Module 1 General Concepts and STS Historical Devts PDF

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Science, Technology, and Society

Instructional Module

Instructor I

College of Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

A provide of relevant and quality education to a
society where citizens are competent, skilled,
dignified and community- oriented.

An academic institution providing technological,
professional, research and extension programs to
form principled men and women of competencies
and skills responsive to local and global
development needs.

Northwest Samar State University commits to
provide quality outcomes-based education,
research, extension and production through
continual improvement of all its programs, thereby
producing world class professionals.

Resilience. Integrity. Service. Excellence.


Creative and critical thinkers

Life-long learners
Effective communicators
Morally and socially upright individuals

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 2 of 25

Table of Contents

Module 1: General Concepts and Science, Technology, and Society Historical

Developments.......................................................................................................................... 10
Lesson 1: Historical Antecedents in which Social Considerations
Changed the Course of Science and Technology ........................................................ 12
Lesson 2: Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society .........................................................
Lesson 3: Science and Technology and Nation-Building ........................................................
Module 2: Science, Technology, and Society and the Human Condition .............................
Lesson 1: The Human Person Flourishing in Terms of Science and Technology ...................
Lesson 2: The Good Life..........................................................................................................
Lesson 3: When Technology and Humanity Cross ..................................................................
Lesson 4: Why the Future Does Not Need Us?........................................................................
Module 3: Specific Issues in Science, Technology, and Society .............................................
Lesson 1: The Information Age (Gutenberg to Social Media).................................................
Lesson 2: Biodiversity and the Healthy Society ......................................................................
Lesson 3: The Nano World ......................................................................................................
Lesson 4: Gene Therapy (Stem Cells)......................................................................................
Lesson 5: Mandated Topics
Climate Change and the Energy Crisis .................................................................................
Environmental Awareness......................................................................................................

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 3 of 25

The modules for Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM) students
taking Science, Technology, and Society (GE 6) course is designed to help students cope-up
with flexible learning implemented by the university. This will help BSHM students to
continue their studies at home even without internet connectivity. A student provided with the
set modules under this course is expected to submit the necessary requirements on or before
the specified date of submission. All the course requirements must be submitted to be able to
pass this course. The course policies provided by the instructor are expected to be followed by
the students.

The “Let’s Hit These” shows the course outcomes intended for every module. “Let’s
Get Started” activates or enables the prior knowledge of the students regarding the topic. “Let’s
Find Out” shows the instructor’s analysis on enabling activity or activating the prior knowledge
of the student. “Let’s Read” is the part where the specific examples and topics of the modules
are discussed. “Let’s Remember” provides the summary lessons. “Let’s Do This” is the
formative assessment provided by the instructor. “Let’s Check” is the feedback of the instructor
to the students based on the results of formative assessment.

Course Code: GE 6

Course Title: Science, Technology, and Society

Course Description: This course deals with interactions between science and technology and
social, cultural, and political and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them. (CMO
No. 20, series of 2013).

This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science
and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public, and the global aspects
of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and technological
development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural, economic,
and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in
the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making in the
face of scientific and technological advancement.

This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and environmental awareness.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically
Philippine society.
2. Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and its
role in nation-building.
3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express
philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to the student as a part of

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 4 of 25

4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students’ life and
Philippine society in general.

1. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the
environment and the development of the Filipino nation.
2. Critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of science and technology
such that the student may be able to define for himself/herself the meaning of
the good life.
3. Forster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable
development of society and the environment.

1. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology
to society.
2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with
innovative and creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical
3. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their
understanding of climate change.

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Course Content:

As explained above, GE 6 course engages students to confront the realities brought

about by science and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public, and
the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge
and technological development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political,
cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill
reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical
decision making in the face of scientific and technological advancement.
The table below shows the outline of the topics to be discussed in the lecture per week
vis-à-vis the course outcomes. It is designed based on the course syllabus approved by the
college Dean in the College of Management.

