Spycraft 2.0 - Bag Full of Guns - This Is My Rifle

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The document discusses new assault rifles and other infantry weapons being used by the US military.

Assault rifles, grenade launchers, shotguns, and their upgrades/ammunition are discussed.

Some weapons have limited upgrades, are modular, and allow non-standard proficiencies.



Writing Bag Full of Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Alex Flagg
Assault Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
FN S.C.A.R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Cover Art

spycraft 2.0 | introduction

Heckler & Koch XM29 OICW/SABR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A4H Designs
Heckler & Koch XM8 Lightweight
Modular Carbine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Scott Gearin and Patrick Kapera Grenade Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . 3
FN Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module (EGLM) . . . . . . . . . . 3
Graphic Design Shotguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Scott Gearin and Patrick Kapera XM26 Lightweight Shotgun System (LSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Weapon Qualities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Spycraft Created by Limited Upgrades (LUG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson Modular (MOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Non-Standard Proficiencies (NSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Special Thanks Airburst Fire Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Laura Hershey, for her patience.
Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Airburst Programmable High Explosive (HE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Walter Christensen, Nathan Devonshyre, Charles Etheridge-Nunn,
Robert Harris, Lisa Murray, Jason Olsan, Andrew M. Popowich

Crafty Games Product Number: 20202

Spycraft and all related marks are ™ and © 2006 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. and used under license. All rights reserved.
All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by Crafty Games.
Reproduction without Crafty Games’ express permission is expressly forbidden, except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is clearly stated.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in this release is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This release may use governments, intelligence agencies, and political figures as settings, characters, and themes. All such uses are intended for entertainment purposes only.



of next generation features launched it to great fame in video games,

Bag Full of Guns film, and pop culture.
The primary armament of the XM29 is the 20mm semi-automatic
Welcome to This is My Rifle…, the first of the Bag Full of Guns
grenade launcher. This bulky device, unlike other assault rifle/grenade
Toolkits from Crafty Games for the Spycraft 2.0 roleplaying game.

