HIC Programme Specification For Foundation in Science & Engineering HIC - April 2021
HIC Programme Specification For Foundation in Science & Engineering HIC - April 2021
HIC Programme Specification For Foundation in Science & Engineering HIC - April 2021
Rationale The partnership between the College and University of Hertfordshire facilitates the acquisition of an
undergraduate degree by international students who, because of their previous educational
experience, are not normally able to gain direct access to the University’s degree courses. The
pathway has therefore been developed to satisfy important pedagogical issues:
1. To ensure that international students have a dedicated period of time in a familial and safe
setting, to adjust to and acquire the skills to prepare for further studies within a western learning
2. To satisfy the University’s quality protocols, which in turn are directed by the QAA Subject
Benchmark requirements, for articulation purposes.
3. Facilitate access to a pathway leading to a University degree award.
4. Protect the entry tariff of the University to its degree courses and ensure that the University
does not need to lower its entry tariff in order to increase its international student population.
5. Widen access and participation in higher education in line with the University’s
internationalisation agenda.
6. Commit to the provision of best practice customer service and student experience for
international students and thus add value to the University’s award winning student lifestyle.
7. Support the integrity of the University’s QAA commitment by adopting and adapting the
University’s quality regime to form the basis of a robust, quality driven academic provision and
administrative systems and processes.
8. Facilitate effective and efficient, low risk public/private partnership in line with the
University’s strategic research mission.
9. Enhance the global reach of the University into previously untapped markets and market
10. Add resource, human and financial, to the University’s marketing process.
11. Facilitate access to a global recruitment process.
12. Assist in the diversification of the student body.
13. Make available the benefits derived from access to Navitas’ global reach and corporate
marketing arm.
14. Provide the University with third stream revenue via income flow from royalty payments
each trimester and the ongoing pipeline revenue derived from fees paid by those students who
progress to the University to complete their prescribed degree.
Educational Aims The programme, First Year Degree in Science and Engineering, has been devised in accordance with
Navitas UK general educational aims along with those formulated for the College, and the nominated
outcomes desired by the University of Hertfordshire Schools of Engineering & Computer Science;, and
Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics, to impart a high quality of education in the disciplines required.
1. Prepare students, who would not normally be considered qualified, to an appropriate standard
for entry into the HIC/University of Hertfordshire integrated 1st Year undergraduate at FHEQ
Level 4.
2. To endow each individual with an educational pathway that augments opportunities for
professional employment and development in the business sector at both a national and
international level.
3. Develop in students a fundamental knowledge and understanding that can demonstrate an
understanding of engineering and science to support their transfer into FHEQ Level 4 of the
prescribed degree schemes at the University of Hertfordshire.
4. Develop in students an appreciation and desire to learn based on competent intellectual and
practical skills, building to a set of transferable skills that will support them in all aspects of their
onward academic studies/careers and assist informed decision making.
5. Ensure that students have attained the prescribed level of inter-disciplinary language
competence described as Level B2 ‘Independent User’ by the Council of Europe, see Common
European Framework of Reference for languages: Learning, teaching assessment 2001, Council of
Europe, CUP, Cambridge, p. 24, Table 1. Common Reference Levels: global scale.
6. Ensure that graduates have attained the prescribed level of inter-disciplinary language
competence to a minimum pass mark of 50% in the ACL accredited module Interactive Learning
Skills and Communication, and therein a minimum 6.0 IELTS equivalent.
Title University Foundation in Science and Engineering
Credit Points Engineering/ PAM Pathway: 120
Computer Science Pathway: 120
Duration of Study Two (2) semesters
Weeks of Study 24 weeks – refer to the timetable and assessments at HIC
Mode of Study Full-time
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Notional Hours Engineering/PAM Pathway: 1200
Computer Science Pathway: 1200
Contact Hours Engineering/PAM Pathway: 336
Computer Science Pathway: 336
Self-directed Study Engineering/PAM Pathway: 864
Computer Science Pathway: 864
Delivery Model Standard Delivery Model (SDM)
Language of Delivery Delivery English
Assessment English
Council of Europe Common language reference level B2 Independent User
Intended Learning Generic:
Outcomes All modules have a set of Generic Learning Outcomes (LOs) attached to them, see relevant Definitive
Module Documents (DMDs). These provide a basic set of core transferable skills that can be
employed as a basis to further study and life-long learning. They are delivered using an
interdisciplinary and progressive approach.
