Dialog Axiata PLC
Dialog Axiata PLC
Dialog Axiata PLC
31 DECEMBER 2021
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We have reviewed the accompanying condensed statement of financial position of Dialog Axiata PLC and
its subsidiaries as at 31 December 2021, and the related statements of comprehensive income, changes
in equity and cash flows for the period then ended. Management is responsible for the preparation and
presentation of this interim financial information in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard 34
[LKAS 34] - Interim Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim
financial information based on our review.
Scope of Review
We conducted our review in accordance with the Sri Lanka Standard on Review Engagements 2410,
Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity. A review of
interim financial information consists of making of inquiries, preliminarily of persons responsible for
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is
substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Sri Lanka Auditing Standards and
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant
matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying
interim financial information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the Sri Lanka
Accounting Standard 34 [LKAS 34] - Interim Financial Reporting.
11 February 2022
Date PricewaterhouseCoopers
PricewaterhouseCoopers is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.
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Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 56,985,403 44,700,230 44,254,044 35,596,689
Borrowings 31,357,958 20,704,582 26,531,973 18,077,333
Other financial liabilities 689,685 486,673 - -
Lease liabilities 1,457,784 1,627,689 1,422,379 1,556,327
Contract liabilities 10,989,578 7,201,266 8,852,736 5,986,089
Current income tax liabilities 1,012,863 909,046 981,135 885,080
102,493,271 75,629,486 82,042,267 62,101,518
Total liabilities 125,485,541 105,489,627 100,879,445 89,171,761
Total equity and liabilities 219,000,428 187,692,689 197,911,658 180,757,936
Net assets per share (Rs.) 11.40 10.06 11.83 11.20
The notes on pages 8 to 14 form an integral part of these financial statements.
I certify that these financial statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act, No. 07 of
Group Chief Financial Officer
Date: 11/02/2022
The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these financial statements.
Approved and signed for and on behalf of the Board of Directors.
………………………… …………………......
Director Director
Date: 11/02/2022 Date: 11/02/2022
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Group Company
Year ended 31 Dec Year ended 31 Dec
2021 2020 2021 2020
(Reviewed) (Audited) (Reviewed) (Audited)
Total comprehensive income for the period 17,108,297 11,697,439 11,224,310 11,581,352
Group Company
Three months ended 31 Dec Three months ended 31 Dec
2021 2020 2021 2020
(Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed)
Net impairment gains / (losses) on financial assets 85,246 (374,345) (32,013) (390,926)
Total comprehensive income for the period 4,682,200 3,122,731 2,578,075 2,549,658
Group Company
31 Dec 31 Dec
2021 2020 2021 2020
(Reviewed) (Audited) (Reviewed) (Audited)
Cash flows from operating activities
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 704,305 10,166,984 3,224,989 8,113,732
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year consist of the following:
Group Company
31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020
(all amounts in the notes are in Sri Lanka Rupees thousands unless otherwise stated)
1 General information
Dialog Axiata PLC (‘the Company’) and its subsidiaries (together ‘the Group’) provide communication services (mobile, fixed,
broadband, international gateway services), telecommunication infrastructure services (tower infrastructure and transmission
services), media (digital television services based on multiple media - satellite, cable, terrestrial), digital services [including but
not limited to digital commerce (mobile and eCommerce), electronic payments (including mobile payment), digital health,
education, navigation and enterprise services and financial services], software solutions, data centre services, manpower
services, provision of Information Technology and venture capital investment activities.
Dialog Axiata PLC is a public limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in Sri Lanka and is listed on the Colombo
Stock Exchange since 28 July 2005. The registered office of the Company is located at 475, Union Place, Colombo 2.
2 Basis of preparation
The condensed interim financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 of the Company and the Group have been
prepared in accordance with Sri Lanka Accounting Standard LKAS 34, ‘Interim Financial Reporting’. The condensed
consolidated interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2020, except for the reclassification of overdrafts as disclosed in note 24.
3 Segment information
Operating segments are presented in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to chief operating decision
• The segment results for the year 31 December 2021 are as follows:
Fixed telephony
Mobile and broadband Television Elimination
operation operation operation /adjustment Group
Segment operating profit for the period 17,021,037 5,309,232 463,659 646,077 23,440,005
• Other segment items included in the statement of comprehensive income are as follows:
Fixed telephony
Mobile and broadband Television Elimination
operation operation operation /adjustment Group
Depreciation, amortisation
and impairment 23,229,648 9,484,203 3,222,758 - 35,936,609
• The segment assets and liabilities at 31 December 2021 and capital expenditure for the year then ended are
as follows:
Fixed telephony
Mobile and broadband Television Elimination
operation operation operation /adjustment Group
• The segment results for the year ended 31 December 2020 are as follows:
Fixed telephony
Mobile and broadband Television Elimination
operation operation operation /adjustment Group
• Other segment items included in the statement of comprehensive income are as follows:
Fixed telephony
Mobile and broadband Television Elimination
operation Operation operation /adjustment Group
Depreciation, amortisation
and impairment 22,054,422 9,194,678 3,279,944 - 34,529,044
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• The segment assets and liabilities at 31 December 2020 and capital expenditure for the year then ended are as
Fixed telephony
Mobile and broadband Television Elimination
operation operation operation /adjustment Group
4 Reserves
Group Company
31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020
The operations of the Group were not significantly affected by any seasonal or cyclical factors.
