицо, поверхность
Farfăra, ae f coltsfoot мать-и-мачеха
fascia, ae f fascia фасция
fasciculus, i m fascicle пучок
fauces, ium f (pl) fauces зев
febrillis, e feverish лихорадочный
febris, is f fever лихорадка
femīna, ae f woman женщина
femininus, a, um feminine женский
бедренная кость,
femur, ŏris n thigh-bone
fetus, us m, foetus, us m fetus, f(o)etus (утробный, от 9-й
недели до рождения)
fibra, ae f fibre волокно
fibrosus, a, um fibrous
fibularis, e peroneal малоберцовый
оканчивать, заканчи-
finio, īre IV finish
вать, кончать
fissura, ae f fissure щель
flexio, ōnis f flexion сгибание
flexor, ōris m flexor(muscle) сгибатель (мышца)
flexura, ae f flexure изгиб
цветок; цветущее со-
flos, floris m flower
fluidus, a, um fluid жидкий
folium, i n leaf лист, листок
folliculus, i m follicle фолликул, пузырёк
fonticulus, i m fontanelle родничок
forāmen, ĭnis n opening отверстие
forma, ae f form форма
fornix, ĭcis m vault свод
fossa, ae f hollow ямка, яма
fovea, ae f depression ямка, углубление
minute fovea,
foveola, ae f ямочка
minute pit
fractūra, ae f fracture перелом
Frangŭla, ae f buckthorn крушина
frenulum, i n frenulum уздечка
frequens, entis frequent частый, учащенный
frons, frontis f forehead лоб
frontalis, e frontal лобный
fructus, us m fruit плод (раст.)
действие, функция;
functio, ōnis f function исполнение; обязан-
fundus, i m bottom дно
fungiformis, e fungoid грибовидный
fusiform, spindle- веретеновидный, ве-
fusiformis, e
shaped ретенообразный
ганглий (нервный
ganglion, i n ganglion
gastricus, a, um gastric желудочный
gastroduodenalis, e gastroduodenal
generalis, e generad генеральный, общий
geniohyoideus, a, um geniohyoid
половой, гениталь-
genitalis, e genital
genu, us n knee колено
gigantocellularis, e giant-cell (attr.) гигантоклеточный
gingīva, ae f gum десна
gingivalis, e gingival десневой
glandula, ae f gland железа
glaucōma, ătis n glaucoma глаукома
globule, small pill,
globulus, i n шарик
cotton pellet
клубок, гломус (сосу-
glomus, ĕris n glomus, glome
glossopharyngeus, а,
nerve, 9th cranial языкоглоточный
um (nervus)
голосовая щель, соб-
glottis, īdis f glottis ственно голосовой
glucōnas, ātis m gluconate глюконат
Glucōsum, i n glucose глюкоза
gluteus, a, um gluteal ягодичный
glycerophōsphas, ātis m glycerophosphate глицерофосфат
gramma, ătis n gram, gramme грамм
granulum, i n granule гранула, крупинка
gutta, ae f drop капля
gyrus, i m convolution извилина
habitus, us m appearance
hallux, ūcis m big toe большой палец стопы
hamatus, a, um hook-shaped крючковидный
крючок (крючковид-
hamulus, i m hooklet
ный отросток)
Helianthus, i m sunflower подсолнечник
hemispherium, i n hemisphere полушарие
hepar, ătis n liver печень
hepaticus, a, um hepatic печёночный
herba, ae f herb лекарственная трава
hernia, ae f hernia грыжа
hernialis, e hernial грыжевой
heroicus, a, um powerful сильнодействующий
герпес, пузырьковый
herpes, ĕtis m herpes
hiātus, us m gap щель, расщелина
hilus, i m hilus ворота
hippocampus, i m hippocamp(us) гиппокамп
hippocraticus, a, um Hippocratic Гиппократов
Hippophaё, ёs f sea buckthorn облепиха
hirūdo, ĭnis f leech пиявка
Homatropīnum, i n homatropine гоматропин
homo, ĭnis m man человек
honor, ōris m honour честь, почесть
horizontalis, e horizontal горизонтальный
humeralis, e humeral плечевой
humor, ōris m body-fluid влага
hydrobromĭdum, i n hydrobromide гидробромид
hydrocarbōnas, ātis m hydrogen carbonate гидрокарбонат
Hydrochlorĭdum, i n, hydrochloride гидрохлорид
Hydrogenium, i n hydrogen водород
hydroiodĭdum, i n hydroiodide гидроиодид
hydrotārtras, ātis m hydrotartrate гидротартрат
hydroxўdum, i n hydroxide гидроксид
hyoideus, a, um hyoid подъязычный (кость)
hypogastricus, a, um hypogastric подчервный
hypoglossus, a, um hypoglossal подъязычный (нерв)
hypophўsis, is f hypophysis гипофиз
Ichthyōlum, i n ichthammol ихтиол
icterus, i m jaundice желтуха
ile, ilis n; ilia, ilium pl iliac region подвздошная область
bowel (intestinal), непроходимость ки-
ileus, i m
obstruction шечника
iliăcus, a, um iliac подвздошный
iliohypogastricus, a, um iliohypogastric
impressio, ōnis f impression вдавление
в, на (с Асс.
на вопрос
in in
с Аbl. на вопрос где?)
