A Review On Preparation Methods, Stability and Applications of Hybrid Nanofluids

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

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A review on preparation methods, stability and applications of hybrid MARK


Nor Azwadi Che Sidika, , Muhammad Mahmud Jamilb, Wan Mohd Arif Aziz Japara,
Isa Muhammad Adamua
Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra (Jalan Semarak),
54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria


Keywords: Hybrid nanofluid is a new class of nanofluids engineered by dispersing two different nanoparticles into
Hybrid nanofluid conventional heat transfer fluid. Hybrid nanofluids are potential fluids that offer better heat transfer
Thermal conductivity performance and thermo-physical properties than convectional heat transfer fluids (oil, water and ethylene
Stability glycol) and nanofluids with single nanoparticles. Scientific findings have indicated that hybrid nanofluid can
Preparation methods
replace single nanofluid since it provides more heat transfer enhancement especially in the areas of automobile,
electro-mechanical, manufacturing process, HVAC and solar energy. In this paper, we summarized the recent
progress related to preparation methods of hybrid nanofluids, factors affecting their stability, methods of
enhancing thermal properties and current applications of hybrid nanofluids. Finally, some challenging issues
that need to be solved for future research are discussed.

1. Introduction shows that the used of CNT-AuNP and CNT-CuNP hybrid nanofluid
does not increase thermal conductivity compared to single nanofluid.
Thermal properties of heat transfer fluid (HTF) are a major area of After two years, In 2009 Jha et al. [10] performed similar research
research in heat transfer and fluid dynamics analysis. Cooling capabil- using hybrid of silver and multiwall carbon nanotube, thermal con-
ities using conventional heat transfer fluid have been constrained ductivity increased remarkably compared to the single nanofluids
because of the low thermal conductivity such as water, ethylene glycol tested.
and oil [1,2]. About two decades ago, nanofluid coined by Choi [3] has There are many parameters that highly contributed to the heat
been proposed as the remedy to heat transfer enhancement. Nanofluid transfer enhancement of hybrid nanofluid such as base fluid selection,
as an extension of nanotechnology, are fluids obtained by dispersing nanoparticles size, viscosity, fluid temperature and stability, dispersi-
solid nanoparticles into base fluid [4–6]. One of the possible techni- bility of the nanoparticles, purity of nanoparticles, preparation method,
ques for improving heat transfer is by adding millimeter- or micro- size and shape of nanoparticles and compatibility of the nanoparticles
meter-sized particles in fluids. Many published articles have reported that leads to harmonious mixture of the nanofluid [2,11–15]. Among
significant improvement of heat transfer using nanofluid compared to all the parameters, thermal conductivity is the key parameter that
conventional heat transfer fluid. contributed immensely to heat transfer enhancement. Several re-
Hybrid nanofluid is a composition of two or more nanoparticles searches have revealed significant enhancement of thermal conductiv-
synthesis and dispersed in a base fluid. The advantage in heat transfer ity using nanofluid [16–24]. Munkhbayar et al. [25], Suresh et al. [26],
enhancement of hybrid nanofluid is due to its synergistic effect Aravind and Ramaprabhu [27], Chopkar et al. [28], and Chen et al. [29]
compared to nanofluid containing one nanoparticles. It is believed observed a reasonable enhancement in thermal conductivity of hybrid
that, hybrid nanofluid could offer good thermal characteristics as nanofluid in comparison with base fluid and nanofluid containing
compared to the base fluid and nanofluid containing single nanopar- single nanoparticles.
ticles [7,8]. The findings of Abbasi et al. [30] shows that γ-Al2O3/MWCNTs
In 2007 Jana et al. [9] compared thermal conductivity enhance- hybrid gives thermal conductivity of 20.68% at volume fraction of
ment of single and hybrid nano-additives. Interestingly, the result 0.1%. In a similar research, the hybrid of Al2O3-Cu gives increase in

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N.A. Che Sidik).

Received 19 January 2016; Received in revised form 24 May 2017; Accepted 24 May 2017
Available online 02 August 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

