K C R K B T, K, M: Inematic Omparison of The Oundhouse ICK Etween Aekwondo Arate AND Uaythai
K C R K B T, K, M: Inematic Omparison of The Oundhouse ICK Etween Aekwondo Arate AND Uaythai
K C R K B T, K, M: Inematic Omparison of The Oundhouse ICK Etween Aekwondo Arate AND Uaythai
istics during RHK performance between taekwondo, karate,
ombat sports are widely practiced around the
and muaythai athletes. Forty-seven male athletes (25.5 6 4.7
world, and its popularity seems to be increasing
years, 1.75 6 0.1 m, and 75.8 6 11.5 kg) volunteered to
(14,15). Among the sports modalities, there are
participate (taekwondo: 17; karate: 15; and muaythai: 15).
those in which the fighters frequently perform
Self-selected distance from target, mean and peak fifth meta- kicks (20). One of these kicks, the roundhouse kick
tarsus linear velocity (LV5mean; LV5peak), mean and peak hip (RHK), is used in different combat sports, such as taekwon-
(HAVmean; HAVpeak) and knee (KAVmean; KAVpeak) angular do, karate, and muaythai. Specifically, in taekwondo, the
velocities, as well as target linear acceleration (TLA) were ana- RHK is called Bandal Tchagui and is defined as a semicircular
lyzed with a 3D video motion analysis system. Comparisons kick performed with the instep (13,19). Likewise, in karate, it
between modalities were performed with 1-way analysis of is called Mawashi Geri, which is also defined as a semicircular
variances and Bonferroni’s post hoc test (a = 0.05). Self- kick performed with the instep (18). Finally, in muaythai, the
selected distance was lower in muaythai compared with taek- term is Tei Chiyang, a circular kick executed with the distal
wondo and karate (p , 0.001). Also, karate had greater part of the tibia or dorsum of the foot (6). Despite the sim-
LV5mean compared with muaythai (p = 0.001), and muaythai ilarity in the descriptions of RHK concepts between these
showed higher HAVmean than karate (p = 0.011). In addition, modalities, from a kinematic perspective, one cannot say
HAVpeak was greater in muaythai than in taekwondo and karate that RHK is actually similarly performed in taekwondo,
(p , 0.001). No differences were found for KAVmean, KAVpeak, karate, and muaythai. Moreover, taekwondo combats are
and TLA. Although it is similarly described between modalities, determined based on knockout or number of points scored,
whereas muaythai bouts are determined by knockout or
RHK showed distinct kinematic characteristics between taek-
aggressiveness (6), and competitive karate combats are decided
wondo, karate, and muaythai. Based on these results, coaches
based on the number of points scored, but athletes must try to
and athletes can improve their RHK technique according to the
score avoiding excessive contact. Differences in rules and goals
between the modalities may lead to adjustments in RHK exe-
Address correspondence to Gustavo Z. Schaun, gustavoschaun@ cution, especially in its trajectory, velocity, and joint angles.
hotmail.com. It is also not uncommon for athletes to migrate from one
00(00)/1–7 modality to another and, consequently, carry with them the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research characteristics of the previous combat sport. With the
2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association popularization of mixed martial arts, athletes often practice
Figure 2. The 3-dimensional reconstruction performed for roundhouse kick analysis. A) Taekwondo athlete; (B) karate athlete; (C) muaythai athlete.
participants answered an adapted questionnaire to assess 0.1 m, and 75.8 6 11.5 kg). The included athletes were
competitive level (8) and had their body mass and between 18 and 35 years old and should have a black belt
stature measured. Then, they performed a specific warm- or immediately before black (or equivalent) graduation in
up for 5 minutes (repeated predetermined sequence: 20- their modality. Participants who suffered injuries in the lower
second step movements, 3 vertical jumps, 5-second limbs during the previous 6 months or who underwent
alternated unilateral hip flexions, and 5-second submaximal severe acute weight loss in the previous 6 months (i.e.,
kicking). After the specific warm-up, reflective markers were .10% body weight) for any reason were excluded from
positioned at specific anatomical locations (as detailed the sample. Before any procedure, all participants were
below), and participants were instructed to position them- informed about the benefits and possible risks involved in the
selves within the 3-dimensional video analyses system area. study and gave their written informed consent. Also, the study
Each athlete self-selected the distance that he considered project was approved by the Federal University of Pelotas
ideal to perform the RHK and was instructed to execute it Research Ethics Committee (CAAE: 50889715.9.0000.5313)
with proper technique and the greatest effort as possible. and met all the Declaration of Helsinki requirements.
