Jurnal Ipomea Triloba

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Ipomoea triloba (Convolvulaceae) a new record for Chhattisgarh India

Article · April 2018


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6 authors, including:

Afaque Quraishi K K Ghosh

Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Institute of Engineering & Management


Jai Shankar Paul

Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University


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Bioscience Discovery, 9(2):274-277, April - 2018

© RUT Printer and Publisher

Print & Online, Open Access, Research Journal Available on http://jbsd.in
ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print); ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)
Research Article

Ipomoea triloba (Convolvulaceae) a new record for Chhattisgarh

Naik ML1, SK Jadhav1,2,*, Afaque Quraishi1,2, Naveen Gupta4, KK Ghosh1,3 and Jai Shankar Paul2
National Center for Natural Resources, Pt. RSU, Raipur, 492010 (C.G.) India
SoS in Biotechnology, Pt. RSU, Raipur, 492010 (C.G.) India
SoS in Chemistry, Pt. RSU, Raipur, 492010 (C.G.) India
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh, Raipur, 492010
(C.G.) India
*E-mail: [email protected]

Article Info Abstract

Received: 22-01-2018,
Ipomea triloba is being reported as new species in several places in India.
Revised: 29-03-2018, Present report is the first for the presence of the species in Chhattisgarh region.
Accepted: 01-04-2018 The species is known as a notorious weed and is growing gregariously in this
region, also. Some beneficial uses of this species is required to be investigated.
Ipomea triloba;
Convolvulacea; Chhattisgarh;
New species.

Ipomoea triloba L. Sp. Pl. 1: 161, 1753, The species has been so much attractive that several
Ooststroom, Fl. Males. Ser, 1, 4: 468. 1953; persons have mentioned the Ipomoea triloba L.
Fernandes et al., in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 52: plant under different synonyms. Some of the
661 - 663.1954; Baker and Bakhuizen, Fl. Java 2: synonyms are: Batatas triloba (L.) Choisy,
494. 1965; Chandra et al., Ind. J. Fores. 23-24. Convolvulus dentatus BIanco, Convolvulus
1976; Fosberg and Sachet in Smithsonian Contr. heterophyllus Sessé & Moc., Convolvulus ipomoea
Bot. No. 36: 24. 1977; Magesh et al., in ZOO’s Vell., Convolvulus mariaannensis (Choisy)
PRINT, 5, 24. 2012, Shah, Fl. Gujrat 1: 475. 1978; Gaudich., Convolvulus mariannensis (Choisy)
Singh and Pandey, Bull. Bot. Surv. Ind. 21: 92. Gaudich. ex Saff., Convolvulus sloanei Spreng.
1979; Deva et al. Indian For. 116(9) 755 - 756. Convolvulus subquinquelobus W. Wood,
1990; Anil Kumar et al., Fl. Pathanamthitta 344. Convolvulus trilobus (L.) DC., Convolvulus trilobus
2005; Bhellum and Magotra J. Phytol. Res. 20(2): (L.) Desr., Ipomoea blancoi Choisy, Ipomoea
243 - 245. 2007; Sunil and Sivadasan, Fl. galapagensis Anderson, Ipomoea krugii Urb.,
Alappuzha Dist. 476. 2009. Common names: Little Ipomoea mariannensis Choisy, Ipomoea parviflora
bell, Morning glory, Pink convolvulus, Aiea Vahl, Ipomoea triloba var. quinquefolia Kuntze,
morning glory, Three lobe morning glory etc. The Ipomoea webbii Coutinho, Quamoclit triloba (L.)
plant was originally a native of tropical America G. Don, Sanilum parviflorum.
(Wagner et al. 1999) but is now pantropical (Stone Homonyms: Also the name Ipomoea triloba has
1970). been so much popular that different plants have
been given the same name which are homonyms
and are obsolete now, like: Ipomoea triloba Thunb.

http://jbsd.in 274 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)