thermal conductivity at volume concentration of 2% [31]. It was studied the force convective heat transfer of CNT/ Al2O3 nanofluid,
observed that both thermal conductivity and viscosity increased with based on their study the convective heat transfer performance was
increasing volume fraction. The convective heat transfer of fluid flow observe to increase significantly. The increment was due to higher
dominated by coefficient of convective heat transfer, also depends on shear thinning behaviour of the CNT that causes thinner boundary
thermal conductivity of the hybrid nanofluid. Due to small, inter atomic layer.
space that exist between the powders of metal nanoparticles results in In the literatures, there are a number of reviews on thermal
higher thermal conductivity compared to other nanoparticles type [32]. characteristic and preparation of single nanofluids, however, there
The comparison between a hybrid mixture and single nanofluids are very few reviews on preparation and thermal characteristics of
resulted in thermal conductivity enhancement of the hybrid silica hybrid nanofluids. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to give a further
and multiwall carbon nanotube by 8.8% and 23.3% higher than the review on the recent progress on hybrid nanofluid in various engineer-
individual nanoparticles [33]. ing applications.
Using different experimental methods, Vafaei et al. [34] predicted
the thermal conductivity of MgO-MWCNTs/EG hybrid nanofluid at 2. Hybrid nanofluid preparation methods
volume fractions of 0.05–0.6% and temperature 25–50 °C. An optimal
artificial neural network was used to predict the thermal conductivity Synthesis of nanoparticle is the first step for obtaining a good
with four neurons of 6,8,10 and 12 in hidden layers. The optimum hybrid nanofluid.
neuron of 12 shows better result compared to other tested experiment.
Recently, Vakili et al. [35] suggested a hybrid generic algorithm and 2.1. Preparation of hybrid nanofluid via solvo-thermal process
artificial neural network as the best way in prediction of viscosity of
graphene nanoplatelets. In a research conducted by Tessy et al. [36], Pure MWCNT was functionalized by treating it with nitric acid. The
hybrid nanostructure (f-MWNT+f-HEG) was synthesized by a post- nitric acid–MWCNT suspension was refluxed followed by stirring for
mixing technique. The hybrid nanofluid was found to have 20% 4 h. The suspension was ultra-sonicated in ultrasonic water bath for 4 h
enhancement in thermal conductivity at volume fraction of 0.005%. at 60 °C. The above sample is then washed in distilled water in order to
The maximum enhancement of the heat transfer coefficient was about obtain neutral pH and finally dried at 90 °C for 24 h. Aluminum acetate
289% for a 0.01% volume fraction of f-MWNT+f-HEG at Reynolds powder was dissolved in ethanol under vigorous stirring at room
number of 15500. temperature for 30 min. The functionalized MWCNTs and pure
Synthesis characteristics of hybrid Nano composite and magnetic- MWCNT are then added to aluminum-ethanol suspension at room
polymer were investigated by few researchers [37,38,39]. The primary temperature with the aid of ultra-sonicator and then placed under
objective of hybrid nanofluid research is to ensure it application in any vacuum (50cmHg) for 24 h. Ammonia solution was added slowly to the
equipment related to heat transfer. Turco et al. [40] conducted a broad mixture to adjust the pH above 9 and thus obtain fine boehmite
experiments on the physiochemical properties of hybrid nanostructures particles. The solution was then transferred to a 350 ml Teflon-lined
for biotechnology application. In a similar study, hybrid Nano-polymer stainless steel auto- clave chamber, where the solvothermal synthesis
was prepared for the application in solar cell [41] and nanofluid for was conducted. 16 bar pressure was maintained in the autoclave for the
application in evacuated tube solar collector [42–44]. Moreover, the synthesis and the solution was kept for 24 h at 200 °C. The autoclave
use of Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid in heat sink for application in was allowed to cool to room temperature and the collected precipitate