6 Significant unusual events or transactions affecting assets, liabilities, equity, net income or cash flows
COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a substantive shift in management’s focus towards ensuring the continued safety of
people, connectivity of customers, compliance with guidelines issued by various government authorities and continuity of
critical business operations. The pandemic has also fueled the digitization journey of the organization, it has significantly
shifted how our customers use products and services, how our customers interact with us and how we provide services and
interact with our customers.
The outbreak and the associated developments impacted the business on multiple fronts including distribution, network rollout
and working capital management. The lockdown and credit extensions provided to keep customers connected, significantly
impacted cash collections. The global impact of the pandemic and the repatriation of Sri Lankans have also adversely
affected the Group’s international business including inbound and outbound roaming. Despite the resurgence of outbreak and
related restrictions, the Group continued to see a gradual recovery in revenue and collections in 2021.
The future impact will heavily depend on the level of restrictions and time taken for the economy to rebound to pre COVID-19
levels. The overall impact on consumer spending and the recovery of the country’s enterprises will also be key determinants
of future impact on our business.
There were no other unusual events or transactions affecting assets, liabilities, equity, net income or cash flows due to their
nature, size or incidence for the year ended 31 December 2021.
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7 Estimates
The preparation of condensed consolidated interim financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates
and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income
and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
There were no changes in estimates and assumptions used in prior financial periods that may have a material effect in the
current quarter and for the financial period to date, except for the note 8.
In preparing the condensed consolidated interim financial statements, the significant judgments made by the management in
applying the Group’s accounting policies and the sources of estimates uncertainty are consistent with the audited financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.
The Company has impaired Rs. 968Mn invested in Digital Holding Lanka (Pvt) Limited. The impact to Group financial
statements is limited to Rs. 102Mn; goodwill impairment of e-learning operation of Rs. 76Mn and change in fair value of
Linear Squared (Pvt) Ltd of Rs.26Mn respectively.
The recoverable value forecasts and projections of cash generating units reflects management expectations of revenue
growth, operating costs and margins based on past experience and future plans and strategies. The Group applies
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method and Market Value method for VIU and FVLCS calculations. The assumptions applied in
the VIU computation are EBITDA margin, Free cash flow (FCF), Pre-tax discount rate and Terminal growth rate. Estimates
were revised by applying a scenario-based approach.
Further to the Long-Term Incentive Plan (“LTIP”) established by the Company to reward and retain high performing employees
of the Company and its subsidiaries and pursuant to satisfying the vesting conditions pertaining to Grant 2 of the LTIP, a total
of 26,798,400 ordinary shares in the Company were allotted and issued to the eligible employees on 19 April 2021 for non-cash
consideration at a price of Rs.14.50 per share.
10 Stated capital
The diluted earnings per share is same as the basic earnings per share.
13 Directors’ shareholdings
The details of shares held directly by the Directors and their spouses as at 31 December 2021 are as follows:
of shares
None of the Directors and their spouses other than those disclosed above directly held any shares in the Company.
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15 Public shareholding
The Company is compliant with the Minimum Public Holding requirement under option 1 of rule 7.13.1(a) of the Listing Rules
of the Colombo Stock Exchange.
a) Dialog Broadband Networks (Private) Limited (‘DBN’), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, acquired 100% of the
shareholding in H One (Private) Limited, Sri Lanka’s leading Microsoft solutions provider on 7 January 2021.
b) Pursuant to a conversion of shareholder advances, Digital Holdings Lanka (Private) Limited (‘DHL’), a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company, issued and allotted 3,044,200 new ordinary shares in DHL to the Company on 30 March 2021.
This share issue has not changed the composition of the Group.
c) Digital Health (Private) Limited (‘DH’) a subsidiary of DHL, acquired 100% of the issued share capital of My Health
Solutions (Private) Limited from its existing shareholders, Dialog Axiata Digital Innovation Fund (Private) Limited (‘DADIF’)
and Aartiz Technologies (Private) Limited (‘Aartiz’) on 20 February 2021, in consideration of the issuance of 30% shares in
DH, in the proportion of 20.45% to DADIF and 9.55% to Aartiz.
d) Dialog Axiata Digital Innovation Fund (Private) Limited (‘DADIF’), which is a subsidiary of DHL, redeemed 186,002 of its
preference shares on 11 March 2021, out of which 170,646 shares were redeemed from preference shares held by DHL.
During the period, DADIF issued 47,938 preference shares out of which 41,277 were issued to DHL and the remaining
preference shares were issued to individual shareholders. Pursuant to the transactions, DHL’s stake in DADIF decreased
to 89.04% from 90.18%.
e) Dialog Finance PLC (“DFP”), a subsidiary of the Company proceeded with a Rights Issue with a view to increase the core
Capital of the Company to ensure compliance with Central Bank Directions. Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the
shareholders of DFP at a meeting held on 26 August 2021, DFP raised LKR 560,072,760 through a Rights Issue by issuing
8,616,504 ordinary shares (in the proportion of 8 new shares for every 101 existing shares in DFP) at the price of LKR 65
per share. The new shares were listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange on 13 October 2021.
