WX-10 Owner S Manual

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Se Sea Oy Operating & interpreting your.new “Stormscope’ WX-10 system for easy thunderstorm mapping, ((Ryan))))) Stormscope’ Rete eRe Introdu product. With your new “Stormscope” system, you're flying the finest thunderstorm avoid- Your “Stormscope” WX-10 system ance system available today. consists of these components: ; ‘A Processor. otally solid-state unit is Reena ‘compactly designed for easy remote in- ‘system available today — the 3M palaeon te soe ((Ryan))))) “Stormscope” Weather 8 Display. Single panel-mounted 3ATI ‘Mapping Systom” Youll soon trust cathode-ray-tube unit contains all oper- your WX-10 as 0n@ of the most valu- ational controls; sereen is internally ble instruments in your panel. You"! edge-it for night viewing, Quick respect asa relable aid in ‘Antenna. Aerodynamicaly designed unit avoiding dangerous turbulence and mounts externally on the aircraft; single, ther hazards of thunderstorms, Combined loop-sense without mov- Be sure to use this manual. oe This Owner's Manual will help you make the most of your "Stormscope" system. Read completely and care {uly t understand fully how this n= portant instrument works and how To asi utlize ts full eapacty. Basic benefits of the 3M ((Ryan))))) “Stormscope” Weather Mapping System: You can choose + Every model of the “Stormscope” * Every model can * Every model has * Every model is * Sold through a froma series of system works as well on the bbe installed in any inherently high surprisingly worldwide models, offering ground as itdoes in the ait. This single-or mult reliability, be- lightweight and network of sensible range means you can get up-to-the- engine aircraft cause its a compact, dealers, each fof capacity and minute thunderstorm information —_fixed- or rotor-_—_solid-state, ‘model carries « affordability. before takeoff — even before start- wing; piston, low-power, pas- full one-year ing the engines! Youcan map the turbo-proporjet._sive system with warranty. weather first, then map your light! ‘no moving parts. Soman een rat ner resem pret, Tae inne weer maging ngewe Check these convenient control/screen features: Powerimode switch. Tum “on” to operate. Tum to “forward” to con: centrale instrument's memory Capacity on forward 180: Test button. Push to check whether instrument is operating property ether as a pre-flight procedure or during in-fight use. (See page 10 for demonstration ) Clear button. Push to clear dots from soreen so fresh, new thun- derstorm data can be displayed, Range-selection switch. Turn to desired range (25, 60, 100 or 200 rm); selected range corresponds to outer circle on screen (inner ci cle indicates half that range) Internaledge lighting. View display screen comfortably at right, with brightness controlled by panel-ight dimmer switch, Brightness control. Tum to dial in desired brightness of dots on. screen (clockwise to brighten, Ccounter-clockwise to dim). Mapping lines. Outer circle indi ‘cates range selected by “range- selection switch”; inner circle in- dicates half selected range. Seg- ments of 30° indicate arc width, at outer circle, equivalent to about half the nautical miles of outer- circle range. Example: With range-selection switch’ set at 200 nm, outer cicle indicates 200 ‘im from aircraft, inner circle 100 ‘im, and width of 30° segment at ‘outer circle is about 100 nm, Mapping direction indicator. Aircraft diagram indicates pos! tion of thunderstorm in relation to aircraft's heading (not nec essary in terms of degrees off compass north or art course. | Introduction The product The display The concept The technology A closer look at the display screen Glossary Special situations ‘on the WX-10 screen Basic thunderstorm detection & mapping Mapping building! changing thunderstorms Efiects of wind- correction angle Mapping headings ‘past thundersiorms WX-10 specifications. Parts & service warranty 10 12 13 14 16 16 4a Look at virtually thousands of electrical discharges inside a distant thunderstorm. “There's a good reason to look at electi- cal discharges. Afterall, electrical dis ‘charges are directly related to conveo- tive wind shear, In fact, a thunderstorm by

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