122 Manual

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ownerls manua

model 122 & 122R

Installation Instructions Service Information Parts List

Pasadena, California


Amplifier servicing information 15

Bas rotor b arings r plac m nt 19

Bass rotor removal and r placem nt 19

Bass speaker removal and replacem nt 17

Belt replacem nt (upper and lower) 18

B It t nsi n adjustm nt 17

Broadcasting with th li p ak r 6

Chorale 1, 5

Connecting cabl s 5, 6

Conn cting cabl s, multipl 'P ak r in tallation 9


Amplifier 14

A-l00 installation 3

Connecting cables _ 6

D-l00 installation _ 3

Large mod Is in tallation 4

L-100 in tallation 2

M-1 installation 2

M-2 installation ~

M-3 installation 2

M-l00 in tallation ; 2

Multiple speaker installations ll, 12, 13

Part identification 20

Pow r relay, 5B 9

Tremolo control type 122 14

Type 2 adapt r _ 10

3~1 echo control 14

4H echo control 14

Distortion 15


fodification _ 10

Operation 9

Type 228 tremolo control 9, 10

Echo ( p aker s I ctor) control 10


3M, for Model L-100 M-I, 1-2, M·3, M·100 1, 2

4H, for lod Is A-I00, D-lOO 3

4H, for large model without

elf-contained speakers 11

Ele trolytic con den .ers 15

Fuse 15

Hammond tone cabinet, usage , 9, 10 12, 13

Hom reB ctor replacem nts 17

Idler pulley , 18


A-100, D-IOO 3

Large mod Is without s if-contained speaker 4

-100, M-I, M-2, M-3, M-l00 I

Iultipl p aker in tallations 8

Ingle sp ak r installations 1

Line vol tag 15

Loudspeak r syst m and dividing n twork 16

Maintenanc , recommend d periodic 6

M chanical maintenance _ 17


Adjustrn nt f small motor 18

Cleaning 18

iling 17·

on-organ us of th Leslie Speak r 6

Oiling 6, 17

Parts Ii t 21

Phasing, multipl speaker installations 9

Power requirements in multiple

speaker installation 8

Preparing the sp akcr for use 1

R cording with the Leslie Sp ak r _ 6

R v rb ration unit installation in the 122R 7,8

Hubber tire replacem nt 18

creen volt ge r gulation 15

Shipping 6

pecifications 1

T chni a! sri e information 15

Tran former r plac m nt 15

Tr bl rotor remo al and replacement 19

Tr bi sp ak r removal and replacement 17


Bass rotor r rnoval and r pla ment _ 19

Brak ace ssory _ _._ 5

Control in multiple peaker installation 10, 12

Control op ration 5, 16

Iultiple tremolo controls 13

pe d adju trnent, treble rotor , 18

Trcbl rotor r moval and replacement 19

Tub s 6,15

Typ 2 adapter 10

oltag reading _ 16

olum control etting _ _... 5

Volume contr 1 ttings on multipl speakers 9

\. arm-up ycling 5


The Models 122 and 122R L Ii p aker ar de-

signed for use exclusi I)' with th Harnm nd rgan. Functionally, as shipp d from the fa tor , the two cabinets ar id ntical. However, th 122R ha been modif d 0 as t accomrnodat th spin t-typ Hammond r verb ration kit, which may b install d in th speaker very easily. Proc dur for connecting ith r

of th L lie mod Is will ary a cording to th

mod I Hamm nd Organ which is in olved. D t< iI d installation information i contain d in this manual.

Th Lesli Sp aker is ry ill i nt inc it wa d - signed xc1u iv Iy for organ u age. Tr bl and ba s Tang are handl d s parat ly, to achieve th d if d frequency respon e. Th uniqu tr mulant in the Leslie results from the use of patented rotary I rnents. Thes sam lem nt m y also b rotat d at a v ry slow p ed, for a contr sting II ct knov n a th "Chorale". A control switch at th console permits the organist to choos b tw 0 th full p d (Trem- 010) or the slow speed.

The Leslie peaker ma b used on Hammond twomanual m dels which are quipped with built-in speaker syst m ,a well as on mod I without built-In speak r systems. With th former models a speaker selector switch ("Echo") is used to enabl th organist to us the Leslie and the organ' built-in sp ak r system ither s parat ly Or tog th r. An Echo switch is also us d with the larger Hammond con 01 -th s without built-in p ak r s stems-in installations employing two or more speak r units.


Cabinet: 1 cted hardwood v n rs with quality l~c-

quer finish in wood and color to harrnoniz with organ consol .

Dimensions: 41" high, 29" wide, ... OW' d ep. Speakers: Treble - compr ion-type driv r perrnan nt magn t, 16-ohms imp dance Bass-IS-in h h avy duty, p rman nt

magn t 16-ohms imp dance.

Electrical: Operat on 117 olt, 60 ycle C. Amplifier: 40 watts output.

Power Consumption: 2.1 mps, 190 Watts. Weight: 122: 135 pounds net

152 pounds, box d for shipm nt 122R: 138 pounds net

155 pound, box d for hipment

Guarantee: One year from the dat of purchas , covering both workmanship and materials. This guarant d not include vacuum tube which are guarant d by th ir manufacturer and doe not cover b Its or speaker cones which may wear out in 1 s

than on year due to s r usag.

PREPARING THE SPEAKER FOR USE After unboxing the Leslie peaker:

1. Remove th upp r and lower compartment back covers; take out th box in the upper eornpartm nt

ontaining the 122 Tremolo ontrol, the B+

Adapt r, and th lubricating oil. If the Leslie i a Mod I 122R, there will also b found (in th upper compartment) a kit of parts for Installing the reverberation unit.

2. Remov th shipping blocks from the motor asmbly, and the rubber bands (including the tape

in th (:.1. e of the 122R) which hold the upper rotor in po ition during shipment. Save all shipping blocks for possible future use.

3. Remove the packin trip stapled to the middle

compartment back cover.

4. Remove th shipping blo k from tile arnplif r in th lower compartment.

5. flake sure th upper belt is in place on the three pull -that is, the rotor, idler and motor pulley.

6. elect the zroov in the upp r motor pull y which provid th desired tremolo peed. The center gr ov is th on used m t often; faster or slower speeds rna be obt in d by use of the other pulley grooves.

7. Replace the upp r and lower compartm nt back cover.

R move shipping kid and place the cabin t so that it r sts solidly on the floor. If th Boor is un ven us mug-fitting w dges to ke p the cabinet from rocking.

9. Plug the sp < k r conn cting cable into the Le lie amplifier. This may be either the 5-conductor cable (with 6-p I plug) as supplied by Hammond, or th 6-conductor cabl which is obtainable as an accessory from Electro Music.

Note: Complete preparation of the 122R model may involve installation of the reverberation kit. Instructions for this installation are given on page 7.


Tho e installations using a ingl Leslie Spea~er ar.e th mo t common, hence will b di cussed fir t ill thi manual. Installations using veral Lesli ,or combinations of Leslie Speakers and Hammond tone cabin ts wiII b xpls ined in ubsequent pages. The m thod for onn cting a Ingle L slie Speaker ~ vary according to the mod 1 Hammond Organ which i being used. omplet details will be found in the f II wing veral sections of this manual.

Connecting the Model 122 or 122R to the Hammond Spinet, Models L-100, M-1, M-2, M-3, or M-100

Wh n th lie p aker i to b conn cted to any

of the Hammond pinet mod I organs, the Lesli 3-M Echo Control Kit should be us d. This kit contains th n ded conn cting cable - in this case a 30-foot I ngth of cabl with appropriat COnnectors inst~eq at both nds. Also included in tile kit is the switch

with sociated equipment for the Echo Control, a

d vi that permits the organist to use either the L Ii or the c 0501 peaker, or to use both sp akers at th sam time. 122 Tr molo Control, furnished with the p ak r, provides the means for turning the L Ii tr molo On and olI.

Installation hould b made as follows:

1. Attach th tremolo and echo control ca to the

wood rt Il dir ctly in front of the low I' manual by choosing tile two mounting holes in each control case which b st center the wood screws in the rail. Use the scr w which are provided. Controls may be located together at either end, or with one at each nd of the rail.

2. Pass the control cabl into the interior of the consol , pu hin th m through the opening underneath the manuals just abo e the knee panel.


3. Mount th tr molo and cho t rminal box . in id the consol at a convenient point making ur that the connecting and control cables will r aeh. Fa t n the boxes in place using the wood scr w which are provided.

4. Connect the wiring exactly as hown in th following diagrams.

NOTE: In u .ing wire nuts be sure to hold the wire ends parallel and together, but do not twist them.

Ins rt th ends into the opening of the nut, pushing firmly and turning nut in a clockwise direction until the conn ction is made secure.

5. ecur the xternal speak r cable at the lower right (trebl ) corn r f th console, using the clamp which is suppli d. When all the indicated connection have been made, the in tallation is complete except for po ible regulation of the volume setting. This should b done, a n ded, according to the instructions on page 5.








""OWl! Will( 'OT US!O
















Connecting the Model 122 or 122R to the Hammond Model A-1 00 or Model 0-100 Organs

When th Le Ii p ak r is t b conn ct d to ither the Hammond fade] -lor til D-IOO rgan th L slie -100 Echo kit should bused. Th kit in-

ludes a connecting cable assembly as well as the H Echo Control. This control enables the organist to chann I th organ's output to the slie p c k r, to the console rp aker, or to both 'peak r syst ms at th same tim. A 122 Tremol ontrol, f imi hed with th pcaker, c ntrols th operati n of the two rotors in th L li p ak r causing th m t turn at fast (Tremolo) sp d, or at 510\ ( horal ) sp d.

