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AD&D 2e Combat Cheat Sheet 1: Initiative

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AD&D 2e Combat Cheat Sheet 1

Initiative is determined every round – you have to declare what action you are taking before rolling –
that determines your action speed – which you add to the roll of a d10 (p94)
 Lowest initiative goes first.
 Anyone with multiple attacks gets those at the end in a sub-round. So every gets 1 attack. Then
everyone with 2 attacks that round compare initiative again and go in that order.

Full Move
 You can move 10x your Movement rate in one round if doing nothing else
 You can charge this distance and get a +2 to hit and -2 to Initiative, but a -1 AC and no Dex
bonuses to AC for that round (if the defender has a spear/polearm set to charge they do double
 You can move this distance and flee from combat, provoking an attack of opportunity
Half Move
 You can move half this and perform an action or performing a melee attack
 You can move half this and engage in missile fire at half your full rate
Third Move
 You can move one third this rate and withdraw from combat safely
No Move
 You can stand still and engage in missile fire at your full rate

Humans, elves, half-elves and minotaurs are MV 12. Gnomes are MV 6. So translating movement into
squares (5 feet) for you….

Movement MV 12 Squares MV 6 Squares

Full move 120 ft 24 60 ft 12
Half move 60 ft 12 30 ft 6
1/3 move 40 ft 8 20 ft 4

Common Combat Modifiers

Situation Roll Modifier

Attacker on higher ground +2
Defender invisible -4
Defender off balance +2
Defender sleeping or held Auto
Defender stunned or prone +4
Defender surprised +1
Missile fire, long range -5
Missile fire, short range -2
Rear attack +2
AD&D 2e Combat Cheat Sheet 2

Natural 20’s on attacks that don’t require a 20 to hit are critical hits that result in a full damage result
plus another roll. So a longsword that does 1d8 damage would do 8 + 1d8 damage on a critical.

A warrior fighting creatures with less than 1 Hit Die (1-1 HD or less) can make a number of attacks equal
to their level (i.e. a 3 rd level Knight of Solamnia can make 3 attacks). These attacks are handled in order
of initiative as normal.

Melee Combat Specific Rules

Shields protect you from a number of frontal or flank attacks in a round depending on their size – you
get to pick if you are using your shield against the attacks (remember we declare before rolling initiative
what we’re doing, so you’ll know who’s going for you).
 Buckler = 1 attack, +1 AC
 Small shield = 2 attacks, +1 AC
 Medium shield = any attacks, +1 AC
 Body = any attacks +1 AC (+2 AC vs missile weapons)

Parrying is an option – if you spend your round actively just parrying attacks you gain an AC bonus equal
to half your level against frontal or flank melee attacks.
 Warriors gain a bonus equal to half their level, plus one.

Two weapons can be used to get an additional attack in a round however the second one must be
smaller than the other (a size level smaller, not just an inch shorter).
 Attack with main weapon is at -2 (modified by Reaction Adj under Dex)
 Attack with second weapon is at -4 (modified by Reaction Adj under Dex)
 Second weapon attack takes place in the same way as people with multiple attacks

If a target flees, but there is another enemy in combat with you, they block you following their ally.

Missile Combat Specific Rules

Range of weapons on your character sheet has been converted into squares. In order to do this
yourself multiply the range figures by thirty (to reach feet) and divide by 5 (each square is 5 feet), or just
times by 6. So a dagger of range 1/2/3 is in yards 30/60/90 and in squares 6/12/18.

Cover and concealment give penalties to hit against missile fire. Concealment is soft cover that can’t
stop the missile, but can make it hard to target. Cover is hard cover that can stop and obscure attacks.

Target is: Cover Concealment

25% hidden -2 -1
50% hidden -4 -2
75% hidden -7 -3
100% hidden -10 -4

Firing into a melee requires that you randomly roll for who you will hit before making the attack roll.
Once declared and rolled for target, you have to follow through on the attack.

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