UNIT-2, 8-Chaudfroid
UNIT-2, 8-Chaudfroid
UNIT-2, 8-Chaudfroid
Chaud froid
It is a cold sauce used for coating or served as accompaniments.- ladle, dipping, trimming,
a) Meaning of Chaudfroid- chaud means hot and frod means cold which signifies the sauce is
cooked but served cold.
d) Types- roux base- white, red, veloute and brown, cream base, mayonnaise base/ Colee, can
have different color and flavor with different ingredient.
Chaud - froid, translated literally means hot- cold. This name refers to the fact that the sauce is cooked
and is applied hot, but then chilled and served cold. The high gelatin content of the sauce makes it
possible to apply it to an item while still warm and flowing. As the sauce cools, it gels and adheres to
the product. It gives a smooth, pristine surface and seals the product from the air.
The two primary methods of preparing Chaud - froid are the classical and the contemporary methods.
1. THE CLASSICAL METHOD: The classical method calls for the use of Béchamel or
Veloute. This is reduced with a stock, suitable for the product that needs to be coated. This
reduction is then fortified with a suitable aspic jelly and cream.
A. Preparing the item for coating:- Items to be coated should be well chilled. This helps to
adhere the sauce to the surface. Chaud - froid will run off the surface of a warm item before it
can set.-The surface of the food to be coated should be smooth and trimmed of any rough
edges. It is not possible to create a smooth finish to a product if the under surface is rough and
jagged. -Surface grease must be removed before the coating of chaud-froid is applied.
B. Tempering the Chaud - Froid:- Chaud-froid sauce should be tempered before applying.
Once the item has been properly prepared, the sauce may be tempered. This involves bringing
the temperature of the sauce, either by heating or cooling, to a point that will allow the best
and easiest coating. Gelling takes place at around 85°F. the closer you can maintain the sauce
to this temperature without it getting too thick, the more evenly it will coat.
C. Ladle Method or Dipping Method:- There are two ways to apply a Chaud-froid sauce. It
can either be ladled onto the product are the item to be coated can be dipped into it. The
ladling method is suitable for large joints or pieces of meat. Smaller items are more evenly
coated by dipping.
D. Trimming:- Trimming is the final step in preparing the item for decoration. Carefully remove
the item from the pan in which it was coated taking care not to rip the product away. The item
should be cut away with the help of a palette knife being run around the base of the product
E. Decorating the Chaud - froids:- The Chaud-froids can now be decorated tastefully with a
variety of food items. There are many choices available. Aspic cutters can be used to punch
out a variety of shapes out of vegetables. These may be applied in pleasing patterns such as
geometric shapes, floral or abstract. A more natural, pleasing effect comes from using foods
in their natural shapes. Capers, caviar, chives and slices of olives are a few examples.
The quality of a chaud - froid coating has a major effect on the overall quality of the finished product.
The quality of a chaud - froid is judged according to flavor, tooth, color and appearance.
2.Tooth-The chaud-froid should have a very delicate tooth. As it melts in the mouth, it should have a
silky smooth texture, similar that of well made veloute or béchamel sauce.
3.Color-Chaud-froid can be made in various colors. However the colors should originate from natural
ingredients. Avoid using artificial colors, instead, pastel shades are the best.
4.Appearance - The appearance should be neat and clear-cut, smooth and shiny and free of air
bubbles. The thickness of the coating should not be more than 3/16-inch and the thickness of the glaze
1/8-inch thick.
Chaud froid sauces can be cooled and stored. Reheat gelled chaud-froid sauce over a hot water bath to
avoid scorching.