Amirtharajah 1984 Appiah - Fundamentals and Theory of Air Scour
Amirtharajah 1984 Appiah - Fundamentals and Theory of Air Scour
Amirtharajah 1984 Appiah - Fundamentals and Theory of Air Scour
By A p p i a h Amirtharajah, 1 M . ASCE
chanics and porous media hydraulics are combined to explain the complex flow
patterns which emerge when air and water flow concurrently through porous
media. An equation which predicts the formation' and collapse of air pockets
within the bed is developed by equating the air pressure within a bubble to
the soil stresses in an active Rankine state plus the pore-water pressures. This
condition of collapse-pulsing which occurs at particular combinations of si-
multaneous air and subfluidization water flows has been associated with the
probable optimum condition for air scour. The theory compares well with four
sets of experimental data collected on two different graded sands. The theo-
retical expression has been condensed into a simple design equation for prac-
tical application.
lanklne active \
j 17 T 7 T j B t a i e of s t r e s s ^
I stress, <Xa
(a) (b)
FIG. 1.—(a) Contact Forces and Stresses in Soil; (b) Mohr Circle Analysis for Ac-
tive Ranklne State
(CT V -0H)
or (5)
((Ty + CTH)
L. V
1 X
. ..
+•* m b * *
a— .««. -2-b
1 4+4*&« 44
element axa (b)
FIG. 2.—Effective Stresses and Pore Water Pressure In: (a) Saturated Soil; and
(b) Soil with Vertical Fluid Flow
K = -^ = tan2 ( 45 - ^ ) (10)
ud = Z yj = Z 7 J — I (12)
Davidson and Schuler (3,4) studied the formation and motion of bub-
bles in viscous and inviscid liquids, both theoretically and empirically.
Amirtharajah and coworkers (1) have applied these concepts and ex-
tended the studies to the formation and motion of air bubbles in liquids
and Schuler (4) distinguished two cases: (1) Bubble formation at constant
air flow rate; and (2) bubble formation at constant pressure, which is of
greater practical importance. The second case applied to most real world
systems where the gas is from a constant pressure supply and the rate
of gas flow during the time of bubble formation, At is variable, even
though the rate of gas supply over long periods of time, t, may be con-
stant. For the constant pressure case, they showed that the rate of flow
of gas is proportional to the square root of the pressure difference across
the orifice (4). Thus
/ 2T\ V 2
Q„ = *»(?! -pgh-—J (14)
(a) <°>
a Q
' VV
W*' I:./
pletely by water as shown in the lower sections of Fig. 4(a). Let us as-
sume that the pressure within the bubbles at formation is given by Eq.
15. The smaller the bubble, the higher the contribution of surface tension
to its internal pressure would be. As the bubbles rise, the volume would
increase due to two effects: (1) The reduction in water pressure, pgh; and
(2) the release of surface tension pressure due to increasing radius. As
soon as the bubbles grow larger than the diameter of the pore openings,
the bubbles transform into tubular channels of flow, as shown in the
top layers of Fig. 4(a).
As the air tubes reach the surface of the sand, their diameters would
tend to grow larger due to the effective stress between the sand grains
tending toward zero and, thus, the air tubes pushing the grains apart
(Eqs. 8-11). In the limit at the surface of the sand, the intergranular
stresses are zero, and the sand functions like a liquid. As soon as the
air leaves the sand surface, the constrictions due to the pores which
cause tubular formation no longer apply, and the air exits in the form
of spherical bubbles to conform to the minimum surface energy shape.
At increasing air flow rates, these phases of motion will be reproduced
with the bubbles and channels being larger [Fig. 3(a)].
It should be evident that since several small bubbles are formed at the
supply orifice, it is possible for the bubbles to move randomly through
the pores as they transform into tubes. Thus, it is expected that air scour
alone would form exiting bubbles distributed randomly at several loca-
tions on the surface. The only abrasion between the grains occurs at the surface
where the tubes form and collapse, but there is no general failure of the soil or
relative motion between a large number of grains.
" f o r m a t i o n of
rearrangement air c a v i t y
and c o m p r e s s i o n
of sand g r a i n s much larger M n „ through
than grains m a d | a
V = 1 0 - 2 0 % Vmf
(a) (6) (c)
soil collapsing
under a c t i v e
Ranklne s t a t e pore water preesur<
air c a v i t y collapsing
FIG. 4.—Microscopic View of Air Dynamics: (a) Air Scour Alone; (b) Formation of
Air Cavity; (c) Flow Lines Around Large Air Cavity; (d) Collapse-Pulsing; (e) Forces
on Air Cavity
and the inertia of the liquid carried with the bubbles (1).
It is clear from the preceding that the detailed experimental observa-
tions (7), shown in condensed form in Figs. 3(a-e), is well rationalized
from a microscopic viewpoint by combining concepts in soil mechanics,
porous media flow, and fluidization. The conceptual framework used
for the qualitative analysis done in this section is now developed into a
theory to explain quantitatively the experimental data for collapse-pulsing.