Date of
Week Course Learning Outcomes Topics Assessment
1 ▪ Articulate the impacts of Module 1 – General Concepts and Assignment 3rd week of
science and technology Science, Technology, and Society September
on society, specifically Historical Developments Activity
Philippine society. A. Historical Antecedents in which
(Knowledge) Social Considerations Changed Summative
▪ Explain how science and the Course of Science and Test
technology affect society Technology.
and the environment and B. Intellectual Revolutions that Major
its role in nation-building. Defined Society. Course
(Knowledge) C. Science and Technology and Output
▪ Imbibe the importance of Nation-Building.
science and technology in
the preservation of the
environment and the
development of the
Filipino nation. (Values)
▪ Creatively present the
importance and
contributions of science
and technology to
society. (Skills)
2 ▪ Analyze the human Module 2 – Science, Technology, and Assignment 2nd week of
condition in order to Society and the Human Condition October
deeply reflect and express A. The Human Person Flourishing in Activity
philosophical terms of Science and Technology.
ramifications that are B. The Good Life. Summative
meaningful to the student C. When Technology and Humanity Test
as a part of society. Cross.
(Knowledge) D. Why the Future Does Not Need
▪ Critique human Us.
flourishing vis-à-vis the
progress of science and
technology such that the
student may be able to
define for himself/herself

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 6 of 25

the meaning of good life.
▪ Examine shared concerns
that make up the good life
in order to come up with
innovative and creative
solutions to contemporary
issues guided by ethical
standards. (Skills)
3 ▪ Define and demonstrate Module 3 – Specific Issues in Science, Assignment 2nd week of
the impact of social Technology, and Society December
media on the students’ A. The Information Age (Gutenberg Activity
life and Philippine society to Social Media)
in general. (Knowledge) B. Biodiversity and the Healthy Summative
▪ Foster the value of a Society. Test
healthy lifestyle toward C. The Nano World.
the holistic and D. Gene Therapy (Stem Cells) Major
sustainable development E. Climate Change. Course
of society and the Output
environment. (Values)
▪ Illustrate how the social
media and information
age impact their lives and
their understanding of
climate change. (Skills)

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 7 of 25

Course Requirements:
In general, the requirements of GE 6 are as follows:
▪ Major Course Output
▪ Summative Tests

Grading Criteria:
Requirement/Assessment Task Percentage
Major Course Output 50%
Summative Test 30%
Class Standing 20%
TOTAL 100%

Course Materials:
▪ Moodle Application
▪ Module
▪ Rubrics for:

o MCO 1
Requirement/Assessment Task Percentage
Depth of Reflections 50%
Uses primary sources as a 30%
point of reflection.
Language Use 20%
TOTAL 100%

o MCO 2
Requirement/Assessment Task Percentage
Depth of Reflection 40%
Uses of primary sources as a 30%
point of reflection.
Creativity 30%
TOTAL 100%

▪ Course policies
o Students should apply all learned theories to the completion of the
required major course outputs, and convert to practical use in life as
global citizens.
o Students must complete and submit the major course outputs: Critique
on a Government Policy, and Collage of Social Media Posts
o Students must submit all other requirements of the course.
o Students must accumulate a grade of at least 75 to pass this course.


Ariola, D. M. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing, Inc.
Serafica, J. P. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Rex Book Store.

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 8 of 25

Module 1
Module Title: General Concepts and Science, Technology, and Society Historical

Module Description: This module focuses on the understanding of the interaction between S
& T and society throughout history, and the ways by which society is transformed by science
and technology.

Purpose of the Module:

This module let the students learn the importance of the role of science and technology
in Philippine nation-building.

Module Guide:
• This module must be used by those students who don’t have gadgets or have no internet
connection in their area.
• The answered quizzes or activities must be submitted to the instructor on or before the
specified deadline.
• There must be no erasures when answering the quizzes or activities.
• Contact your instructor if you have questions regarding this module.

