Acterna E1 and Data Testers: (PA-20, PA-25, PF-30, PFA-30, PFA-35) Scalable Testing For Digital Networks

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Acterna E1 and Data Testers

(PA-20, PA-25, PF-30, PFA-30, PFA-35)

Scalable testing for digital networks

The range of E1 and Data Testers

provide a scalable, future-proof
solution for the testing needs of – Provides a scalable test solution for
engineers involved in the installation, E1 and Data testing applications,
commissioning, and maintenance of supported by a large range of
digital networks. These instruments software options for E1 services
can carry out both framed and unframed (Frame Relay, GSM) and subrate
tests on a wide variety of equipment, multiplexing system (X.50, HCM,
ensuring that technicians can perform V.110) testing
their jobs quickly and efficiently. – Allows for rapid evaluation of
This low cost, time saving, multiple circuits through an intuitive user
language solution for E1 and datacom interface with an autoconfigure
testing supports a wide range of feature and large, clear
software options, including Jitter and results screens
Frame Relay, all implemented on the – Employs a full set of physical
same straightforward user interface. layer tests for E1 balanced and
unbalanced circuits including
BERT, VF, Round Trip Delay and Jitter
– Provides standard options for
Quality of Service (QoS) measure-
ments to ITU-T G.821, G.826, and
M.2100 recommendations
– Makes clear distinctions between
bit errors and bit slips in QoS
testing through the patented
Gelbricht synchronization method
– Supports both remote operation
(DTM-32) and remote control
The range of products comprizes Some of the key functions and benefits
PA-20, PA-25, PF-30, PFA-30 and of the E1 and Data testers include:
PFA-35. The PA-20 and PA-25 are Ease of use
multipurpose field service testers The PA/PFA range has been designed
designed for commissioning, with the technician in mind. The instru-
maintenance, and troubleshooting ments are lightweight, easy to hold and
on E1 PCM circuits. They can perform a carry, and feature a large LCD screen
wide variety of tests, including: framed with integral backlight for the most
and unframed monitoring, framed and demanding testing environments.
unframed end-to-end testing, drop and
insert, channel associated signaling Rapid fault identification
monitoring, Round Trip Delay measure- Test results are displayed in a concise,
ment and repeated BERT. graphical format with our recognized
big “OK” when no errors or alarms
The PF-30, PFA-30 and PFA-35 have a are present (figure 1). The testers
similar range of features for E1 circuit also support multiple languages.
testing, plus an extended range of With comprehensive alarm and errors
interfaces for data circuit and primary status LEDs, technicians are given a
multiplexer testing. clear indication of problems even at a
distance. All results and data can be
stored for later analysis and printed to
an external printer or computer with a
single key press.

figure 1

Autoconfigure Parallel printers are supported with Software options
The autoconfigure feature greatly the use of a serial to parallel converter A key feature of the PA-25 and
simplifies instrument setup. A test cable. Alternatively, printing to a PC PFA-35 instruments is the ability
can be started on framed or unframed can be achieved using a software to load software options to extend
traffic using just two key presses. For program such as WG Print Capture. testing functionality.
a framed signal the instrument can
determine the framing type, timeslot Remote operation and control Accessories
allocation and test pattern type. The PA/PFA range of E1 and Data The ELM-2 accessory allows the
testers is compatible with the DTM-32 instrument to be connected to 2 Mbps
Gelbrich synchronization remote operation solution. This offers lines carrying hazardous voltages
The patented Gelbrich synchronization remote operation of the instrument and √f distortion. It removes the DC
method enables test pattern using an on-screen faceplate, via voltage, equalizes the voltage signal
synchronization and accurate BERT an easy-to-use WindowsTM interface. and also measures and displays the
measurement even in the presence Remote control commands are signal level.
of rapid bursts of errors. It also available for integration into
differentiates between bit slips and network management software. The V.11 cable test adapter is used
bit errors, important in QoS testing. to detect a number of common faults
Programmable timers on V.11 cables that might otherwise
Results storage and printing The instrument can be programmed to go unnoticed due to the nature of
The PA/PFA range of instruments has start a delayed test at a specific date balanced line interfaces.
eight configuration and test memories and time for a selectable duration.
that store test configurations and
results, allowing them to be viewed Battery/mains operation
or printed at a later time. Results are For field use, the instrument has an
printed through the serial port and a 8-10 hour battery life using recharge-
setup screen enables the instrument able and exchangeable batteries.
to be set for a range of serial printers. Long duration testing can be achieved
using the combined AC mains power
supply and charger.