cooling electronics has demonstrated increased in convective heat was washed thoroughly with ethanol to obtain a neutral pH and then
transfer compared to water [45]. In another study, alumina-silver vacuum- dried at 60 °C for 6 h. The resulting powder is finally heated in
nanocomposite hybrid nanofluid was used in a helical heat exchanger argon atmosphere for 1 h at 500 °C. The hybrid nanofluid of γ-Al2O3/
to investigate the thermal performance and pressure drop. The hybrid MWCNTs is then finally obtained by dispersing the above hybrid
nanofluid in this study showed higher percentage of heat transfer nanopowder in deionized water which contain little amount of gum
(31.58%) compared to the conventional heat transfer fluid (water) [46]. Arabic [30].
Conversely, another experimental result of Cu/TiO2 hybrid nanocom- Graphene oxide flakes were dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water by
posite/water applied in tubular heat exchanger revealed an increase in ultra-sonication. FeCl3·6H2O and FeCl2·4H2O in a ratio of 1.75:1 were
overall heat transfer of 30.4% at volume concentration of 0.7% [47]. mixed with distilled water and the mixture was stirred with graphene
With different nanoparticles of hybrid Al2O3/MWCNT, the hybrid oxide solution for 45 min sodium hydroxide was added in drop wise
nanofluid mixture was found to give highest pumping power in heat and a black precipitated was obtain. The precipitate was then washed
exchangers [48]. The influence of hybrid Al2O3 nanoparticle and micro with distilled water and finally freeze drying was done for 24 h to
encapsulated phase change material particles has shown a remarkable obtain GO-Fe3O4 hybrid [56].
enhancement in terms of cooling effectiveness compared to single Soluble nitrates of copper (Cu (NO3)2·3H2O) and aluminum, (Al
nanoparticles and water [49]. (NO3)3.9H2O) were dissolved in water. The proportions of the above
Baby et al. [50] considered hybrid nanofluid of hydrogen exfoliated salts were decided to have a predefined relative proportion of alumina
graphene (HEG) and multi wall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) with and copper oxide in the powder mixture. The solution was spray dried
convective heat transfer coefficient enhancement of around 570% at at 180 °C to obtain the precursor powder. The precursor powder was
volume fraction of 0.005%. Differently, a numerical investigation of then heated at 900 °C in air atmosphere for 60 min to form a powder
hybrid mixture of CuO-Cu nanoparticles shows that the heat transfer mixture of copper oxide and stable Al2O3. A tubular furnace was used
enhancement is dependent on increase in Reynolds number [51]. to heat the mixture at 400 °C for 1 h in hydrogen atmosphere. The
Convective heat transfer and effect of Nusselt number of hybrid powder sample was then placed in an alumina boat and then kept in a
Al2O3-Cu/water in circular tube has been explored by Suresh et al. horizontally placed alumina tube of the furnace, which was heated by
[52]. The result revealed 13.56% enhancement of Nusselt number at silicon carbide heating elements. The CuO was preferentially reduced
Reynolds number of 1730. Moghadassi et al. [53] conducted a in hydrogen to metallic copper whereas Al2O3 remains unchanged. The
numerical study on heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3/Cu hybrid powder mixture was finally ball milled at 400 rpm for 1 h. in order to
nanofluid. The simulated result shows that the Nusselt number and obtain a homogeneous Al2O3-Cu nano-composite powder [26].
heat transfer coefficient increases with Reynolds number. The pressure Hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in a molar ratio of 1:3 were mix
drop and the friction factor coefficient increased with increase in with CNT with the aid of magnetic stirrer for 72 h at 60 °C. The above
volume concentration. Yen et al. [54] numerically investigated the mixture was wash with distilled water and acetone, followed by oven
effect of hybrid nanofluid in channel flows. Labib et al. [55] numerically drying at 80 °C for 24 h. This process gives rise to the formation of