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f) Pursuant to a conversion of shareholder advances, Dialog Network Services (Private) Limited (‘DNS), a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company, issued and allotted 5,699,925 new ordinary shares in DNS to the Company on 24 December
2021. This share issue has not changed the composition of the Group.
Other than disclosed above there has not been a change in the composition of the Group which was disclosed in the audited financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.
The Group measures the financial instruments based on published price quotations (Level 1), market approach valuation
technique (Level 2) with inputs of valuation technique such as interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted
intervals; implied volatilities; and credit spreads that are observable directly or indirectly and valuation technique with
unobservable inputs (Level 3) at the end of the financial reporting period.
(a) Carrying value of financial assets at FVTPL at the end of the financial reporting period represents the investments in
quoted equity investments by Dialog Finance PLC and investment in unquoted equity investments by Dialog Axiata Digital
Innovation Fund (Private) Limited.
(b) The carrying value of financial assets at FVOCI represents the fair value of the investment in shares in the Credit
Information Bureau of Sri Lanka by Dialog Finance PLC and investment in unquoted equity investments by Dialog Axiata
Digital Innovation Fund (Private) Limited.
Cash and cash equivalents of the Group include restricted cash deposited in the following financial institutions:
31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020
Hatton National Bank PLC, amount deposited in custodian accounts to facilitate Ez cash
operation 611,603 610,000
Margin requirements against imports on Documents against Acceptance terms 276,081 97,716
People’s Bank, amount deposited in settlement account to facilitate NFC Travel card value 64,390 64,276
952,074 771,992
Group Company
Timing of revenue recognition 31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020
The Company and the Group do not adopt a revaluation policy on its property, plant and equipment.
21 Contingent liabilities
In August 2008, Sri Lanka Customs (‘SLC’) detained a shipment of CDMA Customers’ Premises Equipment (‘CPE’) belonging
to Dialog Broadband Networks (Private) Limited (‘DBN’) and commenced an investigation into the eligibility of these items
falling under the duty exemptions granted under the terms and conditions of the agreement with the Board of Investment of
Sri Lanka. The shipment was cleared by DBN upon submitting bank guarantees and thereafter subsequent shipments of CPE
were cleared by paying duty 'Under Protest'. SLC commenced an inquiry into this matter on 30 January 2009 which was
temporarily suspended upon a proposed settlement by the Secretary to the Treasury in May 2010. However, SLC took steps
to continue with the inquiry. Inquiry was held on several dates and the last date being 9 September 2016, however the inquiry
was not concluded on this date. On 11 April 2018, DBN was served with an ‘Order’ dated 6 April 2018 by SLC imposing a
mitigated monetary forfeiture of Rs. 1,626,622,200. DBN has instituted legal action challenging the order made by SLC in the
Court of Appeal under Case No: CA (Writ) 166/2018. The matter was supported on 28 November 2018 and notices were
issued on the respondents.
Thereafter, SLC filed objections on 15 February 2019 as directed by the Courts. The case was fixed for argument on several
dates, the last date being 8 November 2021. The matter has been refixed for argument on 10 March 2022.
Except for disclosed above there has not been a significant change in the nature of the contingent liabilities, which were
disclosed in the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.
22 Capital commitments
Capital expenditure contracted for as at the statement of financial position date but not yet incurred consists of Rs.
22,139,556,038 (31.12.2020 - Rs. 9,777,542,685) and Rs. 28,596,911,824 (31.12.2020 - Rs. 13,913,085,606) of the
Company and the Group respectively.
a) The Board of Directors has recommended a final dividend of Rs. 1.24 per share amounting to Rs. 10,168,753,306 for the
financial year 2021, subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
b) An agreement is executed on 11 January 2022 between edotco Services Lanka (Private) Limited to obtain energy system
equipment and service. The term of the agreement shall commence with effect from 31 December 2021.
c) Government Budget Proposals for 2022 proposed a one-off “Surcharge Tax” at the rate of 25 percent on Individuals or
Companies who have earned a taxable income over LKR 2Bn for the year of assessment 2020/2021. The Bill governing
the imposition and administration of the Surcharge Tax published in the gazette dated 7th of February 2022 which will be
tabled for debate in Parliament in due course.
Based on the provisions of the Bill, Surcharge Tax payable by Dialog Axiata PLC is in the range between LKR 3Bn to LKR
4Bn. However, there may be changes to the aforementioned Bill in its process of enactment, which may impact the
aforementioned estimate.
Since the legislation was not enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date, no provision for Surcharge Tax
was made in the Financial Statements.
24 Reclassification
The Company’s and Group’s bank overdrafts was previously not considered under cash and cash equivalents in the
statement of cash flows. However, management considers it more relevant if bank overdrafts are presented under cash and
cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows. Prior year comparatives as at 31 December 2020 have been restated by
reclassifying Rs.502,284 and Rs.736,114 from cash generated from operations for the Company and the Group respectively.