Aims: Tuberculous Infection of The Thoracic Cage Is Rare and Is Difficult To Discern Clinically or On
Aims: Tuberculous Infection of The Thoracic Cage Is Rare and Is Difficult To Discern Clinically or On
Aims: Tuberculous Infection of The Thoracic Cage Is Rare and Is Difficult To Discern Clinically or On
Aims: Tuberculous infection of the thoracic cage is rare and is difficult to discern clinically or on
radiographs. This study aims to describe the common sites and the imaging appearances of chest wall
tuberculosis. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of the clinical and imaging records of 12
confirmed cases of thoracic cage tuberculosis (excluding that of the spine), seen over the last 7 years,
was performed. Imaging studies available included radiographs, ultrasonographies (USGs), and
computed tomography (CT) scans. Pathological confirmation was obtained in all cases. Results: All
patients had clinical signs and symptoms localized to the site of involvement, whether it was the
sternum, sternoclavicular joints, or ribs. CT scan revealed sternal destruction in three patients and
osteolytic lesions with sclerosis of the articular surfaces of the sternoclavicular joints in two patients. In
five patients with rib lesions, USG elegantly demonstrated the bone destruction underlying the cold
abscess. All cases were confirmed to be of tuberculous origin by pathology studies of the
aspirated/curetted material, obtained by CT / USG guidance. Conclusions: Tuberculous etiology should
be considered for patients presenting with atypical sites of skeletal inflammation. CT scan plays an
important role in the evaluation of these patients. However, the use of USG for demonstrating rib
destruction in a chest wall cold abscess has so far been under-emphasized, as has been the role of CT
and USG guided aspiration in confirming the aetiology.
We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and imaging records of 12 patients with chest wall
tuberculosis. Patients with isolated dorsal spine infection were excluded.
Imaging studies available included radiographs, USGs, and CT scans. Chest radiographs and
radiographs of clinically involved sites, were available in all patients. In patients with clinical
evidence of chest wall abscess, USG was performed using a high-frequency transducer (Sonoline
Adara, Siemens, Japan). CT scan of the chest was performed in all patients with pain and
swelling over the sternum and sternoclavicular joint.
Other sites of involvement were excluded by clinical examination, skeletal survey, and USG.
Pathology confirmation was obtained in all patients, using CT/ USG guided aspiration cytology
in eight and surgical exploration/curettage in four cases.
All patients were immunocompetent. The clinical features, laboratory findings, and imaging
observations are summarized and serialized as patient numbers in [Table 1].
Three patients (patients 1, 2, and 3) presented with a sternal swelling. Radiographs revealed an
osteolytic lesion of the sternum with adjacent soft tissue swelling in patient number 2 [[Figure 1]A]. No
sternal changes were radiographically discernable in the other two. CT scan of these three patients
revealed sternal destruction and sclerosis with associated soft tissue involvement [[Figure 1]B and C and
[Figure 2]A-C]. Patients 1 and 3 underwent CT guided aspiration for confirmation of the diagnosis, which
revealed caseous material with acid-fast bacilli (AFB) and giant cells. Patient 2 underwent debridement
and curettage, which revealed AFB and epitheloid granulomas with giant cells.
Two patients presented with symptoms of sternoclavicular joint involvement (patients 4 and 5).
Osteolytic lesions of the clavicular margins were radiographically evident in patient 4 [[Figure 3]A].
Radiographs showed soft tissue swelling and dense sclerosis of the articular surfaces in patient 5. CT
scan in patient 4 revealed expansion of the medial end of the clavicle and erosions of its articular surface
[[Figure 3]B] with dense sclerosis of the articular surfaces in patient 5. The diagnosis was confirmed on
CT guided aspiration in one patient and by surgical curettage in the other, with both cases revealing
epitheloid granulomas and giant cells.
Radiographs were obtained in seven patients clinically suspected to have rib involvement (patients 6-
12). Patients 6, 7, and 10 showed rib erosions. Patient 8 had mixed osteolytic and sclerotic changes in
the left 10th rib along with chronic osteomyelitis of the skull vault [[Figure 4]A-C]. Patient 9 had sclerosis
and widening of the left third and fourth ribs, with ipsilateral empyema. No rib changes were
discernable in patients 11 and 12.