N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

carboxyl group within the CNT surface that facilitates its hybridization. the nanofluid was allowed to cool to room temperature. Wagener et al.
Carboxylated-CNT was disperse in 50 ml of distilled water for 1 h. by [60] utilized modified one step method to obtain Ag and Fe nano-fluid.
magnetic stirring, FeCl3+/FeCl2+ salts in the molar ratio of 2:1 were Eastman et al. [61] obtained ethylene glycol base Cu nanofluid via
added to the mixture. Aqueous sodium hydroxide was gradually add up single step. Akoh et al. [62] used modified single step method to
to adjust the pH value to 12, followed by stirring for 30 min. Finally the prepare ultra-fine nanoparticles.
precipitate is then washed with distilled water, acetone and dried for In the two-step method, the hybrid nano powder is first produced
24 h at 80 °C. via: chemical, physical or mechanical process such as grinding, milling,
Hybrid nanofluids are generally prepared via single or two-step so – gel process or vapor phase method. Secondly, the prepared hybrid
method. Single step method is suitable for small-scale production nano powder is then dispersed into the base fluid by using high shear
whereas two-step method is cheap for mass production. mixing equipment or ultra-sonication using ultrasonic vibrator. This
The single step method (or pulse wire evaporation (PWE) method) process is very cheap for mass production of hybrid nanofluid. Baby
is the most prominent method of producing nanofluid. The apparatus and Sundara [64] utilized this method to produce a hybrid nanofluid
consist of a capacitor bank, a high-voltage DC power supply, a containing silver and functionalize graphene. Chopkar et al. [28] used
condensation chamber and a high-voltage gap switch. The process two step method to prepare a hybrid nanofluid of Al2Cu and Ag2Al with
consists of directing high- voltage pulse (300 V) through a thin wire ethylene glycol and DI as base fluids. The composite powders were
and because of non-equilibrium heating within microseconds; the wire obtained using mechanical alloying. Fig. 2 shows the schematic of
evaporates in to plasma. The plasma is then made in contact with inert synthesis of CuO/HEG and making nanofluid with the composite. The
gas Ar or N2 there by condensing the plasma in to nanosize powder. HEG undergoes acidic treatment in order to introduce carboxyl and
Nanofluid with given volume concentration is then poured in to an hydroxyl functional group on the graphene, the functionalize graphene
exploding bottle contained in the PWE instrument and then mixed with was used to decorate CuO nanoparticles (Figs. 3–6).
the above nanosize powder to obtain a hybrid nanofluid. This process is Chen et al. [29] utilized this method in the preparation of Fe2O3
the most promising method of preparing low-cost nanofluid [57]. /MWCNTs nanofluid with sodium dodecyl-benzesulfonate (NaDDBS)
Lee et al. [58] reported that the size of nanoparticles depends on as surfactant. Baby and Ramaprubhu [65] used two step method to
degree of super-heat applied to the wire: with increase in super heat, prepare a hybrid nanofluid of copper oxide/graphene (CuO/HEG) with
the particle size reduces. The particle size decrease with increase in ethylene glycol and DI water as the base fluid. The copper oxide was
pressure of the inert gas and the particle size decreases substantially synthesized using chemical reduction followed by calcinations at
with decrease in wire diameter. Munkhbayar et al. [25] utilized this considerably low temperature whereas graphene was synthesized via
process to prepare a hybrid nanofluid of silver/multi-walled carbon hydrogen-induced exfoliation. Suresh et al. [66] prepared Al2O3/Cu
nano-tube (Ag/MWCNT). In their work, MWCNT is purified using hybrid nanofluid via two step method with sodium-lauryl-sulphate
chemical process. Nitric acid and sulfuric acid where used to improve (SLS) as dispersant. Summary of the methods considered by other
the exterior activity of the MWCNT because of its hydrophobic nature. researchers is shown in Table 1.
Ag nanofluid was obtain using PWE method, the wire diameter used
was 90 mm and the pulse-voltage was 300 V. The concentrations of Ag 3. Factor affecting the performance of hybrid nanofluid
nanoparticles were maintained in the hybrid composite by controlling
the wire explosion number whereas the MWCNT was maintained at Hybrid nanofluid as a new type of fluid has good thermal
0.05w%. Fig. 1 shows samples studied using (a) new FT-IR absorption characteristics. Stability is one of the main characteristics that influ-
spectra and (b) XDR profiles of GO and rGO-Fe3O4. ence its performance.
Copper nanofluid was prepared via one-step chemical process by
Zhu et al. [59], copper sulphate penta-hydrate (CuSO4·5H2O), sodium
hypophosphite (NaH2PO2·H2O), poly-vinyl-pyrroli-done (PVP-K30) 3.1. Stability
and ethylene glycol solution where the starting materials. 0.1 mol of
CuSO4·5H2O, 0.01 mol of NaH2PO2·H2O, and 5 ml of ethylene glycol Stability is one of the critically factor that affect the performance of
solution where poured in to a 100 ml beaker and the mixture where hybrid nanofluid [76]. The effect of stability of hybrid Al2O3-Cu nano
magnetically stirred for 30 min 0.25 mol of (NaH2PO2·H2O), 25 ml of composite was investigated at different volume fraction [77]. Hybrid
ethylene glycol were further added and stirred for 15 min. The mixture nanofluids can lose their potential to transfer heat due to their
was then kept in a microwave oven for 5 min under medium power. proneness to coagulation. Thus, stability evaluation and investigation
The mixture is observe to change color from blue to dark red and finally cannot be ignore. Lack of good stability can alter the thermo physical
properties of hybrid nanofluids and will result in to an in efficient

Fig. 1. (a)FTIR spectra and (a) XDR profiles of GO and rGO-Fe3O4 [63].