, dh
aH = tan2 ( 45 - - I ov = tan2 ( 45 - j - (17)
Substituting for aH in Eq. 9
OH = 6H + u = tan 45 Zyb - Z,a ( - 1 + u (18)
For water flowing upward through a bed of depth Z and static water
level, Hi, above it, as shown in Fig. 2(b)
« = yw(Z + H^ + ywZ (19)
Substituting Eq. 19 in Eq. 18
. dh
P i ~ - kQ2a = tan2 ^45 - £ Zyb-Zya[ —
+ 7 „(Z + H1) + ywZ^—J (21)
The head loss gradient, dh/dZ, through porous media can be related to
the superficial water velocity, V, using the Carman-Kozeny equation as
shown in Fair, et al. (5):
dh k'ii(l-e0ff6^v
dZ „ ,.,, (22)
8 Pi £o \W/
in which \i = coefficient of viscosity; p( = density of water; e0 = porosity
of static bed; \\i = sphericity; k' = coefficient; and d = diameter of par-
ticles. Consider a fluidized bed at minimum fluidization, the Fair and
Hatch relation equating head loss to the buoyant weight of particles in
differential form is given (2,5) by
= (S,-l)(l-6) (23)
in which Sg = specific gravity of grains; and e = expanded porosity. Both
Eqs. 22-23 apply at minimum fluidization since it is the boundary con-
dition between the static and fluidized bed. Since e = €mf = e„, equating
the right-hand sides of the equations at the minimum fluidization ve-
locity, Vmf
v (s
§Pl »
e y -'- ' 1)(1 - O (24)
[%v)+aQl=h • ^
in which a and b = constants for a particular system.
The theory developed in the preceding assumes that the filter grains
are not stratified and that the hydraulic gradient, dh/dZ, is uniform at
all depths, Z. While these assumptions are rather unrealistic at the initial
stages of air scour of a dirty filter, they are certainly valid towards the
later stages of backwashing when a large fraction of the deposited par-
ticles have been carried away by the water flow rate, V, and when sig-
nificant mixing of the grains has occurred.
It is worthwhile emphasizing a comparison of the preceding theoret-
ical form of the equation at collapse-pulsing with the empirical equation
obtained by Hewitt and Amirtharajah (7):
The experimental methodology and the data collected have been de-
scribed in the companion paper and elsewhere (6,7). The combinations
of air and water flow rates to produce collapse-pulsing were determined
for three different graded sands at two different depths for each of the
two sands and for a single depth for the third sand. The data were used
to obtain an empirical equation for collapse-pulsing. In all of the exper-
iments, the total depth of media and static water above it, Z + Hlf was
5.66 ft (1.73 m). In the following analyses the third sand was not used
since it was tested only at a single depth, and measurements for Pi and
k were not made for this sand.
In addition to the preceding data, it was also necessary that indepen-
dent measurements for Pi, k and § be made from additional experi-
ments, to validate the theory. The pressure, P, just below the orifice was
measured with a water manometer at various air-water flow rates for
the sand with D60% size = 0.62 mm at two different depths. The variation
of inlet air pressure versus water flow rate is shown in Fig. 5 for the
fixed air flow rate of 2.10 scfm/sq ft (38.41 m/hr). The water flow rate
for collapse-pulsing equal to 2.58 gpm/sq ft (6.30 m/hr), and its corre-
sponding air pressure equal to 3.56 psi (24.56 kN/m 2 ), is also shown in
Fig. 5. These data of air pressure at collapse-pulsing were plotted aganst
the square of the air flow rate, Q 2 , as shown in Fig. 6. For the 30 in.
(760 mm) depth of sand, the theoretically expected linear relation be-
/ i
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/ i 2
air f l o w r a t e = 2 . 1 0 s c f m / f t
sand d e p t h — 1 8 i n .
D = 0 . 6 2 mm
1 1 1 1 1 1 _
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
FIG. 5.—Typical Variation of Inlet Air Pressure with Water Flow Rate (1 gpm/sq
ft = 2.44 m/hr, 1 psi = 6.9 kN/m2)
-3 2
P = 3 . 8 8 - 2.36 X10 Q.
-O --„-._"__
a : "•
- <- j
3 T -3
P = 3 . 6 5 - 2.36 X10
2 2 2 2
(AIRFLOW) , Qa ( s c f m / f t )
FIG. 6.—Air Pressure versus Air Flow Function for Collapse-Pulsing [1 psi = 6.9
kN/m2,1 (scfm/sq ft)2 = 334.52 (m/hr)2]
mm) with a sliding gate as one of the sides. The box was filled with
dried and cooled (to room temperature) sand, and the gate was opened.
The sand collapsed with a very smooth failure plane, whose inclination
to the horizontal was calculated from a measurement of its tangent. The
results could be reproduced to an accuracy of ±0.5°. The results for the
two sands are tabulated in Table 1. The values of the parameters in Table
1 are used in Eq. 27 to calculate the theoretical equations which are then
compared with experimental data. All of the data were collected at 20° C
(±1°) and the calculations were made for a temperature of 20° C.