in die, de die daily ежедневно
incisio, ōnis f incision надрез, насечка
incisīvus, a, um incisor (adj.) резцовый
incisūra, ae f incisure вырезка
указатель, указатель-
index, ĭcis m forefinger
ный палец
infans, ntis m, f child ребёнок
inferior, ius lower нижний
inflammatio, ōnis f inflammation воспаление
inflammatorius, a, um inflammatory воспалительный
infraclavicularis, e infraclavicular подключичный
infrahyoideus, a, um infrahyoid подподьязычный
infrajugularis, e infrajugular подъяремный
infraorbitalis, e infraorbital подглазничный
infundibulum, i n funnel воронка
infusum, i n infusion настой
inguen, ĭnis n groin пах
inguinalis, e inguinal паховый
injectio, ōnis f injection инъекция
insanabilis, e incurable неизлечимый
insufficientia, ae f insufficiency недостаточность
integer, gra, grum intact неповрежденный
intercostalis, e intercostal межреберный
interlobularis, e interlobular междольковый
средний, промежу-
intermedius, a, um intermediary
intermittens, ends intermittent
intermuscularis, e intermuscular межмышечный
internus, a, um internal внутренний
interosseus, a, um interosseous межкостный
interstitialis, e interstitial промежуточный
intervertebralis, e intervertebral межпозвоночный
intestinalis, e intestinal кишечный
intestinum crassum large intestine толстая кишка
intestīnum, i intestine кишка
intra (с Асc.) within внутри
intraarticularis, e intra-articular внутрисуставной
intramuscularis, e intramuscular внутримышечный
перевернутый, извра-
inversus, a, um inverted
iodĭdum, i n iodide йодид
радужка, радужная
iris, ĭdis f iris
ischiadicus, a, um ischiadic седалищный
ischium, i n ischium седалище
isotonicus, a, um isotonic изотонический
isthmus, i n isthmus перешеек
относящийся к то-
jejunalis, e jejunal
щей кишке
jejunum, i n jejunum тощая кишка
jugularis, e jugular ярёмный
jugum, i n ridge возвышение
junctūra, ae f juncture соединение
Junipĕrus, i f juniper можжевельник
juvenilis, e juvenile юношеский, молодой
labium, i n lip губа
лабиринт, внутреннее
labyrinthus, i m labyrinth
lac, lactis n milk молоко
lacrīma, ae f tear слеза
lacrimalis, e lacrimal слёзный
lactas, ātis m lactate лактат
laesus, a, um damaged поврежденный
lamella, ae f plate пластинка
lamĭna, ae f plate пластинка
larynx, ýngis m larynx гортань
lateralis, e lateral боковой
Latīnus, a, um Latin латинский
latissĭmus, a, um widest широчайший
latitūdo, ĭnis f width ширина
latus, a, um wide широкий
laxans, antis laxative слабительный
lens, lentis f lens хрусталик
Leonūrus, i m motherwort пустырник
letalis, e lethal, fatal, mortal смертельный
подниматель, подни-
levator, ōris m levator
мающая мышца
ligamentum, i n ligament связка
linea, ae f line линия, черта
lingua, ae f tongue язык
lingualis, e lingual язычный
lingula, ae f uvula язычок
linimentum, i n liniment линимент
Linum, i n flax лен
liquor Ammonii liquid ammonia anise нашатырно-анисовые
anisatus (i) dripped капли
liquor, oris m fluid жидкость, раствор
lobaris, e lobar долевой
lobulus, i m lobe долька
localis, e local местный
locus, i m place, spot место
longitudinalis, e longitudinal продольный
longus, a, um long длинный
lumbalis, e lumbar поясничный
lumbosacralis, e lumbosacral
lumbus, i m loin поясница
lymphaticus, a, um lymphatic лимфатический
M. = Misce! Mix! Смешай!
magnus, a, um great, large большой, больший
major, jus greater большой
malignus, a, um malignant злокачественный
malus, a, um bad плохой, худой
молочная железа,
mamma, ae f breast
mandibula, ae f lower jaw нижняя челюсть
mandibularis e mandibular нижнечелюстной
manubrium, i n presternum рукоятка
manus, us f hand кисть руки, рука
margo, ĭnis m border край, граница
masculinus, a, um masculine мужской
massēter, ēris m masseter (muscle) жевательная мышца
masticatorius, a, um chewing жевательный
mastoideus, a, um mastoid сосцевидный
мать, мозговая обо-
mater, tris f mother, mater
matrix, ĭcis f matrix ложе, основание
maxilla, ae f upper jaw верхняя челюсть
maxillaris, e maxillary верхнечелюстной
maxĭmus, a, um greatest
meātus, us m passage проход, ход
medialis, e medial средний, медиальный
mediānus, a, um median срединный
mediastinalis, e mediastinal средостенный
mediastinum, i n mediastinum средостение
medicamentum, i n;
drug лекарство
pharmacon, i n
medicīna, ae f medicine медицина
medicinalis, e medicinal лекарственный
medicus, i m physician врач
medius, a, um middle средний
medulla oblongāta rachidian bulb продолговатый мозг
medulla ossium bone marrow костный мозг
medulla spinalis spinal cord/marrow спинной мозг
medulla, ae f marrow мозговое вещество
mel, mellis n honey мёд
membrāna, ae f membrane мембрана, перепонка
membranaceus, a. um membranaceous перепончатый
membranula, ae f film плёнка
membrum, i n limb конечность, член
memoria, ae f memory память
meninx, ngis f coat of brain мозговая оболочка
mens, mentis f mind, intellect ум
mentalis, e mental подбородочный
Mentha, ae f mint мята
Menthōlum, i n menthol ментол
mentum, i n chin подбородок
metacarpus, i m metacarpus пясть
metastāsis, is f metastasis метастаз
metastaticus, a, um metastatic метастатический
Methylēnum coeruleum methylene blue метиленовый синий
Methylii salicýlas (ātis),
methyl salicylate метилсалицилат
Methyloestradiōlum, i n methylestradiol метилэстрадиол
Millefolium, i n milfoil тысячелистник
minor, minus lesser малый, меньший
misceo, ēre II mix мешать, смешивать
митральный, дву-
mitralis, e mitral
mixtura, ae f mixture микстура
mixtus, a, um mixed смешанный
подвижный, блужда-
mobĭlis, e movable
большой коренной
molaris, e molar (attr.)