The Generic LOs for the programme are tabled below:
Key knowledge will be demonstrated by: Key skills will be demonstrated by the ability to:
Personal organisation and time-management skills to Meet converging assessment deadlines – based on punctuality
achieve research goals and maintain solid performance and organisation with reference to class, group and individual
levels. sessions within a dynamic and flexible learning environment
with variable contact hours and forms of delivery.
Understanding of the importance of attaining in-depth Communicate clearly using appropriate nomenclature to
knowledge of terminology as used in a given topic area, as a enhance meaning in all oral and written assessments with no
basis to further study. recourse to collusion or plagiarism.
Understanding, knowledge and application of appropriate Present clearly, coherently and logically in a variety of oral and
and effective methods of communication to meet formal written formats using a variety of appropriate qualitative and
assessment measures. quantitative tools and evidence bases.
Understanding and knowledge as to the development of the Demonstrate an understanding of the current themes of a
industry and/or scholarship in relation to a given topic given topic, the academic and practical foundation on which
under study. they are based – demonstrated by a lack of plagiarism and
need for collusion in both individual and group work.
Understanding of the rules applying to plagiarism and Collate, summarise, reason and debate/argue effectively on a
collusion. given topic with appropriate reference to another’s work or
Ability to work as an individual, in a small team and in a Meet and succeed in each of the varied assessments
larger group to effect data collation, discussion and presented.
presentation of evidence.
Module-based LOs are described as Specific LOs and combine to make up the Intended LOs of the
programme/stage of study. Specific LOs for a module are fully expressed in the relevant DMD and
Introductory Module Guide (IMG).
Each programme/stage of study incorporates a set of Intended LOs to define the wider academic-
based knowledge and skills acquisition. These key areas are described and tabled below:
A Knowledge and Understanding
To obtain a knowledge and Teaching/learning methods and Assessment methods
understanding of: strategies:
1 The relationship the subject of Acquisition of Intended LOs via a Acquisition of A1-A12 via a
engineering has to industry, combination of small group lectures combination of small group lectures,
business, human development (listening, writing and reading); small coursework (including some project
and lifestyles and its applications group-based tutorial labs/coursework work), summative unseen examination,
to the contemporary world. (oral, reading, listening and written laboratory work and/or practicals and
presentation); and individual guided self-study. Additional support is
coursework (oral, and written provided through the provision tutorial
2 The principles underlying the use presentation) and summative groups by UH and/or the Tutorial Drop-
of materials in engineering examination (reading and writing). In Centre, as well as a dedicated
applications along with their programme tutor provided by HIC.
production, use and control. Additional support is provided
through the provision of small peer-
3 The fundamentals of led tutorial group work and of
programming and how it is used individual tutorial support; College Students are encouraged throughout
and contributes to the module-specific subject specialists the programme to undertake
engineering and computing where appropriate; guest speakers independent study in a bid to
process and solves engineering (industry/topic specific); monitoring complement, enhance and consolidate
and computing problems. and appraisal by College academic what is being taught/learnt and to
management. broaden individual knowledge and
The context and future understanding of the subject.
development of engineering Ensuring all students acquire
processes at personal, grounding in University of
commercial, national and global Hertfordshire and associated end-
levels. user IT platforms for academic study. Feedback is given to all students on all
work produced and teaching staff
The theories and key concepts of exercise a range of educational
5 The opportunity to interface regularly
physical science in an strategies appropriate to a given
with noted platforms in College, module. For Level 3 a focus towards
interdisciplinary context. University of Hertfordshire library
more didactic approaches, notably in
and independent environments to the achievement of the outcomes A2,
6 How engineering contributes to develop an understanding of the
the wider range of social and A4, A5, A7 and A9.
implications of the use of different e-
political issues. learning for research.