spycraft 2.0 | introduction

launcher combinations, is mounted above the rifle module and topped
Bag Full of Guns is dedicated to bringing the finest, funkiest, and
with a large TA/FCS (target acquisition/fire control system). The TA/
just-plain-coolest weapons to your Spycraft 2.0 tables.
FCS houses a full suite of battlefield electronics, including a ballistic
This is My Rifle… tackles the newest infantry weapons in use by the
computer, thermographic and 6× day/night optics, and a laser range
U.S. military — deadly assault rifles replete with high-tech features
finder, which together allow the shooter to make direct and airburst
along with new rules to model them with the Spycraft 2.0 system.
grenade attacks in nearly any inclement condition. When programmed
For the last 15 years, the United States military has been on the
for airburst, the computer in the TA/FCS calculates the distance to the
hunt for new weapons to replace the aging M-16 series of assault
target, translates it into number of rotations to target, then sets the
rifles. Recent conflicts in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa
fuse-programmable HEAB (High Explosive Air Burst) ammunition to
only accentuate the need for small arms better suited for operations
detonate at the target distance, allowing the shooter to strike above
in new theatres and against new enemies. Beginning in the 1990s, the
cover and increase the kill zone of his attacks (for more information
U.S. government sponsored a number of design competitions amongst
and game mechanics, see the New Ammunition section on page 3).
the world’s most successful weapons manufacturers, which resulted in
Even when the TA/FCS is disabled, the shooter may still make direct
three major new designs: Heckler-Koch offered the Objective Individual
attacks, as with a conventional grenade launcher.
Combat Weapon (OICW) and XM8 Modular Carbine System, and FN
The lower assault rifle (also known as the “Kinetic Energy,” or
Herstal offered the Special Forces Capable Assault Rifle (SCAR). Two
KE, module) is based on the successful HK G36 design, and is the
additional items, the FN Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module (EGLM)
grandfather of the XM8 Carbine. The KE module is intended for use
and the XM26 Lightweight Shotgun System, were developed to work
primarily in a defensive and close-quarters combat role, particu-
in tandem with these assault rifles. Together, these weapon systems
larly within the 20mm round’s arming distance of 150 ft. Like the Colt
incorporate the latest developments in small arms and are poised to
M203, the KE module can be detached and used independently from
become the next major step forward in infantry armament.
the cannon as a short-barreled assault rifle.
Players of first edition Spycraft, d20 Modern, or other d20/OGL-
The XM29 is not without its problems, however. First and foremost,
based games may also find the rules herein useful with some conver-
the complexity of the TA/FCS makes units prohibitively expensive
sion. To see what other fans are doing with our products, visit the
— so much so that some debate whether the weapon’s cost makes
License to Improvise forum at www.crafty-games.com, your new
it worth risking in battle at all. Further, the units are extremely bulky
home for all things Spycraft!
and awkward, weighing in at approximately 15 lbs. when fully loaded.
Some also doubt the combat effectiveness of the weapon’s 20mm
Assault Rifles round, particularly when deployed against light armored vehicles and
hard targets.
FN S.C.A.R.: This is the newest assault rifle contracted by the Despite successful field tests in 2000, the controversy over the
United States military, winning a competition begun the U.S. Special XM29 caused the project to falter. In 2004, behind schedule and
Operations Command (SOCOM) in 2003 to find a weapon ready over budget, H&K changed the development model of the XM29 to a
for the future of American conflict. The SCAR-Light, or SCAR-L, “spiral approach,” where each subsystem (rifle and grenade launcher)
is chambered in 5.56 NATO ammunition and intended to replace the would be developed independently, tested, and later integrated into
Colt M4A1, Close Quarters Battle Rifle, and Mk. 12. The SCAR-Heavy, a single weapon. In 2005, the decision was made to halt Phase 3
or SCAR-H, carries a smaller clip but is chambered for more lethal 7.62 development of the XM29 until issues with the XM8 and weapon
caliber ammunition. weight could be resolved. As of this writing, it is undetermined
The SCAR includes many features specifically intended to meet whether the project will resume. Still, in spite of these issues, the
the needs of modern U.S. warfare, foremost amongst them a rug- XM29 remains a highly coveted prize for characters looking for a
ged modular design, an action less sensitive to dust and sand, weapon that can “do it all.”
swappable barrels facilitating both urban and battlefield combat, an Heckler & Koch XM8 Lightweight Modular Carbine System:
enhanced grenade launcher module (EGLM), and chambering and clip Originally developed as the Phase I kinetic energy component of the
compatibility with the AK-47 to allow units to scavenge ammo while XM29 OICW, the XM8 has evolved into the next-generation assault
in-country. rifle of the United States Army. The XM8 is a derivative of the HK G36
Heckler & Koch XM29 OICW/SABR: The XM29 OICW (Objective assault rifle and was intended to replace the aging M16/M4 family
Individual Combat Weapon), or SABR (Selectable Assault Battle Rifle), in the U.S. arsenal until the project was suspended in Fall 2005 due
is perhaps one of the most famous mothballed military projects of to concerns over the non-competitive procurement of the system
all time. Developed by Heckler & Koch as part of a search for a new from Heckler-Koch USA. Some battle-ready prototypes do remain in
infantry support weapon in the early 1990’s, the XM29 combines circulation, however, and are available to exceptionally wealthy or
a 5.56×45 NATO assault rifle with a 20mm light cannon/grenade connected individuals and organizations.
launcher as a single weapon system. The OICW effectively functions The XM8 possesses a number of advantages over its predecessors,
like a standard assault rifle/underbarrel grenade launcher (such as the including a modular design allowing for quick reconfiguration among
M16/M203 currently in service), but its futuristic bullpup look and host