(зуб), моляр
disease, malady,
morbus, i m болезнь, заболевание
illness, sickness
mors, mortis f death смерть
mortuus, a, um dead мёртвый, умерший
моторный, двигатель-
motorius, a, um motor (attr.)
mucilāgo, ĭis f mucilage слизь (лек. ф.)
mucōsus, a, um mucous слизистый
mucus, i m mucus слизь
muscularis, e muscular мышечный
musculus, i m muscle мышца
mylohyoideus, a, um mylohyoid
myocardium, i n myocardium миокард
Naphthalānum, i n naphthalan нафталан
narcōsis, is f anesthesia наркоз
naris, is f nostril ноздря
nasalis, e nasal носовой
nasociliaris, e naasociliary носоресничный
nasolacrimalis, e nasolacrimal носослезный
nasus, i m nose нос
относящийся к ро-
natalis, e natal
ждению, родной
natus, a, um born рожденный
не повторять, т.е. не
приготовлять повтор-
ne repetatur, ne repet. но предписанное в
do not repeat
(сокр. в рецептах) рецепте и уже один
раз приготовленное
necrōsis, is f necrosis некроз, омертвение
necroticus, a, um necrotic омертвелый,
neoplasma, atis n newgrowth
nervōsus, a, um nervous нервный
nervus, i m nerve нерв
neuter, tra, trum neuter средний (род)
niger, gra, grum black чёрный, тёмный
nitens, entis brilliant блестящий
nitras, ātis m nitrate нитрат
nitris, itīs m nitrite нитрит
Nitrogenium, i n nitrogen азот
nodulus, i m nodule узелок
nodus, i m node узел
nomen, ĭnis n name название, имя
non not не
nonus, a, um ninth девятый
notus, a, um known известный
novem nine девять
nucha, ae f nape выя
nuclearis, e nuclear ядерный
nucleus, i m nucleus ядро
numĕrus, i m number число
nutricius, a, um nutritious питательный
относящийся к пита-
nutriens, entis nutrient нию, доставляющий
пищу, питающий
nux, nucis f nut орех
obductus, a, um coated покрытый оболочкой
oblata, ae f cachet капсула, облатка
obliquus, a, um oblique косой, наклонный
oblongātus, a, um oblong продолговатый
occipitalis, e occipital затылочный
occipitofrontalis, e occipitofrontal затылочно-лобный
occipitotemporalis, e occipitotemporal затылочно-височный
occĭput, ĭtis n occiput затылок
octavus, a, um eighth восьмой
octo eight восемь
Octoestrōlum, i n octestrol октэстрол
ocularis, e ocular окулярный, глазной
oculomotorius, a, um oculomotor(ius) глазодвигательный
oculus, i m eye глаз
oedema, ătis n edema отёк
oedematōsus, a, um edematous
oesophăgus, i m esophagus, gullet пищевод
officīna, ae f drugstore мастерская, аптека
olecrănon, i n elbow process локтевой отросток
oleosus, a, um oily масляный
oleum aethereum essential oil эфирное масло
oleum Helianthi sunflower oil подсолнечное масло
oleum Morruae = oleum
cod-liver-oil рыбий жир
jecoris Aselli
oleum Olivārum olive oil оливковое масло
oleum Paraffini = oleum
liquid paraffin вазелиновое масло
oleum Persicōrum peach oil персиковое масло
oleum Ricĭni castor oil касторовое масло
терпентинное масло,
oleum Terebinthĭnae turpentine
oleum Vaselini seu вазелиновое масло,
liquid paraffin
Paraffinum liquidum жидкий парафин
oleum, i n oil масло
olfactorius, a, um olfactory обонятельный
Olīva, ae f olive олива (плод)
omentum, i n omentum сальник
omni bihora (omn.bih.) every two hours каждые два часа
omni hora (omn. hor.) every hour каждый час
omohyoideus, a, um scapulohypoglossal
ophthalmica (remedia), глазные лекарствен-
ophthalmic remedies
n/pl ные средства
ophthalmicus, a, um ophthalmic глазной
opticus. a, um optic
optimus, a, um best наилучший
oralis, e oral ротовой
орбикулярный, круго-
orbicularis, e orbicular
вой, кольцевой
orbĭta, ae f eye socket глазница
orbitalis, e orbital глазничный
organismus, i m organism организм
orgănum, i n organ орган
orōtas, ātis m orotate оротат
orthodontia, ae f orthodontics ортодонтия
os, oris n mouth рот
os, ossis n bone кость
osseus, a, um bony костный
ostium, i n mouth отверстие, устье
ovalis, e oval овальный
ovarium, i n ovary яичник
ovum, i n egg cell яйцо, яйцеклетка
oxўdum, i n oxide оксид
в равных частях,
p.aeq. = partes aequales in equal parts равными частями
сокр. в рецептах)
palatīnus, a, um palatine, palatal нёбный
palatoglossus, a, um palatoglossal нёбно-язычный
palātum, i n palate небо
palmaris, e palmar ладонный
palpebra, ae f eyelid веко
pancreas, ătis n pancreas
papilla, ae f nipple, papilla сосок, сосочек
papillaris, e papillary
paralysis, is f paralysis паралич
парамнезия, псевдо-
paramnesia, ae f false recollection
парасакральный, око-
локрестцовый, рас-
parasacralis, e parasacral
положенный около
крестцовой кости
parasternalis, e parasternal окологрудинный
parathyroideus, a, um parathyroid(al) околощитовидный
parenchyma, ătis n parenchyma паренхима
parēsis, is f partial paralysis парез
paries, ĕtis m wall стена, стенка
parietalis, e parietal
parietooccipitalis, e parietooccipital теменно-затылочный
parodontium, i n para-
periodontium пародонт
dentium, i n
паротидный, около-
paroticus, a, um parotic
parōtis, otĭdis f parotid gland околоушная железа
pars, partis f part, portion часть, сторона
partialis, e partial частичный
pasta, ae f paste паста
лекарственная па-
pastillus, i m lozenge
patella, ae f knee-cap надколенник
patellaris, e patellar пателлярный
pectoralis, e pectoral грудной
pectus, ŏris n; thorax,
chest грудь; грудная клетка
ācis m
pelvicus, a, um pelvic тазовый
pelvinus, a, um pelvic тазовый
pelvis renalis renal pelvis почечная лоханка
pelvis, is f pelvis таз, лоханка
perforans, āntis perforating прободающий
periarterialis, e periarterial
perineum, i n perineum, fork промежность
периодонт, надкост-
periodontium, i n peridental membrane
ница зуба
periosteum, i n periosteum надкостница
peritonēum, i n peritoneum брюшина
perivascularis, e perivascular
peronēus, a, um peroneal малоберцовый
by mouth, through пероральный,
peroralis, e; per os
the mouth, per os через рот
peroxydum, i n peroxide пероксид
Persĭcum, i n peach персик
pes, pedis m foot стопа, нога
petrosus, a, um petrous каменистый
phalanx, ngis f phalanx фаланга
pharmacia, ae f pharmaceutics фармация
pharyngeus, a, um pharyngeal глоточный
pharynx, ngis m pharynx глотка
Phenylii salicýlas (ātis)
phenyl salicylate фенилсалицилат
phosphas, ātis m phosphate фосфат
мягкая мозговая
pia mater, tris f pia mater
