SDSwiki 2017
SDSwiki 2017
SDSwiki 2017
System Design Strategies 41st Edition - ArcGIS 10.5.1
A1. Capacity Planning Tool
• Capacity Planning Tool updates
• Capacity Planning Tool Administration
A2. Enterprise System Design Planning Tools
A3. Acronyms and Glossary
B1. Windows Memory Management
B2. System Design Strategies popular pages
C1. CPT Virtualization Model
D1. Planning for Building a GIS video series
System Design Strategies Preface
Fall 2017 System Design Strategies Preface 41st Edition
Construction phase
• System procurement authorization, based
on the design budget and deployment
• Data acquisition and database design
efforts begin.
• Procurement authorization for application
design and development.
• Prototype testing plans completed and
scheduled to validate product delivery
within design performance targets.
Implementation phase
• Initial deployment and operational testing.
• Final system delivery, user training, and Figure 1.9 System design strategies overview
workflow migration complete. showing the principal chapters that will be covered
in the SDSwiki documentation and how they
• System maintenance operations. interface in building an enterprise design solution.
Enterprise GIS design includes a broad range
Best Practice: Deployment process is
of technology that must play together to satisfy
repeated incrementally on a periodic
identified business needs. The better they
schedule to leverage technology change.
work together, the more productive your
The Capacity Planning Tools (CPT) were business can be.
developed as a framework to promote
System design topics will be discussed
successful GIS system design and
throughout the SDSwiki documentation.
implementation. CPT functions contribute
throughout the implementation cycle. • Software technology: Chapter 2
• Software performance: Chapters 3 and 4
Pre-design efforts
Figure 1.17 GIS technology has evolved to support
a broad integrated range of business needs across
the organization. Each GIS technology pattern is
optimized to address specific organizational needs.
Figure 1.17 shows an overview of the ArcGIS
technology patterns. GIS enterprise vision
looks at how GIS technology can best support
your business needs. The ArcGIS Platform
Figure 1.16 Business needs establish the includes a range of technology options
foundation for any enterprise GIS design. The developed as a complete set of integrated
enterprise vision, existing business architecture, workflows and systems to satisfy a broad
and user requirements must be understood to range of business requirements.
select the best GIS solution.
GIS software deployment patterns are
Figure 1.16 shows how you can prepare for optimized to support your business needs:
your system architecture design. Business
needs must be understood before you are • Location enablement
ready to complete the system architecture • Data management
design. Business requirements analysis • Analysis
includes a review of the enterprise vision, the • Field mobility
existing business architecture, and the user • Visualization (Operational Awareness)
workflow requirements. Each of these areas • Constituent engagement
must be explored in some detail before you Most successful enterprise GIS operations
begin the design. evolve to embrace the full range of available
The GIS needs assessment begins with the GIS technology patterns to address focused
organization identifying where GIS technology business needs throughout their organization.
can improve the quality and productivity of the Best practice: Establishing a clear
business process flow. This assessment enterprise GIS vision early in
identifies GIS application and data planning can help identify an
requirements and an implementation strategy optimum roadmap for building
for supporting GIS user needs. The user effective GIS operations.
organization must be actively involved
throughout the user needs assessment. A GIS
solutions architect familiar with current GIS Review Business Needs
technology patterns and customer business
practices can help facilitate this planning
effort; the real work must be done by the
organization themselves. Figure 1.18 GIS technology has evolved to support
a broad integrated range of business needs across
the organization. Each GIS technology pattern is
Enterprise vision optimized to address specific organizational needs.
Figure 2.9 ArcGIS Pro is expanding ArcGIS Desktop Figure 2.10 shows advances with 3D
capabilities. visualization. 3D models, animations,
Figure 2.9 shows the rapidly advancing renderings, virtual tours, and planning are
ArcGIS Pro road ahead. some of the services available with the
ArcGIS platform. ArcGIS Pro provides
Near term (July 2017) powerful 3D capabilities for development and
• Multiple Instances of Pro design, with options for 2D and 3D
• Annotation Editing, Read WFS, Layout geographic representations in an interactive
Grids linked multi-display view.
• Full Motion Video, Charts in Layouts Create interactive scenes with the built-in
• Interactive Input for Analysis, SDK Scene Viewer. A scene is symbolized
Improvements geospatial content that includes a multiscale
• Standard workflows are included in the • Workflow display complexity and user
CPT Workflow tab. productivity are two key variables that
• Custom workflows can be generated contribute to hardware platform
using the CPT Calculator tab. processing loads.
• Project workflows are included in the • Network bandwidth and display traffic are
CPT Workflow tab. two additional key variables that impact
display performance.
Premium apps for ArcGIS A variety of Premium apps for ArcGIS are
available on the ArcGIS web site.
ArcGIS Online
Figure 2.35 shows the ArcGIS Enterprise Figure 2.36 Software technology cycle show the
evolution of a specific software product contributes to
platform architecture. The ArcGIS platform effective GIS operations.
provides a broad range of capabilities to
support your business requirements. Figure 2.36 shows a typical software product
life cycle. Selecting the right technology at
The ArcGIS Enterprise platform includes a the right time is one of the bigger challenges
variety of components that must be for building and maintaining effective
configured and deployed properly to support enterprise GIS operations.
your environment.
Warning: Making the right technology
Selecting the right platform architecture for choice can make or break your success.
meeting your business needs establishes a
framework for successful operations. Technology is changing fast, and new
innovations bring a great deal of promise.
The Capacity Planning Calculator provides a
framework for modeling software Warning: The temptation to select
performance and scalability on available technology based on promise can
hardware and network communication contribute to a painful implementation
technology. The Calculator models what we and failed expectations.
understand about GIS technology patterns Best Practice: Selecting the right
and key workflow performance parameters, technology at the right time can lead to
relationships we can validate with well- optimum success.
defined test benchmarks and operational
experience. For single workflows, the Warning: Replacing aging technology is
Calculator provides a complete software and also important, missing the performance
hardware solution. For Enterprise Design and productivity gains delivered with new
solutions, the Calculator provides workflow technology innovation.
performance targets that can be used in the Software and hardware product life cycles
Enterprise Design. are getting shorter as technology improves
more rapidly each year.
Do your homework.
• Understand your business needs.
• Review available technology
• Complete a design analysis before your
This section shares lessons learned about expensive, both in terms of lost services
selecting and building effective GIS design and user productivity. Building a system
solutions that satisfy operational design that addresses capacity planning
performance and scalability needs. needs can improve user productivity and
Software technology allows us to model our reduced implementation risk.
work processes, and provide these models
to computers to optimize user workflow
performance. The complexity of these
Workflow baselines
models, the functions selected to generate
our display, and how application functions
are orchestrated to analyze and present
information processing needs have a
significant impact on computer system
workload and subsequent performance and
Figure 3.1 The system architecture design baseline
For many years we focused our system workflow represents a medium load profile distributed
architecture design consulting efforts toward across the baseline software technology components.
identifying and establishing a hardware
infrastructure that would support a standard Workflow baselines provide a foundation for
implementation of Esri software technology. capacity planning. We discussed the
We developed platform sizing models based various GIS software deployment patterns
on consulting experience and customer in Chapter 2 Software Technology. Each
implementation success. We updated our software deployment pattern generates a
sizing models based on relative unique combination of hardware and
performance benchmark testing which network processing loads deployed within a
focused on quantifying changes in critical component architecture that supports the
processing loads introduced with each new system computing environment. Figure 3.1
software release. Today we have a provides an overview of the most important
Capacity Planning Tool that automates our software and network components that
system architecture design analysis impact the system architecture design. We
enabling more refined and accurate will be discussing these components and
performance management. their system configuration strategies
throughout the System Design Strategies
There are examples of GIS deployments wiki. These are the primary components
that do not take advantage of system that work together to support system
architecture design best practices. Systems performance.
are deployed with unresolved performance
issues, and scalability is not well Software technology selection determines
understood. In some cases, performance the software components that will
issues are not identified before the participate in the selected workflow. Each
production system is under critical peak software deployment pattern includes
loads, and often the platform solution or components that are installed on the
network infrastructure fails to meet mission computing system.
performance needs. Resolving performance
issues while in production can be
• Vector only
• Raster image
• VPortal
• RPortal
Figure 3.11 Classic dynamic mapping trade-off.
Vector only (V) or VPortal are used when Figure 3.11 shares the tradeoff between
display is limited to vector feature types. quality and speed when publishing a
Raster image (R) or RPortal are used when dynamic map service. The functions and
the display includes an imagery layer. Portal analysis included in the map will impact
should be included in the workflow density display performance. Higher quality maps
selection when the Web service is require more dynamic processing, while
registered with a Portal for ArcGIS Web simple maps can be rendered much faster.
Both high-quality and simple maps can
Display complexity provide very similar information, but may
show very different performance.
Display complexity is an estimate of how
much processing a computer system must • High-quality maps often include heavy
do to complete a unit of work. Workflow functions such as shaded relief,
display complexity includes a broad range transparent layers, and dynamic Maplex
of software and data design factors. The labeling which results in slow
complexity determination used for initial performance.
capacity planning is often a rough estimate • Simple maps do not require heavy
related to a standard (medium complexity) functions, and the example shows low-
baseline workflow processing load profile. resolution relief, solid colors, and simple
There will be opportunities to measure the annotation which enables fast display
display complexity during initial publishing performance.
and deployment of the map service. Best Practice: High-quality map features
served as a cached basemap perform
very well.
Figure 3.16 Map displays are created one layer at a Figure 3.17 There are clear performance advantages
time. Parallel service requests can improve render when using a pre-processed tiled map cache for your
performance, but will increase network traffic and may basemap layers.
not improve user productivity.
Figure 1-17 shows the advantage of map
Figure 3.16 shows the layered rendering caching. Map tiles are processed once to
process for a dynamic map service. GIS create the cache (cachingtools provide
displays are created one layer at a time, background geoprocessing service
similar to the procedure geographers would instances for creating the map cache).
follow to lay out a map display on a table Client display request for cached map tiles
using mylar sheets. is routed to get the requested tiles, which
are then downloaded to the client for display
• The technology has changed, but the (negligible server resources required for
procedure for building a map is much fetching the tiles). Once downloaded to the
the same. map display, the tiles are cached in the
• Maps with a few layers require less client browser. The second request for the
processing than maps with many layers. tile comes from browser cache (not from the
• The layer complexity (number of server). Tiles can also be cached at
features, edges, symbology, tasks, etc.) locations between the server and browser
impacts rendering time for each layer. cache, and a copy of the closest available
• Building a map display renders one tile is delivered to the client. ArcGIS Online
layer at a time, joining the features uses a third-party caching solution to
(points, polygons, lines) in each layer distribute cached basemap tiles at global
sequentially, one on top of the other, locations throughout the internet, providing
until the final display is complete. a very scalable tile delivery configuration
where a majority of tile requests are
Parallel query displays can be published serviced before reaching the GIS Server
with ArcGIS Server technology—but is the location. The location of the requested map
performance gain worth the use of extra cache tiles is the primary factor contributing
shared infrastructure resources? to cached map display response time.
• Dynamic layers provide the best choice ArcGIS Online shares basemaps and
for most rapidly changing data. reference layers freely available to anyone
Examples include roads showing snow with Internet access. Published basemap
depth or electrical network showing services include World Imagery, World
latest posted work orders. Street Map, World Topographic, Ocean
• Static layers provide the best choice for Basemap, and more. Data appliance for
slowly changing data. Examples include ArcGIS is an Esri product designed and
land use/land cover, road networks, and optimized for use with ArcGIS Server to
basemap data. deliver secure mapping applications behind
an organization's firewall.
The quality of the fully cached map can be
much higher than the medium dynamic CPT ArcGIS percent data cache
display (and map publishing performance (%DataCache) selection
still the same), the difference is that the fully
cached map processing was completed
The map cache setting identifies the
before posting on the website, and the final
percentage of display layers that will be pre-
processing time for the cached map tiles is
processed into a tiled map cache. The
percent dynamic is calculated (1-
Best Practice: The optimum web %DataCache) and the %Dyn percentage is
mapping display combines dynamic map included in the Workflow recipe.
ArcGIS 10.5 software release includes After this chapter, you will be ready to
ArcGIS Server as a component of the explore how network communications,
ArcGIS Enterprise software license. ArcGIS platform architecture, and server platform
Enterprise provides a variety of ArcGIS selection complete the system design
Server capabilities, supported by a fully components required for implementation
integrated services architecture including success.
portal content management, ArcGIS Server
processing capabilities, and a variety of
optimized data source configurations. This
ArcGIS Enterprise software
chapter will focus on the ArcGIS Server architecture
component configuration strategies for
optimum system performance and
throughput capacity.