Using the preceding constants and other values from Table 1 in Eq.
2T , „/ d> V
Pi - — ~ kQl = tan21 45 - J Zyb - Zyw(Sg - 1){1 -60) V —
+ yw(Z + Hi) + ywZ(Sg - 1)(1 - €„) (30a)
V mf
2 X 5.0 X 10~3 , ,/ 33.2A
which gives
6 558.7 =- Q 2 = tan2 45
5 - 0.34 w ,
8.34 x 10~ \ 2
2.5 X 57.6 - 2.5 x 62.4 (2.52 - 1)(1 - 0.40) + 62.4(5.66) + 62.4
X 2.5(2.52 - 1)(1 - 0.40) (30b)
Thus 0.34 Q2 + 100.75 — = 43.57 (30c)
Converting (V/Vmf) into %(V/Vmf)
V I =43.2
0.34Q2+I% — • (31)
V VmfJ
In a similar fashion, the theoretical equations calculated for the other
sand depth and sand sizes using the parameter values in Table 1, are
summarized as follows:
—*»»_ A 2 V
^^-****^ from theory: 0 . 3 4 Q . + (%n—) =43.2
£ 30
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/10/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
mo ^^"***,****^>*-fc.
experimental d a l a ^ ^
i i i i
D =
a and depth = 18 In. eo 0*82 mm
«»«w^ from theory: 0.S6 Q a 2 4- l%~~) = 4 5 , 0
\ \ experimental
^ ^d a ^ i *
i i i i
1 1 71 •
- r _1 -T
i •
(AIR 1
II / . I
r o
o X
s -/\i S
3 3 ? ?
9 / s
B /' is / o
W Q. 01 ? H/ w
o »o> tj
/f *
\ / o 0
o \ / + D
2. // a
5 S 1
I \ s
I at
P •? // II
03 a
II a \\ // «
FIG. 8.—Comparison of Theory with Experiment for Collapse-Pulsing: Graded Sand
Media, D60 = 0.86 mm [1 (scfm/sq ft)2 = 334.52 (m/hr)2]
Hewitt and Amirtharajah (7) reported that all of the data are reason-
ably represented by a single empirical correlation Eq. 29 which could be
used as a practical design equation. A mean linear relationship between
Ql and %(V/Vmf) can also be estimated from the theoretical Eqs. 31-34
by averaging the coefficients. The resultant equation is
@ 6o~ ° - 6 2 mm 18 In. sand depth
— A D
60= ° ' 6 2 mm
3 0 In. sand depth
A @ D 6 _ = : 0 . 8 6 mm 1 8 In. Band d e p t h
B D 6 Q = 0 . 8 6 mm 3 0 In. sand depth
^n 18 In. sand d e p t h
^ D 1 . 5 4 mm
"^•^•^ A
6 0
> ©
30 - -8
from theory ^
/ ^ " ^
from linear regression
10 I I i _ '
emerge when air and water flow concurrently through porous media are
analyzed in terms of the air pressure within the bubble and the soil stresses
and pore water pressures within the solid-liquid matrix. This conceptual
analysis leads to an original theoretical equation (Eq. 27) which predicts
the condition of flow in 3-phase systems wherein air pockets form and
collapse within the bed (collapse-pulsing). Rather remarkable agreement
is obtained when the theory is compared with experimental data. The
possibly cumbersome theoretical equation has been condensed into a
simple design equation of the form
0 . 4 5 Q 2 + ( % - ] - ) =41.9 (Eq.35)
V Vnif/
in which Q„ = air flow rate in standard cubic feet per minute per square
foot and %(V/Vmf) = percent minimum fluidization velocity.
a = constant;
b = constant;
D60 — 60% passing sand size = effective size x uniformity
d = diameter of particles;
dh/dZ = head loss gradient or hydraulic gradient;
8 = acceleration due to gravity;
K = depth of water above media;
h = head loss;
i = hydraulic gradient;
K = coefficient of lateral stress;
k = coefficient;
k',k" = coefficients;
N0 = normal forces;
Po = tangential forces;
Pi = air supply pressure;
Qa = air flow rate;
r = radius of bubble;
ss = specific gravity;
T = surface tension;
u = pore-water pressure;
Ui = dynamic pore water pressure;
V = subfluidization water velocity;
vmf = minimum fluidization water velocity;
(%V/Vmf) = percentage of minimum fluidization velocity;
z == depth
of sand;
submerged or buoyant unit weight;
Is = unit weight of sand;
1w = unit weight of water;
It = (it + yw) ~ unit weight of sand plus saturated water;
e = expanded bed porosity;
m/ = porosity at minimum fluidization;
e0 = static bed porosity;
V- = absolute viscosity;
Pi = mass density of liquid;
cr = total stress;
°y = normal stress at failure;
O-H = total horizontal stress;
* H = effective horizontal stress;
(JV = total vertical stress;
vv = effective vertical stress;
T = shear stress;
/ = shear stress at failure;
4» = angle of internal friction; and
* = sphericity.