pilula, ae f pill пилюля
piperītus, a, um pepper (adj.) перечный
pituitarius, a, um pituitary питуитарный
plantaris, e plantar подошвенный
planum, i n plane плоскость
planus, a, um flat плоский
plasma, ătis n plasma плазма
platýsma, ătis n platysma платизма
plexus, us m plexus сплетение
plica, ae f fold складка
Plumbum, i n lead свинец
pneumonia, ae f pneumonia пневмония
pollex, ĭcis m thumb большой палец кисти
polў pus, i m polyp полип
мост; образование,
pons, pontis m bridge
подобное мосту
porta, ae f gate ворота
1. позади, за 2. после,
post (c Acc.) behind
postcibal, after meals,
postcibos (p. c.) после еды
after eating
posterior, ius posterior задний
postganglionaris, e postganglionic постганглионарный
praecentralis, e precentral
praescrīptio, ōnis f,
prescription рецепт
receptum, i n
primus, a, um first первый
pro (c Abl.) for для, за
pro die per day, daily в день, в сутки
processus, us m process отросток
profundus, a, um deep глубокий
prognōsis, is f prognosis прогноз
пронация, поворот
pronatio, ōnis f pronation
ладони вниз
pronātor, ōris m pronator (muscle) пронатор
prophylāxis, is f prevention of disease профилактика
propionas, ātis m propionate пропионат
proprius, a, um proper собственный
prostata, ae f prostate gland
prostaticus, a, um prostatic предстательный
protuberantia, ae f protuberance выступ, бугор
proximalis, e proximal проксимальный
зуд кожи или слизи-
pruritus, us m itch
стых оболочек
psoas, ătis m psoas (muscle) поясничная (мышца)
pterygoid, wing-
pterygoideus, a, um крыловидный
pterygopalatinus, a, um pterygopalatine крылонебный
pubes, is f pubis лобок
pulmo, ōnis m lung легкое
pulmonalis, e pulmonary легочный
pulpa, ae f pulp пульпа, мякоть
pulsus, us m pulse пульс
pulvis, ĕris m powder порошок
punctio, ōnis f puncture пункция, прокол
pupilla, ae f pupil зрачок
purificatus, a, um purified очищенный
purus, a, um pure чистый
pus, puris n pus гной
pyloricus, a, um pyloric привратниковый
pylōrus, i m pylorus привратник, пилорус
pyramidalis, e pyramidal пирамидальный
pyrămis, ĭdis f pyramid пирамида
quadrīceps, cipĭtis quadriceps четырёхглавый
четырёхпарный, чет-
quadrigeminus, a, um quadrigeminal
сколько угодно
quantum libet, q.l. as much as is desired
(в рецептах)
(сколько нужно,
quantum satis, q.s., as much as suffices, сколько потребуется,
quantum sufficit, q.suff. as much as needed сколько нужно
(в рецептах)
сколько угодно (в ре-
quantum vis, q.v. as much as you like
how much, as much
quantum, i n сколько
каждый час
quaquehora, q.h. every hour
(в рецептах)
quartus, a, um fourth четвёртый
quattuor four четыре
Quercus, us f oak дуб
quinque five пять
quintus, a, um fifth пятый
rabies, ēi f rabies бешенство
radialis, e radial лучевой
radiatio, ōnis f radiation лучистость
radius, i m лучевая кость
radial (spoke) bone
radix, īcis f root корень, корешок
ramus, i m branch ветвь
raphe, es f seam, rhaphe
(на мягких тканях)
reanimatio, ōnis f resuscitation реанимация
recessus, us m recess углубление, карман
recĭpe! take! возьми!
recipio, ĕre III take взять
rectalis, e rectal ректальный
rectificātus, a, um rectified очищенный
rectum, i n rectum прямая кишка
regio, ōnis f region область
medical certificate, медицинское
relatio medica
certificate of health свидетельство
remedium, i n remedy средство
ren, renis m kidney почка
renalis, e renal почечный
repeto, ĕre III repeat повторять
resectio, ōnis f resection, excision резекция
respiratio, ōnis f respiration, breathing дыхание
respiratorius, a, um respiratory дыхательный
rete, is n network сеть, сетка
reticularis, e reticular ретикулярный
retīna, ae f retina сетчатка
retinaculum, i n retaining band удерживатель
retromandibularis, e retromandibular
retroperitonealis, e retroperitoneal забрюшинный
Rheum, i n rhubarb ревень
rhizōma, ătis n rhizome корневище
rhomboideus, a, um rhombic ромбовидный
Ricĭnus, i m castor-oil plant клещевина
Rosa, ae f wild rose роза, шиповник
rotator, ōris m rotator (muscle) вращатель (мышца)
rotundus, a, um round круглый (отверстие)
ruber, bra, brum red красный
rubor, ōris redness покраснение
ruptura, ae f rupture разрыв
saccharum, i n sugar сахар
sacer, cra, crum sacred крестцовый (кость)
sacralis, e sacral крестцовый
sacrococcygeus, a, um sacrococcygeal
сагиттальный (стре-
sagittalis, e sagittal
sal, salis m salt соль
salicylas, ātis m salicylate салицилат
salicylicus, a, um salicylic салициловый
Salvia, ae f sage шалфей
кровеносный, крова-
sanguineus, a, um bloody
sanguis, ĭnis m blood кровь
sarcōma, ătis n sarcoma саркома
satis enough довольно, достаточно
scabies, ēi f scabies чесотка
scalēnus, a, um scalenus (muscle) лестничный (мышца)
scaphoideus, a, um scaphoid ладьевидный
scatŭla, ae f box коробка, коробочка
secretum, i n secretion секрет
sectio caesarea c(a)esarean section кесарево сечение
post mortem, sectio судебно-медицинское
sectio legalis
legalis вскрытие
sectio, ōnis f section рассечение, вскрытие
secundarius, a, um secondary вторичный
secundus, a, um second второй
седативные лекар-
sedatīva (remedia), n/pl sedatives
ственные средства
sella, ae f saddle седло
semen, ĭnis n seed, semen
семенная жидкость
semicircularis, e semicircular полукружный
semilunaris, e semilunar
senilis, e senile старческий
чувствительный, сен-
sensorius, a, um sensory
sensus, us m sense чувство
septalis, e septal перегородочный
septum, i n partition перегородка
serotĭnus, a, um late поздний, запоздалый
seu or или
siccus, a, um dry сухой
1. левый
sinister, tra, trum left
2. неблагоприятный
sirŭpus, i m syrup сироп
solutio Ammonii нашатырный спирт,
liquid ammonia
caustici раствор аммиака
solūtus, a, um dissolved, solute растворённый
species, ēi f tea сбор (трав), чай
spissus, a, urn thick густой
splanchna (pl) internal organs внутренности
spritz-tubulus, i m syrette шприц-тюбик
squama, ae f scale чешуя
sternum, i n breast-bone грудина
mouth, artificial рот, уста, искусствен-
stoma, ătis n
opening ное отверстие
stratum, i n layer слой
sub (с Асc., Abl.) under под
с обозначением
sub signo veneni, s.s.v. under «poison» label (на этикетке) «яд!»
