Ipl SGN Salao 2
Ipl SGN Salao 2
Ipl SGN Salao 2
Publisher’s right - publisher shall have a copyright ISSUE: WON news footage is copyrightable under the law.
merely of the right of reproduction of the typographical
arrangement of the published edition of work. RULING:
Publisher - someone engaged in the business of 1. The news footage is copyrightable. Under the law,
publishing materials such as books, news, and “news of the day and other miscellaneous facts having
magazines. the character of mere items of press information” are
considered unprotected subject matter. However, the
Non copyrightable works Code does not state that expression of the news of the
day, particularly when it underwent a creative
1. Ideas, concepts, principles, discoveries and the likes process, is not entitled to protection.
2. News of the day; An idea or event must be distinguished from the
3. Official government texts from the three branches of expression of that idea or event. Ideas can be
the government. either abstract or concrete. It is the concrete ideas
that are generally referred to as expression.
Works of the Government – work created by an officer or
GR No. 108946
employee of PH Government or any of its subdivision or
January 28, 1999
instrumentalities, including GOCC, as part of his regularly
prescribed official duties.
GR: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the 3. Audiovisual work - producer, the author of the
Government of the Philippines. scenario, the composer, film director, etc.
4. Letters – to the writer.
XPN: The Government is not precluded from 5. Anonymous and pseudonymous works – the
receiving and holding copyrights transferred to it publisher shall be deemed to represent the authors.
by assignment, bequest or otherwise.
Transfer or assignment – copyright may be assigned or
Two (2) elements: licensed in whole or in part. The assignee is entitled to all
the rights and remedies which the assignor had.
1. The creator must be an officer or employee of the
government; NOTE:
2. The work was done as part of his regularly
prescribed official duties. o As to newspaper or periodicals – the
submission of a literary, photographic or
Prior approval of the Government artistic work to a newspaper, magazine or
periodical for publication shall constitute only
GR: Prior approval of the government agency wherein the
a license to make a single publication, unless
work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such
a greater right is expressly granted.
work for profit.
o As to joint ownership – neither of the
XPN: No prior approval shall be required for the owners shall be entitled to grant license
use of any purpose or statutes, rules and without the prior written consent of the other
regulations, and speeches, lectures, sermons, owner or owners.
addresses, and dissertations, pronounced, read or
rendered in courts of justice, before Form and recording – the copyright is not deemed
administrative agencies, in deliberative assembles assigned or licensed unless there is a written indication of
and in meetings of public character. such intention.
3. Articles seized are counterfeit per se. They are Waiver – an author may waive some, but not all, his moral
counterfeit per se because Microsoft does not and rights by a written instrument. No waver shall be valid its
could not have authorized anyone to produce such CD- effect is to permit another:
ROMS. The copying of the genuine Microsoft software
to produce these face CD-ROMS and their distribution (1) To use the name of the author, or the title of his
are illegal, even if the copier or distributor is a work, or to make use of his reputation with
Microsoft licensee. respect to any version of his work which, because
of alterations therein, would substantially tend to
Importation and exportation of infringing materials – injure the literary or artistic reputation of another
subject to the approval of the Secretary of Finance, the author
Commissioner of Customs is hereby empowered to make (2) to use the name of the author with respect to a
rules and regulations for preventing the importation or work he did not create;
exportation of infringing articles.
Right of attribution in a collective work
NOTE: The conditions found under RA 10372, for
Collective work – one created by two or more natural
importation of a copy or work by an individual for his
persons at the initiative and under the direction of
personal purpose was deleted. Now, one may bring
another, with the understanding that:
into the country more than three (3) copies of work,
provided: (1) It will be disclosed by the latter under his own
name; and
(1) They were legally purchased abroad;
(2) The contributing natural persons will not be
(2) Subject to further rules and regulations of
GR: When an author contributes to a collective work,
Moral Rights – personal rights independent from
his to have his contribution attributed to him is
economic rights. Being a personal right, it can only be
deemed waived.
given to a natural person. The recognition of which is a
XPN: Unless it is expressly reserved.
Right to proceeds in subsequent transfers of copyright where the omission is dictated by the manner of the use of
the performance.
In sale or lease – subsequent to the first disposition by
the author, the author or his heirs shall have an inalienable Term – 50 years after his death, by his heirs, and in
right to participate in the gross proceeds of the sale or default, the government.
lease to the extent of 5%.
Additional remuneration - in every communication to
NOTE: This right shall exist during the lifetime of the public subsequent to the first, performer shall be
the author and for 50 years after his death. entitled to an additional remuneration equivalent to at
least five percent (5%) of the original compensation he
Performers, producers, and broadcasting received for the first.
Scope of right of producers of sound recordings
1. Right to authorize direct or indirect reproduction
Performers – actors, singers, musicians, dancers, of their sound recordings.
and others who perform literary and artistic 2. The right to authorize the first public distribution
works. of the original and copies of their sound
recordings, through sale or rental.