Th sli peaker is onn cted to th Hammond

Mod I -100 or th Ilod 1 D- 00 Organ y following the steps described b 1 w:

1. ttaeh the tr m 10 and cho conlr J cas s to th wood rail directly in front of th low r manual by choosing the tw mounting hal s in a h ontrol case which best center the \ ood screv in the rail. se the screx s 'which are provid d. Controls may b 10 at d tog thcr < t ith 'r nd, or with one at aeh end of th rail.

2. Pass the contr I cabl . into the interi r of th con ole in n of th following wr s:

a. Push th eabl s through th felt du t s al found und rn ath the manuals ju t abov th kn e panel, ( mall scr wdriv r to push the felt down to cr at an op ning near the left end of this eal.) PU'h th cabl s through this opening into th g n rator c mpartm nt, then reach behind the starting motor and pull th abies through.

b. Run the cabl s down along th c mer wh r th kne panel and th nd of the con ole ar joined, th n und meath toward th ba k of the console. H move th back of th con ole

nd cut a mall notch in th bottom shelf to provide acce s f r the cabl to th int rior f th con ole.



-. WIR( MIS HIl.O WI~f II.OS r ........ tL ,,!III)

IOCElll£R U. 00 O' 'WIS'. •


VIR Mll_

t rminal box, using the spad lugs which are provided.

5. ttach to the "G-G' t rminals just vacated: the

R d and Black wir from th 4H Echo Control t rminal box, th Red and Black wires from the 122 Tremolo Control terminal box.

6. Attach the blu and ellov \ ires from the 4H • cho Contr I terminal box to the two screw conn ction on the Tremolo ontrol terminal box.

7. Attach th brown wire from th 122 Tr 01010 Control t rminnl box to the brown \ ire on the octal tub adapt r, using th sp de lug connection and push in r tb insulntinu sl e e 0 r the terminal after th > conn ction has b n mad .

ttach til yellow wire from th 122 Tremolo Control terminal box to a conveni nt ground conn ction.

9. R rnov th 5 4-GB tub from th con 01 amplif1 r in th as of th -100, or on of the two 5 4-GB tub from the power supply in the case of the D-1 . Ins rt th octal tube adapter into th ock t ju t vacated. Finally, insert the tub into th adapter.

10. Attach th 4-wir cho control cable to the 4-wire cabl from th 4H Echo Control terminal box, matching all th colors and u ing th wir nut which ar provided.

11. Attach th two-wir trem 10 cabl to the twowir cable from th 122 Tremolo Control terminal box, using th wire nuts which are provid d.

aTE: In u ing wir nuts, be sure to hold the wir nds parallel and together, but do not twist them, Insert these ends into th opening of the nut, pushing firmly and turning nut in a 1 kwi dir ction until the connection is made secur .

12. Ins rt th plug of the 727-7 Adapt r into the

xtra sp aker socket on th A-1oo arnplif r. In the case of the D-1oo the 727-7 dapt r should b conn t d to ne of two 5-conta t socket which wilJ b found on the con ole outl t box.

13. onu ct the yellow and blue wir s from the

727-7 dapt r to the "Echo" t rminals on the E ho ontrol t rminal box.

14. onnect the 6-conductor cable ( t the Leslie peak r) into the socket of th 727-7 Adapt r.

Th in tallation i now complete xc pt for possibl r gulation of the volume setting. This hould b done according to the instructions 5.


Connecting the Model 122 or 122R to Hammond Models without Self-contained Speaker Systems

For Hammond Mod ls ,B, C, D, E, B ,CV B-2, C-2, RT-2, B-3, C-3, and RT-3, th conn ction is made betw n the organ con sol and th li peak r by means of the regular conn cting cable which i furnished with th Hammond console. A 122 Tremolo Control, furni hed with th peaker, controls the op ration of th two rotors in the L li peak r, d t rmining whether th rot rs will turn at th f t [Trem- 010) speed, or at the slow (Choral ) p d.

The L lie peaker is conn ct d to any of the c bo

named Hammond m Is by f the foil wing

proc dur :

1. Attach the tr molo contr 1 ca t th wood rail in front of th low r manual, cho ing th two mounting holes in th cas which b tent r th wood screws in the rail. se th scr ws whi hare provided. The Tremolo Control may b locat d at either nd, although th I cati n at th left nd, dir ctly in front of th pr - et k ys, is g n rally preferred.

2. Pass the control cabl into til int rior f th console in one of the foil wing ways:

a. Pu h th cab! through th f It dust al found underneath the m nual ju t abo e th kn e p nel. (Use a mall erewdriver t pu h the felt down in ord r to creat an op rung near the left end of thi s al.) Pu h the cabl through thi opening into th g n r tor compartm nt th n r ach b bind the tarting motor and pull th cable through.

b. Run the cable down al nIY th com r wh r th kne panel and th en~ of the console are joined, then und rn ath toward th back of the console. Remo e th back of th con ole, and

ut a small notch in th b tt.om ? If to provide

ace f r th cable t th int nor of th con-


3. M unt th tr m 10 contr I t rminal box in ide the organ console at a conv ni nt point makin T sure that the connecting and control cabl will r ach. Fasten th box in plac using th \ ood

which ar provid d.

4. Connect til two-wir able from th tr molo control to th two-wir cabl from th tr m 10 ntr I t rminal box, using th wir nuts which are provided.

IMPORTA T: When u ing wire nuts be sure to


hold the v ire nds parallel and together but do not twi. t th m. Ins rt these nds into the op rung of th nut, pu hinu firmly < nd turning nut in a clockwis dir ction until the connection is securely mad.

5. R move th wir s from the "G-G" terminals on the pre-amplif r, and conn ct th m to the crew terminal of the tr mol control t rrninal box. OTE:

In the ca of Hammond models B-3. G-3, and RT-3 all nnections at the pre-amplifier are soldertyp conn tions.

6. Attach th red and black wires from the tremolo c ntr I t rminal b x to til "C-G" terminals on the pr -amplifier which w re vacated in step 5.

7. Atta h th yellow wire from the tremolo control t rminal box to any conveni nt ground screw.

8. The brown wire from th tremolo control terminal b x is to bonn t d on the basi of the Hammond mod I in olv d:

iodels A, B, C D, E BV, and CV only:

ttach to the pre-amplifier B+ terminal along with th wire (to th cable outlet box) already onn cted ther .

Models B-2, C-2 and RT-2 only:

Attach to the brown wire on the Octal Tube

dapter (Part o. 428-9) which is furnished as a part of th 122 kit. One the connection is made pu h th pia tic in ulating leeve over the terminal. R mov the 6 '5 tube from its sock t on the prearnplif r chas i plug the adapter into this ocket, and the 6X5 tube into the socket on the adapter. Model B-3, C-3, and RT-3:

Attach to th brown wire on the 7-pin adapter (Part 1 . 428-8) which is furnished as a part of the 122 kit. On the connection is made push the plastic insulatin sl eve over the terminal. Remove th 6X4 tub from its so ket on the pre-amplifier

ssis, plug tb dapt r into this socket, and the 6 4 tub into th 0 ket on the adapter.

9. Complet. the in tallation by connecting console and Lesli peak r, u ing the cable which i suppli d ith the Hammond con ole. The plug at one

nd of the cable is to be connected to the socket On th outl t box in til con ole; the r ceptacle at the other nd of th cabl plugs into the amplifier on the L li p aker. Th in tallation i now compl te except for the regulation of the volume as may b r quir d. The volume control should' be s t according to detailed instructions on page 5.

ON MODElS 113. C3. RT)





0ftJ, WI:l£S fMM " PRf.,t.MP


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Th Le lie amplifier i desi ed purpos I to ha more gain than is norrnall required. Thus, a broad volum rang is available. Volurn should b adju t d

on the basis f rh nsol 'ignal output as \ II a

for th ' particular acoustic environment.

Th volume level should be set on the basis of maximum cl mand avoiding dist rtion or ov rload:

1. in 3 full r zlstrati n, that is, with one set of

manual drav bar and both p cia I drawbars pulled out to p sition ight playa p dnl note and a full hord, with the w II P dal fully "op n".

dance th velum control on the Lesli amplifier from a minimum position up to a point wh I' Om distortion C<1n be heard.

3. Back off th olumc control setting just far

to eliminat all tit distortion. Thi then is th corr ct etting for maximum undistorted loudn 's, and usually no furth I' adjustment will hav to b made,

CA UTION: Di tortion, if continuous, can s ri usly durnag speaker components.


On of the unique aspect of the Le lie p aker de.ign is th method for producing tremolo, or tr mulant. Two rotating I m nts within th L lie al inet proj ct th ound full 360 d gr in a mann I' which results in a realist! acou tic tremolo. This pat nt d system adds important musical alu s to the tone of the Hammond Organ, gr atl, nhancing it P rformanc. . wa m ntion d arli r, th rot r may be operated at ith r th r gular sp d, to produ

th Tr molo effect; or, th y may be operated at slow sp d for an entirely different type effect known as the" h rale".

Tremolo Control

A witch at th COil 01 ontrol th upply f pow r to th motors which drive th tremol rotor. Each motor as' mbly is a combination of two incli idual motors. The larg motors, actuated v h n v r th. switch is at the "Tr 01010" P sition, dri til rot rs at r gular tr molo sp d. Th small mot r , actuat d wh n ver th switch is at th " horal " po ition, dri th rotor. at slov sp ed.

Th urr nt Typ 122 tr molo control i id ntical

in circuitry to th form r Typ 428 .ontrol. Thus, thes two type of control ma. be regard d a int rchangeabl in Lesli installations.