N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram depicting the procedure employed for the preparation of hybrid nanofluid [67].

Fig. 4. Thermal conductivity ratio of the nanofluid versus temperature for various solid
Fig. 3. Thermal conductivity of MWCNT-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid at different
volume fraction [34].
volume concentration and temperature.

performance in heat transfer applications. Researchers have developed

several method for stability analysis such as, centrifugation method,
Sedimentation method, Zeta potential analysis, Spectral analysis
method, Electron microscopy and light scattering methods.
Zeta potential is the potential difference between the base fluid and
the charged hybrid nanoparticles. It indicates the degree of repulsion
between charged particles in the fluid. Colloids with high zeta potential
(negative or positive) are stable whereas, colloid with low zeta tends to
lump. Kim et al. [78] and Zhu et al. [79] used zeta potential to study the
stability of Au- nanofluid and Alumina/water base nano-fluid respec-
Centrifugation method was introduced for stability evaluation. Sing
et al. [80] used centrifugation method to evaluate the stability of silver
nanofluid prepared by reducing AgNO3. Poly-vinyl-pyr-rolidone (PVP) Fig. 5. Thermal conductivity of functionalized alumina-based nanofluids [75].
was used as an additive. An excellent stability of silver nano-fluids was
obtained due to the protective role of PVP and it decelerates the

N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

3.2. pH control

Stability of nanofluid is directly related to its electro-kinetic proper-

ties; therefore, pH control can increase stability due to strong repulsive
forces. Simple acid treatment could cause good stability of CNT in
water [81]. Fovet et al. [82] investigated various pH values for Al2O3
nano-fluid and observed changes in agglomeration by altering the pH
value. More so, pH value differs from one sample to another. For
instance, suitable pH value for alumina, copper and graphite dispersed
in water are around 8, 9.5 and 2, respectively [83].

3.3. Ultrasound intensity

The intensity of ultra-sonication plays an important role in altering

the morphological and dimensional characteristics of nanoparticles.
Increasing the ultrasound intensity increases the phenomenal cavita-
tions so the collapsed cavity in the solution creates a shockwave within
the solution there by reducing the particles size and enhancing the
Fig. 6. Nusselt number comparison between Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid and
stability of the nanofluid [84].
Al2O3/water nanofluid at 0.1% volume concentration [98].

3.4. Thermal conductivity enhancement of hybrid nanofluid

Table 1
A summary of preparation methods and their respective hybrid nanofluid.
There is large volume of published studies describing the thermal
Author Nanofluid Base fluid Preparation conductivity enhancement of hybrid nanofluid. More recently, Sundar
Method et al. compared the GO/Co3O4 hybrid nanofluid to graphene (GO)
Baby [64] Silver/graphene Ethylene glycol Two method
nanofluid in terms of thermal conductivity enhancement and viscosity.
and DI water The result indicated that the thermal conductivity enhancement of
Chopkar [28]. Al2Cu/Ag2Al Ethylene glycol Two method hybrid nanofluid GO/Co3O4 is higher than a single nanofluid made of
DI base fluid graphene. Similarly, it was found that the viscosity of GO/Co3O4 hybrid
Chen [29]. Fe2O3/MWCNTs Sodium dodecyl- Two method
nanofluid and graphene (GO) nanofluid are almost the same. The
Baby [65] CuO/HEG Ethylene glycol Two method reason for improvement in thermal conductivity is due to the syner-
and DI base fluid gistic thermal property of GO/Co3O4 hybrid nanofluid compared to
Suresh [66] Al2O3/Cu Sodium-lauryl- Two method graphene nanofluid (GO). The mixture of hybrid nanofluid containing
1 vol% of sand and 1 wt% of paraffin wax resulted in 9.6% enhance-
Munkbayar [25] Ag/MWCNT Water Single method
Zhu [59] CuSO.5H2O water Single method
ment in thermal conductivity compared to propylene glycol-water
Wangener [60] Ag/Fe – Single method mixture and 18% decrease in viscosity [85]. Abbasi et al. [30] reported
Eastman [61] Ethylene glycol Single method combined studies of heat characteristics and dispersion method of
Wei [68] SiC/TiO2 Oil Two-step hybrid nanofluid (γ-Al2O3/MWCNTs nanoparticles). The result
Shao [69] Hybrid TiO2 Deionized water Two-step
showed 20.68% enhancement in thermal conductivity of the hybrid
Hung [70] HCNF's Sodium dodecyl Single-step
sulphate nanofluid at volume fraction of 0.1%. In different study, Yarmand et al.
Manikandan [67] Paraffin wax and Propylene glycol- Two-step introduced new synthesis method that decorated platinum (Pt) on the
sand nanoparticles water functionalized graphene nanoplatelet (GNP). However, the experimen-
Mehrali [63] rGO-Fe3O4 Distilled water Two-step tal parameters were thoroughly investigated such as thermal conduc-
Ahammed [71] Graphene-Al2O3 Water Two-step
Soltani [72] MgO-MWCNT Ethylene-glycol Two step
tivity, stability of functionalized GNP-Pt water nanofluid, viscosity,
Alfrand [73] Fe3O4-Ag Ethylene-glycol Two step density and specific heat capacity.
Bahrami [74] Fe-CuO Water and Two-step Many researchers have conducted studies on thermal conductivity
ethylene gycol enhancement using hybrid nanofluid.
Ilyas [75] Alumina-thermal oil Oleic acid Two-step
Chopkar et al. [28] synthesized Al2Cu and Ag2Al via mechanical
alloying and study the thermal conductivities of the hybrid nanofluids.
agglomeration of particles by steric effect. At 1%volume fraction of Al2Cu/deionize water base nanofluid 70%
The application of UV–Vis spectrophotometer is another important enhancement in thermal conductivity was obtained in comparison to
method for stability evaluation. UV–Vis spectrometer is used to analyze base fluid and 50% was obtained for ethylene glycol base hybrid
the dynamics of the dispersion. Higher absorbency shows that the nanofluid. Base on this work the thermal conductivity increases with
nanoparticles are well suspended and distributed in the base fluid. UV– increase in volume fraction. Plate like shape hybrid nanoparticles and
Vis absorption spectra were recorded to measure the light absorption cylindrical shapes gives better enhancement than spherical shape
and the dispersion characteristics of suspensions. UV–Vis spectroscopy nanoparticles. A high enhancement was recorded for Ag2Al water base
gives quantitative results corresponding to concentration of nanofluids. nanofluid in comparison with Al2Cu nanofluid and the enhancement is
Hwang et al. [76] analyzed the stability of Multi walled carbon because of higher thermal conductivity of silver than copper.
nanotube (MWCNT) nanofluids by measuring the UV–Vis absorption Jana and Zhong [9] conducted an experiment for thermal con-
of MWCNT. ductivity enhancement of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), copper nanopar-
Measurement of particle size distribution by microscopy and light ticles (CuNPs), gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and their hybrids. Base on
scattering techniques are two general methods for observing particle this experiment, 34% enhancement in thermal conductivity was obtain
aggregation. Very high resolution microscope such as TEM and SEM at 0.8% volume fraction of CNT, the normalize thermal conductivity
are applied to capture the digital image of nanoparticles, known as was nonlinearly dependent on volume fraction of CNT and the non-
electron micrograph. linearity may be due to the size, shape and loading of CNT in the
nanofluid. For CuNP suspension, the normalize thermal conductivity

