Earthquake: STUDETS: Abdusheva Albina Doktyrbek Kamshat
Earthquake: STUDETS: Abdusheva Albina Doktyrbek Kamshat
Earthquake: STUDETS: Abdusheva Albina Doktyrbek Kamshat
Causes of earthquakes:
Consequences of earthquakes
Natural for cities and Human
consequences: localities: consequences:
Cracks in the soil, soil Residential buildings, In case of strong
tremors, tremors, industrial buildings and earthquakes - injuries
buildings, power lines and (bruises, fractures, cuts,
sinkholes of the Earth's
gas pipelines are
surface and the seabed, squeezing), as well as
collapsing, which leads to
activation of volcanoes, the death of people.
fires and explosions.
the occurrence of People can die by
Accidents may occur at
mudslides, landslides, negligence, due to
enterprises, nuclear
landslides, rockfalls, power plants, and panic, inept assistance
tsunami formation at chemically hazardous (self-help). Many
sea, the release of facilities, breakthroughs people experience
underground gases, of hydroelectric dams, mental shocks and
restless behavior of accidents on transport, disorders, lose their
animals, rivers can life support facilities, ability to work.
change their channels. which can lead to
EARTHQUAKE: If you are indoors, move to a safe place
immediately. Hide, if possible, under a desk
or dining table. Stand in the opening of the
inner door or in the corner of the room.
Beware of falling debris or heavy furniture.
Force yourself to keep calm and not
Stay away from windows and heavy objects
do anything that can disorganize
(machines, refrigerators) that may tip over or
others (do not shout and do not rush). move from their place.
Almost 80% of all the The largest recorded The largest recorded An undersea
planet's earthquakes earthquake in the earthquake in the earthquake in the
occur along the rim of United States was a world was a magnitude Indian Ocean triggered
the Pacific Ocean, magnitude 9.2 that 9.5 in Chile on May 22, a series of devastating
called the "Ring of struck Prince William 1960. tsunamis on Dec. 26,
Fire"; a region that Sound, Alaska on When the Chilean 2004. The tsunamis
encircles the Pacific March 28, 1964. earthquake occurred in struck the coasts of
Ocean and is home to 1960, seismographs most landmasses
452 volcanoes (over recorded seismic bordering the Indian
75% of the world's waves that traveled Ocean, bringing 100-
active and dormant around the world. foot waves and killing
volcanoes). These seismic waves over 225,000 people in
shook the entire earth 11 countries.
for many days.
They can cause huge waves in the ocean called tsunamis.
Movement of tectonic plates has formed large mountain
ranges like the Himalayas and the Andes. Earthquakes can
happen in any kind of weather.