Module Outcomes:

At the end of this module, the students should be able to:

▪ Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically
Philippine society.
▪ Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and its
role in nation-building.
▪ Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the
environment and the development of the Filipino nation.
▪ Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology
to society.

Module Requirements: At the end of this module, the students must answer the summative
test and comply the assignment given by the instructor. These must be submitted on or before
the specified date of submission.

Key Terms:
history, science, technology, intellectual revolution

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 9 of 25

Learning Plan
Lesson No: 1

Lesson Title: Historical Antecedents in which Social Considerations Changed the

Course of Science and Technology.

Let’s Hit These:

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
▪ discuss the interactions between science and technology, and society throughout
▪ discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society and the
▪ identify the paradigm shifts in history.

Let’s Read:

This is the “Let’s Read” part. However, for purposes of the discussion, viewing the videos
(link shown all throughout this module) is required to go beyond just reading, and be able to
have more ideas which are products from different sources. It is expected that you have the
videos saved to your Flash Drive/USB along with this module.
Title: UP Talks | Interaction of Science, Technology and Society Through Time
Scientific Revolution
Science is as old as the world itself. There is no individual that can exactly identify when and
where science began. From the genesis of time, science has existed. It is always interwoven
with the society. (Ref 1)

1. Science as an idea. It includes ideas, theories, and all available systematic

explanations and observations about the natural and physical world.
2. Science as an intellectual activity. In encompasses a systematic and practical study of
the natural and physical world. This process of study involves systematic observation
and experimentation.
3. Science as a body of knowledge. It is a subject or a discipline, a field of study, or a
body of knowledge that deals with the process of learning about the natural and
physical world. This is what we refer to as school science.
4. Science as a personal and social activity. This explains that science is both knowledge
and activities done by human beings to develop better understanding of the world
around them. It is a means to improve life and to survive in life. It is interwoven with
people's lives. (Ref 1)

[It] was the period of enlightenment when the developments in the fields of mathematics,
physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature. It
explained the emergence or birth of modern science as a result of these developments from
the disciplines mentioned. The ideas generated during this period enabled the people to
reflect, rethink, and reexamine their beliefs and their way of life. There is no doubt that it

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 10 of 25

ignited vast human interests to rethink how they do science and view scientific
processes. (Ref 1)

Scientific Revolution
[It] was the golden age for people committed to scholarly life in science but it was also a
deeply trying moment to some scientific individuals that led to their painful death or
condemnation from the religious institutions who tried to preserve their faith, religion, and
theological views. Some rulers and religious leaders did not accept many of the early works
of scientists. But these did not stop people especially scientists to satisfy their curiosity of the
natural and physical world. (Ref 1)

Influences to Scientific Revolution

Scientific revolution is very significant in the development of human beings, transformation

of the society, and in the formulation of scientific ideas. It significantly improved the conduct
of scientific investigations, experiments, and observations. The scientific revolution also led
to the creation of new research fields in science and prompted the establishment of a strong
foundation for modern science. In many ways, scientific revolution transformed the natural
world and the world of ideas.

In the World: Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages

Title: Scientific Revolution: Crash Course European History #12

Paradigm Shifts in History

Title: Paradigm shifts

Historical Development of Science and Technology in the World

Science and technology had been around from the beginning of time. They can be traced
from the origin of human life two million years ago. The earliest known form of human
artifacts about 2.3 million years ago were roughly shaped stones used for chopping and
scraping. These stones were primarily found in Eastern Africa.

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From 300-400 BC, there was a rise in philosophers who wrote topics on psychology, biology,
and a host of others. There was Euclid considered as the "Father of Modern Geometry" and
Archimedes, the founder of engineering mechanics who calculated a value for pi which is
being used today. He also invented the first water pump.

In other words, people during the ancient time have developed and utilized tools, machines,
and techniques without fully understanding how or why they worked or comprehending their
physical and chemical composition.