Th tr molo witch circuitr has no provi ion f r

ompl tel, topping th rotor' at an tim. In switching from fast to slow rotor speed the mall motor function initiall as a brake bringing the rotors dov n to th slow (CH RAL') sp d in just a f w conds, At 510\ sp d, th mo m nt of tl rotor' is apparent only with very slow u .tain d pla ing. \ h I' a h chord i held for \ II over a s condo 1n such :'IS s th slow rotor movement provides a ver pi c sing musical

fF ct. II wev er it mol' rapid pia in' th movern nt of th rotor at low. pe d i almost imperceptabl thu makin J it unn c ssary that th rotor be compi t ily stopp d.

Brake Accessory


The ., tandard" type peak r- orin cting eabl , a uppli - d by EI 'tro lusic, contains ix condu tor.

Curr nt mod Is of both th H mmond Organ and the

li p aker actuall u only Bv of th ix con-

ductors in this cable. Hov er, all ix conductors

are us d with earl. consoles and p ak rs. inc th

units ntinu to b used in installations it se rn d

advisabl to tandardiz on cabl \ hich would b ad quate for all in tallation r quirem nt. daptation to the individual speak r and/or organ model i then a matter of selectin the proper terminal connectors, a xplain d in th chart on th following page.

Th 6- onductor connecting cable is supplied in tands rd 30-foot I ngth compl t with plugs and/or conn tor t rminal .

111e cabl with 6-pol connectors at both nds is L Ii Part No. 727.

The cable \ ith a plug at one nd and "spad -lug" connector terminals at th other end is Lesli Part . 3 1-1.

To pan di tanc s b tw en con 01 and p aker of mol' than 30 f t, th cabl from th on 01 may be uppl m nted by on or mor 727 cabl assemblies

conn ct d t g ther in ri s, used as exten ions.

In rtain in tallations a 51? cific I ngth of cabl

oth r than 30 f t i r quir d. In uch ca bulk cabl hould be order d, alon with th n c ssary connectors as specified in th part li t. ( ote: The spad lugs should be obtained from a local radio parts suppli r.) In atta hin th abl to th conn tors or to th "pad -lug" nn ctor t rrninal b ur to f illow the color coding as shox n in the cable chart b low. Special care hould be given to the handling

f all conn tions in vol jng C.






"0.'3 .~u ~~ CIl1[;tIll.U

o 0 0 0

~: 0 0 ~ Ili 0 0 8

o 0 B· 30 Fl. 0 0

eLK! UfO 6 CllNO. e~k I 6."ro

5" ~,

31.1-1 CABLE, CO PlETE


















Reverberation unit with blue and black \ ir attach d. Reverberation unit guide bracket.

Console-type 6X9 speak r with olum control and gre n and black wir attach d. ( Remove p ak r from th wooden con sol sp aker box. )

Amplifier hield base (aluminum foil.)

Two #4 x %" she tom tal typ s rew for guide brs cket.

Six #8 x Ya" sh tom tal typ cr w , for r v rb ration unit (2) and for sp ak r mounting ( 4).

OTE: In addition to th usual rvi tools, the

reverberation in tallation will al 0 r quir u of "stubby» ser wdri r for rh r gular lotted-head scr ws and for the Phillip h ad


Installation f the Hamm nd Reverb rati n d vi

is to b made as d cribed b low. It is n ces ary that all thr back pan Is b remov d in order to provid

unre trict dace t th int rior of th cabin t.

p cific dir ctions (I ft, right) will b ori nt d n th basi of viewing the cabin t from the ba k.

1. Remove the four 10/24 x W' machine r ws from the amplifier mounting hoi s in th left-hand sid of the upp r sh If. PI ce the aluminum foil hi Id on this ,11 If, ligning th hoi in th shi Id with the mounting hol in th h 1£. Plac the h 0 felt trips at th nd of th shield again aligning the holes in the f It with th mounting h lac; in the sh If. Mount th rev rberation arnplif r 0 er the hield and the f It , with th termin I strip

facing th horn a mbly. Fast n th amplifier in place u ing th pr viou I r mov d machine

cr w. Fa t n at three pint , but not at the right r ar rn r of the amplif r chassis. The

bracket f r th olum ontrol is to b in talled

there, as will b xplain d in st p num er 8.

2. Tak out right-hand wo d peaker-co r box .by r rno ing th \ ing nut and angle brack t which hold it in plac .

3. rb ration unit guide br k t as-

on th h If t th right of th ba s

u ing til pr -drill d mountin hies. ur that th spring in th a mbl f( ce awa fr m th ide of the cabinet. Fa t n the

a mbl in pIa with two f the #4 x ra" cr w .

4. In ert two of th # x YaN cr w into the predrill d hoi mid" ay in the right side panel of th c; bin t, and tighten them down to approximately 3/32" from the surface.

5. In rt th v rtical harm I of the r v rb ration unit between the spring of th guid bracket, then h ng unit on th screw whi 1 w r in tall d ' in t P 4. h k to b ur that mounting lots of tb r v rb ration unit are prop rly at dover the mounting screws and that th ertical chann I is still in plac b tween th spring of the guide

brack t. inaUy, tighten the mounting scr w .

6. Aft r the 6x9 speaker has b en removed from th

wood neon 01 p ak r box, it hould b pre-

par d a follow for in tallation in the Ii


a. Cut th r 0 and black wir s I ading to the

p aker volume control about 2Vz inch from th speak r. trip about Vz inch of in ulation from the ends of the two wires leading to the sp ak r.

b. ing \ ire nut, c nnect th n nd black

jumper wires (furnish d in the L u kit) to th two wir from the speaker. Saker is now r ad for mounting. (Th oIume control

S5 rnbly pr viously ut ff" ill U' d later in til Installation.) I P RTA T: Wh n u ing ire nut be UTe to hold th wire nd parall I and tog th r but do not twi t th m. Ins rt th nds int the op ning of th nut, pu 'bing firmly and turning nut in a clockwi e direction until tb conn ction is ecurely made.

7. To mount th 6x9 rev rb ration speak r on th RIGHT-HA D side, impl locate it properly over the pr -driJIed mounting holes b hind the louvr on th right-hand ide. Fast n in place u ing four f the #8 x YaN screws. Replace the \ ood p ak roc ver box, threading th gr n nd black 'p ak r wir out through the slot in the box. ecur box in plac , U ing the mounting bra ket and wing nut r m v d pr viou ly. Should it b d irabl t mount the rev rb ration pee ker on th EFT-HA D ide, these teps should be followed:

a, Remove the brack t and the long s r w which ar U· d to cure tb speaker-eov r box in position, and r mount th in the J ft side of the cabin t, using the pr -drilled holes.


b. Remove the wood ov r b hind th louvres in th I eft id of the c bin t, and in tall on th right side.

c. R move the oth r cov r from th I ft- ide

pan I and pla it ov r th two hoI in th

right sid of the upp r shelf, aligning the cover with the pr -drill d holes in th sh If. Fasten th over in place with scr WS.

d. Mount th 6x9 speak r b hind lou r on left

ide of cabin t, using pr -drill d hoI and

fast ning in place with four of the # x Ys" scr ws.

Replace the wood speak r-eo r box, thr ading th tr en and black . peaker wir . out thr ugh th slot in th box. cure box in place using th muuntin ~ brack ,t and \ ing nut pre iously removed.

8. j Iount th sp ak r v lum ntrol and \ ir a-

s mbly (rem ved in step 6) on tl m tal bracket whi h i Furnish d. Lo at th control and bracket a sembly at right rear corn r of r verberation amplif r, placing bracket bas b tw n

f It and foil. se 10/24 x Ys" screw to ecur

both th amplifier < nd th bracket.

9. ing wir nuts conn ct the gr n and black

wires from th velum control to th gr cn and black (jump r) wir s from th 6x9 p c k r.

10. ttach th gf n and black

volume control, and quipped to th "speaker" terminal n amplifi r.






16. Dress all jumper wir s tog th r near th I ft ide o~ the b. ss p a~er ~h If. nap the plastic cable clip (from L 'he kit ) around th e wir and fa ten to the I ft side of the cabin t u ing the # x VI" crew. Thus cur d, th ~ir s cannot vibrate and create noi e.

17. R plac all thr back on th L Ii cabinet.

nlock the re erberation unit by turning the lock rod whi h i accessibl und r th metal cover found n ar th right id of th enter back cover panel of the L sli . To U K, turn the rod !4 tum to the right, bringing the slot of the rod to a verti I position. (To LOCK th reverb ration unit, the rod i to be rotated !4 turn to the left, 0 that the I t is horiz ntal. The unit should always be LOCKED wh nev r the peaker i bing moved.)

1. t th volume control for th 6x9 sp ak r 0 as

t provid th desir d amount of rev rberated ound. Th installati n i now complet .


\' h n a particular installation requires greater volum than can be btained without distortion from a singl L 'Ii p ak r, additional units may b added.

dditional p ak r bring an improv m nt in the mu ical quality as w 11 a an increa in the ov rail

olume. dding sp akers is lik adding chests of

pipes in a pip organ: the sound is distributed ov r a broad ar a. This ffect of "bigness" is most pronounced wh n the speak r in a multiple installation ar s parat d from aeh other by fifte n to twenty feet. Also the s I tion of a dilf r nt pulley groove (upp r motor) for each sp aker provides contrasting trem I effects" further nhancing the pipe organ

ff ct.

multi ple speaker installation may include any typ of Hammond tone cabinet, and arly model L lie p ak r along with the current L lie m dels, Wher reverberation is desir d, the Leslie Mod I 122R

P aker hould b us d.

ne of th principle differences b tw n current and arly Ii models i in the tremolo control circuitry. Thus, wh re arli r L Ii are used in an in tallation, pecial proc dur mu t be followed, as described on pages 9, 10, 12 and 13.