Feature summary
E1 Testers E1 and Datacom Testers
PA-20 PA-25 PF-30 PFA-30 PFA-35
General features
Remote operation and control • • • • •
Autoconfigure • • • • •
Test patterns, fixed, programmable and ITU-T • • • • •
Local language support • • • • •
Downloadable software options • • • • •
Test configuration and results memories • • • • •
Printer interface • • • • •
Programmable timer • • • • •
Backlight • • • • •
LEDs • • • • •
Large display • • • • •

E1 circuit testing
Balanced and unbalanced G.703 Tx and Rx • • • • •
Terminated and high impedance termination modes • • • • •
Framed and unframed test signal generation • • • • •
n and m x 64 kbps time slot monitoring • • • •
Pattern generation into n and m x 64 kbps timeslots • • • • •
G.821,G.826, M.2100 Analysis (both IS and OOS) • • • • •
Error and alarm, generation and analysis • • • • •
PCM tone generation with variable level and frequency • • • •
PCM decoding and audio output • • • •
CAS monitoring of all 30 channels • • • •
CAS history for a single channel • • • •
E1 signal Through mode • • • •
n x 64 kbps drop or n x 64 kbps insert • • • •
m x 64 kbps drop and insert • •
Si, Sa, A and E monitoring and generation • •
NFAS and NMFAS monitoring and generation • •
Tx frequency offset • •
Round trip delay, framed and unframed • •

Primary multiplexer testing

Pattern into MUX channel and monitoring on E1 signal • •
Pattern into E1 signal and monitoring on MUX channel • •

X.50 multiplexer testing •

Datacom circuit testing

X.21 V.11/RS422 interface • • •
V.24/RS232 interface (sync and async) • • •
V.35 interface via adapter • • •
V.36/RS449 interface via adapter • • •
EIA530 interface via adapter • • •

