Masonry 10 2nd Quarter Week3
Masonry 10 2nd Quarter Week3
Masonry 10 2nd Quarter Week3
Topic 1: Forms
Concrete mixture is generally semi-fluid material that produces the shape of anything to which it
is poured. Thus, construction form is used to produce the desired size, shape and form of concrete
The longitudinal rib type – is generally economical. The length of ribs are preserved which could be
utilized later.
II. Learning Competency:
LO 3. Perform fabrication, instillation and stripping of form works
Code: TLE_IAMS 9-12MW-IIIi-j-3
1. Identify fabrication and installation of form works materials.
2. Measure formworks materials.
3. Cut materials according to specified requirement.
4. Perform fabrication of materials into forms or stiffener columns and lintel beams.
III. Activities
Activity 1
I. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
4) The load that will carry the forms for column comes from.
a) load itself
b) horizontal pressure from fresh concrete
c) vertical pressure from fresh concrete
d) none of the above
Activity 2.
Materials, Tools/Equipment:
- 14 pcs 2”x2”x8
- ½ Kg assorted CWN
- 1 pc. ¼”x4’x8’ ordinary plywood
- Claw hammer
- Cross cut saw
- Try square
- Marking tools
Procedure for construction:
1. Read and interpret detail drawing.
2. Prepare all tools and materials needed.
3. Mark all 2x2’s and plywood for cutting Note: Always follow schedule of cutting.
4. Cut all marked materials. Note: Measure twice before cutting.
5. Assemble and fasten all members of the ribs, adopting the plan and details.
6. Attached and fasten the board on the frame.
7. Apply good housekeeping
8. Let your teacher check your finished work using the guiding criteria.
Activity 3.
- Select appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to use for stripping forms.
- Using wrecking bar, remove all braces around the forms.
- Detach the outer form using wrecking bar.
Note: be careful not to destroy the form and concrete.
- Re-assemble the forms.
- Let your teacher assess your work for evaluation, using the given criteria for checking:
III. Rubric for Scoring
Activity 2.
I. Workmanship - 70%
Dimension - 30%
Squareness - 30%
Fitness - 10%
II. Speed - 10%
III. Caring of tools - 20%
- 100%
Activity 3.
I. Workmanship - 70%
II. Speed - 10%
III. Safety - 10%
IV. Caring of tools - 10%
IV. Reflection:
3. What will be the effect if the correct procedure in stripping formworks is not followed?