Tr moJo, in a multipl speaker installation, may be con troll d for all the current mod I Le lie Speakers by a singl n-off tremolo control switch. However, th u of two tr molo control mak po sible the ind p nd nt control of the two li p akers or two groups of Lcsli s that may be used in the installation.

Power Requirements in Multiple Speaker Installations

Th mount of C pow r available from the console for xt rnal lise i suffici nt for a ingle L Ii Speaker or Hammond ton cabinet. Howev r for each additional speaker unit a separate SOUTC of AC power mu t be provided. Thi i accomplished throuzh use of th 5B Pow r Relay, which also ke ps the speaker under full on/off control from th organ power switch. Moreover th 5B Power Relay also includ the conn ting socket for the additional sp ak r. 0 such sock t is provid d in the L lie amplifier because of the previously-m ntioned power limitation.


In installations involving several speakers, the first speak r is connect d directly to the console, the

eeond sp aker i connected to th 6r t, th third speaker to the second, and so on. The 5B Pow r R - lay is required for the second speaker and for all successive speakers, thus making it pos ible to obtain AC pow r for these speakers from a sour other than the organ console.

Th 5B Power Relay is attached to th arnplif r of the Lesli Sp ak r to which another Le Ii is being added. In other word', the relay is connected ahead of the speaker which it serves. The cord from the r - lay is connected to the input plug of the Leslie, and th cable from the organ console, or from th pr viou Leslie, i th n conn ct d to th relay. Th r maining socket on the relay accommodat s the cabl which leads to the speaker being added. Finally th AC cord from the relay is to be onnected to a convenient electrical outl t.

Volume Control Settings on Multiple Speakers

In a multiple installation, the velum ontrol for

each one of the speakers should be s t according to the instructions given previously. (See page 5). If the maximum levels thu obtained r ult in too much overall loudness further. dju ·tm nts should b made.

It is most important that a balance be maintained betw en the several speakers that may bud in an installation. Each p aker should mr k approximately the same contribution to the total sound. 0 sp ak r should be aJlowed to overpower the others. Time spent in achieving the "right" adjustment for each speaker will greatly improv the fin. I musical re ults.

Phasing-Pedal Loudness

When two or more sp ak rs are bing used together and are adjacent, th y should b phas d 0 that with individual pedal notes the peakers r inforce rath r than cancel each oth r.

If improper pbasing is suspected, try reversing the red (or green) and black peaker leads in the two-pole plug at th amplifi r of on of the p ak rs. If loud r pedal output results from this chang it should be made permanent. However, if the pedal level is instead reduced, the original connection should be restored, and it may safely be conclud d that the probl m is acoustical rather than one of phasing.

Connecting Cables - Multiple Installations

Cable, when supplied with a Hammond console, is the 5-conductor typ , with a 5-pol plug at one end for the console connection, and 6-contact socket at the other nd of the cable for the speaker connection. This cabl rna be used satisfactorily for any Hammond cabinets and for current model of the Leslie


Early mod I e lie Speakers and/or early model Hammond rgan necessitate use of 6-conductor conn ting cables. This standard Leslie cable is available in bulk quantity (L Ii Part 0.727-1) or in 30-foot lengths complete with 6-pole connector at each end (L lie Part o. 727). The 6-conductor cable may be us d throughout an installation, for the Hammond tone cabinets and for all models of th L slie Sp aker. Where only 5 conductors are requir d a 5-contact socket is provided for the cable connection. The 6-pole plug on th nd of th connecting cable must then be £Itt d with a 5-to-6 Adapter (L lie Part o. 727-5) to. permit the connection to be made.

Detailed information for handling specific cable connections, and for preparing cables, will be found in the chart on page 6.

Early Model Leslie Speakers

Early mod 1 Leslie Speakers (for Hammond Organs) are those with serial number below 5200. All

ub equent Leslies, including most of the 31 s ri s, all of the 21H, 22H. 22R, and of curse the 122 and 122R, are considered as "current" models. They may readily be identified as such since the serial numbers will be above 5200.

Tremolo rotors in the early model Leslie Speakers are started and topped- by a control current (from the L li to th console) which is carried over the

ixth (B+) wire in the connecting cable. A special type of tremolo control, Type 228, must b used with these early Leslies for off/on control of the rotors; otherwise th y will op rate continuously.

Tremolo control in the current model Leslie Speakers is accomplished by means of a 0 voltage which is obtained from the organ console, and which is superimposed on one of the ignal lin . (Se "Operation of Tremolo Control", page 16.) Thi DC voltage will not control the tremolo rotors in any early Leslie Speaker; it must, in fact, be isolated from the early Leslies, or hum, low output and di tortion will result.

Isolation of the DC control voltage from the early Leslie Speaker may b accomplished by following the installation plan de cribed on page 12, or by use of the Typ 2 Adapter with the early Leslie. In either ca e th rotors will operate continuou ly. This is not a particularly desirable condition, although it m y e

atisfactor for temporary installations. The preferred arrangement is to us th correct (Type 228) tr molo control for th early Leslie Speak r. Detailed instructions for installing the 22 contr I may be obtained from Electro Iusic,

Hammond Tone Cabinets

The DC control voltage used for curr nt mod I Leslie Speakers must be isolated from Hammond tone cabin ts, as well a from any early model Leslie Speak r. (S pag 9). Ideally, thi i accomplished by following the installation plan shown on page 12, whereby the DC control oltage is kept out of one channel, and the Hammond tone cabin t is connected to that chann 1. In more complex installations, it may be n oessary to hav th DC control vol tag present in both chann 1. In these cas s then, the control voltage can only be isolated from the Hammond ton cabinet through use of the Type 2 Adapter. This procedure may n.ot be followed, how er with rec nt model Hammond tone cabinets, Typ PR and later; the Type 2 Adapt r may only be used with early Hammond tone cabinets. here curr nt model Hammond tone cabinets are being combin d with Leslie Speakers, th only satisfactory installation is a describ d On page 12. Thi arrangement, as explain d



pr viously, isolates the DC voltage lrom one of the sp aker charm Is, without M1e use of th Type 2 Adapter.

The Type 2 Adapter

The Type 2 dapter prev nts the DC control voltage from reaching the amplifier with which it is us d (early Leslie peaker or Hammond tone cabinet). At th sam tim, th DC antral voltage is k pt available for additional curr nt model Leslie speakers that may be connected into the same (Echo or Main) channel. In this way, the operation of th tremulant in the current model Leslies will be fully controlled.

A xplain d in lat r ction of this manual, th

Type 2 Adapt r is u d principally in in tallations involving sev ral speakers. In uch installations, it is also necessary to use the 5B Power Relay as pr viou ly

described. '


Modification of Early Leslie Speakers

• arly L Ii Sp akers may b modif d and thus made fully compatibl with th urr nt model Leslie

peakers. The modif ation mu t b done at the EI ctro Music fa tory, and since all chang are made within th ampli6er, thi is th only part of th L lie Speak r that n ed be . nt to th factor .

,!"he modification of arly L li Sp aker (b low

erial 52(0) mak th m functionaU id ntieal to urrent mod Is, as far as the tr malo control circuitry i concerned. The later typ of Tr malo ontrol (428 or 122) mt y be used, and th T p 2 Ad pt r is no longer required. in th Tr mol Control kit is not suppli d a a part of th modiflcation "package' it should b ord r d s parat Iy if required.

Echo (Speaker Selector) Controls

The use of multiple sp ak r in an in tallation not only re ults in gr at round velum , but also makes possible impro d sound distribution. To thi end, the several sp akers the t ma be u ed in an in tall tion ar usually s parated from a h oth r bar a sonable distance. Or, where the installation is quite sizeable, the speak r ar arrang d t geth r in groups which are in turn separated from each oth r.

ince it is u u lIy d irabl that th organi t b able to u the sp ak r I ctively, an "E ho ontrol" is u d to accompli h thi purpo e. The Echo ontrol is in Hect a switching d vic that permit the

organist to sleet th speak r or speaker that will be heard. For the purp se of convenient identification, the p ak r or speak rs located n arest to the console ar usually design ted as "Main" speakers. The

peaker or sp ak r located at a point mor remote from the console are then referred to a "Echo" sp akers.

Iultiple sp ak r in tallations normally involve Hammond consol s without built-in 'p aker stem . Wh r an ho c ntrol is u ed with th se Hammond mod Is, it bould b th Type 4H • cho Control. Th 4H i a refinement of th arlier 3H Echo Control, and th two typ s of controls should not be consid red as interchang able. Installation of the 3H Echo Control must be a cording t the procedure giv n in the 22H- 2~R wn r' Manual. Installation of the 4H Echo

ontrol should b ac ording to in tructions given lat r in this manual.

Multipl installations with Hammond model having built-in sp ak r systems will not afford th organi t the campi te B xibility of p ak r lection as will be the case with th other Hammond models. The form r Hammond ifodel, sp ci6cally th Models M and -100, mploy an Echo Control (types 3M and A-lOO, r pecti ely) for th purpose of chann ling the sound eith r through th consol peaker r through the eslie Speak r. Additional Leslie or Hammond

peak rs may be connected to the rust L ·lie peaker, and will b heard simultaneously with it. Since one po ition of the cho Control switch is res rved for the console sp akers the other position will n ce sarily activate all the ext mal peakers. Furth r 1 cti e chann ling on th Hammond mod Is with built-in speaker' b comes extrem Iy complicated and therefor is not recommend d.


In the following several pages d tails are giv n for th variou t p of multiple speaker installations. Th t hniqu for ombinlng urrent model Leslie Sp akers with earl model Le lies and/or Hammond ton cabin ts ar fully xplained and illustrated. Finally veral t pical installation layouts are provid d, a a m an for summarizing principles which mu t be follow d in multipl installation:

1. To provid AC power for th cond and all

additional peak rs used in an in tallation, a 5B Pow r Relay must be u ed for all but the fir t sp aker.