Three valid kicks were performed at the athlete’s trunk height
with 2-minute intervals between them on a dummy (BOOM-
Self-selected Distance. As previously mentioned, each partic-
BOXE), which was also adjusted to the trunk level of each
ipant was oriented to choose his ideal distance to perform
athlete. All kicks were filmed, and the best one, chosen by
the RHK (SSD; 12). After the athlete positioned himself, the
a technical consultant, was used for kinematic analysis. In
distance, in centimeters, between the support foot and target
addition, no jumps were allowed during the kicks, and all
base was measured with an inelastic tape measure. The
athletes were instructed not to perform high-intensity physical
distance selected was demarcated, so that the athlete could
activities in the 48 hours before assessments and to abstain
use the same distance in all RHKs performed (22).
from stimulants consumption, such as caffeine or alcohol.
TABLE 1. Descriptive variables according to combat sport in national level athletes (mean 6 SD).*
Figure 3. Self-selected distance according to modality during roundhouse kick performance (n = 47). TKD = taekwondo; KRT = karate; MTH = muaythai;
*Significantly different from KRT and TKD (p , 0.001).
frequencies of 200 Hz each (3 Bonita10 and 3 Bonita3, Los Specifically, mean and peak linear velocities of the fifth
Angeles, CA, USA). Before any assessment, calibration of the metatarsus (LV5mean; LV5peak) were determined in m$s21.
collection volume was performed according to manufac- Also, mean and peak angular velocities of the hip (HAV-
turers’ orientations and repeated at any moment if deemed mean; HAVpeak) and knee (KAVmean; KAVpeak) were deter-
necessary. Specifically, a total of 36 reflective markers were mined, respectively, in degrees per second. Linear and
positioned on predefined anatomical points (Figure 1) on the angular velocities were calculated during the kick from
participants’ bodies according to Plug-in-Gait Full-Body toe-off to the contact on target (determined by visual
model (Nexus 1.8.5 software). After the reflective marker inspection), and the RHK impact on the target was
placement, calibration of the static individual was performed, estimated through a reflective marker positioned on the
with subsequent 3-dimensional model reconstruction. superior part of the dummy’s head, as previously performed
The linear velocity of RHK was measured through the (5). For this purpose, the target linear acceleration (TLA)
reflective marker positioned on the fifth metatarsus. was calculated in m$s22.
TABLE 2. Kinematic comparisons of the roundhouse kick according to combat sport in national level athletes (mean 6
*TKD = taekwondo; KRT = karate; MTH = muaythai; LV5mean = mean linear velocity of the fifth metatarsus; LV5peak = peak linear
velocity of the fifth metatarsus; HAVmean = hip mean angular velocity; HAVpeak = hip peak angular velocity; KAVmean = knee mean
angular velocity; KAVpeak = knee peak angular velocity; TLA = target linear acceleration.
†Significantly different from KRT.
zSignificantly different from TKD.
the TM
Filming, Technical Consultant, and Kick Chosen. Roundhouse Self-selected distance comparisons are presented in Figure
kick executions were also recorded with a high-frequency 3. Self-selected distance was different between groups (F(2,
digital camera (120 fps; Canon Power Shot SX50 HS, Tokyo, 44) = 11.934, p , 0.001), and post hoc test showed that
Japan) for later selection of the best kick. The camera was taekwondo and karate athletes performed their kicks at sim-
positioned 2 m perpendicular to participants in the sagittal ilar distances (62.12 6 9.92 and 62.55 6 5.7 cm, respec-
plane and on the opposite side of their dominant lower limb. tively), which were greater than those performed by
Technical consultants qualified as black belt or equivalent, muaythai athletes (49.5 6 8.78 cm; p , 0.001). Regarding
who had previous experience in graduation examination kinematic analyses (Table 2), differences in the LV5mean and
boards, were recruited, one for each modality. Consultants LV5peak were observed between combat sports (LV5mean = F
analyzed all kicks within its combat sport and chose the best (2, 44) = 8.861, p = 0.001; LV5peak = F(2, 44) = 12.055, p ,
one based on the technique. It should be noted that this 0.001). LV5mean was significantly greater in karate in com-
recording was only used for the selection of the best kick, parison with muaythai (p , 0.001), both without difference
whereas kinematic analyses were performed through the 3- from taekwondo. Furthermore, greater LV5peak was found in
dimensional motion analysis system. karate compared with the other 2 groups (p , 0.001). Differ-
ences between groups were also observed for angular veloc-
Data Processing. The reflective markers recordings were ities (HAVmean: F(2, 44) = 5.058, p = 0.011; HAVpeak: F(2, 44)
digitalized; the images were 3-dimensionally reconstructed; = 11.831, p , 0.001). Muaythai had greater HAVmean than
and the dimensionless coordinates were reconverted into karate (p = 0.011) but not taekwondo. Muaythai athletes also
metric coordinates with Vicon Nexus 1.8.5 software (an had greater HAVpeak in relation to both groups (p , 0.001).