7 Physical laws and their relevance The Programme Specification, DMDs,
to engineering principles. Testing of knowledge and
Module Introductory Guide, reading understanding of A1 – A12 is normally
lists, lecturers and notes, and through a combination of unseen
8 How economic and technological assessment regimes are available via coursework, project work and unseen
developments effect the the University (and where applicable examination.
environment and their the College) e-learning portal for
management. queries to be met. Furthermore, elements of A1 to A12
are determined via in-course
9 The application of mathematic
Students are encouraged throughout assessments including phase tests,
techniques to the engineering
the stage of study to undertake laboratory and technical reports,
and logical decision making
independent study both to design exercises, written assignments,
supplement and consolidate what is project reports, workbooks, individual
being taught/learned and to broaden presentations and group presentations.
10 The purpose and processes of their individual knowledge and
object-orientated programming understanding of the subject.
and an introductory
understanding of Java.
Feedback is given to all students on
all work produced and, where
11 The application of ICT as a
appropriate, confirmed in individual
fundamental tool for extracting,
appraisal events associated with
sourcing, describing and
modules. Interviews are made with
presenting data and information
the tutor and/or the College academic
in a variety of relevant forms, and
services to evaluate and discuss any
distributing data and information
emerging learning issues and therein
via a range of channels and
students options.
B Intellectual Skills
Intellectual skills - Able to : Teaching/learning methods and Assessment methods
1 Make full use of library and IT Intellectual skills are developed Feedback is given to all students on all
search (catalogue and throughout the programme by the work produced and teaching staff
bibliographic) resources. methods and strategies as exercise a range of educational
summarised in Section A. The basics strategies appropriate to a given
2 Apply basic research techniques of analysis, problem solving and module.
to sourcing and selecting modelling skills are developed via
appropriate academic data and tutorials, laboratory practice and in- Assessment:
literature. course assessment as a platform to
further emphasis in Levels 5 and 6 of Written assignments and in-course
3 Integrate oral, written, non-verbal a nominated undergraduate degree. assessments, computer-based
and diagrammatic skills to effect Design and IT skills are enhanced via coursework, project reports and
clear communication. project work, design exercises and presentations.
case studies. The student is always
Ability to analyse data and encouraged to further develop Analysis and problem solving skills are
various modes of information intellectual skills by independent assessed through unseen summative
using appropriate numerical study. Ensuring all students acquire examination, laboratory reports and
techniques. grounding in University of coursework.
Hertfordshire and associated end-
Ability to begin to evaluate and user IT platforms for academic study. Design and IT skills are assessed via
start to apply, reasoned thinking coursework and in-course exercises,
and supportive evidence collation The opportunity to interface regularly presentations as well as portfolios and
to conflicting sets of information with noted platforms in College, project reports.
and academic opinion. University of Hertfordshire library
and independent environments to
develop an understanding of the
implications of the use of different e-
learning for research.
C Practical Skills
Practical skills – Able to: Teaching/learning methods and Assessment methods
1 Transfer and utilise key skills at a Practical skills are developed Integrated themes used across the
higher level of study. throughout the programme by the continuous assessment framework for
methods and strategies set out in the programme to test robust
2 Employ analytical skills and Sections A and B. capability skills in a number of
methodologies as a basis to environments.
further study. Through a combination of small
group lectures and small group-based A combination of summative (closed-
3 Ability to begin to engage tutorial supported by an assessment book) examinations and summative
critically with regard to the framework that requires a high level coursework along with written
underlying challenges facing the of self-directed study allows assignments, portfolios and in-course
environment and engineering- candidates to foster a range of assessments/tests, computer-based
based industries. analytical skills to support further coursework and tests, project reports,
study. This is aided by inclusion of the
4 Develop the knowledge and skills module ILS001 in the programme. presentations and practical tests.
to carry out basic laboratory
manipulations with reference to Application of the central Practical skills are assessed via
University of Hertfordshire commercial, economic, laboratory reports, coursework
protocols and safety regulations. environmental, sustainability and assignments, presentation and project
technological themes throughout all reports.
core modules of the programme via
examples and topics for assessment Practical skill, C1 – C4 are addressed
regimes. through lectures, tutorials, practicals
and independent study. These skills are
C1 – C4 developed via laboratory assessed by coursework and indirectly
work and associated written reports, through unseen exams.
coursework and tutorial work.