Level and Frequency mode
Accessories Technical specification
PCM generation and measurement of sinusoidal
Unbalanced 75 Ω BNC 2m (x4) K169 Generator/Receiver signals in a time slot. (A-law coding to ITU-T Rec.
Type 43 stub adapter cable (for above) K1549 Interfaces G.711)
Balanced 120 Ω CF to 3 x Banana 2m (x4) K71 G.703 Tx frequency range 5 Hz to 3998 Hz
Balanced 120 Ω CF to RJ45 K1597 X.21/V.11 Tx level range –55 dBm0 to +3 dBm0
BNC to Siemens 1.6/5.6 K1616 V.24 (RS232) Rx level measurements –80 dBm0 to +5 dBm0
External clock adapter K1513 V.35 via adapter X.50 Test modes
V.24 download cable K1515 V.36 (RS449) via adapter RX/TX, through, D&I and MUX/DEMUX
Serial printer cable (25 way) K1500 EIA530 via adapter Division 2 and 3 framing
Serial to parallel printer cable K1589 Physical Connections Test pattern insertion/evaluation in n x 600,
V.11 DCE adapter cable K1505 3 pin CF connectors (120 Ω balanced) 19.2, 48 kbps
V.24 DCE adapter cable K1512 BNC connectors (75 Ω unbalanced) X.50 frame analysis
V.35 DTE (AMP 1.6 mm) adapter cable K1508 15 way D type (100 Ω balanced) Programmable A-H bits
V.35 DCE (AMP 1.6 mm) adapter cable K1509 25 way D type Test patterns
V.35 DTE (Positronic 1.6 mm) adapter cable K1525 G.703 Test modes 2E6–1, 2E9–1, 2E11–1, 2E15–1, 2E20–1, 2E23–1
V.35 DCE (Positronic 1.6 mm) adapter cable K1526 RX mode Alternating 1s and 0s, All 1s, All 0s
V.35 DTE (Positronic 1.0 mm) adapter cable K1510 Framing PCM30, PCM30CRC, PCM31, 8 and 16 bit programmable words
V.35 DCE (Positronic 1.0 mm) adapter cable K1511 PCM31CRC or unframed Error injection
V.36/RS449 DTE adapter cable K1506 G.703 line code HBD3, AMI, codirectional Bit, code, FAS,
V.36/RS449 DCE adapter cable K1507 V.11 Drop n x 64 kbps, m x 64 kbps CRC errors Single, ratio or frequency
EIA-530 DCE adapter cable K1629 RX/TX Clocking
EIA-530 DTE adapter cable K1630 As RX plus: BER test pattern generation G.703 transmit clock source 2048 kbps and co-dir
ELM-2 Equalizer Level Meter BN 4546/01 n x 64 kbps, m x 64 kbps Internal, external, from RX
V.11 cable test adapter BN 4534/00.37 V.11 Drop/Insert Drop or insert n and m x 64 kbps Printer and remote operation
Equipment case (small) BN 4523/00.04 Drop and insert n x 64 kbps Interface V.24, DTE, Async
Equipment case (large) BN 4540/00.02 2 Mbps internal clock offset up to ±150ppm Baud rates 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
Soft carrying case BN 4518/00.08 Programmable Si, Sa, A and E bits and NMFAS 9600, 19200, 38400
Through mode Front panel
Software options (available at extra cost) As RX/TX modex plus: Display 42 character x 16 line LCD with backlight
X.50 BN 4535/00.14 Drop and insert n and m x 64 kbps LEDs 2 summary, 14 alarm/error,
GSM BN 4534/00.15 Round Trip Delay mode option and low battery
G.826 BN 4534/00.34 Framed and unframed 2 Mbps Keyboard Numeric keypad, 4 cursor, 2 contrast,
All 1’s/All 0’s histogram BN 4534/00.20 Range 0-10s main menu, 6 soft keys, alt, on and off
M.2100 BN 4534/00.13 Resolution 1µs Stores/Memory
Noise Measurement BN 4534/00.23 MUX/DEMUX mode 8 test configuration stores and 8 test results
V Interface Status Monitor BN 4535/00.28 G.703 interface as RX/TX mode memories
V.110 BN 4535/00.32 Unframed DTE emulation on V.11, V.24, V35, V.36 Self check
HCM BN 4535/00.35 Monitor mode Comprehensive self check at power on
Frame Relay (Enhanced) BN 4535/00.41 Simultaneous monitoring and display of any time Languages
Jitter BN 4534/00.42 slot in both frame and multiframe. English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Datacom BN 4534/00.44 Simultaneous monitoring and generation of the Si, Turkish and Portuguese
V Delay BN 4534/00.48 Sa, A and E bits of the NFAS. Power Supply
French S/C bits BN 4534/00.11 Simultaneous monitoring and generation of the Internal supply Rechargeable NiCd batteries
Large Frequency Offset BN 4534/00.19 NMFAS. (8 to 10 hours operating time)
PCM Alarm Analysis BN 4534/00.26 External supply External mains adapter/charger
Extended PRBS BN 4534/00.36 Low battery warning LED before auto switch off
Weight 1.55 kg approximately
Dimensions (h x d x w) 72 x 136 x 195 mm

Ordering information
Acterna E1 Tester PA-20 BN 4525/50
Acterna E1 Tester PA-25 BN 4542/50
Acterna E1 and Data Tester PF-30 BN 4526/50
Acterna E1 and Data Tester PFA-30 BN 4523/50
Acterna E1 and Data Tester PFA-35 BN 4535/60
Acterna E1 and Data Tester PFA-35 with X.50
BN 4535/50
All complete with AC adapter/charger
Plug for US, Euro, UK or Australian voltage
User manual

Acterna is the world’s largest provider

of test and management solutions for
optical transport, access and cable
networks, and the second largest
communications test company overall.
Focused entirely on providing equip-
ment, software, systems and services,
Acterna helps customers develop,
install, manufacture and maintain
optical transport, access, cable,
data/IP and wireless networks.

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