E-Bulletin Mister Potato
E-Bulletin Mister Potato
E-Bulletin Mister Potato
Chips are one of the favorite snacks that
many people like. Besides being delicious, COMMERCIALIZATION
making these chips is relatively easy, so
many people like it and even make it a
business opportunity that has a fairly
high sales turnover. The manufacture of
chips is currently still limited to small
Commercialization is a converting or moving
businesses or home industries aimed at
technology into a profit making position and
the local market. Generally marketed
technology. Technology commercialization
through middlemen, stalls, small shops,
commonly define as the process of creating a
street colonizers and supermarkets with
product. There is a high potential to
packaging and packaging methods vary
commercialization the product especially in this
depending on the intended target. With
country For example : mister potato has a huge
better processing and packaging so that
target market especially in our country because of
quality and clean cassava chips are
“malaysian daily routine”.
obtained, it is hoped that the marketing of
this product can reach a wider range of
The Mister Potato
To give satisfaction to customers related
to the unique taste of potato chips
produced by mister potato company. In
terms of social, mister potato has provided
employment opportunities to Malaysians.
the opening of the MAMEE SDN BHD FOCUS ON TARGET MARKET - Mister potato
factory located in Subang Jaya, Selangor chips can be purchased in both a posh metropolis
has opened up employment opportunities shopping Centre and a small country grocery
to residents around Selangor. Mister store. As a result, there is a sizable chip market in
potato has done various innovations in Malaysia.
making their company famous. One of the
innovations that the mister potato DO SIGNIFICANT DISTINCTION FROM THE
company has done is to add more features PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE PRODUCTS - The
in their products that is to further inclusion of Mister potato goods tastes such as
diversify the flavours. The impact of this original, hot and spicy, sour cream and onion,
innovation their products are increasingly tomato, barbecue, and flaming hot and spicy, as
liked by many people starting from old to well as yam, is an example of Mister potato
young. The uniqueness in this innovation Company's ingenuity and diversity.
creates an increase in terms of
profitability to their company. The impact MARKETING STRATEGIES - Use of social media
we can see globally is the branches that and the company's website, for example, can aid in
have been opened by the mister potato the commercialization of this new product. This
company. As a result of the efforts of product can also be sold in grocery stores,
their developers, branches have been supermarkets, and shopping malls.
opened everywhere from the west to Asia