2. Early m d Lesli Sp ak r and early Hammond tone cabin t ,wh n COnn ct d through the channel that i aH t d by the 122 Tr mol ontrol must b conn ct d by means of the Type 2 dapt r, so as to is lar the IT malo control voltage from th e particular units.

3. The Typ 2 Adapter need not b u ed with early mod I L lie p akers and Hammond tone cabin ts, providing these p akers are conne t d to the chann I which does not at any tim r cei e the tr molo control volt ge.

4. Full tr mol a control f r any early model Leslie Sp k rs will r .ult only from the u e f the Type 228 Tr molo Control. Oth rwise, the early mode I L slie p akers will produce constant tremulant.


Installation of the Leslie 4H Echo Control

For Hammond Mod I : A, B, C, D. E, B, V, B-2, C-2, RT-2, B-3, C-3, and RT-3

1. Attach the echo control cas to til wood rail directly in front of the low r manual, choosing the two mounting holes in the control cas which b t

center the wood screws in the rail. e th scr w

which are provided. The cho c ntrol may be mounted at the right nd of tile rail, or at the left beside the tremolo control. '

2. Mount the cho terminal box inside tile g n rator compartrn nt near the pre-arnplif r.

3. The echo control cable should b passed into th int rior of the onsol, using the sam m thod as was chosen for the tremolo cable. instructions on page 4.

4. Provisi n for attn hina th sp ak r connector cab] should be mad in on of two wa .:

a. If an outl t box is provided in the con ole for tile peaker conne tion, remo e one of the metal knock-out and install ith r a 5-contact so ket if Hammond cable i to be us d, or a 6- ontact sock t (furnished with the 4H kit) if the Leslie 727 cable assembly is used. (If the out! t box is already equipp d with a

econd 5-contact sock t, u e of the 727-5 d pt r makes it possibl t attach tile 6-pole plug of the Leslie 727 cable assembly.)

b. If th outI t box m thod of connection i not us d the peak r cabl may be fed into the generator compartm nt through a small notch that can b made in the bottom shelf of the consol. In this method, the 3M-l cabl is recomm nd d for u e. Th 3M-l is a 30-foot as embJy complete with the necessary ODn ctor . For cabl lengths other than 30 feet, bulk cable hould be u d. Th n ded connectors (6-cont ct ocke t and spad lugs) ar

r gularly includ d in the 4H Echo Control kit.

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Special Handling of DC Tremolo Control Voltage

The installation hown in Figure 1 introduc th DC tr molo control voltage at a point in the circuit which causes it to be pr ent in both th Main and the Echo peaker chann Is. For thi typ of in tallation it i gen rally as um d that only til curr nt m d I Leslie p k rs will be used. However, in those installations wh re the sp ak r, or sp akers, on one of the channel ar ither Hammond ton cabinets, or early Lesli ,or both, the Tremolo ontrol should be install d in a different mann r.

Since it is ntial to ke p th DC tr molo control

voltage ut of the chann I whi h includ H mmond tone cabin ts andy r early L lies the Tremolo Control should be connected into th circuit as shown in the installation sk tch blow.

This particular arrangem nt a sumes that the curr nt mod I L lie peak r will b connect d to the Echo channel, whereas the early L lie Speakers andl or any Hammond tone cabinet will be connected to th Main cbannel.

If for any rea on it b comes nece sary to lise arly Leslie peak rs or Hammond ton cabinets on the Echo channel, th tr molo control voltage must be i olated through the use of a Type 2 Adapter. The Typ 2 Adapter, wh n used, i connected to the amplifier which i to he isolated from the DC control voltage, th conn tion bing mad at th plug which would oth rwise rec j the cable from the con ole.







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Multiple Tremolo Control

Tremolo for two L li peakers, or for two rroup of Le lie Speaker, may b ontr 11 d ind p nd ntly by the use of two tr molo controls conn ct d a shown in the diagram below. If both these controls are 122 Tr m 10 ontrols, the DC trem 10 control voltage will be present in both the Ech and Main channels. As not d pr iou sly, the Typ 2 d pt r must be used to i olat the DC tr malo control vol tag from any arly model Le lie p ak r or early Ham-












mond tone cabin t that may bud in either chann I. Hammond tone cabinets, series PR and later, may not b used in this typ of in tallation.

Control voltage will b pres nt in both the Echo and 1ain chann Is. Early Hammond tone cabin ts may b used in ith r channel provided that the Typ 2 Adapt r is u d with them. Late Hammond tone cabinet, ri s PR and Jater, may not b us d in installations of this typ .













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Som s rvice procedur 5 involv th making of inspection or c rtain adjustm nts in th cabin t' low r compartment, in th area f the spinning rotor. There is an obvious danger of pbysical injury as well

as th possibility of damaging orne of the li

components. Care should be x rcised accordingly. Also, the conn ction b twe n th L u pe k r nd the organ hould be made or broken only with the organ's power turned "off".

Replacement Parts Procurement

Transformers, filt r chok , and tr molo r I y should be obtained from th lectro Mu ic factory. Standard typ parts such as fuses, sockets, re istors, and cond n rs can be obtained from radio part

upply stores. Th d tail d parts list with this manual gives further information.


Amplifier Removal and Replacement

The amplifier i removed from the cabinet by taking out the one screw which holds the front end of the amplifier to tb bottom of th cabin t. ft r th f ur motor plugs and th peaker plugs ar r mov d, the amplifier may b withdrawn. When pushing the amplifier back into place align the back end of the chassis in approximate po iti n 0 that it will ngage the clamp at tile back of tile cabinet.


The amplifier uses a replaceable Slo Blo 1Yz amp. fuse to protect the power upply against most short circuits. When a fuse fail , the cause of failure should b det rmined and eliminated before the Ius is r - placed. Replacement fuses of high t than the specified current rating should n ver be used.


Distortion frequently is the result of s tting the L lie volume control too high. xtra gain has been design d into the Leslie amplifier in anticipation of possible low output from om con oles. Thi extra gain rnu t be u ed with care, as the maximum etting of the Leslie arnplif r will usually caus di tortion wh never th organ's xpres ion pedal is fully open. Instructions for properly setting the volume control are giv n in an earli r s ction of thi manual.

line Voltage

Line voltage that is lower than 100 volts, or higher than 130 volts, will adv r ely affect the op ration of the amplifier. While the low vol tag condition will mer ly result in poor performance, th high v ltage

condition will cau overheating and po sibl com-

ponent damage. orne sort of oltoge-regularing

device should be used in those instanc wh re th condition cannot otherwi b eliminat d.

Line voltag at the electrical outlet may b in the proper range, and et read lower at tile amplifi r. A drop may be due to faulty contacts on the cabl , or to a long ( xtension ) power cord, with small guage wires.

Screen Voltage Regulation on Power Tubes

Th patented creen stabiliza~ion circuit used in ~e Leslie amplifier results in a high I v I of op rating

fBci ney. This circuit holds the pow r tube screens at til id al v ltage despite variation in the signal le~el. Heart of this circuit is the gas regulator tube, which operates in conjunction with the power supply to maintain a constant voltag r gardle of current variation. Parts us d in tbi circuit, and their functions, ar as follows:

OC3-VR105 R gulator tube provides constant voltag t tile pow r tubes' screens.

470 ohm, Yz watt resistor acts to supress possible gas tub oscillation caused by variations in screen current. This resistor, whose value is not critical, also acts as a fuse in case of a short circuit in the screen supply.


Tub are a common source of amplifier difficulties, although it must be recognized that certain malfunctions which might at first app ar to be cau ed by tubes, are a tually the re ult of other conditions.

The tube tester will reveal certain tubes to be d fectiv. However, replac rnent is also recomm nd d for tubes which have been in er ice for a considerabl period of time, as their performance will have d teriorated and the amplifier will not operate efficiently.

Tubes for replacement purposes may be obtained from local sources. Howev r, for best operating result it i recomm nd d that th 6550 power tu es be replaced as a pair, with units obtained from Electro Music. These tube pairs have been carefully tested and matched for use in the Leslie Speaker.

Electrolytic Condensers

Practically all modem amplifiers contain electrolytic condensers. These have a definit life expectancy, and mu t v ntually b r placed. The Leslie amplifier u . the fin t II ctrolytic condensers obtainable, these units may be expected to perform satisfactorily for a period of several year .

Most of the electrolytic condensers in the amplifier are contained in a single plug-in unit that can be replaced a easily as a tube. The condenser is a foursection 30-30-30-10 mfd., 475 volt unit.

Transformer Replacement

If the output transform r should r quir r plac - m nt, the color coding of tile lead wires must be carefully followed, so that the replacement transformer will b wir d in prop rly. If leads are incorr ctly connected ili~JE~asing will be disturbed, and th amplif r may "osci te". It i al 0 po sible for oscillation to occur even when tile color coding is followed xactly in connecting the transformer leads. In such cases the indicated procedure is to reverse the leads from th econdary of the transformer at the point wh re th y are attached to the peaker socket. How ver, do not disturb the ground or feedback loop connections. Those leads from the transformers which furni h th plat current for the tubes hould b as

hort as possible and hould b dressed close to the chassis. Replacement transformers and filter chokes should be obtained from the Electro Mu ic factory.


Voltage Readings

If the amplifier malfunctions, or fails completely, the tubes and the I ctrolytic condenser should be checked fir t. If it appears that the difficulty lies lsewhere, the faulty components may be found by checking th voltage at variou points in the amplifier circuitry. Reading should be imilar to thos shown on the circuit diagram, although reasonable allov an es should be made for meter resistance, line voltage variations, and normal tol ranc s. Th voltages in the diagram were obtained by u ing a 20,000 ohms-p rvolt voltmet r. n unusually high or low r ading (with respect to voltages shown in the circuit diagram) usually indicat . a def ctive component in that parti ular part of th circuit.