example is available in Figure 2). These matrices were the Finally, no differences were observed between combat sports
input data in a routine built-in LabView software, version for KAVmean (F(2, 44) = 0.519, p = 0.599), KAVpeak (F(2, 44)
2014 (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA). Data were = 0.965, p = 0.389), and TLA (F(2, 44) = 1.841, p = 0.171).
filtered using fifth-order low-pass Butterworth filter with a 7-
Hz cutoff frequency, and linear and angular velocity varia-
bles were obtained from the derivative of the position data. Our main finding was that, despite the common character-
Although linear velocity and acceleration are the resultants ization among combat sports modalities, kinematic differ-
of the 3D space, the angular parameters are those resulting ences were found in the RHK between modalities, as
from the position of 2 connected segments (e.g., thigh and previously hypothesized. Specifically, identifying an optimal
shank accounted for the knee joint). Target linear accelera- distance to perform the fastest or the most powerful RHK is
tion was directly obtained from the software, calculated from relevant. Accordingly, variations in the distance between
the velocity variation of the reflective marker as a function of athlete and target can influence on kicking performance in
the displacement time. terms of velocity and force generated (11), and ultimately in
the combat result. Previously, researchers compared kinetic
Statistical Analyses and kinematic outcomes of the RHK between taekwondo
Dependent variables SSD, LV5mean, LV5peak, HAVmean, HAV- athletes with national and international competitive experi-
peak, KAVmean, KAVpeak, and TLA were tested for normality ence at 3 different distances from target (135 6 09; 101 6 06;
and homogeneity of variances with Shapiro-Wilk and Lev- and 68 6 04 cm, respectively) (12), and the latter was the
ene tests, respectively, and were presented through descrip- closest to the SSD observed in this study. According to the
tive statistics (mean 6 SD). Kinematic data comparisons authors, greater distances resulted in longer durations in
between combat sports were performed by 1-way analysis the executions, and some of their results also suggested that
of variances with Bonferroni post hoc test. Statistical differ- greater distances could result in lower impact forces. One
ence was set at a = 0.05, and all data were processed using interesting factor related to the kick performance is the effect
SPSS 22.0 package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). that the limb size has on the kinematic and kinetic param-
eters of kicking (12,13). Differently from other studies (e.g.,
RESULTS 17), anthropometric aspects such as leg length, mass, and
No differences in anthropometric measures were observed height were well matched in the present investigation
among combat sports athletes, except for taekwondo (Table 1). Therefore, the differences in SSD and the remain-
athletes who were slightly younger than the karate and ing parameters may be strongly related to the modality. Fur-
muaythai athletes (Table 1). All athletes had national level thermore, our findings are in line with the concept that SSD
competitive experience and a minimum of 8 years of prac- is associated with increased foot velocity. Considering the
tice. Regarding graduation, all taekwondo athletes were transference of these findings to training sessions, any a priori
black belts, whereas in karate, 13 were black and 2 were advice on the use of longer or lower distances does not seem
brown belts. In the muaythai group, 11 athletes were 11th to fit in real combat situations, especially because the SSD
Kruang (i.e., equivalent to black belt), and 4 were 10th chosen and used during combat is likely to be related to the
Kruang. opponent, rules, anthropometric, and tactical aspects.