сокр. в рецептах
subcarbōnas, ātis m basic carbonate основной карбонат
subnitras, ātis m basic nitrate основной нитрат
succus, i m juice сок
sulcus, i m groove борозда, бороздка
sulfas, ātis m sulphate сульфат
Sulfur, ŭris n sulphur сера
supercilium, i n eyebrow бровь
superficialis, e superficial поверхностный
superficies, ēi f superficies
superior, ius superior верхний
супинация, поворот
supinātio, ōnis f supination
ладони вверх
supinātor, ōris m supinator (muscle) супинатор (мышца)
suppositorium, i n суппозиторий, свеча
(pl suppositories)
supra over над, выше, на
supraclavicularis, e supraclavicular надключичный
suprahyoideus, a, um suprahyoid надподязычный
supraorbitalis, e supraorbital надглазничный
suprarenalis, e suprarenal надпочечный
самый высокий,
suprēmus, a, um highest высочайший,
suspensio, ōnis f suspension суспензия
sutūra, ae f suture шов
sympathicus, a, um sympathic симпатический
Synoestrōlum, i n synestrol синэстрол
synovialis, e synovial синовиальный
systēma, ătis n system система
tabes, is f tabes сухотка
tabuletta, ae f tablet таблетка
taenia, ae f, vinculum,
band лента, связка
Talcum, i n talc тальк
talocruralis, e talocrural голеностопный
talus, i m ankle bone таранная кость
tarsus, i m tarsus
хрящ века
tegmen, ĭnis n roof крыша, покрышка
temporalis, e temporal височный
tempus, ŏris n temple, time висок, время
tendo, ĭnis m tendon сухожилие
tenius, e delicate тонкий, нежный
tensor, ōris m tensor muscle напрягающая мышца
ter in die three times a day три раза в день
teres, ĕtis round and long круглый
terminalis, e terminal
terminatio, ōnis f end конец, окончание
tertius, a, third тринадцать
testis, is m testicle яичко, семенник
thalămus, i m thalamus
(зрительный бугор)
терапевтика, наука
therapeutica, ae f therapeutics о лечении болезней,
наука о терапии
therapia, ae f therapy терапия
thiosulfas, ātis m thiosulphate тиосульфат
thoracicus, a, um thoracic грудной
thymus, i n thymus вилочковая железа
thyreoideus, a, um thyroid щитовидный
thyrohyoideus, a, um thyrohyoid щито-подъязычный
tibialis, e tibial большеберцовый
tinctūra, ae f tincture настойка
тонизирующие лекар-
tonĭca (remedia) n/pl tonics
ственные средства
tonĭcus, a, um tonic тонизирующий
tonsilla, ae f tonsil миндалина
toxicus, a, um toxic, poisonous
trachea, ae f trachea трахея
tractus, us m tract путь, тракт
transfusio, ōnis f transfusion переливание
transversus, a, um transverse поперечный
trauma, ătis n trauma травма
tres, tria three три
triangularis, e triangular треугольный
triceps, cipĭtis triceps (muscle) трёхглавый
tricuspidalis, e tricuspid трёхстворчатый
trigeminus, a, um тройничный (нерв)
(IV cranial nerve)
triginta thirty тридцать
Tritĭcum, i n wheat пшеница
trochanter, ēris m trochanter вертел
trochantericus, a, um trochanteric вертельный
trochlea, ae f trochlea блок
блоковый, относя-
trochlearis, e trochlear
щийся к блоку
trophicus, a, um trophic трофический
truncus, i m trunk туловище
tuba, ae f tube труба
tuber, ĕris n tuber бугор
tuberculum, i n tubercle бугорок
tuberosĭtas, ātis f tuberosity бугристость
tuberōsus, a, um tuberous бугристый
tubulus, i m tubule трубочка
tumor, ōris m tumour опухоль
tunĭca, ae f coat оболочка
tussis, is f cough tussis, is f
tympanicus, a, um tympanic барабанный
tympănum, i n drum барабан
ulcerosus, a, um ulcerative язвенный
ulcus, ĕris n ulcer язва
ulna, ae f elbow bone локтевая кость
ulnaris, e ulnar локтевой
undecim eleven одинадцать
undecimus, a, um eleventh одиннадцатый
unguentum, i n ointment мазь
unguis, is m nail ноготь
unus, a, um one один
urēter, ēris m ureter мочеточник
уретра, мочеиспуска-
urethra, ae f urethra
тельный канал
urethralis, e urethral уретральный
urinarius, a, um urinary мочевой
urogenitalis, e genitourinary мочеполовой
Urtīca, ae f fettle крапива
uterīnus, a, um uterine маточный
utĕrus, i m uterus, womb матка
vagīna, ae f vagina, sheath влагалище
vaginalis, e vaginal влагалищный
vagus nerve (Xth cra-
vagus, a, um блуждающий (нерв)
nial nerve)
common [cat’s] va-
лекарственная вале-
Valeriāna officinalis lerian, garden helio-
Valeriāna, ae f valerian валериана
valetūdo, ĭnis f health здоровье
valva, ae f valve клапан (в целом)
valvula, ae f valvule заслонка, клапан
varicella, ae f chicken-pox
ветряная оспа
varices, m, f/pl varicosis
расширение вен
varicōsus, a, um varicose варикозный
varix, ĭcis m, f varix, varicose vein варикозная вена
vas, vasis n vessel сосуд
vascularis, e vascular сосудистый
vena, ae f vein вена
venēnum, i n poison яд
venōsus, a, um venousl венозный, венный
venter, tris m; abdōmen, брюшко (мышцы),
ĭnis n брюхо; живот, брюхо
ventralis, e ventral вентральный
ventricularis, e veniricular желудочковый
ventriculus, i m ventricule желудочек, желудок
venula, ae f venule маленькая вена
vermiformis, e vermiform червеобразный
vertebra, ae f vertebra позвонок
vertebralis, e vertebral позвоночный