D Transferable Skills
Transferable skills – Able to: Teaching/learning methods and Assessment methods
1 Select, read, digest, summarise Transferable skills are developed via A combination of summative (closed-
and synthesise information the programme by the methods and book) examinations and summative
material in a variety of forms, strategies developed in Sections A, B coursework along with written
both qualitative and quantitative and C. assignments and in-course
(text, numerical data and assessments, computer-based
diagrammatic) and in an D1 – D5 – developed via lectures, coursework, project reports, portfolios
appropriate manner to identify tutorials, group and individual and presentations. Indicating an ability
and determine key facts/themes coursework, reports, oral to effectively manage a complex and
and relevancy. presentations and project reports, flexible timetable, combining a variety
use of IT tools in preparation of of delivery and assessment modes,
2 Use and clearly communicate project reports and laboratory some of which are conflicting in
discursive, numerical, statistical reports. submission and style (oral/written and
and diagrammatic ideas, individual/small group, to demonstrate
concepts, results and conclusions D5 – encouraged throughout the effective organisation, self-reliance and
using appropriate technical and programme as part of the further time-management skills.
non-technical language and generic educational aims of the
language style, structure and nominated degree programmes. Assessment:
Embedded in all aspects of delivery D1 - D5 are assessed via coursework,
3 Application of basic research and and assessment structures is the technical reports, oral presentations,
referencing techniques to all need to disseminate information group project work, individual project
aspects of study, information presented in a variety of forms and work and summative unseen
collation, information modalities. examination.
presentation and formulation of
academic opinion. Using a combination of all delivery
and assessment styles (oral and
4 Embedding the importance of written, group and individual) used
self-study and reliance. This within the programme to
involves cultivating and demonstrate competence in
developing a responsibility within presentation, reports, long and short
each student to take cognizance essays (to enhance summarisation
for their own learning, initiative, techniques and limit collusion and
effective time-management and plagiarism), timed-assignments
self-discipline within the (indicating knowledge, organisation,
academic and professional time management and clear
environments. communication ability), of the
following: design a persuasive
5 Students will also begin to message from the audience’s
develop a very good conceptual perspective; demonstrate effective
understanding and evaluation of presentation delivery skills in a
the main aspects of engineering variety of situations; leave effective
that can serve them well in their voice-mail messages; write
future studies and careers. persuasive E-mails, memos letters;
and write factual essays and reports
in plain English. These skills are
reflective of in-context reading,
writing, oral and speaking skills and
enhanced language acquisition.
Assessment Summary:
The programme is compliant with the generic assessment regulations of Navitas UK and the College
policies and regulations; see CPR QS9.
Each module within the programme/stage of study has an associated Module Outline that may be
broadened into a Definitive Module Document (DMD) either of which will be provided to students at
the beginning of their studies. These documents offer generic information on the Aims and Specific
LOs of the subject/s under study, basic references and the attendance and notional contact
requirements. They also include topics/subject areas of study and outlines of the assessment events.
Each module has an associated textbook(s), as prescribed by the DMDs and a specifically developed
Introductory Module Guide or Hello Doc (IMD), which includes the types of assessment activities
employed, teaching methods, resources, assessment criteria and expectations, contact details of the
tutor(s), referencing (if applicable) and submission/completion requirements. Contained is also a
lecture-by-lecture schedule of subjects students can be expected to cover over the teaching period.
This acts as a useful reference for study and revision purposes. All assessments are designed to
reflect and measure both an individual’s and a cohort’s achievement against the Specific LOs of the
module and Intended LOs of the programme.