The previous chapter on software Figure 4.1 ArcGIS Enterprise software components.
performance introduced the concepts
required to recognize the primary software Figure 4.1 shows the ArcGIS Enterprise
components and data structure that architecture components.
contributes to system performance. This
chapter looks more closely at the specific • ArcGIS Server provides the layers,
decisions map service authors and system services, and horsepower required to
administrations must make in properly power your Web GIS. ArcGIS Server
configuring services for optimum capacity includes capabilities for traditional
and throughput. Standard and Advanced capabilities
with additional licensing for a variety of
ArcGIS Enterprise platform selection and integrated ArcGIS Server roles.
licensing assumes you understand how to • Portal provides the web interface and
select the proper service configurations for infrastructure content that supports a
optimum throughput and performance. user’s interaction and overall experience
Selecting the proper hardware and licensing with your Web GIS.
establishes the potential for optimum • ArcGIS Data Store provides the Esri
system performance; proper service managed data repository that stores the
configuration is essential to realize this spatial content that has been shared to
potential. This chapter provides you with the Portal. Configurations include the
guidelines and best practices you need to Relational, Tile Cache, and
achieve optimum performance from your Spatiotemporal Data Stores. ArcGIS
ArcGIS Server system deployment. Enterprise also integrates with
traditional data sources (Enterprise
The standard ArcGIS Server site supports Warning: If you lose the ConfigStore or
multiple machines deployed within a single data source, you lose the site.
site configuration, with each machine ConfigStore backup and recovery was
supporting a common set of published introduced with the 10.2 release.
service configurations. ArcGIS 10.5 retains
a legacy option for multiple clusters within a ArcGIS Server site capabilities can be
single site, with each cluster of machines modified for improved performance and
able to support a different set of published scalability.
service configurations. Multiple-cluster site
configurations include an internal cluster Single-cluster mode (introduced with
aware load balancing service. ArcGIS 10.3.1 release)
Server process
Service instance
The fifth bar represents a service • Minimum instance = Zero (0) for long
configuration with five (5) service instances. running batch processes, One (1) for
Host platform approaches 100 percent lighter network services.
utilization with minimum increase in batch o ArcSOC process start-up time is
run time. Display response time (including often short compared to overall
total batch service run time) will increase batch load.
linearly once server is operating over 99 o Reserves memory and capacity
percent utilization. A service configuration space for other active map
with ten (10) service instances would take services.
twice as long to complete each batch job. o Service instances can grow up to
Peak throughput is normally reached at N+1 the max instance setting during
service instances (host platform core + 1). peak loads.
Increasing the number of service instances • Maximum instance = Provide one more
will only increase batch processing times – batch instance than available server
it is better to queue up processes and machine cores (N+1 instances where N
complete jobs sequentially than try to run = number of server cores).
them all at the same time. o Provides optimum throughput
during peak service loads.
Batch process minimum and maximum o Minimizes batch runtime
instance settings are different than map performance during peak loads.
services. Batch processes consume a • Limiting maximum number of service
server processor core. instances can be used to limit platform
core processor utilization.
• Process queue provides consistent o Single service instance will use
processing load. less than one core processor
• Minimum number of service instances during maximum service loads.
should be assigned to optimize
processing performance. Many ArcGIS services perform as batch
Service configuration min/max instance
settings impact server performance. • Most heavy geoprocessing services
• Batch address locator services
• More service instances provide more • Map caching services
throughput when available instances are • Map printing services
less than available processor cores. • Heavy network routing services
• More service instances increase batch • Imagery processing services
runtime when available instances are
more than available processor cores. A batch process can be any service that
runs for a long time without user input.
Best Practice: Set map service Batch processes include geoprocessing,
configuration minimum and maximum map cache generation, system backup, map
• Minimum instance = One, for most Figure 4.11 Pooled SOC.exe processes provide
popular map service configurations. optimum execution throughput.
o Provides rapid service response
for first user access. Figure 4.11 identifies ArcGIS Server
o Reserves memory and capacity ArcSOC process pooling options. Process
space for other active map pooling settings are configured when
services. publishing the service.
Best Practice: Proper min/max service Minimum and maximum service instance
instance settings are critical to setting:
optimizing service performance and
maximum service throughput. • Establishes parameters for GIS Server
service instance management.
o Minimum service instances are
ArcGIS Server pooling settings (service deployed during GIS Server
instance min/max settings) startup and after idle instance
o Maximum service instances
establish limit for GIS Server
service instance deployment.
Figure 4.13 shows the available ArcGIS The low-isolation SOC configuration
Server SOC process configurations. There requires less host machine memory; but if
are two types of SOC executable one service instance (thread) fails, the SOC
configurations, high isolation and low process will fail along with its remaining
isolation. Process isolation settings are instances. When a high-isolation service
configured when publishing the service. instance fails, the SOC executable failure is
isolated to loss of a single service instance.
The isolation setting determines how the
server manages the ArcSOC processes. Best Practice: High isolation processes
provide the most stable solution for
• Each SOC process represents a unique standard mapping services.
published map service.
• High isolation deploys single-threaded
ArcSOC processes (one service
instance per process).
• Low isolation deploys multi-threaded ArcGIS Service Editor processes
ArcSOC processes (up to 256 service settings
instances per process).
• Each thread (service instance) is follows
a pointer within the ArcSOC process
tracking execution of the assigned
service request (all requests share the
same copy of the executables).
• Increased paging when not enough There are a handful of GIS Server terms
memory. and configuration variables – there is no
• Slower processing due to shared simple recipe for getting it right. It all
compute resources. depends on your user environment – how
popular will your services be and how will
people access your site. The overall goal is
Optimum total active service instance
to configure GIS Server to handle the
assignments can vary based on service
maximum number of requests with the
popularity. Limiting maximum of 10
minimum amount of processing overhead. A
instances per core is reasonable for most
summary of the service configuration and
map service scenarios.
optimum capacity discussion for ArcGIS
10.0 for Server, along with a nice summary
• Provides sufficient overhead for server diagram, is available in Chapter 4: Software
instance management. Performance 30th Edition.
• Avoids excessive starting and stopping
ArcSOC processes during peak
ArcGIS Server manages the internal
throughput loads.
ArcSOC service instance deployment based
on instructions provided with each service
Too few instances per server: configuration. Services are what you publish
on the GIS Server. Web applications
• Can limit utilization of host hardware. consume these services to produce the
Keep in mind, there is extra platform Deployment algorithms within the GIS
processing overhead required every time Server provide even distribution of service
the GIS Server has to start a new SOC instances across the assigned host
process. Ideally, you would like to deploy platforms. The deployment algorithms along
just the right amount of service instances so with the service queue work to balance the
there is one available for immediate GIS GIS Server processing load across
Server assignment for each client request. machines assigned to the same GIS Server
During peak server loads, you want to have Site. The GIS Server will be used as the
just the right number of maximum service final load balance solution for the machines
instances identified to fully utilize available within the GIS Server site.
host platform compute resources staying
well within available platform memory Understanding what each of these
limitations. During maximum peak loads, performance parameters do and how they
you want to limit concurrent processing should be configured to satisfy your specific
loads to allow optimum service throughput. service needs is important for optimum
For high performance services (processing utilization of your host servers. Getting this
time less than 1 second) you may want to right will take some thinking and some
allow the total of several active services to careful planning. Once you deploy your
be two or three times the number of services, you will need to monitor the
Additional ArcGIS platform memory Figure 4.21 Greek government contacted Esri to
configuration guidelines are provided in the develop a solution for their Greek National Citizen
appendix on Windows Memory Declaration.
The customer had a requirement to design
a web application solution that would be
used to collect national property location
Selecting the right and census information during a three-
technology: A case study month national citizen declaration period.
The Figure 4.21 shows the area of Greece
Selecting the right software technology can involved in the census.
make a big difference in performance and
scalability, and cost of the production Citizens would report to local regional
system. The following case study shares an government centers and use a local desktop
experience with a real customer computer to locate their home residence on
implementation which clearly represents the a map display generated from a national
value of selecting the right software imagery and geospatial feature repository.
technology. The citizen would place a point on the map
identifying their residence, and then fill out a
reference table identifying their census
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Figure 5.17 ArcGIS feature services are used to Best practice: ArcGIS Desktop remote
integrate data resources across the organization.
editing workflow can provide an effective
ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Server direct method for editing a centralized
connection to supported database servers database using multiple remote,
supports integration and spatial analysis of sometimes-connected clients.
enterprise data resources. Query layers can
be used to create a database connection,
integrating a live map display with database
tables. Figure 5.17 shows the available
database connection architecture patterns.
Figure 5.26 The storage area network evolved to • Server host bus adapters (HBA) and
satisfy adaptive storage management needs for data fiber channel communications
centers with many database servers.
maintained the same Small Computer
System Interface (SCSI) communication
Figure 5.26 shows the evolution of the protocol used for internal storage.
storage area network. A storage area • Multiple fiber channel connections were
network provides an optimum data provided to connect a single storage
management solution for a data center with array with multiple database servers.
many database servers. • Disk volumes were allocated as required
to each database server and were not
Local disk storage shared.
• Storage arrays were configured with
Local disk storage is provided for desktop redundant components to support
workstations, laptops, and mobile devices. operational high availability
Best practice: Optimum workstation
configurations today include two local As the data centers grew, there was a
disks for enhanced display performance demand for more ways to allocate storage
and data protection. volumes to the growing number of database
server platforms.
Internal disk storage
Storage area networks (SAN)
Internal disk storage is provided in file
servers following the same pattern used for SAN establish a network between the
desktop workstations. multiple database servers and the multiple
storage arrays providing adaptive
• Many enterprise business solutions, connectivity for assigning storage volumes
including GIS, moved their data to the server platform tier as required to
resources to database management meet operational needs.
systems in the 1990s.
• Database servers were initially • The initial SAN switches provided fiber
purchased with larger internal storage channel port connections compatible
bays to accommodate higher capacity with existing HBA and storage array
data storage volumes. cabling.
• SAN establishes a fiber channel network
Internal disk storage architecture started to for routing the storage traffic.
cause a problem for larger data centers, as • Any storage volume on the storage
they found their disk storage assets would array tier could be assigned to any
be silos of dedicated storage in server database platform on the server tier.
platforms, some with too much disk capacity
Moving to solid state storage Solid state storage technology started out
technology as flash memory. All Flash devices have
certain basic properties in common:
There are three classes of NAND SSD The eMLC SSD configuration significantly
chips. SSD classes are defined by the reduces the cost of storage by providing
number of electrical charges that are stored SLC class endurance (100,000 erase/write
in each NAND cell. cycles) at the MLC class capacity (4 times
SLC class). Hitachi shares their release of
• Single-Level Cell (SLC)]: 1 bit of data SLC NAND Flash and eMLC NAND Flash
per cell Enterprise-class SSDs.
• Multi-Level Cell (MLC)]: 2 bits of data
per cell Hierarchical storage implementation
• Three-Level Cell (TLC): 3 bits of data
per cell
SSD endurance (maximum erase cycles) Figure 5.33 Hierarchical storage architecture
introduces solid state storage as an integrated
varies based on technology class. Multi- extension of existing storage solutions.
Level Cell configurations are increasingly
sensitive to electric charge deterioration Most of the enterprise storage market today
(wear out). is supported by HDD technology. SSD
technology will not replace spinning disks
• SLC: 100,000 erase/write cycles any time soon – so many of the popular
• MLC: 10,000 erase/write cycles enterprise storage solutions involve
• TLC: 1,000 erase/write cycles implementation of a hierarchical storage
architecture. With hierarchical storage, only
• Do you need two data centers with Figure 5.37 Storage-level replication provides back-up
to a separate storage location.
immediate failover?
• How much data loss would be
reasonable and acceptable for Figure 5.37 shows a storage replication
continued operations? architecture. Storage disk-level replication
• Can an off-site backup provide provides the optimum solution for data
adequate business protection? center back-up and recovery operations.
Best practice: Planning for failure before Storage vendors typically provide
the disaster occurs can make a life and incremental snapshot back-ups to local and
death difference in maintaining remote data center locations. Many of these
continuity of operations. solutions include proven recovery tools and
are widely in use. Back-up from storage
volumes avoids database complexity
Database replication
issues, data is replicated at the disk storage
Data protection at the disk level minimizes For database environments, point-in-time
the need for system recovery in the event of backups are required to maintain database
a single disk failure but will not protect continuity. Database software provide for
against a variety of other data failure online backup requirements by enabling a
scenarios. It is always important to keep a procedural snapshot of the database. A
current backup copy of critical data copy of the protected snapshot data is
resources, and maintain a recent copy at a retained in a snapshot table when changes
safe location away from the primary site. are made to the database, supporting point-
Figure 5.38 highlights data backup in-time backup of the database and
strategies available to protect your business potential database recovery back to the time
operations. It is important to maintain a of the snapshot.
snapshot back-up or copy of your data. A
large percentage of data loss is caused by Host processors can be used to support
human error. The best way to protect your backup operations during off-peak hours. If
data is to maintain a reliable periodic point- backups are required during peak-use
in-time back-up strategy. periods, backups can impact server
The type of backup system you choose for
your business will depend on your business Network Client Tape Backup: The
needs. For simple low priority, single use traditional online backup can often be
environments, you can create a periodic supported over the LAN with the primary
point-in-time backup on a local disk or tape batch backup process running on a
drive and maintain a recent off-site copy of separate client platform. DBMS snapshots
your data for business recovery. For larger may still be used to support point-in-time
enterprise operations, system availability backups for online database environments.
requirements may drive requirements for Client backup processes can contribute to
failover to backup Data Centers when the potential network performance bottlenecks
primary site fails. Your business needs will between the server and the client machine
drive the level of protection you need. because of the high data transfer rates
during the backup process.
