4th House Characteristics

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4th house characteristics:

 4th house represents the physical home, family environment, mother

 It represents your country, state or motherland in general. Indicates your local
community and domestic politics
 All local institutions like schools, colleges, shops, community center, shelter homes,
old age homes etc fall under 4th house
 It represents schooling, education (usually school related), nursery care, day care
 4th house indicates nationality, nationalism, patriotism, love for local customs,
traditions and community
 4th house is your mother and parenting
 It deals with emotions and deep sub-conscious mind. 4th house has a deep impact
on a person’s personality and should be analyzed to check for any aberrations. It
also indicates mental peace and inner security
 4th house deals with a country’s borders and boundaries in which we reside
 4th house denotes vehicles, properties, land
Rahu in 4th:

 Rahu in this house increases the love and passion for vehicles and real estate. The
person will enjoy trying out different types of luxury vehicles and will crave to have
different properties
 There will be a strong desire to follow and protect local customs, ethnic norms,
 Rahu being a foreign planet usually separates the person from their traditional and
secure environment and takes them to far off foreign lands. It could be a different
country or a different state (if living in India). But the problem arises that Rahu
here produces a patriotic streak for their home country and they might constantly
feel a dilemma between home culture and foreign culture unless there are other
factors that support adoption of foreign culture completely
 Rahu being a chameleon planet might make the person look very nationalistic,
jingoistic and patriotic from the outside but from the inner core they might be
thinking something else. Example: You can find this placement in many NRI charts
 Rahu in 4th can produce success in domestic and local politics, real estate
business, transportation
 There might be a strong passion to open institutions like schools, warehouses,
child care or day care centers, nursery homes, foster homes, shelter homes,
environnmental institutions etc.
 Rahu in 4th usually gives a dominating mother and someone who would have a
tremendous influence on your childhood and development. Although placement
of Moon is also critical to arrive at a conclusion but still the influence and
attachment to mother will very strong
 Rahu in 4th will force the person in this lifetime to focus on parenting, home life,
inner peace and mental security rather than constantly focusing on the public life
and career
 The karma in this life is work-life balance but priority has to be matters of the
heart, emotions, inner bliss, selfless love for mother and kids and building your
own house for your family and material security

Vladimir Putin (Source: Wikipedia, astrotheme.com)

 President of Russia and previously a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years,
rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
 Putin has promoted conservative policies in social, cultural and political matters,
both at home and abroad. He has also focused on environmental conservation
 Critics of President Vladimir Putin listed the ownership of 20 villas and palaces
built during his 12 years in power
 Rahu (spy) is in 4H of nationalism, national politics, conservatism, homes and
environment in Capricorn (power, politics, dominance)
 Dispositor Saturn is in 12H of secrets, foreign shores with 12L Mercury and 11L
Sun (great gains)
Mao Zedong (Source: Wikipedia, astrotheme.com)

 Chinese communist revolutionary who became the founding father of China

 He had a Chinese nationalist and an anti-imperialist outlook early in his life
 He solidified his control through land reforms and initiated cultural revolution
aimed to rapidly transform China's economy from agrarian to industrial
 Rahu is in 4H of nationalistic feelings, land, agriculture and domestic politics.
 Dispositor Jupiter is in 5H of politics, personal charisma, creativity and in Aries
(revolutions, initiatives, war, force)
Ramana Maharishi (Source: Wikipedia, astrotheme.com)

 Indian sage and jivanmukta (liberated being)

 When he was about twelve years old, he may have experienced spontaneous deep
meditative states
 His teachings focused on realizing man’s true nature i.e. bliss and happiness and
freedom from unwanted thoughts
 Rahu is in 4H (moksha) of thoughts, happiness, bliss, deep emotional states with
12L Sun (enlightment, deep meditation) aspected by 5L Sat (teachings, dharma)
and 11L Moon (ashram, followers).
 Dispositor Jupiter is in 6H (efforts, concentration) in Aquarius (spiritual sign). 10L is
in 3H of upadesa
Henry Ford (Source: Wikipedia, astrotheme.com)

 American industrialist and a business magnate, the founder of the Ford Motor
Company, and the sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of
mass production
 He developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle-class
Americans could afford.
 Rahu is in 4H of conveyances, luxury cars and factories in Scorpio (research,
chemicals, machinery)
 Dispositor Mars (engines) is in 1H (personality, initiative) in Leo (creativity). 10L
Venus is in 2H of knowledge with 5L Jup (creativity) and 7L Saturn (business)
Alexander Sutherland Neill (Source: Wikipedia, astrotheme.com)

 Scottish educator and author known for his school, Summerhill, and its
philosophies of freedom from adult coercion and community self-governance
 The aim of life, to Neill, was "to find happiness, which means to find interest.
Likewise, the purpose of Neill's education was to be happy and interested in life,
and children needed complete freedom to find their interests
 Rahu is in 4H of happiness, schooling, education, school buildings in Libra with 11L
Venus (community), 2L Sun (values) aspected by 1L Moon (care), 5L (children) and
10L (career) Mars from Cancer (schooling)
 Dispositor Venus is in its own 4th house of schooling and happiness and is the
11th lord of gains and recognition as well

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