In-course written, reading, listening and oral assessments are built into all modules through general
interaction between tutors and students, student peer review and small group tutorials or individual
tutorials/appraisals. Modes of assessment include essay/report writing, oral presentation (group or
individual, and poster), portfolio, e-based, in-class tests or homework exercises.
All written assessments must follow certain criteria in style and submission as noted in the relevant
DMDs, Introductory Module Guides and Student Handbook. These forms of assessment are
considered fundamental to a student’s ability to communicate ideas and evidence with clarity,
relevance and logic in a planned and organised manner. Plain writing style, syntax and grammar are
core skills that can be enhanced to support the maturing of individual students’ composition and thus
academic and transferable proficiency.
Oral presentations, whether part of formal or informal assessment practice, are encouraged within all
modules as they promote, among others, transferable skills and can identify those students who may
be plagiarising material. It is advised, however, that they should not make up more than 60% of the
final module mark unless as part of the learning rational. Oral group presentations should ideally
contain no more than five (5) students, unless specific reasoning is applied. Each member,
irrespective of their role, should be awarded the same mark unless where obvious differentiation
arises, for management of this process see CPR QS9. This form of expression should not be allocated
more than fifty (50) minutes per group, with less than a 30% weighting. Time limits must be upheld
by tutors so as to ensure all students have the same opportunity to perform. Furthermore, tutors
ought to notify students as to the materials available to them before preparation takes place.
Final summative examination normally adheres to closed-book, invigilated, timed conditions and
takes place during allocated exam periods of a programme. It represents a more abstract measure of
a student’s achievement as a consequence of the Specific LOs associated with a module. It is utilised
as a key measure of quality in teaching standards and provides a basis to aspects of delivery and
environment which takes place at the conclusion of a semester by College academic services, see CPR
QS9. Marks indicated in the relevant DMDs cannot be referred. Only in extenuating circumstances,
sickness, personal tragedy or in the possibility of a clerical error, will deferral take place, see CPR QS9.
Formal assessment modalities (coursework and examination, respectively), combine to produce the
following weightings applied to any given module. Successful completion of a module is based on
attaining the required overall pass grade prescribed. The assessment mode for a given module is
based on the desired Specific LOs, their expressions can be found in the relevant DMD. Students
must be briefed at the beginning of each module as to which weightings are in use. They should also
be clearly advised as to the marking criteria and, hence, the achievement requirements for each
grade cluster.
Where a student has a special need or disability, appropriate steps must be taken by the College,
academic staff and/or internal/external invigilators to ensure that the need is recognised and a
justified outcome identified, see CPR QS9.
Demonstration of achievement:
Students must pass all modules at the prescribed grade in order to progress to the next stage of their
educational continuum, see Progression Criteria, below.
Structure – the student has identified the main issues of the question and attached the appropriate
emphasis to them; has stated their agreement accurately and in some detail and has utilised the
supporting data.
Context – the student has displayed knowledge of the basic subject matter under assessment, has
included only relevant material where required, has provided a written agreement or
mathematical/numerical/diagrammatic/modelled statement and, in doing so, has addressed all
aspects of it in reaching a conclusion and has provided a clear understanding of a question in reaching
a conclusion.
Presentation – due credit, specified as a percentage of the marking criteria, will be given for a
succinct and fluent writing style.
Illegible material will not be given due credit, specified as a percentage of the marking criteria.
Penalty – a student will be penalised if they have not tackled each issue of a question separately,
stating their agreement and or rationalised progression and then applying this to the facts. Students
will be penalised for not providing evidence of academically based reasoning in an answer.
Sources – the student should provide accurate referencing; it is essential that a student does not
plagiarise from any source, see CPR QS9.
Moderation See CPR QS9 – Summary: 10% sample of all assessment components by a subject specialist. External
Examiner where necessary.
Progression Criteria Summary: Students must successfully achieve the assessment criteria specified in each relevant DMD
to their pathway, as follows, for:
• Engineering/PAM Pathway require 120 credit points for successful progression to the
Integrated 1st Year.
• Computer Science Pathway require 120 credit points for successful progression to the
Integrated 1st Year.