Data backups provide the last line of
defense for protecting our data investments. Storage Area Network Client Tape
Careful planning and attention to storage Backup: Some backup solutions support
backup procedures are important factors to direct disk storage access without impacting
a successful backup strategy. Data loss can the host DBMS server environment. Storage
result from many types of situations, with backup is performed over the SAN or
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• Ethernet connections are provided over Figure 6.5 shows the wide area network
twisted pair cable or optical fiber direct protocols and available bandwidth capacity
wired connections. with current technology offerings.
• Connection bandwidth capacity is
limited by network switch or router Note: Wide area networks use a broad
device specifications. variety of protocols.
• Cost of the network switch or router
device is based on the provided Telephone lines and Internet infrastructure:
connection capacity.
• Dial-up modem
Best practice: Direct wired Ethernet • Telephone service providers offer T-1,
networks provide the most stable T-2, T-3, T4, and T5 communication
network connections. gateways. Slightly higher capacity E1,
E2, E3, E4, and E5 communication
Local wireless connections: gateways are used by European service
• Local wireless connections are provided • Internet cable infrastructure connections
over a specified range of radio include higher capacity OC3, OC12,
frequencies. OC48, OC192 lines that make up the
• Wireless bandwidth capacity depends service provider cloud infrastructure.
on available technology. • Free space optical and microwave
communications provide alternative
Figure 6.9 GIS protocols that support communication between the software application and the supported data
source. GIS remote client access communication protocols include Windows Terminal Server (WTS) and web (HTTP)
Figure 6.9 provides an overview of the Network file services (NFS) and
primary communication protocols used for Common Internet File System (CIFS)
GIS operations. Each protocol Protocols
implementation includes client and server
components to support data delivery. The Support remote disk mounting enabling a
client process prepares the data for client application to access data from a
transmission, and the server process distributed server platform (network file
delivers the data to the application share). All query intelligence resides in the
environment. Roughly 2 MB of data is client application, providing query
needed from the server to complete a instructions to access data located on the
medium-complexity GIS map display. server platform. Data must be transferred to
• All query intelligence resides in the • Initially SDE was developed to extend
client application, providing query DBMS support for spatial data types.
instructions to access data located on • SDE would be installed on the server for
the server platform. translating ArcGIS query calls for the
• Data must be transferred to the client supported DBMS.
application to support query execution. • A proprietary ArcSDE API was used by
• Chatty communications with shapefile ArcGIS clients to connect to SDE
data source resulting in high traffic installed on the DBMS server.
An alternative direct connect option is
Best practice: Most large GIS files available that connects with a DBMS client
include a spatial index. The ArcGIS client application program interface (API)
will first download the spatial index, executed on the client desktop. The ArcSDE
identify the location of the portion of the middleware functions are supported on the
file required from disk, and then request client platform, and the DBMS network
delivery of the portion of the file required client supports data transmission to the
to complete the display (complete file server. Query processing remains on the
deliver would not be required). DBMS server.
The Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a
(RDP) and Citrix Independent Computing standard Web transmission protocol. In this
Architecture (ICA) protocols support remote transaction-based environment, service
terminal display and control of applications selection and display are controlled by the
hosted on a shared Windows Terminal browser client. Data is compressed for
Server (Remote Desktop Services). transmission. There are a variety of Internet
Protocols that can be implemented within
• The ArcGIS application running in the the HTTP framework.
data center accesses the GIS data and
generates the map display. Web service map images can be embedded
• The display output is delivered to the in a web browser.
user terminal client display.
• The amount of data in the map display • Size of the map image is determined by
output is roughly 200 KB, a factor of 10 server administrator during web
less than the original source data used publishing.
to generate the display. • 100–200KB map image files are
common with each display transaction
Microsoft (RDP) and Citrix ICA protocols: (1 Mb to 2Mb of traffic per display
• These protocols support remote terminal
display and control of applications Web service map images support rich
hosted on a shared Windows Terminal Internet application clients.
• Both protocols transmit display and • Size of the map image is determined by
control information to the terminal client. the resolution of client display.
• Both the Independent Computing • 200–400KB map image files are
Architecture (ICA) protocol and Remote common with each display transaction
Desktop Protocol (RDP) compress data (2Mb to 4Mb of traffic per display
for transmission. transaction)
• Maps from vector-only data layers can
generate less than 28 KB of traffic per Warning: Traffic for ArcGIS for Desktop
display. Compression of common pixel clients is often higher because of the
color areas is very good, resulting in the larger image transfers. Image size is
lower traffic volume. directly proportional to the physical
• Maps that include an imagery layer screen display resolution and map
generate up to 200 KB of traffic per display size; thus, larger image displays
display. Imagery results in color result in higher traffic.
variation between most pixels, limiting
the amount of traffic compression.
Figure 6.10 Network transport time is the time The data transfer traffic and the network
required to process data through the network bandwidth can be used to estimate
connection. minimum network transport times for a
single map display transaction.
Figure 6.10 shows a simple overview of a
WAN connection. Network transport time Rule of Thumb: A typical medium
is the time required for the network gateway complexity GIS application requires up
(switch, router, modem) to process the to 2 MB of data to generate a new map
traffic on the network. The network display. Typical terminal/browser display
connection design constraint is established traffic is about 200 KB of data for the
by the weakest (lowest bandwidth) shared same medium complexity map display.
network component within the transmission
Figure 6.11 shows typical data transfer • When selecting data from a shapefile,
requirements in megabytes, shows the the total file (file index for large spatial
conversion to megabits of traffic for data file formats) must be delivered to
transmission, includes any adjustments of the client for query processing.
this data performed by the communication • Data not required by the application is
protocol, and identifies the total volume of rejected at the client location.
• This accounts for the considerable
traffic in megabits that must be transmitted
amount of traffic overhead experienced
(protocol overhead may be greater than
by these communications.
what was used in this sample conversion).
ArcGIS direct connect client/server
The minimum data transport times are configurations support DBMS query
calculated for five standard bandwidth processing on the server platform.
• The query processing includes locating
• 1.54 megabits per second (Mbps) and 6 the requested data and filtering that data
Mbps for typical WAN communications so only the specific data extent
• 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1 gigabit per requested by the client is returned over
second (Gbps) for LAN communications the network.
• If the client application requests a small
Warning: Any existing data traffic on volume of data (e.g., point data or a
shared network segments would single parcel in a parcel layer), the
increase these network transfer times. resulting data transfer can be small and
network transport time would improve
File server configurations support query accordingly.
from the client applications.
CPT network latency performance delays Figure 6.14 Shared network with no collisions is
shown on the top diagram. Shared network with
Network chatter is included in each random collisions is shown on the bottom graphic.
workflow on the CPT Workflow tab. Network
latency is defined on the remote site Figure 6.14 shows multiple user
network segments for each user workflow. communication packet transmissions on
The CPT will calculate network latency shared network segments. The top diagram
delays by multiplying network latency by shows random network traffic transmissions
workflow chatter and include the result in with no packet collisions, and the bottom
calculating display response time. diagram shows increased random traffic
transmissions with a packet collision. The
CPT Calculator tab total number of clients that can share a
single network segment will vary with
Latency is addressed for each remote network traffic transport time (size of data
location in the CPT Calculator tab. transfer and network bandwidth). Only one
client data frame can be transmitted over a
shared network segment at any time, and
CPT Design tab
display response time will slow down when
user communications are transmitted at the
Latency is addressed for each remote site same time due to packet collisions (network
network in the CPT Design tab. contention).
Figure 6.23 shows the factors that make up Warning: The workflow is not valid if
user display response time. The total minimum think time exceeds computed
service time includes the computer think time.
processing and network transport times for
each display. The queue time includes any Figure 6.23 shows the CPT Design
system wait times due to processing Workflow Performance Summary. The
contention. The total response time also Workflow Performance Summary shows
includes network latency delays. Queue workflow response time as a stack of
time increases as the network and platform software service times, network transport
system components get busy, and the times, associated queue times, and network
queue time profile is predictable for large latency (available once system level
populations of random transmission performance validation and any required
requests (computer processing workflow workflow productivity adjustments are
transactions). [Queue time calculations] will complete).
be discussed in more detail in chapter 10.
Workflow performance is the sum of the
Display response times can be computed following component parameters:
for each workflow, based on the total of all
system component service times and queue • Software service times
times during peak system loads. • Network transport time
• Associated component queue times
• Calculate network queue times. • Network latency delays
• Calculate network transport times.
• Network response time = transport +
queue times + latency.
• Calculate workflow display response
times (platform response times +
network response times).
CPT Design network suitability The RESET ADJUST function on the CPT
analysis Design tab can be used to demonstrate
impacts on user productivity due to network
Initial user requirements loads analysis bandwidth constraints. The RESET
ADJUST function reduces user productivity
Network Suitability Analysis is completed by for all workflows adjusting system loads to
the CPT Design tab as you configure user fit within existing infrastructure capacity
locations, input peak workflow loads, and constraints.
identify network bandwidth.
Figure 6.25 The Workflow Performance Summary shows performance once you have a valid user workflow.
Figure 6.25 shows the Workflow The Workflow Performance Summary will
Performance Summary following the identify queue times for the reduced
productivity adjustment. Once you have productivity workflows.
resolved all workflows to a valid workflow Validated design solution
solution, you can review the workflow
performance summary to evaluate workflow Once you complete your network suitability
response times for each user site location. analysis, you should work with the network
administrator to identify appropriate network
bandwidth upgrades.
Figure 6.26 Network bandwidth connectivity is a primary factor in slow Web client display performance.
Figure 6.26 shows the network contribution • Network performance improves with
to Web display performance. Network increased bandwidth.
performance counts. Network transport time o 45 Mbps bandwidth connection
is a major contribution to web client display is 30 times faster than a 1.5
response times. Mbps connection.
• Light display traffic performs much
• Web services tend to deliver higher better than heavy display traffic.
display traffic than WTS ArcGIS for
Desktop clients. Best practice: Network performance
• Server display render time can be much impacts should be considered carefully
less a factor than the network during design and deployment of web
connection. services.
The following video provides an overview of the CPT Calculator network traffic functions. The
video also provides an overview of the CPT Design User Requirements Module and shows how
the CPT Design completes the network suitability analysis.
Moore's Law
The Intel founder Gordon E. Moore released continue to increase. The increase in
a paper in 1965 that predicted that the performance has been slower than in the
number of components in integrated circuits past, and more like a strait line performance
would double every year through at least over the past 10 years.
1975. His prediction, known today as
Moore’s law, has proven true over the last There is some discussion over the past
60 years and continues to contribute to couple of years questioning whether
computer performance gains. platform per core performance will continue
to improve as it has over the past 10 years.
Reducing the distance between integrated Moore's law deals with components getting
circuits has a direct impact on platform smaller and closer together on integrated
processor compute performance. A function circuits with each production design cycle.
that doubles every two years when plotted Distance between components today are
on a chart would produce an exponential approaching atomic size, and maybe there
growth curve. Figure 7.3 shows a plot of the are physical limits to how much faster the
Esri performance baselines with an chip will perform. Other factors such as
exponential curve overlay. From this chart, temperature and cooling limitations could
you can see that the performance gains we limit further processor performance gains,
have experienced over the past 10 years and performance per core could start to
Figure 7.4 Web mapping service peak concurrent users and peak service throughput for entry level software license
with medium complexity mapping services is plotted relative to platform performance increases over the past 10
years. The general trend drives reduced cost for GIS software deployment.
Figure 7.4 represents the relationship Web deployment timelines are significantly
between server platform performance and reduced with new software, reducing
peak entry level Web mapping service software development and deployment
throughput. The chart shows rapidly expenses. Web mapping software services
increasing software license service capacity that took over 6 months to develop and
rendered by platform performance deploy in 2007 can be deployed within
improvements shown in Figure 7.2. minutes to hours with 2017 technology.
Figure 7.6 Time to Produce a Map. Chart shows service time improvements for medium complexity mapping services
based on platform performance improvements shown in Figure 7.2.
