Spycraft 2.0 - Bag Full of Guns - This Is My Rifle
Spycraft 2.0 - Bag Full of Guns - This Is My Rifle
Spycraft 2.0 - Bag Full of Guns - This Is My Rifle
4 variants (basic carbine, sharpshooter, squad automatic weapon, are ignored when making this check.
and ultra compact carbine for close-quarters battle); a pre-zeroed red Modular weapons sometimes change categorizations when recon-
dot combat optic incorporating an infrared laser aimer and illumina- figured. A reconfigured modular weapon is considered to be a weapon
tor; flush-mounted attachment points; polymer bodies that can be of the listed category and follows all rules affecting that weapon as
Weapon Name Dmg E/T Ammo Recoil Rng SZ/Hand Qualities Wgt Upg Comp Year SV
Caliber V
FN S.C.A.R.-H (Mk. 17) — 7.62×51mm NATO
Standard 4d4+2 1–2/19–20 20M7 17 150 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), RGD, 8.5 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,395
UPG (vertical foregrip)
Carbine 4d4+2 1–2/19-20 20M7 19 75 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), RGD, 7.8 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,395
UPG (vertical foregrip)
Sniper 4d4+2 1–2/19–20 20M7 15 175 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), RGD, 9.2 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,395
SPA, UPG (extended barrel mod)
5.56x45mm NATO 4d4 1–2/20 20M7 8 50 ft. S/2h LUG 15.2 lbs. — 27/+1 2000 R$12,000
or 30M5
20mm Grenade ∆ 1–2/∆∆ 6M5 15 100 ft. S/2h BLK, IMP, LUG, QKY, NFM (S), 15.2 lbs. — 27/+1 2000 R$12,000
NSP (tactical/indirect), UPG (6x day/night sight,
airburst fire control system, thermographic sight)††
* The XM8 can accept the XM26 LSS shotgun or the H&K AG36 underbarrel grenade launcher as attachments when in its carbine and ultra-compact
carbine configurations. These underbarrel attachments must be removed from the XM8 in order to change the weapon to sniper or SAW mode.
** While in SAW mode, the XM8 is considered a squad automatic weapon.
† Both parts of the XM29 — the KE assault rifle module and the grenade launcher — count as a single pick. They cannot be requested separately and
neither component may be attached to or used in conjunction with other weapons. Further, a character must spend 4 full actions to separate the KE from
the 20mm grenade launcher. While detached, the KE module gains the DST quality, its recoil increases to 14, and its weight decreases to 5.5 lbs.
†† All upgrades included with this weapon are combined as a single optic upgrade (the TA/FCS), which possesses a Complexity of 40/+3.
∆ As 20mm grenade
∆∆ As ammunition
Weapon Name Dmg E/T Ammo Recoil Rng SZ/Hand Qualities Wgt Upg Comp Year SV
* This weapon may be attached to any Colt M4, M16, or FN SCAR assault rifle as an underbarrel grenade launcher. Alternately, it may be fitted with
the included stock and used as a standalone grenade launcher. While deployed independently, the EGLM gains the CLS quality and its weight increases
by 2 lbs.
∆ As 40mm grenade
∆∆ As ammunition
Weapon Name Dmg E/T Ammo Recoil Rng SZ/Hand Qualities Wgt Upg Comp Year SV
Caliber III
12 gauge shot 5d4 1/20 5M8 16 15 ft. S/2h IMP, TKD, TRO 3.5 lbs. — 20/+1 2002 R$2,500
12 gauge slug 2d12 1/19–20 5M8 16 15 ft. S/2h IMP, TKD, TRO 3.5 lbs. — 20/+1 2002 R$2,500
* This weapon may be attached to any Colt M4, M16, FN SCAR, or XM8 assault rifle as an underbarrel shotgun. Alternately, it may be fitted with the
included stock and used as an independent bolt action shotgun. While deployed independently, the XM26 gains the CLS quality, its weight increases by
2 lbs., and it is considered a pump-action shotgun for all game mechanics purposes.
Upgrade Available For Location Cost Street Value Time Comp Wgt
Airburst Fire Control System Any standalone or — 3 R$5,000 1 hr. 35/+2 2 lbs.
underbarrel grenade launcher
Ammunition Type Damage Blast Increment Threat Range Weight Street Value