Failure to Progress Summary: a student may not re-sit or repeat a module on more than two (2) occasions, failure of the
module may require an assessment re-sit or that a student repeats the entire module at full cost.
Failure of a student to complete a module on the re-take will result in referral to the College Learning
and Teaching Board for a student management decision.
Associated All University prescribed modules form the basis of the curriculum; See Appendix 4, for University
Documentation Module Outlines.
Definitive Module Documents (DMDs) as follows: DMD/PHY101; DMD/PHY102;
Introductory Module Guides (IMGs) as follows: IMGs are available on the HIC Student Portal/Moodle
Associated teaching aids for a module as required
Associated Student Handbook is available on the HIC Student Portal/Moodle
College Policies and Regulations (CPRs) are available on the HIC Student Portal
Human Resource Sessional academics (tutors) – with appropriate qualifications, experience and abilities.
Guest speakers – relevant industries as requested by the College.
Built Environment All lectures/classes/labs and small group tutorials are held in the designated HIC and UH classrooms,
seminar rooms and dedicated IT laboratories; students are encouraged to use University of
Hertfordshire’s library and e-learning facilities for self-directed study. Students are encouraged to use
their private IT facilities where possible; field-trips will be taken as required.
E-learning College Portal/ Moodle; University StudyNet; Library
Library College Lane Campus
University Foundation in Science and Engineering
Core Modules
Contact College Module Name Pass
Hrs/Week Module Credit Mark Exam Coursework
Code Points % % %
Semester 1
4 ILS001 Interactive Learning Skills and 15 50 30 70
4 BUS107 Principles of ICT 15 50 60 40
4 BUS104 Mathematics 1 15 50 50 50
Engineering / PAM Pathway:
4 PHY101 Physics 1 15 50 70 30
Computer Science Pathway:
4 BUS106 Business Studies 15 50 60 40
Semester 2
4 MTH002 Mathematics 2 15 50 70 30
4 COM101 Introduction to Programming 15 50 50 50
4 BUS105 Statistics 15 50 70 30
Engineering/ PAM Pathway:
4 PHY102 Physics 2 15 50 70 30
Computer Science Pathway:
4 MAC101 Introduction to Mass Communications 15 50 - 100
Undergraduate Stage 1 : Science and Engineering Engineering/ PAM Pathway: 120 credit points
Computer Science Pathway: 120 credit points
Management The University Foundation in Science and Engineering programme is delivered on the College Lane
Campus of University of Hertfordshire. This scenario seeks to provide the necessary resources to
ensure that all students enrolled with HIC are afforded an educational experience that not only
provides assimilation into campus and student life but is aligned with the standards and protocols of
the University experience. The programme operates under and according to the general compliance
structures determined by the Quality and Standards Office Navitas UK. This Office has oversight of all
Navitas programmes operating in the UK. Any changes to a programme must be submitted via the
normal Navitas UK processes through the Quality and Standards Office. The general operational
management of the programme lies with HIC’s Academic Services, which assume overall
responsibility for the administrative and implementation functions. The HIC Manager of Academic
Services or nominee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the programme inclusive of
attendance monitoring. HIC’s lecturers are responsible for the delivery and initial assessment of
modules whilst appraisal of delivery and programme content is advised by the HIC Manager of
Academic Services or nominee in consultation with the Quality and Standards Office Navitas UK and
appropriate Link Tutors or subject specialists. The corresponding Board of Examiners or Learning and
Teaching Board of the College, is identified as responsible for candidate progression to the UH/HIC
Integrated First Year Degree in Science and Engineering.
Monitoring and Formal review of the University Foundation in Science and Engineering programme, takes place as an
Review annual review between HIC, the Quality and Standards Office Navitas UK and representation from the
School of Engineering & Computer Science and the School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics.
Strategic, logistical and operational issues are developed within the remit of the Academic and
Operational Advisory Committee (AOAC) held on a trimester basis and chaired by the Key Account
Manager, University of Hertfordshire. Progression is determined via the HIC progression boards. For
details of this review and quality management of this and all HIC programmes, see, CPR QS9. Informal
Review takes place on a regular basis via interface between students, academic services and the
teaching staff using both student surveys (inclusive of i-graduate) and teaching observation and
module surveys, supporting HIC’s continual improvement approach to academic quality.