The change in hardware performance over seconds) which we believe may open new
the years has introduced unique challenges opportunities for GIS analysis and display.
for capacity planning and for software Traditional heavy (5x Medium > 3x Heavy)
vendors trying to satisfy customer map displays can now be rendered in less
performance and scalability expectations. than 1 second, suggesting hardware
Understanding how to represent hardware technology may no longer be a limitation on
performance differences is critical when GIS user productivity. IT departments see
addressing capacity planning, performance, this as an opportunity to buy higher capacity
and scalability issues. platforms and leverage virtual server
environments and cloud computing to
Figure 7.6 shows how user expectations simplify their administration workload
have changed over the past 10 years. An (exchanging user display performance for
ArcGIS Desktop heavy dynamic map lower administration costs). I expect GIS
display processing time in CY2007 would users will see this as an opportunity to
take over 2 seconds. That same map incorporate more complex analysis into their
display today can be rendered in less than user workflows, leveraging more compute
0.3 seconds – over 7 times faster than just intensive statistical analysis, logistics
10 years earlier. Most of this performance routing functions, and business analytics for
gain can be accounted for by faster use in their standard business workflows.
processor core and a new ArcGIS Server Heavier processing workflows will require
display rendering engine. continued hardware performance
improvements to keep user productivity at a
Figure 7.6 shows a minimum user peak level.
performance expectation range (1-2
Figure 7.7 highlights the technology Data Center consolidation can save
changes that are making a difference in operational costs. Cloud hosting can
2017. We have higher capacity servers, change how we manage and support our
more processor cores per chip, and more enterprise business operations.
chips per server.
Warning: All of the Cloud vendor
Processor vendors are responding to new administrative savings may not be
data center platform environments. Virtual passed on to the customer.
server deployments are becoming standard
practice for enterprise data centers. Hardware processing performance this past
Vendors are introducing faster 4, 6, 8, 10, year was minimal. Delays in delivery of new
12, 14, 16, 18, and 22 core chips, with a 2017 processor cores have delayed
growing number of high capacity 4 chip performance improvements. 2017
servers. Data Center consolidation efforts performance baseline is the same as 2016.
are expanding rapidly. Cloud computing
solutions are being accepted as a viable Enterprise license agreements provide a
and cost-effective alternative to on-premise more adaptive and cost-effective way to
operations, and we are seeing an manage enterprise GIS operations.
expanding number of vendors with public
cloud offerings. The ArcGIS Enterprise platform deployed
online or on-premises with Portal for ArcGIS
Platform identification
Platform Performance
Hardware vendor technology has been System processing capacity becomes very
changing over the past 5 years. Improved important. System availability and scalability
hardware performance has enabled are most important. The quality of the
deployment of a broad range of powerful information product (display and database
software and continues to improve user design) provided by the technology can
productivity. Sub-second server processing make a user's think time more productive.
times suggest that future user productivity Proper tradeoff between display quality and
gains will likely come from more loosely performance contributes to optimum user
coupled operations, higher capacity network productivity.
communications, disconnected processing,
mobile operations, pre-processed cached
maps, and more rapid access and
assimilation of distributed information
Figure 7.10 shows the relationship between processor core can service more requests.
display processing time and system More service requests per core means more
throughput. peak throughput.
The right platform selection is based on a • Ten core chip configurations (1, 2,
balance between server capacity, and 4 chip configurations)
performance, and power. Figure 7.11 • Twelve core chip configurations (1,
identifies the Intel processors available for 2, and 4 chip configurations)
the vendor 2017 hardware. • Fourteen core chip configurations (1,
2, and 4 chip configurations)
Intel provides ten 2017 platform commodity • Sixteen core chip configurations (1,
server deployment strategies. 2, and 4 chip configurations)
• Eighteen core chip configurations (1,
• Quad core chip configurations (1 2, and 4 chip configurations)
and 2 chip configurations) • Twenty two core chip configurations
• Six core chip configurations (1, 2, (1, 2, and 4 chip configurations)
and 4 chip configurations)
• Eight core chip configurations (1, 2, What platform should I buy? Quad and Six
and 4 chip configurations) core chip configurations provide the highest
per-core performance. Six and Eight core
Figure 7.12 Identifying the right Platform / How do we select the platform we want?
When you go to purchase a platform, system cost. The good news (for GIS users)
vendors are not very good at sharing their is that the best performing hardware often
performance numbers. I will say, to the delivers the lowest overall system cost. If
vendor’s credit, that they are good at you don’t do your homework, you might
providing their performance numbers on the miss the savings.
SPEC site (but not on their sales page). You
need to do your homework before you buy Figure 7.12 provides an overview of
your hardware. With GIS servers, platform platform configuration options provided by a
performance is important both for optimum vendor showing their relative per core
user productivity and to reduce overall performance and dollars per transaction.
Business needs are identified through a user workflow loads analysis. The system architecture
design analysis translates peak workflow loads to identified platform solutions. The CPT tools
can be used to complete the design analysis. This section will share how vendor platform
technology is changing, and show some rough estimates of what the available platform
configurations can deliver in an ArcGIS environment.
ArcGIS Desktop system requirements are identified in the ArcGIS 10.5 help. Figure 7.13 shows
Intel platform performance gains experienced over the past five years. The 2017 workstation
processors are over 40 percent faster than the processors that supported ArcGIS Desktop
workstation users in 2012. Additional memory and faster storage solutions can contribute to
additional performance gains. The advance of GIS technology is enriched by the remarkable
contributions provided by Esri's hardware partners.
Workstation life cycle upgrades depend speed, not by the total number of
on user performance needs. available processor cores.
Note: Some ArcGIS geoprocessing
ArcGIS Desktop power user productivity is background services are multi-threaded,
often limited by processor per-core and can take advantage of additional
performance, and upgrading power user available processor core. ArcGIS Pro is
workstations can increase user productivity. multi-threaded and achieves optimum
Upgrade ArcGIS Desktop power user performance with hyper threading enabled
workstations whenever there is a large and at least 4 processor cores.
improvement in processor per-core
performance. Typical power user ArcGIS Desktop standard users normally
workstation life cycle is 1-2 years. work fine with slower display performance. It
is a good practice to upgrade ArcGIS
Warning: A single user ArcMap display Desktop casual users every 3-4 years to
session takes advantage of a single maintain work productivity.
processor core. Display performance is
determined by per-core processor
Figure 7.15 identifies how vendor hardware Windows Terminal Server sizing over the
improvements have made a difference in past 6 years. The improvements in
Figure 7.16 identifies software configuration options for the geodatabase server platforms. The
geodatabase transaction models apply to both ArcGIS Desktop and Web mapping service
transactions. Normally a geodatabase is deployed on a single database server node, and larger
capacity servers are required to support scale-up user requirements.
Database platform capacity has increased productivity can have a significant impact on
by about 66 percent over the past 5 years. overall platform sizing requirements.
ArcGIS Server system requirements are provided in the ArcGIS resource center. The legacy
ArcIMS image service was deployed using the ArcIMS software, and the ArcGIS Server map
services are deployed using the ArcGIS Server software (ArcGIS Server is the primary selection
for current Web environments). All Web mapping technologies can be deployed in a mixed
software environment (they can be deployed on the same server platform together). All mapping
services can be configured to access a file data source or a separate Enterprise geodatabase.
Vendor hardware improvements along with ArcGIS Server architecture changes have made a
difference in web server sizing over the past 5 years.
Figure 7.19 Web mapping server capacity performance changes over the last 5 years
This chapter introduces the purpose and scope of information security. Basic concepts are
introduced for developing security solutions that meet your business needs. Esri's information
patterns share how to establish security measures appropriate for your organization.
Figure 8.2 Security threats include natural disasters, malicious attacks, internal attacks, and system malfunctions or
human error.
• Confidentiality is protection of
"privileged" communications, restricting
user access to core business
information based on a "need to know"
• Integrity refers to the trustworthiness of Figure 8.4 Several levels of security are required to
business data resources and the ensure protected business operations.
associated information products
generated over its entire life cycle. Figure 8.4 shows the defense in depth
• Availability refers to ensuring the concept. Defense in depth is an information
information system is functional when assurance concept in which multiple layers
needed to support operational business of security controls (defenses) are placed
requirements. throughout an IT system.
Figure 8.6 Classify your security needs based on your own security risk.
Your security needs are unique. Figure 8.6 shows a full range of security levels available for
ArcGIS users. Esri provides an approach to classifying the level of security required to manage
your security risk.
Standard security
Figure 8.8 ArcGIS Server provides product and enterprise level security options.
Figure 8.9 shows the ArcGIS Server built in o Service publishers share
security option. published services with available
ArcGIS Server (AGS) site manages user • Service authorization is provided by
authentication and service authorization. ArcGIS Server token based
• Authentication credentials are stored in
the AGS site identity store (secure ArcGIS Server tier security authorization
users). data flow
• Authorization credentials are stored in
the AGS site identity store (roles). • User security credentials are provided to
• Privileges are assigned by the AGS site Web adaptor or third party
administrative user roles. reverse proxy.
• Service access is authorized based on • AGS site Web adaptor (or third party
identified roles (AGS folders). reverse proxy) sends credentials to the
o ArcGIS Server administrator ArcGIS Server site.
manages user membership, user • AGS site identity store is used to
privileges and service access complete authentication and
permissions (roles), and assigns authorization
users to roles.
Figure 8.11 shows the ArcGIS Server Web • Privileges managed by Active
tier security option. ArcGIS Server (AGS) Directory/LDAP data store (roles).
site manages service authorization based o Enterprise Active Directory/LDAP
on validated enterprise user authentication. administrator manages user
membership, user privileges and
• Authentication credentials are stored in access permissions (roles), and
the enterprise Active Directory/LDAP assigns users to roles.
data store (secured users). o Service publishers share
published services with available
Web-tier authentication supports user single roles assigned by the Active
sign-on experience. Directory/LDAP administrator.
• Service authorization is provided by
Two authentication options are available. ArcGIS Server token based
• Privileges managed by ArcGIS Server
site identity store (roles). Enterprise level Web tier security
o Enterprise Active Directory/LDAP authorization data flow
administrator manages user
membership. • ArcGIS Server site identity store
o ArcGIS Server administrator read only trust relationship is
manages user privileges and configured with the Enterprise
access permissions (roles), and security directory data store.
assigns Active Directory/LDAP • User security credentials are
identified users to roles. provided to the Web server.
o Service publishers share • Web server sends user credentials
published services with available to the Active Directory/LDAP server.
roles assigned by the ArcGIS • Active Directory/LDAP data store is
Server site administrator. used to complete authentication.
Figure 8.12 ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS support product-level and enterprise-level security authentication.
Figure 8.14 Portal privileges available with ArcGIS Online for Organizations.
Portal privileges are based on named user Administrator has the capability to restrict
roles managed by the Portal administrator shared services to named users within the
as shown in Figure 8.14. Published maps organization (exclude anonymous access).
and apps can be shared to anonymous
(public) users outside the organization.
Figure 8.16 shows ArcGIS Online ArcGIS Online for Organizations SAML
Federated SAML authentication. Active security authorization data flow
directory or LDAP can be used for Online
Organization membership authentication. • ArcGIS Online global security store
SAML communication protocols are used SAML identify provider trust relationship
for remote enterprise-level member is configured with the Enterprise security
authentication and validation. directory data store.
• User security credentials are provided to
ArcGIS Online service authorization based the SAML identify provider.
on SAML authentication. • SAML identify provider sends user
credentials to the Enterprise Active
• Authentication credentials are stored in Directory/LDAP server.
the enterprise Active Directory/LDAP • Active Directory/LDAP data store is
data store (named users). used to complete authentication.
• Enterprise Active Directory/LDAP • Validated authentication credentials are
administrator identifies and manages shared with the ArcGIS Online global
ArcGIS Online Organization named user security store.
membership. • Global security store credentials are
• ArcGIS Online server administrator used to authorize named user privileges
defines custom privileges, assigns and services access.
privileges to identified SAML validated • AGOL global security store provides
users, and manages ArcGIS Online authorization for service access to
groups. client.
• ArcGIS Online named users create and • Service authorization is provided by
manage ArcGIS Online Organization ArcGIS Online token based
groups. authentication.
• ArcGIS Online named users share
published services with identified Best practice: Use secure socket layer
ArcGIS Online Organization groups. (SSL) communications when
• Service access authorization is based transmitting user identification
on group membership. information over unsecure network.
Figure 8.17 shows Portal for ArcGIS server • Service access authorization is
authentication. based on group membership.
Portal for ArcGIS identity store manages Portal for ArcGIS server tier security
authentication and authorization. authorization data flow
Figure 8.19 shows Portal for ArcGIS Web assigns privileges to identified
tier authentication. Active Directory/LDAP users,
and manages Portal groups.