Operation of the Tremolo Control

The 122 tremolo control circuit uperimpos a DC controlling vol tag on th Signal line to tb sp aker cabinets. This is used to actuat a tube-operated r lay circuit for supplying power to either the fast or the

low speed motors. In this way, the sp d of th rotors in the Leslie cabinet is controlled from the organ console.

The tr molo control box in tall d • t the consol bas a DC isolation tran former in th 'ignal lin . Without affecting the organ generator or amplifier circuits in any way, a positive voltage can be applied to the speaker Signal line at the tran form r cent r tap. A 10 mid. condenser at the cent r tap puts th igna] lin at low audio imp dance to round, and y tallows changes in DC potential.

Th r lay control tub is on triode of 12A 7.

This triode has the relay coil and a current limiting resistor in its plate circuit. TIle cathode is connected to the cathodes of the output tubes and so is about 25 or more volts above ground. With the grid at found potential, this cathode potential cuts off th pI te urrent Bow. With a DC potential on the Signal line great r than the bia ing 25 volts, the grid is raised up to the cathode pot ntial and th triode draws plate current to operate the relay.

The triode control grid has a on megohm isolating resistor. Thi resistor prev nts the grid from bing driven positive with r spect to cathode, and al 0 prevents any effect on the operation of the audio on the Signal line. Because the resi tor al 0 acts as a limiter, the DC control oltag is not critical and llows circuit op ration OV r wide variations in B+ and AC line voltages.

Th tube adapter us d to obtain the controlling voltage from th org n amplifier, ha int mal dropping resistors which prot ct the power supply in case of an accidental short circuit.

Tremolo Control Malfunctions

When the tremolo control does not function prop rly, in ofar a channelling pow r to the fast or low speed motors, several ch cks should be made, as follows:

1. Make sure the tremolo control i wir d into the circuit exactly as shown in th diagram for the type installation which is being made ..

2. Ch k the connecting cabl for shorts or other conditions which would alter th DC voltage superimposed on th signal line. It should be approximately 100 vol .

3. If a non-L lie peaker selector (Echo) switch or Hammond cabinet is includ d in the hook-up, make certain th cho witch or cabinet connection do n't cause the sup rimposed DC vol tag to be grounded out.

4. Should none f th above reveal the cau e of the malfunction, th n a d tail d check of the Leslie tr molo ircuit comp nents both in the console and Leslie amplif r .hould be made u ing the wiring diagrams in this manual.


The L Ii peaker uses a full two-way s stem with two s parat loudsp ak rs. Pedal and midrange tones are g n r. ted by a heavy-duty IS-inch peaker with p rmanent magnet. Its impedanc is 16 ohm. pper middle and highest tones are generated by a compr sion-rype driver unit, also with a permanent magnet. Its imp dane is 16 ohms.

The I5-inch speaker is mounted in a matched bass reflex enclo ure. It is therefore important that the cabin t back b in place and secur ly fa t ned. The high frequency driv r is load d by means of a rotary horn. Only one of the horns in the upper rotor actually radiates ound. The other horn provides dynamic balanc which erves to prev nt vibration. A small cotton acoustic filter is placed in th throat of the horn. This filt r al 0 prevents dust from entering the driv r unit, and sbould not b removed.

The two loudsp aker are connected to the amplifier by means of a two half-section M-derived frequency dividing (crossover) network. This network separates th amplifier utput into treble and bass ranges, permitting the correct type igoal to be channelled to each of the two loudspeakers. The crossover occurs at 00 cps. The dividing network is built up of durable, stable compon nt , and rarely requires service attention.

Speaker Problems

Because of the extremely strong permanent magnetic f Ids in the loudspeakers, it is inadvisable to att mpt con r pJae ment or any other repairs involving disa embly of the speakers. Repairs or replacement of the loudspeakers should be arranged through El ctro Mu ic.

hould the treble speaker becom inop rative for som r ason, m rg ncy operation of the cabinet can b nang d. nplug the bass speaker from the dividing network and plug it directly into th amplifl r output ocket. There will, of course, be a loss of musical quality until the complete system is restored.

uspected low output from the dividing network can also be checked with the above pro dure, that is, temporarily bi-passing the dividing network, and plugging th sp ak r directly into the amplifier.


Treble Speaker Removal and Replacement

1. R move the upp r back cover and th r tor b It.

2. Remove the center compartment back cover.

3. Remove the tr ble peaker unit plug from the dividing network.

4. Remove the thr e screw in the rim of the tr ble speaker unit, and drop th sp ak r unit traight down and out of the cabinet. The upp r tr mulant rotor may be removed, if d ir d, by turning it sideways.

IMPORTANT: When r placing th se part, b ure the rubb r and metal thrust wash rs ar on the spindle, so that the tr mulant rotor will op rate at th corr t height, and bass ton will n t produc thrust b < ring noises. The rubber washer is first placed n the spindle and then the metal wash r is placed on top of the rubber washer.

Bass Speaker Removal and Replacement

Remove the eight mounting screw around th rim of the speaker. Unplug the speak r from th dividing network. Finally, rernov the peaker, lifting it straight up, then out of the cabinet, to avoid damaging the con. Similarly, in r placing the speak r, it should be lowered straight down ov r the large opening in the shelf. Place eight scr w in th mounting holes, then tighten them securely. Finally, r - conn ct the p ak r, inserting the plug into the proper socket in the dividing network.

Horn Reflector Replacements

On a damag d r Rector, ut th tand- H pins 0

they can be pulled out with a pair of slip joint or "gas" pliers.

In assembling th new r fl tor, make ur it is put on so the cut edge will be at the top of the horn when it is in operating position. To hold the reflector without rattling, use the special ment furnish d by Electro Music.



In order to obtain th d ir d musical result from the L slie Speaker, th motors in each of th two motor a s mblies must function pr p rly. Mechanic I adjustments mu t b such that the rotors will 0[> rat quietly, and at the correct sp eds. The motors mu t also be adequately lubricated, and fre from exce sive dirt.

Belt Tension Adjustment - Lower Rotor only

If tll rotor turns too slowly at fast speed th b It is probably too 100 e, if the rotor is noisy in op ration the belt is probably too tight. A prop rly adjust d belt will lip v ry slightl when starting, but will be sufficiently tight so a to bring th rot r fr m full

peed to slow spe d in about five conds. B It tension is related to the position of the motor a sembly and hould be adjusted as follows:

1. Loosen the motor-mount wingnut nearest the back of the cabinet.

2. Pull the motor ass ernbly to the I ft until the b It is taut, but do not force it b yond this point; tight 11 th wingnut,

3. Test the op ration of th rotor, switching the pe d control from "Tremolo" to "Chorale" and ob rving the tim interval required for the rotor to reach the slow sp d. If the time int rval ubstantiaUy

xce ds fiv eonds, it mean that the belt is too

loose; if th interval is le than five seconds it m ans that the b It i probably too tight.

4. orr ct the adju tm nt a necessary, then tighten

the wingnut ecur I in ord r to maintain the adjustment.

The upp r rotor belt ha n adjustment provision,

inc the spring-loaded idl r pulley automatically maintains th prop r tension. ote, however, that the uPI' r rotor sp d may be ch nged m rely by shifting the b It to on of the oth r groove of the motor pulley. Th middle groo e u ually provid the ideal speed, but th additional grooves in tIle motor

pull mak two oth r speeds optionally available.


The motors r quire littl lubrication. and usually

nly at yearly int rval . Th r quirement is related to th amount of u age, but oth r fa tors can b involved; dust and dirt, for exarnpl , can absorb the lubricant, lea ing the bearings too dry to op rate prop rly. An oiling ·eh dul can only be worked out through exp rience with each individual ituation. Generally, Were is a tendency to over-oil. Thu , all factor should b consider d in determining just when lubrication is to be done.

Carr ct lubri ation of ither of the two motor as-

emblies nece sitate that it be completely r moved from the Leslie cabinet. Thi may b done quite easily m rely by unplugging the motor power plugs and r moving th mounting wingnuts. The upp r motor a .sembly can only be remov d through the top compartment of the cabinet, and this must be done with care to avoid damage to the cabin t or to the motor sembly.

Bearings are locat d in ide the t"JO end covers on each of th motors. Th ar leeve-type (Oilite) bearing, and ach is surrounded by a felt pad which functions as an oil reservoir. Both the bearings in th small motor and the bearing nearest th drive pulley in the large motor may be oiled without disassembly. Til bearin T in th large motor nearest the rubbertir d drive whe I, however, is not so readily ace ible.

ortunatel ,this bearing require I s lubrication than an of the oth r bearings, and thus needs to be oiled only wh n th m tors ar eomplet I di < S mbl d for cl aning. ee "Motor Cleaning" page 18.

In applying oil, care should b taken to avoid excessive amounts. Each felt pad can absorb an ample, but limited, amount of oil. nee the saturation point has be n r ached, additional oil will not be held, but will Bow out onto the motor shaft possibly to the pull y and b It, and will impair op ration of th motor. Oil hoI will b found in th nds of the small motors.

il hould b applied by holding the motor assembly so that the oil will Bow down through these hoI and onto the f It. ppl one drop at a time. TIl felt at the nd of the larg motor near t th drive pull y i readily visibl through th everal holes in the motor's cover. A maximum of 10 drops of oil should be appli d here. In the ev nt that the regular Leslie oil i not availabl , any light oil, such a· sewing machine oil, may be sati factorily us d.