Nevertheless, our findings should be considered as a refer- between RHKs performed at ;137 and 69 cm from target,
ence for individual technical analysis in these modalities, and almost twice the distance. Such difference is much superior
exceptions should be considered for counterattacks because than that observed between modalities in the current study
greater distances were suggested to favor such actions (2,12). (i.e., ;10–12 cm), suggesting that greater differences might
Linear velocities closer to our results were identified be needed to result in lower impacts (4). Interestingly, our
previously (7,16,26). National level taekwondo athletes study shows that, under ecological conditions (SSD), the
reached peak linear velocities of ;10.9 m$s21 (26), whereas movement strategies from distinct combat sports are not as
young and adult international level TDK athletes reached 8.2 different as methodologically designed in previous studies
and 7.4 m$s21, respectively (7), compared with ;7.8 and 9.2 (10–12). In addition, it also demonstrates that considerable
m$s21 of our muaythai, taekwondo, and karate athletes differences in the performance can be observed even among
(Table 2). No study was found analyzing karate or muaythai, subjects from the same combat sport (as observed in Table
making it difficult to establish comparisons. Internationally 2), despite the similar competitive level among the athletes
ranked karate athletes reached ;492.78$s21 HAVpeak and and our effort to standardize it. Further research regarding
;8488$s21 KAVpeak (24), whereas national level taekwondo distance to target, linear acceleration of the target, and
athletes reached ;282.78$s21 HAVpeak and 797.98$s21 KAV- velocities of the segments are still needed before conclusive
peak (7). Such results are much higher than those presented suggestions can be made, especially because different char-
in the current manuscript and should be related to the ath- acteristics might be observed during different combat sit-
letes’ competitive level, as it influences mechanical results uations, such as attacks and counterattacks. One possible
(11). In both studies (7,24) all athlete/es were part of their limitation of this study is the absence of a force platform for
country’s national teams, i.e., they had international level, direct assessment of the impact force generated by the kick.
whereas our participants only had national level. Therefore, it is suggested that future studies should use this
In muaythai, combat is decided by knockout or deter- methodology to confirm our results. Moreover, comparisons
mined at the end of each round based on which athlete was between different predetermined distances and SSD should
more aggressive (6). Therefore, when performing blows dur- also be performed to better understand its relationships
ing a match, muaythai athletes do not only focus on scoring between modalities.
points, but also on attacking the opponent as hard as possi- In summary, distinct characteristics were observed in
ble. It seems that angular velocity of the hip may be impor- RHK between the combat sports investigated. Collectively,
tant to generate greater RHK impact forces because of the muaythai athletes showed lower body-target distance and
transfer of momentum from body mass to kick, i.e., the greater angular velocity of the hip, whereas karate athletes
effective mass used (3,4,17), as explained by the kinetic link showed a higher linear velocity of the foot, and taekwondo
principle (12). On the contrary, fighters can be punished or presented a mixed kinematic structure with a relatively
even disqualified in karate if they apply a blow with excessive greater body-target distance but a slower leg movement
force or that could injure the opponent. Taekwondo com- compared with those of the other combat sports. This
bats can be decided by knockout, but also by points, and indicates that, based on the kinematic outcomes assessed,
thus, the blow does not need to be performed as hard as RHK performance is different despite being similarly con-
possible, but enough to reach a certain threshold according ceptualized in taekwondo, karate, and muaythai. Interest-
to the athlete’s category to score. Such distinct character- ingly, the impact estimated by linear acceleration of the
istics during combat can explain the differences observed in target was similar between the 3 modalities.
linear and angular velocities between these modalities.
Target linear acceleration, used to estimate the impact PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
generated on target, was similar between groups. To the best Based on our results, taekwondo, karate, and muaythai
of our knowledge, this is the first study comparing TLA coaches are provided with a deeper understanding of the
between combat sports using indirect method. Despite the specific kinematics of the RHK performed in their combat
differences in the RHK performed between modalities, as sport. According to a specific purpose, the kicking technique
shown in Table 2, this result (i.e., similar TLA) is very rele- may be better organized to achieve these characteristics and
vant given that it shows that athletes can adapt their kick to improve performance. Specifically, we suggest that muaythai
reach similar impacts. Thus, if the main goal of the combat athletes should aim to increase the distance (SSD results)
sport is to use RHKs with greater impact, there seems to be from their opponents, whereas taekwondo and karate
no advantageous technique among these 3 modalities. More- athletes should focus to decrease it on their combat sports.
over, considering that SSD, LV5, and HAV were not similar Muscle conditioning may also be specific as well. Although
between groups, coaches who wish to increase the impact of a rapid initial hip action accompanied by an intense knee
their athletes’ RHK may need to modify different aspects movement should be addressed in karate, a more hip-
according to modality. In addition, as previously mentioned, directed conditioning may be suitable for muaythai and
longer distances were shown to produce lower impact forces taekwondo (HAV results). These findings can assist athletes
in taekwondo (12). However, this difference was shown optimize their RHK technique in the context of their own
the TM
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