Portal for ArcGIS manages service o Portal named users create and
authorization based on validated enterprise manage Portal groups.
user authentication. o Portal named users share
published services with identified
• Authentication credentials are stored in Portal groups.
the enterprise Active Directory/LDAP • Portal named users and privileges
data store (named users). (roles) are identified and managed by
the Enterprise Active Directory/LDAP
Three unique security management administrator.
configurations options. Organization must o Enterprise Active Directory/LDAP
select the security management option that administrator identifies and
best supports their business needs. manages Portal named user
membership, defines custom
• Portal named users are identified and privileges, and assigns privileges
managed by the Enterprise Active to identified Portal named users.
o Portal server administrator
Directory/LDAP administrator.
o Enterprise Active Directory/LDAP
manages Portal groups.
o Portal named users create and
administrator identifies and
manages Portal named user manage Portal groups.
o Named users share published
o Portal server administrator
services with identified Portal
defines custom privileges, groups.
• Portal for ArcGIS identity store read Help: Using Integrated Windows
only trust relationship is configured Authentication with your portal
Figure 8.19.1 Portal to Portal communications are managed through trusted site configurations.
• Immediately
• Default setting
• When item is first shared with the group
• When the shared item is updated
Default setting can be defined as Figure 8.20 Security in the cloud is one of the
challenges facing security managers as they leverage
appropriate for business requirements. new architecture capabilities.
Figure 8.24 The web firewall configuration practices depend on your security needs and proper technology
Additional functionality
Web services with proxy server
• Application firewall features can protect
against common web-based attacks.
Without a reverse proxy, removing
malware or initiating takedowns, for
example, can become difficult.
• In the case of secure websites, the SSL
encryption is sometimes not performed
by the web server itself, but is instead
off-loaded to a reverse proxy that may
be equipped with SSL acceleration
• A reverse proxy can distribute the load
from incoming requests to several
Figure 8.25 A reverse proxy server provides a
minimum level of protection for web publishing. servers, with each server serving its
own application area. In the case of
Figure 8.25 shows ArcGIS web services reverse proxying in the neighborhood of
with proxy server. Reverse proxy servers web servers, the reverse proxy may
hide the existence and characteristics of the have to rewrite the URL in each
internal application server. incoming request, in order to match the
relevant internal location of the
requested resource.
Best practice: Basic security: Internal
• A reverse proxy can reduce load on its
web server components can be installed
origin servers by caching static content,
on a single server tier to reduce cost.
as well as dynamic content. Proxy
caches of this sort can often satisfy a
ArcGIS Server reverse proxy architecture
considerable amount of website
(ArcGIS 10.1+):
requests, greatly reducing the load on
the origin server(s). Another term for this
• Web client sends request to web server is web accelerator.
in the DMZ. • A reverse proxy can optimize content by
• DMZ web server sends request to compressing it in order to speed up
reverse proxy for routing to private GIS loading times.
servers. • Reverse proxies can be used whenever
multiple web servers must be accessible
Best practice: ArcGIS Server web via a single public IP address. The web
adaptor will provide reverse proxy and servers listen on different ports in the
load balancing to the private GIS server same machine, with the same local IP
site. address or, possibly, on different
machines and different local IP
• GIS server distributes (load balances) addresses altogether. The reverse proxy
in-bound requests to available service analyzes each incoming call and
instance located within the GIS server delivers it to the right server within the
site. local area network.
Figure 8.29 shows ArcGIS Server high machine (two or more GIS Servers) with
availability configuration. Server machines shared configuration store and server
that must be configured for high availability directories for highly available operations.
include the ArcGIS Server components and
supporting data sources. Warning: Third-party load balancers,
Web, and storage tier must be
This section will identify provisions for configured for highly available
supporting highly available ArcGIS Server operations.
tier components. Third-party vendor Best practice: Review architecture
solutions are available for building highly solution to ensure no single hardware/
available data sources hosted by DBMS network failure can cause failed operations.
and File share solutions.
Server GIS: Primary deployment patterns
Server GIS: Multi-machine architecture for high availability
Figure 8.30 ArcGIS Server site supports multiple Figure 8.31 shows options with and without
machine architecture. ArcGIS Web Adaptor. ArcGIS Server
production deployments may include two- or
Figure 8.30 shows ArcGIS Server multiple three-tier configurations.
machine architecture. ArcGIS Server site
architecture is designed to support a multi-
• Highly available load balancer solution. • Highly available load balancer solution.
• Multi-machine ArcGIS Server site. • Multi-site identical load-balanced GIS
• Highly available file share for Server tier configuration.
Configuration Store and Server • Identical Configuration Store and Server
Directories. Directories for each site.
• Highly available data source (DBMS or • Highly available data source (DBMS or
File share). File share).
Figure 8.34 shows the Web GIS Portal for ArcGIS: Multi-machine
architecture components. Web GIS architecture
components that must be configured for
high availability include the Portal for
ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Data
Store tier. The Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS
Data Store tier will be discussed first,
followed by a system-level discussion on
the Web GIS high availability and disaster
recovery solution.
Figure 8.37 shows the Portal for ArcGIS Portal deployments are supported by both
data store components. ArcGIS Data Store user-managed and ArcGIS-managed data
components must be configured for high stores.
Availability to support business continuance.
• User-managed data stores include data
This section will identify provisions for sources (Geodatabases and files).
supporting highly available ArcGIS Data
Store tier components. User-managed data store
Figure 8.41 Web GIS supports high availability as an integrated designs solution.
Figure 8.43 Web GIS provides a configuration backup and restore model for disaster recovery deployment.
Figure 8.43 shows the Web GIS disaster Custom IT processes must be established
recovery deployment pattern. Secondary to maintain and distribute traffic between the
data center must be designed and data center locations.
maintained to support failover operations.
• Multiple site installs and configuration
Primary high-availability solutions must be • Web GIS backup and restore model
established and maintained at each data provides replicated configuration
center. (available with 10.4 release).
Figure 8.46 provides a summary of security Best practice: Finding the right balance
facts and recommended actions. Security is is important, and the right solution can
everybody's job, there is no exception. The be a moving target.
world is not a secure environment, and you
need to keep your eyes and minds open to
the threats around you.
Security resources
• Esri [Trust ArcGIS] security site
There is no single solution for security.
• [CSI Computer Crime and Security
Survey 2010-2011]
• There are costs and trade-offs that must
• [[ Web
be made to support an optimum
Browser Security Test Reports
• [Windows on Amazon EC2 Security
• Too much security controls can reduce
productivity and increase cost.
• [Selected Documents on
• Too little attention and control can result
Confidentiality and Geospatial Data]
in loss of property and the ability to
• [SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS: A Security
GIS Product Architecture shares the software components and platform configuration options
available for distributed GIS operations. Understanding application architecture alternatives and
associated configuration strategies provides a foundation for selecting an appropriate distributed
GIS design.
Figure 9.1 GIS architecture patterns have evolved from single- user stand-alone desktop- file-based systems to more
collaborative Web GIS systems of engagement.
Figure 9.1 shows how GIS architecture is geodatabase data source. Data was
evolving to enable a more adaptive and maintained and shared in an integrated
functional exchange of geographic database environment, improving
information. information continuity and quality of the
available data resources. Published data
File-based systems: Desktop applications could be managed and controlled to
building file-based datasets that were promote a common view of available
unique to the individual user. Building and validated data resources. Access to data
sharing information was limited to individual resources was limited to desktop users on
relationships, and data integration was the local area network.
Server-centric: Database resources were
Database-centric: Enterprise desktop published as Web services, making
clients would access a centrally shared information products available to a broad
Figure 9.2 ArcGIS platform technical architecture includes Desktop, Server, Portal, a variety of ArcGIS Server roles,
and the associated data sources.
Figure 9.4 There is more than one virtualization solution. Virtualization options include virtual sessions, virtual
servers, virtual desktops, and virtual client operations.
Figure 9.4 provides an overview of the four • Citrix: XenApp -> (Citrix Receiver)
principle virtualization solutions. • VMware: NA
Virtualization provides a variety of options
available for ArcGIS deployments. Note: CPT workflow: Citrix workflow with
Physical or Virtual platform tier selection.
Virtual session
Esri certifies each ArcGIS Desktop release
Virtual sessions are used for improved with Citrix XenApp server (Citrix Receiver)
security and high performance access to environment. A more complete discussion
shared centralized data souces. Multiple on Centralized Windows Terminal
desktop applications are deployed on a Server/Remote Desktop Services (Citrix)
centralized server platform sharing a Architecture is provided is provided later in
common server operating system. Desktop this chapter.
applications run on the server with each
session displayed and controlled by remote Warning: ArcGIS Pro is not supported in
terminal clients. a virtual session environment.
Best practice: Large number of Esri
Vendor offerings: customers use Citrix XenApp application
servers for remote user access to
• Windows: Remote Desktop Service centrally managed remote desktop
(RDS) -> Remote Desktop Connector (ArcMap) terminal services.
Four distributed ArcGIS Desktop The ArcGIS Desktop software will provide
workstation configuration patterns are native file access to GIS data located on
identified in Figure 9.6. These configuration local disk. GIS applications can access a
patterns include access to a networked file remote file data source by using Microsoft's
data source, direct connect access to an Common Internet File Services (CIFS) or
Enterprise Geodatabase, direct access to similar UNIX Network File Services (NFS).
a supported DBMS (non-SDE), and DBMS When mounting the remote disk, the remote
access through an ArcGIS Server feature file would appear as a local file share to the
service. desktop application. Query processing for a
The Microsoft Windows Terminal Server (name changed to Remote Desktop Server <RDS>
with Windows Server 2008 R2 release) operating system establishes a multiuser environment
on a Windows server host. A Windows terminal client (name changed to Remote Desktop
Connection with Windows Server 2008 R2 release) provides display and control of applications
executed on the Windows Terminal Server. Microsoft uses a standard Remote Desktop Protocol
(RDP) for communication between the terminal server and the Windows client. Windows
terminal server platform memory recommendations are generated based on peak
concurrent ArcGIS Desktop user sessions supported by the selected platform configuration.
The Citrix Xen Application Server (XenApp) XenApp provides many additional benefits
enables a more efficient independent over just RDS alone, including “seamless”
computing architecture (ICA) protocol to windows, universal print drivers, and HDX
communicate between the terminal server technologies such as HDX 3D Progressive
and client Windows platform. The ICA Display for imagery acceleration, just to
protocol requires less than 28 Kbps name a few. Most Esri customers that
bandwidth (rendering vector data deploy centralized thin-client solutions have
information products) for full Windows realized the benefits of Citrix XenApp and
display and control of GIS applications have deployed it in addition to standard
supported on a Windows Terminal Server. RDS. There is currently a very large Esri
Traffic can increase to 100 Kbps bandwidth customer user base that utilizes Citrix
when accessing a raster data source. XenApp for ArcGIS Desktop ArcMap
XenApp supports client software for operations. The following knowledge base
Windows, UNIX, Macintosh, and embedded article provides Esri best practices for
Web client applications. running ArcGIS Desktop ArcMap in a
Citrix XenApp environment.
Figure 9.8 shows the ArcGIS Enterprise • An optional web adaptor component is
software licensing components. ArcGIS included for enhanced security and
Enterprise licensing includes software for a network load balancing.
basic deployment along with options for • Portal for ArcGIS software provides
additional separate ArcGIS Server roles. overall content management for
information security, collaboration, and
ArcGIS Enterprise software components sharing.
include Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, • ArcGIS Server roles expand capabilities
ArcGIS Web Adaptor, and five additional to include ArcGIS Image Server, ArcGIS
server roles. GeoEvent Server, ArcGIS GeoAnalytics
Server, and ArcGIS Business Analyst
ArcGIS Enterprise software licensing Server.
• ArcGIS Server is delivered as a single ArcGIS Server roles are designed for rapid
software install that includes web deployment, user collaboration sharing, and
service endpoints and SOC functions friendly administration.
within a single software bundle.
Figure 9.12 ArcGIS Platform deployment strategies There are also vendor-managed
include a mix of Cloud based SaaS and on-Premise
hosting options.
deployment options:
Figure 9.13 Portal for ArcGIS Platform Configurations can include registered Web services, federated ArcGIS Server
sites, and a hosting ArcGIS Server site.
Figure 9.13 shows an overview of the Portal detail in the Information Security chapter.
for ArcGIS configuration. Portal for ArcGIS Named users of the Portal organization can
can be installed on a stand-alone web create Web maps, add services to their
server or as a content management content, and share content with groups and
component of a federated ArcGIS Server other members throughout their
configuration. organization.
Portal for ArcGIS enables secure and Portal for ArcGIS releases starting with 10.3
private content sharing within the include documentation for installing a high
organization and leverages mobile, server, availability Portal configuration.
and desktop clients.
Registered Web services
Portal for ArcGIS is installed on a Web
server with a dedicated ArcGIS Server Web Web services referenced in Web maps or
adaptor. The server includes an identity added to the Portal are considered
store which contains Portal member user registered services. Web maps can be
names, passwords, and roles. Portal for created from Public or internal published
ArcGIS security authentication and Web services.
authorization options are discussed in more
ArcGIS 10.4 introduced capabilities for fine The Capacity planning tool includes
grained access control of federated ArcGIS features for sizing a Portal for ArcGIS
Server sites. You can update a federated configuration.
server site to restrict publishing and
administrative access. Once updated, all
portal publisher and administrator access ArcGIS Enterprise platform
will be controlled by group privileges unique configuration structure
to the restricted federated server.