Historical Development of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Before the coming of the Spaniards, there were already indigenous technology that existed.
Evident on the use of technology was on wet and dry rice technology, handicrafts, pottery,
weaving, metal ware, and boat making. When the Spaniards arrived and colonized the
country, the colonizers changed the lives of the natives.

After more than three hundred years (333 years to be exact) under Spanish rule, the country
evolved into a colony largely exporting raw materials and importing those that the country
cannot produce. If there were local technological innovation at that time, these were due
largely to the importation of foreign manufactured goods.

When the American came, the feudal system established by Spain still maintained but a
"farce" trading system between the Philippines and the United States was established.

To this day, we have yet to see efficient development of infrastructure, energy generation,
transportation, information and communication technology (internet speed and WIFI
elsewhere) and basic services (water utilities and electricity in every places, healthcare
services, especially to the senior citizens and PWDs, and the establishment of basic services
such as steel production around the country.

At present, there is little science and technological advancement that we could boost out as
our own invention and discoveries comparable with the global world, especially in the field
of transportation and information (Ariola, 2018).

Title: Historical Background of Science and Technology in Philippines


Ariola, D. M. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing, Inc.
Serafica, J. P. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Rex Book Store.

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 12 of 25

Learning Plan
Lesson No: 2

Lesson Title: Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society

Let’s Hit These:

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
▪ articulate ways by which society is transformed by science and technology.

Let’s Read:

Some Intellectuals and their Revolutionary Ideas

To further understand what exactly happened during the scientific revolution, it is important
to examine the different individuals whose ideas have shaken and contested the dominant
theories and ideas during this period—the truths of their time. Scientists in all periods of time
are driven by their curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity to explore the physical and
natural world. Their love for science is driven by their deep passion to know and to discover.

Variables that Influence the Development of Science Ideas, Science Discoveries, and

Scientists are not driven by clamor for honor and publicity. They are ordinary people doing
extraordinary things. Some scientists were never appreciated during their times, some were
sentenced to death, while others were condemned by the Church during their time. In spite of
all the predicaments and challenges experienced, they never stopped experimenting,
theorizing, and discovering new knowledge and ideas. (Serafica, 2018)

Nicolaus Copernicus
One of the Renaissance men, particularly in the field of science, is Nicolaus Copernicus.
Knowledge about the nature of the universe had been essentially unchanged since the great
days of Ancient Greece, some 1,500 years before Copernicus came on the scene (Gribbin,
2003). This continued up to the Renaissance period. In one important way, Copernicus
resembled the Greek ancient philosophers or thinkers—he did not do anything extensive such
as observing heavenly bodies or inviting people to test his ideas. His ideas were an example
of what is presently called as thought experiment. (Serafica, 2018)

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Title: Copernicus - Astronomer | Mini Bio | Bio

Charles Darwin
Famous for his theory of evolution. He changed our concept of the world's creation and its
evolution. Johnson (2012) described Darwin as a genius who came from a line of
intellectually gifted and wealthy family. Darwin published his book The Origin of Species in
1589. This book is considered to be one of the most important works in scientific literature.
Darwin collected many significant materials in order to present his theory with overwhelming
evidence. His book presented evidence on how species evolved over time and presented traits
and adaptation that differentiate species. Like many other scholars, Darwin accumulated
many pertinent materials and data that he could ever possibly need to substantiate his theory.
(Serafica, 2018)

Title: Theory of Evolution: How did Darwin come up with? - BBC News

Sigmund Freud
Freud is a famous figure in the field of psychology. Rosenfels (1980) alse described him as a
towering literary figure and a very talented communicator who did his share to raise the
consciousness of the civilized world in psychological matters.

However, apart from these, Freud also made a significant contribution in the scientific world
through the development of an important observational method to gather reliable data to
study human's inner life. This method is popularly known as the method of psychoanalysis.
(Serafica, 2018)

Title: History vs. Sigmund Freud - Todd Dufresne

Information Technology
Technology's role in society today has an overall impact of living. Nearly everyone is a proud
owner of some form of technology whether it is a mobile phone, iPad, laptop or desktop
computer. Times have changed and it is evident in today's kindergartens where some children
are being educated through iPads rather than chalkboards. One of the greatest influence that
technology has on our adolescent lives other that for entertainment purposes is the learning
factor it possesses. In schools that allow word document other than notebooks, it has
definitely lightened their loads.