4 variants (basic carbine, sharpshooter, squad automatic weapon, are ignored when making this check.
and ultra compact carbine for close-quarters battle); a pre-zeroed red Modular weapons sometimes change categorizations when recon-
dot combat optic incorporating an infrared laser aimer and illumina- figured. A reconfigured modular weapon is considered to be a weapon
tor; flush-mounted attachment points; polymer bodies that can be of the listed category and follows all rules affecting that weapon as

spycraft 2.0 | introduction

changed to fit the theatre of operations; 20% lower weight than an normal (see the Non-Standard Proficiencies quality below).
equivalent M4 carbine; specially-treated surfaces to improve user grip Non-Standard Proficiencies (NSP): This weapon requires special
in inclement weather; a greater degree of common parts to reduce handling or operation, as it is functionally part a different weapon
maintenance issues; and full compatibility with the Land Warrior category despite being purchased as part of a collection of weapons
infantry combat system. or a combination weapon. A character must possess the proficiency
following this quality in order to use this weapon without penalty;
otherwise he suffers the standard penalty for the listed weapon
Grenade Launchers category. Any special rules that apply to weapons of this type apply
to this entry also.
FN Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module (EGLM): Developed
as a companion component to the FN SCAR, the Enhanced Grenade Example: The 20mm grenade launcher/cannon mounted on the
Launcher Module (EGLM) provides a substantial upgrade to the U.S. XM29 is a grenade launcher, despite being acquired as part of a part
military’s current underbarrel grenade launcher, the venerable M203. of a weapon from the Assault Rifle category. A character requires the
Like the M203, the EGLM can accurately fire 40mm grenades out to a Tactical or Indirect weapon proficiency to use the weapon without
distance of 600 feet, but improves the its predecessor’s performance penalty, as determined by its use (i.e. Tactical for direct fire and
with a side-opening barrel, ambidextrous handling, a stock for inde- Indirect for indirect fire).
pendent deployment, and compatibility with rifles equipped with the
Picatinny rail (including current Colt M16 and M4 assault rifles).
Additionally, the EGLM incorporates a state of the art fire control Upgrades
system using a laser range finder to determine elevation and distance
Airburst Fire Control System: This bulky upgrade contains a
to target; the reticle glows red when an attack is aimed high or low,
laser range finder, ballistic computer, and transmitter that are used
and green when an attack is on target. Also, the shooter may set fuse
to control airburst programmable ammunition (see page 3). When
programmable grenades for airburst attacks against targets behind
firing a weapon with this upgrade at a target in the shooter’s line
of sight, the shooter may spend 1 half action to use the laser range
finder. This decreases attack penalties inflicted by the inaccurate
Shotguns (INA) quality with the next attack made using the weapon to 1/2
standard (rounded up).
XM26 Lightweight Shotgun System: The descendent of the
Remington Masterkey underbarrel shotgun improves on that vener-
able design with a new bolt-operated system, 5 round box magazine, Ammunition
and compatibility with both the M4 carbine, as well as next genera-
Airburst Programmable HE: This ammunition may only be used
tion small arms such as the SCAR and XM8. Additionally, it may be
with weapons with the Airburst Fire Control System. These grenades
fitted with a separate stock and deployed independently.
are fitted with a small receiver that collects signal data from the
The XM26 was first deployed in Afghanistan, seeing heavy use
fire control system, setting the rounds to detonate after a specified
where units expected to breach doors, fight in close quarters, and
number of tumbles, allowing the shooter to make airburst attacks.
needed less lethal ammunition. Operators have spoken well of its
A character using airburst programmable ammunition may spend
reliability and smooth action, and its compatibility with current and
1 additional half action to set a loaded shot for airburst, after which
future U.S. small arms ensures its popularity will only continue to
he may target a 5-ft. square within the weapon’s maximum range.
With a hit, the DC of any Reflex save made to avoid the attack’s
damage increases by 5.
Weapon Qualities
Limited Upgrades (LUG): This weapon’s design is unusual enough
that certain accessories may not be attached. A weapon with this
quality may not gain any upgrades with a rail, optic, or underbarrel
location other than those it receives from the UPG quality.
Modular (MOD): This weapon is designed to include various
parts, such as barrels or upgrades, that may be quickly exchanged or
removed in the field without the need for tools or re-zeroing. Modular
weapons come with multiple stat lines, allowing a character to switch
between them during play by spending an amount of time noted
in the parentheses and making a successful Mechanics/Modify or
Science/Fabrication check against the weapon’s Complexity (as if he
were adding or removing an upgrade). The Gear and Gear-Only tags