The ArcGIS Server installation takes less Figure 9.15 provides an overview of single-
than 5 minutes, and a single machine is tier platform configurations. Single-tier
ready for publishing services from ArcGIS configurations provide one or two platforms
Desktop without any additional installation capable of supporting all Web service
or configuration requirements. components.
Three-tier configurations include Web reverse proxy and network load balancing
server, GIS Server, and data server tiers. on the Web Server tier, and would likely be
the most popular solution. The three-tier
Figure 9.17 shows an ArcGIS Server three- configuration provides a scalable
tier configuration. This configuration architecture, where the middle tier can
includes the Web Adaptor which provides support two or more platforms as required
to support capacity requirements.
Figure 9.19 shows two alternative ArcGIS Warning: Multiple-cluster site scalability
Server site configuration options. ArcGIS limited for light services with high
Server alternative site configurations are transaction rates.
available since the ArcGIS 10.4 release.
The primary focus for Esri system and replication services), system backup,
architecture design services is to identify and security. System migration will normally
hardware and infrastructure resources that include continued support for legacy
satisfy user productivity needs during peak operations while introducing new
GIS system loads. This effort focuses on the technology, often on separate hardware
primary production hardware and available environments.
network infrastructure bandwidth required to
support GIS operations. An Enterprise GIS design includes
business, application, data, and technical
Other factors contribute to the final system architecture requirements. The Capacity
configuration. These factors include Planning Tool provides a framework that
provisions for system maintenance, models enterprise GIS performance and
updates, configuration control, software scalability, integrating the full range of
licensing, and security. System Enterprise system design requirements into
requirements often include hardware a solution that represents your GIS
provisions for application development, production needs.
system test, production staging, background
processing (i.e. map cache maintenance CPT Capacity Planning videos
Esri has implemented distributed GIS solutions since the late 1980s. For many years,
distributed processing environments were not well understood, and customers relied on the
experience of technical experts to identify hardware requirements to support their
implementation needs. Each technical expert had a different perspective on what hardware
infrastructure might be required for a successful implementation, and recommendations were
not consistent. Many hardware decisions were made based on the size of the project budget,
rather than a clear understanding of user requirements and the appropriate hardware
technology. Many GIS implementation projects would fail due to poor system design and lack of
performance management.
• Number of deployed service instances • Only one user transaction can be serviced at
determine peak loads. a time on each processor core.
• Throughput and utilization are measured for • If many user transaction requests arrive at
each of the five separate test configurations. the same time, some of the transactions
• Capacity of 714 DPM was calculated from must wait in line while the others are
each test load. processed first.
• Service time of 0.34 sec was calculated from • Waiting in line for processing contributes to
each test load. system processing delays.
• User display response time must include
Best practice: You can calculate capacity time for all the system component
processing times and system delays, since
from throughput and utilization
the display is not complete until the final
measurements at any system load.
processing is done.
Figure 10.13 Display response time increases with Productivity = 60 sec/(response time + think
increased platform loads. time)
Figure 10.15 provides a chart showing the Figure 10.7 A valid workflow provide sufficient time for
relationship between network utilization and user to review the display and enter the following
response time. Performance models used to display request.
support network communications follow the
same type of terms and relationships Figure 10.7 shows a valid workflow. All user
identified for server platforms. workflow performance terms work together
during each display transaction to satisfy
Some of the same performance terms are business performance requirements.
referenced by different names.
Workflow specifications:
• Network transaction = display
• Network throughput = traffic • User productivity = 10 DPM/client (user
• Network capacity = bandwidth workflow performance needs)
• Network utilization = utilization • Display cycle time = 6 sec (60 seconds in a
minute divided by 10)
The network connection (switch port, router
port, network interface card, hardware bus For a given display executed on a given
adapter, etc.) is the hardware that platform:
processes the network traffic.
• Display service time is a constant value.
• Most local networks are identified as single • In a shared server environment, queue time
path systems. increases with increasing user loads
• Multiple NIC cards or multiple network paths (increasing server utilization).
can improve throughput utilization. • As queue time increases, display response
time increases.
Additional performance terms: • For a fixed user productivity (10 displays per
minute), computed user think time will
decrease with increasing display response
• Network service time = network transport time.
The simplest queuing models work for large Multi-core availability = 1/{1 + utilization x
populations of random arrival transactions, (cores - 1)}
which should certainly be the case when
modeling computer computations Queue time = Multi-core availability x
(thousands of random computer program Queue time (single-core)
instructions being executed within a
relatively small period of time—e.g., The derived queue time formula provided above
seconds). has been compared against several benchmark
test results, and the computed response time
The queue time calculations used in the was reasonably close to the measure test
Capacity Planning Tool is a simplified model results (shows conservative response times—
developed from Operations Research slightly higher than measured values).
Queuing theory.
It is important to recognize that the accuracy
• The second half of the model (single core of the queue time calculation impacts only
section) is quite straight forward, and there the expected user response time, and does
is general agreement that this simple model not reduce the accuracy of the platform
would identify wait times in the case of a capacity calculations provided by the earlier
single service provider (single core platform
simple relationships.
or single network connection).
• The multi-core case is a little more
complicated, and unfortunately is the more • For many years, Esri capacity planning
common capacity planning calculations we models did not include estimates for user
need to deal with in multi-core server response time.
platform configurations.
• Eight 1-core servers at 80 percent utilization Response time includes all of the
provide over 4-second response time. processing times and queue times
• Four 2-core servers at 80 percent utilization experienced in completing an average work
provide 3.2-second response time. transaction.
• Two 4-core servers at 80 percent utilization
provide 2.3-second response time. • Platform service and queue times
• One 8-core server at 80 percent utilization • Network transport and queue times
provide less than 1.6-second response time. • Latency travel time delays
• Client service time
Warning: More cores per server improves
response times only when display service
times are the same for all configurations.
CPT Design multi-core platform performance
Server deployment transaction
What is system performance? throughput capacity constraints
Several technology factors impact
performance and scalability of deployed
server systems. Selecting the optimum
configuration strategy will help ensure peak
system throughput and optimum return on
investment. The following technology
factors are important in developing an
optimum ArcGIS deployment solution.
Virtual Server machines (VM) are deployed • October 2011 Esri ArcGIS Server 10 for
VMware Infrastructure Deployment and
on a host platform, with access to
Technical Considerations Guide includes
processing resources controlled by a performance testing of ArcGIS Server 10
hypervisor. The hypervisor assigns VM with VMware ESXi 3.5u4.
virtual core to host platform hardware CPU • July 2013 Esri ArcGIS 10.1+ for Server on
resources, allocating available processing VMware vSphere Deployment and Technical
resources between the deployed VMs. Considerations Guide includes performance
testing of ArcGIS 10.1 for Server with
Hypervisor processing loads are supported VMware vSphere 5.1.
directly by the host platform and can be
serviced by available host CPU resources Test results show significant virtual server
separate from the CPU resources assigned performance improvements with the more
to Virtual Server machines (if extra CPU recent VMware vSphere technology. The
resources are available). When host October 2011 testing showed slightly more
platform CPU resources are limited, the than 10 percent virtual server processing
hypervisor must compete with the VM core overhead per core, while the July 2013
for access to available host platform testing showed limited performance
resources. degradation between physical and virtual
server deployment configurations when the
Test results show hypervisor loads may virtual host platform performs at levels less
account for up to 50 percent of the total than 90 percent utilization.
virtual server processing loads. Virtual core
for each VM must be assigned to available Note: July 2013 testing showed virtual server
host platform physical core for processing. hypervisor overhead of 30 percent running on
Optimum VM throughput is achieved when the host platform (50 percent of the VM loads).
sufficient host resources are available to
support all VM processing requests along Performance Validation
with the hypervisor processing load without
having to compete for processing
resources. As host platform utilization
Warning: Make sure to measure a map Best practice: Analysis assumes peak users
location that represents the average map are working at web power user productivity
complexity or higher within your service area (6 DPM) over a reasonable measurement
extent. period (10 minutes).
System test measured throughput and Warning: Make sure all measurements are
platform utilization collected for the same loads at the same
Measured throughput and platform utilization Move Test tab derived workflow service times to
project workflows.
If you know your platform configuration,
your measured peak workflow throughput, The CPT Workflow tab is where the results
and the associated platform utilization the of your performance validation efforts come
CPT can calculate the workflow service together. You can bring all your test results
times. The Test tab translation tools can be together, along with the original workflow
used to input throughput (transaction per service times, to validate that you are
hour), the platform configuration (server building a system that will perform and scale
platform selection), and the measured within your established project performance
platform utilization and excel will translate budget.
these inputs to equivalent workflow service
times. Best practice: Performance management,
including performance validation throughout
Capacity Planning
The models supporting Esri capacity
planning today are based on the
performance fundamentals introduced in
this section. Platform capacity is determined
by the software processing time (platform
service time) and the number of platform
core, and is expressed in terms of peak
displays per minute. Platform capacity
(DPM) can be translated to supported
concurrent users by dividing by the user
productivity (DPM/client).
This chapter shares a process you can use to complete your own system design. This process
brings together what has been discussed in the earlier chapters and demonstrates the value of
the system architecture analysis in making informed design decisions.
System design provides a methodology for establishing hardware and network requirements
that support the performance and communication needs of GIS application users. Hardware
requirements should be established based on identified business needs. A fundamental
understanding of user workflow requirements (business architecture) and the supporting GIS
technology is required before one can identify the appropriate hardware and network
requirements for supporting effective enterprise GIS operations.
City of Rome is the name of the case study Figure 11.1 shows a collection of photos
provided to demonstrate the planning representing City of Rome. The fictional City
process presented in a book by Roger of Rome represents a typical organization,
Tomlinson called Thinking about GIS: just right as a case study to demonstrate
Geographic Information System Planning how you can use the capacity planning tool
for Managers. Both his book’s chapter 9 and in your system design process.
this chapter show standard templates that
can be used for most enterprise design Phase 1 of the case study will implement an
studies. The City of Rome case study is ArcGIS Enterprise solution to enhance the
updated each year to represent current existing business operations.
technology trends and ArcGIS migration
strategies. In this chapter, we will use the • Model the existing City of Rome
Capacity Planning Tool as a framework to operations
model user requirements and the system • ArcGIS Enterprise IOC architecture
design for two planned phases of expansion • Vector tile basemap architecture
and growth for the City of Rome. • Citrix host hardware platform upgrade
• ArcGIS Enterprise hardware upgrade
City of Rome case study
Best practice: No additional software
licensing is required to upgrade existing
ArcGIS operations to include ArcGIS
Enterprise IOC capabilities.
Figure 11.2 Business needs establish the foundation for any enterprise GIS design. The enterprise vision, existing
business architecture, and user requirements must be understood to select the best GIS solution.
Figure 11.2 shows the efforts completed in • Operational constraints and priorities
preparation for the system design. Business • Funding constraints
needs must be understood before you are
ready to complete the system design. Workflow loads analysis. User workflow
loads analysis reviews the business
Enterprise vision. GIS software processes to identify where and what is
deployment patterns are optimized to required to support business needs.
support your business needs:
• user location and connectivity
• Location enablement • user workflow analysis (user needs)
• Data management
• Analysis
• Field mobility
City of Rome existing
• Visualization operations
• Constituent engagement
For this case study, the existing City of
Existing Business Architecture. Business Rome GIS Operations will first be modeled
architecture defines the current state of how to establish a design baseline. Then the
you are meeting your business "existing operations" design will be
requirements. expanded to include a Phase 1 ArcGIS
Enterprise initial operational capability
• Governance and political landscape (IOC). This will be followed by review and
• People and communication strategies deployment of a Phase 2 Water Utilities
• Platform and network environments solution for City of Rome.
Figure 11.3 City of Rome existing GIS operations user needs summary.
Figure 11.3 shows the City of Rome existing • Peak loads will be used to identify
workflow loads analysis, providing a hardware and network system
summary of user locations and peak user design specifications.
workflow loads.
Best practice: CPT will be used to
The workflow loads analysis includes all the complete the system design analysis.
GIS workflow patterns identified during the
business needs analysis.
User workflow display complexity:
• A simple spreadsheet layout can Existing operations
show user locations by department
and site location.
• Common workflow technology
patterns can be combined across
site locations to simplify the display
and design analysis.
• The peak usage estimates represent
a snapshot of a peak load profile
that will be used for the system
design. Figure 11.4 Existing business workflow patterns
• Workflows represent the technology
profiles that will be used during peak Figure 11.4 shows the workflow patterns
operations. identified for the City of Rome existing
operations. User workflow patterns are
Figure 11.5 Workflow performance targets for the existing City of Rome GIS operations.
Figure 11.5 shows the workflow technology performance factors for each
performance targets selected for the City of use workflow.