N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

increases with increase in CuNP volume fraction, 74% increment in gated the effect of temperature and nanoparticle concentration of
thermal conductivity over water was obtained at room temperature. hybrid nanofluid especially the experimental work that shed more light
This high increment in comparison with 40% enhancement obtained in terms of thermal conductivity enhancement of the hybrid nanofluid.
for ethylene glycol base fluid was expected due to the size of the Cu In one of the earliest studies, Baby and Sundra [64] conducted
nanoparticles (35 – 50 nm) and better dispersion using instant bath experiment of Ag/HEG hybrid nanofluid with deionize water and
sonication. It was observed that at volume fraction of 1.4% AuNP, 37% ethylene glycol as base fluid. The result showed improvement in
increment in thermal conductivity was obtained over water. thermal conductivity with increase in temperature and volume con-
From the work of Baby and Ramaprubhu [65], Copper oxide was centration of the hybrid nanofluid. As the volume concentration
decorated with graphene; the graphene was obtained via reduction of increased to 0.05%, the enhancements were 25% and 86% at tempera-
graphene oxide. CuO/HEG was dispersed in deionized water and ture of 25 °C and 70 °C respectively. On the other hand, ethylene glycol
ethylene glycol in a volume fraction of 0.05% and 0.01%. At 0.05% base nanofluid showed greater enhancement compared to deionize
volume fraction, 28% enhancement of thermal conductivity was water base fluid. The thermal conductivity decreased with higher
obtained and 90% was obtained at 25 °C and 50 °C respectively. viscosity of the nanofluid at lower volume concentration (0.05%).
These increments were due to high thermal conductivity of copper Masoud et al.[74] conducted an experimental study on rheological
oxide and graphene. With increase in volume fraction, the particle – changes of Fe-CuO/EG-Water hybrid nanofluid with volume concen-
particle distance decreases, thus, due to percolation effect, more tration of 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.25% and 1.5% respectively. All the work
particle are in contact with each other the frequency of lattice vibration conducted for a temperature range of 25 °C −50 °C for five different
increases. The enhancement in thermal conductivity of CuO/HEG samples of hybrid iron-copper oxide nanoparticles. The viscosity of the
dispersed in ethylene glycol based nanofluid was not as high as that hybrid nanofluid increased with increasing nanoparticles concentration
of deionize water base nanofluid. 17% enhancement was obtained at whereas it decreased with increasing temperature. With similar
25 °C for a volume fraction of 0.07% and 23% was obtained at 50 °C. objectives, Masoud et al.[73] conducted experiment on the rheological
The enhancement was not high as expected this could be due to the behaviour of Fe3O4-Ag/EG hybrid nanofluid with temperature range of
formation of sp3 defects formed in the graphene sheet. 25–50 °C. The viscosity of the hybrid nanofluid at lower concentration
Study on thermal conductivity enhancement of Graphene and of 0.0375%, 0.075%, 0.15% and 0.3% showed Newtonian behaviour
graphene multi – walled carbon nano-tube (MWCNTs) was conducted while the higher concentration of 0.6% and 1.2% showed Non-
by Aravind and Ramaprabhu [27]. It was observed base on this Newtonian behaviour. However, the consistency index decreased with
experiment that the thermal conductivity increase with increase in increase in temperature and increased with increasing volume con-
volume fraction, they obtain 9.2% and 73% for volume fraction of centration of the solid nanoparticles.
0.04% at temperature of 25 °C and 50 °C respectively for deionize In another study, sayed et al.[92] measured the effect of tempera-
water base nanofluid. 6.9% and 20% was obtained for ethylene glycol at ture and volume concentration on thermal conductivity of CuO-
the same temperature and volume fraction respectively. For the SWCNTs-EG water. The volume concentration contributed greater in
composite nanofluid (graphene – multi-walled carbon nano-tubes) thermal conductivity of the hybrid nanofluid. Both temperature and
they obtained 10.5% and 87.9% for volume fraction of 0.04 at volume concentration increased the thermal conductivity proportio-
temperature of 25 °C and 50 °C respectively for deionize water base nately. According to Soltani and Akbari, the enhancement in viscosity is
nanofluid. For ethylene glycol base fluid, 13.7% and 24% was recorded more common at higher concentration compared to lower nanoparti-
at the same volume fraction and temperature respectively. cles concentration [72]. In this study, nanofluid at all volume concen-
Iron oxide/multi-walled carbon nanotube (Fe2O3/MWCNTs) nano- tration behaves as Newtonian fluid with temperature range of 30 °C to
fluid was synthesized by Chen et al. [29]. They evaluated the thermal 60 °C. The viscosity of hybrid nanofluid for different volume concen-
conductivity of hybrid nanofluid by varying the volume concentration tration of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8% and 1% increased with increasing
of the iron oxide in the hybrid nanofluid. 27.7% enhancement in volume concentration whereas it decreased with rise in temperature.
thermal conductivity was obtained with 0.02 wt% Fe2O3 and 0.05% The above finding is consistent with the findings by Zou et al.[68]. The
MWCNTs. The enhancement was due to Iron oxide (Fe2O3) aggregate thermal conductivity increased with increasing volume fraction. In
locally on MWCNTs surface their by forming chains along the carbon addition, the thermal conductivity of SiC/TiO2 hybrid nanofluid is
nanotubes. It was observed based on this experiment that when the greater than TiO2 or SiC nanofluid separately.
concentration of Fe2O3 nanoparticles greater than 0.02%, the thermal
conductivity decreases. This is due to excess aggregation of the 5. Flow characteristics of hybrid nanofluids
nanoparticles, which confine the formation of effective heat transfer
networks. 5.1. Turbulent hybrid nanofluid flow
Aluminum oxide/copper (Al2O3/ Cu) nanofluid shows a linear
relation in thermal conductivity enhancement with increase in volume Other than to enhance heat transfer in heating or cooling processes,
fraction. The thermal conductivity enhancement of the hybrid nano- the use of hybrid nanofluid also contributes in synergistic properties
fluid was compared with the enhancements shown by alumina/water compared single-nanoparticles [7]. Numerical investigations were
nanofluids. Based on the comparison, there was a very significant conducted to explore different hybrid nanofluids made of mixture of
enhancement in the effective thermal conductivity due to the hybridi- Al2O3, TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles with Reynolds number of 7800–
zation of alumina nanoparticles using metallic copper particles. 22,000 [93]. Three-dimensional numerical analysis showed that the
However, it has been found that viscosity increase substantially higher convective heat transfer coefficient of all tested hybrid nanofluid
than the thermal conductivity. increased with increasing Reynolds number and nanoparticles con-
The table below (Table 2) summarizes the findings on thermal centration. Teng et al.[70] reported the performance of turbulent
conductivity improvement by hybridizing two nanoparticles. The table hybrid nanofluid (2268 < Re < 3672) for application in heat exchan-
also itemized some of the improvement obtained by changing the size gers. ZarenNezhad performed investigation at Reynolds number of
of nanoparticles and concentration of nanoparticles in the base fluid. 5100 and concluded that the thermal performance enhancement have
increased by 16% when alumina-silver hybrid nanofluid was applied to
4. Effect of temperature and nanoparticles concentration on helical coil heat exchangers [94]. Takabi et al. presented numerical data
thermal properties of hybrid nanofluid on fully developed turbulent flow comparing three different types of
fluids; water, Al2O3/water nanofluid and Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid
There have been several researches in the literature that investi- nanofluid [95]. The average value of Nusselt number and friction

N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

Table 2
Summary of previous researches on hybrid nano-fluids.