vertex, ĭcis m crown of the head темя, вершина
verto, ĕre III turn поворачивать
vesīca fellea, vesīca
gallbladder желчный пузырь
vesīca urinaria urinary bladder мочевой пузырь
vesīca, ae f bladder пузырь
vesicula, ae f vesicle везикула, пузырек
vesicularis, e vesicular везикулярный
vesiculosus, a, um vesiculose
vestibularis, e vestibular
via, ae f way путь
viginti twenty двадцать
villus, i m villus ворсинка
Viōla, ae f violet фиалка
virus, i n virus яд, вирус
внутренности, вну-
viscĕra, um n pl viscera тренние органы в
брюшной полости
viscus, ĕris n viscera внутренность
vita, ae f life жизнь
vitamīnum, i n vitamin витамин
vitrum, i n test-tube склянка, пробирка
vivus, a, um alive живой
volvulus, i m twisted bowels заворот кишок
vomer, ĕris m plowshare сошник
vortex, ĭcis m vortex (of heart) завиток (сердца)
vulnus, ĕris n wound рана
Xeroformĭum, i n xeroform ксероформ
zygōma, ătis n cheek bone скула, скуловая кость
zygomatĭcus, a, um zygomatic скуловой
abdomino-, laparo- abdomen
aсro-, -acria limb
acromio- acromion
adeno- gland
-masto- mammary gland
-pancreato- pancreas
-parotido- parotid gland
-prostato- prostate
-thymo- thymus
-thyreo-, thyr(e)-oideo- thyroid gland
adeno- lymph node
-ganglio- ganglion
aesthesio-, -aesthesia sensitivity
aetio- cause
aero- air
algo-, -algia, -algesia, -odynia pain
allo- other, different
andro-, andria male
angio- vessel
aniso- unequal
anthropo- human
aorto- aorta
arterio- artery
arthro- joint
astheno-, -asthenia weakness
auto- self
bath(y)- deep
bio- life
-blastus, blasto- embryonic
blepharo- eyelid
brachy- short
brady- slow
bary- heavy
brachi- shoulder
carcino-, carcinoma(t)o- cancer
cardio-, -cardium heart
-cele hernia
-centesis puncture
cephalo-, -cephalia, kephalo- head
cervico-, trachelo- cervix of uterus
cheilo-, -cheilia lip
cheiro-, chiro, -cheiria hand
chloro- green, chlorine
cholangio- bile duct
cholecysto- gallbladder
choledocho- common bile duct
chondro- cartilage
chrom(at)o-, chromia colour
chromo- colouring
chrono- time
clasia- destruction
colpo-, sterco- vagina
corpo-, sterco- feces
cox- thigh
crino-, -crinia secretion
cryo- low temperature
cyano- blue, cyanic
cysto- bladder
-cholecysto- gallbladder
cyt-, cyto- cell
-cytosis increased amount (of blood cells)
dacryo- tear
dacryocysto- lacrimal sac
dactylo- finger
derma-, dermo-, dermato- skin
-desis binding
dolicho- elongated
dynamo-, -dynamia force, power
-ectasia, -ectasis dilation
-ectomia excision
encephalo- brain
entero- intestine
-colo- colon
-colo- large intestine
-duodeno duodenum
-entero- small intestine
-ileo- ileum
-jejuno- jejunum
-procto- rectum
-sigmoido- sigmoid colon
-typhlo- caecum
ergo-, -ergia reactivity
erythro- red
eu- normal
eurysis dilation of hollow organ
galacto- milk
gastro-, -gastria stomach
genio-, -genia chin
-genesis development
-genus caused by, causing
ger(i)-, gero-, geronto- senile
glosso-, -glossia tongue
glyco-, gluco- glucose
gnatho-, -gnathia upper jaw
-genia lower jaw
gnosia, -gnosis knowledge
gono- knee
-gramma record
-graphia recording
gyn(aec)o- female
haemo-, haemato-, -aemia blood
hemi- half
hepato- liver
hetero- different
hidro- sweat
hist(io)- tissue
homeo- same
hydro- water
hystero-, metro-, -metra-, -metrium uterus, womb
iater- physician
-iatria, -therapia treatment
irido- iris
iso- equal
-itis inflammation
kerato- cornea
kinem(at)o-, kineto-, kinesia movement
laparo- abdomen
laryngo- larynx
lepto- soft
leuco- white
lieno-, spleno- spleen
lipo- fat
litho- stone
-logia study, science
logo- word
logo-, -lalia speech
lymphadeno- lymph node
lymphangio- lymph vessel
lympho-, chylo- lymph
-lysis destruction
lyt-, -lysis dissolution
macro- large
-malacia softening
melo- cheek
megal(o)-, -megalia, macro- enlargement
melano- dark, black
meningo- meninges
leptomeningo- soft meninx
-pachymeningo- hard meninx
metr-, -metria measuring
micro- small
-oligo- scanty
-mnesia memory
morpho- shape; form
myelo- medullary substance
-myelo- spinal cord
-osteomyelo- bone marrow
myo-, -mysium muscle
nephro-, -reno- kidney
noso- disease
neo- new
necro- death
odonto-, -odontia tooth
oligo- insufficient
omphalo- navel
onco-, -oma tumour
onycho-, -onychia nail
oophoro-, ovario- ovary
oo- ovum
op-, -opia, ophtalmo-, ophthalmia eye
opsia vision
orchid-, orchido-, -orchia, -orchidia testicle
ortho- straight
-osis condition
osteo- bone
oto, -otia ear
-oxia, oxy- oxidation
oxy-, oxygenio- oxygen
pachy- thick
paedo- child
pan-, panto- whole, all
patho-, -pathia disease
-penia decreased number
perineo- perineum
peritoneo- peritoneum
-pexia fixation
phaco-, -phakia lens
phago-, -phagia swallowing, eating
pharmaco- drug
pharyngo- pharynx
philo-, -philia predisposition to
phlebo- vein
-phobia fear
phono-, -phonia sound, voice
phreno-, psycho- mind
phrenico- diaphragmatic
-plasia development
-plastica plastic surgery
platy- flat
-plegia paralysis