Weapon Name Dmg E/T Ammo Recoil Rng SZ/Hand Qualities Wgt Upg Comp Year SV

spycraft 2.0 | introduction

Caliber IV
FN S.C.A.R.-L (Mk. 16) — 5.56×45mm NATO
Standard 4d4 1–2/20 30M5 10 100 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 7.8 lbs. 1 22/+1 2006 R$4,295
RGD, UPG (vertical foregrip)
Carbine 4d4 1–2/20 30M5 12 50 ft. T/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 7 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,295
RGD, UPG (vertical foregrip)
Sniper 4d4 1–2/20 30M5 10 125 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 8.5 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,295
RGD, SPA, UPG (extended barrel mod)
FN S.C.A.R.-H (Mk. 17) — 7.62×39mm
Standard 3d6 1–2/20 30M5 12 100 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 8.5 lbs. 1 22/+1 2006 R$4,250
RGD, UPG (vertical foregrip)
Carbine 3d6 1–2/20 30M5 13 50 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 7.8 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,250
RGD, UPG (vertical foregrip)
Sniper 3d6 1–2/20 30M5 11 125 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 9.2 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,250
H&K XM8 Lightweight Modular Carbine* — 5.56×45mm NATO
Standard 4d4 1–2/20 10M10, 13 125 ft. S/2h CLS, CMP, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 6.2 lbs. — 25/+1 2005 R$3,75
30M5, or 100D1 SUR, UPG (advanced combat sight)
SAW** 4d4 1–2/20 10M10, 11 125 ft. T/2h CLS, CMP, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 8.5 lbs. — 25/+1 2005 R$3,750
30M5, or 100D1 NSP (tactical), SUR,
UPG (advanced combat sight, bipod)
Sharpshooter 4d4 1–2/20 10M10, 12 150 ft. S/2h CLS, CMP, DEP, MOD (10 min.), 7 lbs. — 25/+1 2005 R$3,750
30M5, or 100D1 SPA, SUR, UPG (advanced combat sight,
extended barrel mod)
Ultracompact 4d4 1–2/20 10M10, 16 50 ft. T/2h CLS, CMP, DEP, DST, MOD (10 min.), 5.5 lbs. — 25/+1 2005 R$3,750
30M5, or 100D1 SUR, UPG (advanced combat sight)

Caliber V
FN S.C.A.R.-H (Mk. 17) — 7.62×51mm NATO
Standard 4d4+2 1–2/19–20 20M7 17 150 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), RGD, 8.5 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,395
UPG (vertical foregrip)
Carbine 4d4+2 1–2/19-20 20M7 19 75 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), RGD, 7.8 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,395
UPG (vertical foregrip)
Sniper 4d4+2 1–2/19–20 20M7 15 175 ft. S/2h CLS, DEP, MOD (10 min.), RGD, 9.2 lbs. — 22/+1 2006 R$4,395
SPA, UPG (extended barrel mod)
5.56x45mm NATO 4d4 1–2/20 20M7 8 50 ft. S/2h LUG 15.2 lbs. — 27/+1 2000 R$12,000
or 30M5
20mm Grenade ∆ 1–2/∆∆ 6M5 15 100 ft. S/2h BLK, IMP, LUG, QKY, NFM (S), 15.2 lbs. — 27/+1 2000 R$12,000
NSP (tactical/indirect), UPG (6x day/night sight,
airburst fire control system, thermographic sight)††