Sound recording - fixations of sounds of a
3. The right to authorize the commercial rental to
the public of the original and copies of their sound
Audiovisual work or fixation – series of related recordings.
images which impart the impression of motion, 4. The right of authorizing the making available to
with or without the accompanying sounds. the public of their sound recordings.
1. As regards performance, the right to authorize: In case of pseudonymous works – 50 years from
(1) Broadcasting and communication to the public of the date on which the work was first lawfully
their performance; published.
(2) Fixation of their unfixed performance.
2. Right to authorize direct or indirect reproduction of In case of works of applied art – 25 years from
their performance. the date of making.
3. The right to authorize the first public distribution of
In case of photographic works – 50 years from
the original and copies of their performance.
the publication of work; if unpublished, 50 years
4. The right of authorizing the commercial rental to the
from the making.
public of the original and copies of their performances.
5. The right of authorizing the making available to the In case of audiovisual works – 50 years from the
public of their performances. date of publication; if unpublished, from the date
of making.
Moral rights of performers – the right to claim to be
identified as the performer of his performance, except
In case of performers, producers, and Presumption of authorship – the natural person whose
broadcasting organizations name is indicated on a work in the usual manner as the
author shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be
1. Unincorporated performances – 50 years presumed to be the author of the work.
from the end of the year in which the
performance took place; Prescription – four (4) years from the time the cause of
2. Incorporated sound recordings – 50 years action arose.
from the end of the year in which the
sound recording took place. Deposit and notice - two complete copies and
reproduction work shall be registered and deposited in the
Calculation of term – runs from the date of his death or of National Library and the Supreme Court Library, within
publication, but such term shall always be deemed to begin three (3) weeks, by personal delivery or by mail. A
on the first day of January. Certificate of Deposit shall then be issued
REMEDIES AGAINST INFRINGMENT NOTE: The registration and deposit is purely for
recording the date of registration and deposit of
Infringement takes place when one: the work, and shall not be conclusive as to
copyright ownership or the term of the copyrights.
1. Directly commits an infringement;
2. Benefits from the infringing activity, if the person MANLY SPORTSWEAR V. HERMES SPORTS CENTER
benefiting was given notice.
3. Without knowledge of the activity, induces, GR No. 165306
causes, or materially contributes to the infringing September 20, 2005
conduct of another.
FACTS: Search warrants were served against Daddote and
Remedies Hermes Sports Center allegedly for possession of goods,
the copyright of which belonged to MANLY. MANLY argued
1. Injunction restraining such infringement. that the goods were ordinary and common hence, ot
2. Payment to the copyright proprietor or his assigns or among the classes of work protected. The trial court
heirs actual damages, including legal costs and other declared the search warrant null and void based on the
expenses. findings that the products of MANLY do not appear to be
3. Delivery, under oath, for impounding during the original creations and were being manufactured locally
pendency of the action. and abroad.
4. Delivery, under oath, for destruction without any
compensation. ISSUE: WON the copyright registration in favor of MANLY
5. Such other terms and conditions, including the can sustain the action against the respondents.
payment of moral ad exemplary damages.
Alternative: Statutory damages – the copyright owner
may elect at any time before final judgment instead of 1. No copyright accrues in favor of MANLY despite
actual damages and profits, an award of final damages in issuance of the certificate. The copyright certificate
the amount of P50, 000.00 is merely a prima facie evidence of validity of
ownership. Hence, where sufficient proof that the
Presumptions copyrighted products are not original creations but
are readily available in the market under various
1. Copyright shall be presumed to subsist in the brands, validity and originality will not be presumed.
work if the defendant does not put in issue the 2. The certificate of registration and deposit serve
question whether copyright subsists in the work; merely as a notice of recording and registration of
2. The copyright is established, the plaintiff shall be the work, but do not confer any right or title upon the
presumed to be the owner of the copyright if he registered copyright owner or automatically put his
claims to be the owner. work under the protective mantle of the copyright law.
It is not conclusive proof of copyright ownership.
NOTE: If defendant, without good faith, puts in issue
the question of subsistence of copyright, thereby TEN FAST LAWS
occasioning unnecessary costs or delay, the costs shall
be paid by him to such other parties.
1. Copyright is confined to literary and artistic works
which are original intellectual creations in the
literary and protected from the moment of
2. Ideas, concepts, principles and discoveries and the
likes are not subject to copyright.
3. News of the day is not subject to copyright.
4. Official government texts are not subject to
5. In case of a commission work, the person who
commissioned the work shall have ownership of
the work, but the copyright thereto shall remain
with the creator, unless the contrary has been
agreed upon.
6. Copyright is distinct from material object, such
that the assignment of copyright does not
necessarily mean assignment of the material
object, and vice versa.
7. Among other limitations, recitation or
performance of a work, once it has been lawfully
made accessible to the public, if done privately
and free of charge or if made strictly for a
charitable or religious institution or society will
not subject the performer to liability.
8. Fair use will exempt liability from copyright
9. The author enjoys not just economic rights but
also moral rights of the work.
10. The author has an inalienable right to participate
in the gross proceeds of the sal or least to the
extent of five percent (5%) over the original work
during his lifetime and 50 years after his/her