Authors Nanoparticles Base fluids Important findings

Chopkar et al.[28] Al2Cu and Ag2Al deionize water and Plate like particles gives higher performance than cylindrical shape and spherical
ethylene glycol shape nanoparticles. Ag2Al shows higher enhancement than Al2Cu
Chen et al. [29] Fe2O3/MWCNT deionize water Thermal conductivity increase with increase in volume fraction of both Fe2O3 and
MWCNT in the composite powder. However beyond 0.02% of Fe2O3 the thermal
performance reduces.
Munkhbayar et al. [25] Ag/MWCNT deionize water The thermal conductivity of purify MWCNT was higher than that of raw MWCNT.
Ag/MWCNT shows a remarkable enhancement in thermal conductivity which is
attributed to the grinding of the MWCNT.
Jana and Zhong [9] CNTs, CUNPs,AuNPs, CNT- deionize water Nanofluid containing the individual nanoparticles (CNTs, CuNPs, and AuNPs) shows
CUNP,CNT-AuNP. higher enhancement than the hybrid (CNT-CuNP, CNT-AuNP). The reduction in
enhancement was due to non-compatibility of the hybrids in solution.
Baby and Ramaprabhu Ag/HEG deionize water and Enhancement in thermal conductivity was observed to increase with increase in
[64] ethylene glycol temperature and volume fraction. Distilled water base hybrid nanofluid shows
higher enhancement than ethylene glycol base fluid as a result of higher viscosity of
the latter.
Baby and Ramaprubhu [65] CuO/HEG deionize water and At 0.05% volume fraction of the hybrid nanofluid 28% enhancement was obtain in
ethylene glycol thermal conductivity at 25 °C and 90% was obtain at 50 °C this increment can be due
to high thermal conductivity of copper oxide and graphene.
Aravind and Ramaprabhu [27] graphene and graphene/ deionize water and The thermal conductivity increase with increase in volume fraction and temperature.
MWCNT ethylene glycol CNT with high aspect ratio was observed to have higher enhancement.
Suresh et al. [86] Al2O3 – Cu Deionize water The thermal conductivity increase linearly with increase in volume fraction. It has
been found that viscosity increase substantially higher than the thermal
Batmunkh et al. [87] Ag/TiO2 deionize water Ag/TiO2 shows a remarkable enhancement in comparison to nano fluid containing
TiO2 only. The grinding of Ag nano-particles increases the aspect ratio of the
particles in the solution.
Han et al.[88] hybrid sphere/CNT poly-alpha-olefin Hybridization of the nanoparticles has reduced the thermal contact resistance
between the CNTs significantly by providing a thermal path through the spheres
21% enhancement in thermal conductivity was obtained at 0.2% volume
concentration at room temperature.
Botha et al. [89] Ag-silica/oil oil Thermal conductivity was observed to increase with increase in volume fraction of
silver nanoparticles
Paul et al. [90] Al-Zn/ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol Thermal conductivity was observed to vary inversely with the grain size of the nano
particles. It was observed to increase nearly by 100% at a temperature of 70 °C.
Abbasi et al. [30] γ-Al2O3/MWCNT Distilled water It was observed that higher concentration of carboxylic acid groups leads to a lower
stability. Thus, further treatment of nanotubes with a relatively high straightness
ratio would cause excessive deterioration of the aspect ratio, thereby decreasing the
thermal conductivity of nanofluid.
Nine et al. [91] Al2O3-MWCNTs Distilled water The thermal conductivity of hybrid nano fluid has shown improvement in
comparison with pure Al2O3/water nanofluids. Hybrid nanofluids with spherical
particles shows lower improvement than cylindrical shape nano particles

factor of the Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid were found to increase cavity. The top and bottom walls of the square cavity were considered
by 32.07% and 13.76% compared to pure water. Recent review on adiabatic whereas differentially heated for the sides walls. Hybrid
numerical and experimental challenges and characteristics of turbulent nanofluid (TiO2-CNT) was used in heat exchanger under laminar flow
hybrid nanofluids application is given by Minea et al. [96], while Nabil condition. Due to higher stability of TiO2-CNT hybrid nanofluid, thus,
et al.[97] reviewed the importance of hybrid nanofluid and nanolu- was recommended for heat transfer applications [100]. However, it was
bricants for application in heat exchangers. later shown by Suresh et al. [66] the laminar flow of Al2O3-Cu/water
hybrid nanofluid performed better with enhancement of Nusselt
number (13.56%) at Reynolds number of 1730 compared to Al2O3/
5.2. Laminar hybrid nanofluid flow water nanofluid.

The effect of thermal conductivity of rGO-Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid

conducted under laminar flow and the fluid considered behaving as 6. Engineering applications of hybrid nanofluid
Newtonian-fluid throughout [63]. The experiment was performed for
60days, and the magnetic nanofluid showed low sedimentation and a Hybrid nanofluid is a synthesis of more than one nanoparticles used
greater percentage of stability during preparation. In addition, rGO- to improve the performance of nanofluid. As introduced earlier, the
Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid showed 11% enhancement in terms of thermal research of nanofluid is still at it early stage let alone hybrid nanofluid.
conductivity and provide economy for potential size reduction of the However, remarkable enhancement been reported for both nanofluid
heat exchangers. In another study [71], the experimental result and hybrid nanofluid in various engineering applications. In other
indicated that, the comparison between graphene nanofluid and words, more than 90% of both experiment and numerical studies
graphene-alumina hybrid nanofluid showed disparity in enhancement showed better heat transfer enhancement than the traditional heat
at volume fraction of 0.1%. The flow considered laminar with Reynolds transfer fluids like water, oil and ethylene glycol.
number range of 200–1000 and heat flux of 25,000 W/m2. However, Many researchers conducted research related to various applica-
an enhancement of 88.62% observed in the convective heat transfer tions of nanofluids since the discovery of nanofluids. Some of the
coefficient. The results showed that single-phase graphene nanofluid application areas include; heat exchanger [46–48], electronic cooling
shows better heat transfer as coolant. Kalidasan et al. [99] performed a [101,102], heat pipes [103–105], car radiators [1,106], coolant in
2D numerical study on the effect of hybrid nanofluid in an open square welding and machining, nuclear plant [107,108], solar heating