* The XM8 can accept the XM26 LSS shotgun or the H&K AG36 underbarrel grenade launcher as attachments when in its carbine and ultra-compact
carbine configurations. These underbarrel attachments must be removed from the XM8 in order to change the weapon to sniper or SAW mode.
** While in SAW mode, the XM8 is considered a squad automatic weapon.
† Both parts of the XM29 — the KE assault rifle module and the grenade launcher — count as a single pick. They cannot be requested separately and
neither component may be attached to or used in conjunction with other weapons. Further, a character must spend 4 full actions to separate the KE from
the 20mm grenade launcher. While detached, the KE module gains the DST quality, its recoil increases to 14, and its weight decreases to 5.5 lbs.
†† All upgrades included with this weapon are combined as a single optic upgrade (the TA/FCS), which possesses a Complexity of 40/+3.
∆ As 20mm grenade
∆∆ As ammunition


Weapon Name Dmg E/T Ammo Recoil Rng SZ/Hand Qualities Wgt Upg Comp Year SV

spycraft 2.0 | introduction

Caliber IV
FN EGLM* ∆ 1–3/∆∆ 1S6 — 60 ft. D/2h INA (–10), SLD (2), 4.1 lbs. — 25/+1 2006 R$4,000
UPG (airburst fire control system)

* This weapon may be attached to any Colt M4, M16, or FN SCAR assault rifle as an underbarrel grenade launcher. Alternately, it may be fitted with
the included stock and used as a standalone grenade launcher. While deployed independently, the EGLM gains the CLS quality and its weight increases
by 2 lbs.
∆ As 40mm grenade
∆∆ As ammunition

Weapon Name Dmg E/T Ammo Recoil Rng SZ/Hand Qualities Wgt Upg Comp Year SV

Caliber III
12 gauge shot 5d4 1/20 5M8 16 15 ft. S/2h IMP, TKD, TRO 3.5 lbs. — 20/+1 2002 R$2,500
12 gauge slug 2d12 1/19–20 5M8 16 15 ft. S/2h IMP, TKD, TRO 3.5 lbs. — 20/+1 2002 R$2,500

* This weapon may be attached to any Colt M4, M16, FN SCAR, or XM8 assault rifle as an underbarrel shotgun. Alternately, it may be fitted with the
included stock and used as an independent bolt action shotgun. While deployed independently, the XM26 gains the CLS quality, its weight increases by
2 lbs., and it is considered a pump-action shotgun for all game mechanics purposes.

Upgrade Available For Location Cost Street Value Time Comp Wgt
Airburst Fire Control System Any standalone or — 3 R$5,000 1 hr. 35/+2 2 lbs.
underbarrel grenade launcher

Ammunition Type Damage Blast Increment Threat Range Weight Street Value

Grenade Launcher Ammunition

20mm airburst programmable HE 4d6 (explosive) 5 ft. 20 0.2 lbs R$75
40mm airburst programmable HE 4d10 (explosive) 10 ft. 20 0.5 lbs. R$250



15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Spycraft 2.0
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards Rulebook, Copyright 2005, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg, Scott
of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Gearin, and Patrick Kapera. Spycraft Espionage Handbook Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson. Spycraft 1960s Decade Book Copyright

spycraft 2.0 | introduction

contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Robert J. Defendi, B.D. Flory, Scott Gearin,
derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modifica- Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft Agency Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors
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Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. storylines, plots, thematic elements, documents within the game world, quotes from characters
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open or documents, and dialogue; and all artwork, logos, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations,
Game Content You Distribute. maps and cartography, likenesses, and poses, except such elements that already appear in the d20
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using System Reference Document and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above Product
the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. Identity is not Open Game Content.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, all por-
with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmen- tions of Bag Full of Guns: This is my Rifle are designated as Open Gaming Content.
tal regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of Crafty
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms Games to add all classes, skills, feats, gear, and NPC statistics contained in this volume to the
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses canon of Open Game Content for free use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open
shall survive the termination of this License. Game publishers.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall Some of the portions of this release which are delineated OGC originate from the System
be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Reference Document and are © 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these OGC
portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Spycraft Copyright 2006, Crafty Games.”
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
trademark or copyright concerned.
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0a. A copy of this License can be
found at www.wizards.com.
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, and are used with permission.
All contents of this release, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2006 by Crafty
Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written permission of the publisher is
expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review of use consistent with the limited license


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