Entry Standard and approved requirements for academic international benchmark qualifications see CPR 3.
Requirements English language entry is at CEFR level B2 in line with UKVI requirements for FHEQ6.
Appendix 1 Intended Learning Outcomes in the constituent modules – table inserted indicating direct mapping of
LOs per module.
Appendix 2 Delivery schedule incorporating notional, contact and self-directed hours of study applied to each
module and therein the programme.
Appendix 3 [N/A – Module conversion codes and descriptors and module mapping by pathway.]
Appendix 1
The tables below map where the intended LOs of the programme are assessed in the core/constituent modules. It provides an aid to (i) academic staff in understanding how individual modules
contribute to the programme aims, (ii) a checklist for quality control purposes, and (iii) a means to help students monitor their own learning, personal and professional development as the
programme progresses.
ILSC ILS001 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Mathematics 1 BUS104 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Mathematics 2 MTH002 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Physics 1 PHY101 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Physics 2 PHY102 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Introduction to COM101 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Statistics BUS105 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
University Foundation for Computer Science Pathway: Table 2b:
ILSC ILS001 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Mathematics 1 BUS104 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Mathematics 2 MTH002 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Mass MAC101 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Introduction to COM101 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Statistics BUS105 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Knowledge and Understanding
All awards:
A1 The relationship the subject of engineering has to industry, business, human development and lifestyles and its applications to the contemporary world.
A2 The principles underlying the use of materials in engineering applications along with their production, use and control.
A3 The fundamentals of programming and how it is used and contributes to the engineering and computing process and solves engineering and computing problems.
A4 The context and future development of engineering processes at personal, commercial, national and global levels.
A6 How engineering contributes to the wider range of social and political issues.
A8 How economic and technological developments effect the environment and their management.
A9 The application of mathematic techniques to the engineering and logical decision making process.
A10 The purpose and processes of object-orientated programming and an introductory understanding of Java.
A11. The application of ICT as a fundamental tool for extracting, sourcing, describing and presenting data and information in a variety of relevant forms, and distributing data and information via
a range of channels and formats.
A12. The techniques and forms of effective and clear communication in a variety of academic and professional settings.
Intellectual Skills
B1 Make full use of library and IT search (catalogue and bibliographic) resources.
B2 Apply basic research techniques to sourcing and selecting appropriate academic data and literature.
B3 Integrate oral, written, non-verbal and diagrammatic skills to effect clear communication.
B4 Ability to analyse data and various modes of information using appropriate numerical techniques.
B5 Ability to begin to evaluate and start to apply, reasoned thinking and supportive evidence collation to conflicting sets of information and academic opinion.
Practical skills
C3 Ability to begin to engage critically with regard to the underlying challenges facing the environment and engineering-based industries.
C4 Develop the knowledge and skills to carry out basic laboratory manipulations with reference to University of Hertfordshire protocols and safety regulations
Transferable skills
D1 Select, read, digest, summarise and synthesise information material in a variety of forms, both qualitative and quantitative (text, numerical data and diagrammatic) and in an appropriate
manner to identify and determine key facts/themes and relevancy.
D2 Use and clearly communicate discursive, numerical, statistical and diagrammatic ideas, concepts, results and conclusions using appropriate technical and non-technical language and
language style, structure and form.
D3 Application of basic research and referencing techniques to all aspects of study, information collation, information presentation and formulation of academic opinion.
D4 Embedding the importance of self-study and reliance. This involves cultivating and developing a responsibility within each student to take cognizance for their own learning, initiative,
effective time-management and self-discipline within the academic and professional environments.
D5. Students will also begin to develop a very good conceptual understanding and evaluation of the main aspects of engineering that can serve them well in their future studies and careers.
Appendix 2
Teaching Rotations:
Semester 2 – Engineering/ PAM Pathway
Semester 1 – Computer Science Pathway
Semester 2 – Computer Science Pathway