Data Communication and Networks - Lab: Router Enable Router#configure Terminal Router (Config) #Hostname Router1
Data Communication and Networks - Lab: Router Enable Router#configure Terminal Router (Config) #Hostname Router1
Data Communication and Networks - Lab: Router Enable Router#configure Terminal Router (Config) #Hostname Router1
Goal: Router Configuration in Packet Tracer
• Router Configuration
• Switch and Router Configuration
• Networks (Connections) (Commands)
• Switch to PC Connection
• Router to Router Connection
This Lab includes the basic router configuration for a small network.
Apparatus Used: (packet tracer)
• Routers
• Switches
• PCs
1. Open Packet tracer in guest mode as usual.
2. First of all add two routers onto the screen. Any router is optional but I would
recommend to use 2811 router for this lab. You can change the name of the routers
according to your need. For this just click on router, go to config menu and change the
name of router and if you want you can also change the host name.
Other way to change the hostname is by using the following commands in CLI.
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#hostname Router1
3. Now add two switches to switch to many computers on your network. You can use
any switch you want. I am using 2950T.
4. Add some PCs and connect them to switch-1. Similarly for switch-2. The connections
sections will show all possible wires to be used in a network but use appropriate wires
for connecting PCs to particular switches.
5. Now you have two small switched networks available for communications via routers.
6. Now establish connections between Router0 and Switch0 by using Copper straight
through wire and do the same for Switch1 and Router1. You can also use Auto
connection wire if you don’t know the wire. Remember the ports names when
connecting the wires here. In my case the port name of Router0 with switch0 is
FastEthernet0/0 and for switch0 it is FastEthernet0/4. The connection is inactive (red)
at the moment.
b. Among Modules, select WIC-1T by dragging it and drop it on a port. Then turn
the router back on.
9. Now from connections choose Serial DCE wire to connect the two routers on the port WIC-1T
that we just added. The address of my port on both routers is serial0/2/0.
10. Now turn to setting ip addresses and Default gateways. Remember the default
gateway for one switched network is same and ip addresses will be different.
11. Now click on the Router0 for its configuration. Go to config> click on serial0/2/0 > set
the clock rate to 128000 > Set Ip address as your choice, I am setting >
turn it on.
b. Now click on the fastethernet on which the switch0 network is connected and set its ip
address same as its default gateway. In my case the default gateway of switch0 network was
12. Do the same with other router. Remember to set the ip addresses of serial port in
same range.
13. Now open CLI of router 1 and type the following command by exiting the interface.
Router(config)#ip route
This command is used for setting the same route of the serial DCE for both routers to
set a network on its path.
14. Now the configuration is complete. You can send the packets from 1 network to
another or simply check it by using ping command.