CNF-1ST Quarter Performance Task #2
CNF-1ST Quarter Performance Task #2
CNF-1ST Quarter Performance Task #2
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Submitted by
Submitted to
Ms. Rachelle B. Mijares
S.Y. 2021 – 2022
Performance task # 2
PERFORMANCE TASK # 2 Writing your own Creative Nonfiction story
MELCs: Write a nonfiction story using any of the literary conventions of genre.
Writing your own piece.
Directions: Write a nonfictional short story using any of the literary conventions of genre following the given pointers.
1. Formulating a thesis statement.
2. Organizing and Developing Ideas.
3. Using any literary conventions of genre.
4. Ensuring that theme and Technique are effectively developed.
1. Passages from Innocence to Experience.
2. Individuation and Discovery of Sexuality.
3. Illness and its Unimaginable Blessings.
4. Childhood Trauma and Healing.
5. On Parents.
6. On Grandparents.
7. On Family.
8. Disaster and Hope.
9. Loss, Grief, and Sorrow.
10. Travel Memoir.
1. Choose one from the given topics and come up with your own title.
2. The story should be factual, your own experience, experience of/with others, but must
not be a made-up story.
3. You can conduct an interview, research an article, browse different nonfiction stories and
books in a library and replicate. Do not DUPLICATE.
4. No PLAGIARISM. Plagiarized work will directly go to trash and will have an
equivalent grade of 75%.
5. No inserting of picture, article, citation, and clip arts.
6. Font style, Times New Roman. Font size, 11. Line spacing, 1.0. Paper size, 8.5x11.
Margin, Narrow. Color, all black.
7. The output should consist of 3 pages maximum.
Rubrics for Nonfiction-Writing
Criteria 25 20 15 10
PLOT: "What" and Both plot parts are One of the plot parts Both plot parts are Neither plot parts are
"Why" fully developed. is fully developed addressed but not fully developed.
and the less fully developed.
developed part is at
least addressed.
SETTING: "When" Both setting parts are One of Both setting parts of Neither setting parts
and "Where" fully developed. the setting parts is the story are are developed.
fully developed and addressed but not
the less developed fully developed.
part is at least
CHARACTERS: The The The None of
"Who" described by main characters are main characters are main characters are the characters are
behavior, appearance, fully developed with developed with some identified by name developed or named.
personality, and much descriptive descriptive detail. only.
character traits detail. The reader has The reader has a
a vivid image of the vague idea of the
characters. characters.
CREATIVITY The story contains The story contains a The story contains a There is little evidence
(Use of literary many creative details few creative details few creative details of creativity in the
conventions that were and/or literary and/or literary and/or literary story. The author does
discussed in the conventions that conventions that conventions, but they not seem to have used
previous lessons) contribute to the contribute to the distract from the story. much imagination.
reader\'s enjoyment. reader\'s enjoyment. The author has tried to
The author has really The author has used his use his imagination.
used his imagination. imagination.