pneumo-, pneumono- lung; air in organ
-pnoё respiration
podo-, -podia foot
poly- multiple
-poёsis formation
-privus deprived
procto- anus, rectun
pseudo- false
psycho- mind
-ptosis prolapse
pyelo- renal pelvis
pyloro- pylorus
pyo- pus
pyr(et)o- fever
retino- retina
rhachio- spine
-rhaphia suturing
-rhexis rupture
rhino- nose
-rrhagia bleeding
-rrhoea discharge
salpingo- tube
-salpingo- fallopian tube
-salpingo- Eustachian tube
schiso-, -schisis cleft
sclero-, pachy- hard
sclero- white of eye
-scopia visual examination
sialo-, -sialia saliva
soma-, somato- body
spasmo- spasm
sphygmo-, -sphygmia pulse
splanchno- viscera
spondylo- vertebra
-stasis control; arrest; congestion
steno-, stenosis tightening
stetho- chest
stom(at)o- mouth
-stomia placing a fistula
tachy- fast
-tensio hydrostatic pressure
tel(e)o- distant
teno- tendon
thalamo- thalamus
thermo-, -thermia heat
thoraco- chest
-tomia dissection
tomo- layer
tono-, -tonia tone; pressure
topo- place; location
toxo-, toxi(c)o- poison(ous)
tracheo- windpipe
tricho-, -trichia hair
tropho-, -trophia nourishment
tropo-, -tropia affecting
ulo- gum
urano- palate
uretero- ureter
uro-, -uresis, -uria urination
xantho- yellow
xero- dry
abdomen abdomino-, laparo-
acromion acromio-
affecting tropo-, -tropia
affixing -pexis, -pexia
air aёro-
all pan-, panto-
anus procto-
aorta aorto-
artery arterio-
bile chol-, -cholia
bile duct cholangio-
binding -desis
black melano-
bladder cysto-
bleeding -rrhagia
blood haemo-, haemato-, -aemia
blue cyano-
body soma-, somato-
bone osteo-
bone marrow -osteomyelo-
brain encephalo-
cancer carcino-, carcinoma((at)o)-
cartilage chondro-
cause aetio-
caused by, causing -genus
cell cyt-, cyto-, kytos
cervix of uterus cervico-, trachelo-
cheek melo-
chest stetho-, thoraco-
chin genio-, -genia
child paedo-
cleft schiso-, -schisis
colour chrom(at)o-, -chromia
colouring chromo-
common bile duct choledocho-
condition -osis
congestion -stasis
control -stasis
cornea kerato-
cutting -tomia
cyanic cyano-
dark melano-
death necro-
decreased number (of blood cells) - penia
deep bath(y)-
deprived -privus
destruction -clasia
destruction -lysis
development -genesis; -plasia
diaphragmatic phrenico-
different allo-; hetero-
dilation -ectasia, -ectasis
dilation of hollow organ -eurysis
discharge -rrhoea
disease noso-; patho-, -pathia
dissolution lyt-, -lysis
dissection -tomia
distant tel(e)o-. tele-, telo-
drug pharmaco-
dry xero-
ear oto-, -otia
eating phago-, -phagia
elongated dolicho-
embryonic -blastus, blasto-
enlargement megal(o)-, -megalia, macro-
equal iso-
examination -scopia
excision -ectomia
eye op-, -opia, ophthalmo-, -ophthalmia
eyelid blepharo-
false pseudo-
fast tachy-
fat lipo-
fear -phobia
female gyn(aec)o-
feces сорrо-, sterco-
fever pyr(et)o-
finger dactylo-
fixation -pexia
flat platy-
foot podo-, -podia
force, power dynamo-, -dynamia
formation -poёsis
gallbladder cholecysto-
ganglion ganglio-
gland adeno-
- mammary gland masto-
- pancreas pancreato-
- parotid gland parotido-
- prostate prostato-
- thymus thymo-
- thyroid gland -thyreo-, thyr(e)(oideo)-
glucose glyco-, gluco-
green chloro-
gum ulo-
hair tricho-, -trichia
half hemi-
hand cheiro-, chiro-, -cheiria
hard sclero-, pachy-
head cephalo-, -cephalia, kephalo-
heart cardio-, -cardium
heat thermo-, -thermia
heavy bary-
hernia -cele
human anthropo-
hydrostatic pressure -tensio
incision -tomia
increased amount (of blood cells) -cytosis
indurated sclero-, pachy-
inflammation -itis
insufficient oligo-
intestine entero-
- large intestine colo-
- caecum typhlo-
- colon colo-
- duodenum duodeno-
- ileum ileo- -ileum
-jejunum jejuno-
- rectum procto-
- sigmoid colon sigmoido-
- small intestine entero-
iris irido-
jaw: - lower jaw -genia
upper jaw gnatho-, -gnathia
joint arthro-
kidney nephro-, reno-
knee gono-
knowledge -gnosia, -gnosis
lacrimal sac dacryocysto-
large macro-
larynx laryngo-
layer tomo-
lens phaco-, -phakia
life bio-
limb aero-, -acria
lip cheilo-, -cheilia
liver hepato-
location topo-
low temperature cryo-
lung; air in organ pneumo-, pneumono-
lymph lympho-, chylo-
lymph node adeno-; lymphadeno-
lymph vessel lymphangio-
male andro-, -andria
measuring metr-, -metria
medullary substance myelo-
memory -mnesia
meninges meningo-
- soft meninx leptomeningo-
- hard meninx -pachymeningo
milk galacto-
mind phreno-, psycho-
mouth stom(at)o-
movement kinem(at)o-, kineto-, -kinesia
multiple poly-
muscle myo-, -mysium
nail onycho-, -onychia
navel omphalo-
new neo-
normal eu-
nose rhino-
nourishment tropho-, -trophia
other allo-
ovary oophoro-, ovario-
ovum oo-
oxidation -oxia, oxy-
oxygen oxy-, oxygenio-
pain algo-, -algia, -algesia, -odynia
palate urano-
paralysis -plegia
perineum perineo-
peritoneum peritoneo-
pharynx pharyngo-
physician -iater
place topo-
placing a fistula -stomia
plastic surgery -plastica
poison(ous) toxo-, toxi(c)o-
