Bard Subclass - The College of "Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings"
Bard Subclass - The College of "Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings"
Bard Subclass - The College of "Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings"
Bard Subclass - The 3rd level Facts over Feelings Bard Feature
College of "Facts Don't Finally, at third level you also gain powerful bonuses to your
persuasive power when dealing with members of a particular
Care About your Feelings" class. Choose one non-bard class. Whenever you speak to a
Cold and Calculating creature who has levels in that class, you have advantage on
ability checks made to interact with them. Additionally, you
Bards of this persuasion are cool, calm, and collected. They may gain hidden knowledge about members of this class.
infuriate their opponents with harsh rhetoric and a demeanor When you speak with a member of this class for one minute,
devoid of emotion or weakness. Bards from this subclass are you may ask the DM 2 of the following questions, each of
known for exceptional proficiency in the technical aspect of which must be answered truthfully:
their performances, outshining almost all other bards for skill
and proficiency in their musical pursuits. How many class levels they possess
However, what these bards have in technical prowess, they What subclass they have selected (if any)
lack in emotion and feeling. Their music, magic, and How many hit dice they have
personalities tend to be exceptionally polished, but lifeless What their highest ability score is
and cold. These bards focus on maximizing their chances of What their spell save DC is (if any)
success in the world as it is, rather than on changing the
existing order. They are experts of understanding and
manipulating the status quo to their advantage. Optional Ability - Gender Roles
Restriction: Small Races and Tieflings At the DM's discretion, this class may gain another
For some reason, bards of this subclass are almost ability at third level, along with its accompanying
exclusively either members of smaller races or Tieflings. You drawbacks. If you choose this option, the bard
may only play this class if you are a Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome, gains a +10 bonus to all social checks made to
Goblin, or Tiefling. They are typically quite sensitive about interact with a creature of the same gender, and a
their height, and will argue vehemently with those who -10 penalty to all social checks made against
choose to insult them about it. creatures of the opposite gender.
Starting at 6th level, you learn how to use your steely rhetoric
Additionally, whenever a creature would make a Wisdom
to enhance the effectiveness of your armor or weapons. As a
saving throw against a spell or ability used by this class, the bonus action, you may use this ability to increase either your
Bard can choose to have them make an Intelligence saving AC or your weapon attack bonus by an amount equal to your
throw instead. intelligence modifier for one minute. If this ability is already
active, you may use a free action as it expires to expend
Master Debater
another use of the ability to refresh its duration for another
3rd level Facts over Feelings Bard Feature minute. You may use this ability a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses after a long rest.
Whenever you deal damage with Vicious Mockery, you may
add your intelligence modifier to the damage dealt, and the Debate
damage die for Vicious Mockery is a d6 for you instead of a 6th level Facts over Feelings Bard Feature
d4. Additionally, whenever a creature fails its save against Also at 6th level, your rhetorical skills have been further
your Vicious Mockery, in addition to the spell's normal refined. Once per long rest you may cast Charm Person
penalties, it also gains a penalty to its attack and spell attack without expending a spell slot. When you do so, the creature
rolls equal to the number of damage dice rolled for one you target has disadvantage on the save if its intelligence
minute. (This penalty can stack.) score is lower than yours.
Quick Wit
At higher levels: When you reach 11th level in this class
3rd level Facts over Feelings Bard Feature you may use this ability twice, instead of once, per long rest.
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two of the At 17th level, while a creature is under the effects of the spell
following skills of your choice: history, nature, persuasion, or cast using this ability, you may use your action to command
religion. If you were already proficient in the skill you choose that creature to take any action, which it will perform to the
for this feature, you gain expertise with that ability instead. best of its ability on its next turn. If you command a creature
Whenever you succeed in using one of these skills while to attack one of its allies or to cause itself harm, it does so,
speaking with another creature, you gain advantage on the but the charmed effect ends immediately thereafter.
next skill check made using the same skill while speaking
with the same creature.
Silence Liberals Additional Spells
14th level Facts over Feelings Bard Feature Bards of this subclass have access to the following additional
At 14th level, you gain the ability to cause massive damage to spell options:
your opponents through sheer force of facts. As an action, you
may use this ability to force a creature that you can see to Fast Talk
make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. You Enchantment Cantrip
may increase the DC of this ability by expending a bardic Casting Time: 1 action
inspiration die and adding the number rolled to the abiliy's Range: 60 ft.
Also at 14th level, you gain the ability to quickly strike back at Components: V, S
your enemies with a rhetoric that tears down their attacks. Duration: 10 Minutes
When you take damage, you may cast any spell that requires You magically conjure a 15-foot diameter circle in which only
only verbal components as a reaction, instead of its normal facts can be stated. A creature in this zone may only speak if
casting time. You may do so a number of times equal to your
intelligence modifier, and regain all uses after a long rest. they can cite the source from which their opinion or stance is
Cold Logic
Source Scouring 7th-level transmutation
At the DM's discretion, this class may gain the
"Source Scouring" ability at level 3 when they Casting Time: 1 action