Even though there are certain repercussions and a negative impact of information technology
as well, nobody can say that this has not aided society as a whole. The world is a better place,
thanks to information technology and the future looks much brighter, thanks to these
advancements. (Ariola, 2018)

Development of Science in Mesoamerica

The Maya civilization (Meso-America), science and technology were the most advanced of

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 14 of 25

all pre-Columbian civilizations. The Mayans knew how to make paper and have a pictorial
script (often referred to as Maya hieroglyphs). This allowed the Maya to record all
knowledge on long strips of paper, which they folded harmonica-style into books. The
literature of Maya pagan, including the books were burned and only the Maya books are kept
as treasures in museums. Most of our knowledge of Maya comes from stone monuments.
Maya cities have observatories with attached libraries. The lack of astronomical instruments
was overcome by aligning starts with two objects that were separated by a large distance, a
technique that achieved great accuracy of irregular measurement. As a result, the Maya
developed the most accurate calendar ever designed.

Buildings and public places are covered with pictographs, many still awaiting to be
deciphered. Maya science was still closely related to religion. (Ariola, 2018)

Title: Hist 1111 - Mesoamerican Civilizations

Development of Science in Asia

Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the home of many ancient civilizations. It is a
host to many cultural, economic, scientific, and political activities of all ages, In the field of
science, technology, and mathematics, great civilizations have stood out: India, China, and
the Middle East Civilizations. These civilizations were incomparable in terms of their
contributions to the development of knowledge during their time.

India is a huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by huge mountains
in its northern borders. The Indians creatively developed various ideas and technologies
useful in their everyday lives. They are known for manufacturing iron and in metallurgical
works. Their iron steel is considered to be the best and held with high regard in the whole of
Roman Empire.

India is famous and notable in the following aspects (but not limited to):

• Medicine
• Astronomy
• Mathematics

Title: 5 - Ancient Indian Scientists Part 1- Astronomers and Mathematicians | SIMBLY

China is one of the ancient civilizations with substantial contributions in many areas of life
like medicine, astronomy, science, mathematics, arts, philosophy, and music, among others.
Chinese civilizations have greatly influenced many of its neighbor countries like Korea,
Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and other countries that belong
to the "Silk Road." (Serafica, 2018)

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Title: 4 Great Inventions that changed the world (China)

Title: Technological Progress in China

For more information on the mentioned "Silk Road," watch the video entitle “The Silk Road”

Development of Science in Middle East

The Middle East countries are dominantly occupied by Muslims. With the spread of Islam in
the 7th and 8th centuries, a period of Muslim scholarship, or what is called the Golden Age of
Islam lasted until the 13th century. The common language of Arabic, access to Greek texts
from the Byzantine Empire, and their proximity to India were contributory to the
intellectualization of the Muslims and provided their scholars knowledge to create
innovations and develop new ideas. But contrary to the Greeks, Muslim scientists placed
greater value on science experiments rather than plain-thought experiments. This led to the
development of the scientific method in the Muslim world, and made significant
improvements by using experiments to distinguish between competing scientific theories set
within a generally empirical orientation.

