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WebSphere Portal and

Workplace Web Content Management
Version 6.0

Quick Start Guide

help you get started with a quick installation of WebSphere Portal and
Workplace Web Content Management.

National Language Version: To obtain the Quick Start Guide in other languages, print the PDF from the Quick Start CD.

Product overview
This product includes a variety of features and components such as Personalization, Web Content Management,
Document Management, collaborative features, and productivity functions along with the scalable portal framework.

1 Step 1: Access your software

Product software can be accessed from CD or from Passport Advantage . If you download your product from Passport
Advantage, follow the directions in the download document:
These two products are available in several offerings. Review the International Program License Agreement for a complete
list of the offerings and their respective entitlements. IBM software license agreements can be searched at
Depending on the product offering you purchased, your offering may include components from all or some of the following
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
WebSphere Process Server
DB2 Universal DatabaseTM Enterprise Server Edition
Tivoli® Directory Server
WebSphere Portlet Factory, WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer
Lotus® Domino® Enterprise Server
Lotus Sametime®
Lotus QuickPlace®
Workplace® Forms Viewer, Workplace Forms Server, Workplace Forms Designer
2 Step 2: Evaluate your hardware and system configuration
See the detailed system requirements document at www.ibm.com/websphere/portal/library

3 Step 3: Review the base architecture and installation steps

Firewall Firewall

Workplace Web Content Management

Browser Edge of
Client WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Application Server

HTTP Server
4 Step 4: Access your documentation
For complete documentation, including installation instructions, see the information center for WebSphere Portal:
? www.ibm.com/websphere/portal/library

5 Step 5: Install WebSphere Portal and Web Content Management

Quick installation scenario:
Use the Quick installation scenario to get up and running quickly. The Quick installation scenario provides step-by-step
instructions to help you quickly install a basic working instance of WebSphere Portal and Web Content Management.
1. Insert the Setup CD for your platform, or access the downloaded product code. Run one of the following commands
from the root directory:
iSeriesTM platforms: Run the following command from the root directory in a Windows environment: install400.bat
or run the following command from the root directory in a QSH session of the iSeries console: install.sh
® ®
AIX , HP-UX, Linux , and Solaris platforms: Run the following command from the root directory: ./install.sh
Windows platforms: Run the following command from the <install_root> directory: install.bat
2. Follow the instructions in the installation panels.
3. To verify that WebSphere Portal is running, open the following URL in a browser:
http://example.com:port_number/wps/portal, where example.com is the fully qualified host name of the machine that
is running WebSphere Portal, and port_number is the port number that is displayed on the confirmation panel.
For example, http://www.ibm.com:10038/wps/portal.
4. It is recommended that you install any fixes for WebSphere Application Server at this time. Refer to the Websphere
Application Server detailed system requirements at www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=180&uid=swg2700692
5. After installing WebSphere Portal, follow these steps to finish installing Web Content Management:
a) From the portal_server_root/config directory, run the following task:
WPSconfig.{sh|bat} configure-wcm-authoring -DPortalAdminPwd=your-portal-admin-password
b) Log out of WebSphere Portal and log back in.
c) Select Web Content from the main menu to access the Web Content Management authoring portlet.
For detailed installation and configuration instructions, see the Installing and configuring section of the information center
at www.ibm.com/websphere/portal/library

More information
For additional technical resources, see:
? WebSphere Portal Zone on developerWorks® at www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/portal
IBM Workplace on developerWorks at www.ibm.com/developerworks/workplace
IBM Workplace Solutions catalog at http://catalog.lotus.com/wps/portal/workplace
IBM RedbooksTM at www.redbooks.ibm.com

IBM WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 and IBM Workplace Web Content Management Version 6.0 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2006. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM, AIX, DB2 Universal Database, developerWorks, Domino, iSeries, Lotus, Passport Advantage, QuickPlace, Redbooks, Sametime, Tivoli, Web Content Management, WebSphere, and Workplace are
trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines in the US, other countries, or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the US and other countries. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

*CF0TIML* Part Number CFOTIML Printed in Ireland

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