Adjustment of the Small Motors

The small motors dri th rot rs at slow pe d

(Chor I ) by mans of th rubb r-tired dri e wheels which actually cause the large motor to turn at a slow speed. The small motor armatures ar pringloaded or gravity-I ad d, a necessary, so that they will withdraw from contact with the rubb r-tir d drive whe I whenever the rnt 11 motors ar off. \Vh n the small motors are turned on, magnetic pull moves the armatures into op rating position, \ hioh automatically bring th end of th motors' shafts into contact with the rubber-tired driv whe I.

If the end of one of th mall m tors' shafts d not

properly engage the rubb r-tir d drive wh I, an ad-

justm nt should b mad. p itioning bolt \ ill

found running throu h the motor's laminations and the base plate, with holding nuts on both sides of the laminations. First, tum the insid nut (n ar t the large motor) so that it move away from th laminations. Then, with the small m tor , turn th outside holding nut olockwi e until th motor shaft nd no longer touches the rubber-tired dri e \ heel. xt, while holding the rotor so that it cannot mo ,turn the outside nut just nough to caus th motor pull y to tum under the belt. A void excessive pr sure on the rubber tire, When th optimum adjustrn nt has been obtained it should be secur d by tight ning the lower nut firmly against the laminations. Make sure also that the end of the motor shaft is fr - of oil and dirt.

Rubber Tire Replacement

A badly worn rubber tire on the slow motor drive wheel will impair operation of th rotor at slow sp d, and thus should b r placed. To ac omplish this, the entire motor assembly should first be removed from the Leslie cabinet. Then detach the small motor and its mounting plate (held in plac by four cr v s) 0 that th drive wh el will b fully ace ssibl . R plac the tire on th wh el, taking care that it is not twi t d, but is properly seated in the whe l's outside groove. The molding seam on th tire should be th point of contact with the small motor driv shaft. After m: king sure that th tire and \ h 1 ar Fr - f oil and dirt, replace the motor ass mbly, and readjust the drive unit according to previous instructions.

Upper Belt Replacement

Remo the old b It by lipping it off th drive

pulley and the idler pulley. Th n, lift it up over first one of the horns, th n over th other. Prestr teh th replac ment belt before installation, by pulling it out to full length. Pass the belt ver one of the horn, then over th other, and St it into the groov around the base of th horns, Fit the b It onto the idler pulley, and finally onto til dri e pulley.

As was noted previously, th center pull y groove provides the standard tr molo speed, th UPI' r groov provides a lower speed and the low r rroove a faster sp ed.

Idler Pulley

The spring mount d Idler pull y provid proper

belt tension and in the ev nt th pring mountin become b nt, it should be readjusted by bending so that it is aligned with the belt.

Lower Belt Replacement

nplug th bass sp ak r at th dividing network.

Remove th ight cr ws around the rim of the 'peak r, th n lift it up from the helf, and out of the eslie cabin t.

Pull th xpo d rotor upport fr m t11 haft. Remov th old b It. Plac th new b It On th large pull and pass the rest of the b ·It between th rotor and sh If towards the dri ing motor. Fit the belt onto th motor pull .

R plac th baring upport on th rotor shaft and po ition th nd of th support in th hallow locating hann Is in th sh If adjacent to the speak r op Ding. lign th hol in the support with the sp ak r-mount hol in th sh If.

R pia the bass sp ak r, and partially in rt the

two mounting cr w which al f. t n th rotor support in place. Th n partially ins rt the th r six mounting screws around th rim of the loudspeaker. Finally. tighten down all ight mounting s rew .

Readjust the belt tension ac ording to the instruction giv n pre iously. ( ee "B It T n ion Adjustm nt", pag 17.)

Motor Cleaning

The motor ass mbli hould b examin d p riodi-

ally for a po sib] build-up of lint and du t. uch an a cumulation interfer with prop r lubrication and ventilation. The condition may occur at frequent intervals. or more rar ly, d p nding upon nvironrnental

ondition and u age. thorough cI aning of the

motors i recommended wh never it appears that their operation is being tl1US impaired.

Th motor a mbly hould first bremo d from the Lesli cabin t. This may b don by disconnecting the motor pow I' plug from the amplifier, then r movin r th two mounting wingnuts.

t r the motor a sembJy ha been removed from th c-abin t it hould b disassembled, cleaned, oil d, and reass mbl d a follow:

1. Detach th small motor from the rest of the assembly b taking out the four crews in the mounting plat .

2. Di ass mbl th mall m tor by rem ving th

screws whi -h hold it tog th r. B ur to not

the ass mbly s qu nc of th ariou pring and wa h r on th motor haft 0 that the motor will bra mbl d correctly.

3. Remove the large pulley (with rubb r tir ) from one nd of th larg rn tor's haft, th n th pulley

and th pull upp It ring.

4. I ote or mark th position of the larg motor's

nd co r in relation to its laminations; this is important for corre t reassembl . of the motor. Remov th four cr w holding the nd cover, and disa rnbl th motor.

5. Cl all th mo fig part of both motors with solnt, and allow th m to dry.

6. Oil the felt pads insid the nd covers of each motor a oiding xcess oil which cannot be absorb d by the pads,






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TO AVOID ERRORS, orders should include serial number of the Leslie Speaker for which parts will be used. ALSO, PARTS SHOULD BE ORDERED BY NUMBER. Be sure to state color when ordering switch cases or complete switch assemblies. Sockets, connedors, and standard value components (resistors, condensers) are available through local electronic supply houses. Most of the "hardware" items (bolts, nuts, screws) are also locally available. Parts listed below are mainly non-standard items, or components with close tolerances which should be obtained from Electro Music, through a Leslie Speaker dealer.



Tremolo Control, complete

(Case color : brown, ivory, b ny)

Tr molo witch assembly with cable attached, plastic case and kn b. ase colors:

brown, ivory, b ny.

429-1 Tr molo I trical witch on1 122-3 Plastic case only, with co r


122-4 Plastic cas only, with COy r -ivory

122-5 Plastic cas only, with cover


428-6 Pu h-on knob for switch=brown 428-7 Pu h-en knob for switch- bony 428-10 witch r tain rs-two us d

428-13 Tremolo control terminal box

428-2 Tremolo isolation transformer 428-8 B+ adapter, 6 x 4 (small)

428-9 B+ adapter, 6 x 5 (large)






3M-4 3M-1



Echo Control, complete

(Case colors: brown, ivory, bony)

Echo switch a sembi \ ith cabl attached, plastic cas and kn b. Cas colors: brown ivory, b ny

3H-5 Echo el ctrical witch only 3H-2 Plastic cas only, with cover


3H-3 Plastic cas only, with cover -ivory

3H-4 PIa tic ca e only, v ith cover


428-6 Push-on knob for switch-brown 428-7 Push-on knob for witch b ny 428-11 witch r tainers-two us d

Echo control t rminal box

OTE: Cable for conn cting L lie p aker to con ole is not includ d in 4H kit, but should b ord r d separately as required

Echo Control, complete

(Ca e colors: brown, i Dry, ebon

Echo witch assembl with cabl attached plastic case, and knob. Cas color: brown, ivory, ebony

3H-5 Echo lectrical switch only 3H-2 PIa tic case only, with cover

-br wn

3H-3 Plastic as onl, with c v r -ivory

3H-4 PIa tic case only, with cover


428-6 Push-on knob for switch=-brov n 428-7 Pu h-on knob for v itch-ebony 428-11 witch r tainer -two us d

Echo control termin I box

Cable ass mbly, 6-condu tor, 30-foot length, with all nece sary c nn ctors

peak r plu adapter-for 1-3 COn sol

Echo Control, complete

( color : brown, iv ry, bony)

Echo switch a mbl with cabl attach d, pIa ti a e and knob. Ca colors: brown,

i ory, bony

3H-5 Ech lectrical switch only 3H-2 PI. tic a only, with co er


3H-3 Plasti cas only \ ith co er -ivory

3H-4 PIa tic case only, with co r -ebony

42 -6 Pu h-on knob for switch-brown 428-7 Push-on knob for witch-ebony 428-11 witch r tain r -h 0 u d

cho control terminal box

Cabl ass mbly 6- onductor 30-foot length, with conn ctor plug' in tall d

727-7 Sp cia I adapter: 5-pole plug to 6-contact socket (with yellow and blu \ ir s merging from r c ptacle, for ignaJ) INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES

abl a mbI, 6-condllctor 30-foot I ngtb, with conn ctor plug in tailed

727-1 ix-conductor bulk cable, 1 COnn ctors,

to sp cif d length

ix-pol plug and cap, for 727-1 cable

ix- ntact so ket and cap, for 727-1 cabl Fiv -p I plug and cap, for 727-1 cabl

Adapter: 5-pol plug to 6-conta t ock t To adapt 727 cable to Bt tandard Hammond application

Cabl a sembly, 6-conduct r, 30 foot 1 ngth, with six-contact socket at one nd, and spad lug at the oth rend

Adapt r, for early Lesli p ak and

Hammond ton cabinets-where need d

Power relay. for multipl p ak r in tal-



122 Amplifier

525-7 Bushing, m tal (4 u ed) 510-6 Bushing. r lay mounting

525-6 Bu hin rubber, should- r (4 used) 525-11 Chok , filter

525-20 ondenser bias, 200 mfd, 50 volt

725-15 ond n er filter, plug-in typ 30-30-30-10

mId 475 volt

525-1 Control, volume, lOOK ohms 525-17 Fus hold r

502-10 Gromm t, neopren , r lay mount

525-5 Iounting strip cha sis (~ used)

525-26 n cti6 r a' mbl, complete 525-212 Diode, 800 volt, 1 Amp (4 u ed) 525-12 R I y

525-19 R sistor, bias, 150 ohms, 10 watt 525-21 ocket, BIter condens r

525-13 ock t, motor outl t (4 us d)