There are numerous Muslim scholars who made significant contributions in the field of
science, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and even in the field of social sciences. The
decline of this golden age of Islam started in the 11th to 13th century due to the conquest of
the Mongols whereby libraries, observatories, and other learning institutions were destroyed.
(Serafica, 2018)

Title: Science in the Middle East & the Roots of Modern Science

Development of Science in Africa

Africa is blessed with natural and mineral resources. Science also emerged in this part of the
planet long before the Europeans colonized it. The history of science and mathematics show
that similar to other ancient civilizations, the early civilizations in Africa are knowledge
producers too. (Serafica, 2018)

Title: Science, Technology and Society: Development in Science in Africa

Let’s Remember:

Scientific revolution is a golden age in the history of science. It marked the birth of science as
a discipline and as a field of inquiry and gave birth to the development of the scientific
method. It was a time in the history of science where many scientific ideas and discoveries,
which were considered innovative and useful, were developed. Some of these ideas were also
controversial in the scientific community and in the political arena. The scientific revolution

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 16 of 25

significantly changed how people study science and do scientific activities. It inspired human
creativity and critical thinking, moving away from thought experiments to data-driven and
experiment-based ideas.

Science also developed in different parts of the world: in Asia, Europe, Mesoamerica, and
Africa. People in these continents invented tools to help them in everyday life, discovered
medicines to cure diseases, observed heavenly bodies, built structures, discovered many
things, and invented mathematics as a tool and as a discipline. Science provided different
ancient civilizations the means to survive and understand the natural and physical world. It
also enable human beings to develop various technologies that helped them in their everyday

Ariola, D. M. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing, Inc.
Serafica, J. P. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Rex Book Store.

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 17 of 25

Learning Plan
Lesson No: 3

Lesson Title: Science and Technology, and Nation-Building

Let’s Hit These:

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
▪ discuss the role of science and technology in Philippine nation-building;
▪ evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in terms of
their contributions to nation-building;
▪ identify actual science and technology policies of the government and appraise
their impact on the development of Filipino nation.

Let’s Read:

Brief Historical Background of Science and Technology in the Philippines

The history of science and technology in the Philippines started way back before the country
gained independence from the American colonizers. Before the coming of the Spanish
colonizers, the early inhabitants of the archipelago had their own culture and traditions. They
had their own belief system and indigenous knowledge system that keeps them organized and
sustained their lives and communities for many years.

Science, in pre-Spanish Philippines is embedded in the way of life of the people. Scientific
knowledge is observed in the way they plant their crops that provide them food, in taking
care of animals to help them in their daily task, and for food production. Science is observed
in the way they interpret the movements of heavenly bodies to predict seasons and climates,
and in organizing days into months and years. They use science in preparing the soil for
agricultural purposes and like any other ancient cultures, they discovered the medicinal uses
of plants.

Technology is used by people in building houses, irrigations, and in developing tolls that they
can use in everyday life. They developed tools for planting, hunting, cooking, and fishing; for
fighting their enemies during wars or tribal conflicts; and for transportation, both on land and
on waterways. They also developed technologies in creating musical instruments. (Serafica,
The Philippine Government S & T Agenda
Since the establishment of the new republic, the whole nation has been focusing on using its
limited resources in improving its science and technological capability. It has explored the
use of ODA or Overseas Development Allocations from different countries to help the
country improve its scientific productivity and technological capability. Human resource
development is at the heart of these efforts focusing on producing more engineers, scientists,
technology experts, doctors, and other professionals in the country.

The development of science and technology in the Philippines, based on its brief history, is
shaped by several factors and influences. Like in the history of science in other countries, it is

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 18 of 25

always shaped by human and social activities, both internal and external.

Influences in the Development of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Science and technology may have significant impact on the lives of the people and in the
development of the Philippine society. However, improving the quality of science education
still remains as a big challenge in the country. School science from basic education to
graduate education is improving slowly, and there are only, few students enrolling in science
and technology courses. (Serafica, 2018).
Major development programs and personalities in S&T in the Philippines
The Philippine government introduced and implemented several programs, projects, and
policies to boost the area of science and technology. The goal is to prepare the whole country
and its people to meet the demands of a technologically driven world and capacitate the
people to live in a world driven by science. (Ref 1)

Padilla-Concepcion (2015) reported that in 2015, in response to the ASEAN 2015 Agenda,
the government, particularly the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), has sought
the expertise of the National Research Council of the Philippines (NCRP) to consult various
sectors in the society to study how the Philippines can prepare itself in meeting the ASEAN
2015 Goals. As a result of the consultation, the NCRP is expected to recommend policies and
programs that will improve the competitiveness of the Philippines in the ASEAN Region.

