MSS Application Form
MSS Application Form
MSS Application Form
Application Form
Application SL No .
Student ID No
Date Received
Received By
1 Academic Plan
Level applying for Undergraduate
Graduate [ Programme: Master of _______________________________________ ]
Status applying for Regular Non Degree Do you plan to transfer credits in? No Yes (Please submit Credit Transfer Application form).
Term to begin Autumn Spring Summer 1 Summer 2 Special semester (Check any one.) Year______________
2 Personal Information
Family Name / Surname First / Other Name(s)
Mailing address
Telephone Fax
Sex Male Female Date of Birth ( Day / Month / Year ) Marital status Single Married
Blood group Do you have any allergies? Yes No If Yes, Please specify
3 Academic History
Have you ever been enrolled at IUB before? Yes No. Student ID No. (If Yes)
If YES please explain fully.
Have you ever been separated from any employment under condition other than honourable ? Yes No .
(use a separate sheet)
Have you ever been suspended or required to withdraw from any school or college ? Yes No .
Please provide names of all institutions attended the most recent being on top
Name of the Class Name of the Institution Medium Year (From – To) Division / Grade / CGPA
The admissions committee will consider your GMAT score when evaluating your application. If your have GMAT score of 500,
you will be exempted from the admission test. Applicant should submit attested GMAT score.
GRE SCORE: __________ _________
4 Career History
Date employed Company Position held Salary
Please be concise, but respond as completely as you feel necessary to each question.
1. Evaluate yourself as a leader. Where have you demonstrated excellence? (200 words)
2. What do you consider to be your most important personal and professional accomplishments? Please limit to three. (400 words)
3. Why are you applying for IUB-MBA Program; what do you hope to experience and contribute; and what are your plans and goals
after you receive your MBA? (600 words)
E-mail Telephone
8 Student Agreement
If admitted I agree:
9 Not to seek an unfair advantage over other students, including but not limited to giving or receiving unauthorized aid during completion of academic
9 Shall not adopt or encourage to adopt any unfair means in prosecution of any part of academic requirements.
9 To truthfully represent fact and self at all times.
9 To respect the property and personal rights of all members of the IUB community.
I certify that all statements here and in the application for admission to the IUB are correct. I agree that all documents submitted in support of the application
becomes the property of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). I authorize the University to release information from my application and supporting
documents to authorities and organizations providing financial assistance/fellowship to permit me being considered for such support.
Signature of Applicant Date