BSP-AW-201642 No Go Zone Barrier

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BSP-AW-201642 BSP-Well Engineering July 2016

No-Go Zone Barrier Crossed

Target audience for this alert
 Projects Commissioning and Operations Team
 Rig Team, Well Engineers, Rig Superintendents

What happened:
On 16th July 2016 at 09:45hrs – High pressure testing (up to 7500 psi)
was on-going at the cement unit of a jack up rig. Barriers labelled with
“High Pressure Test on-going” were in place and PA announcements
were made prior to the activity. Two personnel were walking at the main
deck towards the platform for a routine task and had crossed the barrier.
One of the them attempted to alert the other however was unsuccessful
due to loud noise coming from the cement unit. Only after crossing the
barrier, the personnel managed to get the attention of his colleague. The
act was noticed by the DSV and intervention was carried out instantly.
Time-Out for Safety (TOFS) was held.
Illustration of personnel crossing barrier
Why it happened
 Both personnel did not hear the PA announcements made.
 Lack of understanding of Red Zone and No Go Zone Policy on the rig site.

Lessons learned
 Engage all parties before starting the job
 Need an improvement on the Zone management barriers- should be hard barriers

 All parties including Project Commissioning and Operations Team to consult with DSV/WSDE/OIM on potential
clash of on-going high risk activities before going to platform.
 Zone Barriers should be robust and not easily lifted or crossed.
 Installed Zone Management Board to update all personnel about current Red Zone and No-Go Zone area on the
rig prior to leaving the accommodation area. Include the current red zone and No-Go zones in HSE induction

Further information
Incident FIM Number: 1676934
Lars Dam (TWD/13) [email protected]

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