N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

[109,110] etc. direct absorption solar collector. Their result shows that there is a rapid
initial increase in efficiency when particle volume fraction increases.
6.1. Electro-mechanical application However, slight reduction of efficiency as the volume fraction continues
to increase. Yousefi et al. [122] experimentally studied the effect of
With good working fluid, the transformer power (MVA) and life Al2O3-water nanofluid on flat plate collectors with an increase of 28.3%
span increases, excessive maintenance is reduced and reduction in efficiency for mass fraction of 0.2 wt%. Morghadam et al. [123] used
failure due to overheating [111]. CuO-water nanofluid with mass flow rate of 1 kg/min and the collector
Contreras et al. [112] presented a comprehensive review of nano- efficiency was found to increase to 21.8%. He et al. [124] Investigate
fluid research for the application in electrical transformer. As stated thermal conductivity enhancement using Cu-water nanofluid with
earlier, Choi who discovered nanofluid in 1995, tested the nanofluid as different mass fraction and nanoparticles size, efficiency increases by
a heat transfer fluid in transformer. Nanofluid as an insulating fluid in 23.8% using 25 nm and 0.1 wt% while it decreases using 25 nm and
electrical transformer performed better in terms of cooling perfor- 0.2 wt% respectively. Goudarzi et al.[125] reported the collector
mance compared to mineral oils. In another study, a magnetic ND- efficiency using distilled water and CuO-H2O nanofluid as working
Fe2O3 hybrid nanofluid as new model was proposed for heat exchanger fluid. Recently, the effect of pH variation of CuO- H2O and Al2O3-water
applications [113]. Zyla et al. [114] performed experimental investiga- nanofluid applied to solar collector with helical tube was reported
tion of ethylene glycol based graphite/diamonds hybrid nanofluids. The [126]. It was concluded that the Al2O3 nanofluid efficiency is higher
ash content tested showed no effect in terms thermal conductivity, and and far from isoelectric point compared to CuO nanofluid.
concluded more effect in terms of electrical conductivity of the Recently, Saad et al. [127] investigated both experiment and
nanofluids. With high amount of dispersant the stability, thermal numerical study of natural circulation in an evacuated tube solar
characteristics and viscosity of the fluid is adversely affected [115]. collector. However, the collector efficiency was investigated using two
Aberoumand et al. [116] demonstrated significant relationship types of reflectors: flat plate and curved plate using water-based Al2O3
between Tungsten (III) oxides (WO3)-Silver/transformer oil hybrid nanofluid as working fluid.
nanofluid, temperature and volume concentration on the thermal Kasaeian et al. [128] investigated carbon nano-tube oil based
properties. The results were obtained with volume concentration of nanofluid with 0.2% and 0.3% volume concentration in solar trough
1%, 2% and 4% and temperature range of 40–100 °C. The evidence collector. They observed that the global efficiency of the collector
from this study suggested that thermal conductivity of hybrid Ag-WO3/ improved by 4–5% at 0.2% volume fraction and 5–7% at 0.3% volume
transformer oil nanofluid increased by 41% at higher volume fraction fraction of the MWCNT/oil base nanofluid. In another study, an
and temperature of 100 °C. The most obvious findings from this study outdoor experiment of evacuated tube solar collector using water-
was that thermal oil based nanofluids are prepared using functiona- based titanium oxide nanofluid was studied [124]. The efficiency of the
lized alumina nanoparticles for cooling applications such as transfor- collector increased to 42.5% using 2.0% TiO2 nanofluid in comparison
mers [75]. with conventional fluid.

6.2. HVAC application 6.4. Manufacturing process application

The influence of carbon nanotubes on refrigerants was evaluated by Grinding process generates an extremely high amount of energy per
Jiang et al. [117]. R113 was used as the host refrigerant. The unit volume of material removed and all this energy is converted to
experimental results show that the thermal conductivity of CNT heat, which can cause high temperatures and thermal damage to the
nano-refrigerants is much higher than that of CNT–water nanofluids work piece, such as work piece burn, phase transformations, undesir-
and the thermal conductivity enhancement increases with decrease in able residual tensile stresses, cracks, reduced fatigue strength, and
diameter of CNT. thermal distortion and inaccuracies. More recently, an experimental
In a study by Wang et al. [118], they found that TiO2 nanoparticles study of six different nanoparticles of silica (SiO2), aluminum oxide
enhanced the solubility of the mineral oil in the hydro fluorocarbon (Al2O3), Molybdenum disulfide(MoS2), Polycrystalline diamond,
(HFC) refrigerant. It was observed that, refrigeration systems using a Carbon nanotube (CNT) and Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) mix with palm
mixture of HFC134a and mineral oil with TiO2 nanoparticles gives oil used as the MQL base fluid. With the discovery of nanofluids, as an
performance that is more useful by returning more lubricant oil back to alternative to conventional cutting fluid, it is use in minimum quantity
the compressor with similar performance to systems using HFC134a liquid (MQL) grinding. The advanced heat transfer and tribological
and POE oil. Bi et al. [119] conducted an experimental study of the properties of these nanofluids provide better cooling and lubricating in
boiling heat transfer characteristics of R22 refrigerant with Al2O3 the MQL grinding process, and making production-feasible [129]. Sidik
nanoparticles and found that the nanoparticles enhanced the refriger- et al. [130] reviewed the effect of nanoparticles in MQL machining.
ant heat transfer characteristics with reduced bubble sizes that moved According to an investigation by many researchers, the use of
quickly near the heat transfer surface. Also addition of nanoparticles to nanoparticles for manufacturing/machining activities results in high
refrigerant resulted in high heat transfer enhancement and higher heat heat transfer improvement and thermo-physical properties, thereby,
transfer coefficient of the system [120]. increasing reliability, reducing friction and wears and improving
efficiency of machine tools used.
6.3. Renewable energy application
6.5. Automotive cooling
The development of solar collectors for application in water
heating, agricultural product drying, heat engines has attracted atten- The braking system of most automobile is associated with fluid
tion of many researchers. Energy usage is inevitable, as renewable motion, which transmits energy. The brake fluids absorbed the heat
energy is becoming more popular and environmentally accepted. Sun is generated during braking, thereby, reducing the kinetic energy of the
the ultimate source of renewable energy; solar energy mostly used in automobile. Many literatures, have submitted articles on enhancement
generation of electricity and water heating. Researchers have intro- performance of nanofluid in cooling automobile [131,132]. Yang et al.
duced many methods to increase the efficiency of the solar collector for [133] and Chiavazzo et al. [134] on different study reviewed special
water heater; one of the explored approaches is to use hybrid enhancement of heat and mass transfer of nanofluid coolants for
nanofluids as the working fluid. application in automotive cooling. Hybrid nanofluid of CuO/Al2O3
Otanicar et al. [121] studied the efficiency of using nanofluid in synthesized with enhanced thermophysical properties of boiling point,

N.A. Che Sidik et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017) 1112–1122

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