Naik et al.,
and Ipomoea triloba Vahl.In India it was recorded sparsely pubescent, more densely pubescent on the
from Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, nodes. Somewhat angled, about 1.5–3.0 mm wide,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Dehradun, now in when cut, the stems exude a small amount of milky
Uttarakhand), Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Jammu sap.
& Kashmir. It is also reported from Haryana, Leaves
Madhya Pradesh by efloraofindia google group. Leaves simple, alternate, petiolate, petiole slender,
India Biodiversity Portal also reported the species up to 16 cm long, glabrous or sometimes minutely
from Meghalaya and Telengana. Recently it has tuberculate, glabrous or pubescent as long as blade
also been reported from Andaman & Nicobar or longer, when cut produce a small amount of
Islands (Magesh et al. 2012; Naik et al. 2016). milky exudates. Leaf blades broadly ovate to
Geographical distribution in Chhattisgarh orbicular in outline longer than wide 2-12 cm long
Presently, I. triloba was found on the Campus of Pt. and 2-11 cm broad, thin, cordate; more or less
Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, deeply 3-lobed, usually with two conspicuous basal
Chhattisgarh (21° 14′43.6″N, 81° 35′33.2″E) and in lobes, center lobe may be pointed. The leaf blade
Udaypur region of Sarguja district, Chhattisgarh may not always be three-lobed as the specific
(22° 54.063′ N, 82° 56.522′ E). epithet suggests. Leaf margin entire or coarsely
Discovered plant was identified by the Botanical Survey dentate. Underside of the leaf blade clothed with
of India (BSI), Allahabad with Accession No. 99691, minute hairs. Lateral veins about 4-6 on each side
June 2017. Voucher deposited in the NCNR Herbarium, of the midrib.
Pt. RSU, Raipur.
Ipomoea triloba is most likely to be confused with
Inflorescences axillary, umbellate with dense
tievine (Ipomoea cordatotriloba Dennsted),
several-flowered cymes, occasionally 1-flowered;
previously known as Ipomoea trichocarpa.
peduncles shorter to longer than the petiole 1-12 cm
However, Ipomoea cordatotriloba has flowers 3.0
long, stout, angular toward the apex, glabrous,
to 7.5 cm long, while the flowers of Ipomoea
minutely verruculose toward the apex. branches of
triloba are always less than 2.3 cm long.
the cyme very short, bracts linear-lanceolate,
I. triloba grows in wasteland, climbing the fence
along road side as well as growing over the ground
Pedicel 3-10 mm, firm, angular, thickened at apex,
as a creeper. It grows well in shade as well as in
glabrous. Flowers. Sepals 5, free, 6-10 mm long,
sun, in well drained moist soil.
The sepals are in two unequal whorls, the outer two
Habit: It is a slender vine. The plant has very thin
little shorter, oblong to narrowly elliptic-oblong,
wiry stem unable to grow upward on its own. It
calyx-lobes sub-equal, elliptic-ovate, limb not
scrambles over the ground and grows upward only
broad, 1.8-2.5 mm across, densely hairy on the
as a twiner over any other support including the
back, ending in a distinct, abrupt point with Corolla
other plants or the fences. Also, very commonly
mostly pink to pale-purple often with darker centre
several stems of the plant twine among themselves
and pale mid-petal areas, with or without white
to form strong enough structures to grow upwards.
markings, funnel-shaped 1.8-2.2 cm long and 2.0–
If no support is available it grows prostrate over the
2.2 cm in width, glabrous, narrowed at the base,
ground as a creeper. The plant grows gregariously
closing before noon. Stamens 5, attached to the
hindering the growth of other plants growing by its
inside of the corolla tube; included, filaments
densely hairy at base. Stamens 5, of different
Ipomoea L. is one of the dominant genera
length, longest 11 mm long, anthers and filaments
of Convolvulaceae. In India, the genus is
white. Pollen grains minutely spinulose, style ca. 10
represented by ca. 60 species (Santapau and Henry
mm long, stigma bilobed, ovary conical, pilose, 2 to
1973). Ipomoea triloba in Chhattisgarh is not
4-celled, densely pubescent with a white nectary.
reported by the earlier workers (Khanna et al. 2001;
Mudgal et al. 1997; Panigrahi et al. 1989; Verma et
Fruit depressed subglobose, bristly pubescent, with
al. 1985). Here it is being reported as new record to
sharp point bristly hairy; a thin-walled capsule.
Fruits 7-9 mm long and in diameter, 2-celled, 4-
Plant Description
valved sepals persistent. Seeds two to four per
capsule subglobose, ca.2.5-3.2 mm long, glabrous
Stems prostrate and twining, usually much
except at one margin, hard, shiny, chocolate brown.
branched, 1-5 m long, glabrous or sometimes
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Bioscience Discovery, 9(2):274-277, April - 2018