Rome existing operations. The CPT can be
used to generate appropriate workflow The workflow definition provides a recipe
performance targets for the system design. that identifies the software technology
performance factors used to generate each
Workflow performance targets are user workflow performance target.
generated by the CPT Calculator by
selecting the appropriate software Best practice: The user needs workflow
technology performance factors. The loads analysis summary and the user
software technology profile and complexity workflow performance targets are used
identified during the user needs workflow by the CPT to generate traffic and
loads analysis provide information needed processing loads on the CPT system
to select the appropriate software design solution.
Figure 11.7 City of Rome existing technical architecture and network connectivity.
Figure 11.7 shows the City of Rome o Site 4 Willsberg—45 Mbps WAN
technical architecture providing a summary connection
of the current user locations and network • Data center—45 Mbps Internet
connectivity. connection
o Public web services will connect
The GIS server machines are supported in through the data center Internet
the central IT data center in City Hall. connection.
Figure 11.9 GIS data center platform architecture for existing City of Rome GIS operations.
Figure 11.9 shows City of Rome existing availability virtual server platform
platform architecture components. Each architecture.
server machine will be supported by a high-
Best practice: A virtual server data Important to note that model shows average
center environment provides optimum performance levels.
flexibility for deploying and supporting
GIS operations. • Some display response times can be
CPT Design platform configuration: • Other display response times will be
Existing operations slower.
• Queue times will vary depending on
CPT Design software configuration: random load profiles.
Existing operations
Best practice: Workflow performance
Workflow performance summary: Existing summary can be used to identify
expected relative performance between
remote locations and establish user
experience expectations for the
configured design solution.
Figure 11.11 City of Rome existing high-availability virtual server platform solution.
Figure 11.11 shows the final platform design The physical host server environment is
solution. After you finish configuring the supported by six (6) existing 2011 Xeon
CPT Design tab, Excel completes the X5687 8-core platforms.
system design analysis and provides a
diagram of the platform solution.
Figure 11.12 City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise IOC user needs summary.
Figure 11.13 Workflow performance targets for the City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise initial operational capability.
Figure 11.13 shows the workflow The workflow definition provides a recipe
performance targets defined for the ArcGIS that identifies the software technology
Enterprise IOC deployment. The CPT can performance factors used to generate each
be used to generate appropriate workflow user workflow performance target.
performance targets for the system design.
Best practice: User workflow
The ArcGIS Enterprise deployment includes performance targets are used by the CPT
new Portal workflows. to generate traffic and processing loads
on the CPT system design solution.
• DeskProMed. ArcGIS Pro desktop use
case (medium complexity) that will be
used by GIS viewers to expand display System design process: ArcGIS
and analysis capabilities for existing Enterprise IOC
user workflows. ArcGIS Pro will enable
GIS users to create new Portal content
and share feature services from existing
business resources.
• PortalFsvc. Portal named users can
create new web maps and apps and
share new feature services.
Performance target for these new
feature services is heavy complexity
with 20% dynamic layers (sharing
limited number of new business layers
over vector tile basemaps).
Figure 11.15 shows City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise platform architecture components. Each
server machine will be supported by a high-availability virtual server platform architecture.
Figure 11.16 Workflow performance summary demonstrates need for bandwidth upgrades to support ArcGIS
Enterprise IOC deployment.
Figure 11.16 shows the CPT Design Warning: ArcGIS Pro is not supported in
workflow performance summary for the a Citrix XenApp session terminal
ArcGIS IOC operations. Graphics show services environment.
before and after implementing the
recommended bandwidth upgrades.
• Remote ArcGIS Desktop viewers will Best practice: The CPT Design network
need to use a local workstation install of suitability analysis can be used to
ArcGIS Pro. identify appropriate network upgrade
• ArcGIS Pro feature services generate requirements.
more traffic over the remote bandwidth
Figure 11.17 City of Rome recommended bandwidth for ArcGIS Enterprise IOC deployment.
Figure 11.18 City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise IOC high-availability virtual server platform solution.
Figure 11.18 shows the ArcGIS Enterprise Server host platform load increased slightly
enterprise design solution. ArcGIS (31.6% to 34.3%) to accommodate
Enterprise IOC deployment replaces remote additional Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS Desktop ArcMap viewers with an host server, and relational data store
ArcGIS Pro workstation deployment. processing loads. These additional loads
also include accommodation for the
CPT Design platform solution: ArcGIS Enterprise additional hosted feature services included
IOC in the user needs projection.
The following host platform tier support the The physical host server environment is
data center processing loads. supported by three (3) existing 2011 Xeon
X5687 8-core platforms.
• Citrix host platform: Not supported for
ArcGIS Pro clients. Best practice: ArcGIS Enterprise IOC
• Network bandwidth upgraded to support deployment has minimum impact on the
ArcGIS Pro existing host server processing loads.
Figure 11.19 shows a summary of the costs Workflow loads analysis: ArcGIS
and benefits of using vector tile basemaps. Enterprise IOC with vector tile
Vector tiles are created and delivered with
much less processing. ArcGIS Enterprise IOC workflow loads
analysis will remain the same with vector tile
Figure 11.20 Workflow performance targets for the City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise IOC deployment with vector
Figure 11.20 shows the workflow The workflow definition provides a recipe
performance targets defined for the ArcGIS that identifies the software technology
Enterprise IOC deployment with vector performance factors used to generate each
basemaps. The CPT can be used to user workflow performance target.
generate appropriate workflow performance
targets for the system design. Best practice: Workflow performance
targets are used by the CPT to generate
ArcGIS Pro and the web services can traffic and processing loads on the CPT
leverage vector tile basemaps. Vector tile system design solution.
basemaps reduce display complexity by 60
percent. CPT Workflow Loads Analysis: Vector
tile basemap deployment
Warning: ArcMap is not able to use
vector tile basemaps. CPT project workflows: Vector tile
basemap deployment
New Portal workflows for ArcGIS Enterprise
IOC with vector tile basemaps.
• DeskProMed40%. DeskProMed
workflow with cached vector tile
• WebInHvy40%. WebInHvy workflow
with cached vector tile basemap.
• WebPubMed40%. WebPubMed
workflow with cached vector tile
Figure 11.22 Platform architecture for ArcGIS Enterprise IOC deployment with vector tile basemaps.
Figure 11.22 shows City of Rome ArcGIS Negligible Web and GIS Server loads are
Enterprise IOC platform architecture required to support the client display tile
components with vector tile basemaps. cache downloads.
Each server machine will be supported by a
high-availability virtual server platform Best practice: A virtual server data
architecture. center environment provides optimum
flexibility for deploying and supporting
The ArcGIS Enterprise IOC virtual platform GIS operations.
configuration does not change. Vector tile
basemaps will be deployed on a data center CPT Design software configuration:
file share. Tiles will be downloaded to the Vector tile basemap deployment
client browser cache and displayed with the
local application as required to support the
Figure 11.23 Workflow performance summary demonstrates display performance improvements with vector tile
Figure 11.23 shows the CPT Design • Vector basemaps are downloaded once
workflow performance summary for the to the client browser cache.
ArcGIS IOC operations with vector tile • Dynamic processing loads are reduced
basemaps. Graphics show network cost due to the basemap cached layers.
savings and client display performance • Latency impacts are reduced due to less
improvements with the vector basemap dynamic layers (less chatter) in the
deployment. display.
Best practice: Vector tile basemaps Best practice: The CPT Design network
significantly reduce network traffic and suitability analysis can be used to
improve display performance. identify appropriate network upgrade
ArcGIS Enterprise deployment with vector
basemaps reduces network traffic and
improves display performance.
Figure 11.24 City of Rome recommended bandwidth for ArcGIS Enterprise IOC deployment.
Figure 11.25 City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise IOC high-availability virtual server platform solution with vector
Figure 11.25 shows the ArcGIS Enterprise • Server host platform: Two (2) platform
IOC enterprise design solution with vector nodes at 30.3% utilization.
basemaps. ArcGIS Enterprise IOC
deployment replaces remote ArcGIS Server host platform load is reduced
Desktop ArcMap viewers with an ArcGIS significantly (3 platforms at 34.3% utilization
Pro workstation deployment. Vector to 2 platforms at 30.4% utilization)
basemaps reduce host server processing supporting the same ArcGIS Enterprise IOC
loads. workflows.
CPT Design platform solution: Vector tile The physical host server environment is
basemap deployment
supported by two (2) existing 2011 Xeon
X5687 8-core platforms.
The following host platform tier support the
data center processing loads.
Best practice: ArcGIS Enterprise IOC
deployment has minimum impact on the
• Citrix host platform: Not supported for existing host server processing loads.
ArcGIS Pro clients.
• Network traffic reduced from the initial
IOC design due to leveraging vector tile
Figure 11.27 Citrix host platform upgrade to support remote ArcGIS Pro desktop users.
Figure 11.27 shows the remote viewers that • Remote DeskMed clients currently
would be hosted on the new ArcGIS Pro use ArcMap applications.
virtual desktop server. Display performance • ArcGIS Enterprise workflows will
for the remote ArcGIS Pro desktop users expand capabilities to use ArcGIS
can be improved by upgrading the Citrix Pro.
host platform tier with NVIDIA GRID • Existing ArcMap client licenses
graphics. include authorization to use ArcGIS
Business requirements identify up to 52
remote ArcGIS Pro clients.
Figure 11.28 Workflow performance targets for the City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise IOC with vector basemaps and
ArcGIS Pro remote desktop.
Figure 11.28 shows Workflow performance Best practice: The user needs workflow
targets defined for the ArcGIS Enterprise loads analysis summary and the user
IOC deployment with vector basemaps and workflow performance targets are used
ArcGIS Pro remote desktop clients. The by the CPT to generate traffic and
CPT can be used to generate appropriate processing loads on the CPT system
workflow performance targets for the design solution.
system design.
CPT Workflow Loads Analysis: ArcGIS Pro Citrix
ArcGIS Pro remote desktop workflow (40% remote clients
dynamic) will leverage the vector tile
CPT project workflows: ArcGIS Pro Citrix remote
basemaps. clients deployment
Figure 11.30 Platform architecture with vector tile basemaps and option for ArcGIS Pro remote desktop clients.
Figure 11.30 shows City of Rome ArcGIS clients. Each server machine will be
Enterprise IOC platform architecture supported by a high-availability virtual
components with vector tile basemaps and server platform architecture.
support for ArcGIS Pro remote desktop
Best practice: A virtual server data Esri recommends a 28-core server platform
center environment provides optimum with NVIDIA GRID graphics to support 25
flexibility for deploying and supporting concurrent ArcGIS Pro clients. High-
GIS operations. capacity server is required to support the
batch geoprocessing jobs performed by
clients during typical ArcGIS Pro workflows.
Geoprocessing needs will determine server
capacity requirements.
City of Rome hardware price list
Warning: Customer price lists can vary
based on vendor arrangements and
contract agreements. It is important to
validate pricing and update platform
pricing on the CPT Hardware Pricing tab
if you want to include pricing in your
Figure 11.31 City of Rome hardware price list is used CPT Design software configuration:
to complete this business case analysis. ArcGIS Pro Citrix remote clients
Figure 11.31 shows the 2017 host hardware
platform options and associated vendor
Figure 11.32 Display performance gain with ArcGIS Pro remote desktop clients.
Figure 11.32 shows display performance • ArcGIS Pro clients have display and
summary for the ArcGIS Enterprise IOC control of the application from their
with ArcGIS Pro remote desktop workflows. remote site location.
• Network traffic is reduced because
Best practice: ArcGIS Pro remote only the final display is sent to the
desktop performance is a significant client.
improvement over remote ArcGIS Pro • Latency impacts are reduced due to
workstation clients accessing the less chatter with the remote desktop
database over the WAN network. display.
ArcGIS Enterprise deployment with ArcGIS Best practice: The CPT Design network
Pro remote desktop clients improves display suitability analysis can be used to
performance. identify appropriate network upgrade
• ArcGIS Pro application is supported
in the data center with local data
Figure 11.33 City of Rome recommended bandwidth for ArcGIS Enterprise IOC deployment.
Figure 11.34 City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise IOC solution with ArcGIS Pro remote desktops.
Figure 11.34 shows a mix of 52 concurrent • Additional Citrix host platform can be
ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro remote desktop added at a later date as user migration
clients, with no more than 50 concurrent to ArcGIS Pro dictates.
ArcGIS Pro clients.
CPT Design platform solution: ArcGIS Pro Citrix
The Citrix host platform remote clients deployment
• New E5-2690v4 28-core server with two The Server host platform
NVIDIA GRID Tesla M60 video cards.
• Citrix tier solution on the left (5.4% • 2011 X5687 8-core server.
utilization) does not include any ArcGIS • Two (2) platform nodes at 30.4%
Pro geoprocessing jobs. utilization.