The NCRP clustered these policies into four, namely:

1. Social Science, Humanities, Education, International Policies and Governance

2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial Research, Earth and Space Sciences, and
3. Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences
4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and Forestry

(Ref 1)

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 19 of 25

A very recent program in relation to science and technology is the so called Balik Scientist
Bill. For more information, click here. Videos below are additional inputs.

Title: Bandila: Ano ang 'Balik Scientist Act', alamin

Title: Bandila: Balik-Scientist Bill, isinusulong sa Senado
Development of Science and Technology Policies in the Philippines

(Ref 1)

As shown in the diagram, the development of policies in science and technology is shaped or
influenced by several variable: policies need to be aligned to national goals, consider
international commitments based on legal frameworks, and respond to various social needs,
issues, and problems. Science and technology policies ensure that the whole country and all
people will experience the progress that science can bring. Policies are guides to direct all
efforts to a goal of developing a scientifically advanced country. (Ref 1)

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 20 of 25

Factors that Influence the Development of Filipino Scientists

(Ref 1)

Many Filipino scientists, whether they are in the country or abroad, always excel in their job.
The Filipino spirit in their souls has never faded. They continue to bring honor to the country.
They make ordinary things in an extraordinary way. They are always at par with other
scientists in spite of the limited facilities we have here in the country. (Ref 1)

The growth of science and its development as a field in the country is a hybrid of indigenous
and foreign ideas. Spain and the United States, being the former colonial masters of the
country, played an important role in building the foundation of science in the Philippines. To
further strengthen the science program in the Philippines, the government establishes various
science programs, policies, and projects.

Through the years, many Filipinos were able to establish themselves as scientists and science
educators in various scientific areas and fields. Invention and innovations were done by these
Filipino scientists. Finally, the demands of globalization, especially the ASEAN economic
agenda, prompted the Philippines to invest in science and technology programs and
projects. (Ref 1)

Science Education in the Philippines

The Philippines is trying its best to improve the state of science education in the country. This
lesson will discuss the concept of science education and will identify some strategies to
promote science education in the country. One of the strategies is to establish science schools
that will encourage students to pursue their career in science and technology and to nurture
their gifted potentials in science. (Ref 1)

The Concept of Science Education

Science education focuses on teaching, learning, and understanding science. Teaching
science involves developing ways on how to effectively teach science. This means exploring
pedagogical theories and models in helping teachers teach scientific concepts and processes
effectively. Learning science, on the other hand, includes both pedagogy and the most

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interesting aspect, which is helping students understand and love science. Understanding
science implies developing and applying science-process skills and using science literacy in
understanding the natural world and activities in everyday life. (Ref 1)

Science Education in Basic and Tertiary Education

In basis education, science education helps students learn important concepts and facts that
are related to everyday life. (Carale & Campo, 2003; Meador, 2005; Worth & Grollman,
2003) including important skills such as process skills, critical thinking skills, and life skills
that are needed in coping up with daily life activities (Chaille & Britain, 2002). (Serafica,

1. In tertiary education, science education deals with developing students' understanding

and appreciation of science ideas and scientific works. This is done through offering
basic science course in the General Education curriculum. (Serafica, 2018). Our
course GE 6 Science, Technology, and Society that you are taking up now is a good
example. Though it is not that technical the same with specific or particular science,
engineering or match courses, this one focuses on its effect (of S & T) to society.

Science Schools in the Philippines

One outstanding program for science education supported by the government is the
establishment of science schools in various parts of the country. There are also several
government programs implemented by the Department of Education and few private schools
for science education.