predispotion to philo-, -philia
pressure tono-, -tonia
prolapse, a falling -ptosis
pulse sphygmo-, -sphygmia
puncture -centesis
pus pyo-
pylorus pyloro-
reactivity ergo-, -ergia
record -gramma
recording -graphia
red erythro-
renal pelvis pyelo-
respiration -pnoё
retina retino-
rupture -rhexis
saliva sialo-, -sialia
same homeo-
scanty -oligo-
secretion crino-, -crinia
self auto-
senile ger(i)-, gero-, geronto-
sensitivity aesthesio-, -aesthesia
shape, form morpho-
shaping -plasia
short brachy-
shoulder brachi-
skin -derma, dermo-, dermato-
slow brady-
small micro-
soft lepto-
softening -malacia
sound, voice phono-, -phonia
spasm spasmo-
speech logo-, -lalia
spinal cord myelo-
spine rhachio-
spleen lieno-, spleno-
stomach gastro-, -gastria
stone litho-
straight ortho-
study, science -logia
suffering pathos, -pathia
suturing -rhaphia
sweat hidro-
swallowing, eating phago-, -phagia
tear dacryo-
tendon teno-
testicle orchid-, orchido-, -orchia, -orchidia
thalamus thalamo-
thick pachy-
thigh cox-
tightening steno-, -stenosis
time chrono-
tissue hist(io)-
tone tono-, -tonia
tongue glosso-, -glossia
tooth odonto-, -odontia
treatment -iatria, - therapia
tube salpingo-
Eustachian tube salpingo-
fallopian tube salpingo-
tumour onco-, -oma
unequal aniso-
ureter uretero-
urination uro-, -uresis, -uria
uterus hystero-, metro-, -metra-, -metrium
vagina colpo-, vagino-
vein phlebo-
vertebra spondylo-
vessel angio-
viscera splanchno-
vision -opsia
visual examination -scopia-
water hydro-
weakness astheno-, -asthenia
white leuco-
white of eye sclero-
whole pan-, panto-
windpipe tracheo-
word logo-
write -grapho
yellow xantho-
Docendo discĭmus — “We learn by teaching” (Seneca).
Donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos — “As long as you’re happy,
you’ll have many friends” (Ovid, Tristia 1, 9, 5).
Dosis pro cursu –– “Dose for the course of treatment”.
Dosis pro die –– “Daily dose”.
Dosis pro dosi –– “Single dose”.
Dulce enim etiam nomen est pacis –– “The name ‘peace’ is sweet itself”.
Dum spiro, spero — “As long as I breathe, I hope”.
Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem — “When two do the same, it isn’t
the same”.
Dura lex, sed lex — “The law is harsh, but it is the law”.
Dura necessĭtas — “Necessity is harsh”.
Labor omnia vincit — “Work conquers all things” (Virgil). Motto of the
Slate of Oklahoma
Laborare est orare — “To work is to pray” (A common school motto).
Libertati viam facere — “Making a road to freedom”.
Nulla est medicina sine lingua Latina — “No medicine without Latin”
Nulla regŭla sine exceptiōne — “Nо rule without exception”.
Nulla res tam necessaria est quam medicina — “Nothing is so necessary
as medicine”.
Nunc aut numquam — “Now or never”.
Oculi plus vident quam oculus — “Several eyes see more than only one”.
Omne vivum ex ovo — “Everything living comes from the egg”.
Omnia mea mecum porto — “All that’s mine I carry with me”. These
words are ascribed by Cicero to Byas, one of seven wisemen of Old Greece. It
means that the true wealth of a man is his inner dignity.
Omnia praeclara rara –– “Everything which is beautiful is rare”.
Omnium artium medicīna nobilissĭma est — “Medicine is the noblest of
all arts”.
Optĭmum medicamentum quies est –– “Peace is the best medicine” (the
words of Celsus).
О tempora, о mores! –– “Oh what time, oh what habits!” (Cicero).
Pro analўsi –– “For analysis “.
Pro auctore seu pro me –– “For the author or for myslef” (when the doctor
makes out a prerscriptionfor himself).
Prognosis optima (pessima) –– “Favourable (unfavourable) prognosis”.
Simīlia similĭbus curāntur — “Like cures like” (Samuel Hahnemann,
founder of homeopathy).
Situs viscĕrum inversus –– “Inverse position of internal organs”.
Sol lucet omnĭbus — “The sun shines for everyone”.
Statim! — “Immediately! (Urgently!)”.
Status communis –– “General state (of the patient)”.
Status localis –– “Local state”.
Status naturalis –– “Natural state”.
Status prāesens aegrōti –– “The patient’s present condition”.
Suum cuique — “To each what he deserves”.
Ubi bene, ibi patria — “Where one feels good, there is one’s country”.
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria — “Where there is harmony, there is victory”.
Ubi dubium, ibi libertas — “Where there is doubt, there is freedom”.
Ubi fumus, ibi ignis — “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire”.
Usus est optimus magister — “Practice makes perfect».
THE INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 5
DISODERS.................................................................................... 128
PROPERTIES, QUALITIES AND RELATIONS......................... 134
UNIT 6. REVISION OF UNITS 1–5........................................................... 137
Textbook for the Foreign Medical Students of the English Medium
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