USG was performed in five patients with suspected rib involvement (patients 6, 7, and 10-12). The scans
revealed rib destruction and cold abscess in patients 6, 7, 11, and 12 [Figure 5],[Figure 6],[Figure 7]. The
internal echotexture of the abscesses varied from uniformly low echogenicity to heterogeneous
echogenic contents. Patient 10 presented with a left breast lump and USG revealed a retro-mammary
abscess in the lower outer quadrant within which echogenic bone fragments of the destroyed rib were
seen [Figure 8]
USG-guided aspiration in patients 6, 7, and 10-12 revealed AFB and caseating material, confirming the
diagnosis of tuberculosis. Surgical curettage from the skull and the left 10th rib in patient 8 and from the
ulna in patient 9 showed Langhans giant cells and lymphocytes, confirming the tuberculous etiology.
Tuberculosis of the chest wall constitutes 1-5% of all cases of musculoskeletal tuberculosis,
which in turn represents between 1 and 2% of the total cases of tuberculosis. [11] Common sites of
skeletal tuberculosis are spine, hip joint, knee joint, foot, elbow, hand, and shoulders. [1] The
sternum, ribs, and the sternoclavicular joints are uncommonly affected. [2],[3],[5] Tuberculosis of the
ribs constitutes 2% and that of the sternum and sternoclavicular joints about 1-2% of the total
cases of musculoskeletal tuberculosis. [1],[2] The incidence is not expected to stay so low in the
near future due to the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains and the rapid increase in the
number of immunocompromised patients. [4]
Some investigators believe that chest wall tuberculosis occurs by reactivation of latent foci
formed during hematogenous or lymphatic dissemination of primary tuberculosis, while others
opine that it occurs by direct extension from contiguous lung/pleura. [3],[4],[5] We believe that the
former route (hematogenous/lymphatic) is more likely, as only one patient in our series had rib
involvement with contiguous empyema.
Radiographic and CT scan findings of tuberculous sternal osteomyelitis have been reported as
bone loss, which is relatively frequent, and rarely as sclerosis. [5] In our patients, bone destruction
was evident radiographically in only one of the three patients with sternal tuberculosis. CT scan
detected it in the other two patients in whom the findings were mainly of sternal destruction and
sclerosis with associated abscess. Other investigators who have used MRI have reported bright
bone and bone marrow signal on T2W images, with enhancement of bone marrow along with
abnormal, enhancing peristernal soft tissue in contrast enhanced studies. [5]
The radiographic and CT scan features of rib tuberculosis have been described in the literature as
rib erosions and destruction, with adjacent abscess formation. [3],[7],[8],[11] Similar findings were
obtained in our study. There is a paucity of reports highlighting the use of USG as a cost-
effective and useful modality to assess rib destruction and associated soft tissue abscess. In our
study, we have highlighted the role of USG in diagnosing osteolytic rib lesions. USG elegantly
demonstrated the rib destruction/irregularity and the associated abscesses in our patients. USG
showed abscesses as hypoechoic areas, with varying degrees of internal heterogeneity. Bone
fragments appeared as echogenic foci within these hypoechoic collections. In our series, none of
the patients had lesions localized to USG-inaccessible areas (such as the subscapular region) for
which CT or MRI would have been necessary. Although there are no specific reports in the
literature on MRI abnormalities in rib tuberculosis, one would expect altered bone marrow signal
and enhancing soft tissue abscesses as reported in sternal and sterno-clavicular tuberculosis. [2],[5]
The imaging modalities useful in chest wall tuberculosis involving the sternum, sternoclavicular
joint, and ribs are radiography, USG, and CT scan, as highlighted in our report. The majority of
earlier investigators have highlighted the role of CT scan only, and few workers have described
MRI abnormalities. [2],[3],[5],[7],[11] Although MRI is a radiation-free modality with excellent
delineation of soft tissue pathology, most orthopedicians in our institution primarily refer
patients expected to have osteolytic/sclerotic lesions for a CT scan as the next modality after
radiography. In our patients, the diagnosis was arrived at in all patients by radiography, USG,
and CT scan, and confirmed by tissue aspirates/curettage. MRI was not deemed necessary in our
patients. Recently, the role of PET/CT in the diagnosis of chest wall tubercular lesions has been
discussed; these lesions are seen as areas of increased FDG uptake in active regions of
granulomatous inflammation, with cold areas representing necrosed tissue. [12]
Our report shows that possibility of tuberculous aetiology should be considered even for atypical
sites of skeletal inflammation, such as sternum, sternoclavicular joint and ribs. The imaging
features of chest wall tuberculosis using radiographs, CT scan, and USG have been discussed.
The role of USG in evaluating cold abscesses associated with rib tuberculosis has been
highlighted, along with the importance of CT and USG guided aspiration in confirming the