Examples of Science Schools:

1. Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)

2. Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project
3. Quezon City Regional Science High School
4. Manila Science High School
5. Central Visayan Institute Foundation

(Ref 1)

Title: The Philippine Science High School System

In Eastern Visayas, particularly in Palo, Leyte, we have our science high school for Region
VIII. Recently, there was a great achievement brought about by one of the students there. I
hope that after watching the videos provided in the links below, you will be inspired to do
more in relation to science and technology. It is not a requirement that you are a scientist, an
engineer by profession or a doctor to be able to contribute to the field of science and
technology. Any idea that you have in the aspect of "innovation" and/or development of a new
product, you may ask help from an expert and make it a reality.
Watch the videos and be inspired.

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Title: Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2017 | Relativity & The Equivalence of Reference

Title: Hillary Andales: 2017 Breakthrough Junior Challenge Award Presentation

Selected indigenous science and technologies

This lesson focuses on indigenous science and technology in the Philippines. Filipinos,
especially during the early times, tried to invent tools that will help them in everyday life.
They also developed alternative ideas in explaining various phenomena and in explaining the
world around them. This system of knowledge is called indigenous knowledge, which is the
foundation of indigenous science. (Ref 1)

Indigenous Knowledge System

Indigenous knowledge is embedded in the daily life experiences of young children as they
grow up. They live and grow in a society where the members of the community prominently
practice indigenous knowledge. Their parents and other older folks served as their first
teachers and their methods of teaching are very effective in transmitting cultural knowledge
in their minds. The lessons they learned are intimately interwoven with their culture and the
environment. These lessons comprised of good values and life stories of people on their daily
life struggles. Their views about nature and their reflections on their experiences in daily life
are evident in their stories, poems, and songs. (Ref 1)

Some examples of indigenous knowledge that are taught and practiced by the indigenous
people are:

• predicting weather conditions and seasons using knowledge in observing animals'

behavior and celestial bodies;
• using herbal medicine;
• preserving foods;
• classifying plants and animals into families and groups based on cultural properties;
• preserving and selecting good seeds for planting;
• using indigenous technology in daily lives;
• building local irrigation systems;
• classifying different types of soil for planting based on cultural properties;
• producing wines and juices from tropical fruits; and
• keeping the custom of growing plants and vegetables in the yard.

(Ref 1)

Pawilen (2006) developed a simple framework for understanding indigenous science.

Accordingly, indigenous science is composed of traditional knowledge that uses science
process skills and guided by community values and culture.

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The Concept of Indigenous Science

(Ref 1)

Indigenous science is important in the development of science and technology in the

Philippines. Like the ancient civilizations, indigenous science gave birth to the development
of science and technology as a field and as a discipline. Indigenous science helped the people
in understanding the natural environment and in coping with everyday life. UNESCO's
Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge (1999) recognized indigenous
science as a historical and valuable contribution to science and technology. (Ref 1)

Take note, we need not complicate things, indigenous science is as simple as thinking of any
process or idea that you think has been practiced or used by our grandparents (and their
parents also in the early days).

Some good examples that I can provide are the following:

• cooking any dish that has been passed on from generation to generation within your
family (or community)
• if you have heard from your parents or grandparents discussing about the changes in
weather - that this month, the wind is quite warm already and its direction is coming
from the sea so it means it is now - habagat (southwest monsoon) OR that the wind is
starting to get chilly cold and is coming from the east - amihan.
• use of any medicinal plant for a particular treatment
• paglalagay ng asin sa takip ng sina-saing na kanin kapag hilaw ang pagkaluto

All mentioned above were (are) practiced by our ancestors but without scientific basis - only
through trial and error, and at times, "science" cannot consider the logic or idea behind the

Title: History of Science and Technology in the Ph

Even before the time of the Spanish colonization in the Philippines, various people and
communities already practiced science. They invented tools and built structures, studied the
medicinal uses of plants, observed heavenly bodies to predict seasons and weather, and used

GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Page 24 of 25

indigenous science in agriculture. These are considered indigenous science, which is one of
the foundations of modern science. (Ref 1)

Serafica, J. P. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Rex Book Store.

Ariola, D. M. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing. Inc.

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