Figure: 1- The plant, 2- Shapes of leaves, 3- Inflorescence, 4 – Sepals, 5, 6 – Flower, 7 –

Stamens, 8 – Pistil, 9 – A pollen grain, 10 – T. S. Young fruit, 11 – Fruit, 12 – Seeds, 13 – A
twig, 14 – Herbarium sheet.

http://jbsd.in 276 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)

Naik et al.,
Cotyledons deeply lobed at the apex and cordate at Kerala, India. European Journal of Environment
the base. Flowering and fruiting October – and Ecology, 2(3):156–161.
February, if water available in the ground the plant Gunn C, Ritchie C, 1982. The 1982 report of the
continues to flower up to June. Technical Committee to Evaluate Noxious Weeds.
Ipomoea triloba is considered to be an important Evaluation of taxa proposed for listing as Federal
plant in honey production in Cuba and other Central Noxious Weeds. Riverdale, Maryland, USA: US
American countries (Ordetx, 1949). Because of the Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant
attractive flower and habit, this species can be used Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and
as wild ornamental species (Divya and Thomas Quarantine.
2015). However, the plant is listed as a Federal Khanna RK, Kumar A, Dixit RD, Singh NP,
Noxious Weed in the USA (Gunn and Ritchie 2001. Supplement to the flora of Madhya Pradesh,
1982). Introduction is permitted there only by Botanical Survey of India, pp. 181.
permit from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Magesh CR, Lakshminarasimhan P, Ven P,
Service, USDA. The leaves are cooked and eaten as 2012. New plant records for Jharkhand. ZOO’s
a vegetable and decoction of the leaves is used PRINT 27(5): pp 25.
against stomach ache in Benin, West Africa, where Mudgal V, Khanna RK, Hajra PK, 1997. Flora of
they are also said to be sold sometimes in local Madhya Pradesh. Vol. II. Botanical Survey of India,
markets (Achigan-Dako et al. 2010). However, for pp. 681.
such a widely spread plant it is surprising that there Naik MC, Rao BRP, 2016. Eight Angiosperm
are no other reports of edibility from other areas. Species, Additions to Flora of Andaman and
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Acknowledgement 7(1):30-33.
The authors are thankful to the DST, New Delhi, for Ordetx G, 1949. The Aguinaldos, major bee plants
the Financial assistance for carrying out the work, of Cuba. American Bee Journal, 89: 72–73.
vide sanction No. IR/SO/LU/0008/2011. SERB Panigrahi G, Murti SK, 1989. Flora of Bilaspur
Dated 03-07-2012. Also are thankful to the Vice District Madhya Pradesh, Vol. I, Ranunculaceae
Chancellor, Pt. RSU, Raipur and Director NCNR, to convolvulaceae, Botanical Survey of India.
Pt. RSU Raipur for providing facilities to work and Santapau H, Henry AN, 1973. A dictionary of the
to Hariom Prasad Sahu and Dinesh Kumar Sharma flowering plants in India. CSIR, New Delhi. pp. 83.
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How to cite this article

Naik ML, SK Jadhav,, Afaque Quraishi, Naveen Gupta, KK Ghosh and Jai Shankar Paul, 2018.
Ipomoea triloba (Convolvulaceae) a new record for Chhattisgarh India. Bioscience Discovery, 9(2):274-277.

http://biosciencediscovery.com 277 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)

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