730-3 ock t, speaker

525-10 Tran form r, output 122-12 Transform r, pov r



4H-7 727


727-2 727-3 727-4



Type 2



122R Amplifier

Id nti I t? T p 122 mplifier, exc pt that it u es Bv (In tead of four) motor outl t sockets, 0.525-13

508 Treble Horn-Pulley Assembly

S02-4 Bearing insert, ilit

SOl-6 Filt r, cotton

S08-1 Horn-pulley, moulding only 508-4 Housing, for bring

502-3 Pad, felt, oil re ervoir

508-2 ReB ctor , for horn (2 used )

509 Spindle Assembly

502-10 Gromm t, n opr n (3 u ed) S02-9 Spacer, spindle mounting (3 u d)

S02-7 pindle without mounting plate

S02- Wa her, rubb r, spacing, ra" hole

502-5 Washer, metal, thru t

502-6 Wa her, rubber, thrust, 1-1/16" hole


203-1 104


Treble Speaker Unit Ring, fibre, pacer Treble Rotor Belt

Idler Pulley Assembly, Treble Rotor Bushing, metal

Grommet, rubber

Pulley with bearing


507-4 510-3 507-2 507-3


Motor Assembly, Two-speed, Upper

540-34 Motor as embly, large, fast-sp d dri e 506-5 Bracket, motor mount (2 used) 10-701 Brack t, low- p d motor mount 506-3 Bushing, should r, m tal (2 us d) 506-4 Gromm t, neoprene (2 us d) 10-401 Motor only

505 Pulley, thr -st p, r t r drive

10-402 Drive whe I, com pl te

10-4010 Tir ,neoprene 506-6 Ring, pull y support

540-33 Motor assembly, small, slow-sp ed dri e 10-405 Bushing, metal, for gromm t

(3 used)

10-40 Grommet, n opr ne (3 u ed) 125-32 Motor only

10-406 Mounting plate, for motor

523 PM Bass Speaker

ote: R .placern nt con s are not available. R building servic available at Electro Music

541 Motor Assembly, Two-speed, Lower

541-402 Motor assembly, I rg , fast-speed drive 10-72 Brack t, motor mount

17-401 Brack t, low-sp ed motor mount 541-406 Bump r, rubb r

510-6 Bushing, for gromm t, m tal (5 us d)

506-4 Grommet, n opr ne (6 used) 10-74 Locking lever

10-401 Iotor only

300-405 Pulley, rotor drive 10-402 Driv wh 1, complet

10-4010 Tir ,n oprene

506-6 Ring pulley support

541-401 Motor ass mbly, mall, slow- peed dri

10-405 Bu !ling for grommet, m tal (3 u d)

Gr mm t, n oprene (3 u d) Mot r only, complete Mounting plate, for motor


510-4 510-6 510-5 510-2 510-7 510-3 506-4

10 300-40 10-406

Bass Rotor Support Assembly, Upper Bearing

Bu hing,m tal (2us d)

lamp, for bearing, low r half lamp, for bearing, upp r half ross bar support

Grommet, for baring

rommet, for bearing lamp a embly (2 used)

513 Bass Rotor (complete, but less cover)

513-2 Gromm t, for ends, rubb r (2 used) 513-4 Wash r, m tal

517 Bass Rotor Shaft and Pulley

517-3 Drive pin with bu hing

117 Rotor Belt

515 Bass Rotor Cloth Cover

Bass Rotor Support Assembly, Lower Bear in

Bu hing, metal (2 used)

lamp, for bearing low r half I mp, for baring, upper balf rornm t, for baring

romm t for baring clamp as embly (2 used) Iounting plat ,for b ring clamp


528 Dividing Network, Complete


510-4 510-6 510-5 510-2 510-3 506-4 511-2


525- Brack t, amplifier bold-down

526-21 0 r, for ba k of cabin t, 10\ r compartment

526-19 0 er, f r back of cabin t, upper compartm nt

il, lubricating, in contain r


PARTS USED IN 122R ONLY 731-5 Bracket, for mounting bolt

731-4 Brack t, p ak r over box r tamer

722-2 over box, for p aker

TE: The 122R pee ker includ . a kit of parts n ed d for in tilling the r verberation unit. Howv r, th r erb ration unit kit (spin t seri ,with con I -typ sp k r) hould be obtain d from the Hammond rgan Co.



6-32 x %" self-tap

Thread and length Quantity

8-32 x Ya" w /wasber

8-32 x Ys" w /washer

10-24 x 1 Yz." 10-24 x 1 Yz."

w /fiat washer 10-24 x 2~"

10-24 x 7 Yz."


2 Bottom covers, control cases

1 Motor pulley mount-upper motor

3 Attaches large motor to mounting plate-Io\ r motor a embly

3 Motor mount

13 Fast nbc' t cabin t 2 Fasten dividing n twork to shelf


For angle bracket, sp aker cover box retainer (122R only)

10-24 wingnut

10-24 "T" nut

#6 x W' h t m tal

#6x ~lt.!" machine #8 x Ya" sh t metal # lockwasher

It.!'' dome-tooth d periphery lockwasher



pper mount mount (2), lower motor mount ( 1), Idler pulley assembly

Used throughout cabinet 8 Fast n mall motor asembly to large motor sembly

2 mall motor adjustment

Parts ass mbly

1 Used und r screw for holding motor pulley on lower motor assembly

1 Under motor adjustment wingnut, lower motor assembly

7. R emble b th motors, and the ntire motor


8. heck the op ration of th large motor; undue

noi e could indicate that one or both of the bearings is not properly seat d. In such cas . tap the side of th: motor with a fairly heavy tool and the bearings will assume th con ct alignment.

9. djust the positioning of the small motor ac ord-

ing to in tructions gi en pr viou Iy ( ee .. djustment of the Small Motor").

10. Check the position of the rubber-tired drive whe I in relation to the nd of th small motor haft.

With both motors off, pu h th mall m t r'

armature in until the round nd of the shaft ju t touches the rubb r tire. Thi point should b about midway in the armature's total travel. Adjust th rubber-tir d dri wh el n the large motor haft as may b n cessary in order t achieve this condition.

11. Replace the motor assembly in the cabinet, fasten it in place with the two mounting wing nuts and po ition th drive b It in th motor pull y groove.

12. Connect the m tor power plugs to the amplifier, using the d ignated sock t .

13. Check all functions of the motor assembly, observing as operation is switched b twe n fast and slow speeds.

14. Check starting time in the cas of the lower rotor, also the length of lim r quir d to hang from fast to low sp d. Adju t the b It t n ion as need d to achi ve the desired p rformanc. ( "Belt Tension Adju tment", page 17).

Treble Rotor Removal and Replacement

1. Remove th upp r back cover and the rotor b It.

2. Remove the center compartment back cover.

3. Remove the treble speak r unit plug from the dividing network,

4. Remove the three screws in the rim of th tr ble sp ak r unit, and drop the speak r unit traight down and out of th cabin t. The tremulant r tor may now be r moved by turning it sideways.

IMPORTANT: Wh n r placing th parts, be sure th

rubb r and metal thrust washer are on the spindle, so that the tremulant rotor will operat at the corr ct height, and ba s tones will not produce thru t bearin~ noi es. The rubb r w her is first plac d 00 th spindl th n th m tal wash r is placed on top of the rubber washer.

Bass Rotor, Upper Bearing Replacement

1. Remove bass speak r.

2. Remove top half of bearing clamp. The b 11 bearing can oow be lifted out and replaced.

ft r th bearing clamp nuts are tight ned, if the n w baring i found to be ligbtly loose, remove the bearing support a mbly from the cabin t. Disa semble, and b nd the lower half of the bearing clamp so it will apply more pre ure to the ball bearing.

Bass Rotor, Lower Bearing Replacement

1. Lay cabinet on flo r so that bottom is acce sible.

2. R move the two scr ws that fasten th bearing m unting plat to the abinet, and entire bearing a s mbJy can b pull d from the shaft. Be sur to sav the flat m tal wa her betw n the rotor and lower baring gromm ts. It is important that this wash r b in place wh 0 bearing is reassembled.

3. R mov th top half of bearing clamp to replace the ball bearing a embly.

4. poo r ass mbly of b aring bolder to rotor shaft

rnak rtain the Bat washer is included b tween

the rotor and bearing grommets.

Bass Tremulant Rotor Removal and Replacement

1. R rnov bass peaker.

2. Remove upp r bearing support and b It. 3.

sing th larg pulley as a handle, remove the tremulant rotor haft by twisting and pulling up at the same time. The tremulant rotor then will be fre d to be removed towards the back of the cabinet. Be sure to save th metal flat washer found b twe 0 the bearing aod rotor grommets.

4. Replace the tremulant rotor \ ith the concave surfac of the d fl ctor facing upwards. (The brace for the def ctor will be underneath). Mak certain the Bat metal washer is in place b tween the bearing and bottom rotor gromm t. Wh n replacing the rotor haft 00 th rotor, a little oil or aseline may b u ed a lubricant. Grommets are mad of

oprene and will not be damaged by such lubricant.

When ins rting the shaft and pulley as embly be sure that the two drive pin , locat d on th pull y, straddl th rotor pok which is supported by the cur d sound d R ctor. Wh n in erting the haft, hold th rotor in a po ilion that will allow the lower shaft nd to nter the bearing grommet without di - placing th Bat m tal wa h r b tw n the bearing aod rotor grommets.

To implify th alignrn nt of the haft with the lower bing, it may b air to plac th cabin t 00 th B or and remov th lower bearing a sembly as in replacing the low r b ring. I 0, in this way, it can be d termined that the wash r (b t\ 0 tb baring and rotor grommets) i properly in place.


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