• Citrix tier solution on the right (74.5%
utilization) includes 26 concurrent batch Best practice: ArcGIS Pro background
jobs. geoprocessing needs dictate host
platform capacity.
Figure 11.35 City of Rome ArcGIS Enterprise IOC hardware platform upgrade baseline.
The Citrix host platform (upgraded in the The Server host platform (new 2017
previous slide) hardware)
The ArcGIS Water Solutions include over 46 Solutions also include a model organization
maps and apps that can be downloaded template for ArcGIS Online and Portal for
and used by customers to jumpstart their ArcGIS.
GIS operations. Solutions include water-
specific information products supported by These ArcGIS solutions are samples used
the following applications: for typical Water Delivery, Sewer Collection,
and Stormwater Conveyance operations.
Figure 11.37 City of Rome existing technical architecture and network connectivity following Phase 1 deployment.
Figure 11.39 Water user needs template modified for City of Rome planning.
Figure 11.39 shows a Water Solutions user needs template that can be used as a framework for
gathering business requirements.
Figure 11.40 Phase 2 Operations and Water Utilities user needs summary.
Figure 11.40 shows results of the City of The Phase 2 deployment will initially
Rome Phase 2 user needs assessment. leverage the Water Solutions maps and
Results of the Water user needs analysis apps.
provides information needed to complete a
composite user needs summary for the • Delivers rapid deployment with COTS
Phase 2 Operations and Water Utilities maps and apps.
deployment. • Minimizes deployment risk.
• System design is based on generic Best practice: User needs analysis and
performance targets. system design based on the Water
• Custom Water applications can be Solutions templates reduces
deployed in same categories. implementation risk and accelerates
return on investment.
Workflow performance targets: Water Utility deployment
Figure 11.41 Workflow performance targets for the Phase 2 City of Rome GIS operations.
Figure 11.43 GIS data center platform architecture for Phase 2 City of Rome GIS Operations and Water Utilities
Figure 11.43 shows The Phase 2 and external relational data store,
Operations and Water Utilities platform and public geospatial data store.
Each platform environment must be
The Phase 2 Operations and Water Utilities configured to support high-availability
platform architecture includes the following. requirements.
• WTS tier: ArcGIS Desktop ArcMap Best practice: A virtual server data
and Pro remote desktop clients. center environment provides optimum
• Web tier: Internal and public web flexibility for deploying and supporting
and Portal servers. GIS operations.
• GIS tier: Internal and public GIS
publication and hosting server sites, CPT Design requirements analysis:
plus GeoEvent server machines. Water Utility deployment
• DBMS tier: Production and
Publication geodatabase, internal CPT Design network suitability analysis:
Water Utility deployment
Figure 11.44 Workflow performance summary for the Phase 2 City of Rome business workflows.
Figure 11.44 shows the CPT Design Phase Important to note that the CPT model shows
2 workflow performance summary. average performance levels.
Figure 11.45 City of Rome recommended bandwidth for Phase 2 Water Utilities deployment.
Figure 11.46 City of Rome ArcGIS Phase 2 Operations and Water Utilities deployment.
Figure 11.47 provides a final business cost • Phase 1 hardware upgrade baseline
summary supporting the available City of o Additional Server tier upgrade
Rome GIS deployment options. costs ($36,334 increase)
User needs change as organizations change, so this assessment not only identifies platform
and infrastructure specifications and sets performance targets for the initial implementation, it is
also part of the process going forward. System upgrades, new technology solutions, tuning and
optimizing performance--every implementation or change is like a new launch, insofar as you
need to plan for it. Planning provides an opportunity to establish performance milestones that
can be used to manage a successful GIS implementation. Performance targets used in capacity
planning can provide target milestones to validate performance and scalability throughput
deployment of the system.
Successful system implementation requires good leadership and careful planning. A good
understanding of every component of the system is critical in putting together an implementation
strategy. Enterprise IT environments involve integration of a variety of vendor technologies.
Interoperability standards within commercial software environments are voluntary, and even the
simplest system upgrade must be validated at each step of the integration process.
Figure 12.1 Key operational staffs participate in data management, planning and analysis, field mobility, and
operational awareness disciplines. Key supporting positions include skills in application development and enterprise
GIS management.
Figure 12.3 Integrated business needs assessment promotes proper and timely business system design decisions.
Traditionally, the user needs assessment and the system architecture design were two separate
efforts. There are some key advantages in completing these efforts together. Figure 12.3 shows
an overview of the system architecture design development methodology. Enterprise architects
now have tools they can use to complete an integrated business needs assessment.
There are four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall
integrated business needs assessment. These include generally accepted guidelines and best
practices provided by The Open Group global consortium.
• The Business Architecture defines the business strategy, governance, organization, and
key business processes.
• The Information Systems Architecture includes a review of the Data and Application
o The Data Architecture describes the structure of an organization’s logical and
physical data assets and data management resources.
o The Application Architecture provides a blueprint for the individual applications to
be deployed, their interactions, and their relationships to the core business
processes of the organization.
Best practice: System architecture design should be included as an integral part of every
business planning process.
The GIS integrated business needs assessment (user needs/system architecture design)
provided in the SDSwiki documentation shares a tailored architecture development
methodology to promote successful Enterprise GIS operations. The primary steps for
completing an integrated design solution include the following:
• Business architecture
o Enterprise vision identifies how GIS technology can best support your business
• Information systems architecture
o Existing business architecture reviews your current data center operations to
identify existing experience for deployment and maintenance of available target
architecture options.
o Workflow loads analysis identifies business workflows and peak processing loads
that must be supported by the target architecture solution.
o Technical architecture strategy identifies data center and business user locations
and network connectivity for the proposed target architecture solution.
o User requirements analysis combines user location and workflow loads analysis to
identify distributed network and platform processing loads and user productivity.
• Technical architecture
o Network suitability analysis identifies peak network bandwidth requirements during
peak system loads.
o Platform architecture selection identifies data center platform configuration for the
target architecture solution.
o Software configuration identifies Enterprise level workflow software loads applied
to the data center target architecture selection.
o Enterprise design solution provides a summary of the final target architecture
solution that includes required platform nodes, projected platform utilization, peak
user workflow loads, and projected user productivity.
The SDSwiki Capacity Planning Tool provides a framework for completing the system
architecture design. Once the user requirements and architecture solution are configured, the
CPT completes the system architecture design loads analysis to identify network bandwidth and
the platform target state design solution.
Once you have completed your System Architecture Design and identified your target
architecture solution, suggested guidance for deploying Enterprise design solutions are
provided for each of the following implementation phases.
• Opportunities and Solutions identify the architecture deployment roadmap that will deliver
continuous business value.
The primary TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) is described in Part-II of the
TOGAF®9.1 online documentation.
Best practice: The optimum deployment approach will depend on your specific
Enterprise design and business operations complexity.
Enterprise vision
The current IT environment can provide Identify the level of security governing the
insight into administrative staff experience current business operations
and policies in working with available
technology. Whether on your own or in • Basic - no sensitive data.
concert with a design consultant, you should • Standard - moderate consequences for
review the vendor platforms and network data loss or integrity
environments currently maintained by your • Advanced - sensitive data
organization. Hardware experience,
maintenance relationships, and staff training What security standards are currently in
represent a considerable amount of place?
investment for any organization.
• Published Web services standards
Best practice: Proposed GIS design • Data production and distribution access
solutions should take advantage of standards
corporate experience gained from • Access protection for Web application
working with the established platform servers and data sources.
and network environment.
Performance requirements
Operational constraints and priorities
Identify any performance concerns being
Understanding the type of operations addressed by the new design
supported by the GIS solution will identify
requirements for fault tolerance, security, • User productivity
application performance, and the type of • Remote access
client/server architecture that would be • Public web services
appropriate to support these operations. • Geoprocessing timelines
• Batch process timelines
System availability requirements
Best practice: High availability,
Most enterprise operations include several redundancy, security, and special
additional platform requirements in addition performance considerations drive
to their production environment. requirements for increased hardware
and software costs. Recommendations
• Development and test platforms should be backed up with facts to
• Staging platforms support proper cost and benefit analysis.
• Redundant maintenance and publishing
database environments Funding constraints
• Possible remote backup data center
• Possible cloud collaboration and Recommended solutions must fit within
publishing services reasonable organizational funding
constraints or they will not be accepted.
Warning: All business requirements and
priorities are not the same, and it is Warning: The final design must be
important to listen and understand what affordable.
is important in making the final design
recommendations. An organization will not implement a
solution that is beyond its financial
Figure 12.7 emphasizes the importance of Figure 12.8 CPT can be very useful tool for
maintaining a current GIS plan. representing your enterprise GIS operations.
Figure 12.9 System architecture design provides the Once you have identified your project
foundation for building a successful GIS. workflows, you are ready to complete your
system design. The CPT is developed for
Figure 12.9 shows the system architecture use based on a standard system
design process. System architecture design architecture design process as shown in
is an integral part of the GIS business Figure 12.10. Each cycle of the system
needs assessment. architecture design process includes the
following steps:
There are many recognized benefits with Production deployment can benefit from
virtual desktop/server deployments. deploying an existing virtual server install
(Staging configuration that has completed
• The benefits include faster provisioning final test and acceptance) to a higher
times, physical server platform capacity production physical server by
consolidation, fast recovery from system simply moving the Staging server release to
failures, simplified production delivery the production platform. If there is a
and recovery, and optimum production failure identified after
configuration control. All of these deployment; it is a simple process to move
benefits directly contribute to lower the production environment back to the
overall systems management costs and previous release. Deploying virtual server
a more stable operating environment. staging environments to a physical server
• The disadvantages include additional production environment is also a viable
software cost and some performance option - ensuring optimum performance and
overhead. There may also be functional scalability for the production environment.
limitations (limited access to hardware Virtual server migration software is available
graphic cards and performance to accomplish these provisioning tasks
monitoring software) which in many during live operations with no production
cases can be managed with the proper downtime.
deployment selections.
Virtual server deployments appear to be Selecting the right technology at the right
moving to mainstream IT production time will optimize business performance.
environment. The big question is no longer Introducing new technology before it is
whether it makes sense to deploy on virtual ready for prime time can reduce productivity
servers, but rather when and which software and increase implementation cost. Delaying
vendor solution will provide the highest too long can result in missed opportunities.
return on investment. Getting the timing right promotes success.
Test implementation:
Performance Monitoring
Figure 12.16 Project schedule should be developed to
identify implementation milestones and schedule Performance validation tools were
discussed in Chapter 3 (ArcGIS for Server
analyze and preview map optimization tools
Basic project management practices
and the mxdperfstat performance
promote implementation success. Project
monitoring tools). The system performance
teams should be established, individuals
terms discussed in Chapter 10, particularly
should be assigned specific responsibilities,
the relationship between throughput (peak
a task plan should be developed to support
users or peak transaction rates) and
implementation planning, a configuration
utilization (server CPU or network
control plan and change control process
bandwidth utilization), can identify if the
should be established, and an
deployed solution is performing within the
implementation schedule should be
initial project performance milestone.
published to support project deployment
Monitoring live performance metrics can
provide excellent validation that the system
A system architecture design can provide
environment is designed to support peak
the framework for establishing an
throughput loads. The challenge is to collect
implementation plan. The implementation
appropriate throughput and utilization
plan should be developed after final
metrics that represent actual business
selection of the hardware vendor solution.
workflow loads (what are the current system
Figure 12.16 provides a typical system
deployment schedule. Specific decision
milestones should be included in the
The ArcGIS for Server statistics tab was a
schedule and each major task effort clearly
very useful tool for evaluating service usage
time on a live active ArcGIS Server
platform. This tool is no longer included in
An implementation project manager should
the new ArcGIS 10.1 Server Manager. The
be assigned to make sure all tasks are well-
ArcGIS 10.1 Help provides an example
defined, and every participant has a clear
script that can be used to derive map
understanding of his/her responsibilities. A
service statistics from the ArcGIS Server
clear set of acceptance criteria should be
logs. The FINE grain ArcGIS Server
developed for each implementation task and
statistics track which services are drawn
a formal acceptance process followed to
and how long the draws take. The example
ensure integration issues are identified and
script queries the logs and writes statistics
resolved at the earliest opportunity.
on map service activity during the sample
period. Results can be opened in Excel for
final review and analysis.
Figure 12.19 Managing technology change is the biggest challenge for any GIS Manager. Building a GIS is an
iterative process requiring planning, test, and evaluation through each and every annual business cycle.
Successful implementation depends on a good solid design, appropriate hardware and software
product selection, successful systems integration, and careful incremental evaluation during
installation. A phased approach to implementation reduces project risk and promotes success,
providing the opportunity for early success and flexibility to incorporate new technology at low
risk prior to final system delivery.
Guidelines are available to support a successful system design, even for large complex
systems. Final purchase decisions are influenced by both operational requirements and budget
limitations, introducing unique challenges for system design. Good leadership, qualified staff,
and proven standard practices support successful deployments.