3 & 4 Eurocodes and Design Process

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Design of Concrete Structures

The Eurocodes are a self contained collection of design advice,
often not giving complete rules for design.

Generic rules for loading and design philosophy are contained in

separate codes.

It is often therefore necessary to use many codes to design a


There will be a national annexe which details values of variables

specific to a particular country.

BREXIT will have no short term impact on the status of the

Eurocodes in the UK
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 0 Basis of Design

Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures
EN1991-1.1Densities, self weight and imposed loads
EN1991-1.3Snow loads
EN1991-1.4 Wind loads
EN1991-1.5 Thermal actions
EN1991-1.6 Actions during excavation
EN1991-1.7 Accidental actions due to impact and explosions
EN1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges
Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures
EN1992-1.1 Common rules for buildings and civil
engineering structures
EN1992-1.2 Structural fire design
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 0 Basis of Design

This Eurocode gives us a set of parameters to

ensure all engineers work to the same
It gives the required safety factors that we ALL
must work to
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 0 Basis of Design

Structures must:

Perform adequately under all expected actions

Have adequate durability in relation to maintenance costs
Not be damaged disproportionately by exceptional hazards
such as fire, explosion and impact.

Reliability is a complex subject in itself but is dealt with

using limit state philosophy.

A limit state is simply a condition that the structure must be

designed to satisfy.
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 0 Basis of Design

Limit States

In general, two limit states must be considered:

Serviceability limit state (SLS) - Generally this is

limited to checking deflections are within a tolerable

Ultimate limit state (ULS) - is concerned with the failure

of members. Note that loss of equilibrium (EQU) is
included in this limit state
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 0 Basis of Design

For a single variable load, the load condition

to check is generally:
1.35Gk + 1.5 Qk (Factors from table below)
Favourable Unfavourable
Permanent (dead, earth) 1.0 1.35
Variable (imposed, wind) 0 1.50
Accidental (earthquake, blast, impact) 1.00 1.00
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 0 Basis of Design

For more than a single variable load, the least

important variable load is multiplied by a
reduction factor, :
1.35Gk + 1.5 Qk1+ 1.5 Qk2
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 0 Basis of Design

Values of the reduction factor are:
category specific use

A domestic and residential 0.7

B Office 0.7
C areas for congregation 0.7
D shopping 0.7
E Storage 1.0
F traffic < 30 kN vehicle 0.7
G traffic < 160 kN vehicle 0.7
H Roofs 0.7
snow, altitude < 1000 m 0.5
Wind 0.6
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 1 Actions
Permanent Actions Dead loads
material (kN/m3) material (kN/m3)
clay masonry facing brickwork 22 roof slates 29
medium density conc. blockwork 18 clay roof tiles 20
insulation board 3 water 10
soil (sand) 16-18 glass 25
soil (clay) 20-22 chipboard / plywood 7
steel 77 asphalt 22
softwood timber 5 plaster 17
hardwood timber 7 stone (medium density granite) 29
reinforced concrete 25 plastic 21
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 1 Actions

Eurocode 1 gives guidance/rules about what

loads a structure must resist.
Design of Concrete Structures
Eurocode 1 Actions
Variable Actions Imposed loads
category specific use Floor action example qk
domestic individual dwellings, dormitories 1.5
A and hotels and hospital bedrooms 2.0
residential balconies 4.0
general 2.5
B office
ground floor or below 3.0
restaurant 2.0
reading rooms with no storage 2.5
classrooms, churches, narrow walkways 3.0
areas for assembly with fixed seating, museums, art
C 4.0
congregation galleries, hotel and hospital corridors and stairs
wide walkways, dance halls, gymnasiums,
assembly with no fixed seating
stages for public assembly, plant rooms 7.5
D shopping general retail, department stores 4.0
E storage areas for long term storage 7.5
F traffic and gross vehicle weight < 3T (30kN) 2.5
G parking 3T (30kN) > gross vehicle weight < 16T (160kN) 5.0
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 1 Actions

Other Variable Actions Snow

- Wind

Depends upon location, building size etc

Guidance on these loads are given in other

Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures

Partial Safety factors to allow for possibly

under strength material.

Concrete: 1.5

Reinforcement: 1.15
(do not confuse with structural steel with a factor of 1.0)
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures

There is often confusion regarding the partial

safety factor for reinforcement.
The yield strength (fy) of the reinforcement is
divided by this factor to give the DESIGN
So fd = fy/ 1.15 which can be rewritten 0.87 x fy
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures

Concrete Strength grade is given by two

figures, such as C25/30
25 is the cylinder strength, 30 the cube

Eurocode 2 uses CYLINDER STRENGTH in

design equations
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures

Reinforcement strength - the yield stress of

the reinforcement is usually 500N/mm2

The design strength is therefore 500/1.15 or

0.87 x 500 = 435N/mm2

Reinforcement sizes are (mm diameter):

8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40
Design of Concrete Structures

Eurocode 2 - Cover

Cnom, nominal cover is

minimum cover plus a
deviation, usually 10mm.
Cnom is the cover specified
in calculations etc.

Caxis is used in fire

resistance assessments
Design of Concrete Structures

Design Process

The design process involves:

creating a concept for a structure
assessing the loads on the structure
idealising that concept into a structural
analysing that model
Design of Concrete Structures

Design Process
The design process involves:
designing all the elements in the model to resist the
forces obtained in the analysis without undue
cracking etc)
throughout its design life.
Design of Concrete Structures

Design Process

For most permanent structures, the design life

is taken as 50 years. Some temporary
structures may be designed for much shorter
lives, with associated reduction in partial
safety factors but this does not imply that
temporary structures are designed to be less
safe than permanent structures.
Design of Concrete Structures

Load Arrangements

In any structure other than a very simple,

statically determinate one, the different
possible loading arrangements must be
considered. Note that Reinforced Concrete
structures are almost always continuous.
Design of Concrete Structures

Load Arrangements

Consider a very simple continuous beam,

there are a very large number of possible
loading arrangements, but it is generally
accepted that the following three sets of
arrangements are sufficient to establish the
bending moment and shear force envelope on
a structure:
Design of Concrete Structures

Load Arrangements



Load Set 3 All Spans Loaded

Design of Concrete Structures

Load Arrangements





Load Set 1 Alternate Spans

Design of Concrete Structures

Load Arrangements






Load Set 2 Adjacent Spans

Design of Concrete Structures

Analysis Methods

There are many generally accepted methods

available to obtain design forces in concrete

At this level we will limit the analysis methods to

those taught at level 3 and 4, namely elastic
methods such as simple resolution of forces
(statically determinate structures) or moment
distribution, stiffness method, virtual work etc.
Design of Concrete Structures

Analysis Methods

Whilst we will be continuing and extending our

Structural Analysis techniques throughout the
course, in practice there are, of course
compter programmes to assist us.
Design of Concrete Structures

Analysis Methods

In the Integrated Design Exercise it is perfectly

acceptable to use these Analysis Programs.

freely downloadable.
Design of Concrete Structures

Analysis Methods

LinPro demonstration.
Design of Concrete Structures


The best way to illustrate redistribution of

forces is with a simple example.

Consider a two span beam with equal spans

of 10m length, subject to a uniformly
distributed load 6 kN/m

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